Live free or die hard : Videos
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LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD - Rotten Tomatoes
Live free or die hard may be preposterous, but it's an efficient, action-packed summer popcorn flick with thrilling stunts and a commanding performance by ...
Similiar movies to LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD or Matrix?
Hey guys, Well i am in love with films to do with hacking/computers which are action related, for example films like Live free or die hard, matrix and etc ... do you know of any more?
Will apperciated it!
Answer: Hackers is a great computer movie but no action. Try Swordfish, The Italian Job, eXistenZ, and cant go wrong with the old school Wargames!
Category: Movies
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Live free or die hard (released as Die Hard 4.0 outside North America), is a 2007 American action film, and the fourth installment in the Die Hard series. The film ...
Live free die hard!!???? Song?? music expert!?
im in dance class and were dancing hip hop to a song called live free die hard but it has the words bad girls in it and everytime i try looking it up it always goes to the movie or the movie soundstrack live free die hard..but this song has nothing to do with it. thanks to anyone who thinks or know it anything would be great!!!
Category: Rock and Pop
Somebody gimmi the part of LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD where the presidents are all put together to say the threat?
The part of the movie "Live free or die hard"the bad guys put all of the presidents reports together to make a cool message...can somebody give me a for Youtube or something...Is there a way I can save a video to my computer?
Answer: I can't get a link, but if somebody does, here's how you download from Youtube:
Go to, then copy the URL into the box, and click 'Download'. Then click 'Download FLV', and save it.
Sorry about the link to the film, but I hope the 'Saving video' bit makes up for it!
Category: Current Events
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD: Information from
Live free or die hard. Plot: An old-fashioned cop emerges to foil a high-tech attack on the countrys computer infrastructure as. Visit for Cast, Crew ...
Director: Len Wiseman. . Actors: Bruce Willis: John McClane · Timothy Olyphant: Thomas Gabriel · Justin Long: Matthew Matt Farrell · Maggie Q: Mai Linh · Cliff ...
Watch Live free or die hard on Netflix. Enjoy Unlimited Movies & TV Shows for only $7.99 a month. Try Free for 1 Month.
411s Ultimate Fighter LIVE on FX 4.06.12: Team Cruz vs Team Faber Episode 5
Whoo, no X-Men Origins: Wolverine this week; instead I get to catch the end of Live free or die hard. FADE IN: We see Jeremy Larsen and Team Cruz arriving at the arena, and Michael Chiesa and Team Faber are already in the building. We get a recap of ...
Katniss Everdeen, a New Type of Woman Warrior
KATNISS EVERDEEN, the 16-year-old “Hunger Games” warrior who has torn through the box office, is one of the most radical female characters to appear in American movies. The film’s stunning success can partly be explained by the print sales of Suzanne Collins’s trilogy of young-adult novels, which jumped to more than 36.5 - By A. O. SCOTT and MANOHLA DARGIS
Why Akpeteshie Will Never Die
As at Ghana’s independence, the local gin has indeed been free forever. Today in the boxing ring with the Hennessey, Alomo, Kasapreko, Opeimu and many others, it gives them Bukum Banku’s hard punches ... why the gin will not die.
To watch Bruce Willis in “Live free or die hard,” the fourth “Die Hard” movie since the franchise began, in 1988, is to feel, with an “ouch ...
Free Friday: The Fray Performances; Sojourn Food Tastings
This weeks free movie is the dramatic Big Fish with Ewan McGregor ... MLB player and celebrity appearances, and nine die-hard baseball fans who will be in the running to watch every game of the 2012 MLB season. With new features such as ...
Savannah Urban Arts Festival breaks down walls, genres in 2012
Before I die I want to: Savannah. 7-10 p.m. Muse Arts Warehouse, 703 Louisville Road. Youth hip-hop night offers all-ages fun with live ... FREE 8-9:30 p.m. Muse Arts Warehouse. Performance artist Kristina Wong drops her riotous, hard-hitting ...
