Flying car : Videos
Flying car : Photo Gallery
Flying car : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
FLYING CARs: Are We There Yet? : Discovery News
Flying cars may be on the horizon, but piloting the slog of red tape can clip even the most well-designed wings.
Whats the name of the Harry Potter movie with the FLYING CAR?
Hey guys I want to rent a movie off netflix & I thought Harry Potter would be entertaining enough. Which Harry potter movie has that Flying car that gets stuck in that moving tree? And which other HP movie would you recommend? Ive watched the Half Blood Prince way to many times as well as the first the Chamber of secrets. Any favorites?
Wow Im dumb I meant to say Ive watched the Sorcerer stone way to many times not the Chamber of Secrets, I had no idea that was the one with the Flying car. Coincidence lol =)
Answer: Oh I LOVE Harry Potter!
Here are the movies:
First: Sorcerer's Stone
Second: Chamber of Secrets (The one with the Flying car)
Third: Prisoner of Azkaban
Fourth: Goblet Of Fire
Fifth: Order of the Phoenix
Sixth: Half Blood Prince
Seventh: Deathly Hallows Part 1
They are all really good but my favourites are Number 4 (Goblet of Fire) and Number 7 (Deathly Hallows Part 1) I recommend those ones but they are all good!
Category: Movies
FLYING CARs on the Rise - MSN Autos - Car information, new car ...
Heres an idea I suspect some of these developers havent thought of... removable wings mounted on stanchions at the airport. These would be set up with universal ...
IFCA Announces FLYING CARs About to Hit World Market
WASHINGTON, April 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- The International Flying car Association (IFCA) is aware of at least two (2) major announcements that will take place as early as today and will introduce Flying cars on the world stage. These ...
Prototype flight is latest step toward liftoff for FLYING CARs - msnNOW
4 hours ago ... Personally, we'd rather have a contraption like the one that pushes George Jetson out of bed and into the shower every morning, but Flying cars ...
What can I do to make my FLYING CAR a reality ?
I have designed the Flying car of the future . I hate schooling and I have no money . But I can tell you how to make the Flying car of the future . Where can I take this info and make it happen ?
Answer: Build your design as a radio controlled craft with a glow engine. When everybody sees how well it flies they will want to invest in having you develop it. I expect to be evaluating your design within one year. Get with it!
Category: Aircraft
What would happen if someone built a FLYING CAR?
Lets say, hypothetically, someone built a Flying car and it didnt harm the environment and it didnt cause anyone any harm..if people saw it flying around, would the government get involved and take it? Would that person who built it be in trouble? What would happen?
Answer: The driver would go on a ultimate adventure and save hundreds of innocent children from a Jewish pedophile! wooo!
and well they would have to settle it in court at first I would think. A height restriction may be required. etc.
Category: Government
FLYING CAR (aircraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Flying car or roadable aircraft is an aircraft that can also travel along roads. All the working examples have required some manual or automated process of ...
HowStuffWorks "Introduction to How FLYING CARs Will Work"
Flying cars may soon leap from the world of science-fiction into reality. Learn about Flying cars and see pictures of Flying car prototypes.
Terrafugia FLYING CAR Cleared for Landing in US | Fox News
A Flying car retailing for $227,000 could be on roads in a matter of months -- and customers are already lining up to be the first to get their hands on ...
Auto Show: Brighter Skies and a FLYING CAR, Too
THE New York auto show opens for press previews on Wednesday with spring in the air — and not just because of the weather. The North American automobile market is experiencing a springlike rebirth this year, with sales up significantly in the first quarter at Chrysler, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Nissan and Toyota. The renewed optimism will be - By JERRY GARRETT
PAL-V FLYING CAR makes first test flight
For nearly 100 years, people all over the world have imagined what it would be like if vehicles could fly. The Dutch PAL-V company has created a vehicle geared to turn your imagination into reality.
FLYING CAR from Volante Aircraft
The Flying car from Volante Aircraft. Drive and fly in the same vehicle. A truly roadable aircraft. The Flying car is a reality.
