Cnn debate - CNN debate: What to watch for

Cnn debate : Photo Gallery

CNN Touts Its (Lack of) Debate Footage Restrictions - TVNewser
CNN Touts Its (Lack of) Debate Footage Restrictions - TVNewser
GOP presidential contenders take aim at Obama in CNN DEBATE - CNN.
GOP presidential contenders take aim at Obama in CNN DEBATE - CNN.
Video: The New Hampshire 2012 debate in full – CNN Political ...
Video: The New Hampshire 2012 debate in full – CNN Political ...
Part I: CNN/YouTube Republican presidential debate transcript - CNN
Part I: CNN/YouTube Republican presidential debate transcript - CNN
CNN DEBATE “Dial Testers” In Columbus, OH
CNN DEBATE “Dial Testers” In Columbus, OH
CNN, LA Times, Politico to sponsor debates - David Mark - POLITICO.
CNN, LA Times, Politico to sponsor debates - David Mark - POLITICO.
Election Center 2008 - Election & Politics News from CNN.
Election Center 2008 - Election & Politics News from CNN.
Lindsay: GOP candidates to debate foreign policy, again – Global ...
Lindsay: GOP candidates to debate foreign policy, again – Global ...
Blitzer: What would you ask the Democrats in South Carolina? – CNN ...
Blitzer: What would you ask the Democrats in South Carolina? – CNN ...
CNN's Democratic Debate Draws Record High Audience
CNN's Democratic Debate Draws Record High Audience
Republican primary debate: live - Telegraph
Republican primary debate: live - Telegraph
Live Streaming Video Of GOP Debate | Watch GOP Debate | Video ...
Live Streaming Video Of GOP Debate | Watch GOP Debate | Video ...
Greenpeace USA Blog
Greenpeace USA Blog
CNN's debate extras: Trying to keep it from looking like 1984 ...
CNN's debate extras: Trying to keep it from looking like 1984 ...
Z on TV: Television critic David Zurawik of The Baltimore Sun ...
Z on TV: Television critic David Zurawik of The Baltimore Sun ...
 CNN/LA Times/Politico Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate ...
CNN/LA Times/Politico Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate ...
cnn_debate | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
cnn_debate | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
CNN DEBATEs Moderator Wolf Blitzer | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
CNN DEBATEs Moderator Wolf Blitzer | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
CNN/ YouTube Debate Responses Live
CNN/ YouTube Debate Responses Live
CNN YouTube Debates
CNN YouTube Debates
CNN DEBATE scores large audience – CNN Political Ticker - ...
CNN DEBATE scores large audience – CNN Political Ticker - ...
CNN DEBATE Gets Social
CNN DEBATE Gets Social
CNN YouTube debate
CNN YouTube debate
 ... gen keith kerr as he appeared during the cnn youtube republican debate
... gen keith kerr as he appeared during the cnn youtube republican debate
 ... the candidates during CNNs technical rehearsal prior to the debate
... the candidates during CNNs technical rehearsal prior to the debate
How CNN And YouTube Forged A Presidential-Debate Partnership | Fast ...
