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The Jets Have Made PAT ROBERTSON Part of Our Lives Again -- The ...
Exhibit A: Pat robertson. Yep, it's another "Pat robertson says something crazy because he's old and a bit batty at this point, and honestly, shouldn't they just stop letting him just yammer into a camera on live television?" story. This time: He ...
The 700 Club with PAT ROBERTSON | Christian Broadcasting ...
Find everything you need to know about The 700 Club, hosted by Pat robertson, Gordon Robertson, Terry Meeuwsen, Kristi Watts and CBN News Anchor Lee ...
FIVETHIRTYEIGHT; No Matter the Polls, Staunch Conservatives Do Best at the G.O.P.s Iowa Caucuses
In the Iowa caucus, expectations have historically mattered almost as much as actual results. Candidates like Pat Buchanan and Gary Hart who do better than the polls indicated have often received a big lift going into other states, even if they did not win Iowa. With this years pre-caucus polls already having been volatile and a large chunk of - Staunchly conservative candidates have historically beaten the polls by a wide margin in the Iowa caucuses. (M)/ - By NATE SILVER
What do you think of PAT ROBERTSONs position on the womens movement?
"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." –Pat robertson
Answer: He really did miss the boat All they wanted was to be paid equal pay. Receive some respect for their efforts Many woman are the head of families because MEN are not supporting their children, and assuming their responsibilities. These women are forced into" men's" jobs in order to survive.
The witchcraft, destroying capitalism, and becoming lesbians are just the benefits.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
PAT ROBERTSON Shouldve Kept His Mouth Shut About Tim Tebow and Peyton Manning
Pat robertson put his foot in his mouth once again, this time weighing in on the Denver Broncos decision to bring in Peyton Manning and cut Tim Tebow loose. And you just ask yourself, OK, so Peyton Manning was a tremendous MVP quarterback, but hes been ...
PAT ROBERTSON: Broncos Deserve Peyton Manning Injury For Treating ...
Is there anyone who hasnt weighed in on the recent Tim Tebow/Peyton Manning news? Even television evangelist Pat robertson chimed in with his take. If Peyton Manning ...
PAT ROBERTSON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson (born March 22, 1930) is a media mogul, television evangelist, ex- Baptist minister and businessman who politically aligns himself with ...
PAT ROBERTSON Backs Legalizing Marijuana -
Of the many roles Pat robertson has assumed over his five-decade-long career as an evangelical leader — including presidential candidate and provocative ...
PAT ROBERTSON irked at Tebow trade
The Denver Broncos received some static from an unexpected source as a result of their decision to trade quarterback Tim Tebow to the New York Jets: Reverend Pat robertson. In an appearance yesterday on his “700 Club” program, Robertson ...
PAT ROBERTSON: Manning Injury Would 'Serve Broncos Right' After ...
According to a report, the televangelist said new Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning should be punished with an inury because the team traded devout Christian Tim Tebow.
What does that tell you about the Republican candidates when crazy PAT ROBERTSON tells them to tone it down?
For those who dont know who Pat robertson is and why he is loco, google him or you tube him. You will know.
Answer: The man's nuts, grab 'em.
We know that the Republicans are doing everything they can to make Obama fail.
I'm still voting for him and will work hard to turn Congress back over to the Dems so we can actually get something done.
OK, we went from a manufacturing base to a services base.
What happens to all those in their sixties that had their retirement funding cut (out of work) and/or lost a bundle of it during the housing bubble. I went into Real Estate in 2000 because the market was so hot and it was getting to be too hard to perform at my previous job. I developed a number of health issues. So I understand being up the creek without a paddle. What happens to people like myself or does no one give a damn? I developed a nice cottage industry but it's getting harder to sell everything today. I need my SS, it is figured into my living needs. My 401K & IRA's took huge hits too. It's not like i didn't have a plan or didn't go to school, everything changed. And because a few fat cats got greedy on Wall St I don't even have a plan B. So this is freedom?
Pat robertson is right, you guys are nuts.
Category: Politics
Businessman -
M. G. "Pat" Robertson has achieved national and international recognition as a religious broadcaster, philanthropist, educator, religious leader, businessman ...