Iraq In Serious Crisis, Says Kurdish Leader; Oil Ambitions Complicate Ethnic Tensions
An estimated 4 million Kurds live in Iraq out of a total population of roughly 32 ... Kurdistan has become an active player in the shaping of a new Iraq. Old tensions die hard and Iraqs central government doesnt want to lose control over the countrys ...
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD | Trailer and Cast - Yahoo! Movies
On the July 4th holiday, an attack on the vulnerable United States infrastructure begins to shut down the entire nation. The mysterious figure behind the scheme has ...
Jersey Fans Ready to Divorce Nets
For Nets fans who live in New Jersey, the official end for their local ... Then the team will depart for Brooklyn and its glitzy new home at Barclays Center. But many die-hard fans like Capece said goodbye long ago. They were a cast of ...
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD | - New Movies | Movie Trailers ...
Read the Live free or die hard movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on
With Bruce Willis, Timothy Olyphant, Justin Long. John McClane takes on an Internet-based terrorist organization who is systematically shutting down the United States.
Camila Vallejo, the World’s Most Glamorous Revolutionary
The hotel had a musty, Pinochet-era atmosphere — dark bar, heavy furniture, bartenders in white shirts and black ties — and drew mostly businessmen. But when the bartenders found out that my friends and I were going to the student march, they cut lemons for us and put them into plastic bags with salt. In case of tear gas, you were - By FRANCISCO GOLDMAN
The 10 Greatest Fourth Films in Longstanding Franchises
Oddly enough, it’s the walking dead to the rescue. #7: Live free or die hard Okay - so it’s PG-13, meaning we don’t get hero John McClane muttering his famous curse-laden cowboy catchphrase and director Len Wiseman is not a very good presence behind ...
I’m starting to feel like my old self’
Doctors told Evelyn Sorensen to take a vacation, say goodbye to her family and prepare to die within ... “It’s so hard to explain because at one moment you’re trying to get your affairs in order and you only have a year to live, and then all of ...
Read All About It! Kids Vex Titans!
THERE is no sugar-pushing nanny traveling by umbrella this time, no conflicted lion seeking therapy from a meerkat and a warthog. Even so, the premise for Newsies the Musical, the latest Disney property to reach Broadway, seems just as rooted in Disneyesque whimsy: A dese-and-dose scrum of newsboys unites to lead a strike against the most - Broadways Newsies the Musical recounts a strike waged in 1899 by New York newsboys, but takes some liberties with the facts for the sake of theater. Photos (M)8 - By DAN BARRY
Anybody knows the name of the Live Free Die Hard dish netowrk pay-per-view trailer song?
Anyone knows the name of this song, it has a cool guitar and the lyrics start sort of like this "boom boom boom, bang bang bang, boom boom boom, hey yey" I just love the beginning of the song and want to hear it until the end. Its not the official trailer, its the one you see in the dish network pay per view channels when youre waiting for a movie to start and dish network is advertising the movie (Live free or die hard).
Answer: dude i liked that song too. It is called Boom Boom by Big Head Todd and the Monsters. Go to itunes and type in Boom Boom and it will be the 3rd song down. :)
Category: Movies
Apple - Trailers - LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD - iTunes Movie Trailers
Live free or die hard ...
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (2007) - Box Office Mojo
Live free or die hard summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links.
Dont make a Mark Portugal mistake in Veepstakes
Die-hard San Francisco Giants fans, myself included, may recall more: that Portugal was at his best against the Giants and that the team subsequently went out and made him one of the more ill-advised free-agent acquisitions of that era.
RIFF; How the American Action Movie Went Kablooey
The action film — like automobiles, televisions and team-oriented basketball — is an American invention that is now produced much better elsewhere in the world. The latest example of this (and there are many examples from points all over the globe) is “The Raid: Redemption,” a modest but irresistible action film from - By ADAM STERNBERGH
THE RUSH LOG - "LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD" (2007) Photo Gallery
Below are images from the 2007 action-thriller, "Live free or die hard" , which was based on the 1997 "Wired" magazine article "A Farewell to Arms" , written by John Carlin. Directed by Len Wiseman, the movie starred ...
