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Symptoms of PREGNANCY TEST says positive seems like I start my period then test says negative. What to think?
I took a home Pregnancy test yesterday because it was the fifth day of my missed period. My test came out positive but I started my period very light like but still there. Ive been having pregnancy symptoms like crazy. Swore boobs food craving nausea swollen fingers irration stuff like that I took another test this morning and it said negative. Could I be pregnant or not? Is it possible?
Answer: With all of that goin on I'd be confused. So what would do is make an appt. with a doctor and have them do a blood test or a quick ultrasound just to let you know whats really goin on to make your mind at ease.
Category: Pregnancy
A PREGNANCY TEST As Accurate As A Doctor’s Test
Take a Pregnancy test in the privacy of your own home and have the maximum confidence in your result. Sensitive enough to test up to 5 days sooner.
PREGNANCY TEST - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Pregnancy test attempts to determine whether a woman is pregnant. Markers that indicate pregnancy are found in urine and blood, and Pregnancy tests require sampling ...
PREGNANCY TEST - News, Latest Gossips & Trends
Almost everyone, who came a certain age, we have gone through the situation that we need a Pregnancy test. Whether for you or your partner. some have lived with anxiety this situation, others with hope and enthusiasm. a Pregnancy test is ...
I took a clear blue easy digital Pregnancy test and it said pregnant, then i went to a family planning center and their test said i wasnt. I still have a week before my period is due, and i havent been feeling that well and my boobs really hurt, whats the deal, am i or am i not pregnant?
Answer: There are several answers to this.
1) You could be pregnant and the digital test was just more sensitive at picking up the hcg levels than the center's test.
2) You could of been pregnant when you took your test but had what they call a chemical pregnancy. A chemical pregnancy is an egg is released and fertilized but wasn't a healthy egg leading to spontaneous miscarriage.
3) Your test could of been done wrong or vise versa.
I suggest going to a doctor or clinic and have them do a blood test. It is more accurate. They could also do an ultrasound.
Good luck.
Category: Pregnancy
Free online Pregnancy test - no waiting, no messy tests!
At Ailing Wyckoff Hospital, Insider Deals and Lavish Perks
In recent years, Wyckoff Heights Medical Center in Brooklyn has often gone hat in hand to the city and state, lamenting cuts in government assistance and questioning whether officials truly understood the burden of running a nonprofit hospital in Bushwick, one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods. For much of that time, Wyckoff’s chief - By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS
Psst, You in Aisle 5
Andrew Pole had just started working as a statistician for Target in 2002, when two colleagues from the marketing department stopped by his desk to ask an odd question: If we wanted to figure out if a customer is pregnant, even if she didnt want us to know, can you do that? Pole has a masters degree in statistics and another in economics, - Excerpt from Charles Duhigg book The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business describes how advances in the science of habit formation have made it possible for major retailers like Target to deduce consumers personal information from their shopping habits. Photos (L)l - This article is adapted from The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg, to be published by Random House on Feb. 28. - By CHARLES DUHIGG
PREGNANCY TEST Information on
Learn about the different types of a Pregnancy test, home Pregnancy tests and Pregnancy tests in the doctors office.
How long into pregnancy will a home test show a positive answer?
I havent had a period for almost two months now. So last week i took two Pregnancy tests. One came up negative, but the other one showed a positive result, but was invalid because the line in the second window (that shows up to show that the test worked) never showed up. There is a good possibility im pregnant, but Im not sure and honestly dont want to believe I am. How long should it take for a home Pregnancy test to say positive?
Answer: It should show up as positive around the same time as you would expect your period to come. So it should show up by now. Go buy another test and take it (or two, just in case). They're most effective in the morning, and make sure you follow the directions exactly. If you still aren't sure, go to your Dr. and have a blood test done. But if you get a positive result with a pee test, they're really accurate and you can believe it.
Category: Pregnancy
Can you test negative on a home PREGNANCY TEST and still be pregnant?
Im wandering how long you can test negative on a home Pregnancy test and still be pregnant?
Is it possible to never test positive on a home Pregnancy test and still be pregnant and carry a healthy baby full term?
Im curious to know the medically proven answer, as well as any personal experiences.
Anything helps thanks.
Answer: It took me 5 weeks to get a positive result. I have friends that it took almost 8 weeks to get a pos. So, yes, it's VERY possible.