Evangelicals, Seeking Unity, Back Santorum
BRENHAM, Tex. -- Evangelical leaders pursued a last-ditch effort on Saturday to exert influence in the Republican presidential primary race, voting to support the candidacy of Rick Santorum in hopes of undercutting Mitt Romneys march to the nomination. A week before the South Carolina primary, a group of more than 100 influential Christian - Evangelical leaders pursue a last-ditch effort to exert influence in the Republican presidential primary race, voting to support Rick Santorum in the hopes of undercutting Mitt Romneys march to the nomination; more than 100 influential Christian conservatives voted overwhelmingly to support Santorum, but it is unclear what effect that support will have, if any, on the race. Photo (M) - By ERIK ECKHOLM and JEFF ZELENY; Erik Eckholm reported from Brenham, Tex., and Jeff Zeleny from Mount Pleasant, S.C. Robbie Brown contributed reporting from Sumter, S.C.
PAT ROBERTSON thinks a Peyton Manning injury would be karma
Televangelist Pat robertson is not happy with the Broncos shipping out Tim Tebow. So unhappy that hes wishing Peyton Manning bad karma. Robertson said Denver treated Tebow "shabbily" after all he did for the "nothing team" last season. "And you just ask ...
Would you watch a presidential debate if PAT ROBERTSON was the moderator? Why or why not?
If Pat robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and host of the TV Show The 700 Club was the moderator for a United States Presidential Debate, would you watch the debate? Why or why not?
Answer: That would be the day, when they actually didnt put a liberal democrat as a moderateor and put a fair honest unbiased man in there, So far by far the best debate was with Rick Warren, Pat would do an awesome job, but in reality we all know they would never put a conservative in that seat
Category: Elections
PAT ROBERTSON is wrong about marijuana -
(CNN)-- Evangelical patriarch Rev. Pat robertson has long been a leader in the conservative movement advocating for a better civil and moral society. But ...
PAT ROBERTSON offers his usual kindhearted Christian thoughts on Tebow trade, Manning signing
Given that Tebowliness is next to godliness, it was only a matter of a time before religious scold and professional crazy old man Pat robertson weighed in on the Peyton Manning signing and the resulting Tim Tebow trade. Shockingly, Robertson hated it.
PAT ROBERTSON: Biography from
(born March 23, 1930, Lexington, Va., U.S.) U.S. evangelist. He attended Washington and Lee University, served in the Marine Corps, and earned a law degree from Yale ...
PAT ROBERTSON says pot should be legal - Local News - Portsmouth ...
Religious broadcaster Pat robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the governments war on drugs has failed. The ...
PAT ROBERTSON Puts a Heavenly Bounty on Manning: Twitter Reacts ...
Pat robertson Puts a Heavenly Bounty on Manning: Twitter Reacts. Pat robertson has said some crazy things in his day. So it's keeping with tradition that the 700 Club host should say even more crazy things, maybe even ...
PAT ROBERTSON Sets Another Bad Example of Christianity with His Vengeful Remark: Fan’s View
As far as Im concerned, the few true Christians I know believe in loving and caring for all human beings and would never make a statement like Robertson did, but this is certainly not the first time hes said something so hateful while professing to ...
PAT ROBERTSON weighs in on Manning vs. Tebow debate | ...
DENVER -- Outspoken televangelist Pat robertson is at it again. This time Robertson's controversial remarks are about the Tim Tebow trade to New York. During Thursday's episode of "The 700 Club," he said the Denver ...
Why do some atheists try to hold all Christians accountable for what PAT ROBERTSON says?
Note: I said some atheists. I realize that there are some that dont qualify for who this question is directed towards. But there is a group that seems to try to say that since Pat robertson said it, all Christians believe it.
Answer: I've never seen anybody (here at least) say that if Pat robertson says something, all christians believe it.
Pat robertson himself, however, has on numerous occasions said that he speaks for all christians. He's also said on numerous occasions that any "christian" that doesn't agree with his version of christianity isn't a "true" christian.