Google trends feed: Top News - thomas kinkade, amanda bynes ...
amanda bynes arrested hard boiled eggs navy jet crash virginia beach passover masters shroud of turin andrew bynum scalloped potatoes easter recipes peeps orioles Live free or die hard tiger woods jennifer love hewitt alec ...
'A Good Day to Die Hard' Finds a Couple of Male and Female ...
It remains to be seen whether director John Moore will be the director to steer this franchise into quality territory again, which would include a hopeful R-rating unlike the last installment Live free or die hard. In addition, it ...
Live Free Die Hard: Main Hacker; Music Question?
Ok, If youve seen the movie Live Free Die Hard then you would remember the scence towards the begining where the police officer is asked to go pick up the hacker and transport him to D.C.. Then you flash over to the hackers apartment where he is chatting on his computer and drinking and energy drinks. This is right before the police officer knocks on the door. The Hacker is lisnteing to screamo music, It starts out with a girl singing softly and then she suddenly starts screaming. Does anyone know the name of the song or the artist...your not going to be able to pick it up from my description so you probally going to have to of seen the movie.
Any Help is greatly appreciated!
Answer: "I´m so sick" by Flyleaf
Category: Movies
New Castle dad has big film ties
The down-to-earth, 40-year-old bespectacled screenwriter, whose movie credits include the 2010 action thriller “Unstoppable,” Disney’s “Race to Witch Mountain,” and “Live free or die hard” (the latest installment of the Bruce ...
Who plays the heavy metal song in LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD?
What Band and what is the name of the song that is played at the beginning of the first Mat Farrel scene (Where McClain comes to pick him up from his apartment) in Live free or die hard?
I´m begging you, I can´t get that damn song out of my head
Cheers Chris
Answer: Flyleaf - "I'm So Sick"
Category: Movies
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD Review | Its Latin for Cookies!
Live free or die hard Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 82% (Critics) / 86% (Audience) Directed By: Len Wiseman Written By: Mark Bomback Starring: Bruce Willis, Justin Long and Timothy Olyphant Studio: 20th Century Fox ...
Should I watch Live Free Die Hard 4.0 or Apocalypto?
Ma mom allows me to watch only one movie which cold it be?Die hard 4.0 [Live free die hard] or Mell Gibsons Apocalypto?
Answer: Die hard is definetly my best pick .And if u love action flicks u shuld watch die hard.
and i wuldnt watch apocalypto.U culd watch it if u lovd ancient mexican history
Category: Movies
Intractable Afghan Graft Hampering U.S. Strategy
KABUL, Afghanistan -- For the past few months, possibly the most intriguing poker game in Kabul has been taking place in the sprawling pink sitting room of the man at the center of one of the most public corruption scandals in the world, the near collapse of Kabul Bank. The players include people tied to President Hamid Karzais inner circle, many - Afghan Pres Hamid Karzais government, despite years of urging and oversight by American advisers, has yet to prosecute a high-level corruption case, the near collapse of the Kabul Bank; many American officials say they have little expectation that Washington will try to handle it, especially after violent anti-American protests have sowed fresh doubts in the Obama administration over the viability of the mission in Afghanistan. Photos (M) - By MATTHEW ROSENBERG and GRAHAM BOWLEY; Sharifullah Sahak and Sangar Rahimi contributed reporting.
Haiti’s Cholera Outraced the Experts and Tainted the U.N.
MIREBALAIS, Haiti — Jean Salgadeau Pelette, handsome when medicated and groomed, often roamed this central Haitian town in a disheveled state, wild-eyed and naked. He was a familiar figure here, the lanky scion of a prominent family who suffered from a mental illness. On Oct. 16, 2010, Mr. Pelette, 38, woke at dawn in his solitary room behind - By DEBORAH SONTAG
OPINION; A Boy to Be Sacrificed
Paris IN the Morocco of the 1980s, where homosexuality did not, of course, exist, I was an effeminate little boy, a boy to be sacrificed, a humiliated body who bore upon himself every hypocrisy, everything left unsaid. By the time I was 10, though no one spoke of it, I knew what happened to boys like me in our impoverished society; they were - Op-Ed article by author Abdellah Taia recounts his experience of growing up as a homosexual in Morocco; maintains in the wake of the Arab Spring it is crucial that the world support the rights and dignity of Arab homosexuals. Photo (M) - The author of the novel An Arab Melancholia. This essay was translated by Edward Gauvin from the French. - By ABDELLAH TAÏA
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Defuse the Lexicon of Slaughter
Legislators play a dangerous game using the word genocide. In trying to appease millions of victims, they needlessly pit nations against one another. They should leave it to others to sift through the evidence and determine what killings occurred when and which ones amount to what crimes. Political judgments distort the search for truth and for - By DAVID SCHEFFER
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD-I study computer security and so forth, so naturally I was curious when I saw on?
