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Van Gogh painting identified in the Netherlands -
A museum in the Netherlands has identified a painting to be the creation of Vincent Van Gogh, after having attributed it for several years to an unknown artist. The painting resides at the Kroller-Muller Museum in Otterlo, the ...
what painting technique/s does the painting starry night painted by VANGOGH have?
describe if possible please
Answer: It's a plein air painting (painted outdoors as opposed to in a studio), being an impressionistic painting (one that doesn't dwell on details as much as making an impression) painted with heavy brush strokes, full of movement and emotion.
Category: Painting
X-ray testing IDs painting as a van Gogh
THE HAGUE — A still life once thought to be by Vincent van Gogh but later downgraded to the work of an anonymous artist because of doubts about its authenticity is indeed by the tormented Dutch impressionist, researchers said Tuesday.
Who paid for the supplies Vincent VANGOGHs Starry Night?
Answer: VanGough's brother Theo was his major support for most of his life. To say how the materials in one particular work were paid for is not possible.
Category: Drawing & Illustration
Chronoconception and You: At this instant, do you think you would pull a VANGOGH and cut off your own ear?
How long before Vangogh cut off his ear did he know that he was going to cut off his ear? Was it an "instantaneous decision"? Is there such a thing as "instantaneous decision"? Is there such a thing as "instantaneous"?
Answer: he suffered severe pain from something like acute tenitis. Pain can make such decisions rather easy to make.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Wheat Fields (Van Gogh series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vincent van Gogh painted dozens of Wheat Fields (series of paintings), borne out of his religious studies and sermons, connection to nature, appreciation of manual ...
What is the song played at the end of the episode of Doctor Who when he and Amy meet Vincent VANGOGH?
Answer: The song is 'Chances' by Athlete.
Category: Drama The widest selection of Vincent van Gogh gifts ...
Vangogh for Kids; Inspire art at an early age with books, games & more.
Dutch Museum Solves Van Gogh Mystery - In the News - Truthdig
Turns out it is—that is, a still-life painting of a dynamic flower arrangement that experts at the Kroeller-Mueller Museum in the Netherlands once believed to be the work of Vincent van Gogh but then questioned has been ...
Van Gogh Museum - (Her)ontdek de werken van Vincent van Gogh
De vaste collectie van het Van Gogh Museum bevat ruim 200 schilderijen van Vincent van Gogh, 500 tekeningen en meer dan 750 brieven. Neem een kijkje en ...
WebMuseum: Gogh, Vincent van - ibiblio - The Publics Library and ...
His uncle was a partner in the international firm of picture dealers Goupil and Co. and in 1869 van Gogh went to work in the branch at The Hague.
Vincent van Gogh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work, notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold color, had a far- reaching ...
Museum confirms that a still life is by Van Gogh
THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS (AP) - Researchers say a Vincent van Gogh still life whose authenticity had long been in doubt is by the tormented Dutch impressionist. The Kroeller Mueller Museum says new X-ray research has finally put beyond doubt that ...
Vincent van Gogh: Biography from
Birth Date Mar 30, 1853. Dutch post-Impressionist painter, especially known for his bold and powerful use of color. Born at Groot Zundert, Holland, he died at Auvers ...
Vincent van Gogh Online - Art cyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine
Vincent van Gogh [Dutch Post-Impressionist Painter, 1853-1890] Guide to pictures of works by Vincent van Gogh in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
Van Gogh Designs - Home
Innovative Upholstery Designs. Van Gogh Designs is one of Canada’s fastest growing manufacturers of quality custom upholstered furniture for the home and ...
Whats the difference between Vincent VANGOGH and George Seurat?
Answer: Georges Seurat is well-known for developing Pointillsim, whereby tiny dots of physical color merge in the eye to form large areas of perceived color. There is a very famous painting by him in the Art Institute of Chicago called (I won't get this exactly right) "Afternoon on the Banks of the Seine." It is a VERY famous painting and it is VERY large, a few feet in both directions.
Vincent Van Gogh's style is one-of-a-kind if you ask me. One of his most famous paintings is called "Starry Night" and features lots of loose, directional strokes of color. He also painted a famous rendering of sunflowers.