The point most of us rational folks make is that what's "christian" and what's not "christian" appears to be defined vaguely, and in different ways by different people. Yet there are still lots of people posting here claiming "the US is 80% christian" and other such nonsense. How are we to tell who's a "true" christian and who isn't? You guys are all over the map...
Category: Religion & Spirituality
PAT ROBERTSON Wants Peyton Manning To Get Injured
There's nothing like the love of a god fearing man to make us smile in the morning. Pat robertson was back to his hate everyone who doesn't share my.
PAT ROBERTSON Says Marijuana Use Should be Legal
Of the many roles Pat robertson has assumed over his five-decade-long career as an evangelical leader -- including presidential candidate and provocative voice of the right wing -- his newest guise may perhaps surprise his followers the most: marijuana legalization advocate. I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage - Evangelical leader Pat robertson surprises many of his followers by openly advocating the legalization of marijuana, arguing that it is a way to bring down soaring rates of incarceration and reduce the social and financial costs of the war on drugs; remarks are hailed by pro-legalization groups. Photo (M)l - By JESSE McKINLEY
How can PAT ROBERTSON preach for years against gays and abortion and endorse Giuliani?
How can Pat robertson preach for years against gays and abortion and endorse Giuliani? I find it very shocking that Pat robertson could endorse someone like Giuliani with his very un-Christian, unsavory background. Pat robertson has demonized liberalism, and Giuliani is the biggest liberal of all of the Republicans running. Hey this guy has crossed dressed for fun and as the mayor of New York attended countless gay pride parades. Wow, I just dont get it.
Answer: Robertson's religion is as genuine as it has always been.
Category: Elections
The Tea Partys not-so-Civil War
I met Karen Martin, a few days before New Years, at a cafe in Greenville, the hub of conservative politics in South Carolina. A 54-year-old refugee from the North Shore of Massachusetts, Martin is the lead organizer of the nearby Spartanburg Tea Party. Another Tea Party leader described her to me as a grown-up, and in fact, Martin turned out to be - Matt Bai article observes that the Republican presidential primary in South Carolina illustrates the Tea Party Movement Republicans dissatisfaction with the field of candidates. Drawings, Photos (L) - By MATT BAI
Why are conservatives so quick to slam PAT ROBERTSON, while liberals stand behind racist Harry Reid?
Conservatives need to stop apologizing and rally around thier wounded allies. Robertson did not say anything thats out of the mainstrem. (And yes its mainstrem, even Hatians themselves believe thier cursed).
Whereas Reid called every American a racist (including blacks)..If anything American should be more outraged at Reid, not Pat robertson.
Answer: Liberals have lost their moral compass.
Lott (R) and Reid (D) are guilty of similar gaffs. Lott left out of respect for the office he held. Reid is going to have to be thrown out.
Republicans caught in sex scandals leave office too. It wouldn't cross the mind of a liberal to leave office over something like that. The perfect example is Barney Frank. He is a gay pimp, but he keeps coming back to eat out of the public trough.
Category: Politics
PAT ROBERTSON: Marijuana should be legalized, regulated like ...
RICHMOND, Va. — Religious broadcaster Pat robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the government’s war on drugs ...
Isnt it obvious that the Republicans are crazy when even PAT ROBERTSON comes out against them?
Thats right Pat Gays caused hurricane Katrina Robertson came out and said the Repubs have gone way too far to the right and are becoming extreme.
You know youre a right-wing extremist lunatic if Pat robertson calls you too extreme.
Answer: Oh my God.
They REALLY must be crazy!!!
Even Michelle Bachmann - and - WHY WON' SHE SHOW US HER BIRTH CERTIFICATE?
Category: Politics
PAT ROBERTSON - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson (born March 22, 1930) is a media mogul, television evangelist, ex-Baptist minister and businessman who politically aligns ...
PAT ROBERTSON Slams Denver For Tebow Trade
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Religious broadcaster Pat robertson says Tim Tebow was treated "shabbily" by the Denver Broncos when they traded him to the Jets for Peyton Manning. Robertson also said that if Manning suffered a recurrence of the neck ...
Tebow, Manning and PAT ROBERTSON -
A columnist argues that everyone is overreacting to Tim Tebow's potential impact on New York. But a comment by Pat robertson signals that this is no ordinary player transaction.