Live free or die hard that they uploaded a virus to Matts computer using only an IM connection. is that even possible? and what was the "e-bomb" thing they mentioned later on in the movie?
Answer: dude, its a movie. its not a documentary on hacking. computer use in movies has never bore any correspondence to reality - what makes you think this is potentially educational material?
Category: Security
what is the band or singer in the beginning of the live free die hard movie?
sorry i couldnt find alink but i doknow its a girl oh yeah and im talking about the newone not the old one kay .>.
Answer: rubbish
Category: Movies
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Live free or die hard (released as Die Hard 4.0 outside North America), is a 2007 American action film, and the fourth installment in the Die Hard series.
// 411's Ultimate Fighter LIVE on FX Report 4.06.12 | Dengok Online ...
amanda bynes arrested hard boiled eggs navy jet crash virginia beach passover masters shroud of turin andrew bynum scalloped potatoes easter recipes peeps orioles Live free or die hard tiger woods jennifer love hewitt alec ...
Im also grateful to McDonalds for that wonderful gift of coupons that came in the paper last week, full of free good things to eat ... I am more grateful than I can say. We live in difficult times. They are hard for working journalists, for freelancers ...
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD Trailers & Clips - Yahoo! Movies
well this one was way different then all the other bruce willis die hard movies it kept you in your seat to see … more »
Why the Fonz Is Back, as TV Pitchman
THEY will always be defined by the roles they played. Robert Wagner is the suave star of It Takes a Thief and Hart to Hart. Patrick Duffy will be forever be J. R.s younger brother on Dallas (except to those who remember him as the piscine star of Man From Atlantis). Sally Field is The Flying Nun and Norma Rae. And Henry - There is a growing demand for aging actors and celebrities willing to vouch for products like reverse mortgages and medications in ads to seniors, reflecting changing demographics in the United States; Americans are living longer, with the average life expectancy reaching 78.7 in 2010; about 10,000 baby boomers are turning 62 each day, and they are being targeted by increasing amounts of advertising from trusted, familiar faces. Photos (M) - By J. PEDER ZANE
Whats the name of the song the hacker guy is listening at the beginning of the movie LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD?
I just know its a woman who sings it and its like hard rock, but its cool. =) By the way, its in the movie Live free or die hard 4.0
Answer: I love this song its I'm So Sick by Flyleaf
YOu can hear the music Video right now .(CLick the link BElow)
Category: Movies
Whats a better rainy day movie in the theaters - transformers or live free/die hard?
I like action flicks, grew up with the transformers but heard mixed reviews. Like the die hard flicks but they tend to be the same. Need to see something today and Im torn. Any recommendations?
Answer: Watch perhaps the best movie this summer, TRANSFORMERS! You should not miss this chance of seeing such cool robots who act suprisingly human battling other evil robots who want to take over the universe in live-action! Believe me, even if ya aint a fan, the mood of the movie would keep you excited throughout the whole movie. I know, I saw it six times!
Watch it, or I'll transform into a big red truck and run you over!
Category: Movies
How the American Action Movie Went Kablooey
There was the brief and erroneous coronation of Vin Diesel. More recently, “Live free or die hard” paired the aged Bruce Willis with the fresh-faced slacker-dude Justin Long, in what seemed like an unfortunate “before and after ...
Trailer for "Total Recall" Remake is Here!