These two men are without a doubt some of the most influential painters in history. Unfortunately, Van Gogh's work wasn't appreciated in his time, and he died poor and miserable.
Category: Painting
Vincent van Gogh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vincent Willem van Gogh was a Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work, notable for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold color, had a far-reaching ...
A hidden Van Gogh?
JOSHUA TREE — Michael Wilson, a Joshua Tree resident and a collector of rare artifacts, believes he has discovered a lost Vincent Van Gogh painting. The painting, which he bought for $50 in a junk shop, has been examined by Janet Smith of ...
Book gives insights into troubled van Gogh
Vincent van Goghs autobiography is painted in luminous, powerful brushstrokes, the supreme portrait of the artist. "As my work is," he said, "so am I." "Van Gogh: The Life," the intricate and panoramic biography by Steven Naifeh and Gregory ...
Yahoo is saying VANGOGH did not cut off his ear, what Other persOns life is based On a pack Of OutWright lies?
This is getting to a common occurrence in Washington DC everything from Wide-Stancing to Stimulooting its all Lies.
Answer: Vangogh was a painter, he wasn't famous JUST for cutting his ear off! His life is based on his painting career.
Category: Politics
Vincent van Gogh Biography - His Life and Times
Read a biography of Dutch post-Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh. Get quick facts, a timeline, information about his family and artists who influenced him.
Who were the previous owners of Vincent VANGOGHs Starry Night?
and where was it housed while they owned it?
Answer: Hi! The painting belonged to the Paul Rosenberg
Gallery prior to its acquisition by the MOMA which
was achieved through the terms of the Lillie P. Bliss
Bequest. (read more about the bequest below).
The Provenance:
Theo van Gogh (1857–1891), Paris. 1889 – 1891
Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, Amsterdam (Theo van Gogh’s widow), Amsterdam. 1891 – 1900
Julien Leclercq, Paris. Purchased from Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, 1900 – February 1901
Claude-Emile Schuffenecker, Paris. Acquired from Julien Leclercq by exchange, February 1901
Mme Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, Amsterdam (Theo van Gogh’s widow), Amsterdam. Acquired from Schuffenecker, [after February 1901] - 1906
Oldenzeel Gallery, Rotterdam. Purchased from Jo van Gogh-Bonger, 1906
Miss Georgette P. van Stolk, Rotterdam. Purchased from Oldenzeel Gallery, 1906 – 1938
Paul Rosenberg Gallery, New York. Purchased (through J. Baart de la Faille, author of 1928 Van Gogh catalogue raisonné) from van Stolk [estate?], 1938 - 1941
The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Acquired from Paul Rosenberg Gallery, 1941
Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest
Starry Night at the MOMA:
Lilly P. Bliss:
Paul Rosenberg Gallery:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=d6b7c50fe1987ca1&biw=1058&bih=553
I hope this helps!
Category: Painting
Becoming Van Gogh
Voice-Over artist Paul Strikwerda portrays famous Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh in the upcoming NBC10 special "Van Gogh Up Close," which airs on Saturday, March 17th at 7:30 p.m. Produced by Eileen Matthews and narrated by Glenn Close, this documentary ...
Vincent van Gogh - Mark Hardens Artchive
The Artchive presents Vincent van Gogh, including nearly fifty images, along with numerous critical articles and research resources.
Van Gogh to Rothko in 30 Seconds
h/t:TomOpus What if the world's greatest works of art, when seen one after another, told a story? A story of people, places, nature and motion. artCircles from brings you “Van Gogh to Rothko in 30 Seconds,” an epic ...
What are the principles and elements of art on VANGOGHs pieces?
what are the principles and
elements of art on Vangoghs pieces
Answer: Line, shape, color, texture space are all a part of Van Gogh paintings. Because he was relatively untrained in the classic traditional ways of art he fell into the expressionists point of view of trying to capture the raw feeling of a person or place. He painted himself many times and was never satisfied with any of them. If there was any one element he used very effectively it might be texture. At times his emotions were so raw he had to put the paint on with his fingers. He was never considered a successful painter in his day. He only sold one painting in his whole life. He sent most of his paintings to his devoted brother Theo. Theo supported Vincent and died shortly after Vincent did.We are lucky his family kept his paintings which most are on display at the Van Gogh Museum. His life was cut short when his tormented soul ended with a self inflicted gun shot.
