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Jesse ventura : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Navy SEAL: Why yes, I did punch JESSE VENTURA in the face for ...
Navy SEAL: Why yes, I did punch Jesse ventura in the face for saying we deserved to lose some guys in Iraq at a wake for an MOH recipient
Conspiracy Theory with JESSE VENTURA | Online Episodes Streaming
Season 2 Watch Conspiracy Theory with Jesse ventura Episodes Online, Big Brother, 9/11, Manchurian Candidate, Global Warming, Apocalypse 2012, H.A.A.R.P. and Secret ...
23 hours ago ... Navy Seal Sharpshooter Chris Kyle talks to Opie and Anthony about the time he punched Jesse ventura in the face.
Best Sellers: Hardcover Nonfiction: Sunday, May 15th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 15, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending April 30, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
The fight has only just begun. Support Jesse ventura in his quest for Truth, Justice and Freedom!
JESSE VENTURA vs. actual Navy SEAL
Sure, shooting Osama Bin Laden in the eyes and putting his carcass to good use feeding the fishies in the North Arabian Sea was a good night for the Navy SEALs, but it sounds like this one was alright too.
Police Let JESSE VENTURA Off With a Warning for Tailgating
Police apparently got involved as former Minnesota Governor Jesse ventura rushed to get to the airport Monday, but it was not to provide an escort. TMZ reports Ventura was pulled over for tailing a little too close to another car as he cruised ...
Is JESSE VENTURA and Alex Jones the closet thing we have to sanity?
How about having a Jesse ventura and Alex Jones Independent ticket for 2012?
Answer: Jesse is pretty cool. Alex has interesting stuff to say but he is a bit of a nut
Category: Politics
Ventura Says Story About Being Pulled Over in California is Not True
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse ventura says a story about him reported by the website TMZ is not true. TMZ published a story last week that Ventura was pulled over by police in California and was warned about tailgating. An attorney for Ventura emailed 5 ...
Best Sellers: Hardcover Nonfiction: Sunday, May 29th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 29, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending May 14, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
Are you supporting a Ron Paul/JESSE VENTURA ticket, or are you voting for another Illuminati drone for the NWO?
Anyone who isnt voting for Paul, whether they choose the other GOP candidates, or Obama - is voting for another Illuminati puppet who will continue the Illuminatis plans for a globalized society.
The Illuminati is poisoning our drinking water with hallucinogenic drugs! Stay away from the tap water! Theyre trying to control our minds!
If you want the tap water cleaned up, vote Ron Paul / Jesse ventura for 2012!
Answer: There is medication for paranoia and delusions!
Category: Politics
JESSE VENTURA Exposes the Bilderberg Group
Jesse ventura Exposes the Bilderberg Group Conspiracy Theory infiltrates the secret society of global ruling elite. They pull the strings and they call the shots, and their most lethal plot may be underway. Jesse ventura ...
JESSE VENTURA tailgating story is fake
The Celebrity gossip website TMZ reported that Jesse ventura was pulled over for "tailgating" last night in Los Angeles. TMZ said he was on his way to the airport. Actually, Jesse ventura is boycotting air travel in US over the TSA. He even filed a lawsuit ...
Are Jerry Springer or JESSE VENTURA qualified to be VP?
Jerry Springer was a mayor, Jesse ventura was a governor. They both have executive experience. Do you think either is qualified to be VP of the USA?
Palin supporters seem to use that mayor/governor argument to justify her qualifications to be VP. My point is that anybody can be a mayor or governor of a one horse town but we have to choose our potential presidents more carefully. Ideally someone with a brain.
Oh, i forgot Marion Barry.
Answer: Neither is is qualified as Biden.
And both are much more qualified than Palin.
Category: Elections
JESSE VENTURA - Americas Patriot and Crusader for Truth and Justice
Jesse ventura is a Great American. The United States of Americas message and their prayer for your leadership.
JESSE VENTURA Endorses Ron Paul as the Only Antiwar Candidate
Appearing on Alex Jones’ nationally syndicated radio show today, the former governor of Minnesota and best selling author, Jesse ventura, emphatically declared his support for Ron Paul’s presidential run. “Ron Paul has Governor Jesse ventura’s ...
