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JOBS ACT passes Congress, heads to Obama -
The Jobs act is headed to President Barack Obama’s desk. The House on Tuesday signed off on the final version of the package, aimed at helping small businesses and ...
who thinks obamas claims that the JOBS ACT wont add to the deficit is true ?
i dont knowabout this.its possible the it might add to the deficit.he may believe that bringing troops home will save and this is a replacement and that due to bringing them home that this Jobs act wont add to the deficit.but that math may be off as this jobs bill may cost more than the price of bringing troops home.either way i wanna know your opinions on obamas claim that it wont add to the deficit.
Answer: If he lays out specific offsets, tax increases, tax loopholes closed and other actions that will pay for the costs of the program, then there is no reason not to believe him.
Instead, you should be skeptical of idiots who claim that it will increase the deficit, just because it's Obama and they don't like anything he does.
Think about it, how many misinformed Faux News viewers are still claiming that the health care reform that was passed will add to the cost of government? All the objective, conservative (in the standard, non-political sense) analysis by the CBO and other organizations all verify that the health care reform package will REDUCE the federal deficit.
And yet, people who claim to be against higher deficits oppose a program of changes that will lower the deficit, on fiscal responsibility grounds.
Hey, it's not like conservatives ever let facts interfere with any particular mantra they want to repeat.
Beyond the basic government expenditures, we can't forget this is a JOBS bill.
More people working, = less people collecting unemployment, food stamps, etc, = more people spending money, = more demand in a recession caused by lack of demand, = more money spent by regular folks to buy food and goods, which is the most stimulative thing there is for an economy, = more people paying taxes.
Even conservative economists agree that this is how it works. Even conservative economists in conservative think tanks acknowledge that the first stimulus caused there to be millions more Americans employed than there would have been if it did not happen. If the original stimulus had a shortcoming, it was that it was too small, and too much of it was in the form of GOP-demanded tax cuts instead of actual stimulus.
Category: Government
Obama signs jobs bill, praises private sector
Obama said thats why he pushed for the bipartisan Jump-start Our Business Start-ups (JOBS) Act that he signed Thursday. "Thats why Ive cut taxes for small businesses over 17 times," Obama said. "Thats why every day Im fighting to make sure America is ...
Obama Signs "Fraud-Friendly" JOBS ACT into Law
President Obama has signed today the "fraud-friendly" JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act, which one leading economist has referred to as an "anti-Jobs act" that will lead to more fraud. Commenting on the “Jumpstart Our Business ...
How The JOBS ACT Will Hurt The Startup Industry
Why The Jobs act isn't good for the health of the startup industry.
Obama Signs Bill to Ease Investing in Start-Ups
WASHINGTON — President Obama , eager to promote his administration’s efforts to revive the job market on the eve of another politically significant employment report, signed a bill on Thursday that will roll back restrictions on the way start-up companies can raise money from individual investors. Mr. Obama, surrounded by a bipartisan - By MARK LANDLER
Why was the JOBS ACT so hard to cover? | Felix Salmon
Bloomberg, yesterday, and the NYT, today, have come out with big news articles about the dangers and complications inherent in the Jobs act.
JOBS ACT Jeopardizes Safety Net for Investors
Maybe President Obama should have bought shares in Groupon’s I.P.O. If he had, he would understand what some Groupon investors may be feeling as he prepares this week to sign a new piece of legislation to help start-ups get financing.
Will the JOBS ACT Increase Investment Fraud? Sure: So What?
There’s a rather important point that I think is being missed in various discussions about the Jobs act, most especially over the way that it relaxes certain of the rules about who can raise investment money under what conditions of oversight ...
Why is Obama advocating that jobless Americans sue on the basis of discrimination in the American JOBS ACT?
"The exact wording of the proposal suggests that should a business with 15 or more employees neglect to hire an applicant on basis of “the individual’s status as unemployed,” it would be deemed “an unlawful employment practice” under the American Jobs act. Should rejected applicants chose to seek legal action, they are capable of suing in the same way that applicants can currently peruse claims for discrimination based on race, sex and religion."
