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BAIN CAPITAL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bain capital is a Boston-based alternative asset management and financial services company that specializes in private equity, venture capital, credit and public ...
Romney Warns Foes to Scale Back Attacks
MANCHESTER, N.H. — A triumphant Mitt Romney prepared to enter the crucible of South Carolina politics on Wednesday with a warning to his Republican rivals already waiting for him there: your attacks on me have failed. In several television appearances after his drubbing of the Republican field in New Hampshire on Tuesday night, Mr. Romney - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR
Whats worse: Tax funded $1.5 T (public money) in failures or private failures at BAIN CAPITAL?
Honestly, $1.5 T and barely any jobs created and more jobs were lost.
Bain capital invest in hundreds of companies, including Staples and Dominos creating hundreds of thousands of jobs with of course some losses
Bain capital IS A PRIVATE COMPANY!!1
Category: Politics
Mitt Romney and BAIN CAPITAL Were Right to Utilitize So-Called Tax ...
In the case of Romney, some of his GOP opponents are criticizing him for job losses and/or bankruptcies at some of the companies in which he invested while in charge of Bain capital. But I don't need to focus on that issue, ...
Perry calls Romney, BAIN CAPITAL 'vultures' | The Raw Story
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry asserted on Tuesday that both former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Bain capital, the firm he founded, were “vultures” for preying on distressed companies. During a town ...
Calling for a truce in the Bain wars
The intra-GOP war over the nature and meaning of Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain capital has gotten so bad that Bill Kristol has stepped forward with a special editorial calling on all parties to hold their fire: On the one hand, Newt Gingrich ...
How bad of politics is it for Mitt Romney to receive millions each year from BAIN CAPITAL who lays off people?
Bain capital specializes in streamlining corporations, and doing massive layoffs and cutting benefits. Mitt Romney worked for that company for more than 20 years, and he still gets paid big time from this company.
Answer: So was it Obama's fault that GM closed plants and laid off workers after it taken over by the govt? Believe it or not, in the real world of business it is sometimes necessary to lay off people when a business is not doing well.
Category: Politics
As Romney Advances, Private Equity Becomes Part of the Debate
The titans of private equity have long feared this moment. As Mitt Romney has established himself as the front-runner for the Republican nomination, not only has his record at Bain capital come under intense scrutiny and withering attacks — but so has the private equity industry. Mr. Romney’s opponents are the loudest, accusing such - By PETER LATTMAN and ANNIE LOWREY
Should we Republicans be concerned about Mitt Romneys record at BAIN CAPITAL?
I can see the attack ads now. Obama will throw a big pity party for the poor schmucks who were layed off when Bain came in and restructured or shut down their companies.
Answer: Should Wall Street own every American company? Is AmeriChina the country you want?
What does anyone really know about Bain capital?
The truth hurts the Tea Party.
Romney has no idea of what a normal hardworking American life is.
Romney is Gordon Gekko
Category: Politics
Shaken by Attacks on Romney’s Work at Bain, Campaign Tries to Douse Flames
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Campaign advisers to former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, stung by unexpectedly fierce attacks from Republican rivals on his career as a corporate buyout specialist, are scrambling to avoid a prolonged and nasty battle over his business record before it does lasting damage to the front-runner. Although the advisers had - By MICHAEL BARBARO and ASHLEY PARKER
what the hell was newt gingrich smoking when he decided to attack BAIN CAPITAL and Mitt Romney? isnt this guy?
supposed to be astute and politically savvy.
He should have known what was coming. He now is backtracking his comments and blaming Obama for them.
Category: Politics
Bain capital Ventures is the Boston-based venture capital affiliate of Bain capital and was founded with the mission of leveraging a customer focused and operational ...
Why is Romney doing such a lousy job defending his record at Bain ...
Why is Romney doing such a lousy job defending his record at Bain capital? By James Pethokoukis. January 7, 2012, 12:08 pm
What Mitt Romney did at Bain - Jan. 10, 2012
Republicans are now criticizing the Mitt Romneys tenure at Bain capital.
BAIN CAPITAL: Information from
If you want to make a big deal out of it, chances are Bain capital will get involved. The private equity and venture capital investor acquires and owns interests in ...
Bain capital Ventures is the Boston-based venture capital affiliate of Bain capital and was founded with the mission of leveraging a customer focused and ...