Michael Moore lands on worst-dressed list with JESSE VENTURA, Larry King
FLINT, Michigan -- Flint native and filmmaker Michael Moores wardrobe has landed him on a list of the worst-dressed men of 2011. Roger Stone, editor of, said Moore "looks like he slept in the Occupy Wall Street tents even though ...
SEAL Recounts Punching JESSE VENTURA In The Face For Saying ...
SEAL Recounts Punching Jesse ventura In The Face For Saying Soldier Killed In Iraq Deserved To Die. January 5th, 2012 (25) Posted By … Ventura definetely deserved what he had coming to him. Thank you for sticking up ...
JESSE VENTURA Gets One-Punch Knockdown from Navy SEAL Sharpshooter ...
Imagine what would happen if a man in a bar told a group of Navy SEALs that he; Disagrees the war. Believes they (the military) are murderers, killing ...
JESSE VENTURAs conspiracy theories are dumb who else agrees?
I think he uses it to get attention and that his theories are dumb. Who else thinks Jesse ventura is crazy?
Answer: Yes, Jesse really let me down when he went all "Truther" on me.
I use to respect the man,............he's well spoken, often knows what the hell he's talking about.......ex Navy Seal, ran for Governor and beat the system........ holds his OWN when trying to be shouted down on Fox Noise.......and I give him MUCH credit for shutting THOSE Yo-yo's up.....
but, then..........for God knows what reason..........he got hooked the "Loose Change" films or something and became a rambling IDIOT when it comes to 9-11..........just repeating NOT just garage........but often the WORST of the garbage.
I don't MIND *Intelligent* questions about 9-11.........
but when people start talking about Missiles into the pentagon, and giant smoke machines at WTC 7........ and controlled explosions..........I mean, their credibility just instantly falls below BIRTHERS, which is ZERO.
I use to respect the man.....but clearly he's taken one hit to the head too many now.
Category: Reality Television
Best Sellers: Hardcover Nonfiction: Sunday, May 22nd 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 22, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending May 7, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
JESSE VENTURA pulled over, ROH anniversary, Sapolsky blogs on Punk and Bryan
Former WWE star and Minnesota governor Jesse ‘the Body’ Ventura was pulled over by law enforcement near neat the airport in San Fernando Valley for tailgating another vehicle. has a story posted on the incident and can be read at http://www.tmz ...
I left the 9/11 conspiracy alone awhile now, now JESSE VENTURA is reinstalling my interest what do you THINK?
I just seen Jesse ventura on Larry King Live talking about subject matter for an show he is doing on conspiracy theories and how he also believes it was all set up. I got into the 9/11 theory quite a bit back in 2004 but left it alone. Now I am researching it again, do you think its B.S. or do you believe it was all planned for oil profits ect ect?
Answer: I think all conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 are crap.
I think the Iraq War was planned for oil profits and I think I'm in the majority when I say that, but 9/11 was done by Islamic extremist terrorists. I also think Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to go after oil, but it's absurd to think he masterminded it.
Category: Politics
JESSE VENTURA Has Lawyers Threatening Lawsuit Against TMZ Over Recent News Article
Says the story about being pulled over is part of a "smear campaign"... - WWE Hall of Famer and former Minnesota Governor Jesse ventura went on the Alex Jones radio show today and said his lawyers are looking into TMZ on what he claims was false reporting ...
Best Sellers: Combined Hardcover & Paperback Nonfiction: Sunday, May 8th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 8, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending April 23, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
Americans Most Lethal Navy SEAL Sniper Tells Gripping Tale About Killing Savages and Decking JESSE VENTURA
Watch the latest video at <a href=""></a> Watch the latest video at Fox News Insider On Thursday’s O’Reilly Factor, Bill sat down with Chris ...
JESSE VENTURA | Point of Insight
Tags: jug Jesse ventura 337 Source License: Other Join This Project Get Source Code Subversion: ( browse ) Wiki Source Code Mailing lists Issue Tracking Downloads Chat Room (Help) ...
Why did Conspiracy Theory with JESSE VENTURA get pulled off the air without a word from Main Stream Media?
While the government seeks to shut down free speech sites like WikiLeaks, and put anyone exposing government in jail, Jesse venturas show with sky high ratings, suddenly gets pulled from the air.
He was about to do a show on FEMA concentration camps here in the USA
Is something weird going on here?
Answer: when they come to take us away,me and my machine-gun(Browning Automatic Rifle) will have so much fun...i wish they would try...please try...
Category: Politics
JESSE VENTURA vs. actual Navy SEAL | The Daily Caller
WARNING: VIOLENCE, ADULT LANGUAGE, AND DESCRIPTIONS OF Jesse ventura'S BEHAVIOR. YouTube Preview Image. Jesse ventura finally found time to bleed. Tags Treacher. 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars ...
Globalist Attack JESSE VENTURA: Claim Jesse knocked out ...
The New World Order is scared of Ventura. In a panicked bid to discredit Jesse the system is pumping out story after story to defame the former Minnesota ...
JESSE VENTURA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James George Janos (born July 15, 1951), better known as Jesse ventura, is an American politician, the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003, Navy UDT veteran ...
JESSE VENTURA - America's Patriot and Crusader for Truth and Justice
Jesse ventura is a Great American. The United States of America's message and their prayer for your leadership.
Is JESSE VENTURA doing the right thing by suing TSA agents?
(CNN) -- Count Jesse ventura among fliers who dont want their "junk" touched by Transportation Security Administration agents.
The former Minnesota governor and pro wrestler filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court in Minnesota against the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA.
The suit alleges enhanced airport security procedures, including pat-downs and full body scanning, violate Venturas rights under the Fourth Amendment, which protects Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Ventura is not seeking monetary damages, according to his attorney, David Olsen. Ventura wants an acknowledgment from the court that his rights have been violated and a court order that would stop the government from subjecting him to the screening procedures, Olsen said.
"We consider the pat-downs and the whole body scanners to be a step too far, and they have crossed into the realm of the unreasonable," Olsen said.
Answer: Yes he has every right,this is America, if the naacp or aclu can sue all the time how about an ex Vet Navy seal.
besides the only reason for the "big" push is that two scanner companies, L-3 Communications and Rapiscon Systems landed open ended government contracts to supply the things. They spread millions around The House and Senate and sued both Republican and democratic lobbyists to get the the "key" people. grant millions is not much when you consider that the lobbyists hand the House and Senate members billions every year** and also employ their families, but they paid enough to the ones on the committees and landed the open ended contracts.
So people don't want to go through them and the only way to herd them in is to make them real uncomfortable wit the TSA agents, who by the way used to be minimum wage earners, but I believe they did have to have no criminal record and a GED.
Not sure why anyone would doubt the government as they say the radiation from the machines is safe. Didn't they also approve that stuff called asbestos? But look at the below site it shows what each one of them gets from the lobbyists and SIGs, who bribes, I mean donates to them and how they vote. I am still trying to figure out which committees would have approved this and then can tell you who got the money. Former Democratic Senator Tom Daschle's wife is one of their lobbyists. Go figure.
But when the cattle give up and start going in them to avoid being attacked by tsa people those companies will make some money and get those millions back.
Category: Politics
JESSE VENTURA Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography ...
Learn about the twisting career of Jesse ventura, through wrestling and politics, on
Best Sellers: Combined Hardcover & Paperback Nonfiction: Sunday, May 15th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 15, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending April 30, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
Obamas FEMA Camps and the Deaths of Vaclav Havel and Kim Jong-Il
So, they are not ‘theorists," they are conspiracy factualists. And you can see various things by Gov. Jesse ventura as well. While Ventura actually calls his show "Conspiracy Theory," he goes out on location and investigates such theories and allegations ...
Conspiracy Theory with JESSE VENTURA - Wikipedia, the free ...
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse ventura is an American television series hosted by Jesse ventura and broadcast on truTV (a US cable television channel formerly known as ...
Best Sellers: Combined Hardcover & Paperback Nonfiction: Sunday, May 22nd 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 22, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending May 7, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
We Ain't Got Time To Bleed |
Apr 1, 2011 ... Jesse ventura: We Ain't Got Time To Bleed.
Best Sellers: Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction: Sunday, May 15th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 15, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending April 30, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
From Area 51 to the JFK assassination, Jesse ventura and his team of experts examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of our time.
JESSE VENTURA Gets What He Deserved | Verum Serum
Actually, I think the Cain ad may have been produced by the same crack team that did this earlier Jesse ventura clip: Seriously, I like Herman Cain but his media team hasn't been good or even average. There's a difference ...
Hall of Famer Threatens TMZ, Today’s Superstars Matches, Goldust Apologizes
WWE Hall of Famer Jesse ventura is looking to sue TMZ over a story he says is false. TMZ reported that Ventura was pulled over for allegedly tailgating another car in California, telling police that he was tailgating because the driver in front of him was slow.
Americas deadliest sniper tells about the time he punched Jesse ...
Americas deadliest sniper tells about the time he punched Jesse ventura right in the mouth
Why worry? The worlds going to end in 349 days
Laugh if you dare, but Shirley MacLaine believes it. Jesse ventura believes it. George Lucas believes it and Britney Spears believes it. What other proof do you need? Donald Trump might want us to believe that he believes the end is near ...
THE BAY CITIZEN; At Google, the Book Tour Becomes Big Business
When Tina Fey visited the Bay Area in April on her book tour for Bossypants, she made just two stops. She gave an interview before a sold-out crowd at the Orpheum Theater, as part of the City Arts & Lectures series. And she dropped by the Mountain View headquarters of Google. At an Authors@Google fireside chat, Ms. Fey, the 30 Rock - - By KATHARINE MIESZKOWSKI
Could Barack Obama pick former governor JESSE VENTURA for his Vice President?
Given the stance that Washington needs a complete change of almost everyone involved in politics, to clear the air, how about a duo that would do just that? Barack Obama and Jesse ventura together would change things so that even the Clintons would not recognize the ole homestead. What do you think, recipe for angel food cake or whippin up devils food for sure?
Answer: In theory, he could. Jesse meets the qualifications. And most likely do well in the position. But, I don't think Obama will actually give it any serious thought. I think he should pick someone with military credentials in order to make a more balanced ticket and to build his foreign policy record. Jesse's Navy Seal experience would be very good for this.
Category: Government
This SEAL punched JESSE VENTURA in the face « Bob Owens
This SEAL punched Jesse ventura in the face. Written By: Bob - Jan• 05•12. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, America's deadliest sniper of all time with 255 kills, punched the truther former governor of Minnesota in the face for being an ...
We Aint Got Time To Bleed |
Jesse ventura: We Aint Got Time To Bleed ... You control our world. You’ve poisoned the air we breathe, contaminated the water we drink, and copyrighted the food ...
Correction On JESSE VENTURA Tailgating Story
Jesse ventura called into The Alex Jones Show and refuted the recent TMZ story about being pulled over for tailgating. Ventura noted that he hasnt even left the state of Minnesota for the last month, and stated that the story was completely false. Ventura ...
Jesse ventura, Actor: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse ventura. In November 1990, professional wrestler turned actor Jesse ventura was elected to a four-year ...
SEAL Sniper Who Punched American Traitor JESSE VENTURA Talks ...
I have come on here numerous times to defend Dr. Paul, but I cannot defend those that take his message, on foreign policy, of non-intervention and turn it into conspiracy theories like Jesse ventura and his ilk do. ...
What former job experience does JESSE VENTURA have?
we are researching all the presidential canidates and my guy is Jesse ventura....what former job experience does he have?
Answer: I know that Jesse ventura was once a Navy Seal. You can't be an idiot and be a Seal. Only the smartest become Seals. He was a professional wrestler, a radio talk show host and the Governor of Minnesota.
Category: Homework Help
Americans Most Lethal Navy SEAL Sniper Tells Gripping Tale About Killing Savages
Kyle, the recipient of five Bronze Stars and two Silver Stars, revealed to O’Reilly why he punched former Minnesota Governor Jesse ventura, knocking him to the floor. Kyle said that he encountered Ventura at a bar while attending the wake of a ...
JESSE VENTURA Endorses Ron Paul as the Only Antiwar Candidate by ...
Appearing on Alex Jones’ nationally syndicated radio show today, the former governor of Minnesota and best selling author, Jesse ventura, emphatically declared his ...
Detailed investigative report on Ventura's claim of being a former Navy SEAL. [ San Diego Reader]
Kamala Undergoes More Surgery, JESSE VENTURA Suing TMZ?