Category: Painting
Sunflowers Grand and Majestic
LEAD: Vangogh painted them. Oscar Wilde wore them. Milliners at the turn of the century made them out of silk to decorate fashionable bonnets. Nowadays, sunflowers turn the heads of shoppers by rearing their own -large and luminous with vivid yellow petals and deep brown centers. Like royalty, they nod to the lowly herbs and the more colorful but
Save Some Dough On Van Gogh
The excellent Van Gogh Up Close exhibit is going on at the Art Museum right now, and we just found out a way to save some cash when you go. From this Tuesday to Friday, if you buy tickets in person, mention NBC10 and you save $10. It’s all ...
The Wire: Romney wins Illinois; Iraq bombings; Mexico quake; Florida shooting probe; its a Van Gogh after all
Mitt Romney decisively defeated Rick Santorum in the Illinois primary, AP and CNN projected based on early voting and exit polls. Illinois was the latest in a string of must-win industrial state contests for the front-runner. Polls had shown ...
VANGOGH or Da vinchi - who was the best?
i think Vangogh was more an artists artist: the genius driven to madness kind of artist. whereas da vinchi was more of a un natural artist - more driven perhaps by science than by art.
i would prefer Vangogh - who would you prefer?
Answer: i think both artists have great works and i agree with what you're saying about motivation,but i have to chose Vangogh as well. it probably sounds pretty unimaginative but starry night is one of my favorite paintings. i love the colors and flow.
Category: Painting
When did vincent VANGOGH paint starry night?
Answer: 1889.
Category: Polls & Surveys
The Vincent van Gogh Gallery
Mar 8, 2012 ... A comprehensive resource for information about Van Gogh and images of his works. Has images of all the paintings, sketches, watercolours, ...
WebMuseum: Gogh, Vincent van
His uncle was a partner in the international firm of picture dealers Goupil and Co. and in 1869 van Gogh went to work in the branch at The Hague. In 1873 he ...
what is the most money paid for a vincent VANGOGH painting?
Answer: List of most expensive van Gogh's paintings:
No 1. Portrait of Dr. Gachet
Year: 1890
Year of sale: 1990
Seller: Siegfried Kramarsky family
Buyer: Ryoei Saito
Auction house: Christie's, New York
Price: $134.6
No 2. Irises
Year: 1889
Year of sale: 1987
Seller: son of Joan Whitney Payson
Buyer: Alan Bond
Auction house: Sotheby's, New York
Price: $101.2
No 3. Portrait of Joseph Roulin
Year: 1889
Year of sale: 1989
Seller: Swiss private Collection
Buyer: Alan Bond
Auction house: Private sale via Thomas Ammann Fine Art Zurich
Price: $99.7 +
No 4. Portrait de l'artiste sans barbe
Year: 1889
Year of sale: 1998
Seller: heirs of Jacques Koerfer
Buyer: -
Auction house: Christie's, New York
Price: $93.5
No 5. A Wheatfield with Cypresses
Year: 1889
Year of sale: 1993
Seller: son of Emil Georg Bührle
Buyer: Walter H. Annenberg
Auction house: private sale via Steven Mazoh
Price: $84.1
No 6. Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers
Year: 1888
Year of sale: 1987
Seller: daughter-in-law of Chester Beatty
Buyer: Yasuo Goto, Yasuda Comp.
Auction house: Christie's, London
Price: $74.5
No 7. Peasant Woman Against a Background of Wheat
Year: 1890
Year of sale: 1997
Seller: -
Buyer: Stephen Wynn
Auction house: private sale via Acquavella Galleries Inc., New York
Price: $63.1
Category: Painting
Vincent van Gogh Gallery - Welcome!
The definitive reference for information about Vincent van Gogh including his biography and the complete collection of his paintings, drawings, sketches and ...