Category: Pregnancy
When to Take PREGNANCY TESTs - WebMD: Home Tests, False ...
WebMD explains how Pregnancy tests work, when to take one, and how accurate they are.
A Pregnancy test is simple and easy to take – usually requiring only a small urine sample. The test looks for the presence of a specific hormone produced during ...
WELL; New Pap Smear Guidelines Advise Less Frequent Tests
The annual Pap smear, a cornerstone of womens health for at least 60 years, is now officially a thing of the past, as new national guidelines recommend cervical cancer screening no more often than every three years. In recent years, some doctors and medical groups, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in 2009, began - United States Preventive Services Task Force issues new Pap test guidelines that advise women to undergo cervical cancer screening no more than every three years; in addition, women are advised to begin screening at age 21, regardless of sexual history, and to no longer be tested after age 65, as long as they have had adequate prior screenings and are not otherwise at high risk for cervical cancer. (M) - By TARA PARKER-POPE
PREGNANCY TEST: Definition from
Pregnancy test ( pregnns test ) ( pathology ) Any biologic or chemical procedure used to diagnose pregnancy.
An informative article that describes how both blood and urine Pregnancy tests work. Also explains why a false result may occur.
Justices Limit Suits Filed In Violations Of Leave Act
WASHINGTON -- By a 5-to-4 vote that split along ideological lines, the Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that state workers may not sue their employers for money for violating a part of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. The decision prompted the terms first dissent read from the bench, by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who said the justices in - Supreme Court, by 5-to-4 vote split along ideological lines, rules that state workers may not sue their employers for violations of part of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act; decision prompts the terms first dissent read from the bench. (M)y - By ADAM LIPTAK
PREGNANCY TESTs - Take a PREGNANCY TEST to Find Out if Youre ...
Am I pregnant? Its a legitimate question for many women and one that gets asked frequent. From the first pregnancy symptom to the Pregnancy test - how do you know if ...
Pregnancy center plans fundraiser
The help center offers free and confidential Pregnancy testing and free limited ultrasound. The Walk for Life is an annual fundraising event, and walkers of all ages can download and complete sponsor pledge forms by visiting
Where the Republican Candidates Stand on Key Issues
Abortion The candidates all profess opposition to abortion rights, but there are distinctions. Several have signed a pledge that requires appointment only of those with anti-abortion views to key government posts. Others have declined. Some favor allowing abortion in cases of rape and incest. The Republican Party cannot get the issue of life
i am going to take a Pregnancy test because i am late but i was wondering if i could use the test i have had under the bathroom sink for about a year now do you think it will still give an accurate result because i have heard that some times your supposed to keep them at a certain temperature
Answer: if you get a positive, you'll wonder if it was actually negative. if you get a negative, you'll think that maybe it was wrong.
if you have any doubts about the test, you're not going to be satisfied til you know. get a few new tests, and good ones, so that you are assured.
and if they're positive, blood test at the doctor time!
Category: Pregnancy
Guess who Tweeted a positive PREGNANCY TEST? - Seriously? OMG!
Want to see which celebrity is an apprentice to motherhood then. Aubrey O'Day Tweeted the top picture and said, “Ive been nervous to tell u this tweets, its been 3 1/2 months n hiding..But, I'm PREGNANT! Hope my baby is ...
Cvs PREGNANCY TEST Results Negative | Women's Center of Michigan
cvs Pregnancy test results negative Clear Blue Pregnancy test - A Superior OptionNot all women experiences cravings or food aversions however is it an extremely.
PREGNANCY TESTs - Estronaut: Boldly Exploring Womens Health
How Do Pregnancy tests Work? All Pregnancy tests today work by detecting a substance called Human Gonadotropic Hormone or hCG. It is a bio-chemical that is made by ...
How early can you take a PREGNANCY TEST?
When to take a Pregnancy test?
My question is i been taking first responds Pregnancy test and a dollar store Pregnancy test yesterday and they are coming back negative. But i was suppose to start May 8th and havent started yet. I been sleeping a lot, getting headaches, discharge,my boobs hurt off and on. So i was wanting to know if i should take a blue clear test if that would be a better test to use? And if i took it now would it be to early? Or can I take it now? When did you take and get a positive result if you used the blue clear test?