What is your take on the bizarre piece of legislation?
Answer: To destroy small business. If you have 16 employees you are still a small business.
To provide a stimulus program for trial lawyers or any other type of lawyer.
I think it is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard.
Category: Politics
India Shaken by Plight of 13-Year-Old Maid
NEW DELHI — The girl’s screams were brittle and desperate. Neighbors in the suburban housing complex looked up and saw a child crying for help from an upstairs balcony. She was 13 and worked as a maid for a couple who had gone on vacation to Thailand. They had left her locked inside their apartment. After a firefighter rescued her, the - By JIM YARDLEY
JOBS ACT Favors Businesses, Not Investors
NEW YORK—President Barack Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act into law on Thursday. The legislation could have game-changing effects on small businesses seeking to raise capital. Obama and Congress tout the bill as a boon for ...
How does this so called JOBS ACT address the concerns of businesses about what their?
future health insurance cost will be, their future energy cost, their regulatory costs, and environmental restriction costs, so that they can know their costs in hiring additional employees.
Answer: well Walmart could go local instead of buying in China. would that not produce more jobs.
Category: Politics
EDITORIAL; Their Contributors’ Bidding
Don’t they ever learn? Large bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate have now passed the deeply flawed Jobs act and President Obama is expected to sign it soon. The full name is equally seductive: Jump-start Our Business Start-ups Act. What it is is an invitation to a fresh round of financial malfeasance. It rolls back important
JOBS ACT: 5 things to look forward to (and 5 to dread) | Rafe's Radar ...
23 hours ago ... As Obama signs the Jobs act into law, crowdfunding becomes legal and companies get more flexibility in going public. Here's the good and ...
With JOBS ACT Becoming Law, Crowdfunding Platforms Look To Create ...
Today, President Obama signs the Jobs act into law, legalizing crowdfunding in startups by non-accredited investors, so that anyone and their mother can ...
Deadly Theater Blast Shatters Calm in Somalia
MOGADISHU, Somalia — A bomb exploded during a ceremony on Wednesday at the newly reopened National Theater here in the Somali capital as the prime minister was addressing the guests, turning an event that had been a welcome sign of growing calm into a grisly reminder of the many troubles still plaguing the country. Somalia’s Ministry of - By MOHAMMED IBRAHIM and J. DAVID GOODMAN
The JOBS ACT, Groupon, and Gullible Investors - Justin Fox ...
The Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, whatever its eventual impact on entrepreneurship and economic growth, has already accomplished some remarkable things.
Why won’t Republicans allow a vote on the American JOBS ACT?
Republicans are at it again. Filibustering -- again. If they allowed an up or down vote, it would pass. But they won’t allow a VOTE. Why is that? It’s paid for...fixes bridges, roads, schools, and puts 2 million people back to work. So...why not at least allow a VOTE?
Category: Politics
How does the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act cost jobs?
Republicans claim it is a devastating job killing law, but I have never heard any statistical information, or any economical data that shows that this law will actually "kill" any jobs.
How exactly does this law kill jobs, and how many jobs has it killed?
Where is the case study, or the statistical data used to make the claim that Republicans are making?
Do they even have any data to back up their claim?
How does the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act cost jobs?
Answer: It mostly doesn't. Hawaii has had a law requiring employers to provide insurance for nearly 40 years and we have some of the lowest premiums in the country for the required level of insurance. Yes, some companies will have trouble and will get tax credits and subsidies. Most people and companies will be fine with it.
Very few job losses--actually an increase in the need for primary care providers. There are no sources of reliable information that say otherwise.
Category: Politics
Obama To Sign JOBS ACT, Then Screen Classic Film | WSPA
President Barack Obama will sign the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act on Thursday. The JOBS legislation includes key initiatives that Obama proposed ...
Obama signs JOBS ACT to boost startup firms - Business ...
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama signed bipartisan jobs legislation Thursday that will help small businesses and make it easier for startups to raise ...
With JOBS ACT Becoming Law, Crowdfunding Platforms Look To ...