FLYING CAR Makes Successful Maiden Flight
A team of top engineers has been working on the first prototypes. Renowned institutes such as the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory and Delft University are involved in the development. The driving prototype was fully tested in 2009 and now ...
FLYING CARs Headed To New York Auto Show
Flying cars are things from Sci-Fi movies, and now a company called Terrafugia will show off its first Flying car at this years New York auto show, the Terrafugia Transition. This Flying car has been around for a couple of years in prototype form, and the ...
FLYING CAR Unveiled In Holland: Watch It Fly
12 hours ago ... This has got to be the most awesome way to avoid a traffic jam. A Dutch company has unveiled a Flying car, known as a personal air and land ...
Top FLYING CARs : Gizmowatch
For more than five decades, science fiction has been tormenting us with hallucination of in-the-air roadways and hastily choreographing sports car-like Flying cars.
Terrafugias FLYING CAR Prototype Completes Test Flight
Turns out, cars of the future wont only be able to drive themselves, theyll also be able to take off into the sky. Just days after Google announced that it gave a blind man a ride in its self-driving Toyota Prius, aerospace company Terrafugia on Monday ...
FLYING CARs Tech - Future Cars | Cars of the Future | Future Car
Flying cars Tech comes from their ability to be a roadable air vehicle. There are no Flying cars available commercially, but soon there will be.
James Morehead, 95, World War II Flying Ace
As a boy in Dust Bowl Oklahoma, James B. Morehead stalked and hunted to eat. As a young Army flier in the Pacific, he stalked and hunted to live. His boyhood skills served him acutely well on April 25, 1942, over Darwin, Australia. Leading a squadron of eight P-40 Warhawks -- unwieldy, frustratingly slow fighter planes that were vastly outpaced by - James Morehead, Air Force officer who became one of the most highly decorated American fighter pilots of World War II after downing eight enemy planes in the Pacific and Europe, dies at age 95. Photo (M) - By MARGALIT FOX
is it still working in the automobile industry
Answer: I think the car that drives itself is being given more priority over the Flying car... it was so cool to dream about Flying cars back in the 1960's when I was just a child... they told us in school that by the time we were grown up with kids of our own, this would be a reality... Well, I've grown up and my kid is almost in college now... so where the heck is my Flying car ??? I think the time has come and gone for the Flying car ever being a reality... if it were built, it would be outlawed given the nature of society today... terrorists would be smashing them into all kinds of things... who would have ever dreamed of that ???
Category: Other - Cars & Transportation
Terrafugia - FLYING CAR - YouTube
Woburn, MA June 3, 2009: Terrafugia, Inc. has successfully completed the flight testing program designed for its Transition Roadable Aircraft Proof of ...
Shockingly Plausible FLYING CAR Completes First Tests
I've always thought that Flying cars were similar to videophones; people have been demoing them since the middle of last century, but they never really managed to catch on. Then I realize I use a videophone all the time on my ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Notes From Behind the Fence
I am writing these notes because I want to convey to caring people what I have experienced in prison. With the passing of time, as I’ve turned from an ordinary victim into an interested observer, I have discovered that for many people the prison population remains a terra incognita. Yet three quarters of a million people, one out of every 190 - By MIKHAIL KHODORKOVSKY
We have snakes, Mary Brock said. Long, thick snakes. Kingsnakes, rattlesnakes. Brock was walking Pee Wee, a small, high-strung West Highland terrier who darted into the brush at the slightest provocation -- a sudden breeze, shifting gravel, a tour bus rumbling down Caffin Avenue several blocks east. But Pee Wee had reason to be anxious. - By NATHANIEL RICH
AROUND THE BLOCK; Flying High Without the Wings
TESTED: 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Roadster WHAT IS IT? The high-flying two-seat supercar with a folding cloth roof in place of its gullwing doors. HOW MUCH? $196,975 base, $231,325 as tested, including Bang & Olufsen 1,000-watt sound system ($6,400), 19-inch forged wheels ($3,400) and carbon-fiber engine compartment trim ($5,400). WHATS UNDER THE - Around the Block column review of 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Roadster. Photo (M)2 - By EZRA DYER
What is the quickest way to land a FLYING CAR on GTA San Andreas?
