Hedy lamarr - Did one particular photographer take stills of Hedy Lamarr?

Hedy lamarr : Videos

Movie Legends - HEDY LAMARR
Movie Legends - HEDY LAMARR
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
Algiers - HEDY LAMARR & Charles Boyer
Algiers - HEDY LAMARR & Charles Boyer
The Heavenly Body - HEDY LAMARR & William Powell
The Heavenly Body - HEDY LAMARR & William Powell
Calling HEDY LAMARR - Edited Extracts
Calling HEDY LAMARR - Edited Extracts
HEDY LAMARR on Bob Hopes Leading Ladies
HEDY LAMARR on Bob Hopes Leading Ladies
HEDY LAMARR - The Viennese Beauty
HEDY LAMARR - The Viennese Beauty
Vivien Leigh and HEDY LAMARR---just like twin sisters
Vivien Leigh and HEDY LAMARR---just like twin sisters
HEDY LAMARR: The Prettiest Face in Films
HEDY LAMARR: The Prettiest Face in Films
HEDY LAMARR (Stranger In Paradise)
HEDY LAMARR (Stranger In Paradise)
Miranda Raison - HEDY LAMARR
Miranda Raison - HEDY LAMARR
Tortilla Flat - HEDY LAMARR & John Garfield
Tortilla Flat - HEDY LAMARR & John Garfield
1940s Glamour Fashion - HEDY LAMARR
1940s Glamour Fashion - HEDY LAMARR
Dishonored Lady: Starring HEDY LAMARR, Dennis OKeefe and William Lundigan (1947 Movie)
Dishonored Lady: Starring HEDY LAMARR, Dennis OKeefe and William Lundigan (1947 Movie)
Experiment Perilous - HEDY LAMARR
Experiment Perilous - HEDY LAMARR
Blazing Saddles - These Things are Defective
Blazing Saddles - These Things are Defective
Conversant amb HEDY LAMARR
Conversant amb HEDY LAMARR
The Conspirators - HEDY LAMARR & Paul Henreid
The Conspirators - HEDY LAMARR & Paul Henreid
HEDY LAMARR - My Delilah
HEDY LAMARR - My Delilah
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
HEDY LAMARR - The Viennese Beauty
HEDY LAMARR - The Viennese Beauty
HEDY LAMARR - Information Pioneers
HEDY LAMARR - Information Pioneers
HEDY LAMARR - Natural Beauty
HEDY LAMARR - Natural Beauty
HEDY LAMARR: Close ups
HEDY LAMARR: Close ups
HEDY LAMARR on Bob Hopes Leading Ladies
HEDY LAMARR on Bob Hopes Leading Ladies
HEDY LAMARR-the exotic splendor of Hollywood
HEDY LAMARR-the exotic splendor of Hollywood
HEDY LAMARR - My Delilah
HEDY LAMARR - My Delilah
HEDY LAMARR Makeup Tutorial
HEDY LAMARR Makeup Tutorial
HEDY LAMARR Lectures, Eröffnung 15. März, Beatrix Karl
HEDY LAMARR Lectures, Eröffnung 15. März, Beatrix Karl
Vivien Leigh and HEDY LAMARR---just like twin sisters
Vivien Leigh and HEDY LAMARR---just like twin sisters
You Dont Know Who HEDY LAMARR Is
You Dont Know Who HEDY LAMARR Is
HEDY LAMARR Remembrance
HEDY LAMARR Remembrance
HEDY LAMARR Lectures, Eindrücke der 7. Veranstaltung am 29 ...
HEDY LAMARR Lectures, Eindrücke der 7. Veranstaltung am 29 ...
Movie Legends - HEDY LAMARR
Movie Legends - HEDY LAMARR
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
HEDY LAMARR--Whats My Line
HEDY LAMARR - My Delilah
HEDY LAMARR - My Delilah