Van Gogh to Rothko in 30 Seconds | Open Culture
What if you took great works of art, stacked them side by side, and had them tell a story? You'd have a decidedly artful video ... and a great teaser for.
Museum Discovers 'New' Van Gogh Painting - Local News Story ...
LONDON (CNN) -- A painting dismissed for years as the work of an unknown artist has been identified as a piece by Vincent Van Gogh, after x-rays revealed an image of two wrestlers fighting underneath the floral still life.
Dutch museum finally attributes painting to Van Gogh
AMSTERDAM (REUTERS) - A Dutch museum said on Tuesday it has finally been able to attribute an anonymous painting in its collection to 19th century post-Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh. The Kroller-Muller museum said on Tuesday that new research ...
Van Gogh by Steven Naifeh - Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs, Lists
Van Gogh has 186 ratings and 48 reviews. Ann said: This biography was certainly a massive undertaking by award-winning authors. Its well-researched and wel...
Gandalf's Gallery: Vincent van Gogh - Sunflowers [1888]
Van Gogh intended to decorate Gauguin's room with these paintings in the so-called Yellow House that he rented in Arles in the South of France. He and Gauguin worked there together between October and December 1888.
Vincent van Gogh Gallery - Welcome!
The definitive reference for information about Vincent van Gogh including his biography and the complete collection of his paintings, drawings, sketches and watercolors.
Van Gogh: Up Close lecture set for Wayne
WAYNE – The Violette de Mazia Foundation will present a special lecture, “Van Gogh: Up Close,” 12:30 p.m. March 28 at the Wayne Art Center, 413 Maplewood Road. This short talk will be free and open to the public. Presented by Marilyn Bauma ...
Would Maslow have considered VANGOGH to have been a self actualizer?
I believe there are a number of ways to plausibly answer this question: a) maybe his more basic needs were, in fact, met; b) maybe, despite his artistic brillance, his self expression was not self actualizing; c) maybe Maslows theory needs refining; and d) maybe there are better answers than the ones I have just suggested.
Answer: Very complex and interesting question. I don't even know what to say other than your theories are very interesting and plausible.
Wish I could be more help.
Category: Psychology
‘Van Gogh Up Close’ at Philadelphia Museum of Art -
PHILADELPHIA — Vincent van Gogh was shaken but also calmed by nature. The natural landscape inspired some of his most implacably innovative paintings ...
TRAVEL ADVISORY; Hotel Plus Van Gogh In Los Angeles
Eight hotels in the Los Angeles area are offering packages with passes to the exhibition Van Goghs Van Goghs: Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, on Wilshire Boulevard in West Los Angeles, between downtown and the coast. The show of 70 paintings, now at the National Gallery of Art in - Eight hotels in Los Angeles area offer packages with passes to Van Gogh exhibit at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (S) - By ANTHONY DePALMA
New Van Gogh Painting Discovered
Still life with roses and field flowers. That's the name of this unsigned painting. After nine years of intensive research, scientists have finally cracked its code using a new technique called Macro Scanning X-ray Fluorescence ...
Van Gogh comes ‘ALIVE’ at Arizona Science Center
Art historian or connoisseur I am not. My art knowledge is higgledy-piggledy, occasionally garnered from “White Collar” sitcom character Neal Caffrey — a dashing art thief turned FBI advisor. Rubens, Rembrandt, Monet, and Van Gogh are names I ...
Student-painted bird houses to benefit Habitat for Humanity
MANKATO — Vincent van Gogh may have never intended for his famous painting “Starry Night” to be spread across a bird house, but that’s where one of 22 Mankato West art students put it during a course in art and volunteerism. Le Ann Ryan assigned an ... Van Gogh: The Life (9780375507489): Steven Naifeh ...
A Look Inside Van Gogh Jo Bonger Van Gogh with son Vincent van Gogh Credit: Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam Vincent van Gogh, Age 13 Credit: Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam ...
Van Gogh painting identified in the Netherlands
A museum in the Netherlands has identified a painting to be the creation of Vincent Van Gogh, after having said for several years that it is the work of an unknown artist. The painting resides at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, the ...
Did Chris Brown Reveal Rihanna Split On Twitter?
Chris changed his profile picture to a tragic Vincent van Gogh painting called ‘Sorrowing Old Man (‘At Eternity’s Gate’)’ — is he devastated over losing Rihanna again? Chris Brown has been involved in an intense love triangle with ...
where can i sell Starry night painting by Vincent VANGOGH?
237/980 original copy with certificate?
Answer: The piece you have is a print, not a painting. Pieces that are presented in large editions, numbered in the manner you describe are usually offset prints. Fine art prints will be in smaller editions, so you basically have a poster. Type in the information you have into a search engine and see what you find.
Category: Painting
Invisible Evidence Restores a van Gogh Attribution -
New research has shown that a still life painting of a vase brimming with flowers at the Kroeller-Mueller Museum in the Netherlands--whose attribution to van Gogh was dismissed in 2003 over scholars' doubts--was executed ...
How does one pronounce Gouda and VANGOGH?
In a previous question, I ascertained that the Dutch say, "Howda," not "Goodah." So now I wonder what that "Howda" really sounds like... is that H a back guttural sound; and the name of the guy who painted Starry Night, is that VanHoh, with the Hs being the same gagging throat noise?
If you answer, please state your qualifications (lived in Holland, have a Dutch grandmother, have a bad headcold...). Thanks! K
Answer: Gouda is pronounced like "Ghowda" with the G(h) as that throat sound.
van Gogh is pronounced the same, "van" (with the "a" like in "bath") and "Gogh" again, the g/gh is that "throat sound g", and the "o" sounds like the o in "lock".
I hope this helps
Category: Languages
Van Gogh Vodka - Creating a Masterpiece One Bottle at a Time
Have questions? Questions and Sponsorship Oppotunities. Do you have a question or a comment that you would like to make? Have an event that you would like us to sponsor?
Answer: No, van Gogh didn't suffer from tinnitus, or a ringing in the ear. The famous ear amputation was precipitated by a quarrel with the artist Gauguin, and it involved only part of an earlobe.
van Gogh was deeply depressed and disturbed for reasons that have not been fully understood -- he may have been bipolar, he may have suffered from a physical illness that had psychological effects -- but it's not surprising that he should have painted himself with a bandaged ear. He could not pay other models; and he was hospitalized for psychiatric treatment just after the ear episode. To paint himself at that time might well have seemed to him a way of achieving some form of self-examination and discovery.
Category: Painting
i am looking for pictures painted of sailboats by vincent VANGOGH?
boat with the name amitie on it with three other sail boats on shore and 4 more in the water
Answer: Try:
Category: Painting
The Vincent van Gogh Gallery
The Vincent van Gogh Gallery: The most comprehensive Van Gogh resource on the Web
A New Vision of a Visionary Fisherman
The art of Forrest Bess (1911-77), like that of Vincent van Gogh, may be in danger of being overtaken by his life story. Especially now, when the work of this eccentric visionary painter — who spent the bulk of his maturity as a fisherman on ...
The Art Worlds Unsolved Mysteries
How did a billionaire legally "steal" a $10 million painting? Why would Van Gogh shoot himself in the chest? And what would a mobster do with fine art? These stories and more lay ahead, some resolved, others only raising more questions, but all worth a ... The widest selection of Vincent van Gogh gifts ...
Features a variety of painting themed items. Also offers an online community based on the artist including a mailing list, chat, and discussion boards.
Impressionism - Biography of Vincent VAN GOGH
Son of Dutch Protestant pastor Theodore Van Gogh, and nephew of Vincent Van Gogh, his homonym who was co-director of international art dealers Goupil & Company at The ...
Van Gogh Vodka - Creating a Masterpiece One Bottle at a Time
Introducing Van Gogh Cool Peach. Aromas and flavors of fresh, vibrant peach with an undertone of almond are followed by a cool touch of mint that lingers for a ...
Vincent van Gogh Biography - His Life and Times
Read a biography of Dutch post-Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh. Get quick facts, a timeline, information about his family and artists who influenced him.
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