What is the quickest way to land a Flying car on GTA San Andreas?
Answer: crash it into a building just above the ground and you will stop dead and then land flat on the ground but don't try it in 4 as you'll go out the winscreen
Category: Video & Online Games
What happened to the FLYING CAR we were all supposed to have by now?
I rember that when I was young the big thing was that the Flying car would be very common and most families would have one by the year 2000.
I know there are some out there but they sure havent become commonplace as predicted.
So many things over the years have been touted as the next fad and now are nearly forgotten about.
Answer: but the world was post to blow up in 2000? so they said all this stuff thinking we would not make it to 2000 maybe haha happy new year!
Category: Other - News & Events
FLYING CAR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Flying car may refer to: Aeronautical: Flying car (aircraft), or roadable aircraft, is an automobile that can legally travel on roads and can take off, fly, and land as ...
FLYING CAR Unveiled In Holland: Watch It Fly
This has got to be the most awesome way to avoid a traffic jam. A Dutch company has unveiled a Flying car, known as a personal air and land vehicle.
how was harry potter able to get to hogwarts in a FLYING CAR?
in the second movie H.P. was able to get to hogwarts in a Flying car. but i thought you could only get to hogwarts at the train station through the gatway. if thats the case, is hogwarts in another demension or realm. whats the point in taking the train if you can get there any other way.
Answer: Hogwarts isn't in another dimension. It's in England, but it's just... kind of hidden.
When muggles see it, they just see a junkyard with a "Dangerous! Keep out!" sign on it.
The reason people have to take the Hogwarts Express to get there is because they don't know the way to get there because, again, it's hidden.
So, Ron and Harry just followed the train in their car.
Category: Movies
Would you buy a FLYING CAR if it was safe and affordable?
There are Flying cars that work, but they cost like a million dollars, and not approved yet for commerical use by the FAA. But if they were say 50-75K, safe as a regular car, would you think "I gotta get one of those". They can go up to 375 mph I think, could travel from NY to LA in 8 hours.
Answer: Sounds cool but, realistically, they won't be available for years.
If I could afford one, then yeah I would buy it.
Category: Other - Destinations
Latest FLYING CAR Makes First Test Flight (Video)
The Flying car, a concept aeronautical engineers, inventors and dreamers have pursued for about as long as cars and planes have been around, just came a step closer to mass-market reality. Terrafugia Inc., the Woburn, Mass., company developing ...
James Morehead, 95, World War II Flying Ace
As a boy in Dust Bowl Oklahoma, James B. Morehead stalked and hunted to eat. As a young Army flier in the Pacific, he stalked and hunted to live. His boyhood skills served him acutely well on April 25, 1942, over Darwin, Australia. Leading a squadron of eight P-40 Warhawks -- unwieldy, frustratingly slow fighter planes that were vastly outpaced by - James Morehead, Air Force officer who became one of the most highly decorated American fighter pilots of World War II after downing eight enemy planes in the Pacific and Europe, dies at age 95. Photo (M) - By MARGALIT FOX
Cosmic Log - FLYING CAR cleared for the road
A Flying car is being exempted from regulatory hurdles, meaning future owners of the vehicle will be able to drive it on public streets, the company behind ...
Street-legal FLYING CAR cleared for takeoff
US company, Terrafugia, creates street-legal Flying car Two-seater craft needs 762 metres for take off Owners will need both a drivers and pilots license to fly DRIVERS hoping to slip the surly - and traffic congested - bonds of Earth moved a step closer ...
HOUSE PROUD; In a Remote Part of Utah, Life Alone in a Hangar
LUCIN, Utah WHEN a man escapes from an Iron Curtain country in an aircraft he built himself, perhaps it should not be surprising, nearly three decades later, to find him making his home in an airplane hangar. The three runways surrounding Ivo Zdarsky’s hangar are not pristine, despite his continual battle with the badgers that burrow - By JOYCE WADLER
Terrafugia - Transition®, the Roadable Light Sport Aircraft : Home
The Transition®. The Transition® by Terrafugia: simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home. Learn more about this amazing vehicle.