Hedy lamarr : Photo Gallery

220px-Hedy_Lamarr_in_ ...
220px-Hedy_Lamarr_in_ ...
220px-Hedy_Lamarr_in_The_ ...
220px-Hedy_Lamarr_in_The_ ...
The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR
The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR
The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR
The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR
BritneySpears.ac: Introduction, HEDY LAMARR Inventor/Film Star
BritneySpears.ac: Introduction, HEDY LAMARR Inventor/Film Star
Historical Facts about Women in Computing: HEDY LAMARR
Historical Facts about Women in Computing: HEDY LAMARR
BritneySpears.ac: Introduction, HEDY LAMARR Inventor/Film Star
BritneySpears.ac: Introduction, HEDY LAMARR Inventor/Film Star
Women's History Month: HEDY LAMARR | Total Woman Gym & Day Spa
Women's History Month: HEDY LAMARR | Total Woman Gym & Day Spa
Friday Face: HEDY LAMARR
Friday Face: HEDY LAMARR
HEDY LAMARR Foundation
HEDY LAMARR Foundation
PlanetBarberella's Bipolar express: HEDY LAMARR......actress of ...
PlanetBarberella's Bipolar express: HEDY LAMARR......actress of ...
The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR
The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR
GarboForever - Small Garbo Stories&Anecdotes - Part 2
GarboForever - Small Garbo Stories&Anecdotes - Part 2
HEDY LAMARR « JP Catavento
HEDY LAMARR « JP Catavento
HEDY LAMARR 1920 1200 dec252010 500x312 HEDY LAMARR
HEDY LAMARR 1920 1200 dec252010 500x312 HEDY LAMARR
HEDY LAMARR » Circa Vintage Clothing
HEDY LAMARR » Circa Vintage Clothing
HEDY LAMARR – Q&A with Author Patrick Agan: Part III
HEDY LAMARR – Q&A with Author Patrick Agan: Part III
HEDY LAMARR – an engineering pioneer
HEDY LAMARR – an engineering pioneer
HEDY LAMARR « JP Catavento
HEDY LAMARR « JP Catavento
HEDY LAMARR overleden « dagelijks iets degelijks
HEDY LAMARR overleden « dagelijks iets degelijks
HEDY LAMARR - Classic Movies Photo (9477804) - Fanpop
HEDY LAMARR - Classic Movies Photo (9477804) - Fanpop
HEDY LAMARR - Intelligence has a wonderful woman shape
HEDY LAMARR - Intelligence has a wonderful woman shape
HEDY LAMARR II: Arrival in Hollywood
HEDY LAMARR II: Arrival in Hollywood
HEDY LAMARR circa 1940s
HEDY LAMARR circa 1940s
jeannine as HEDY LAMARR
jeannine as HEDY LAMARR
jeannine as HEDY LAMARR
jeannine as HEDY LAMARR
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 004
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 004
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 002
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 002
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 001
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 001
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 003
moviestars - HEDY LAMARR - 11.20.11- 003
Robert Taylor
Robert Taylor
HEDY LAMARR on Screenland October 1942
HEDY LAMARR on Screenland October 1942
HEDY LAMARR, The Most Glamorous Geek Of All Time
HEDY LAMARR, The Most Glamorous Geek Of All Time
'Most Beautiful Woman' By Day, Inventor By Night
'Most Beautiful Woman' By Day, Inventor By Night
HEDY LAMARR Biography: Hedy's Folly by Richard Rhodes (Review)
HEDY LAMARR Biography: Hedy's Folly by Richard Rhodes (Review)
Hedy's Folly
Hedy's Folly
Happy birthday, HEDY LAMARR
Happy birthday, HEDY LAMARR
Smart bombshell!
Smart bombshell!
TELEKOM AUSTRIA : HEDY LAMARR Lecture with Uwe Hasebrink on Media Usage in ...
TELEKOM AUSTRIA : HEDY LAMARR Lecture with Uwe Hasebrink on Media Usage in ...
Home decor on offer in early December period art & design auction at Bonhams
Home decor on offer in early December period art & design auction at Bonhams
The Lost Tweets of Hollywood
The Lost Tweets of Hollywood
An Irishman's Diary
An Irishman's Diary
Xpress Reviews—First Look at New Books, November 11, 2011
Xpress Reviews—First Look at New Books, November 11, 2011
The Return of Mario Montez, Warhol Legend
The Return of Mario Montez, Warhol Legend
From class to stage
From class to stage
Six lessons from Kim Kardashian's Divorce
Six lessons from Kim Kardashian's Divorce
Has Occupy Wall Street Jumped the Pop Culture Shark?
Has Occupy Wall Street Jumped the Pop Culture Shark?
Catanzaro. Al Festival d'Autunno Edoardo Segantini ha raccontato HEDY LAMARR
Catanzaro. Al Festival d'Autunno Edoardo Segantini ha raccontato HEDY LAMARR

Hedy lamarr : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

How did HEDY LAMARR die?