As the Jobs act requires all crowdfunding sites to be members of a national securities association, the group is on a mission to find the best way to do that in a way that encourages the new industry while protecting investors.
The JOBS ACT: Encouraging Startups, Supporting Small Businesses
President Barack Obama signs the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, which includes key initiatives the President proposed last fall to help small businesses and startups grow and create jobs, in the Rose Garden of the White House, April ...
JOBS ACT Fallout: Making Crowdfunding Work Without Selling Stock
This post is part of our ReadWriteStart channel, which is dedicated to helping savvy entrepreneurs start and grow new businesses with resources, tips, insight and analysis. The channel is sponsored by TriNet. On April 5, President Obama will sign the ...
Obama JOBS ACT Leaves Labor Fuming In Democratic Feud
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama will sign the Jobs act into law Thursday, clinching a rare and hard-fought bipartisan victory for his presidency. But to secure the legislative win, he had to pick sides in a simmering ...
Why does Obama think the people back his American JOBS ACT? Patriotic Americans know?
that it is just a bunch of spending and pork so, does this leave out the Libs?
Answer: Because his LEMMINGS believe that THIS time there are shovel ready jobs.......then again they believe in the tooth fairy as well
Category: Politics
JOBS ACT Jeopardizes Safety Net for Investors -
The Jobs act is intended to help start-ups raise capital and go public, but may also lead to many more money-losing Groupon-like I.P.O.s.
Obama Signs 'Game-Changing', Crowd-Funding JOBS ACT
President Obama has signed the Jobs act, a bipartisan bill that allows startups to raise capital through online crowdfunding.
Obamas Signing Of JOBS ACT Likely Wont Dim GOP Charge Hes Anti ...
President Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (or JOBS) Act into law Thursday, legislation meant to make it easier for entrepreneurs to get ...
What is the point of this new "American JOBS ACT"? Doesnt this contradict what Paul Krugman said?
Krugman and other Keynesians said that the reason the stimulus failed was because it was too SMALL. Even if he was correct that the stimulus was too small, the "American Jobs act" will be half the size of the first stimulus. So if the second stimulus is only going to be half the size of the first one what is the point of it?
Answer: The situation now is a lot different than it was 2 years ago. The point is to create jobs and boost the economy. Besides, Klugman is not the president. Obama is.
Category: Politics
Obama signs "JOBS ACT" into law, calls it a "game-changer ...
(CBS News) President Obama signed the bipartisan "Jobs act" into law on Thursday afternoon, saying it will "remove barriers" for small businesses and will ...
How many jobs you think the American Job act will create?
theyre suppose to give tax cuts for businesses that higher. that doesnt just go for jobs that do not pay well. there are some companies that want to higher qualified people but cant
Answer: people need careers more than they need a job.
i think that in the long run whatever jobs are created will not last. people need long term stable work, not temporary jobs that pay poorly.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Dave Camp praises signing of JOBS ACT by President Obama
MIDLAND, MI — U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, R-Midland, is praising the signing of the JOBS — Jump-starting Our Business Start-ups — Act, by President Obama. Camp said the House Republican-authored bill, which was signed Thursday by President Obama ...
Why does Barack Hussein Obama want in the JOBS ACT a provision that forces employers to hire unemployed people?
Only a Marxist would want jobs to go to the jobless. FACT.
Category: Politics
Conjuring Up a Lost World
PARIS — The play is German, though it is about a country (West Germany) that no longer exists, and a time (the Cold War) that is long gone. In a new taut translation by a British playwright, “Big and Small” — the episodic tale of a distraught, but cheerful woman, part-victim, part-fool, in search of friends and salvation - By CELESTINE BOHLEN
Jobs Data Induces GOP Assault on President’s Economic Policies
On Thursday, President Obama signed the Jobs act into law, marking a rare moment of bipartisan cooperation in Washington’s effort to strengthen the economy. But as the Democratic leadership contends “it’s long past due” for the GOP to ...
Why did experts say the American JOBS ACT would create more jobs than the Keystone Pipeline?