How CNN And YouTube Forged A Presidential-Debate Partnership | Fast ...
tuesday s CNN DEBATE was the nastiest yet with more anger and ...
tuesday s CNN DEBATE was the nastiest yet with more anger and ...
Chad Ware MCM
Chad Ware MCM
1st Lt. Chad Ware
1st Lt. Chad Ware
Morning News... 11/10/2011
Morning News... 11/10/2011
Strawberry White Chocolate Mocha!
Strawberry White Chocolate Mocha!
Starbucks @ KL SENTRAL
Starbucks @ KL SENTRAL
The Doha Debates
The Doha Debates
This building wasnt here few months ago!
This building wasnt here few months ago!
Occupy Your Throne
Occupy Your Throne
Police State
Police State
Occupy Las Vegas March Passes Site of the Las Vegas Republican Presidential Debate
Occupy Las Vegas March Passes Site of the Las Vegas Republican Presidential Debate
no vacancy in sin city - republican presidential debate
no vacancy in sin city - republican presidential debate
National Republican Co-Chair Sharon Day with Keith Kuder.
National Republican Co-Chair Sharon Day with Keith Kuder.
Republican Arizona Governor Janice Brewer with Keith Kuder.
Republican Arizona Governor Janice Brewer with Keith Kuder.
Western Republican Leadership Conference CNN DEBATE VIP Reception.
Western Republican Leadership Conference CNN DEBATE VIP Reception.
Nevada Republican State Chair Amy Tarkanian and Keith Kuder.
Nevada Republican State Chair Amy Tarkanian and Keith Kuder.
Troop levels, Iran prompt GOP sparring in CNN National Security Debate
Troop levels, Iran prompt GOP sparring in CNN National Security Debate
Fact checking the CNN national security debate
Fact checking the CNN national security debate
CNN's GOP national security debate
CNN's GOP national security debate
Boring mid-season episode of Republican Presidential Debate
Boring mid-season episode of Republican Presidential Debate
GOP debate: Behind the scenes with CNN, Heritage and AEI
GOP debate: Behind the scenes with CNN, Heritage and AEI
Who Won the CNN DEBATE?
Who Won the CNN DEBATE?
Rick Santorum endorses Muslim profiling
Rick Santorum endorses Muslim profiling
Candidates Vie For Air Time
Candidates Vie For Air Time
Assessing the CNN/Heritage/AEI Debate
Assessing the CNN/Heritage/AEI Debate
Auto exec's arrest a new flashpoint in Alabama's immigration debate
Auto exec's arrest a new flashpoint in Alabama's immigration debate
Follow our Live Blog of Tonight's GOP Debate
Follow our Live Blog of Tonight's GOP Debate
CNN Poll: Democrats & GOP at odds over top international issues
CNN Poll: Democrats & GOP at odds over top international issues
Lindsay: GOP candidates to debate foreign policy, again
Lindsay: GOP candidates to debate foreign policy, again
CNN DEBATE Tonight, Smoking Ban in Cars, & More in Chad's Steaming Pile
CNN DEBATE Tonight, Smoking Ban in Cars, & More in Chad's Steaming Pile
Debate Night: How Should Americans Think About International Organizations?
Debate Night: How Should Americans Think About International Organizations?