Okay, so i read this book called "What Almost Happened to Hedy lamarr" by Devra Hills and its a biography.In the end, it says Hedy died when her first husband Gunther came to visit her while she was on a safari. He was obsessed with her and he kept saying stuff like youre coming back home with me. She obviously didnt want to and he had grabbed a scarf she had and wrapped it around her neck and was about to choke her or drag her to the car. She had a revolver and shot him in the stomach. There had been pits dug to save themselves if a wild animal came it would fall into the holes. Hedy and the now shot Gunther fell into the pits and Hedy cracked her neck and died. i looked up her death online and it wasnt anything like that. i know the title is what ALMOST happened to Hedy lamarr but on the back of it, it says biography.Dont they have to tell what really happened if its a bioraphy? Does anyone know how and when Hedy actually died?
Answer: january 19 2000 of natural reasons she died in florida
Category: Celebrities

HEDY LAMARR: Information from Answers.com

Library > Literature & Language > Quotes By Quotes : " Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.

Most Beautiful Woman By Day, Inventor By Night

At the height of her Hollywood career, actress Hedy lamarr was known as "the most beautiful woman in the world." For most of her life, her legacy was her looks. But in the 1940s — in an attempt to help the war effort — she quietly invented ...

Dear Donna: A Pinup So Swell She Kept G.I. Mail

It has been a long time since any of us boys have seen a woman, so we are writing to you in hopes that youll help us out of our situation, Cpl. Frank J. Gizych lamented in a letter posted from the fog-shrouded Aleutian Islands. Since we know that its impossible to see a woman in the flesh, we would appreciate it very much if you could send - By LARRY ROHTER

HEDY LAMARR, The Most Glamorous Geek Of All Time | Techme101

Over the weekend, NPR broadcast a must-listen piece on the astounding inventing career of Hedy lamarr, an actress once considered by some to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The piece is based around an ...

Meryl Streep in Washington, DC

5) --Marissa Mayer, Vice President for Local, Maps, Location Services at Google. She received the Hedy Lamar Living Legacy Award for her achievements in telecommunciations and technology. (#6, #7) Hedy Lamar was a well-known actress during the 1940s.

HEDY LAMARR Question.?

What did she invent? And how did her invention help mankind? And one last question,what kinda charastics do you think she had? P.S This is not for a project or homework questions,i just wanna know more about Hedy. P.S.S Please dont give me a web address. Thankyou
Answer: Hedy's credited invention was for a radio guiding system for torpedoes which was used in WWII. She supposedly gained the knowledge from her first husband, Fritz Mandl, a Viennese munitions dealer who sided with the Nazis. Hedy drugged her maid to escape her husband and homeland. - from a website. Thanks for asking. I only knew her as a film beauty.
Category: Words & Wordplay

Movie Legends - HEDY LAMARR - YouTube

Jul 31, 2007 ... The Star known as 'The Most Beautiful Woman in Films'. For more Hedy lamarr see REPRISE edition on this Channel.


THE Hedy lamarr FOUNDATION is committed to producing profound messages that promote the education and personal development of young individuals in the areas of art ...

Did one particular photographer take stills of HEDY LAMARR?

Not only is the actress gorgeous, some of the photos are remarkable!
Answer: No...there was not one particular photographer credited with her still shots. Any and every photographer that could shoot her, did. She was the most beautiful woman in the world back then and still is, if you ask me!
Category: Magazines

Female Inventors: HEDY LAMARR

Hedy lamarr was born in Vienna in 1914 as Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler. She went to Max Reinhardt's famous acting school in Berlin during her late teens, and in ...

HEDY LAMARR Foundation

THE Hedy lamarr FOUNDATION is committed to producing profound messages that promote the education and personal development of young individuals in the areas of art ...

HEDY LAMARR Fan Site | Index

Nov 9, 2011 ... Believe it or not, Hedy lamarr stays home nights and invents! I believe it because I know." For those who won a copy of the new book, I already ...

Who looks better, Michael Jackson or HEDY LAMARR?