Who would fund and build my FLYING CAR ?
I have designed the best Flying car that I have ever seen . I did it by looking at nature and studying all the vehicles in existence today . My design is Land Sea and Air capable and holds 5 occupants . Where can I go and sell it ? I want to build and sell them in two different configurations LS and LSA the LS or Land Sea would be significantly less expensive than the LSA and would be available to a larger market . How do I get this up and running ? How do I do it ? I am an inventor not a pitchman . Thanks !
Answer: try invent tech.
Category: Other - Cars & Transportation
Read about the latest future Flying cars including reviews on the the Moller Skycar, the Transition, the Aerospace and more.
HowStuffWorks "Introduction to How FLYING CARs Will Work"
Flying cars may soon leap from the world of science-fiction into reality. Learn about Flying cars and see pictures of Flying car prototypes.
FLYING CARs Headed To New York Auto Show | Geeky Gadgets
Flying cars are things from Sci-Fi movies, and now a company called Terrafugia will show off its first Flying car at this years New York auto show, the Terrafugia Transition.
Can you fly a FLYING CAR wherever you want?
Im just wondering if i did have a Flying car, would I be allowed to fly it wherever I want? Are there like specific lines in the sky where I should fly it, or will the police try to pull me over or something if Im not flying directly over a road? Is there a law for this yet?
Answer: I know that many countries have no fly zones and and there are times the objects cant be in the sky in the US as well. Its a safety thing and you could be shot down. Not to mention the schooling that you would have to under go. As far as laws go... dont think there are any. We might be awhile away from developing them.
Category: Air Travel
Terrafugia - Transition®, the Roadable Light Sport Aircraft : Home
The Transition® The Transition by Terrafugia: simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home. Learn more about this amazing vehicle.
FLYING CAR - Raw Story
A Dutch company said this weekend that it had conducted its first successful test of their “Flying car” prototype that they hope to make available for consumers by sometime in 2014. The Personal Air and Land Vehicle — PAL-V, ...
Competitors on the Basketball Court, but Economic Teammates
LEXINGTON, Ky. — The rivalry between Kentucky’s two best college basketball teams, which will face off in the N.C.A.A. semifinals on Saturday night, is nothing short of a state civil war. Team flags are flying from car windows, mayors have wagered, and a brawl between two fans, one of them hooked up to a dialysis machine, had to be - By SABRINA TAVERNISE
Flying-car prototype goes for test flight -- and drive
Want to watch a car take flight? You are in luck. Terrafugia, makers of Transition -- the worlds first Flying car -- has released video of a production-type prototype flying over Plattsburgh, N.Y. today. The flight was the first successful test ...
FLYING CARs set to hit market by 2012 - Autos & Trends
Many have a dream of owning a Flying car, but it could finally become a reality within the next year. U.S. company Terrafugia will start manufacturing Flying cars ...
The FLYING CARs Are Coming … To the New York Auto Show
There’s a Flying car coming to the New York International Auto Show this week. The Terrafugia Transition is a two-seat airplane with foldable wings, four wheels and turn signals. Over the past few years the Massachusetts company has called its ...
RIFF; How the American Action Movie Went Kablooey
The action film — like automobiles, televisions and team-oriented basketball — is an American invention that is now produced much better elsewhere in the world. The latest example of this (and there are many examples from points all over the globe) is “The Raid: Redemption,” a modest but irresistible action film from - By ADAM STERNBERGH
The World’s Least Practical FLYING CAR Takes Flight
Flying cars are the Jetsons dream that never came true. But wait, some Dutch dudes have cobbled together a weird helicar contraption that combines all the worst, most impractical elements of car and helicopter into one amazingly expensive prototype!
PAL-V FLYING CAR makes successful first test flight
The PAL-V Flying car recently made its first successful test flight and has now set to enter production.