Answer: Pregnancy test are all pretty much the same, except that some are a little bit more sensitive to the HCG hormone which is produced when you conceive. Now, most of the time, it will show up as early as 3-4 days before you start your period, but for some woman, they start producing HCG late, so it won't show up on the test. Some of the symptoms that you are having could be that your body is trying to start it's period but, I would try to take a test until the 22nd of this month and if it still doesn't show up, then I would go to the doctors so they can do a blood test, which will absolutely tell you if you are or not. Good luck!
Category: Women's Health
Point-of-Care Testing Improves Emergency Care in Liverpool with Latest Radiometer’s AQT90 FLEX
Your banner here within the next hour. Ward Manager Joanne Jennings explained: “We treat up to 20,000 patients a year for pain and bleeding in early pregnancy, and βhCG testing is a crucial tool in helping us provide accurate clinical diagnoses.
Pam Tebow speaks at Wilkes County fundraiser
That will allow it to offer medical services such as clinically accepted Pregnancy tests and ultrasound procedures. "I want you to understand how much God cares about every life and the lives were talking about matter to him," she said.
Pregnancy services helping more families
Started in 1986, CMPS offers free Pregnancy tests, options counseling, parenting classes and post-abortion counseling, including support groups. Beginning next month, CMPS will be medical and will offer ultrasounds for diagnoses of pregnancy ...
Planned Parenthood has been providing trusted health care for nearly 100 years. Learn about Pregnancy tests.
Casey Greenfield v.World
CASEY GREENFIELD is sitting pretty in her NoHo law office beneath a 1970s poster advertising a heavyweight championship boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier at Madison Square Garden. As a freshly minted specialist in high-stakes family law, which tends to translate as bitterly expensive and occasionally scandalous divorce and custody - Casey Greenfields law firm Greenfield Labby, which she founded with partner Scott Labby, specializes in high-stakes family law; Greenfields public battle over her out-of-wedlock son with the married legal journalist Jeffrey Toobin has broadened the expertise she brings to her practice. Photos (M) - By ROBIN FINN
I bought a Pregnancy test from the dollar store. Read on the internet that they worked pretty well. On the foil package it reads "For in-vitro diagnostics use only" What does that mean?
Answer: That it is only to be used as a Pregnancy test, basically to say don't do something stupid like for example stick it up your nose and expect it to tell you if your crazy or not. Compare that to the warning on your coffee that it is hot.
Category: Pregnancy
Ive taken a Pregnancy test monday at 11am it came out negative.Today I did the same one over just to see what would happen.When i did the "note same" test over. The test had a red line from before.The test also had a White line where the pink should be for positive.
What should i do? Get a new test maybe?
Answer: So you used the same Pregnancy test twice? You can't get accurate results with that - they are a one time use product!
So yes, go get a new test.
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
Hunterdon County Family Success Center lists April schedule of events
Thursday, April 5, Life Choices Pre-Natal Mobile Truck. The Life Choices Mobile Health Center will provide accurate Pregnancy testing and accurate, up-to-date information needed to make decisions about pregnancy and sexual health. Other services ...
How long before a home PREGNANCY TEST can test whether youre pregnant or not does spotting occur?
Ive noticed spotting, and looked up a little on it and learned one of the reasons behind it could be the earliest sign of pregnancy. When I took my Pregnancy test, it tested negative, and Im wondering if you start spotting before a home pregnancy can test correctly.
Answer: It normally takes around two weeks from the point of conception for your body to produce enough HcG (pregnancy hormone) to be readable on a typical at Home Pregnancy test. I believe blood tests can tell sooner but you'll need to make an appointment with your doctor for one of those. Good luck!
Category: Pregnancy
Can a ovalulation test be just like a pregnancy if it came back you were ovalulating and you were pregnant?
Answer: Visit They have an experiment listed on there using opk's to determine pregancy. I think they said it measures both hormones (hcg and lh), but the pregnancy hormone hcg has to be very high, therefore a Pregnancy test would probably detect it first. Check it out, it should answer your questions. Also it can be on
Category: Trying to Conceive
Draft Manatee County pill mill ordinance silent on PREGNANCY TESTs
MANATEE -- Language requiring Pregnancy tests before women receive a prescription pain medication has been dropped from the latest draft of the countys proposed new "pill mill" ordinance, officials said Monday. Advocates like Sharon Kramer ...
