Could the drug Ibogaine cure the addiction to nicotine ?

Ibogaine : Videos

IBOGAINE treatment testimonial / awakening in the dream
IBOGAINE treatment testimonial / awakening in the dream
CBS news, IBOGAINE the addiction stopper
CBS news, IBOGAINE the addiction stopper
2 days after IBOGAINE
2 days after IBOGAINE
Dimitri on IBOGAINE with Paul DeRienzo
Dimitri on IBOGAINE with Paul DeRienzo
The Root of Hope - IBOGAINE
The Root of Hope - IBOGAINE
IBOGAINE reports - beyond 2000
IBOGAINE reports - beyond 2000
Boaz Wachtel on IBOGAINE
Boaz Wachtel on IBOGAINE
IBOGAINE in Slovenia
IBOGAINE in Slovenia
Howard Lotsof on IBOGAINE-1/3
Howard Lotsof on IBOGAINE-1/3
IBOGAINE for Substance Abuse Treatment
IBOGAINE for Substance Abuse Treatment
Dana Beal on the IBOGAINE Controversy
Dana Beal on the IBOGAINE Controversy
IBOGAINE - The real cure for addiction?
IBOGAINE - The real cure for addiction?
Carte Blance - IBOGAINE
Carte Blance - IBOGAINE
IBOGAINE - Rite of Passage
IBOGAINE - Rite of Passage
IBOGAINE Therapy - IBOGAINE Treatment Life Saver
IBOGAINE Therapy - IBOGAINE Treatment Life Saver
IBOGAINE Treatment for Oxycontin abuse
IBOGAINE Treatment for Oxycontin abuse
IBOGAINE Fatalities
IBOGAINE Fatalities
IBOGAINE Treatment for Heroin Addiction
IBOGAINE Treatment for Heroin Addiction
IBOGAINE-The Way Out? Crowd-funding pitch
IBOGAINE-The Way Out? Crowd-funding pitch
IBOGAINE in Slovenia
IBOGAINE in Slovenia
IBOGAINE Treatment for Methadone Addiction
IBOGAINE Treatment for Methadone Addiction
2 days after IBOGAINE
2 days after IBOGAINE
Marc: IBOGAINE Treatment-Part 1/3
Marc: IBOGAINE Treatment-Part 1/3
IBOGAINE Treatment for heroin
IBOGAINE Treatment for heroin
Tim discussing his IBOGAINE journey part 2
Tim discussing his IBOGAINE journey part 2
IBOGAINE / Iboga Testimonial
IBOGAINE / Iboga Testimonial
Carte Blance - IBOGAINE
Carte Blance - IBOGAINE
IBOGAINE: Detox and Treatment
IBOGAINE: Detox and Treatment
IBOGAINE treatment testimonial / awakening in the dream
IBOGAINE treatment testimonial / awakening in the dream
Chris Jenks: Extracting IBOGAINE
Chris Jenks: Extracting IBOGAINE
Marc: IBOGAINE Treatment-Part 2/3
Marc: IBOGAINE Treatment-Part 2/3
IBOGAINE for Substance Abuse Treatment
IBOGAINE for Substance Abuse Treatment
Opiate and Cocaine Detox ; IBOGAINE / Iboga Testimonial
Opiate and Cocaine Detox ; IBOGAINE / Iboga Testimonial
CBS news, IBOGAINE the addiction stopper
CBS news, IBOGAINE the addiction stopper
BBC Horizon: Psychedelic Science - (DMT, LSD, IBOGAINE)
BBC Horizon: Psychedelic Science - (DMT, LSD, IBOGAINE)
IBOGAINE - Rite of Passage.avi
IBOGAINE - Rite of Passage.avi
BBC Horizon: Psychedelic Science - (DMT, LSD, IBOGAINE)
BBC Horizon: Psychedelic Science - (DMT, LSD, IBOGAINE)

Ibogaine : Photo Gallery

IBOGAINE Detox and Treatment
IBOGAINE Detox and Treatment
IBOGAINE -- The Magic Plant That Could Cure Addiction, Still ...
IBOGAINE -- The Magic Plant That Could Cure Addiction, Still ...
IbogaLife | What are Iboga and IBOGAINE?
IbogaLife | What are Iboga and IBOGAINE?
MindVox : IBOGAINE : Natural Healing
MindVox : IBOGAINE : Natural Healing
The IBOGAINE Dossier. Review Article from Drugs of the Future ...
The IBOGAINE Dossier. Review Article from Drugs of the Future ...
IBOGAINE | Disinformation
IBOGAINE | Disinformation
Addiction Medicine - Addiction Medications - IBOGAINE
Addiction Medicine - Addiction Medications - IBOGAINE
Drugs - Politics - Health - Tales From The Other Side
Drugs - Politics - Health - Tales From The Other Side
IBOGAINE is a hallucinogen that has helped addicts kick their drug ...
IBOGAINE is a hallucinogen that has helped addicts kick their drug ...
IBOGAINE-1.gif - alcohol or morphine or idealism? - alcohol or morphine or idealism?
IBOGAINE TA (Total Alkaloid) - Extracts - Cerberus Extract ...
IBOGAINE TA (Total Alkaloid) - Extracts - Cerberus Extract ...
IBOGAINE Treatment: Safe & Affordable, Medically-Supervised, Rapid ...
IBOGAINE Treatment: Safe & Affordable, Medically-Supervised, Rapid ...
Erowid IBOGAINE Vault : Chemistry
Erowid IBOGAINE Vault : Chemistry
IBOGAINE - Molecule of the Month
IBOGAINE - Molecule of the Month
 status differs from country to country. To my knoledge is IBOGAINE ...
status differs from country to country. To my knoledge is IBOGAINE ...
Erowid Library/Bookstore : The IBOGAINE Story
Erowid Library/Bookstore : The IBOGAINE Story
IBOGAINE Treatment,IBOGAINE Hydrochloride
IBOGAINE Treatment,IBOGAINE Hydrochloride
top] Introduction to IBOGAINE & NorIBOGAINE
top] Introduction to IBOGAINE & NorIBOGAINE
Shaman Australis (IBOGAINE - Pharmacology, Reports)
Shaman Australis (IBOGAINE - Pharmacology, Reports)
IBOGAINE - what is it and what can it offer spiritual seekers?
IBOGAINE - what is it and what can it offer spiritual seekers? - -
IBOGAINE: Potential Cure For Addiction, Still Banned In The U.S ...
IBOGAINE: Potential Cure For Addiction, Still Banned In The U.S ...
IBOGAINE has been found to activate a growth factor; Glial cell line ...
IBOGAINE has been found to activate a growth factor; Glial cell line ...
IBOGAINE Asia - IBOGAINE Treatments for Spiritual Journeys
IBOGAINE Asia - IBOGAINE Treatments for Spiritual Journeys
Detox Nightmares - IBOGAINE - Heroin Helper
Detox Nightmares - IBOGAINE - Heroin Helper
IBOGAINE Clinic-IBOGAINE Detox Treatment
IBOGAINE Clinic-IBOGAINE Detox Treatment
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-3-2
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-3-2
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-2-2
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-2-2
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-18
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-18
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-21
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-21
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-12
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-12
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-20
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-20
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-22
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-22
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-15
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-15
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-19
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-19
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-17
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-17
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-16
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-16
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-14
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-14
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-13
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-13
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-7
IBOGAINE treatment detox IBOGAINE clinic-7
November 2011 031
November 2011 031
Scoopy's Notebook
Scoopy's Notebook
25 Years of Psychedelic Drug Research to be Celebrated
25 Years of Psychedelic Drug Research to be Celebrated
Thanks For Your Mail And Letters
Thanks For Your Mail And Letters

Ibogaine : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Erowid IBOGAINE Vault

Information about Ibogaine including basics, effects, dosage, history, legal status, photos, research, media coverage, and links to other resources.

IBOGAINE can end Drug Addiction in 24 hours

Ibogaine: Cure for Drug Addiction ... The Drug that Rehabs Drug Addiction, including Heroin and Cocaine, in 48 Hours,

Erowid IBOGAINE Vault

Information about Ibogaine including basics, effects, dosage, history, legal status, photos, research, media coverage, and links to other resources.

MOVIE REVIEW | IM DANGEROUS WITH LOVE; Raw View of African Cure For Addiction to Drugs

In Im Dangerous With Love, a furtive, aggressively unappetizing documentary, the filmmaker Michel Negroponte explores the theory that Ibogaine, a hallucinogenic powder made from an African plant, can break addiction to drugs like heroin with relative ease. It follows a man named Dimitri Mugianis, who says he beat addiction with Ibogaine (which - By NEIL GENZLINGER

Is IBOGAINE a Legitimate treatment for heroin addiction?

Answer: It is a shame we are not doing more research in the US for Ibogaine. I personally took Ibogaine 5 years ago.I had struggled with opiate addiction for 10 years. I knew how to detox, went to many treatment centers, many jails, and desperation was becoming comfortable. I just wanted to die. My best thinking was to get on Methadone. I did for 5 long years. Until somebody said I bet Ibogaine would work for you I found one of 10,000 underground providers. To be safe YOU MUST GET AN EKG AND LIVER PANEL DONE. and for $1,500 he detoxed me.methadone with out of date conventional therapy I should have not sleep for more than 1 hour a night for 45 nights. No solid foods for 30 days. MY EXPERINCE was 90% of withdrawal gone, on the 4Th night I sleep for 6 hours and continue to sleep and eat well. THE OBSESSION WAS LIFTED.I didn't need anything nor did I want anything. So I say pay it forward. Charlie "winning" Sheen, who's winning now!!!
Category: Mental Health

Yippie Central

ON a mild night in February, Dana Beal, a leader of the Yippies, gave a party in a three-story brick building in the East Village where the quirky anarchistic group has had its headquarters for nearly 30 years. Among the visitors were friends from the 60s and 70s, many known for their radical politics. As several dozen guests chatted and sipped - Article on plight of New Yorks Yippies, as longstanding counterculture group prepares for annual parade to promote legalizing marijuana for medical use and other drug policies and faces possible outster from unofficial headquarters at 9 Bleecker Street; Yippie leader Dana Beal, who has lived in building since 1973, opposes owner Albert Lorbers plan to sell building to developer and wants to buy and preserve it himself; photos (L) - By COLIN MOYNIHAN

IBOGAINE can end Drug Addiction in 24 hours

Ibogaine The Drug that Rehabs Drug Addiction, including Heroin and Cocaine, in 48 Hours, Without Withdrawal Symptoms! EDITOR'S NOTE: I want to make it ...


At Hacienda La Mision, the leading Ibogaine Treatment Clinic in Mexico, we provide advanced Ibogaine therapy specifically designed to heal the root causes of any addiction, while safely detoxifying the mind and body.

FILM; Fear and Loathing on a Documentary Screen

HUNTER S. THOMPSON, who has been lionized in two feature films, served as the model for a running character in Doonesbury and is the subject of enough doctoral dissertations to build a bonfire, now has a documentary devoted to him, Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, by Alex Gibney. Thompson, who always seemed to keep one - Article on new documentary film Gonzo: the Life of Hunter S Thompson; says director Alex Gibney mirrors subjectivity of Thompsons journalism by avoiding narrative conventions and constantly switching points of view; photos (L) - By DAVID CARR

A Yippie Veteran Is in Jail Far From the East Village

It has been more than 40 years since Dana Beal came to prominence as a theoretician for the Youth International Party, known as the Yippies, and embarked on a long career in the world of countercultural politics. Since 1973, Mr. Beal and other Yippies have used a brick tenement on Bleecker Street, just west of the East Village, as a base for - Dana Beal, long-term associate of Youth International Party, known as Yippies, is arrested on money laundering charges in Mattoon, Ill; drug-sniffing dogs found bags containing more than $150,000 in cash in his possession; Beal reportedly told friends he was traveling with cash to finance clinic to study Ibogaine, substance researchers have said can be used to counter drug addiction; photo (M) - By COLIN MOYNIHAN

Can IBOGAINE cure meth addiction?

I heard this drug can cure heroin addiction. My roommates brother has been addicted for 7 years. Its gotten so bad, he has paranoid hallucinations. Hes 37 years old and his mother is sort of enabling by letting him him in a trailer in their yard. His addiction is causing so much stress with my roommate, it would be great to help.
Answer: Ibogaine can help your friend with meth addiction. I wouldn´t use the word cure because he needs to do most of the work himself. Ibogaine can provide a fresh start with reduced cravings. Visit for more information. Thanks
Category: Alternative Medicine

Is there anywhere in Vancouver where you can buy IBOGAINE?

I know there is a place on the sunshine coast that is for addiction problems but I am very interested in the spiritual cleansing of the iboga plant. I dont have an addiction but I am just very curious and I research many different things on spirituality and religion. I know you can buy it online but I am just wondering if there are any shops that would sell it.
Answer: Hello, The Urban Shaman might have it. If you can't find it there I have Iboga rootbark, Ibogaine TA, Ibogaine Hcl and Iboga seeds on out of Kitchener, Ontario. Check you for feedback on Cerberus Extract
Category: Vancouver

IBOGAINE Treatment, IBOGAINE Therapy, IBOGAINE Clinic Mexico ...

At Hacienda La Mision, the leading Ibogaine Treatment Clinic in Mexico, we provide advanced Ibogaine therapy specifically designed to heal the root causes of ... » Info On The Effects Of IBOGAINE | STLMBEC

Some methods such as the use of Ibogaine are fairly new but are quickly becoming popular.One method which has demonstrated the most success over the years is the twelve step program. This program has been in existence for quite a few ...

Scoopy's Notebook – The Villager » York, IBOGAINE, Beal, VillagerI ...

Ibogaine – Google News | Scoopy's NotebookThe Villager“I just want to come back to New York and resume a quiet.

What exactly is IBOGAINE, and how successful is it for the treatment of opiate addiction?

I was told of a new medication to help overcome an opiate addiction, unfortunately I havent been able to find out much about it. I believe that it is only available at a treatment facility located in New, it really makes me wonder if its even a legitimate treatment approved by the FDA. I also wonder if there have been many studies done on it, and what the statistics are concerning its rate of success.
Answer: What it is: Treatment: Ibogaine treatment is not available in the United States despite showing promising results. "Proponents of Ibogaine treatment for drug addiction have established formal and informal clinics or self-help groups in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, France, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Brazil, South Africa, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, where Ibogaine is administered as an experimental compound."
Category: Mental Health

IBOGAINE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in a number of plants, principally in a member of the Apocynaceae family known as Iboga (Tabernanthe ...

Howard Lotsof Dies at 66; Found Drug Treatment in an African Plant

Howard Lotsof was 19, addicted to heroin and searching for a new high in 1962 when he swallowed a bitter-tasting white powder taken from an exotic West African shrub. The next thing I knew, he told The New York Times in 1994, I was straight. The substance was Ibogaine, an extract of Tabernanthe iboga, a perennial rain-forest plant found - By DENNIS HEVESI


The Revolution Lives Q. A faded old sign above the door at 9 Bleecker Street says Yipster Times, in a flowing, freehand script. When was it published? A. The Yipster Times was published, in one form or another, from 1972 until 1989, though in 1978 the name was changed to the somewhat less whimsical Overthrow. Primarily a journal of - FYI column answers questions about Yipster Times newspaper, plans by Methodist congregation to build skyscraper cathedral in Washington Heights and fine paid by George H Willig after scaling World Trade Center in 1977; drawings (M) - E-mail address: - By DANIEL B. SCHNEIDER

IBOGAINE Treatment | Drug Addiction Treatment Heroin Alcohol Meth ...

Advanced Ibogaine Drug Addiction Treatment/Therapy at our Center/Clinic at Transitions Rosarito Beach Mexico for Heroin, Alcohol, Meth, Cocaine, Oxycontin Drug Addiction.

IBOGAINE: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive. substance found in a number of plants, principally in a member of the Apocynaceae. family known as iboga (Tabernanthe ...

Howard Lotsof, 66; Saw Drug Cure in a Plant

Howard Lotsof was 19, addicted to heroin and searching for a new high in 1962 when he swallowed a bitter-tasting white powder taken from an exotic West African shrub. The next thing I knew, he told The New York Times in 1994, I was straight. The substance was Ibogaine, an extract of Tabernanthe iboga, a perennial rain-forest plant found - By DENNIS HEVESI

Psychodelias Middle-Aged Head Trip

WHEN Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters made their storied journey across America in 1964, they included a pilgrimage to Millbrook, N.Y., the Hudson Valley town where Timothy Leary had turned a Victorian mansion into a lab for his LSD experiments. The meeting was supposed to join the two wings of the nascent drug culture: Keseys woolly West Coast - Current research into psychdelic drugs focuses on using such drugs to help people get back into workaday world, not escape from it as so often was the case during time of psychedelic author Ken Kesey and his band of Merry Pranksters; Kesey, who died Nov 10, might have been amused by latest twists in long, strange legacy of psychedelic era; Keseys own history illustrates how slippery and unpredictable mantle of drug culture can be; photo (M) - By JOHN LELAND

Is IBOGAINE Hcl illegal in japan or the Philippines or China?

Do you need prescription if its not illegal in these countries? Where could you get it in these countries?
Answer: Yes it is!
Category: China

Could the drug IBOGAINE cure the addiction to nicotine ?

its said to of been able to cure the most addicted drug addicts, but does this go for addictions to nicotine too? Im not saying people should use it to quit smoking im just wondering if possible
Answer: I have spoken with about a half dozen people who have stopped smoking after taking Ibogaine. For most of them, it was not their intention with taking it, but afterward they just couldn't stand the taste anymore. I have also spoken with one woman who came off of a large dependence to opiates and amphetamines who went from being a non-smoker to being a chain smoker immediately afterward, although her other dependencies stopped. There are several people I know who took Ibogaine with a desire to stop smoking (although not necessarily a whole hearted commitment) and were unsuccessful. I think it has a lot to do with whether you are willing to undergo some discomfort, and if you are willing to look at the emotional content related to why you smoke. There is also a window. Often, if people are able to refrain from smoking during the period 12-24 hours after their flood dose, they are much more likely to quit.
Category: Alternative Medicine

The homepage ... Ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from the rootbark of an African plant - Tabernanthe iboga.

Can IBOGAINE benefit everyone even if they dont have an addiction?

I know Ibogaine can be used to treat addictions but can someone still benefit and gain insight from it even if they have no addiction problems? I am interested in psychedelics and the effect they have on expanding the consciousness so I appreciate all serious answers?
Category: Mental Health

MAPS 25th Anniversary: The Medicine Ball

Participate in this celebratory event knowing that all proceeds from The Medicine Ball will go towards funding another 25 years of research into the beneficial applications of MDMA, LSD, ayahuasca, Ibogaine, medical marijuana, and others.

1 of 4 Salvia Divinorum is Useless Alien Sh*t Mystic Foolery

Discusssions: desteni desteniproductions bernardpoolman sunettespies estenidewet for universal equality for all sentient life I’M DANGEROUS WITH LOVE — IBOGA & Ibogaine Documentary 2-min Trailer: “A haunting, visceral exploration of ...

Why isnt IBOGAINE allowed in America?

Ibogaine is an anti-addictive drug with potential to cure addiction to cocaine, crack, alcohol, presription drugs. However it has mild hallucogenic properties lasting for about 2-4 hrs after treatment and also ataxia( gross incordination of muscle movements lasting for about 12 hrs) More can be learnt about Ibogaine by searching wikipedia or the web.
Answer: Sheesh. If you read the Wikipedia article, you know exactly why it isn't approved in the USA. It has potentially fatal brain & heart toxicity, and there isn't enough profit in it for a drug company to put up funding for further FDA trials.
Category: Law & Ethics

IBOGAINE: Definition from

n. An alkaloid, C 20 H 26 N 2 O, that acts as a dopamine blocker and mitigates depression and the symptoms of withdrawal from narcotics, cocaine, and heroin. [French ...


Ibogaine. Simon Witter. A shorter version of this article appeared in the Times (London) It may change society and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people ...

Lydia has lunch with Thomas Kramer

Twenty months ago, before Kramer went to Mexico for a week of rehab involving the hallucinogenic drug Ibogaine, he was at his most self-destructive, he says. “I was ready to go. I was thinking, ‘I’m never going to win this big case.


Mar 8, 2007 ... Another thing - Ibogaine is NOT a mild experience. The Africans who have used it for years say "It cracks your skull. You go and you come back. ...

The Listings

Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases, movie trailers, showtimes and tickets: All Good Things (R, 1:38) Andrew Jarecki (Capturing the Friedmans) fictionalizes a true crime involving the moneyed and bloodied of New York. The

how do i get obscure drugs like IBOGAINE or 4-methylaminorex?

i mean your typical dealer has weed, crack, and coke. and maybe some xanax, oxy, or ecstasy. shrooms are relatively easy if you have the right connections. but most people havent even heard of Ibogaine. and if you ask for 4-methylaminorex using its most common name "ice" they will most likely think you are talking about crystal meth.
Answer: I have been clean and sober because of Ibogaine. And for that I'll forever be grateful for either me finding iboga or iboga finding me. Are you really a true dope fiend? I don't know about you but I could find what ever I wanted in any state within an hour. If you want Ibogaine, hit your frigging knees and say a prayer to God. Then amazing things happen. If you can get all the drugs you say in your opening sentence. Use your dope fiend mind to find Ibogaine. I just don't think your REALLY looking, but I do believe your fishing....
Category: Alternative Medicine

Anticapitalists, Marijuana Advocates ... Landlords?

Over the decades the Yippies have become infamous as a counterculture group known for colorful pranks and criticizing capitalism. Recently, though, the group entered the world of high-stakes Manhattan real estate, buying the East Village building that has been its longtime headquarters for $1.2 million. In 1973, a few members of the group -- begun - Youth International Party, better known as Yippies, buys its headquarters building in East Village for $1.2 million in partnership with and National AIDS Brigade; photos (M) - By COLIN MOYNIHAN

Why is IBOGAINE not used in drug rehab and stopping people smoking?

Why is Ibogaine not used in drug rehab and stopping people smoking. Seeing how it makes methadone obsolete
Answer: The harmful effects of taking Ibogaine far outweigh its possible use in drug rehabilation. Ibogaine and its salts were regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1967 pursuant to its enhanced authority to regulate stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens granted by the 1965 Drug Abuse Control Amendments (DACA) to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. In 1970, with the passage of the Controlled Substances Act, it was classified as a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States, along with other psychedelics such as LSD and mescaline. Since that time, several other countries, including Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and Switzerland, have also banned the sale and possession of Ibogaine. In early 2006, a non-profit foundation addressing the issue of providing Ibogaine for the purpose of addiction interruption within establishment drug treatment care was formed in Sweden.[
Category: Other - Health & Beauty

IBOGAINE Therapy for Drug Addiction - MAPS: Multidisciplinary ...

MAPS is currently studying the long-term effects of Ibogaine treatment on patients presently undergoing therapy at independent Ibogaine treatment centers in Mexico ...

The IBOGAINE Dossier. Discovery or Maverick Visionary?

The Leading Internet Resource On Ibogaine & Related Subjects. ... Tabernanthe iboga roots source of Ibogaine. Main | Search | Science | Opinion | Literature | Links ...

Ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from the rootbark of an African plant - Tabernanthe iboga. In recent years it has been increasingly noted for its ...

The Effects Of IBOGAINE And Its Use In Addiction Treatment | Simply ...

Shaman once used the Iboga plant's root bark as they believed that it allowed them to enter the realm of spirit. Ibogaine has hallucinogenic and stimulant properties which alter perception. This enabled the shaman to enter a ...

IBOGAINE small business saturday patti stanger kurt busch beyonce ...

Ibogaine small business saturday patti stanger kurt busch beyonce dance for you video nba lockout news cyber monday deals storage auctions ndamukong suh arkansas lsu asu football storage wars 3 10 to yuma turkey pot ...

Tetracaine HCL powder

Amphetamine, Ephedrine, Ketamine, Mephedrone, Pseudoephedrine, Sibutramine, Hormones,Oxycodone, JWH,Ibogaine, Morphine etc. We will always dispatch any orders made before 3pm on the same day. Our production ability is constant and stable, and we do use ...

IBOGAINE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in a number of plants, principally in a member of the Apocynaceae family known as Iboga ...

Dr. Sola: Medical Director IBOGAINE Clinic :Natural Drug Detox ...

The medical director of the Ibogaine Clinic Dr. Alberto Sola briefly shares about himself and places a face behind the facility. The.


Ibogaine is an alkaloid found in the rootbark of the shrub Tabernanthe Iboga, which grows in the West Central African rain forest. Ibogaine is a long-acting ...

Why is IBOGAINE illegal in the United States?

Im really interested in why the U.S. Government can ignore its medicinal properties and continue to keep it illegal when it is scientifically safer than methadone treatment and has higher patient success rates than any other drug being administered for addiction or withdrawal. If anyone can give me one good reason Id be happy to hear it. Keep in mind the physical dangers of Ibogaine are almost eradicated when administered and supervised by a trained physician. Such as with Ibogaine treatment centers in other countries.
Answer: The FDA has said it hasn't seen any long term studies on the drug to prove it has valid medicinal uses. Further it says any studies done have been inconclusive or rely on anecdotal stories of its uses. The FDA has approved clinical trials, it just hasn't passed that step yet because funding is difficult to get.
Category: Law & Ethics


Advanced Ibogaine Treatment for Heroin, Alcohol, Meth, Cocaine & Oxycontin Drug Addiction.

Can IBOGAINE really reset the brain so that even one in a coma can come out?

Answer: yeah, if you go to they can answer this for you.
Category: Alternative Medicine

IBOGAINE Treatment | Drug Addiction Treatment Heroin Alcohol Meth ...

Advanced Ibogaine Drug Addiction Treatment/Therapy at our Center/Clinic at Transitions Rosarito Beach Mexico for Heroin, Alcohol, Meth, Cocaine, Oxycontin ...

MindVox : IBOGAINE : Welcome to The Jungle

MindVox has a large collection of Ibogaine-related resources available online. It also hosts the Ibogaine list. Participants include pretty much everyone in the ...

Is anyone familiar with IBOGAINE as a treatment for drug addiction?

My best friend is in a reputable drug rehab for a cocaine addiction and is wanting to leave to check herself into a rehab in Mexico that uses Ibogaine.
Answer: Ibogaine is an indole alkaloid, a long-acting hallucinogen which has gained attention due to its application in the treatment of opioid addiction and similar addiction syndromes. It occurs naturally in a number of dogbane plants, among them above all in Tabernanthe iboga. History Ibogaine was first isolated from Tabernanthe iboga in 1901 by Dybowski and Landrin[1] and independently by Haller and Heckel in the same year. Samples of the plant were obtained from Gabon, Africa in the mid 1800s where it has been used in initiation rites of the Bwiti religion. The challenging total synthesis was accomplished by G. Büchi in 1966.[2] Since then, several further totally synthetic routes have been developed.[3] The use of Ibogaine in treating substance use disorders in human subjects was first proposed by Howard Lotsof in an US Patent awarded in 1985.[4] Ibogaine's ability to attenuate opioid withdrawal confirmed in the rat was first published by Dzoljic et al. (1988).[5] Ibogaine's use in diminishing morphine self-administration in preclinical studies was shown by Glick et al. (1991)[6] and Ibogaine's capacity to reduce cocaine self-administration in the rat was shown by Cappendijk et al. (1993). [7] Animal model support for Ibogaine claims to treat alcohol dependence were established by Rezvani (1995).[8] Data demonstrating Ibogaine's efficacy in attenuating opioid withdrawal in drug dependent human subjects was published by Alper et al. (1999) [9] and Mash et al. (2000). [10] However, there have been as yet no peer-reviewed studies demonstrating any statistically significant long term improvement following Ibogaine administration to humans with drug problems. Effects It has been observed that Ibogaine serves to interrupt addiction to opioids. An integral effect is the alleviation of symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Research also suggests that Ibogaine may be useful in treating dependence to other substances such as alcohol, methamphetamine, and nicotine, and may affect compulsive behavioral patterns not involving substance abuse or chemical dependence. Ibogaine has been used as an adjunct to psychotherapy by Claudio Naranjo some of whose work was published in The Healing Journey.[11] Pharmacology The pharmacology of Ibogaine is quite complex, affecting many different neurotransmitter systems simultaneously.[12] [13] Because of its fairly low potency at any of its target sites, Ibogaine is used in large doses of hundreds of milligrams up to one gram. Mechanism and Pharmacodynamics Among recent proposals for Ibogaine mechanisms of action is activation of the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) pathway in the ventral tagmental area (VTA) of the brain. The work has principally been accomplished in preclinical ethanol research where 40 mg/kg of Ibogaine caused increases of RNA expression of GDNF in keeping with reduction of ethanol intake in the rat, absent neurotoxicity or cell death.[14] Ibogaine is a noncompetitive antagonist (channelblocker) at α3β4 nicotinic receptors, binding with moderate affinity. Several other α3β4 antagonists are known, and some of these such as bupropion (Zyban) and mecamylamine have been used for treating nicotine addiction. This α3β4-antagonism correlates quite well with the observed effect of interrupting addiction. Since α3β4 channels and NMDA channels are related to each other and their binding sites within the lumen bind a range of same ligands (e.g. DXM), some "older" sources suggested that Ibogaine's anti-addictive properties may be (partly) due to it being an NMDA receptor antagonist.[15] However, ligands, like 18-MC, selective for α3β4- vs. NMDA-channels showed no drop-off in activity. It is suspected that Ibogaine's actions on the opioid and glutamatergic systems are also involved in its anti-addictive effects. Persons treated with Ibogaine report a cessation of opioid withdrawal signs generally within an hour of administration. Ibogaine is a weak 5HT2A receptor ligand[16] and a sigma2 receptor agonist.[17] Metabolites Ibogaine is rapidly metabolized in the human body by cytochrome P450 2D6. Effects after Ibogaine treatment lasting longer than 48 hours are therefore not likely to be caused by the initial administration of Ibogaine itself. The main metabolite in humans is norIbogaine (12-hydroxyibogamine) which contains a phenolic hydroxy instead of a methoxy group. Both Ibogaine and norIbogaine have a plasma half-life of approximately thirty minutes. It is proposed that Ibogaine is deposited in fat and metabolized into norIbogaine as it is released.[18] NorIbogaine throws higher plasma levels than Ibogaine and may therefore be detected for longer periods of time than Ibogaine. The metabolite is somewhat more active at several receptors and transporters. NorIbogaine is most potent as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and acts as moderate κ- and weak µ-opioid receptor full agonist and has therefore also an aspect of an opiate replacement similar to compounds like methadone. NorIbogaine is also more potent than Ibogaine in rat drug discrimination assays when tested for the subjective effects of Ibogaine.[citation needed] Derivatives A synthetic derivative of Ibogaine, 18-methoxycoronaridine (18-MC) is a selective α3β4 antagonist that was developed collaboratively by the neurologist Stanley D. Glick (Albany) and the chemist Martin E. Kuehne (Vermont).[19] Usage Addiction Interruption Proponents of Ibogaine treatment for drug addiction have established formal and informal clinics or self-help groups in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, France, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Brazil, South Africa, the United Kingdom and New Zealand where Ibogaine is administered as an experimental drug. Although the full nature of Ibogaine is still emerging, it appears that the most effective treatment paradigm involves visionary doses of Ibogaine of 10 to 20 mg/kg, producing an interruption of opiate withdrawal and craving. Many users of Ibogaine report experiencing visual phenomena during a waking dream state, such as instructive replays of life events that led to their addiction, while others report therapeutic shamanic visions that help them conquer the fears and negative emotions that might drive their addiction. It is proposed that intensive counseling and therapy during the interruption period following treatment is of significant value. Some patients require a second or third treatment session with Ibogaine over the course of the next 12 to 18 months as it will provide a greater efficacy in extinguishing the opiate addiction or other drug dependence syndrome. A minority of patients relapse completely into opiate addiction within days or weeks. A comprehensive article (Lotsof 1995) on the subject of Ibogaine therapy, detailing the procedure, effects and aftereffects is found in, "Ibogaine in the Treatment of Chemical Dependence Disorders: Clinical Perspectives".[20] Chronic Pain Management In 1957, Jurg Schneider, a pharmacologist at CIBA, found that Ibogaine potentiates morphine analgesia [21]. Further research was abandoned and no additional data was ever published by Ciba researchers on Ibogaine/opioid interactions. Almost 50 years later Patrick Kroupa and Hattie Wells released the first treatment protocol for concomitant administration of Ibogaine with opioids in human subjects indicating Ibogaine reduced tolerance to opioid drugs[22]. Kroupa, et al., published their research in the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies Journal demonstrating that administration of low "maintenance" doses of Ibogaine HCl with opioids decreases tolerance. Side effects At therapeutic doses, Ibogaine has an active window of 24 to 48 hours, is often physically and mentally exhausting and produces ataxia for as long as twelve hours, in some cases even longer. Nausea that may lead to vomiting is not uncommon throughout the experience. Such unpleasant symptoms tend to reduce the attractiveness of Ibogaine as a recreational drug. The drug is experimental and controversial, and isolated cases of fatal cardiac arrhythmias during treatment are proposed to have occurred. In such cases there has yet to be a firmly established causal link between mortality and Ibogaine administration, because it is unclear whether or not other drugs (such as heroin) were co-administered against indication by the patient himself and because the autopsies have not been conclusive. Arrhythmias have been observed in EKGs to appear at the point of conversion from Ibogaine to norIbogaine. Research An Ibogaine research project was funded by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse in the early 1990's. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) abandoned efforts to continue this project into clinical studies in 1995, citing other reports that suggested a risk of brain damage with extremely high doses and fatal heart arrhythmia in patients having a history of health problems as well as, inadequate funding for Ibogaine development within their budget. However, NIDA funding for Ibogaine research continues in indirect grants often cited in peer reviewed Ibogaine publications. In addition, after years of work and a number of significant changes to the original protocol, on August 17, 2006, a MAPS-sponsored research team received "unconditional approval" from a Canadian Institutional Review Board (IRB) to proceed with a long-term observational case study that will examine changes in substance use in 20 consecutive people seeking Ibogaine-based addiction treatment for opiate dependence at Iboga Therapy House in Vancouver. Legal status In 1966 Ibogaine was classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance in the United States, along with other psychedelics such as LSD and mescaline. Since that time, several other countries, including Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, and Switzerland, have also banned the sale and possession of Ibogaine. In early 2006, the creation of a non-profit foundation addressing the issue of providing Ibogaine for the purpose addiction interruption within establishment drug treatment care was formed in Sweden.
Category: Other - Health

Has anyone ever used IBOGAINE (iboga) for drug dependency?

I have been doing some reaserch on this drug from Africa. It is a right of passage drug in African villages. It is known to have cured opiate dependent people. Have any of you used it??
Answer: I have talked to many people that Iboga or Ibogaine has helped. If you have any questions about iboga join and ask there. - Iboga
Category: Alternative Medicine

IBOGAINE Treatment

Ibogaine Treatment. Ibogaine treatment is the ideal therapy to treat drug addiction and dependence. The requirements for such a treatment include the ability to ...

Is there a drug rehab clinic in T.J that cures with the IBOGAINE root from West Africa?

Answer: shamanic-extracts sells iboga :) i want to try it one day
Category: Alternative Medicine

The IBOGAINE Dossier

The leading resource on Ibogaine and related subjects, An Ibogaine library.

IBOGAINE - Psychology Wiki

Formulations Edit. Ibogaine is commercially produced in 2 forms; the purified crystalline hydrochloride salt and a total alkaloid extract. The hydrochloride salt is ...

What is IBOGAINE | News 24 Now

Ibogaine is not a upholding drug. A single dose or short course of treatments lessens both withdrawal from and longings for opiates, cocaine, meth-amphetamine, alcohol and cigarettes.

IBOGAINE Treatment, IBOGAINE Therapy, IBOGAINE Clinic Mexico ...

At Hacienda La Mision, the leading Ibogaine Treatment Clinic in Mexico, we provide advanced Ibogaine therapy specifically designed to heal the root causes of any ...

Why is methadone treatment repalces with IBOGAINE treatment for addiction?

Why is methadone treatment replaced with Ibogaine treatment for addiction? Far more effective
Answer: Ibogaine cures addiction. You just don't need to take heroin or smoke. Methadone is addictive, and causes the deaths of several children in this country every year. They find it in the fridge and mistake it for juice. (It has to be kept cold) Once heroin addicts switch to methadone, they then have to come off of that. Plus taking a drug thats similar to heroin doesn't treat heroin addiction, its very easy to start again.
Category: Other - General Health Care

The IBOGAINE Dossier

The leading resource on Ibogaine and related subjects, An Ibogaine library

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