How do you go from being a nobody like me to building the FLYING CAR of the future ?
I am an inventor and a futurist and I have designed the Flying car of the future . I dont have any money and I hate organized schooling , but I can deliver . I have designed the first truly adaptable Flying car and I want to build one . How can I make this happen being a loser with no job ?
Answer: If you build it. they will come
gotta love this attempt
The Flying Pinto Sept 11th 1973
Category: Aircraft
FLYING CAR Cleared for Road Use; To Hit Market by 2012 (PHOTOS)
Tired of getting struck in traffic then better fly with Terrafugias light sport roadable aircraft, Transition, which can be transformed from a car to a plane in just ...
What can you do to make my FLYING CAR reality ?
Using sarcasm and dull humor with no original insight , what can you as a couch critic do to make my dream of producing the first affordable realistic Flying car reality ? Think what can you or I do to make this happen . I have no money or job but I can deliver . Thanks
Do you couch critics realize Flying cars will actually be safer than driving in 2d ? I thought so ..
Answer: wait 50 years
just wait for the japanese or chinese to make it happen :)
Category: Aircraft
FLYING CAR soaring in the air in test flight - NY Daily News
8 hours ago ... Flying cars aren't just science fiction anymore. Woburn, Mass.-based Terrafugia Inc. said Monday that its prototype Flying car has completed its ...
FLYING CAR Unveiled In Holland: Watch It Fly
This has got to be the most awesome way to avoid a traffic jam. A Dutch company has unveiled a Flying car, known as a personal air and land vehicle. The car/plane hybrid can fly for up to 315 miles -- a good chunk of highway for a long road trip.
Moller International
Youve always known it was just a matter of time before the world demanded some kind of flying machine which would replace the automobile. Of course, this machine would ...
How much does The Transition(FLYING CAR) costs?
I know they made a Flying car already, named the transition, but i was just wondering how much it is. I read about it in a magazine but i just dont remember how much it is.
Answer: Here is the link to the website for the pricing:
Looks like they need a 10K deposit and the anticipated cost is 194K. I heard these guys speak once before and saw the mock-up of the Transition, it is really cool!
Category: Aircraft
Who could I call right now this minute to make my FLYING CAR ?
I have designed the Flying car of the future and I want to build one now . I just know that it is the answer to the Flying car riddle . My design addresses and solves all of the questions associated with such a craft . It is quiet , safe , affordable , automated , fast , and can operate in all three arenas , Land Sea and Air . I want phone numbers of people who I can call right now to make a prototype to prove the concept . Thanks
Answer: i think you should try Ford, Chevrolette, or GM.
Category: Other - Cars & Transportation
Could the PAL-V be the FLYING CAR of Your Dreams | Geekosystem
If there's one product that's practically synonymous with vaporware, it would have to be Flying car. For as long as there have been commercially viable automobiles and commercially affordable aircraft, people have been trying ...
FLYING CAR gets closer to reality with test flight
Flying car gets closer to reality with test flight, Terrafugia Inc. said Monday that its prototype Flying car has completed its first flight, bringing the company closer to its goal of selling the Flying car within the next year.
Whisper of The Wild
Setting off in the predawn gloaming of central Alaska, we were the sounds of swishing snow pants, crunching boots and cold puffs of breath. As sunrise gradually lightened the late November sky, we took visible shape: a single-file parade on a narrow white trail traveling west, deeper into Denali National Park and Preserve. It was three degrees and - Kim Tingley article describes the work of Davyd Betchkal, the physcial-science technician of Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska, who has been trying to record a months worth of natural sound in the park, which is part of the burgeoning field of soundscape ecology. Photos (L)y - By KIM TINGLEY
The FLYING CARs Are Coming ... To the New York Auto Show ...
12 hours ago ... Flying cars have stuck to the realm of science fiction for the past half century, but two companies are aiming to change that with the debut of a ...
What are the advances on a Flying car.
Will there be like "airway highways"?
what companies are making them?
How much do they cost?