PREGNANCY TESTs fact sheet |
Pregnancy tests fact sheet. How do Pregnancy tests work? Are there different types of Pregnancy tests? How do you do a home Pregnancy test? How accurate are home ...
Tech and Biotech: Restore Health wins grant to develop saliva-based stress test
The stress test would measure levels of cortisol, a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in times of stress, by checking a saliva sample, with results available in 15 minutes or less. “It looks like a home Pregnancy test,” except it uses saliva ...
Abortion foes have an overarching strategy
Nearly 60 percent of women who had second-trimester abortions didnt have Pregnancy tests until the second trimester. The Act had no impact on the abortion numbers for pregnancies before 16 weeks. Which tells me that, though the states newish sonogram ...
When to Take PREGNANCY TESTs - WebMD: Home Tests, False Negatives ...
WebMD explains how Pregnancy tests work, when to take one, and how accurate they are.
i took a home Pregnancy test and it is slow! how do i speed it up?
Answer: What do you mean slow? By the time you got on your computer came to this site and typed your question you should have had a result...
You may have a faulty test and need to take another.
Category: Pregnancy
What PREGNANCY TEST if any would detect pregnancy if youre on a pill that can cause false negative?
Im experiencing many pregnancy symptoms but tests are negative.
I looked up one of my medications, it said it can cause false negative tests.
QUESTION: Is there any test that would show up positive if I am pregnant?
Answer: A blood test from the doctor.
Category: Pregnancy
Planned Parenthood has been providing trusted health care for nearly 100 years. Learn about Pregnancy tests.
What PREGNANCY TEST is it that tells you how far along you are?
One of my friends were telling me about a Pregnancy test that tells you how far along you are in your pregnancy,up to three months I think she said.What is the brand/name of that test.I have took two first response Pregnancy tests and they both came out positive.I am trying to make sure with much more expensive Pregnancy tests.What is the brand of that Pregnancy test,and what are my chances that I really am pregnant from two positive results?
Answer: It's the Clear Blue Easy Digital with Conception Indicator. It shows approximately how long ago you conceived. If you conceived more than three weeks ago, it only shows a 3+. Give it a shot! It sounds like you are pregnant. Good luck to you!
Category: Pregnancy
New $2/1 e.p.t. PREGNANCY TEST Coupon = $1.76 at Walmart
New $2/1 e.p.t. Pregnancy test Coupon = $1.76 at Walmart.
What to know if youre pregnant? Here are the basics on Pregnancy tests, how they work and when they can be taken.
pregnancy and H&N cancer
How come the Pregnancy tests I did at home showed negetive? How come the first MRI ordered to look for the pituritary tumor did not see the mass? The hospital doctors couldnt answer my questions. They just ordered another MRI which confirmed the mass.
Pregnancy tests Find out what to expect from a home Pregnancy test, how to use it, how accurate Pregnancy tests are, and how early you can find out if youre pregnant.
$2.00 off e.p.t PREGNANCY TEST = $1.76 at Walmart!
This coupon for $2.00 off ANY e.p.t. Product just reset for me! If you can find the single packs at your Walmart (some of you said you did – YAY!), you can get a pretty great deal!
24-pound tumor misdiagnosed as pregnancy
After two negative Pregnancy tests, she returned to the hospital and urged doctors to examine her further, ThinkSpain reported Saturday. When she was finally given an ultrasound, she said, "the doctor said, Gosh, what a huge cyst." She is now ...
ON EDUCATION; Study on Teacher Value Uses Data From Before Teach-to-Test Era
My four children have all attended public schools in our middle-class suburban district. When my oldest was in fourth grade, in 1998, he took the state tests, and I was not even aware of it. Later, he said the tests were kind of fun; he got to miss his regular classes. Six years later, in 2004, our daughter was in fourth grade. Long before the - Michael Winerip On Education column holds that results that come from a time prior to No Child Left Behind should be kept in mind when analyzing a new study that tries to determine if teachers who helped raise students test scores have a lasting effect on their lives. (M) - By MICHAEL WINERIP
Community members walk for life
It really has just grown and evolved into something much more than what we were able to offer in the beginning. We offered free Pregnancy tests and peer counseling. Now we have a whole program to walk these young moms through. We help them with their ...
