Wisconsin recall - Democrats: 1 million signatures collected for Wisconsin governor recall

Wisconsin recall : Photo Gallery

Mark Ganzer's Blog: Political Cartoon WISCONSIN RECALL By Chuck ...
Mark Ganzer's Blog: Political Cartoon WISCONSIN RECALL By Chuck ...
The Political Environment: United WISCONSIN RECALL Site ...
The Political Environment: United WISCONSIN RECALL Site ...
The WISCONSIN RECALL Elections | Addicting Info
The WISCONSIN RECALL Elections | Addicting Info
ActBlue — Support the WISCONSIN RECALL
ActBlue — Support the WISCONSIN RECALL
Daily Kos: WISCONSIN RECALL: 3 GOP state senators trail Generic ...
Daily Kos: WISCONSIN RECALL: 3 GOP state senators trail Generic ...
Democrats Voted On Wednesday: Only Two Seats Flip in WI Recall ...
Democrats Voted On Wednesday: Only Two Seats Flip in WI Recall ...
WISCONSIN RECALL organizers meet deadline with petitions – USATODAY.
WISCONSIN RECALL organizers meet deadline with petitions – USATODAY.
Dangerous Minds | Real road sign in Wisconsin?
Dangerous Minds | Real road sign in Wisconsin?
Wisconsin Democrats to File 1 million Signatures for Governor ...
Wisconsin Democrats to File 1 million Signatures for Governor ...
Wisconsin governor recall petitions to be filed
Wisconsin governor recall petitions to be filed
WISCONSIN RECALL Walker T-shirt from Zazzle.
WISCONSIN RECALL Walker T-shirt from Zazzle.
Daily Kos: WISCONSIN RECALL: 3 GOP state senators trail Generic ...
Daily Kos: WISCONSIN RECALL: 3 GOP state senators trail Generic ...
Republicans Seek Sacrificial Lambs For WISCONSIN RECALL | Death ...
Republicans Seek Sacrificial Lambs For WISCONSIN RECALL | Death ...
Republicans eek out narrow victory in WISCONSIN RECALL elections ...
Republicans eek out narrow victory in WISCONSIN RECALL elections ...
Recall Scott Walker
Recall Scott Walker
Links for WISCONSIN RECALL efforts - donations accepted for ...
Links for WISCONSIN RECALL efforts - donations accepted for ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results, Unions 2, Common Sense 4 » Right ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results, Unions 2, Common Sense 4 » Right ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Certified For Three Democratic State ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Certified For Three Democratic State ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Walker T-shirt from Zazzle.com
WISCONSIN RECALL Walker T-shirt from Zazzle.com
WISCONSIN RECALL T-Shirt from Zazzle.com
WISCONSIN RECALL T-Shirt from Zazzle.com
Wisconsin’s Recalls: Democracy in Action | Voto Latino
Wisconsin’s Recalls: Democracy in Action | Voto Latino
Links for WISCONSIN RECALL efforts - donations accepted for organizing ...
Links for WISCONSIN RECALL efforts - donations accepted for organizing ...
Democrats keep their seats in WISCONSIN RECALL election
Democrats keep their seats in WISCONSIN RECALL election
WISCONSIN RECALL Action Fund Will Fight Extremism In Wisconsin
WISCONSIN RECALL Action Fund Will Fight Extremism In Wisconsin
WISCONSIN RECALL Roundup: All Eyes on Cheeseheads - The 312 - August ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Roundup: All Eyes on Cheeseheads - The 312 - August ...
Reclaim Wisconsin | Recall Walker [sums up all I want for xmas ...
Reclaim Wisconsin | Recall Walker [sums up all I want for xmas ...
 ... WISCONSIN RECALL election as the future of Gov. Scott Walker’s
... WISCONSIN RECALL election as the future of Gov. Scott Walker’s
Wisconsin Petition Delivery Celebration
Wisconsin Petition Delivery Celebration
A day in history
A day in history
Wisconsin Democrats Exceed Million-Signature Mark For Walker Recall
Wisconsin Democrats Exceed Million-Signature Mark For Walker Recall
Of Course It Snowed the Day 1 Million Wisconsin Voters Said Recall Walker
Of Course It Snowed the Day 1 Million Wisconsin Voters Said Recall Walker
Now Walkers Own Job Is on the Line. Hes Getting His Notice Today.
Now Walkers Own Job Is on the Line. Hes Getting His Notice Today.
Visions for Christmas
Visions for Christmas
Wisc. Recall Supporters Confident, But GOP Has Sway
Wisc. Recall Supporters Confident, But GOP Has Sway
Recall Walker Petioner
Recall Walker Petioner
State Street and Gorham
State Street and Gorham
The Snow Really Makes the Recall Walker Signs Pop
The Snow Really Makes the Recall Walker Signs Pop
Texas Workers Stand with Wisconsin
Texas Workers Stand with Wisconsin
Texas Workers Stand with Wisconsin
Texas Workers Stand with Wisconsin
Texas Workers Stand with Wisconsin
Texas Workers Stand with Wisconsin
Recall Walker
Recall Walker
GUA_2011 329
GUA_2011 329
WISCONSIN RECALL organizers meet deadline with petitions
WISCONSIN RECALL organizers meet deadline with petitions
Wisconsin town residents go to polls for mayoral recall
Wisconsin town residents go to polls for mayoral recall
Letter from Sen. Vinehout: Wisconsin's Recall Law: To assure the consent of ...
Letter from Sen. Vinehout: Wisconsin's Recall Law: To assure the consent of ...
RNC releases WISCONSIN RECALL statement
RNC releases WISCONSIN RECALL statement
Who's Going to Challenge Walker in Potential Recall Election?
Who's Going to Challenge Walker in Potential Recall Election?
Letter: Recall cost of $9M is too much to pay
Letter: Recall cost of $9M is too much to pay
Q&A: Wisconsin governer recall effort underway
Q&A: Wisconsin governer recall effort underway
Opponents of Wisc. governor to submit recall petitions
Opponents of Wisc. governor to submit recall petitions
WISCONSIN RECALL: Should taxpayers pay extra to verify petition signatures?
WISCONSIN RECALL: Should taxpayers pay extra to verify petition signatures?
Q&A: Wisconsin governer recall effort underway
Q&A: Wisconsin governer recall effort underway
After Presidential Primaries, Nation Could Turn its Eye on WISCONSIN RECALL
After Presidential Primaries, Nation Could Turn its Eye on WISCONSIN RECALL
Wis. man arrested for playing too much cowbell
Wis. man arrested for playing too much cowbell
WISCONSIN RECALL organizers plan to gather signatures at Rose Bowl
WISCONSIN RECALL organizers plan to gather signatures at Rose Bowl
Recall Petitions Collected
Recall Petitions Collected
AP News in Brief at 8:58 pm EST
AP News in Brief at 8:58 pm EST
Signature drive to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, other Republicans ...
Signature drive to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, other Republicans ...