...in a military jacket and why??? Michael http://www.amoeba.com/dynamic-images/blog/Sarah/michael-jackson Hedy http://www.galbreath.net/bill/pinups2/images/hedy-lamar1.jpg ???
Answer: Anything looks better than michael jackson
Category: Celebrities

:: The Patent Librarian's Notebook ::: New Bio: Inventor HEDY LAMARR

New Bio: Inventor Hedy lamarr. Inventor/actress Hedy lamarr is the subject of a new bio by Richard Rhodes: Hedy's Folly: The Life and Breakthrough Inventions of Hedy lamarr, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World. ...

HABITATS | HELLS KITCHEN; A Theatrical 348 Square Feet

SOME of the multitudes who saw an early touring production of Cats in the mid-1980s might remember an exuberant orange tabby called Skimbleshanks. The character was played by a 20-something dancer named Jonathan Cerullo, swathed from ears to tail in yak hair. In 1985, the year before stepping into Skimbleshankss ratty-looking fur, Mr. Cerullo - E-mail: habitats@nytimes.com - By CONSTANCE ROSENBLUM


Actress: Samson and Delilah (1949) · Ecstasy (1933) · Algiers (1938) · The Strange Woman (1946). On November 9, 1913, Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler was born in Vienna ...

SPECIAL REPORT: THE FEMALE FACTOR; Risk and Opportunity for Women in 21st-Century Challenges

PARIS -- Daniel Louvard does not believe in affirmative action. Time and again, the scientists in his Left Bank cancer laboratory have urged him to recruit with gender diversity in mind. But Mr. Louvard, research director at the Institut Curie and one of Frances top biochemists, just keeps hiring more women. I take the best candidates, period, - By KATRIN BENNHOLD

FILM; Working With Andy the Auteur

WARHOL and I were very uncomfortable together, the playwright, novelist, screenwriter and professional wit Ronald Tavel said of Andy Warhol, who often seemed uncomfortable with everyone. I never knew what to say to him, and he never knew what to say to me. In fact we almost never said anything. Whether this discomfort was real, the words he - By MANOHLA DARGIS

comments on 'Most Beautiful Woman' By Day, Inventor By ... - Adafruit

'Most Beautiful Woman' By Day, Inventor By Night @ NPR. At the height of her Hollywood career, actress Hedy lamarr was known as “the most beautiful woman in the world.” For most of her life, her legacy was her looks. ...

ON LANGUAGE; Movie Misquotations

Over the last century or so, movie quotations, like pop-music lyrics, have come to replace Biblical verses and Shakespearean couplets as our cultural lingua franca, our common store of wit and wisdom. Yet many of the most frequently cited motion-picture lines turn out to be misquotations. The speech from Dirty Harry in which Clint Eastwood - Fred R. Shapiro is the editor of The Yale Book of Quotations and associate librarian and lecturer in legal research at Yale Law School. - By FRED R. SHAPIRO

The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR

Hedy lamarr, includes biography, career highlights, photos and quotes

European Exotic

BEAUTIFUL The Life of Hedy lamarr By Stephen Michael Shearer Illustrated. 464 pp. Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martins Press. $29.99 Hedy lamarr The Most Beautiful Woman in Film By Ruth Barton Illustrated. 281 pp. The University Press of Kentucky. $29.95 Hedy lamarr, born Hedwig Kiesler in 1914 in Vienna, enjoyed an early if not particularly auspicious - Molly Haskells most recent book is Frankly, My Dear: Gone With the Wind Revisited. - By MOLLY HASKELL


Film Stephen Holden VOYAGE TO THE END OF THE UNIVERSE (Ikarie XB 1), a Czech science-fiction film made in 1963, is thought by some to be a direct inspiration for the original Star Trek television series, which began in 1966. Set in 2163, the movie follows a pre-Enterprise spacecraft on a quest to find intelligent life in the Alpha - By STEPHEN HOLDEN

Whats On Today

11 A.M. (ABC, NBC, HGTV and Travel Channel) ROSE PARADE 2009 Cloris Leachman, left, is grand marshal of this 120th parade in Pasadena, Calif., with the theme Hats Off to Entertainment. Among the more than 40 floats is a homage to Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, shown speeding across a New Mexico landscape designed from more than 50,000 - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK

What is the frequency hopping-spread system of actress HEDY LAMARR?