Health Department is open for business and here to stay
The department provides immunizations and tuberculosis testing, some at no cost, to protect the community from vaccine-preventable diseases. Maternity. We provide Pregnancy testing, routine prenatal care for women delivering in Ocala and high ...
OPINION; When Poverty Was White
CARRIE BUCK, or rather her last name, appears just once in the books of Charles Murray, the conservative sociologist and author of the recent work “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010,” his portrait of the decline of poor white Americans. To find it, you have to look through the endnotes for the introduction to his most - By NELL IRVIN PAINTER
The Pregnancy (Probability) Test
Possibly Pregnant? Take the free on-line probability test to find out just what your probable chances of pregnancy are. Includes what birth control and intercourse ...
How Much are PREGNANCY TESTs? | Pregnancy Questions
Pregnancy test cost If you haven't got any Pregnancy test before, you may wonder how much are Pregnancy tests cost on average and which brand is most recommended. A home Pregnancy test cost in average is at most about $10 to $12.
How accurate is a pregnancy blood test 7 to 8 days after conception?
My friend had a blood Pregnancy test done 7 to 8 days after possible conception and the result came back negative. She is still having pregnancy symptoms. She asked the lady who gave her the results and the lady said that the test should not be done until atleast 10 days after conception to be most accurate. How accurate is a pregnancy blood test 7 to 8 days after conception? Thanks in advance!
Answer: I was told that a blood test can be done 9 days after conception and a urine test not until after the first missed period. I would definetly do a retest.
Category: Pregnancy
MODERN LOVE; A Forgotten Prayer, Answered
ON a cold March night nearly two years ago, not long after we had learned that the baby I was carrying had all his chromosomes in a sequence that spelled health and wholeness, I was lying in bed next to my husband marveling at this unlikely turn of fortune when I remembered Chimi Lhakhang. Chimi Lhakhang is a dusty temple in Bhutan, a country where - Charlotte Bacon Modern Love column describes how her visit to a fertility temple in Bhutan may have helped her conceive a healthy baby at the age of 44. Drawing (M)ø - Charlotte Bacon lives in Maine. Her latest novel is The Twisted Thread (Hyperion). - By CHARLOTTE BACON
Two-in-One Electronic Ovulation and PREGNANCY TEST | Materni*Talk
Released on April 1, 2008, the p-Teq USB Pregnancy test detects both hCG and LH, so you can use it to determine if you're pregnant or ovulating. From ThinkGeek.
What PREGNANCY TEST can detect pregnancy the earliest?
My sister thinks she may be pregnant. Took a preg test that she got from dollar general so its a cheapo and came back neg. Started her period very soon after the slip up but still feels she may be pregnant. Which over the counter test will detect a pregnancy the soonest?
Answer: First Response Early Result is currently the test that can read pregnancy the earliest. You can test up to 6 days before your missed period. Good luck!!! :)
Category: Pregnancy
PREGNANCY TEST: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
A Pregnancy test measures a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy. It appears in the blood and ...
Pall Mall Medical Offers Advanced PREGNANCY TESTing
Pall Mall Medical, a private healthcare facility based in Manchester, is now offering blood HCG testing to women who believe they may be pregnant. Online PR News – 01-April-2012 –Lancashire, United Kingdom, (21st February, 2012) - Pall Mall Medical, a ...
PREGNANCY TEST - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Pregnancy test attempts to determine whether a woman is pregnant. Markers that indicate pregnancy are found in urine and blood, and Pregnancy tests ...
PREGNANCY TESTs - Take a PREGNANCY TEST to Find Out if You're ...
Am I pregnant? It's a legitimate question for many women and one that gets asked frequent. From the first pregnancy symptom to the Pregnancy test - how do you ...
how long after having sex are you supposed wait before you can take a Pregnancy test ? does it matter how long? please please PLEASE help me!!!
Answer: Usually they say the best time to take a Pregnancy test is about a week after you miss your first period. They have tests that can go up to a week before your Pregnancy test - but the longer you wait - the more accurate the test will be.
Category: Pregnancy
iPeed Home PREGNANCY TEST iPhone App | Red Tricycle
Pink or Blue? One Line or Two? Cup or stream? What woman hasn't spent countless hours sweating it out over an innocuous white plastic stick otherwise known as a home Pregnancy test (whether trying to conceive or not). Not to mention the ...