If you look at the facts, the American Jobs act would have created more jobs than the Keystone Pipeline, so why did cons filibuster the AJA and are whining about the pipeline being delayed so peoples water wont be contaminated?
Seriously when I hear cons complain I dont understand it, its almost like they dont know anything about the issues.
Answer: Because Republicans refuse to support job creation if it involves any kind of tax increase on the wealthiest Americans. Keeping rich people's taxes as low as possible is the number one priority of the Republican Party. Endangering essential, natural resources to help the oil industry make more money, though, is perfectly okay in their book. Republicans don't really care about the job creation from the constructing the pipeline; that's just part of the sales pitch.
Category: Politics
JOBS ACT could spawn investment scam artists
If, as expected, the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act that passed through Congress last week becomes law, the big increase in employment most likely will come in the investment scam business. Criminal minds must be working overtime now ...
JOBS ACT: A great start, but more is needed - The Term Sheet ...
New legislation giving small businesses access to capital will help, but it wont solve the jobs crisis. Americas corporate leaders need to join together ...
JOBS ACT Debate: Should Pre-IPO Companies Resolve Accounting ...
Getty ImagesIn February House Republican leaders unveiled the Jobs act, which is aimed at providing a boost to Americas small businesses, and ...
Think JOBS ACT Means Wild West Is Back? Think Again
Any U.S. corporate executives who think they can use the Jobs acts relaxed rules for public listing to cut corners on accounting and disclosure may want to think again. The Act, signed into law by President Barack Obama on Thursday, may allow smaller ...
Sarkozy and Presidential Rivals Trade Attacks
PARIS — The French presidential election finally began to heat up on Thursday, less than three weeks before the first round of voting, with President Nicolas Sarkozy accusing his Socialist rival, François Hollande , of “promising a festival of new spending that no one knows how to pay for” and risking turning France into - By STEVEN ERLANGER
Will the JOBS ACT Mean More Surprises Like Groupons? - Businessweek
Should Groupon’s revelation Friday that its financial statements may not be reliable make boosters of the Jobs act think twice? The bill, passed ...
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; ‘Imagine: How Creativity Works,’ by Jonah Lehrer
What makes the cartoon light bulb of creativity go off over someone’s head? What is the catalyst for groundbreaking inventions and innovative breakthroughs? In his illuminating new book, the journalist Jonah Lehrer explicates some now classic case studies. As he tells it: ¶ The Nike slogan “Just Do It” materialized when Dan - By MICHIKO KAKUTANI
How do conservatives feel about the small business JOBS ACT that the dems passed?
Did fox convince you to hate that too?
Answer: GOP elected officials have undermined any positive legislation that would help our country. This is an obvious ploy to regain power (over our country's prosperity), and they plan to reissue the failed Bush agenda.
Category: Politics
why white people act uppity even if they were poor or doing non-professional jobs?
Im not saying people who are poor or doing menial jobs such as being a waiter or a grouser should act or feel inferior or something but one would expect more courtesy or humility from them after all they are in the servicing industry. And most of the time only white people who do these Jobs act like they are CEOs of a multinational or something; other races who do these jobs dont usually act like that especially if they were asians or mexicans.
Answer: I have noticed this too, however, I do not know the reason why. I do know that there are many white kids (like myself) who treat customers with respect when doing poor/menial jobs. Me and my colleagues were finishing up high school and going on/graduating college though, so we knew this was not the be-all, end-all. We also live in California tho...where ppl r happier lol
But anyways, some ideas that come to mind could be:
-parents forced them to get a job, and the kid is a spoiled brat so they act rude.