Cnn debate : Videos

Perry spars with Romney at CNN DEBATE over illegal immigration
Perry spars with Romney at CNN DEBATE over illegal immigration
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN Tea Party Debate
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN Tea Party Debate
FULL CNN Republican GOP presidential debate 2011 [Part 1] - New Hampshire
FULL CNN Republican GOP presidential debate 2011 [Part 1] - New Hampshire
Full CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate (Ron Paul Wins!)
Full CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate (Ron Paul Wins!)
Ron Paul Booed at CNN - Tea Party Debate
Ron Paul Booed at CNN - Tea Party Debate
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate
CNN DEBATE Las Vegas Ron Paul on Israel & foreign aid
CNN DEBATE Las Vegas Ron Paul on Israel & foreign aid
Ron Pauls Answers at the CNN GOP Debate in New Hampshire - June 13, 2011
Ron Pauls Answers at the CNN GOP Debate in New Hampshire - June 13, 2011
CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate - Part 7
CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate - Part 7
Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich in CNN DEBATE
Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich in CNN DEBATE
Full CNN GOP Debate in New Hampshire - June 13, 2011
Full CNN GOP Debate in New Hampshire - June 13, 2011
Perry accuses Romney of hiring illegals
Perry accuses Romney of hiring illegals
RSU Recap of the CNN Tea Party Debate
RSU Recap of the CNN Tea Party Debate
Full CNN Tea Party Express Republican Debate
Full CNN Tea Party Express Republican Debate
CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate - Part 4
CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate - Part 4
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate
Full CNN Tea Party Express Republican Debate
Full CNN Tea Party Express Republican Debate
CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate - Part 4
CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate - Part 4
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate
Ron Paul Highlights - CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate
Republican CNN Presidential Debate in Nevada (6 of 6) 10/18/2011
Republican CNN Presidential Debate in Nevada (6 of 6) 10/18/2011
Rick Perry CNN Tea Party Debate Highlights
Rick Perry CNN Tea Party Debate Highlights
CNN-IBN fakes live debate with Sri Sri s recorded interview!
CNN-IBN fakes live debate with Sri Sri s recorded interview!
Romney, Perry clash during CNN DEBATE
Romney, Perry clash during CNN DEBATE
Who is commander-in-chief material?
Who is commander-in-chief material?
Huntsman Debate Prep
Huntsman Debate Prep
Will Gingrichs poll surge last?
Will Gingrichs poll surge last?
ABC Good Morning America: Tea Party Debate Participants Rip Rick Perry
ABC Good Morning America: Tea Party Debate Participants Rip Rick Perry
ABC Good Morning America: GOP Debate: Contenders Take on Obama
ABC Good Morning America: GOP Debate: Contenders Take on Obama
AC361: CNN Vegas debate
AC361: CNN Vegas debate
GOP prepares for CNN Tea Party Debate
GOP prepares for CNN Tea Party Debate
Romney gangs up on Perry in CNN DEBATE
Romney gangs up on Perry in CNN DEBATE
Sam Feist on the CNN-Tea Party Debate
Sam Feist on the CNN-Tea Party Debate
John King on National Security Debate
John King on National Security Debate
Perry versus Romney at the CNN DEBATE
Perry versus Romney at the CNN DEBATE
Fiery GOP debate in Las Vegas
Fiery GOP debate in Las Vegas
Erin Burnett on National Security Debate
Erin Burnett on National Security Debate
CNN YouTube debates on climate change
CNN YouTube debates on climate change
CNNs tea party GOP debate preview
CNNs tea party GOP debate preview
Behind the scenes of the GOP debate
Behind the scenes of the GOP debate
Venezuela: Debate presidencial
Venezuela: Debate presidencial
CNN NH Debate set preview
CNN NH Debate set preview
Personhood vote to define humans
Personhood vote to define humans
Domestic issues dominate GOP debate
Domestic issues dominate GOP debate
Don Lemon previews CNN Tea Party Debate
Don Lemon previews CNN Tea Party Debate
Spotlight on debate slugfest
Spotlight on debate slugfest
CNNs Mark Preston from Tampa, FL
CNNs Mark Preston from Tampa, FL
Inside CNNs Debate
Inside CNNs Debate
CNN DEBATE - Ron Paul Highlights
CNN DEBATE - Ron Paul Highlights
All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights
All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights
All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights
All Ron Paul CNN Foreign Policy Debate Highlights
Full CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate (Ron Paul Wins!)
Full CNN & Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate (Ron Paul Wins!)
Newt Gingrich at the Tampa CNN/Tea Party Express Debate
Newt Gingrich at the Tampa CNN/Tea Party Express Debate

Cnn debate : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

CNN DEBATE tonight: Heres hoping Wolf Blitzer wont let Newt ...

Cnn debate tonight: Heres hoping Wolf Blitzer wont let Newt Gingrich bully him Press needs to say enoughs enough with the bought-and-owned candidate of ...

Much To Gain And Lose For Gingrich, Rivals In CNN National ...

Much To Gain And Lose For Gingrich, Rivals In CNN National Security Debate

republicandebate's Channel - YouTube

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.

CNN Hosts GOP Debate on National Security from Washington, DC ...

Live Blogging on the CNN Political Ticker: Online, users can visit CNN's Election Center and for all things political before, during and after the debate. will live stream the event.

CNN Poll: Democrats & GOP at odds over top international issues

Washington (CNN) - Hours before a CNN GOP presidential debate that focuses heavily on national security and foreign affairs, a new national survey indicates there are wide partisan divides between Democrats and Republicans over some top global flashpoints.