Free online Pregnancy test - no waiting, no messy tests! ... Think you may be pregnant? If youre concerned that you may be pregnant, take our free online pregnancy ... PREGNANCY TESTs
Results 1 - 24 of 314 ... Online shopping for Pregnancy tests from a great selection of Health & Personal Care; & more at everyday low prices.
Big Study Links Good Teachers To Lasting Gain
WASHINGTON -- Elementary- and middle-school teachers who help raise their students standardized-test scores seem to have a wide-ranging, lasting positive effect on those students lives beyond academics, including lower teenage-pregnancy rates and greater college matriculation and adult earnings, according to a new study that tracked 2.5 million - New study finds that students who had elementary- and middle-school teachers who helped raise their standardized-test scores seem to have a wide-ranging, lasting positive effect on those students lives beyond academics, including lower teenage-pregnancy rates and greater college matriculation and adult earnings; study examines a larger number of students over a longer period of time with more in-depth data than many earlier studies, allowing for a deeper look at how much the quality of individual teachers matters over the long term. Photo, Graph (M) - By ANNIE LOWREY
Bill eyes mandatory PREGNANCY TEST before cosmetic surgery
MANILA, Philippines - Women who want to go under the knife to improve their looks may soon have to take a Pregnancy test first. In a statement, the House of Representatives said it has approved on third reading a bill requiring mandatory Pregnancy tests ...
The Pregnancy (Probability) Test
Jan 1, 2011 ... Possibly Pregnant? Take the free on-line probability test to find out just what your probable chances of pregnancy are. Includes what birth ...
I am a writer. I have been a writer since age eight, when I penned a dramatic tale about a girl who gets asked to the prom by the school bully. He turns out to be really nice, and they end up getting married. It was daring, featured some witty ...
First Response Early Result Pregnancy test. Buy Online Now. FIRST RESPONSE® Early Result Pregnancy test can now detect the pregnancy hormone, hCG, ...
One day, I wanna go to the store and get condoms, vagisil, a Pregnancy test, lube, and tampons. Just to see the look on the cashiers face. From: kenznevs_ - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @iLuvvit: Someone posted Pregnancy test as their april fools prank on FB. Someone else commented underneath w/ "I hope you have a miscarriage." WTF? From: NicTheEditor - Source: HootSuite
#thatawkwardmoment when you comment "April Fools?" on someones mupload of a positive Pregnancy test ... and its not a joke. From: meag_k - Source: web
RT @iMDRW: @luvvieig If someone on my Fb timeline posts a Pregnancy test as an April Fools joke Im responding w/"So THATS why youve gained weight" From: luvvieig - Source: Twitter for Mac
Guys worse nightmare getting a positive result in a Pregnancy test fro a girl they been with From: mannyphreshz - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @lazofficial: This girl sent my boy a positive Pregnancy test as april fools joke. He had his homegirl act like his baby mom & call her screamin! Lol From: ducharme04 - Source: ÜberSocial for iPhone Pregnancy test Weill Cornell Investigators Among Several Centers Chosen For Dream Team Awarded $10 Million to Stu... From: MadeleneBramley - Source: web
The girl infront of me at Shoppers was buying a Pregnancy test. Happy not April Fools day I guess... From: Saraaaxox - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @Mother_To_Be21: Yhu got a pic of a positive Pregnancy test off google & tryna act like yhu pregnant lmao #personal From: GuttaL3xx - Source: txt
This womens college final 4 is exciting as a jumpoffs positive Pregnancy test!... From: 2thetownsOwn6 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
#YouTooDamnYoungToBe at the clinic getting a Pregnancy test or a std test < #UltimateFail From: iHeart_TyLand - Source: Mobile Web
All these ladies posting Pregnancy test photos for April Fools...
Damn! Howd they get so clever? From: juliafish - Source: TweetCaster for iOS
This kid on fb just posted a picture of his gfs Pregnancy test and said "Im ganna be a dad" I do not want to live on this planet anymore From: aliwgkta - Source: Twitter for iPhone
You think posting a picture of your Pregnancy test is a fun way to announce youre expecting, but all Im thinking is, "You peed on that." From: RachFarb - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT@lazofficialThis girlsent my boy a positive Pregnancy test as april fools joke He had his homegirl act like his baby mom & call scream lol From: InHisTimingLove - Source: HTC Peep