-they were not taught etiquette/manners/courtesy
-Hollywood exemplifies white people as being kinda have to live up to expectations
-Upset about other things (we have a lot of family/health issues as well as insecurities...again due to the media. White ppl have the least-beneficial natural blonde hair means you burn easily, our pale/thin skin means we are more prone to skin damage etc., and our colored eyes are more sensitive to the light (sunglasses were probably made with us in mind lol) so we might not want to spend all the time necessary to take care of our delicate features and then hate the wrinkles, sunburns, squinting etc. which makes us upset about our appearance as well as other issues XD)
So hope this helps because it is coming from a white person!
ps: I have met asians and mexicans who were very rude in low-wage jobs as well...although many asian families discourage their kids from working while going to school, and many mexicans who are not mexican-american would be working jobs where they do not need to interact as much....also latino culture is WAYYY friendlier. I used to live in South America and serious lol
Category: Other - Society & Culture
House passes JOBS ACT, sends bill to Obama - 2chambers - The ...
Mar 27, 2012 ... 2CHAMBERS | The measure heads next to President Obama, who enthusiastically backs the measure.
Obama’s Remarks to Newspaper Editors
Following is a transcript of President Obamas speech at The Associated Press luncheon on Tuesday, as released by the White House: Thank you very much. (Applause.) Please have a seat. Well, good afternoon, and thank you to Dean Singleton and the board of the Associated Press for inviting me here today. It is a pleasure to speak to all of you -- and
Does Obama understand that his JOBS ACT money will only end up in the hands of union leaders and CEOs?
It will be a repeat of the stimulus which created ZERO permanent jobs.
If he wants to create jobs he will have to let the free market work.
Category: Politics
With Brand USA, U.S. in Big Drive to Attract Foreign Tourists
Time was when just the mention of the Grand Canyon, the Pacific Coast Highway or the New York skyline was enough to entice tourists from around the world. But that was before 9/11 and the rise of security barriers on entering the United States. And it was before Asia’s economic renaissance drew travelers there. So come May, the United States - By HARRIET EDLESON
The American JOBS ACT — President Barack Obama's Jobs Plan
President Obama has a plan that will make it easier for small businesses to hire new employees, put construction crews back to work rebuilding America, and ...
Analysis: JOBS ACT doesnt mean Wild West for companies | Reuters
(Reuters) - Any U.S. corporate executives who think they can use the Jobs acts relaxed rules for public listing to cut corners on accounting and ...
The JOBS ACT Frees Hedge Funds to Advertise
Investors may soon get a keyhole view into the cloistered world of hedge funds and private equity firms, thanks to a little-known provision in a new bill that would relax rules on how investment firms can market themselves to the public. The bill, called ...
American JOBS ACT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Not to be confused with the Jobs act of 2012. The American Jobs act (S. 1549) (H. Doc.
JOBS ACT: What Crowdfunding Means For Your Startup
President Obama is expected to sign the Jobs act today, which will open up crowdfunding options for startups. If you're considering this option, here are some important things to note.
Obama signs jobs bill, praises private sector
President Obama signed a bill today designed to encourage investment in start- up businesses.
JOBS ACT To Jumpstart The Job Market - Forbes
1 day ago ... (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Today, President Obama signs the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act into law. For those of you who haven't ...
TimesCast: Obama Signs JOBS ACT -
President Obama signed the Jobs act, which aims to make it easier for start-up businesses and small companies to raise money from individual investors. Mark Landler reports.
Why is obama saying republicans dont want to pass the American JOBS ACT when clearly they do?
The American Jobs act was created by congressional republicans so how can he claim they dont support it?
Answer: it is because liberals are liars.
Category: Politics
The JOBS ACT: Encouraging Startups, Supporting Small Businesses ...
President Barack Obama signs the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, which includes key initiatives the President proposed last fall to help small ...
JOBS ACT opens fundraising doors for small firms - Apr. 5, 2012
The new Jobs act promises to help small companies with big dreams, allowing them to make investors out of everyday folks with fewer federal regulatory burdens.
JOBS ACT Could Leave Investors Exposed, Some Say
President Obama signed the Jobs act into law this afternoon, and investors should take note: the law could remove some important protections, says Peter Bible, a partner at accounting firm Eisner/Amper who serves on the SEC Regulations Committee.
JOBS ACT Gives Full Employment To Journalists
With the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (the “Jobs act”) awaiting President Obama’s signature tomorrow, the pundits are out in full force debating whether the new law will hurt investors. Of course it will. As a personal finance ...