Critiquing Romney’s Bain Record Is Not Swift Boating | The Nation
As the GOP presidential candidates stepped up their attacks over the past few days on Mitt Romney’s private equity career at Bain capital, a new meme quickly emerged in the press: Romney was being “Swift-Boated.” It’s an absurd comparison.
Anti-Romney ads on BAIN CAPITAL: Whose is toughest? (+video ...
Mitt Romney’s opponents are lining up to attack him over his time as head of Bain capital, in case you haven’t heard. They’re going to accuse him of ...
MSNBC now disclosing BAIN CAPITAL connection -
Starting on last night’s Ed Show with Ed Schultz, MSNBC anchors are now disclosing their parent company’s ties to Bain capital, the buyout firm co-founded by Mitt ...
Candidates Go After Romney in South Carolina
COLUMBIA, S.C. — For the Republican presidential candidates who want to stop Mitt Romney in South Carolina, it comes down to this: How far are they willing to go? A day after Mr. Romney’s victory in New Hampshire left his rivals running out of time to block his path to the nomination, he was greeted here by a wave of attacks on his - By JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY
Romney Attacks May Help Democrats
WASHINGTON — For months David Axelrod, President Obama’s senior strategist, has argued with evident anticipation that Mitt Romney offers a glass jaw when he boasts that his business record sets him apart as a presidential candidate. Now Mr. Romney’s Republican rivals have beaten the Obama team to the punch, and Democrats could - By JACKIE CALMES
Is the GOP eating its young by attacking Romneys BAIN CAPITAL ...
The assault on Mitt Romney’s record as a private equity investor--led by, of all people, Newt Gingrich--has one influential Washington special interest ...
The two faces of Mitt Romney and BAIN CAPITAL - The Washington Post
1 day ago ... The two sides of the firm explain why Mitt Romney's business background is both an asset and a liability.
RealClearPolitics - How Many Cheers for BAIN CAPITAL?
There's a line of thinking you often hear from Republican-types about how markets are never wrong. You think a certain CEO's lavish compensation is ridiculous? Nonsense, those types tell you. You think that a CEO's ...
Rivals Attack Mitt Romneys Record At BAIN CAPITAL : Its All ...
The central argument of Republican Mitt Romneys presidential campaign is that he understands how the economy works — thanks to his business background ...
You’re So Bain: Campaign Asks, Is Private Equity Good for U.S.?
(Rick Perry called Romney’s old firm, Bain capital LLC, “vultures that are sitting out there on the tree limb waiting for the company to get sick.”) Romney’s argument against President Barack Obama hinges on the former Massachusetts ...
Why BAIN CAPITALs Targets Went Bust
Stephen Bainbridge, Professor of Law at UCLA, sums up some important research to explain why Mitt Romneys Bain targets went bust so often: [R]ecent research suggests that business failures are an inherent part of the private equity business ...
What is your opinion of Mitt Romneys time at BAIN CAPITAL?
Is it a "deal breaker" for you that he was a corporate shark, eating up smaller companies and spitting them out for profit?
Do you not care?
Is that now how you view his time at Bain capital?
Category: Politics
BAIN CAPITAL and private equity world jarred by attacks on Romney ...
Bain capital executives have been bracing since last summer for the inevitable downside to their old boss running for president: seeing their firm’s name ...
Romney Wins G.O.P. Primary in New Hampshire
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Mitt Romney swept to victory in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday, turning back a ferocious assault from rivals who sought to disqualify him in the eyes of conservatives, in a contest that failed to anoint a strong opponent to slow his march to the Republican nomination. Mr. Romney, a former governor of Massachusetts, - By JEFF ZELENY
Focus: venture and expansion capital for private companies and growth capital for public companies in a wide range of industries.
Why did the US govt. allow the sale of 3 Com to BAIN CAPITAL and the Communist-run Huawei Technologies?
3 Com makes the systems which protect the Pentagons computers from Communist hackers (eg: the same ones who hacked the Defense Dept. computers a few months ago).
So by this sale, the govt. just made it easier for the Communists to hack the Pentagons computers.
Does this make any sense?
Are there any US patriots running Bain capital?
Or are they just a bunch of greedy pigs looking to make a buck?
Answer: Sounds like Dick Cheney is involved. Yes to your last question.
Category: Politics
BAIN CAPITAL tied to bankruptcy, closing of KC steel plant ...
Bain capital, a company once operated by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, was involved in the 2001 bankruptcy and closing of one of Kansas City’s ...
How Romney and BAIN CAPITAL Remind Me of An Old Rugby Story ...
I can think of one excellent side-effect of the argument over Mitt Romney's work at Bain capital. It reminds me of the fun and foolish days when I could.
How much longer can Mitt Romney give such vague answers about his time as CEO of BAIN CAPITAL?
Apparently Bain capital attack lines are what brought down Romney in 1994 when he ran against Kennedy.
Romney never really explained it away, he just waited for time to make it disappear. Now its back.
Isnt he going to have to give a more detailed explanation at some point?
Category: Politics
Prospectus: BAIN CAPITAL vs. Obama, Inc.
Investors have been hearing a lot about two major organizations lately, Bain capital and Obama, Inc. A former employee of Bain, Willard Mitt Romney, is looking to take over Obama, Inc. His experience at Bain capital has become a highly controversial item ...
The two faces of Mitt Romney and BAIN CAPITAL - The Washington Post
Over the past few days, two very different versions of Mitt Romney have emerged on the campaign trail. There’s Mitt Romney, job-creator, the Bain executive who ...
Romneycare, BAIN CAPITAL, 2012, and the Lost Opportunity to Assail ...
Romney's career as a venture socialist governor is what should concern us; not his career as a venture capitalist in the private sector.” At this point,
LETTERS; The Political Landscape After New Hampshire
To the Editor: Re “ The Republican Contest ” (editorial, Jan. 11): It is more a battle of tired, failed slogans than a real contest. If the newly incarnated conservative Mitt Romney goes on to win the nomination, his history suggests that the country will get a combination Romney-Gingrich-Santorum-Huntsman-Perry candidate. A combination
What exactly did Mitt Romney DO at BAIN CAPITAL? Does anybody know?
I honestly hadnt really thought about Romneys Bain capital days until the past week or so when Gingrich brought it up.
The more I read, the more I realize NOBODY really knows what Romney did while CEO of this company.
Is there a definitive account somewhere?
Category: Politics
what is wrong with the BAIN CAPITAL started by Romney?
"They hire kids fresh out of college, pay them quarters for ever ten dollars made for Bain. Then fire the whole lot after two years and hire a new crop".
This is better than being on unemployment for 3 years or stay at home with mommy after graduate from college. Maybe Romney could get all corporations to do this... so we can get some job experience.
Answer: Romoney touched it.
Same thing will happen to the US if he gets elected.
Category: Politics
Romneys BAIN CAPITAL Made Billions While Bankrupting Nearly One ...
2012 GOP presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney, who has a large lead in the polls heading into the New Hampshire primary tomorrow, has been taking heat from ...
What Did Romney Do at Bain?
At any time, the Wall Street Journals article on the fate of companies that Bain capital invested in during Romneys tenure would have probably made a splash. But luckily for the commentariat, Romney gave the story a nice push by making a ...
How will Willard Mitt Romney explain the actions of BAIN CAPITAL.?
at a time when average Americans are dealing with stagnant unemployment and wages?
Answer: Living a life of privileged and being handed everything automatically disqualifies Romney as someone who understands the struggles of everyday Americans. He has already shown his willingness to lie, take any position, and say anything to score political points. As CEO of Bain capital, 80% of the companies he took over were left in worse shape after being sold. (ie. smaller market share, less profitable, more debt, provided fewer jobs). As Governor of Massachusetts his record on job creation was 47th of out 50 states.
Category: Politics
What is wrong with BAIN CAPITAL taking over other companies and raiding pensions, putting them in debt,?
making them less profitable, having them produce inferior products, firing people, charging ridiculous fees so that Mittens and his cronies can buy a third or fourth mansion?
Category: Politics
Attacks on Romney Prompt Backlash Within G.O.P.
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Attacks on Mitt Romney by some of his rivals set off outrage within the Republican Party on Tuesday as voters went to the polls and the candidates turned their attention to South Carolina. Mr. Romney has been under attack for 48 hours over his role at Bain capital, the investment firm he helped found. Gov. Rick Perry of - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR
Romney BAIN CAPITAL Jimmy Stewart Rush Limbaugh
What is it about the Bain capital story that is making people so uncomfortable?The simple answer is that it doesn’t follow our mythology. At a Romney Event Yesterday, I Was Removed and Arrested. I Still Dont Know Why. I’d been in New Hampshire for the ...
MANCHESTER, N.H. As chief executive of Bain capital, Mitt Romney was all about cold analysis and hot profits. He took a rare personal interest in one of his investments: the Lifelike Company, which produced My Twinn dolls, fashioned to look like the little girls who owned them. As Mark Maremont reported in The Wall Street Journal on Monday, Romney - By MAUREEN DOWD
Mitt Romney battles his BAIN CAPITAL image
Mitt Romney handily won the New Hampshire primary Tuesday, but he heads to the South Carolina primary wounded by friendly fire and branded with echoes of former Republican rival Mike Huckabees description of him four years ago: Romney "looks ...
Established in 1984, Bain capital is one of the world's leading private investment firms managing approximately $66 billion in assets under management. ...
Perry doesnt back down from his Bain criticism
Rick Perry is not backing down on his attacks on Bain capitals "get-rich-quick" schemes. "The idea that you come in and destroy peoples lives, the idea that you come in just to make a quick profit tear these companies apart," Perry told an ...
Of the 117 companies that BAIN CAPITAL bought, which three still exist? Is it still called job creation when?
you fire 16,000 workers and they have to get jobs elsewhere or starve?
Because that alone would make President Romney one heck of a "Job Creator".
Answer: Most Con's have no idea what you are talking about.
It's our job to inform them since we know FOXNews won't.
We'll need to post this almost daily for the next year before they understand the point.
Category: Politics
Review & Outlook: The BAIN CAPITAL Bonfire -
30 minutes ago ... The Wall Street Journal argues Romney has a good story to tell, if he's willing to tell it.
You can blame Mitt Romney, but not for BAIN CAPITAL
I’m all in favor of piling on Mitt Romney for any number of reasons: his come lately embrace of hard right conservatism, his periodic malapropisms (“I like being able to fire people”) and above all, the nonchalance with which he displays a dazzling ...
Perry labels Romney, BAIN CAPITAL as "vultures"
FORT MILL, S.C. --Rick Perry upped the ante on his criticism of rival Mitt Romney on Tuesday, likening the former Massachusetts governors company, Bain capital, to a band of "vultures" who wait to loot failing companies. "Theyre vultures that ...
BAIN CAPITAL Attacks May Benefit Mitt Romney
The New Hampshire primary has come and gone and the craziest thing happened—former Gov. Mitt Romney won again, this time by a lot. The fire and brimstone that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich threatened after Iowa did not cause the Romney ...
What Did Mitt Romney Do at BAIN CAPITAL?
If his specialty is to fire people and squeeze money out of struggling companies, then how can he be a job creator if hes elected president?
Banshee: Youre still a young kid. What do you know about firing and being fired? Read the other answers from people smarter and more mature than yourself and learn something.
Category: Elections
NR: Bain attacks foolish and destructive; Romney tin-eared
and Jon Huntsman seem to be engaged in a perverse contest to be the Republican presidential candidate to say the most asinine thing about Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain capital, the private-equity firm at which he served as chief executive, helped turn ...
Huntsman Sr. Partner With BAIN CAPITAL Executive - American ...
Well things get curiouser and curiouser, as they say. While Jon Huntsman Jr. is jumping on Mitt Romney for Romney's comment about firing people…a comment that has been linked to his time at Bain capital, here's an ...
Huntsman Sr. Partner With BAIN CAPITAL Executive
Well things get curiouser and curiouser, as they say. While Jon Huntsman Jr. is jumping on Mitt Romney for Romneys comment about firing people…a comment that has been linked to his time at Bain capital, heres an interesting fact that Mr ...
The boys at BAIN CAPITAL told me that I won New Hampshire, should I send you a pink slip now or later?
Bain capital will outsource your job.
Answer: They certainly will
Category: Politics
POLITICAL MEMO; Lines Blur in Populist vs. Capitalist Debate — Political Memo
MANCHESTER, N.H. — In the sour, fearful mood that economic setbacks have produced, American voters loathe both major symbols of the forces squeezing their pocketbooks and life savings. President Obama will seek re-election vowing to rein in one of them: Wall Street. Mitt Romney will focus on the other: Washington. Mr. Romney made that clear - By JOHN HARWOOD
Prospectus: BAIN CAPITAL vs. Obama, Inc. - HUMAN EVENTS
16 hours ago ... Investors have been hearing a lot about two major organizations lately, Bain Capital and Obama, Inc. A former employee of Bain, Willard Mitt.