When will the be able to affordable?
and as much other info as possible
Answer: Contrary to popular belief there have been some very interesting advances in this field. The use of ducted fans and cheaper turbine engines is making it a real possibility. The big problem is that they are still VERY loud. It will take probably 10 years or more before they are even close to affordable, and even then your still looking at hundreds of thousands. NASA is working on new computerized air traffic control systems which would actually fly your car/plane for you along regulated air highways. I am sure you could find lots more info if you spent a little time googling. Good luck :-)
Category: Other - Cars & Transportation
FLYING CAR gets closer to reality with test flight, introduction to customers at New York show
Flying cars arent just science fiction anymore. Woburn, Mass.-based Terrafugia Inc. said Monday that its prototype Flying car has completed its first flight, bringing the company closer to its goal of selling the Flying car within the next year.
If a FLYING CAR is invented, how will the "air road" system work?
If a Flying car is invented will we be able to fly wherever we want, or will there be some organized system?
Answer: It is a nice little fantasy but in reality, millions of "hovercars" and such that individuals actually controlled would never work, people are idiots.
Imagine all of the clunkers you see driving around right now, broke down on the side of the road, now imagine the same thing except these clunkers can fly, sometimes..... would you want to be around when the clunker that joe dirt is holding together with duct tape and bailing wire decides to fall apart?
Category: Aircraft
Terrafugia: The FLYING CAR flies again
Well-heeled travelers tired of airport lines have some good news today from Terrafugia. The maker of the Transition Flying car said that a production prototype, the D2, made its first flight earlier in March, a step toward what it hopes will be ...
Terrafugia FLYING CAR prototype takes flight
A production prototype of the Terrafugia Transition Flying car, a combination street-legal car and airplane, flew the traffic pattern at Plattsburg, N.Y., on March 23, the company announced on April 2. It marked the first time a Terrafugia ...
FLYING CAR gets closer to reality with test flight
Flying cars arent just science fiction anymore. Woburn, Mass.-based Terrafugia Inc. said Monday that its prototype Flying car has completed its first flight. The Transition aircraft flew at 1,400 feet for eight minutes last month. The craft has folding ...
The FLYING CAR Has Landed: PAL-V Takes Flight [VIDEO]
Flying cars are back on the radar as the PAL-V took to the air for its maiden flight, the Dutch company PAL-V Europe NV announced Sunday. The PAL-V made several test flights from Gilze Rijen Airport in the Netherlands over the past two weeks ...
FLYING CAR (fiction) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In fiction, a Flying car is a car that can be flown in much the same way as a car may be driven. In some cases such Flying cars can also be driven on roads. Flying ...
Moller International
You've always known it was just a matter of time before the world demanded some kind of flying machine which would replace the automobile. Of course, this ...
Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video) #tbkconsult #news From: TBK_Consult - Source:
Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video) From: retistra - Source: twitterfeed
Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video) #hpbech #news From: hpbech - Source:
engadget: Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video) From: lluccipha - Source: ifttt
Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video) From: mytechbuddy - Source: twitterfeed
Flying car pour moi —> From: graphicflow - Source: Tweet Button
Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video): The Netherlands made a lot of n... From: gfolder - Source: twitterfeed
#geekstuff Transition Flying car close to reality - The Transition passed its first test flight last month, soaring ... From: iangodman - Source: HootSuite
Flying car Makes Successful Maiden Flight @eTurboNews From: TravelSpotlight - Source: bitly
Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video): The Netherlands made a lot of n... From: JordanDurack - Source: twitterfeed
"@BBCClick: Does the world need a Flying car? Looks cool, but will sale take off? #BBCClick" From: CyberaxZA - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Uçan araba! İlk örnek, deneme uçuşunu başarıyla gerçekleştirdi. Linkte videosu var. From: nebilevren - Source: Flipboard
#Technology Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video) From: Literology - Source: ifttt
[iGeeky] Flying car makes maiden voyage, gives new meaning to Flying Dutchman (video) #technews #gadgets From: iGeekyApp - Source: twitterfeed
Dutch Flying car successfully completes maiden flight From: Automotivefreak - Source: twitterfeed