OK, if you were watching the CNN DEBATE: Is Obama for or against assisted suicide?

I felt it was unclear when he was responding to the question. He was a little off topic at times and evasive I felt. Do you know if he is for or against assisted suicide?
Answer: He equivocated as usual -- but I'm sure he's for it. He's pandering again. He has no principles.
Category: Elections

On Deficit Panel, a Push to Defer Details on Taxes

WASHINGTON -- With a little over a week left to reach a deal, members of the Congressional deficit reduction panel are looking for an escape hatch that would let them strike an accord on revenue levels but delay until next year tough decisions about exactly how to raise taxes. Under this approach, the panel would decide on the amount of new revenue - Members of the Congressional deficit panel are hoping to strike an accord on revenue levels but delay until 2012 any tough decisions about exactly how to raise taxes; this approach would put off painful political decisions but ensure that the debate over deficit reduction stretched into the election year. Chart (M)o - By ROBERT PEAR

Is it just me or are the CNN DEBATE meters annoying and distracting?

My wife told me to change the channel because I complained of being annoyed by the meters. By that time I was already hypnotized by the squiggley lines. So I didnt change.
Answer: I agree, they could show us all that AFTER the debate. It is interesting but yes it's annoying.
Category: Elections Live

Flash is required.

THE FEMALE FACTOR; A Troubled Revolution in Egypt

CAIRO — A decade ago, as a bookish schoolgirl in the southern Egyptian city of Sohag, Samira Ibrahim Mohamed was fascinated by Egyptology and yearned to see the antiquities at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo one day. But when she finally set foot on the grounds of the landmark pink stone building, on March 9, the museum had been turned into a - By KATHERINE ZOEPF

CNN DEBATE Open Thread | Conservatives4Palin

You can watch it live here at 8 PM EST. You can catch the spin here.

Political News, Analysis and Opinion from

Politics at CNN has news, opinion and analysis of American and global politics. ... rivals need to get real on foreign policy · Ask your questions for Cnn debate ...

CNN - Election Center 2008: Debates

Videos, transcripts, news and analysis on the presidential debates.

Networks walk a tightrope over crowded debates

NEW YORK (AP) -- Keeping the crowded Republican presidential debates fair, lively and topical can seem like the equivalent of juggling while walking a tightrope. CNNs Wolf Blitzer is the next television personality on stage. Hes moderating ...

CNN DEBATE: Latest News, Photos and Videos

Explore Profile of Cnn debate at, see Cnn debate web of connections, news, videos, photos and post your opinions

CNN DEBATE Night: Check Out the Preps in this Time Lapse Video ...

Tonight on CNN, OutFront serves as the setup for the CNN Republican National Security Debate, which begins directly after OutFront at 8 p.m. ET. As you can imagine, a lot goes into preparing for an event like this--and a lot of ...

CNN-AEI-Heritage Foundation GOP Debate Post-Mortem

Tonight, I watched the CNN-AEI-Heritage Foundation GOP Debate and here is my evaluation of each candidate. Jon Huntsman - This was probably his best debate. He had a strong exchange with Mitt Romney over troop levels in Afghanistan. Huntsman ...

CNN New Hampshire GOP Debate: Join in now – CNN Political Ticker ...

(CNN) -- CNN invites you to participate in Mondays first debate between 2012 Republican presidential candidates in the key early voting state of New ...

Who Won The CNN Republican Debate?

Ron Paul boosted his national profile with a strong debate performance. He was one of the three big winners along with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The only problem is that his message connects most with liberals and independents than it does with the ...

Submit your questions for the CNN Republican National Security Debate

(CNN) -- Help shape the debate in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Use the form below to submit your brief question to CNN’s ...

Why is CNN showing democratic debate during Super Bowl?

I turned the channel on my cable tv to see what CNN was up to and they are showing debate, How is this gong to be helping either candidate since mass Majority of people are watching the Super Bowl? Of course, it was a rerun. Of course, it was a rerun.
Answer: Really....I love politics, but the Super Bowl is great,,,,,wait, Giants fumble the kickoff...Let me watch the debate.....
Category: Elections

CNN DEBATE: What to watch for

Seven Republicans will be on the stage Monday night at the CNN/WMUR/New Hampshire Union Leader presidential debate, but one candidate will likely be the ...

CNNs GOP national security debate: News & Videos about CNNs GOP ...

What is the U.S.’s role in a changing world? ... The upcoming CNN National Security debate on November 22 is a chance for the GOP primary contenders to air their ...

where to Watch live CNN Democratic Debate in Texas from abroad on the Internet?

Is there any website that will put streaming video of the debate. I live in Europe and seems not working to me. Please help if you know any good website; I dont want to miss it.
Answer: live
Category: Media & Journalism

CHICAGO NEWS COOPERATIVE; Liberal or Conservative, The Problem Is Ignorance

James Warren writes a column for The Chicago News Cooperative. As the Chicago Humanities Festival mulled the state of American news media on Wednesday night, the Republican presidential candidates faced off on the economy. Together with research out of the University of Chicago, the events helped me clarify a significant misconception. Perhaps its - - By JAMES WARREN

Republican Debates Put Moderators in Hot Seat

Weeks of work can go into preparing for political debates. There is anticipating possible questions, composing snappy rejoinders and reviewing hours of television footage. But candidates are not the only ones sitting through murder boards these days. In response to the growing tension between the politicians who debate and the journalists who - By JEREMY W. PETERS

How many of you watched CNN for the debate because they post the original question on the screen?

I have two toddlers and get easily distracted and politicians...well tend to go off subject many times. While I would love to watch it on FOX, I choose to watch debates on CNN because they post the questions on the screen. Who else also watches for this reason?
Answer: I watched CNN because Fox is conservative and MSNBC is liberal. I feel CNN gives the most balanced perspective.
Category: Elections

CNN Turns To National Security, Foreign Policy In Rare D.C. Debate

NEW YORK -- Will 2011 be remembered as the "year of the debate?" Thats how CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer recently described the Republican race while seated in his Washington D.C. office, just a few minutes after he and his producers ran through ...

NEWS ANALYSIS; Insurance Mandate May Be Health Law’s Undoing

WASHINGTON — As Barack Obama battled Hillary Rodham Clinton over health care during the Democratic presidential primaries of 2008, he was adamant about one thing: Americans, he insisted, should not be required to buy health insurance . “If things were that easy,” Mr. Obama told the talk show host Ellen DeGeneres in February of - By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG

Candidates to square off in CNN national security debate tonight – are any of the candidates commander-in-chief material?

The Republican presidential candidates face off once again Tuesday night in the CNN National Security Debate. CNN is teaming up with leading Republican-leaning think tanks Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute to host a debate ...

CNN Sets Off a Debate On Race and Technology

For nearly two weeks, a debate ignited by a CNN documentary has raged on the Internet about the obstacles to success in Silicon Valley and whether the technology industry is as meritocratic and as color-blind as it aspires to be. And the documentary hasnt even had its premiere yet. The program, The New Promised Land: Silicon Valley, is the - Advance screening of CNNs documentary The New Promised Land: Silicon Valley spurs activity on blogs and social networks even before the documentarys premiere; program features African-Americans as hopeful entrepreneurs in what is widely recognized as industry dominated by white men. (M) - By BRIAN STELTER and JENNA WORTHAM

CNN national security debate: What to watch for

Eight Republican candidates will gather for the billionth — oops, sorry, twelfth— time tonight in Washington, D.C. for a debate focused on national security. The festivities get started at 8 p.m. on CNN — we will ramp up the Fix live-blog ...

Much to gain and lose in CNN national security debate

Editors note: Republican presidential candidates take on national defense, the economy, international relations and terrorism issues in the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, moderated by Wolf Blitzer at 8 p.m. ET. Watch the ...

Where were the CNN DEBATE polls that they keep talking about in their articles this morning?