PAT ROBERTSON Suggests Denver Broncos Deserve Peyton Manning Injury Over Tim Tebow Trade; Twitter Users Condemn Remarks
In a controversial statement, evangelist Pat robertson suggests the Denver Broncos deserve a Peyton Manning injury over the Tim Tebow trade, or some other misfortune. The Denver Broncos traded Tim Tebow and signed Peyton Manning. Robertson has ...
PAT ROBERTSON: Pot should be legal like alcohol
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Religious broadcaster Pat robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the governments war on drugs ...
– - News, Travel, Weather, Entertainment, Sports ...
Religious broadcaster Pat robertson told his 700 Club viewers that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimers is justifiable because the disease is "a kind of death."
PAT ROBERTSON Calls For Relaxed Marijuana Possession Laws
Television evangelist Pat robertson took to the airwaves of "The 700 Club" last week to condemn arrests for marijuana possession, as reported earlier on ...
PAT ROBERTSON says pot should be legal
Religious broadcaster Pat robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the governments war on drugs has failed. The outspoken evangelical Christian and host of "The 700 Club" on the Virginia Beach-based ... - The Official Site of PAT ROBERTSON
M.G. "Pat" Robertson. Broadcaster, Humanitarian, Author, Christian, Businessman, Statesman. This is a unique opportunity to learn about Pat and learn from him.
Does god hate and want to kill Pat robertson.
Pat said that HurricaneKatrena happened because god was angry at the sinners in N.O.. He said that Ariel Sharon had a stroke because he was being too easy on the Palestinians.
Recently Pats private plane crashed into a lake in NJ killing 2 people. Do you think god is trying to tell Pat to shut up and get a life?
Answer: God doesn't hate anyone. God may not be pleased with what Pat robertson has to say, but God gave us free will for a reason, so that we can judge what is truth and what is false. It is what we do with the information we are presented with that is the important thing to God.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
PAT ROBERTSON: Broncos Deserve Peyton Manning Injury For ...
Is there anyone who hasn't weighed in on the recent Tim Tebow/Peyton Manning news? Even television evangelist Pat robertson chimed in with his take. If Peyton Manning happens to get injured, he said, it would serve them ...
What are some specific things PAT ROBERTSON has said that you find offensive?
Pat robertson is a polarizing figure that has often been accused of being militant and strident. What are some direct quotes from him that you find offensive and over-board. Direct quotes only, please.
Answer: "Something happened a long time ago in Haiti and people might not want to talk about it. They were under the heel of the French. Napoleon the Third and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, “We will serve you if you get us free from the prince.” True story. And so the devil said, “OK, it’s a deal.” They kicked the French out, the Haitians revolted and got themselves free. But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other, desperately poor."
"Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It's no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history."
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Pat robertson believes if Peyton Manning gets re-injured it serves the Broncos right. “I think the Denver Broncos treated [Tebow] shabbily,” Robertson explained on Thursday. “He won seven games. He brought them into the playoffs, for ...
How much money has christian hero who condones slavery, PAT ROBERTSON made from the conflict diamond trade?
Pat robertson, a hero to all evangelical christians, condones slavery and apparently has interests in the conflict diamond trade in Africa, which also uses slave and child labor.
Tell me christians how much money, has your hero made from the diamonds who were mined from the blood and tears of african slave children?
Answer: It is terrible how Africa is so rich in resources and the government does not help its people.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Tebow, Manning and PAT ROBERTSON
Steve Politi of The Star-Ledger makes a valiant try in arguing that everyone is overreacting about the impact of Tim Tebow’s arrival in New York, writing that “a lot of people not from around here” are telling us “how this experience is ...
Romney, in South Carolina, Sets His Sights on Obama
CHARLESTON, S.C. -- Enjoying a strong lead in New Hampshire polls, Mitt Romney flew here Thursday to get a jump-start with voters in the first Southern primary and begin what might be his biggest challenge yet: convincing Republicans in this socially conservative state that he is the candidate who best represents their values. Fresh from a victory - Mitt Romney flies to South Carolina to begin what might be his biggest challenge yet: convincing Republicans in this socially conservative state that he is the candidate who best represents their values. (M)/ - By SUSAN SAULNY and JEFF ZELENY; Michael Barbaro contributed reporting from Salem, N.H., and Michael Shear from Manchester, N.H.
PAT ROBERTSON news, photos and video -
Items 1 - 12 of 136 ... News, Photos and Information about Pat robertson.
PAT ROBERTSON controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pat robertson is outspoken with respect to both religion and politics. His statements have frequently been headline news in the United States, and elsewhere.
PAT ROBERTSON: Alzheimers Makes Divorce OK - ABC News
Religious broadcaster Pat robertson stunned "700 Club" viewers Tuesday when he said divorcing a spouse with Alzheimers disease was justified. Robertson, chairman of ...
THE SATURDAY PROFILE; Evangelical Leader Rises in Brazils Culture Wars
FORTALEZA, Brazil SILAS MALAFAIAs books, which sell in the millions in Brazil, have titles like How to Defeat Satans Strategies and Lessons of a Winner. The Gulfstream private jet in which he flies has Favor of God, in English, inscribed on its body. As a television evangelist, Mr. Malafaia reaches viewers in dozens of countries, - Saturday Profile of Brazilian evangelist Silas Malafaia, who has attracted attention with his pointed verbal attacks on a broad array of foes, including the leaders of Brazils movement for gay rights and proponents of abortion rights. Photo (M)/ - By SIMON ROMERO
PAT ROBERTSON: God Told Me Who The Next President Will Be (VIDEO)
Christian conservative leader Pat robertson says he has a secret straight from God: He knows who the next president of the United States will be. "I think ...
PAT ROBERTSON is wrong about marijuana
(CNN)-- Evangelical patriarch Rev. Pat robertson has long been a leader in the conservative movement advocating for a better civil and moral society. But his recent support of marijuana legalization couldnt be more wrongheaded. "I really ...
What do you think of PAT ROBERTSONs views on separation of church and state? read details?
There is no such thing as separation of church and state in the Constitution. It is a lie of the Left and we are not going to take it anymore.
-- Pat robertson, address to his American Center for Law and Justice, November, 1993.
Answer: Technically, part of his statement is somewhat correct -- those words are not in the constitution.
They came from Thomas Jefferson, who used them to explain the intent and purpose of the First Amendment (which he helped draft).
However, the intent and purpose *is* there. And even if you take a literal interpretation of the First Amendment, you have to side against what Robertson wants -- as various US Supreme Courts (both left-leaning and right-leaning) have done for over 150 years.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
PAT ROBERTSON thinks a Peyton Manning injury would be karma
Televangelist Pat robertson is not happy with the Broncos shipping out Tim Tebow. So unhappy that hes wishing Peyton Manning bad karma. Robertson has his own bounty ...
How can I cash into the slave Diamond trade like Christian Hero and our brother PAT ROBERTSON?
Pat robertson has made millions in the conflict diamond trade where the dimaonds are mined from the blood and tears of little african slave children.
How can I be a better christian like Pat robertson and make some real money for myself?
Answer: Join the Cons. They like money makin' regardless of who it hurts.
Category: Politics
Will PAT ROBERTSON ask people for more money to save Regent University?
According to our local Hampton Roads newspaper, Regent University is in financial difficulty.
Do you think Pat robertson will ask people on the 700 Club, many on fixed incomes, for money to save the school?
Or, do you think that perhaps he should cough up some of his personal millions?
Answer: I think you already know that he will ask for the donations.
It's like the old first law of Broadway: "Never invest your own money in your own show."
Category: Religion & Spirituality - The Official Site of PAT ROBERTSON
Read Pat robertson's landmark book, Courting Disaster. If you care about what's happening in America - you must read this book! Buy the book. View a ...
PAT ROBERTSON Blasts Tebow Trade: Says If Manning Got Hurt, 'It ...
Apparently televangelist Pat robertson does not agree with the Tim Tebow trade to the Jets and had some strong words for the Broncos over their decision. On Thursday during a taping of "The 700 Club," Robertson blasted ...
Do you PAT ROBERTSON co-host of the 700 club is focused on pushing his political views too much?
Every morning i usually look at the 700 club but, now Pat robertson seems like he is pushing his own political views onto the viewers. I understand he feels very passionate about health Care reform as well as others in this country but, the show should start out on a much lighter note then, politics. what do think about the role of politics in religion and the 700 club ?
Answer: write them and tell them, or email them. you do have a voice.
many religious leaders use their reputations as a highway to sway people to their way of thinking and politics to achieve a certain goal.
they are men and forget that they should not mix religion with politics or business.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
PAT ROBERTSON Blasts Tebow Trade: Says If Manning Got Hurt, It Would Serve The Broncos Right
Apparently televangelist Pat robertson does not agree with the Tim Tebow trade to the Jets and had some strong words for the Broncos over their decision. On Thursday during a taping of "The 700 Club," Robertson blasted the Broncos Tebow trade ...
PAT ROBERTSON's Age-Defying Shake
Pat robertson's Age-Defying Shake. Where does Pat find the time and energy to host a daily, national TV show, head a world-wide ministry, develop visionary ...
Boeing Departure Shakes Wichita and Its Identity as Airplane Capital
WICHITA, Kan. -- The crowd gathered at the local headquarters for Boeing was euphoric. The company had just won one of the largest military contracts in history. Thousands of the resulting jobs, Boeing had promised, would be headed here, to the sprawling manufacturing complex where residents have been building airplanes for generations. Its good - Boeings departure from Wichita, Kan, after eight decades, has struck another powerful blow to the city, leaving many residents unemployed and feeling a powerful sense of betrayal; residents of Wichita had come to depend on the airline industry not only for income, but for a sense of identity. Map, Photos (M)0 - By A.G. SULZBERGER
AN IOWA FARMERS 2012 ALMANAC; Timeline: How Iowa Rose to Prominence
1846: The fix is in Party insiders in the soon-to-be state of Iowa control the selection of national delegates through a system of spring time caucuses . 1968: Disgust over the smoke-filled room After President Lyndon B.Johnson declines to run and Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York is assassinated, Vice President Hubert H.Humphrey is - Timeline illustrates how Iowas caucuses rose to prominence. Photo (M)2 - By TOM LUNTZ
Manning Injury Would Be Sweet Justice: PAT ROBERTSON
(Newser) – Pat robertson doesnt like the way the Denver Broncos unceremoniously kicked Bible-thumping quarterback Tim Tebow to the curb in favor of Peyton Manning, and he wouldnt exactly be upset if Manning got hurt. "The Denver Broncos ...
POLITICAL MEMO; Twisting Race Hits First Turn As Iowa Votes
DES MOINES -- Mitt Romney has grown so confident of his Iowa prospects that on Monday night he dropped all humble pretense and proclaimed, Were going to win this thing. At the same time, Rick Santorum insisted that his momentum carried its own whiff of victory. Both might be right. The Iowa caucuses, the curious political ritual that will open - Outcome of the Iowa caucuses, curious political ritual that is about to open yet another race for the White House, will set a tone for the race after a yearlong prelude that has been off the charts in its unpredictability; Republican candidates enter a final day of frenzied campaigning, with top runners Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Rep Ron Paul rushing to claim victory as the contest then moves to New Hampshire. Photos (M) - By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG
Regent University - Chancellor's Office
Dr. M. G. "Pat" Robertson Founder and Chancellor. back to top. ©2012 | Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA | 800.373.5504 | Contact Us | Employment ...
PAT ROBERTSON speaks out for marijuana legalization – CNN Belief ...
(CNN) – Televangelist Pat robertson is raising eyebrows, and cheers from activists who are usually his opponents on political issues, by calling for the ...
PAT ROBERTSON: Tebow treated poorly by Denver; Manning re-injury would serve them right
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — Religious broadcaster Pat robertson says Tim Tebow was treated "shabbily" by the Denver Broncos when they traded him to the New York Jets for Peyton Manning.Robertson also said that if Manning suffered a recurrence of the neck ...
PAT ROBERTSON: A Manning injury would serve the Broncos right ...