Columbia Pictures has unveiled the full-length trailer for the upcoming "Total Recall" remake, starring Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston, and John Cho. Check it out below. Plot: Welcome to Rekall, the company that with one ...
What is the name of the kinda screamo song that is sung by a girl at the beginning if Live free or die hard?
Answer: Flyleaf - I'm So Sick
Category: Other - Music
Homes near recreational amenities score big with buyers
Plus, my friends and family can park by us for free and join us at the game," he said. "Its a die-hard fans dream come true to live so close to his favorite team." Being a hop, skip and a home run away from the stadium isnt the only ...
any sexual parts in live free die hard 2007?
im watching live free die hard with my parents, is there any sex seens that i should be aware of so i dont get embarasssed? or any weird parts like that?
Answer: Nope, nothing naughty or embarassing. Just tons of people getting shot, blown up, and otherwise added to the body count :)
Category: Movies
2007 LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD - Movie reviews, trailers, clips and ...
Live free or die hard The best of the best is back and better than ever (WNYW-TV) in the latest installment of the pulse-pounding, thrill-a-minute Die Hard action ...
'A Good Day To Die Hard' Finds Villains In Sebastian Koch & Model ...
Among the many issues that faced "Live free or die hard" besides the PG-13 rating the on-no-the-internetz plot, it lacked a villain on the scale of Alan Rickman, Jeremy Irons or even William Sadler. And we hope this ...
BREAKDOWN; Mangled Horses, Maimed Jockeys
RUIDOSO, N.M. -- At 2:11 p.m., as two ambulances waited with motors running, 10 horses burst from the starting gate at Ruidoso Downs Race Track 6,900 feet up in New Mexicos Sacramento Mountains. Nineteen seconds later, under a brilliant blue sky, a national champion jockey named Jacky Martin lay sprawled in the furrowed dirt just past the finish - Culture of performance-enhancing drugs and lax regulation has made American horse racing an ever more dangerous sport, as racers field unfit horses in pursuit of lucrative purses; an average of 24 horses die on racetracks every year, often injuring jockeys in the process; investigations into the cause of collapse are extremely rare; number of accidents has increased alongside growing prizes as racetracks add casino gambling to their operations; (Series: Breakdown). Photos (L) - By WALT BOGDANICH, JOE DRAPE, DARA L. MILES and GRIFFIN PALMER; Rebecca R. Ruiz and Matthew Orr contributed reporting from New York.
Live free or die hard. (2007). Live free or die hard. John McClane (Bruce Willis ) is back and badder than ever, and this time he's working for Homeland ... LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD: Marco Beltrami: Music
Most Helpful Customer Reviews: I really enjoyed this score by Marco Beltrami. The cues have a lot of power and the orchestra sounds very pure and live. I only wish ...
How good or bad is the movie "LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD"(2007) Is it worth buying on DVD?
Is the movie"Live free or die hard"(2007) is it any good? Who stars in it? Is it worth buying on DVD? What was the plot of this movie? Was it a good movie or bad movie? Who all stars in this movie ? Did it win any awards or anything? How well did it do with movie critics and moviegoers?Is it worth buying on DVD ? Is there any nudity,swearing or violence in it?
Answer: Lots of action and over the top stunt work. Also had the Mac guy from the "I'm a PC/ I'm a Mac" commercials as a hacker. Technically inaccurate in the plot setup, but a fun ride nonetheless.
Category: Movies LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (Unrated Edition): Bruce Willis ...
Twelve years after Die Hard with a Vengeance , the third and previous film in the Die Hard franchise, Live free or die hard finds John McClane (Bruce Willis) a few ...
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD Reviews, Ratings, Credits, and More at ...
Jun 27, 2007 ... Metacritic Movie Reviews, Live free or die hard, In a season overflowing with CGI Fantasy, Live free or die hard gets real - with real action, ...
Bob's Blog: Excitement for iPad not iPhone caliber Eyes & Ears ...
Maggie Q playing Wonder Woman in new show Live free or die hard star Maggie Q is set to become the latest actress to play Wonder Woman after signing on for a new animated TV series. TOP FIVE: Smartphone apps for ...