Wisconsin recall : Videos

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 07-13-2011 4 - WISCONSIN RECALL Elections
Countdown with Keith Olbermann 07-13-2011 4 - WISCONSIN RECALL Elections
WISCONSIN RECALL...Dont mess with working people
WISCONSIN RECALL...Dont mess with working people
Hartmann: The WISCONSIN RECALL Death Threats
Hartmann: The WISCONSIN RECALL Death Threats
Countdown with Keith Olbermann 08-08-2011 4 - Wisconsin Fight, with John Nichols and Mark Miller
Countdown with Keith Olbermann 08-08-2011 4 - Wisconsin Fight, with John Nichols and Mark Miller
Shameless - Door County Wisconsins Recall of Scott Walker Part 1
Shameless - Door County Wisconsins Recall of Scott Walker Part 1
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Tuesday
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Tuesday
WISCONSIN RECALL Voters Have Strong Opinions
WISCONSIN RECALL Voters Have Strong Opinions
Wis. Gov. Walker Reacts to GOP Recall Victory
Wis. Gov. Walker Reacts to GOP Recall Victory
NewsParticipation.com:WISCONSIN RECALL election gains support.
NewsParticipation.com:WISCONSIN RECALL election gains support.
John Nichols Comments on WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results (Democracy Now!)
John Nichols Comments on WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results (Democracy Now!)
Papantonio: WISCONSIN RECALLs Spell Doom for Scott Walker
Papantonio: WISCONSIN RECALLs Spell Doom for Scott Walker
Countdown with Keith Olbermann 08-10-2011 4 - WISCONSIN RECALL Elections
Countdown with Keith Olbermann 08-10-2011 4 - WISCONSIN RECALL Elections
Get out the vote, Wisconsin! Recall them all on August 9th!
Get out the vote, Wisconsin! Recall them all on August 9th!
Maddow: WISCONSIN RECALL Wins Spillover to Ohio
Maddow: WISCONSIN RECALL Wins Spillover to Ohio
Get out the vote, Wisconsin! Recall them all on August 9th!
Get out the vote, Wisconsin! Recall them all on August 9th!
Maddow: WISCONSIN RECALL Wins Spillover to Ohio
Maddow: WISCONSIN RECALL Wins Spillover to Ohio
For Wisconsin Gov. Walker, Tables Turn as Unions Push Recall Effort
For Wisconsin Gov. Walker, Tables Turn as Unions Push Recall Effort
The Ed Show Exclusive on WISCONSIN RECALL Effort
The Ed Show Exclusive on WISCONSIN RECALL Effort
Thom Hartmann & Sandy Pasch: Taking Our Country Back - WISCONSIN RECALL
Thom Hartmann & Sandy Pasch: Taking Our Country Back - WISCONSIN RECALL
Thom Hartmann & Graeme Zielinski: WISCONSIN RECALL election dirty right wing tricks revealed!
Thom Hartmann & Graeme Zielinski: WISCONSIN RECALL election dirty right wing tricks revealed!
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections: Republicans Retain Control Of State Senate By Winning 4 Races -- Report
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections: Republicans Retain Control Of State Senate By Winning 4 Races -- Report
GOP claims victory in WISCONSIN RECALL
GOP claims victory in WISCONSIN RECALL
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Tuesday
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Tuesday
Wisconsin Holds Recall Elections
Wisconsin Holds Recall Elections
Recall elections in Wisconsin
Recall elections in Wisconsin
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections: GOP Retains 4 Seats
WISCONSIN RECALL Elections: GOP Retains 4 Seats
Wisconsin Voters Prepare for Recall Elections
Wisconsin Voters Prepare for Recall Elections
Wisconsin Republican Awaits Recall Fate
Wisconsin Republican Awaits Recall Fate
Republican Victory in WISCONSIN RECALL Vote
Republican Victory in WISCONSIN RECALL Vote
WISCONSIN RECALL volunteer on turnout and canvassing
WISCONSIN RECALL volunteer on turnout and canvassing
Scott Walker Reacts To WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results (VIDEO)
Scott Walker Reacts To WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results (VIDEO)
WISCONSIN RECALL Voters Have Strong Opinions
WISCONSIN RECALL Voters Have Strong Opinions
Christian Science Monitor Story - CNBC
Christian Science Monitor Story - CNBC
Total Recall in Wisconsin?
Total Recall in Wisconsin?
Wisconsins governor could face recall
Wisconsins governor could face recall
John Nichols Comments on WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results ...
John Nichols Comments on WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results: Democrats Keep State Senate ...
WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results: Democrats Keep State Senate ...
Wis. recall could have national effects
Wis. recall could have national effects
Deadline for Wisconsin governor recall
Deadline for Wisconsin governor recall
WISCONSIN RECALL Election Spells End Of Tea Party GOP Movement
WISCONSIN RECALL Election Spells End Of Tea Party GOP Movement
Massive Recall Effort Against GOP in Wisconsin
Massive Recall Effort Against GOP in Wisconsin
Democratic Group Prepares to Recall Wisconsin Governor
Democratic Group Prepares to Recall Wisconsin Governor
Wisconsins Most Wanted
Wisconsins Most Wanted
Republicans retain Senate in WISCONSIN RECALL — RT
Republicans retain Senate in WISCONSIN RECALL — RT
Recall Petitions Arrive
Recall Petitions Arrive

Wisconsin recall : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

ActBlue — Support the WISCONSIN RECALL

Join us! So far, 30202 supporters have contributed $986982.

Recall Scott Walker .info - WI Recall Laws - Scott Walker Recall ...

The citizens of Wisconsin are granted the authority to perform a recall election by the Wisconsin Constitution, Article VIII, Section 12 to all elective officers after ...

WISCONSIN RECALL organizers gather more than 1 million signatures ...

MADISON, Wisconsin (Reuters) – Organizers of the petition drive to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker submitted what appeared to be more than enough signatures on Tuesday to force the first-term Republican to defend ...

Wis. governor opponents to submit recall petitions

MADISON (USA TODAY) — When organizers of Wisconsins massive recall effort deliver what is expected to be more than 700,000 signatures to the Government Accountability Board today, it will mark the first hurdle in a process that could stretch beyond the summer.

IN THEORY; Studies Suggest an Acetaminophen-Asthma Link

THE HYPOTHESIS Acetaminophen increases the risk of childhood asthma. THE INVESTIGATOR Dr. John T. McBride, Akron Childrens Hospital. The sharp worldwide increase in childhood asthma over the past 30 years has long perplexed researchers, who have considered explanations as varied as improved hygiene and immunizations. Over the last decade, however, - More than 20 studies have established credible link between sharp worldwide increase in asthma over the past 30 years and widespread adoption of acetaminophen to replace aspirin use in children; some pediatricians have begun recommending that children with asthma not use acetaminophen. (M) - By CHRISTIE ASCHWANDEN

NPR Cheerleads WISCONSIN RECALL Effort; AP Raises False ...

The mainstream media's glee in reporting that public sector unions have likely succeeded in drumming up enough signatures to force Wisconsin governor Scott Walker to face a recall election betrays their thinly-veiled ...

Bill Would Require More Monitoring Of Implants

Amid growing problems with artificial hips and other medical implants, bipartisan legislation was introduced in the Senate on Wednesday that would force manufacturers to track the performance of such products after they were approved for sale. The bill would allow the Food and Drug Administration to compel companies to track implants, such as - Senate bill would allow the Food and Drug Administration to force medical implant manufacturers to track performance of their devices after they are approved for sale. (M) - By BARRY MEIER

Afternoon Fix: Wisconsin Democrats tout recall polls - The ...

Make sure to sign up to get “Afternoon Fix” in your e-mail inbox every day by 5 (ish) p.m.! * Wisconsin Democrats say that internal polling shows them leading in ...

WISCONSIN RECALL Elections so far - what has been the most successful? Dems or Republicans?

Dems retained all contested seats and Repbulicans lost two of six contested seats. Went from 19 Republican seats to 17 and from 14 Dem seats to 16 with one sitting Republican having already voted against Scott Walkers new policies. Does this make what happened more positive for the Dems or Republicans?
Answer: The people of Wisconsin are the biggest winners. Right winger corpoate stooges can call unions members "thugs", but in reality they are hard working Americans who pay their taxes, that is more than can be said of YA loser cons.
Category: Politics

What is the left wing spin on the WISCONSIN RECALL disaster?

Guess the once BLUE state is now glowing a little bit more red - despite millions spent by unions, and aggressive ACORN concentrated voter fraud, the left still couldnt budge the Republican majority Is this a predictor of next November?
Answer: its a two-prong spin strategy 1. declare victory when there is none 2. make false accusations of voter fraud republicans still maintain the majority in the state senate regardless of next week's recall elections and taking that majority away from the republicans was their #1 objective and they failed (a recurring event these days)
Category: Politics

Humbled and jubilant, activists turn in signatures for recall

MADISON - Activists from throughout Wisconsin visited Madison Tuesday as part of Democratic hoopla over turning in petitions to recall Republicans from office. While Republicans have said the recall is an attempt at a do-over organized by union ...

WISCONSIN RECALL Election Results: Dave Hansen Defeats David ...

GREEN BAY, Wis, July 19 (Reuters) - A Democrat who opposed Republican-backed curbs on public-sector collective bargaining that became Wisconsin law earlier ...

Wisconsin Democrats search for someone to oppose Gov. Scott Walker

MADISON — When organizers of Wisconsins massive recall effort deliver what is expected to be more than 700,000 signatures to the Government Accountability Board today, it will mark just the first — and likely easiest — hurdle in a ...

Why did the Dems fail to gain the majority in the WISCONSIN RECALL elections?

What about the 10 million poured into Wisconsin by national labor unions?
Answer: #1 those were all republican districts #2 millions of ant-union dollars followed into the election from out of state. Makes you wonder why billionaires in other states are so concerned about a local Wis election
Category: Elections

Many Workers In Public Sector Retiring Sooner

MADISON, Wis. -- As states and cities struggle to resolve paralyzing budget shortfalls by sending workers on unpaid furloughs, freezing salaries and extracting larger contributions for health benefits and pensions, a growing number of public-sector workers are finding fewer reasons to stay. The numbers of retirees are way up in Wisconsin, where - Growing number of public-sector workers across the United States are retiring; as states and cities struggling to resolve paralyzing budget shortfalls send workers on unpaid furloughs, freeze wages and cut back on retirement benefits, workers are making plans to get out before their security is eroded even further. Photos, Maps (M)2 - By MONICA DAVEY

Rick Horowitz: WISCONSIN RECALL: Scott Walker Leaves a Sour Taste

Recall opponents say, "Sour grapes!" I say, "Wrong fruit!"

Wisconsin mayor faces recall vote after drunken antics

Residents of Sheboygan, Wisconsin will decide on Tuesday whether to replace their mayor, Bob Ryan, after a series of public drinking binges, according to the Huffington Post. In 2009, Ryan was filmed drunkenly bragging about his sister-in-law ...

WISCONSIN RECALL Elections 2011: News & Updates From The Badger State

Wisconsin recall Elections 2011: News & Updates From The Badger State

WISCONSIN RECALL Elections Coming Down to the Wire | The Weekly ...

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Wisconsin and Wisconsin recall elections from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.

WISCONSIN RECALL Drive Reaches a GOP Hurdle

Wisconsin Democrats handed in one million signatures on Tuesday calling for the recall of GOP Gov. Scott Walker, but Republicans have succeeded in delaying any election, likely improving the governors chances of surviving the bruising and ...

jan17 » A United Wisconsin

Join United Wisconsin and our partners to celebrate the end of the petition gathering campaign in our historic effort to recall Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch! ...

Does the WISCONSIN RECALL election send the left a general message.?

Your not winning anymore.
Answer: (I vote for Rockit's poetry) Even FDR was opposed to public employee unions. Up until now, the public never got to vote on the concept. Government just did what it wanted and made lavish deals with itself. Now that The People get to have a say (indirectly) it is clear that We The People don't want our servants trying to enslave us. I can't wait for November 2012. The Tea smelling tidal wave will cleanse the land.
Category: Politics

How are those WISCONSIN RECALL Elections going?

Hope you people are voting. Make Democracy Real.
Answer: We can hope the people of Wisconsin do the right thing and recall those who "sold out" to the party. No contract is valid until it is accepted and signed by both sides. If there were problems with the public employees’ agreement then the public managers failed to do their job and they are the ones who should be punished not the employees. I have not seen or heard anything in the past several weeks. Last I heard the recall petitions were being circulated and it seems the majority of the voters there are ready to replace a couple of Democrats and a whole lot of Republicans. Thank god for the recall process; when we are hampered by politicians who follow rather than lead we need to get them out of office, When elected people put party over state and nation they need to be replaced. When elected officials fail to accept the facts electing to do what party leaders mandate rather than support the best interests of the people they need to be recalled.
Category: Civic Participation

Is there any early gauge on how angry the left is at the failure of the WISCONSIN RECALL elections?

If so, please provide links. I always love to read leftist hysteria while their treasured welfare state collapses. And the best might be yet to come, Im pretty sure two of the fleabaggers are up for recall next week. Oh my, if they get the boot? Ay carramba! Id bet purple-shirted, obese SEIU goons will take to the streets.
Answer: Yes. There will be an extreme increase in Report/Deletes at Y Answers. It happens every time the Left goes into a tizzy.
Category: Elections

With four senators facing recalls, what will Legislature accomplish?

Tuesday is a big day when it comes to politics in the state of Wisconsin, as Democrats plan to turn in signatures that would put four state senators back on the ballot in recall races across the state, from Racine to Chippewa Falls. Tuesday is ...

Wisconsin Senate recall elections, 2011 - Wikipedia, the free ...

Recall elections for nine Wisconsin state senators were held during the summer of 2011; one was held on July 19 and six on August 9, with two more held on ...

What do you think about the 100 thousand pledges to recall Wisconsin Governor Walker?

United Wisconsin has collected over 100 thousand pledges to sign the recall petition when it becomes legal to do so. The Governor has to be in office one year before a recall vote. It will take 540,000 signatures to cause the vote. Months of time left, and already a 100 thousand pledges. http://unitedwisconsin.com/how-can-i-help
Answer: I think it's great. I've already pledged, and when they have the actual recall, I'll sign it. It shows how people who are moderate and left want to be civically responsible and use their own power to change things, while those to the right typically just want to use judicial activism and physical violence. Provisions like recalling are what make democracy great.
Category: Elections

So if Democrats win the WISCONSIN RECALL tomorrow, can we conservatives start gathering signatures to recall?

Obama? Just because Democrats hate Scott Walkers policies, they want to recall him. I think we should start recalling Obama before he does more damage on our great country.
Category: Politics

Recall Season Opens in Wisconsin - WSJ.com

A series of recall elections begins in Wisconsin as voters decide the fate of nine state senators, in the latest fallout from Republican Gov. Scott Walker ...

Nowhere To Run

Marv Levy can vividly recall the play some 40 years later: a sweep to the right, Bears linebacker Dick Butkus running full speed toward the sideline, then Levy landing on his back. The feared Butkus had bowled over Levy, then an assistant coach just starting his career in the N.F.L., when his momentum carried him out of bounds. It became one of - Number of NFL football coaches and team personnel have been seriously injured during sideline collisions, and some observers say increase in sideline accidents are due to faster players and more spread offenses; New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin became latest in fraternity of flattened coaches. Photos (M) - By MARK VIERA

Democrats win early victory in WISCONSIN RECALL primary | Reuters

MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Wisconsin Democrats won a preliminary victory on Tuesday in a bid to unseat Republican lawmakers who voted for a controversial anti ...

What is your prediction on Wisconsins Republican recall election today?

Today in Wisconsin, the Nations largest recall election of State Senate Republicans is taking place now. The recall election is in response to Scott Walkers anti-union policies. The Democrats need to win 3 of the 6 races to win back the Senate seat. Do you think it will happen?
Answer: epic fail on the left
Category: Politics

Organizers file more than 1 million signatures to recall Walker

MADISON, Wis. --- Organizers of the effort to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Tuesday filed more than a million signatures with the Government Accountability Board, nearly twice as many as needed to trigger another election for the embattled leader.

WISCONSIN RECALL elections underway – CNN Political Ticker - CNN ...

(CNN) – Wisconsin will hold its first recall election of state senators Tuesday with Democratic primaries in six districts Republicans currently hold ...

AFP Wisconsin ballots have late return date - David Catanese ...

Americans for Prosperity is sending absentee ballots to Democrats in at least two Wisconsin state Senate recall districts with instructions to return the paperwork ...

One Million Petition for the Recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott ...

The petition drive to recall and remove Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has surpassed all expectations, collecting over one million signatures in just 60 days. Petitioners were only required to collect 540000 by law. They far ...

A United Wisconsin to Recall Scott Walker | Recall Scott Walker

PAC whose mission is to recall Governor Scott Walker and his Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. FAQs, images.

Wisconsin Governor Recall: Signatures to Be Turned In Tuesday

Though the group has yet to release a final signature count -- that number will not be released until they turn in the signatures, United Wisconsin spokeswoman Meagan Mahaffey tells ABC News -- it is widely expected that they will hand-in well over the ...

WISCONSIN RECALL Prospects Dimming - Public Policy Polling

Scott Walkers approval numbers are continuing to improve, making the...

Deadline Day Arrives For WISCONSIN RECALL Petitions : NPR

3 hours ago ... Opponents of Gov. Scott Walker will deliver a truckload of petitions to Wisconsin's elections board Tuesday in an effort to force a recall election.

Why is recall effort of Wisconsin Governor more important than recall effort of CA DREAM Act?

The recall effort of Wisconsin governor drew 1 million signatures but recall of CA DREAM Act drew less than half of that. Hey folks, isnt CA supposed to be the largest state in the union.
Category: Civic Participation

WISCONSIN RECALL Effort: Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald ...

MADISON, Wisconsin-- Organizers of the petition drive to recall the top Republican in the Wisconsin state Senate submitted what they said were more than enough signatures on Tuesday to force him to defend his seat in a ...

WISCONSIN RECALL Vote Could Embolden Dems, Limit GOP Cost-Cutting ...

Wisconsin voters head to the polls today in six recall votes that both political parties stress have implications not just for the Badger state but the entire country ...

WISCONSIN RECALL elections are tomorrow, where are the political geniuses on YA who said it wouldnt happen?

If you want to understand politics find a YA con listen to it, then believe the opposite.
Answer: "If you want to understand politics find a YA con listen to it, then believe the opposite". LMAO and this comes from someone who worships a messiah that has been to 57 states, promised to close gitmo, unemployment would not go over 8%, and said some schitt called hope and change!!! The Soros sheep will be busy tomorrow with th dead, illegal, and mickey mouse votes, and that is not mentioning the lib fleebaggers who ran and hid like little babies!!!!!
Category: Politics

IN THEORY; Studies Suggest an Acetaminophen-Asthma Link

THE HYPOTHESIS Acetaminophen increases the risk of childhood asthma. THE INVESTIGATOR Dr. John T. McBride, Akron Childrens Hospital. The sharp worldwide increase in childhood asthma over the past 30 years has long perplexed researchers, who have considered explanations as varied as improved hygiene and immunizations. Over the last decade, however, - By CHRISTIE ASCHWANDEN

Why did the main stream press constantly mention that there was a "fake democrat in the WISCONSIN RECALL?

and yet they did not mention ONCE that the tea party candidate in the special election in NY 26 was actually a democrat? Doesnt this seem like a bias? That they constantly harp that one was fake but ignored the other? For Jo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Save_Jobs_Party Jack Davis so called Tea Party candidate ran in democrat primaries, and changed from republican to the democrat party
Category: Politics

Newly Released Transcripts Show a Bitter and Cynical Nixon in 75

For 11 hours of secret grand jury testimony 36 years ago, Richard M. Nixon, a disgraced former president, fenced with prosecutors over his role in the Watergate scandals, bemoaned politics as a dirty business played by both sides and testily -- as he described his own demeanor -- suggested he was the victim of a special prosecutors office loaded - By ADAM NAGOURNEY and SCOTT SHANE; Ian Lovett and John Schwartz contributed reporting.

Democrats: 1 million signatures collected for Wisconsin governor recall

(CNN)-- More than a million people have signed a petition to recall Wisconsins governor, the states Democratic Party said Tuesday. Thats nearly twice the 540,208 signatures required to seek a recall of first-term Republican Gov. Scott Walker ...

Groups files one million signatures to recall Wisconsin governor

Groups seeking to recall Republican Gov. Scott Walker submitted nearly twice as many signatures Tuesday as required to force an election, an overwhelming number that may make a vote later this year inevitable. MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Groups ...

How does it feel for Libs to know they failed on their WISCONSIN RECALL?

Will take cyanide now since the end is near!
Answer: Why are you working for the destruction of the middle class? Huge kudos to the Wisconsin Democrats! Actually, one of the republican senators has consistently voted with the Dems on unions and workers, so this swings the vote to the democrats. This was the first big Citizens United lecture, where thanks to the right wing Supremes, Ahmadeinejad could send money to Alberta Darling’s campaign and thanks to the Republicans, we’d never even know. Republicans block campaign transparency disclosure act http://www.examiner.com/liberal-in-national/gop-afraid-of-campaign-transparency-continue-filibuster-of-disclose-act?render=print I can’t believe how the media is trying to paint the loss of two seats as a Republican win. Shame on them. Taking away "rights" of any kind is a dangerous proposition, add "union" and "collective bargaining" to it, and folks are ready to fight. That's Wisconsin, where it's obvious that Governor Walker's actions were too much, even for some Republicans. Scott Walker will be out as Wisconsin's Governor in 2012. The Tea Party Movement will not survive 2012. THIS IS ABOUT SURVIVAL OF THE MIDDLE CLASS. As union membership shrinks, so does the middle class. That is why a Main Street Movement all over the country is fighting to protect collective bargaining and the middle class wages, benefits, and protections it promotes. See chart: http://www.blogforarizona.com/.a/6a00d8341bf80c53ef0147e3098608970b-500wi http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/03/03/147994/unions-income-inequality/ It's alarming to see what's happened to the middle class, isn't it? ##
Category: Politics


WisconsinRecall.net … Its About Our Future. Home; On The Brink; Walker Recall Sign Up; Walker Recall Process ... Pages. Home; On The Brink; Walker Recall Sign Up ...

Should Wisconsin residents start preparing to recall Republican State Senators to win back a Democrat majority?

Read this: http://thinkprogress.org/2011/02/18/wisconsin-recall/ Isnt it time to build on the pro-union momentum and throw these Koch Brothers stooges out now?
Answer: If there is no other way to stop illegal union busting; then yes.
Category: Politics

Rick Horowitz: WISCONSIN RECALL: Scott Walker Leaves a Sour Taste

2 days ago ... Recall opponents say, "Sour grapes!" I say, "Wrong fruit!"

The Plum Line - Drive to recall Wisconsin GOP senators gaining ...

So hows the drive to recall Wisconsin GOP state senators going? If these new numbers the Wisconsin Democratic Party shares with me are accurate, its already ...

Petition deadline nears in bid to recall Wisconsin governor

MILWAUKEE — Thousands of volunteers have raced to collect signatures near busy intersections and malls all over Wisconsin, at operations in parking lots and during Green Bay Packer viewing parties. By a state deadline on Tuesday, these ...

How quick will WISCONSIN RECALL Governor Walker?

Cant do it legally until 2012. But I would say all signatures will be gathered within a month of when he become eligible for recall. What is your opinion? Sign a pledge to recall Scott Walker. http://www.UnitedWisconsin.com
Answer: He is doing the job that voters asked him to do. People are sick and tired of unions ruining the economy of this country, especially in the public sector..
Category: Civic Participation

Keeping Protest Alive in Wisconsin, but Some Allies Have Their Doubts

MADISON, Wis. -- They wander the marble halls, day after day, hollering at passing lawmakers. They have turned up in committee meetings wearing peculiar masks. They are occasionally carried away by the police for filming official proceedings (not allowed in the chamber galleries) and for holding small signs (also barred in the galleries) quoting - Handful of protesters still remain at the Capitol in Madison, Wis, months after thousands packed the square, fuming at the states Republican leadership and its cuts to collective bargaining rights for public-sector unions; as Wisconsin braces for a major recall effort against Republican Gov Scott Walker, many Democrats are wondering whether the lingering demonstrators are helping or harming such efforts. Photos (M) - By MONICA DAVEY


The Wisconsin recall Task Force is pleased to announce our Community Empowerment Program to assist your community in preparing for the Walker recall ...

Democratic Party of Wisconsin - Official Scott Walker Recall ...

1 day ago ... The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is the official Recall Scott Walker Headquarters.

Democrats fall short in WISCONSIN RECALL elections - politics ...

Democrats failed late Tuesday in their effort to gain control of the Wisconsin state senate as Republican incumbents won four of six recall elections. The ...

Letter from Sen. Vinehout: Wisconsin's Recall Law: To assure the ...

PoliticoLetter from Sen. Vinehout: Wisconsin's Recall Law: To assure the consent of ...Pierce County Herald“Why do we have a recall law?” the man asked.

Why has recall procedures for the Governor of Wisconsin not been started?

It has become clear that the intent of the Wisconsin governors efforts to kill public employee collective bargaining far from what any person, including those exempt from it, want. The governor is costing the state millions of dollars everyday with his left field antics. His comments have displayed his actions have alternative motives and he is being enticed by other than realistic motives. WHY HAS THE PEOPLE OF WISCONSIN NOT STARTED RECALL ACTIONS ON THIS NUT?
Answer: Because the people of Wisconson are on Walker's side. Haven't you noticed that most of the protesters are from other states?
Category: Current Events


With Tuesday's deadline fast approaching, The New York Times reports that Wisconsin's activists are prepared to submit about 720000 petition signatures, far surpassing the 540000 needed to trigger a recall election later this ...

Recall Election Information | Government Accountability Board

Recall gives voters the right to reconsider their choice of an elected official; however, it does not automatically result in removal of an official from office.

Primary Voting Gets Under Way In WISCONSIN RECALL Campaigns | Fox News

Wisconsin recall efforts that started in the winter cold amid the noise of raucous protests are finally reaching the ballot box, with elections scheduled ...

Scott Walker: Most Wanted WISCONSIN RECALL Target | YankMcCain ...

After a million signatures were submitted on petitions for a recall of Governor Walker, 'most wanted' is a great description. There's no way that happened without truckloads of union money going towards it. How many of those ...

I Still Dont Plan On Going to Any Political-Correctness School

As a math major, Herman Cain undoubtedly knew from the start that running for president, if youre already rich and your main interest is in enhancing your revenue stream, makes no sense as a career move. Or, to cite the erstwhile presidential contender Mike Huckabee, Running for president is like sticking your face in the blade of a fan. In - By T. A. FRANK

Wisconsins top Republican state senator targeted for recall

MADISON, Wisconsin (Reuters) - Organizers of the petition drive to recall the top Republican in the Wisconsin state Senate submitted what they said were more than enough signatures on Tuesday to force him to defend his seat in a special election ...

Scott Walker Recall Drive Is Closely Watched

MILWAUKEE — Thousands of volunteers have raced to collect signatures near busy intersections and malls all over Wisconsin, at makeshift “drive-through” operations in parking lots, during Green Bay Packers viewing parties and New Year’s Eve pub crawls, and even at a fold-up table inside Milwaukee’s airport just off - By MONICA DAVEY

Ohio Vote On Labor Is Parsed For Omens

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The landslide vote to repeal an Ohio law that limits collective bargaining has sounded a strong note of caution for Republican governors and lawmakers across the country, raising questions about some of their legislative efforts, especially those that would weaken labor unions. But the victory, while trumpeted by labor leaders, - By SABRINA TAVERNISE and STEVEN GREENHOUSE; Sabrina Tavernise reported from Columbus, and Steven Greenhouse from New York.


• Wisconsin law gives the Government Accountability Board 31 days to determine whether a recall election should be held. The board says it needs at least 60 days. • With enough valid signatures (540,208), the election is six weeks later. If ...

Wisconsin democrats face deadline to recall governor

Wisconsin Democrats face a deadline Tuesday in their effort to recall Republican Governor Scott Walker. The Wisconsin Democratic party needs to submit over 540,000 signatures to seek a recall. Party officials say they are sure they will exceed ...

Whos Going to Challenge Walker in Potential Recall Election?

One large question looming over Wisconsin politics was answered Tuesday with more than 1 million petition signatures submitted to the state in the recall effort against Gov. Scott Walker, but it left another question unanswered: Who would challenge the ...

RT @PSEA: 1 million signatures were submitted in efforts to force a recall election of Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker, as reported by @politico #weareoneRT @PSEA: 1 million signatures were submitted in efforts to force a recall election of Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker, as reported by @politico #weareone
From: TavisB - Source: web

RT @politico: One million signatures were submitted in the effort to force a recall election of Gov Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Democratic Party announcesRT @politico: One million signatures were submitted in the effort to force a recall election of Gov Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Democratic Party announces
From: GeneralRichey - Source: TweetDeck

QandA: Wisconsin governer recall effort underway http://t.co/PfjcaT3yQandA: Wisconsin governer recall effort underway http://t.co/PfjcaT3y
From: AliciaGraham7 - Source: twitterfeed

1,000,000 WI voters signed on for Walker recall election!  Lets hear how those signatures were "bussed in!" http://t.co/ktGpasND1,000,000 WI voters signed on for Walker recall election! Lets hear how those signatures were "bussed in!" http://t.co/ktGpasND
From: TimBowen1960 - Source: web

NPR Cheerleads <b>Wisconsin recall</b> Effort; AP Raises False Suggestion of AIG Bailout Money Helping Walker The mainstream  http://t.co/N7FS8cP4NPR Cheerleads Wisconsin recall Effort; AP Raises False Suggestion of AIG Bailout Money Helping Walker The mainstream http://t.co/N7FS8cP4
From: VictorySessions - Source: web

Organizers Say 1 Million Signed Petition to #recall Gov. Walker in #Wisconsin http://t.co/EUStzRwP #8newsnowOrganizers Say 1 Million Signed Petition to #recall Gov. Walker in #Wisconsin http://t.co/EUStzRwP #8newsnow
From: paulafrancis8 - Source: Tweet Button

United Wisconsin says 1M Signatures Collected to Recall Gov. Walker http://t.co/Vrt57liUUnited Wisconsin says 1M Signatures Collected to Recall Gov. Walker http://t.co/Vrt57liU
From: reginaldjsmith - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

RT @guardiannews: Wisconsin governor facing recall after workers collect 1m petition signatures http://t.co/yqEVO39tRT @guardiannews: Wisconsin governor facing recall after workers collect 1m petition signatures http://t.co/yqEVO39t
From: pdperk - Source: twitterfeed

RT @joelpollak: NPR Cheerleads <b>Wisconsin recall</b> Effort; AP Raises False Suggestion of AIG Bailout Money Helping Walker http://t.co/Q4SPSoxZRT @joelpollak: NPR Cheerleads Wisconsin recall Effort; AP Raises False Suggestion of AIG Bailout Money Helping Walker http://t.co/Q4SPSoxZ
From: brandondarby - Source: Tweet Button

<b>Wisconsin recall</b> Drive Hits Republican Hurdle: In a first wave of recall elections last summer, Democrats narrow... http://t.co/ADhwQRxlWisconsin recall Drive Hits Republican Hurdle: In a first wave of recall elections last summer, Democrats narrow... http://t.co/ADhwQRxl
From: Republycan - Source: twitterfeed

paula deen
jerry yang
seattle weather
victor martinez
mary tyler moore
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jenelle evans
<b>Wisconsin recall</b>...paula deen jerry yang seattle weather victor martinez mary tyler moore betty white jenelle evans Wisconsin recall...
From: WOW_OMG_LOL - Source: twitterfeed

Hey Wisconsin! Make sure Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus doesnt handle any recall election ballots. Be on alert; shes a crook!Hey Wisconsin! Make sure Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus doesnt handle any recall election ballots. Be on alert; shes a crook!
From: FromTulsa - Source: web

"<b>Wisconsin recall</b>" Youtube video and Twitters think. http://t.co/QFhoRxjQ #Super_Word"Wisconsin recall" Youtube video and Twitters think. http://t.co/QFhoRxjQ #Super_Word
From: Super_Keyword - Source: Super Keyword

New Post on PJM: Wisconsin Democrats Get One Million Signatures for Gov’s Recall http://t.co/koCNdsv4New Post on PJM: Wisconsin Democrats Get One Million Signatures for Gov’s Recall http://t.co/koCNdsv4
From: PruneJuiceMedia - Source: Google

RT @reuters: Enough signatures collected to recall Wisconsin governor  http://t.co/Umm1SGHORT @reuters: Enough signatures collected to recall Wisconsin governor http://t.co/Umm1SGHO
From: LelandStruebig - Source: Tweet Button

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