How the JOBS ACT Turns Ordinary Joes Into Venture Capitalists ...
20 hours ago ... On Thursday afternoon, President Obama signed the Jobs act, and among the changes it will bring to the world of business startups is one that ...
What does the American JOBS ACT do about outsourcing?
Does the American Jobs act stop outsoucing or decrease it? Or does it even do anything about oursourcing?
Answer: I don't believe it addresses it.
Category: Politics
Will the American JOBS ACT pass? And will patent reform provide a jolt to the U.S economy?
I wanna know this stuff. im 17 and next year i will be eligable to vote. Will the American Jobs act pass? What will patent reform do?
Category: Government
Obama signs bipartisan JOBS ACT into law
President Obama has signed into law a bill aimed at giving small businesses more access to capital, touting the measure as a step toward job creation and a sign of hope for bipartisan cooperation in Washington. “Ive always said that the true ...
MARSEILLE JOURNAL; Presidential Race in France Leaves Muslims Feeling Left Behind
MARSEILLE, France — Nassurdine Haidari knows that people like himself — black and Muslim and a former imam — are not a target audience for France’s presidential candidates. But he is outraged nonetheless that voters in the banlieues, the poor, heavily immigrant suburbs of French cities, are not only taken for granted but are - By STEVEN ERLANGER
3 Myths Contained in the JOBS ACT - Rick Newman (
So Congress finally got something done. In Washington, theyre taking a short break from lobbing spitballs to celebrate the passage of the Jumpstart Our ...
Breaking Down The JOBS ACT: Inside The Bill That Would Transform ...
The U.S. Senate continues to debate the Jobs act today, a bill that seeks to dramatically reshape the financing landscape of American business. It seems to ...
The JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act is a legislative ...
small businesses and pave the way for more small-‐scale businesses to go public and create more jobs. The. Jobs act represents an opportunity for both ...
The JOBS ACT: Encouraging Startups, Supporting Small Businesses ...
For the first time, Americans will be able to go online and invest in small businesses and entrepreneurs, which will allow small and young firms to expand and hire more quickly.
RT @ajayskapoor: Our members at the White House for Presidents signing of the Jobs act | Startup America Partnership (cc: @growdetroit) From: growdetroit - Source: Tweet Button
A giant step for youth entrepreneurship | via @TIMEBusiness From: TechAccessTV - Source: Tweet Button
Jobs act to create cultural shift in start-up investment From: prolawrssfeed - Source: twitterfeed
Why The Jobs act Is Good for Startups - and for America - From: bwm748 - Source: TweetDeck
Why The Jobs act Is Good for Startups - and for America - From: 748Partners - Source: TweetDeck
Why The Jobs act Is Good for Startups - and for America - From: 748Media - Source: TweetDeck
Why The Jobs act Is Good for Startups - and for America - From: JobStamp - Source: TweetDeck
The Jobs act: Encouraging Startups, Supporting Small Businesses | The White House: @whitehouse From: ILSBDC - Source: Tweet Button
#How to Protect Yourself From the Jobs act - #Jobs #Work #Employment #JobNews #Job #Career From: MWJJobs - Source: WordTwit Plugin
dear congress tks.for passing the Jobs act! From: DebbyAll - Source: web
Associate Pastor: Act as Associate Pastor for primarily Korean-speaking congregation. Lead worship services. Pre... From: Christianjobs4u - Source: twitterfeed
Were excited for @GovKitz to sign the Oregon Investment Act this AM. Will help Ore. businesses grow & create jobs #orleg #orpol From: orsendemocrats - Source: web
MBR: Staying Healthy When Youre Busy, What Luck Has to Do With ...: This week in small business news: How to st... From: trcaprini - Source: twitterfeed
Too late? ... Now that its law, Jobs act is getting scrutiny. From: dvjamieson - Source: Timely by Demandforce
Will the Jobs act Increase Investment Fraud? Sure: So What? From: TeamYunnoh - Source: