Newt gingrich - What do you think about Newt Gingrich and his contract with America?

Newt gingrich : Videos

Newt Joins Center Seat on Special Report
Newt Joins Center Seat on Special Report
Newt Highlights from the Thanksgiving Family Forum
Newt Highlights from the Thanksgiving Family Forum
Newt Highlights from the AEI/Heritage CNN Debate
Newt Highlights from the AEI/Heritage CNN Debate
Art Laffer Praises Newts Social Security Plan: "Makes Perfect Sense"
Art Laffer Praises Newts Social Security Plan: "Makes Perfect Sense"
Newt Was Right On The Super Committee
Newt Was Right On The Super Committee
Newt Answers In-depth Questions Concerning Freddie Mac
Newt Answers In-depth Questions Concerning Freddie Mac
Presidential NEWT GINGRICH Answers Hard Questions from Hannity
Presidential NEWT GINGRICH Answers Hard Questions from Hannity
Right to Choose Personal Social Security Accounts
Right to Choose Personal Social Security Accounts
Presidential Candidates NEWT GINGRICH and Herman Cain Debate Entitlements
Presidential Candidates NEWT GINGRICH and Herman Cain Debate Entitlements
NEWT GINGRICH at Values Voter Summit - How to Fight Back Against Out-of-Control Judges
NEWT GINGRICH at Values Voter Summit - How to Fight Back Against Out-of-Control Judges
NEWT GINGRICH Presidential Candidate on FOX News/Google Debate
NEWT GINGRICH Presidential Candidate on FOX News/Google Debate
Herman Cain - NEWT GINGRICH Debate
Herman Cain - NEWT GINGRICH Debate
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH Speaks at Iowa GOP Reagan Dinner
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH Speaks at Iowa GOP Reagan Dinner
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH Speaks at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH Speaks at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH in CNN Debate
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH in CNN Debate
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH Speaks at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH Speaks at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH in CNN Debate
Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH in CNN Debate
Why NEWT GINGRICH for President
Why NEWT GINGRICH for President
Its Official: NEWT GINGRICH is Running for President!
Its Official: NEWT GINGRICH is Running for President!
NEWT GINGRICH: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5
NEWT GINGRICH: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5
Raw Video: Gingrich Hit With Glitter in Minn.
Raw Video: Gingrich Hit With Glitter in Minn.
Ron Paul Educates NEWT GINGRICH on The Patriot Act (unedited) - CNN Debate 11/22/11
Ron Paul Educates NEWT GINGRICH on The Patriot Act (unedited) - CNN Debate 11/22/11
Gingrich on OWS
Gingrich on OWS
Gingrich Endorsement From Union Leader
Gingrich Endorsement From Union Leader
ABC Nightline: Tue, Jun 14, 2011 - Watch the full episode now.
ABC Nightline: Tue, Jun 14, 2011 - Watch the full episode now. Politics: Gingrich Backs Lifting Campaign Finance Restrictions Politics: Gingrich Backs Lifting Campaign Finance Restrictions
ABC Nightline: Inside Gingrich, Inc.
ABC Nightline: Inside Gingrich, Inc.
ABC Brian Ross Investigates: NEWT GINGRICH: Candidate or Brand?
ABC Brian Ross Investigates: NEWT GINGRICH: Candidate or Brand?
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Wed, May 18, 2011 - Watch the ...
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Wed, May 18, 2011 - Watch the ... Politics: Gingrich Outlines Vision for Immigration Reform Politics: Gingrich Outlines Vision for Immigration Reform
News Since Morning Papers
News Since Morning Papers
Gingrich Gets NH Boost
Gingrich Gets NH Boost
ABC Brian Ross Investigates: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 - Watch the full ...
ABC Brian Ross Investigates: Fri, Jun 17, 2011 - Watch the full ...
Can Gingrich survive immigration critics?
Can Gingrich survive immigration critics?
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Thu, Jun 9, 2011 - Watch the ...
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Thu, Jun 9, 2011 - Watch the ...
NEWT GINGRICH defends immigration stance
NEWT GINGRICH defends immigration stance
ABC Good Morning America: NEWT GINGRICH to Run for President
ABC Good Morning America: NEWT GINGRICH to Run for President
Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Worst Persons: Fox News Hosts ...
Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Worst Persons: Fox News Hosts ...
Saturday Night Live: Gingrich Cold Open
Saturday Night Live: Gingrich Cold Open
Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Worst Persons: Cantor and Boehner ...
Countdown with Keith Olbermann: Worst Persons: Cantor and Boehner ...
Weird News: Gingrichs Spokesman Fires Back
Weird News: Gingrichs Spokesman Fires Back
ABC Good Morning America: NEWT GINGRICH on Midterm Elections
ABC Good Morning America: NEWT GINGRICH on Midterm Elections
Saturday Night Live: The OReilly Factless
Saturday Night Live: The OReilly Factless
ABC This Week: Sun, Feb 13, 2011 - Watch the full episode now.
ABC This Week: Sun, Feb 13, 2011 - Watch the full episode now.
Red Eye: Thu, May 19, 2011 - Watch the full episode now.
Red Eye: Thu, May 19, 2011 - Watch the full episode now.
Saturday Night Live: Spade in America
Saturday Night Live: Spade in America
Fox News Specials: One Nation Under God: Religion and History in ...
Fox News Specials: One Nation Under God: Religion and History in ...
Peter Schiff on Huckabees Show - November 19, 2011
Peter Schiff on Huckabees Show - November 19, 2011
NEWT GINGRICH Mocks President Obama-Hilarious!
NEWT GINGRICH Mocks President Obama-Hilarious!
NEWT GINGRICH Mocks President Obama-Hilarious!
NEWT GINGRICH Mocks President Obama-Hilarious!
NEWT GINGRICH: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5
NEWT GINGRICH: Impeach judges - Crush and Replace the Left - 2012 "Victory or Death!" Pt.5

Newt gingrich : Photo Gallery

Meet Newt | NEWT GINGRICH 2012
Meet Newt | NEWT GINGRICH 2012
NEWT GINGRICH | Polk County Republicans of Iowa
NEWT GINGRICH | Polk County Republicans of Iowa
Newly Formed PAC for Poor People Lobbies San Diego Politicians
Newly Formed PAC for Poor People Lobbies San Diego Politicians
NEWT GINGRICH. Opinions | Top People. Starmedia
NEWT GINGRICH. Opinions | Top People. Starmedia
NEWT GINGRICH - Long Time Supporter Of Health Insurance Mandates ...
NEWT GINGRICH - Long Time Supporter Of Health Insurance Mandates ...
NEWT GINGRICH Calls For Reinstating Glass-Steagall, Admits ...
NEWT GINGRICH Calls For Reinstating Glass-Steagall, Admits ...
Eye of Newt - NYPOST.
Eye of Newt - NYPOST.
NEWT GINGRICH walks back health care mandate support - Kendra Marr ...
NEWT GINGRICH walks back health care mandate support - Kendra Marr ...
NEWT GINGRICH's Senior Staff Resign En Masse - Politics - The ...
NEWT GINGRICH's Senior Staff Resign En Masse - Politics - The ...
Pickled Politics » The escalating bigotry of NEWT GINGRICH
Pickled Politics » The escalating bigotry of NEWT GINGRICH
NEWT GINGRICH ready to declare war on Iran over nuclear stockpile ...
NEWT GINGRICH ready to declare war on Iran over nuclear stockpile ...
11 Reasons Not To Vote For NEWT GINGRICH | Addicting Info
11 Reasons Not To Vote For NEWT GINGRICH | Addicting Info
Keith Olbermann exposes NEWT GINGRICH as the true welfare queen
Keith Olbermann exposes NEWT GINGRICH as the true welfare queen
NEWT GINGRICH will announce he is entering the race for the 2012 GOP ...
NEWT GINGRICH will announce he is entering the race for the 2012 GOP ...
NEWT GINGRICH, was the Republican Speaker of the House of ...
NEWT GINGRICH, was the Republican Speaker of the House of ...
NEWT GINGRICH : Personal Liberty Digest
NEWT GINGRICH : Personal Liberty Digest
NEWT GINGRICH - Celebrity information
NEWT GINGRICH - Celebrity information
File:NEWT GINGRICH by Gage Skidmore.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
File:NEWT GINGRICH by Gage Skidmore.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
NEWT GINGRICH - On Meet the Press, Newt stated he supports Individual ...
NEWT GINGRICH - On Meet the Press, Newt stated he supports Individual ...
 ... NEWT GINGRICH.  I had to look it up to make sure I heard it right
... NEWT GINGRICH.  I had to look it up to make sure I heard it right
NEWT GINGRICH Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - ...
NEWT GINGRICH Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - ...
NEWT GINGRICH Announces 2012 Presidential Run | News One
NEWT GINGRICH Announces 2012 Presidential Run | News One
NEWT GINGRICH | Manolo for the Men
NEWT GINGRICH | Manolo for the Men
NEWT GINGRICH. Opinions | Top People. Starmedia
NEWT GINGRICH. Opinions | Top People. Starmedia
Gingrich Gets Key Endorsement in New Hampshire
Gingrich Gets Key Endorsement in New Hampshire
Gingrich: Citizen juries should decide which illegal immigrants stay or go
Gingrich: Citizen juries should decide which illegal immigrants stay or go
NEWT GINGRICH Says He'll Let President Obama Use Teleprompter In Debate
NEWT GINGRICH Says He'll Let President Obama Use Teleprompter In Debate
Gingrich: Flameout to Fortune
Gingrich: Flameout to Fortune
Eleanor Clift: Media Angry At Gingrich Because "He's Right About A Lot"
Eleanor Clift: Media Angry At Gingrich Because "He's Right About A Lot"
Don't Write NEWT GINGRICH Off In 2012
Don't Write NEWT GINGRICH Off In 2012
Gingrich to campaign at Bluffton rally
Gingrich to campaign at Bluffton rally
Tea Party considering NEWT GINGRICH over Ron Paul?
Tea Party considering NEWT GINGRICH over Ron Paul?
Taking the “Heat”: Gingrich Touches on the Moral Compass of America
Taking the “Heat”: Gingrich Touches on the Moral Compass of America
Herhold: An old exposé continues to haunt NEWT GINGRICH
Herhold: An old exposé continues to haunt NEWT GINGRICH
Watch Bill Clinton Shower NEWT GINGRICH With Praise
Watch Bill Clinton Shower NEWT GINGRICH With Praise
Cain steers clear of Gingrich on immigration
Cain steers clear of Gingrich on immigration
NEWT GINGRICH lands editorial endorsement of NH Union Leader 45 days before ...
NEWT GINGRICH lands editorial endorsement of NH Union Leader 45 days before ...
NEWT GINGRICH Endorsed By NH Paper That's Terrible At Picking Winners
NEWT GINGRICH Endorsed By NH Paper That's Terrible At Picking Winners
Newt and noise
Newt and noise

Newt gingrich : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

NEWT GINGRICH - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich (born Newton Leroy McPherson ; June 17, 1943) is a U.S. Republican Party politician who served as the House Minority Whip from 1989 to ...

Why is NEWT GINGRICH unable to empathize with those who are close to him?

Most Republicans who have gay relatives: Vice President Dick Cheney (his daughter) San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders (his daughter) McCain Advisor Steve Schmidt (his sister) Maine Republican Phillip Schooner (his son) are able to empathize with those who are close to them. Cheney, Sanders, Schmidt, and Schooner all publicly supported both their choice of lifestyle and their right to marriage. but Newt gingrich, however, is unable to empathize with his gay sister, Candace. He has expressed nothing but resentment towards her. He is offended by her relationship. She got married, and he refused to attend her wedding. Why is Newt gingrich unable to empathize with the people who are close to him? Has he no heart?
Answer: Because he is an ambitious cruel sociopath both in his personal and political life.In his personal life he abandoned his wife who was dying of cancer for another woman. He is not able to get near anyone, because as a sociopath people he believes that people are a commodity to be used, abused, and simply be the tools of his ambition. So he tried to foist his Contract on America which was designed to hurt the little people of this country. Fortunatly he couldn't pull it off. ,except for getting huge royalties for his miserable screed.
Category: Politics

Home | Center for Health Transformation

However, we are releasing this document to provide information about the Gingrich Group LLC and the Center for Health Transformation, including overall ...

Get Involved Now | NEWT GINGRICH 2012

We need leadership now and Newt is offering real solutions and experience to save America.

Dont Write NEWT GINGRICH Off In 2012

Former House Speaker Newt gingrich has a huge amount to contribute to the 2012 presidential campaign and his country. Writing him off now would be a ...

NEWT GINGRICH Says He'll Let President Obama Use Teleprompter In ...

Current GOP frontrunner Newt gingrich referenced a popular (among right-wingers) but baseless attack against President Obama this weekend during a speech in Naples, Florida. Challenging the President to a series of ...

Election 2012: NEWT GINGRICH lugs loads of personal, political baggage

WASHINGTON (AP) — Newt gingrich is schlepping some supersized luggage along as his Republican presidential campaign takes off: Hes got trunkloads of personal and political baggage. This weeks disclosure that a sweetheart consulting deal with ...

What do you think about NEWT GINGRICH and his "contract with America"?

I think Newt gingrich, Tom Daschel, Bill Clinton, and the fools of congress are to blame for the condition of the USA economy by signing "FREE TRADE" into law. Now we have to borrow back all the money that starting with Wal-Mart then everybody else sends it to China and 3rd world countries. On top of the money are all the manufacturing jobs that supplied the health care insurance. Thats one of the reasons for this health care debacle. Now Newt gingrich is considering running for president, and he helped ruin the USA. What do you think?
Answer: It was a farce that expanded the Reaganomics disaster and sent America down the drain.
Category: Politics

NEWT GINGRICH - Founder of - ...

Profile of Newt gingrich from The Washington Post. Despite a decade-long exile from public office, Gingrich remains one of the Republican Party's most visible ...

NEWT GINGRICH a wild card in shuffling deck of Republicans

Newt gingrich, the latest candidate to challenge Mitt Romneys front-runner status for the Republican presidential nomination, has weathered more than his ...

NEWT GINGRICH : "Go get a job ~ right after you take a bath ...

Iowa Thanksgiving Family Forum ~ Nov. 19, 2011 ~ Newt gingrich.

Isnt obvious that Governor NEWT GINGRICH will be the next one to surge in the polls to frontrunner status?

I believe Governor Newt gingrich will not only surge in the polls and become the frontrunner, but hell be our next President of the United States. Governor Gingrich served as a great Senate Speaker in the 90s, and hell be an even better President.
Answer: Newt gingrich was never a governor!!! He was thrown out of the House of Representatives for corruption. For a right winger who chooses the insignia of a NAZI're not really in touch, are you?
Category: Politics

NEWT GINGRICH and the Rising Tide of Reactionary Socialism

Newt gingrich is nothing if not profligate in his use of extreme language. And yes, he is campaigning for president, which means that we should view ...

NEWT GINGRICH (@newtgingrich) on Twitter

Sign up for Twitter to follow Newt gingrich (@newtgingrich). Husband, father, grandfather, citizen, small businessman, author, former Speaker. I'm running for ...

How many illicit sex affairs would NEWT GINGRICH be forced to have if given the stress of the Presidency?

It dont seem fair for the country to axe Newt to sacrifice even more than he already has.
Answer: about 20 or 30. Newt gingrich spreaheaded the movement to impeach Clinton over an affair. and he has the nerve to say "gays threaten the sanctity of marriage." hypocrisy at its finest.
Category: Politics

NEWT GINGRICH Endorsed By New Hampshire Union Leader

WASHINGTON — New Hampshire's largest newspaper on Sunday endorsed former House Speaker Newt gingrich in the 2012 GOP presidential race, signaling that rival Mitt Romney isn't the universal favorite and potentially ...

Surging NEWT GINGRICH nabs New Hampshire Union Leaders endorsement

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- In the most significant endorsement of the GOP race so far, the New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper endorsed former Speaker of the House Newt gingrich as his campaign surges in polls both nationally and locally. Despite his ...

NEWT GINGRICH Endorsed by New Hampshire Union Leader ...

Newt gingrich Endorsed by New Hampshire Union Leader.

Gingrich could draw GOP ire on immigration

ATLANTA, GA -- Newt gingrich has charged into the fray over illegal immigration, risking conservative ire just as his Republican presidential campaign -- once declared all but dead -- has vaulted into front-runner status. The firebrand former House speaker ...

First Read - Surging NEWT GINGRICH nabs New Hampshire Union ...

By Jo Ling Kent, NBC News MANCHESTER, N.H. -- In a significant development in the Republican presidential contest, the New Hampshire Union Leader newspaper endorsed former Speaker of the House Newt gingrich as ...

Gingrich Wins Over 8 Year-Old Aspiring Reporter

A pint-sized citizen who believes she is old enough to vote and wants to be a journalist when she grows up turned out to Republican presidential candidate Newt gingrich’s book signing in Naples, Fla., today to ask him some questions. Katrina Russell ...

A Newt man on top: Gingrich’s lead in GOP race

The Issue: Newt gingrich’s increasing popularity, despite concerns about his character and record.

NEWT GINGRICH: Biography from

Born: 17 June 1943 Birthplace: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Best Known As: Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1995-1999 Name at birth: Newton Leroy McPherson ...

NEWT GINGRICH stands by soft immigration stance, despite party ...

Newt gingrich isn’t backing off his “humane” immigration stance despite complaints from Republican hardliners and fellow Presidential hopefuls — he ...


Former House Speaker Newt gingrich was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group. I cant believe people still like this man, he is no better than Bill Clinton.,2933,258001,00.html Yes this is fox news so.
Category: Politics

Crowds gather for Gingrich event in Naples

More than 600 people showed up in Naples for the second day in a row to meet Republican presidential hopeful Newt gingrich. Gingrich appeared a Books-A-Million on Saturday morning signing books with his wife, Callista. The campaign for the ...

NEWT GINGRICH may face backlash in Iowa over immigration comments ...

Newt gingrich faces a potential backlash from conservative activists here over an immigration proposal that he called “humane” but that his opponents quickly ...

Do you think NEWT GINGRICH will get the nomination in 2012?

I think Obama will be re-elected no question about it.I will probably vote Independent this time. Do you think Newt gingrich stands a chance at getting the nomination in 2012? Also wonder if nominated what states he could win that McCain won in 2008? I would say about three states less than McCain. Have a nice day!
Answer: Serial Adulterer and Congressional Ethics Violator Newty Patooty will duke it out for last place with the Quitter of Twitter Sarah Palin and the Carnival Barker and Circus Clown Donny Trump. Willard Romney and Mikey Huckleberry will battle it out for the nomination, which will prove to be a Golden Key to an Empty Room.
Category: Elections

Gingrichs sudden boom is latest GOP bust

In the Republican primary, everyone will get a chance to be a front-runner, even, apparently, the left-for-dead Newt gingrich. With just six weeks to go before voting begins in Iowa, could Gingrich have just enough time to prove himself viable ...

Answering the Attacks | NEWT GINGRICH 2012

Newt, Callista and our campaign welcome the chance to answer questions here, in order to correct the many lies that have been spread about Newt and to provide ...

Is the fact that NEWT GINGRICH leading the GOP field show just how weak the other Candidates are?

In a normal world, Mitt Romney should be up by 30 points on this field, but he cannot even get 25% support from the Republicans. Newt gingrich has zero chance of ever being elected President. Mitt Romney has about a 15% chance of getting elected.
Answer: Newt gingrich is a morally bankrupt example of the pervasive power of politics. He’s a career lobbyist who’s willing to say anything. If he were president he’d be like George W. Bush, but with more ex-wives. Newt gingrich was a lobbyist, plain and simple “Three former Republican congressional staffers told me that Gingrich was calling around Capitol Hill and visiting Republican congressmen in 2003 in an effort to convince conservatives to support a bill expanding Medicare to include prescription-drug subsidies.” Why does Gingrich think rich kids can go home from school and study but poor kids should have to stay after school and clean the school? He wants to set us back to the 1800s. Newt gingrich: Child labor laws 'truly stupid' [Video],0,6466282.story?track=icymi Newt gingrich’s Skeleton Closet This is apparently what Republicans admire. ##
Category: Politics

Bachmann says Gingrich has long history of supporting amnesty

WEST DES MOINES, Iowa -- In a continuing back and forth over Newt gingrich’s immigration policy, Michele Bachmann criticized the former House speaker Saturday over a letter he co-signed in 2004 in support of President George W. Bushs immigration initiative.

What do you think of NEWT GINGRICH’s strategy to become Ron Paul?

Newt gingrich has apparently decided that he stands a much better chance of winning the GOP nomination for 2012 if he acts like Congressman Ron Paul. The Atlantic wrote an article about Gingrich now going after the Federal Reserve ----- however difference between Gingrich and Ron Paul is of course the fact that Ron Paul has held a steadfast position for over thirty years and has a voting record to match. Gingrich, on the other hand, loves to flip flop around, literally from week to week.
Answer: Newt gingrich will attend Bilderberg while, Ron Paul will be doing his best to serve the consistution and to bring liberty back to the United States. Gingrich is as conservative as Mao Zedong.
Category: Politics

Why has the Republican party rejected NEWT GINGRICH?

Someone please tell me because this is confusing to me. For starters, I am a liberal, through and through. If I had my way, the green party would be running things. Nonetheless, I am mystified as to why Newt gingrich, the only intelligent, experienced, and civil candidate in the GOP field, has been shunned by his party. Is there some scandal that I am unaware of?
Answer: Well a better question is why in the straw polls he never got over 8 people to vote for him. And yes there is at least 1 scandal and he had to step down as speaker of the house for it. If I remember correctly.
Category: Politics

Bill Clinton | NEWT GINGRICH | Newsmax | Mediaite

He's being rewarded for thinking, said former President Bill Clinton of Newt gingrich in an interview with Newsmax yesterday. The former President, for whom Gingrich was a longtime thorn in the side as Speaker of the House, ...

Bill Clinton: NEWT GINGRICH Is 'Being Rewarded For Thinking'

Bill Clinton praised Newt gingrich while explaining his recent surge in the polls. "I think he's doing well just because he's thinking, and people are hungry for ideas that make some sense," Clinton told NewsMax.

Newt, Not Mitt, Gets Major Endorsement

WASHINGTON -- The New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed former House Speaker Newt gingrich in Sunday editions, signaling that rival Mitt Romney isnt the universal favorite and that the states largest newspaper could reset the contest there with six weeks ...

NEWT GINGRICH Inc.: How The GOP Hopeful Went From Political ...

Anyone who doesn't believe in an afterlife must not live in Washington. Rarely, however, has reincarnation been so lucrative as it has for the man who now tops some polls for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

NEWT GINGRICH - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich is a U.S. Republican Party politician who served as the House Minority Whip from 1989 to 1995 and then as the 58th Speaker of ...

NEWT GINGRICH On Occupy Wall Street: Protesters Should Get A Job ...

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Newt gingrich mocked the Occupy Wall Street protesters on Saturday, saying they need to "get a job" and ...

NEWT GINGRICHs reversal of political fortune

As he seeks his partys presidential nomination, former House Speaker Newt gingrich is a man who knows hes lucky to be alive -- politically, that is.

Patterico's Pontifications » NEWT GINGRICH and the Work Ethic

Newt gingrich is currently having a good run, getting kind words from sources as far apart as New Hampshire's Union Leader and fmr. Pres. Bill Clinton. Accordingly, he probably won't notice if I offer a few words of criticism on ...

Possible Presidential Candidate NEWT GINGRICH - The Dark Side

Several newspapers are now reporting that Newt gingrich is dating and basically living with Callista Bisek, a "willowy blond Congressional aide 23 years his ...

What does NEWT GINGRICH Mean when he says Islamic Atheist are going to take over the USA?

isnt islam a religion? an atheist dont believe in any religion or god? EPIC FAIL how can you be an atheist and bow to islam? last i looked atheist hate islam and christians why would they be part of islam? what is Newt gingrich saying?
Answer: Not to defend Newt, but ... when did he say this? Can you please provide a link?
Category: Politics

If NEWT GINGRICH wants to run for president in 2012, doesnt he need to slap down Limbaugh?

Right now, Rush Limbaugh is running the republican party, having given the pimp hand the the RNC chair Steele. If Gingrich also kisses Rushs @ss, he instantly loses the 80% of the country that despises Rush. So Newtie needs to declare his independence and signal that he is the new sheriff in town. By slapping down Rush, Newt gets instant cred and a ton of publicity.
Answer: Just what the Republicans need. A mud wrestling match between a fat drug addled gas bag, and a senile old fart from a by gone era. Where can I buy tickets to that comedy show?
Category: Politics

TRENDING: Bill Clinton says Gingrich surge a result of thoughtful positions

(CNN) - Newt gingrich earned praises this week from former adversary Bill Clinton, with whom Gingrich butted heads during his tenure as House speaker in the 1990s. In an interview with the conservative online publication Newsmax, Clinton said ...

A Newt man on top: Gingrich’s lead in GOP race

The Issue: Newt gingrich’s increasing popularity, despite concerns about his character and record. Republican primary candidate Newt gingrich is rising in the polls (“It’s Good Newt & Bad,” Michael Goodwin, Nov. 23). Gingrich prides himself on ...


Newt gingrich - For posting guidelines see "Personal Interests." Thank you. | Facebook.

Gingrich coup: Endorsement from NHs largest paper

WASHINGTON (AP) — New Hampshires largest newspaper on Sunday endorsed former House Speaker Newt gingrich in the 2012 GOP presidential race, signaling that rival Mitt Romney isnt the universal favorite and potentially resetting the contest ...

Does NEWT GINGRICH know how a debate works?

A debate consists of differing ideas pitted against each other between 2 or more people using their own arguments in a persuasive manner. Newt gingrich keeps accusing the media of having some kind of conspiracy to get Republicans fight one another. Would he prefer the debate consist of everyone agreeing with each other? For the record, he also said the same thing when Fox News hosted the first debate - that they were trying to get him to fight (disagree) with his Republican opponents. Uncle Pennybags: In other words, you admit Newt avoids the question to go on an "I hate Obama" tirade.
Answer: He's just going for the "Obama is evil" easy applause lines. He doesn't want to discuss differences he might have with other candidates.
Category: Politics

Why not create an initial website to help draft NEWT GINGRICH?