Answer: George Antheil met Hedy Lamar in the summer of 1940, when they were neighbors in Hollywood. They began talking about radio control for torpedoes. The idea itself was not new, but her concept of "frequency hopping" was. Lamarr brought up the idea of radio control. She conceived the idea of hopping from frequency to frequency just like a pianist can play the same notes, but in different octaves. Antheil's contribution was to suggest the device by which synchronization could be achieved. He proposed that rapid changes in radio frequencies could be coordinated the way he had coordinated the sixteen synchronized player pianos in his Ballet Méanique. The analogy was complete in his mind: By the time the two applied for a patent on a "Secret Communication System," on June 10, 1941, the invention used slotted paper rolls similar to player-piano rolls to synchronize the frequency changes in transmitter and receiver, and it even called for exactly eighty-eight frequencies, the number of keys on a piano. This early version of frequency hopping used a piano-roll to change between 88 frequencies, and was intended to make radio-guided torpedoes harder for enemies to detect or to jam. http://www.inventions.org/culture/female/lamarr.html Frequency hopping is one of two basic modulation techniques used in spread spectrum signal transmission. It is the repeated switching of frequencies during radio transmission, often to minimize the effectiveness of "electronic warfare" - that is, the unauthorized interception or jamming of telecommunications. It also is known as frequency- hopping code division multiple access (FH-CDMA). http://philosophyofscienceportal.blogspot.com/2009/05/heddy-lamarr-fritz-mandalfrequency.html Lamarr and Antheil worked on the idea for several months and then, in December 1940, and, with the help of an electrical engineering professor from the California Institute of Technology, they ironed out its bugs, and the patent was granted on August 11, 1942. It specified that a high-altitude observiation plane could steer the torpedo from above. Despite Antheil's lobbying, the Navy turned its back on the invention, concluding that the mechanism would have been too bulky to fit into a torpedo. Antheil disagreed; he insisted that it could be made small enough to squeeze into a watch. In the United States Hedy lamarr and George Antheil, shunned by the Navy, no longer pursued their invention. But in 1957, the concept was taken up by engineers at the Sylvania Electronic Systems Division, in Buffalo, New York. Their arrangement, using, of course, electronics rather than piano rolls, ultimately became a basic tool for secure military communications. It was installed on ships sent to blockade Cuba in 1962, about three years after the Lamarr-Antheil patent had expired. Subsequent patents in frequency changing, which are generally unrelated to torpedo control, have referred to the Lamarr-Antheil patent as the basis of the field, and the concept lies behind the principal anti-jamming device used today, for example, in the U.S. government's Milstar defense communication satellite system. http://www.inventions.org/culture/female/lamarr.html Today, spread spectrum devices using micro-chips, make pagers, cellular phones, and, yes, communication on the internet possible. Many units can operate at once using the same frequencies. Most important, spread spectrum is the key element in anti-jamming devices used in the government's 25 billion Milstar system. Milstar controls all the intercontinental missiles in U.S. weapons arsenal. Lamarr was recently (2000, the year she died) given the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) Award for their invention. Antheil was also honored; he died in the sixties. Hedy's son accepted the award for her since she no longer makes public appearances. From her Florida apartment where she lived on a pension from the Screen Actor's Guild, Lamarr responded, "It's about time." http://www.hypatiamaze.org/h_lamarr/scigrrl.html
Category: Engineering

HEDY LAMARR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hedy lamarr (November 9, 1913 – January 19, 2000) was an Austrian-American actress celebrated for her great beauty who was a major contract star of MGMs "Golden Age".

HEDY LAMARR: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article

Hedy lamarr was an Austrian-American. actress known primarily for her extraordinary beauty and her celebrity in a film career as a major contract star of MGM

HEDY LAMARR Fan Site | Index

view full schedule . please save to your own server. if you have questions, concerns, requests, or . constructive suggestions, please write to:

J. Edgar

Theres certainly a lot of pent-up tension between them; the dust-up, for instance, results from Tolsons jealous rage over Hoovers romance with Hollywood glamour girl Hedy lamarr. And theres also the occasional, ambiguous pat on the hand. But whether ...

Who is more beautiful-Vivien Leigh or HEDY LAMARR?

I prefer Vivien, but Id like to know what other people think :) thank you.
Answer: Vivien has a unique refined beauty which draws me in and want to study her face and features forever never trully ever allowing me to get enough of her. Hedy just melts me with those eyes and she has yes,,, incredible sex appeal,, both incredible and true beautys of the century.... but the question was who's more beautiful so I have to give the edge to Vivien,,, just my personal opinion.
Category: Other - Beauty & Style

Blue Herald » Hedy Lemarr: Beauty by Day, Inventor at Night

I have always loved Hedy Lemarr. Never knew this about her… At the height of her Hollywood career, actress Hedy lamarr was known as “the most beautiful woman in the world.” For most of her life, her legacy was her looks. ...

BASICS; From the Lab to the Red Carpet

The Intel Science Talent Search is considered the nations most elite and demanding high school research competition, attracting the crème de la milk-fats-encased-in-a-phospholipid-and-protein-membrane of aspiring young scientists. Victors and near-victors in the 69-year-old contest have gone on to win seven Nobel Prizes in physics or chemistry, - By NATALIE ANGIER

A Brilliant List of Science Books for People Who Want Their Minds Blown

Who will have jobs, and which nations will prosper? Hedys Folly: The Life and Breakthrough Inventions of Hedy lamarr, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, by Richard Rhodes (Doubleday) This incredible book by Rhodes (author of The Making of the Atomic ...

In your opinion, which is the best HEDY LAMARR film?

Or if you have multiple faves, what are they? thanks!
Answer: I've always thought that Hedy was the most beautiful woman in film! Her sparkling blue eyes and her raven hair just kill me! I thought that the chemistry between her and Clark Gable in "Comrade X" made for a great little romantic comedy with a healthy dose of political humor, too! Of course, she was also Delilah in "Samson and Delilah" and who could forget her dances? Zowie!
Category: Movies

HEDY LAMARR did what?

Shes been nominated for The Academy Award 16 times and has taken the Oscar home twice, but whos counting? Meryl Streep, national spokeswoman for The National Womens History Museum, hosted their First de Pizan Honors Gala at the Museum.

did HEDY LAMARR ever write a biography?

if so where can i find it? online or in print?
Answer: Ecstasy and Me (1966) My links provide places you can purchase it. Good Luck. Book Description: For one breath-taking decade, Hedy lamarr regined supreme. Acclaimed "the most beautiful woman of the century, she was transformed by Louis B. Mayer into the last great super-star of the pre-war Hollywood empire. Ectasy and me is not a Hollywood fan book, not as social documentary, not a psychiatric case history...It is the flesh-and-blood autobiography of an amazing woman who has known the heights and depths of life...and whose own words will not take you along to those heights and depths with her.
Category: History

HEDY LAMARR - Overview - MSN Movies

Hedy lamarr overview: biography, filmography, interviews & clips, photos, news, awards worked with, message board and more


Hedy lamarr (Hedy lamarr)s profile on Myspace, the leading social entertainment destination powered by the passion of our fans.

The Drone Age, Chicks With Guns And Tyrannosaur

Plus, a look at the new Catholic mass, the book "Chicks With Guns," and the secrets of Hollywood legend Hedy Lamar. Also, the movie "Tyrannosaur" and our holiday music buying guide.

BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Sticky Fingers, Used in Service of a Covetous Nature

THE STEAL A Cultural History of Shoplifting By Rachel Shteir 256 pages. Penguin Press. $25.95. Jack Kerouac said many things better than other writers have said them, and among those things, in On the Road, is this: I suddenly began to realize that everybody in America is a natural born thief. Rachel Shteir quotes Kerouacs sentence - By DWIGHT GARNER

Overview for HEDY LAMARR - TCM Turner Classic Movies

A major star under contract with MGM during the 1930s and 1940s, Hedy lamarr gained international notoriety thanks to her taboo-breaking performance in the Austrian ...

JAKE WEIRD: John Garfield and HEDY LAMARR in "Tortilla Flat"

Spencer Tracy, Hedy lamarr and John Garfield as Pilon, Dolores Ramirez and Danny Alvarez in "Tortilla Flat" (1942) directed by Victor Fleming Tortilla Flat had begun filming on November 23, with Spencer Tracy and Hedy in ...

HEDY LAMARR - Biography

The woman many critics and fans alike regard as the most beautiful ever to appear in films was born Hedwig Eva Kiesler in Vienna, Austria, and was a student of ...

HEDY LAMARR Quotes - BrainyQuote

Share the best Quotes by Hedy lamarr with your friends and family at BrainyQuote.com.