Television evangelist Pat robertson says the Denver Broncos didnt show enough loyalty to Tim Tebow, and they may pay for it this season. After the Broncos ...
What is PAT ROBERTSON claiming the people of New Zealand did to anger his god?
Whenever there’s been a disaster, Pat douche bag Robertson goes on TV and claims the people did something to anger his god. So what’s he claiming this time?
Answer: .
Who the **** is this 'Pat robertson' ? ? ?
He's not known in New Zealand.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
FIVE THIRTY EIGHT; No Matter the Polls, Staunch Conservatives Do Best at the G.O.P.s Iowa Caucuses
In the Iowa caucuses, expectations have historically mattered almost as much as the actual results. Candidates like Pat Buchanan and Gary Hart, who did better than the polls had indicated, often received a big lift going into other states, even if they did not win Iowa. With this years precaucus polls already having been volatile and a large chunk - Staunchly conservative candidates have historically beaten the polls by a wide margin in the Iowa caucuses. (M)/ - By NATE SILVER
PAT ROBERTSON: ‘Legalize it!’
When it comes to the legalization of marijuana, evangelical leader Pat robertson is not the first person most of us think of. After all, if you’ve seen even five minutes of “The 700 Club,” you know how full of ignorance and hatred he can be.
Charismatic fundie christians Was PAT ROBERTSON constipated when he had this vision?
–1982: Pat robertson predicted a few years in advance that the world would end in the fall of 1982. The failure of this prophecy did not seem to adversely affect his reputation
44+ years following a Jewish Carpenter & studying His Book!
I am the real Pastor Art, not the clone.
Answer: Sorry but I wouldn't know about the bodily functions of him or anyone else.
Obvious troll-clone is sneaky (but the real Pastor Art is one of my contacts).
Category: Religion & Spirituality
I doubt Pat robertson believes in karma, but the gist of the story about #Tebow and #Manning is right. From: pmains - Source: web
Terrible. RT @AP: Pat robertson: Tebow treated poorly by Denver; Peyton Manning re-injury would serve them right: -CC From: LilyOutLoud - Source: Tweetbot for iOS
Michael Shannon: Pat robertsons reefer madness: Periodically theres an eruption in Virginia Beach that catches... From: ARCpointlabsMWF - Source: twitterfeed
I thought "religious" people shouldnt wish harm on others. Oh wait, Pat robertsons a hypocrite. Move along, now. From: keithherrador - Source: Safari on iOS
Pat robertson: Injury to new Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning would ‘serve them right’ From: aolvera71 - Source: Tweet Button
Yes! RT @SeanPBlanchard: Dear God, please keep Congress and Pat robertson out of football. #NFL From: chefdirtyd - Source: TweetCaster for Android
RT @MarshallRamsey: Pat robertson calls for the legalization of drugs. A couple weeks later says Manning injury ... From: meganburkes - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Really? WTH? RT @DJournalnow: Pat robertson says Peyton Manning injury would serve Denver right after Tebow trade From: meganburkes - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
geraldo rivera,
joba chamberlain,
austin rivers,
jason smith,
Pat robertson,
hunger games,
wh From: hottrendtoday - Source: hottrendsdaily
geraldo rivera,
joba chamberlain,
austin rivers,
jason smith,
Pat robertson,
hunger games,
wh From: servicebz - Source: hottrendsdaily
Anybody ever try this? #SinceWeBeingHonest Danny Care Olympic Stadium Pat robertson From: Kericnx - Source: Mobile Web
I laughed so hard.... Pat robertson Lisa Raitt Geraldo Rivera From: Merilynehk - Source: Mobile Web
Please tell me this is bullshit - Olympic Stadium Kim Kardashian Feliz Viernes Pat robertson From: Kathrynpyy - Source: Mobile Web
Despite lurid headline, thats not what preacher boy actually said: Pat robertson blvs Peyton Manning should get hurt From: NagasakiOsada - Source: Tweet Button
eww... “@AP: Pat robertson: Tim Tebow treated poorly by Denver; Peyton Manning re-injury would serve them right: -CC” From: brdministerwife - Source: Twitter for iPhone