He has the experience, he is smart enough, and would be an awesome head of state and he knows economics. I have no training to create websites. Somebody brought up his name and it sounded really good. I could get behind Newt gingrich as someone that would not do politics as usual. He knows the system but is possibly far better than anyone else. Can you do anything?
Answer: I would have though Rudy had the serial divorcee vote wrapped up. Seriously why would anyone support this hypocrite? A man who has championed family values while divorcing cancer stricken wives and giving it to his secretary? Clinton may not have been a saint but at least he never pretended to be one.
Category: Elections

Is the NEWT GINGRICH campaign a force to be reckoned with?

Does the Newt gingrich campaign strike fear in to the hearts of Liberals everywhere?
Answer: Only if Callista finds something else to do.
Category: Politics

Did you know NEWT GINGRICH is running for President?

I wasnt aware if you knew this or not, but this guy named Newt gingrich is running for President. I know it hasnt been in the news lately, so Im just reminding you in case youve forgotten by now.
Answer: Newt is one of the strangest people who have ever lived.
Category: Politics

Get Involved Now | NEWT GINGRICH 2012

Newt gingrich 2012 Presidential Election Candidate Headquarters Phone: (678) 973-2306 P.O. Box 550769, Atlanta, GA 30355

NEWT GINGRICH wins New Hampshire backing as Mitt Romney plugs along

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential hopeful Newt gingrich landed the endorsement of New Hampshire’s largest newspaper on Sunday while rival Mitt Romney earned a dismissive wave, potentially resetting the race in the state with the first-in-the-nation ...

GOP debate: NEWT GINGRICH beats back immigration critique

Ascendant Republican presidential candidate Newt gingrich delivered an unapologetic defense of his views on immigration Tuesday night, declaring in a foreign policy ...

How come NEWT GINGRICH didnt have an answer about Massachusetts having no uninsured, while Texas has many?

Massachusetts, with its liberal universal healthcare, has no uninsured residents. Texas has its typical Republican format, and is one of the most uninsured healthcare states in the Union. Why didnt Newt gingrich have an answer, and instead rambled about some conspiracy by the media to get Republicans to "fight each other"? Does he realize its called a debate? Conflicting ideas are the norms at debates. Its not a "lets agree with everyone" format.
Answer: With the stupid out burst he had he should have been thrown out. He acted like a kid who couldn't get his own way
Category: Politics

Analysis: Gingrich gambles in bid to catch Romney

WASHINGTON (AP) — Newt gingrich, a political gambler his whole life, is banking on unorthodox stands on immigration, Social Security and other issues to propel him past Mitt Romney in the Republican presidential contest. In a few weeks, GOP voters in ...

NEWT GINGRICH pushes back against opponents who claim he supports ...

Read Newt gingrich pushes back against opponents who claim he supports ‘amnesty’ for illegal immigrants from our blog The Ticket on Yahoo! News. NAPLES, Fla ...

NEWT GINGRICH Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - presents former Republican Speaker of the House Newt gingrich, whose 'Contract with America' made him king of Capitol Hill for a brief time.

Gingrich wins NH backing as Romney plugs along

By PHILIP ELLIOTT Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential hopeful Newt gingrich landed the endorsement of New Hampshires largest newspaper on Sunday while rival Mitt Romney earned a dismissive wave, potentially resetting the race in the ...

New Hampshire Union Leader endorses NEWT GINGRICH. Will it help him?

The political world is abuzz with the news that the New Hampshire Union Leader, with its historically conservative editorial page, has bestowed its GOP primary endorsement on former House speaker Newt gingrich. But how valuable really is the ...

Did NEWT GINGRICH just flip-flop on immigration?

Newt gingrich has said that law-abiding, tax-paying illegal immigrant families should not be forcefully kicked out of the US. Now, hes emphasizing the get ...

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