Praise Puts Tyrannosaur Filmmaker In The Spotlight

One of the biggest actresses of MGMs Golden Age, also lived a quiet life as an inventor. During World War II, Hedy lamarr invented a form of wireless communication that led to Bluetooth, GPS and more. Performance artist Robert Karimi has made ...

HEDY LAMARR - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hedy lamarr was an Austrian-American actress celebrated for her great beauty who was a major contract star of MGM's "Golden Age". Lamarr also co-invented ...

HEDY LAMARR - Salon.com

Salon coverage: Hedy lamarr ... How Hedy lamarr, the most beautiful woman in the world, invented a technology we use every day

HEDY LAMARR - The No.1 Reading Room On The Internet

What do Hedy lamarr, avant-garde composer George Antheil, and your cell phone have in common? The answer is spread-spectrum radio: a revolutionary invention based on the rapid switching of communications signals ...

Where can I get an imitation outfit like the ones worn by HEDY LAMARR in Sampson & Delilah?

Answer: a shop
Category: Fashion & Accessories

Smart bombshell!

After a German U-boat sank an English ship in 1940, killing 245 passengers, including 77 children who were escaping the blitz, A-list Hollywood bombshell Hedy lamarr decided that something needed to be done — and that she was the person to do it.

HEDY LAMARR Biography: Hedys Folly by Richard Rhodes (Review)

Actresses often long to turn director, but how many of them yearn to turn inventor? Given the success that the screen siren Hedy lamarr achieved in that realm—revealed in Richard Rhodes’s fascinating biography, Hedy’s Folly—it’s a pity ...

Super Punch: HEDY LAMARR helped invent GPS, WI-FI, and a homing ...

What do Hedy lamarr, avant-garde composer George Antheil, and your cell phone have in common? The answer is spread-spectrum radio: a revolutionary invention based on the rapid switching of communications signals ...

Do you think Vivien Leigh and HEDY LAMARR looked similar?

Hedy lamarr: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film/filmnoir/femmeweb/HedyLamarr.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film/filmnoir/femmeweb/noirbabes.htm&usg=__oNASbR041brFWzxb3vybbpWl68g=&h=1392&w=1105&sz=466&hl=en&start=18&zoom=1&tbnid=ZsslUMXB-rl94M:&tbnh=134&tbnw=105&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhedy%2Blamarr%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DUwI%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26biw%3D1022%26bih%3D592%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C684&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=433&vpy=176&dur=306&hovh=134&hovw=106&tx=81&ty=106&ei=Qh25TLiWNcKecJGOkYsN&oei=Lh25TICOMMS8cf-S1bAM&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:14,s:18&biw=1022&bih=592 Vivien Leigh: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6n6jrWfJ8R0/THTy0cmnAtI/AAAAAAAAEmw/InvcrhdCTME/s400/Vivien%2BLeigh.jpg&imgrefurl=http://lavendergal08.blogspot.com/&usg=__GBdTB6JJdZzzFp5Ij-x-nFyJSqU=&h=400&w=300&sz=24&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=AJ7rtLryOqdqfM:&tbnh=136&tbnw=100&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvivien%2Bleigh%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DCGy%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26biw%3D1022%26bih%3D592%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=600&vpy=207&dur=925&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=89&ty=152&ei=Cx25TMfYBqHKcKrvxccM&oei=Cx25TMfYBqHKcKrvxccM&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0 Alot of people say how similar they looked but i dont see many similarities, except they both had pale skin and dark hair, do you see any similarities? and who do you think is prettier? lol random question
Answer: I agree, there are some similarities between them, and I think Hedy lamarr is hotter, :)
Category: Polls & Surveys


Hedy lamarr, Actress: Samson and Delilah. On November 9, 1913, Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler was born in Vienna, Austria, to a banker and his wife. Hedwig ...

Did you know this about HEDY LAMARR?

Turns out Lamarr, along with composer George Antheil, invented a radio-controlled torpedo guidance system in 1941. Together, they patented the system and gave it to the Navy.
Answer: No, I never knew that and thanks for the information. Wow, I am flabbergasted at her intelligence and talent. Oh, she was so beautiful too.
Category: Senior Citizens

Hedy’s Folly”: The movie star behind your cellphone

Antheil was properly dazzled by the introduction. He later wrote that his “eyeballs sizzled” upon meeting Hedy lamarr and that she was even better-looking in real life than on film. The question of the actress’ breasts seems to have been ...