I was up until maybe 4:30 am writing a paper and I periodically looked for the polls from the time the debate ended, until about the time I went to sleep. I woke up to go to class around 9 am and looked for a poll then also, but I got nothing. I didnt see one, but they are talking the polling results from last night in about 4-5 of their articles. Either they are lying, the polls are invisible or they put the polls in a very small window of about 3-4 hours, in which everyone was still sleep
Category: Politics

Security and Foreign Policies Dominate Republican Debate

WASHINGTON — The Republican presidential candidates highlighted their party’s lack of a single national security vision a decade after the Sept. 11 attacks, differing on Tuesday night over the pace of withdrawal from Afghanistan, aid to Pakistan and, in an exchange that could resonate dangerously for Newt Gingrich, what to do with - By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY

PolitiFact | Fact-checking the CNN-think tank debate

The CNN Republican debate on national security Tuesday night had some of the most lively and substantive discussion of the campaign. The eight candidates answered questions posed by policy experts from the American ...

CNN Programs - Today on CNN

Tune in to CNN live at 8 p.m. ET tonight as the Republican presidential candidates debate national security and the economy from Washington. The debate is ...

Newt Gingrich leading GOP pack going into tonights CNN DEBATE – can he keep the momentum going?

For the first time tonight, Newt Gingrich will take the debate stage at the top of the 2012 GOP presidential pack. A new CNN-ORC has the former house speaker capturing 24% of the vote. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney trails in second ...

CNN DEBATE - Bedford, NH Patch

N.H. Primary POLL: Sparks Fly, But Who Won Tonights Cnn debate? GOPs top-eight candidates square off in another debate. We want to know who won and who lost.

Do you want Mike Gravel to join Dennis Kucinich in the 15 NOV CNN DNC debate?

Mike Gravel must fight CNN & DNC to be in his own debate! You can help if you want to. If public outcry fails he will live stream via net the debate WITH his answers & statements. Uncensored. YouTube vids are & will be available.
Answer: I think he should, all possible, and declared candidates should have the opportunity to be heard.
Category: Media & Journalism

CNN national security debate: The live-blog

While most Americans are planning what — and how much — they will be eating at Thanksgiving on Thursday, eight Republican presidential candidates will take the debate stage in Washington tonight for a national security focused debate. And we will be ...

I Still Dont Plan On Going to Any Political-Correctness School

As a math major, Herman Cain undoubtedly knew from the start that running for president, if youre already rich and your main interest is in enhancing your revenue stream, makes no sense as a career move. Or, to cite the erstwhile presidential contender Mike Huckabee, Running for president is like sticking your face in the blade of a fan. In - By T. A. FRANK

Mitt Romney tells CNN DEBATE his real first name is Mitt - its really Willard

Who do you think won Tuesday nights GOP debate? WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney fibbed about his real first name in a bid for laughs at Tuesday nights debate — and immediately fed criticism hell say anything to get elected. CNN moderator Wolf ...

CNN – GOP National Security Debate From Washington DC | The ...

Live Blog: CNN Republican National Security Debate. This ought to be a great event tonight. The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute are co-sponsoring the debate. You can send your questions via ...

Live Blog: CNN Republican National Security Debate

Washington, D.C. (CNN) - The CNN Political Ticker is live blogging the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, D.C. Check here for live updates throughout the event and be sure to follow @PoliticalTicker, @CNNPolitics and use ...

CNN Foreign Policy Debate CoveritLive! | RedState

Click the window or chime in in the comments. Game on! RedState Cnn debate CoverItLive.

THE MEDIA EQUATION; Delicate Dance Of Daytime

I had a dream about Anderson Cooper the other night. He was in a vast, cavernous studio and was hanging from the ceiling in a harness, far above the stage. There was an audience of mostly women and they were clapping wildly as he spread his arms, all but flying above them. Except it wasnt a dream. I had DVRd his new daytime talk show, - David Carr The Media Equation opines that Anderson Coopers biggest challenge in his new daytime talk show, Anderson, is embracing the vulgarity of daytime talk without hurting his journalistic career; show has about one million viewers and a 1.4 rating on grab bag of stations. Photo (M)1 - E-mail:; - By DAVID CARR

Behind The Scenes | CNN's Post-Debate Spin Room | The Daily Caller

Behind the scenes in CNN's post-debate 'spin room' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller gives you an inside look at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC.