Which streaming media device is right for you?
With built-in Wi-Fi and free control apps available on iOS and Android (and ... If you want the most diversity of content, the Roku box is the way to go. But if youre a die-hard Apple aficionado, Apple TV may be the better choice.
Is hacking like in the movie "LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD" real?
Is the hacking in the movie with bruce willis "Live free or die hard" real and are there people who can do things like that?
Answer: Big fat nope ^^; films try to make hacking a very visual activity, plenty of graphics and flashy screens, in real life its basically lines and lines of code.
As for 'can they really do things like that', a dubious 'yes'. There are limitations, but with so many things becoming computerised, you could do practically anything if you have the right permissions.
Just be aware, hacking is not glamarous and on the surface looks very boring, is very hard work and takes a lot of practice. Usually, hacking is about identifying a security fault and then abusing it in a logical sense, so, if i saw a gap in a networks security, i could write a program that would see this fault, abuse it and then, once inside the network, do what i want it to do e.g. cause damage, steal information, create new security issues etc.
But its all done with code, guess work and programs (hackers who primarily use programs are script kiddies though, not real honest to god hackers :P )
Category: Security
Talk:LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Comment. The notion that John McClane is fighting bad guys on holiday comes from an earlier spec script about wreck-diving by British writer David Trebilcook.
Apple - Trailers - LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD
Live free or die hard.
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (2007) - Full cast and crew
Director: Len Wiseman. Produced by Stephen J. Eads, Michael Fottrell, Arnold Rifkin. Actors: Bruce Willis: John McClane · Timothy Olyphant: Thomas Gabriel · Justin ...
What song is the computer hacker listening to on LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD?
What song/music video is the hacker listening to when he is first introduced on the movie Live free or die hard?
Answer: "I'm So Sick" by Flyleaf.
Category: Movies
Directed by Len Wiseman. With Bruce Willis, Justin Long, Timothy Olyphant, Maggie Q. John McClane takes on an Internet-based terrorist organization who is ...
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (2007) | Watch Movies Online Free, Full ...
Released : 29 June 2007. Genres : Action, Adventure, Crime. Rate : (11 votes, average: 4.27 out of 5) Loading ... Views : 19,065 views Click Here to Download Faster ... LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (Unrated Edition): Bruce Willis ...
Twelve years after Die Hard with a Vengeance, the third and previous film in the Die Hard franchise, Live free or die hard finds John McClane (Bruce Willis) a ...
robotGEEKS Cult Cinema: Total Recall (2012) trailer hits the net ...
I just might have to do an entirely separate post one day on Live free or die hard on all the things I find wrong with it. But who knows? Maybe he can make something out of this story, something fresh. In any case, Total Recall ...
RT @Sincerely_Lovee: Live free or die hard .
From: xxx_PoisonLuu - Source: Twitter for Android
Live free or die hard #diehard4 #wathingnow #mtv3
From: maijatantere - Source: YouTube on iOS
RT @IL_make_hisTORI: Live free or die hard
From: ggkimx - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Live free or die hard is on FX right now. One of my favorite movies.
From: rhead - Source: Twitter for Android
Gonna try to live by my new motto Live free or die hard #trytoenjoylife even the bad times
From: SamBloom2 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Live free or die hard
From: JeremiahAney - Source: Twitter for Android
What is search word for the following twitter search results?
From: howbona_bot - Source: howbona_bot
Live free or die hard is a badass movie #BruceWillis
From: 3RichieRich - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
After watching Live free or die hard, Ive concluded that @THEallywaufle looks like Mary Elizabeth Winstead
From: BwianBwianBwian - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Live free or die hard .
From: Sincerely_Lovee - Source: Twitter for Android
Live free or die hard.
From: TheJourdanCase - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @jordan_rimmer21: Live free or die hard👍
From: Sgero96 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
I cant decide if Id rather Live free or die hard.
From: JamesLyfe - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @JDheff86: Live free or die hard<3
From: kinda_famous - Source: Twitter for Android
Lukin @ Live free or die hard
From: KJMommie252 - Source: Twitter for iPhone