Laid-Off Steelworker: Mitt Romney and BAIN CAPITAL Profited by ...
As Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney comes under fire in New Hampshire for touting his business experience, we look at how his private equity firm, Bain capital, drove a Kansas City steel plant into bankruptcy, ...
Romney at BAIN CAPITAL: Big Gains, Some Busts -
Mitt Romneys political foes are stepping up attacks based on his time running investment firm Bain capital, tagging him with making a fortune from the ...
BAIN CAPITAL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bain capital is a Boston -based alternative asset management and financial services company that specializes in private equity, venture capital, credit and public ...
On Mitt Romney's Defense Of BAIN CAPITAL And The Private Equity ...
32 minutes ago ... Lately, Bain founder and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has found himself in a spirited defense of the private equity industry, doing ...
Gingrich Says Romney Has ‘Big Questions’ to Answer on Bain
Jan. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said party front-runner Mitt Romney has “some very big questions to answer” about his time at private equity firm Bain capital LLC and whether he chose profit over jobs.
How quickly will occupy Wall Street morph into occupy Mitt, Mr. Wall Street, BAIN CAPITAL, corporate raider?
Answer: Who knows what it will turn into at this point in time. Although they have formed a committee to try to consolidate their thoughts into a coherent list of things they are trying to accomplish.
Category: Politics
Gingrich Says BAIN CAPITAL Looted Companies -
MANCHESTER, N.H. – Newt Gingrich assailed Mitt Romney’s business background of buying and selling companies at the investment firm Bain capital, saying ...
RealClearPolitics - Why BAIN CAPITAL Is a Real Weakness for Romney
AP Photo. Kudos to Yuval for this trenchant observation about the great Bain battle, which I think gets at the heart of what makes some conservatives uneasy about Romney's record there: But it has revealed two problems that ...
While he was with BAIN CAPITAL, Romney closed companies and invested millions offshore. Is this right for US?
Offshore investing to avoid taxes. Thats something Bain capital did for investers while Romney was there. Leveraged company buyouts that laid off thousands of workers was Mitts expertise. He is worth a quarter Billion $. Can any American who knows this background support Romney? Who thinks he can fix whats wrong in America when he has been part of the problem for decades?
Category: Law & Ethics
Bain capital is one of the worlds leading private, alternative asset management firms whose affiliates manage approximately $66 billion. Our principals are the ...
Romneycare, Bain capital, 2012, and the Lost Opportunity to Assail Obamacare From: JosephSherry - Source: twitterfeed
Bain capital: #BainCapital #Bain #Capital #google #youtube From: FLVTubeTweets - Source: twitterfeed
@Buffett_Quotes keep tweeting. We love your opinions. How about an opinion on Bain capital? From: mgrossi1 - Source: Twitter for iPhone Was Mitt Romney a vulture capitalist at Bain capital?: The last few days in New Hampshire i... From: V7NForum - Source: twitterfeed
@tokyoreporter Re: Olympus. How about #Bain capital? From: rpwpb - Source: web
Samread:: Mitt Romney, Bain capital and the gospel of creative destruction From: sillysamanta - Source: Samsays
#baincapital Mitt Romney, Bain capital and the gospel of creative destruction - Washington Post From: PigRoot - Source:
Romney is DEFINITELY NOT a job creator. Bain capital and Ronmey reaped benefits in their investment (cont) From: mgrossi1 - Source: TweetList!
Huntsman, Bain capital Made 600 Million Dollar Deal From: StevenFlores5 - Source: twitterfeed
Das Bain capital From: TracyElliott4 - Source: twitterfeed
GOP Split Over Attacks on Private Equity: Criticism of Mitt Romneys role at buyout firm Bain capital is o... Best. From: REMAXSINGH - Source: twitterfeed
GOP Split Over Attacks on Private Equity: Criticism of Mitt Romneys role at buyout firm Bain capital is opening... From: lee_byers - Source: twitterfeed
The two faces of Mitt Romney and Bain capital From: Bryan_Tina - Source: twitterfeed
There is a line and Bain capital crossed it. No President Mittens #Edshow #Obama2012 #lastword #mittens From: operationH2012 - Source: web
In SC, Jon Huntsman says Romneys failings are in his gubernatorial record, not Bain capital From: ChicagoFirehose - Source: @tribapps autotweeter