President - Election Center 2012 - Elections & Politics from

The Republican candidates for president outlined their visions for fighting terrorism and keeping the country safe during a Cnn debate Tuesday held just down ...

What do you think of Gary Johnson being excluded from the June 13th CNN hosted debate presidential debate?

Despite equal or higher ratings in recent CNN polls compared to other candidates invited, Gary Johnson is has been excluded from the June 13, 2011 presidential debate hosted in part by CNN. I know CNN already stated they wouldnt invite him, my question is asking for opinions/thoughts - not whether or not hell be invited.
Answer: CNN already stated he would not be invited. Might have something to do with him almost coming to tears during the Fox News debate because he didn't think he was getting enough questions. My source includes more of him crying. *edit* Well my thoughts on it are...not to put too fine a point on it....good. Johnson will never even place 6th place in a primary. He is basically "Ron Paul lite" and I don't even want Ron Paul invited. There are way too many candidates that have a reasonable chance to hear from.
Category: Politics

GOP candidates face off in CNN DEBATE -

2 hours ago ... The Republican candidates for president outlined their visions for fighting terrorism and keeping the country safe during a Cnn debate ...

GOP presidential contenders take aim at Obama in CNN DEBATE

CNN hosted the first New Hampshire Republican presidential debate Monday night from Manchester. Follow all the issues and campaign news about the debate on ... - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment ...

Ask your questions for Cnn debate; Quick vote. How do you feel about the super committee failing to meet its deficit-cutting deadline? Glad; Resigned; Outraged;

Much To Gain And Lose For Gingrich, Rivals In CNN National ...

Gingrich gets another chance to score points with Republican voters at the Cnn debate, which comes just six weeks to the day before the Iowa caucuses, ...

Much to gain and lose for Gingrich, rivals in CNN national security debate

Republican presidential candidates take on national defense, the economy, international relations and terrorism issues in the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, moderated by Wolf Blitzer at 8 p.m. ET Tuesday on CNN, the CNN ...

TV Debates Raise Questions of Fairness

Among the many things that pundits and party operatives alike will be considering during tonight’s GOP debate on CNN – the 11th debate of this primary season – is the following question: Does it appear as though some candidates are being ...

GOP CNN DEBATE Live Stream at Pat Dollard Live Video: CNN GOP Debate | The Lonely Conservative. [...] See the making of the debate here.Watch live video from on ...

Do you think the debate/forum on CNN right now is largely a waste?

The only really interesting question was about prescription medication, but this is largely pointless. My favorite question asked so far: Why does God let bad things happen? what, seriously? What does that have to do with being President? My head hurts. Do people who are particularly religious find this important or interesting? It seems like a waste to me. What about you? Sorry if this question seems similar, but my last one was unclear on what I wanted to know. I am talking about the Cnn debate.
Answer: I agree, Just once I would like to hear a hard hitting pertinent question. Also if the candidate dances around and never really answers, the question should be repeated until a meaningful answer is given. I am so tired of what my granddaughter calls jibberish. Religion does not belong in any political forum.
Category: Elections

CNN DEBATE stories - Gawker

The CNN Republican national security debate is currently underway in Washington, DC. At its onset, moderator Wolf Blitzer invited the candidates to introduce ...

What exactly is the uncommitted Ohio voters in CNN DEBATE meter?

This may be stupid, but yeah I am just confused as to what exactly it is. Why is it Ohio? How is it working?
Answer: They have a group of voters sitting in a studio watching the debate. They give them meters with dials they can turn up/down. That's what you see. Up is they agree with the speaker, down if they don't.
Category: Politics

CNN Turns To National Security, Foreign Policy In Rare D.C. Debate

NEW YORK -- Will 2011 be remembered as the "year of the debate?" Thats how CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer recently described the Republican race while seated in ...

Live Blog: CNN Republican National Security Debate – CNN ...

6 hours ago ... Washington, D.C. (CNN) -- The CNN Political Ticker is live blogging the CNN Republican National Security Debate in Washington, D.C. Check ...

How many questions will CNN Wolf Blitzer ask Ron Paul in the next debate?

Will they continue to ignore Ron Paul in the next Cnn debate, despite his high poll numbers in NH, Iowa? Will they ask him 0, 1, 2 .... questions?
Answer: Wolf will ask.. "Why don't you just run as an independent?" "What about your day job as a congressman?" "Don't you think you'll be more useful serving your constituents than wasting valuable air time here at the debates?" "Do you think Romney (the inevitable Republican nominee, let's not kid ourselves) can beat Obama?"
Category: Politics

Perry Presses for Second Look From Early Voters

WASHINGTON -- With time running short before the first votes are cast in the Republican presidential contest, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is urgently trying to convince voters that his candidacy warrants a second look. He is retooling his campaign with a newly emphatic anti-Washington message and steering the race into a sharper ideological contrast - By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG

CNN Hosts GOP Debate on National Security from Washington, DC

CNN lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer will moderate a Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, Nov. 22 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (ET) live from the ...

CNN Hosts GOP Debate on National Security from Washington, DC

CNN lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer will moderate a Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, Nov. 22 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (ET) live from the historic DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. The debate, in partnership with The Heritage ...

CNN Hosts November 22 GOP Debate on National Security from ...

CNN lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer will moderate a Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, Nov. 22 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. (ET)

Why are there no articles about the multiple Democrat plants in the CNN DEBATE last night?

It would be huge news if Fox had planted questions from Republican campaigns in questions to Democrat candidates. Given that CNN planted multiple "gotcha" questions from a Clinton campaign member, several Obama supporters and an Edwards suppporter. Why are there no articles about this on Yahoo? I know, but why isnt it on Yahoo? They are ignoring a huge story. Why?
Answer: Turn on the news. It has been on.
Category: Elections

Where can I find a video of the vice presidential debate WITH cnns audience reaction (squiggles)?

I need to know the audience reaction for a project, but I cant seem to find a copy of the video with these reactions, even from CNN themselves. Does anyone know where I would be able to find a clip of the VP debate w/squiggles?
Category: Media & Journalism

2012 Primary Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central

June 13, 2011, Watch Entire Video (100 minutes) – Post-Debate Analysis Location: Saint Anselm College in Manchester, NH Sponsor: CNN, WMUR-TV and ...

Why was the Republican debate on CNN?

I dont even get Certainly Not News on my TV. With a total viewership of ten people isnt having a debate on CNN lessening its importance or was that the idea?
Answer: Republicans are stupid and are self-destructive. I'm a staunch Republican and I'm sick of their weakness. The "good ole boys" network is almost over for both the Democrats and Republicans. If the Republicans don't grow some balls, they will end up the third party and the Tea Party will take over.
Category: Politics

Are these the high points of the first CNN DEBATE between GOP Front-runners?

"Ive got the best hair!" - "No I do!" " I never tweeted my junk" - "Me too!" "War is bad!" - "Sure is!" and the rest of the debate will just be superficial finger pointing. Agree or well, you know the rest.......... @ M&T right, the superficial finger pointing without any concise, precise costed out viable solutions to the Economy, wars, Wall Street, Jobs, Education, Medicare, Pensions and Veterans. Just a lot of whining and complaining.
Answer: I'm sure that's all CNN would like to discuss..but you may just be surprised by the panel when they want to talk about the presidents failures..and lack of direction.
Category: Politics

Is there any truth to the rumour that Gingrich will be feeding Ricky drinks prior to tonights CNN DEBATE?

That rumour is fresh, I just made it up........
Answer: I just read that same rumor on Y!A.
Category: Politics

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