You talk back: First Bite Boulder; Turkey time; Happy birthday, Heddy Lamarr

Another is Edwards Meats in Wheat Ridge, 303-422-4397. One of the brainiest stars in the Hollywood constellation, Hedy lamarr played Delilah in the 1949 blockbuster "Samson and Delilah," but also contributed to the development of spread-spectrum ...

Biography project outfit for HEDY LAMARR?

Im going to be Hedy lamarr for a biography character fair in about a month, and I need to buy my outfit fairly soon (we need to bring it in to class before the actual date). Does anyone know what outfit I should wear? Please make it CHEAP, with links included to places that I can GO to (not online stores) aka target, forever 21, those types just make it cheap! (thats a goal for the class assignment) p.s. shes an actress and inventor from the 30s and 40s. look her up :]
Answer: yeah...I first though you meant Hedly Lamarr, the guy from Blazing Saddles http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/1/11/Godothatvoodoo.jpg/220px-Godothatvoodoo.jpg The best option I can think of, especially on the cheap, is going with a white blouse and slim plain color skirt. It's not exactly what she wore, but common during the time period.
Category: Fashion & Accessories

Female Inventors: HEDY LAMARR - Inventors Assistance League ...

Hedy lamarr was born in Vienna in 1914 as Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler. She went to Max Reinhardts famous acting school in Berlin during her late teens, and in 1933 she ...

Is HEDY LAMARR the prettiest caucasian actress of all-time?

BQ: Whos prettier: Diana Sands or Mari Morrow? Who pimped harder: Gorgeous Dre or Fillmore Slim?
Answer: Yes.
Category: Religion & Spirituality

The Official Site of HEDY LAMARR

Hedy lamarr, includes biography, career highlights, photos and quotes.

Home decor on offer in early December period art & design auction at Bonhams

Bonhams looks forward to presenting its Period Art & Design Auction, December 11-12 in San Francisco, featuring property from the Estate of Katherine Elkins Boyd; jewelry from the Collection of “Golden Age” actress Hedy lamarr; and unique designs for ...

Who was prettier at a younger age: Lauren Bacall or HEDY LAMARR?

Answer: Both of them were beautiful young women, but Hedy lamarr just had the edge over Lauren Bacall for me.
Category: Celebrities

HEDY LAMARR, The Most Glamorous Geek Of All Time

Over the weekend, NPR broadcast a must-listen piece on the astounding inventing career of Hedy lamarr, an actress once considered by some to be the most beautiful woman in the world. The piece is based around an interview with the Pulitzer Prize ...

HEDY LAMARR Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography ...

Scientists and sexy screen star Hedy lamarr is worth a thorough read. Follow her celluloid and spread spectrum life on biography.com.

HEDY LAMARR Gallery Pics Pictures Photos Portraits Images

spectacular Hedy lamarr gallery. Over 1000 high quality images pics portraits photos of classic film stars actors actresses and sex symbols sexy hot babes bombshells ...


I told of other famous women arrested for the same crime. Movie star Hedy lamarr, at a drug store in Florida in 1991, and Bess Myerson, Miss America of 1945, at a New Jersey shopping mall in 1988. The stories created splashy headlines in tabloids and ...

How pretty was HEDY LAMARR in Samson and Delilah (1949)?

Answer: Very pretty, as I recall.
Category: Religion & Spirituality

HEDY LAMARR Foundation

THE Hedy lamarr FOUNDATION is committed to producing profound messages that promote the education and personal development of young individuals ...

A picture of HEDY LAMARRs star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Hmm..Ive been searching but cant find it.
Answer: Here it is: http://www.classicfilmstars.com/lamarrhedy.htm Scroll down to a short description of her death.
Category: Movies

HEDY LAMARR, The Most Glamorous Geek Of All Time | SX Film

New Bio: Inventor Hedy lamarr. Inventor/actress Hedy lamarr is the subject of a new bio by Richard Rhodes: Hedy's Folly: The Life and Breakthrough Invention.

National Women’s History Museum Salutes Women of Distinction

The 2011 honorees are: Hedy lamarr and Marissa Mayer in the fields of telecommunications and technology; Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Cathy Hughes for accomplishments in media and communications; and Admiral Grace Hopper and Helen Greiner for their ...

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