Following surgery to have his foot amputated, WWE Legend Kamala has reportedly returned to the hospital to have the rest of the effected leg removed. Kamala Jr, the son of Kamala, real name James Harris, posted the following on Facebook: "Please pray for ...
The fight has only just begun. Support Jesse ventura in his quest for Truth, Justice and Freedom!
What did you think of JESSE VENTURA tonight?
Ive been a Jesse ventura fan when he is on the mic more then in the ring. I have to say it was a breath of fresh air tonight. Cant say much about the ending, but still a pretty solid show.
BQ: Out of 10: What is the chance of Bobby Hennan being the next host in the near future?
Answer: mmm a 9/10.. maybe next year? who knows
Jesse Venture the best host so far... he did a great job and loved the mcmahon and Jesse ventura commentating
Category: Wrestling
» JESSE VENTURA Endorses Ron Paul as the Only Anti-war Candidate ...
Kurt Nimmo December 29, 2011. Appearing on Alex Jones’ nationally syndicated radio show today, the former governor of Minnesota and best selling author ...
POLITICAL TIMES; A Mandate? Not Really
YOU may remember a brief time in 2009 when Washington seemed once again to be the most consequential city in the political world -- a place where leaders might finally set aside childish things, as the young president urged, and set about dragging government into the future. Here we are, though, with Washington still paralyzed by arch - Matt Bai is the chief political correspondent for The Times Magazine and columnist for the Caucus political blog. - By MATT BAI
does anyone know how i can get ahold of Jesse ventura (former governer) if you have numbers to call so i can get ahold of him then please include. If u dont want to post it here then e-mail me at thank you very much.
Answer: This should help;
Category: Civic Participation
What do you think of JESSE VENTURAs notion about eliminating parties from politics?
Hed basically relegate political parties to the role of a PAC.
So, Americans would vote simply for the person running for office.
Forget about your opinion of Jesse ventura, like him or hate him, Im more interested in your thoughts about this proposal?
Answer: I think it is unworkable. The average voter makes up his/her mind about a candidate on only two or three things... and unfortunately, not many of those things are issues. The party system gives the voter a background about something the candidate stands for. Again, an oversimplified one... Left or Right. Conservative or Liberal. Black or White.
No parties would be a giant step in the wrong direction if you wanted to actually get things done in Washington. Every election would be a blank slate and four years wouldn't be long enough to get your vision across and agreed upon by a majority who are only in it for themselves.
Category: Politics
Actor: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse ventura (2009) · Beyond the Mat (1999) · Predator (1987) · WWE Hall of Fame 2004 (2004). In November 1990, professional ...
Conspiracy Theory with JESSE VENTURA - truTV
From Area 51 to the JFK assassination, Jesse ventura and his team of experts examine some of the most frightening and mysterious conspiracy allegations of ...
Would JESSE VENTURA win against John McCain and Barack Obama?
After his Larry King Live appearance Tuesday evening, Jesse ventura is officially saying if he can get access to all state ballots he will run for President. His only 3 obstacles are money, state ballot access in all 50 states and battling the FEC to be allowed in the fall debates. With you tube, my space, and the vast internet, do you think former Minnesotta Governor and Navy Seal Jesse J Ventura could be a formidable challenge as an Independent against John McCain and Obama in the General election?
Answer: Only if he took them both down with a body slam.
Category: Elections
JESSE VENTURA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James George Janos (born July 15, 1951), better known as Jesse ventura, is an American politician, the 38th Governor of Minnesota from 1999 to 2003, Navy ...
If JESSE VENTURA was running for president would you vote for him?
I think that Jesse ventura is the only honest politician I have ever seen in my lifetime.
I would vote for him in a heartbeat.
personally I dont care for republicans, but I dislike the majority of Democrats even more.
Answer: If Ron Paul was his VP definitely.*
Category: Elections
JESSE VENTURA on the Issues
Archives; 63 Documents, by Gov. Jesse ventura Governor Tim Pawlenty: The Sams Club Republican, by J. A. McClure American Conspiracies, by Gov. Jesse ventura
Navy SEAL Describes Time He Punched JESSE VENTURA In Face
Chris Kyle tells the story of Jesse ventura taunting he and his fellow Navy SEALS at the wake for one of their fallen brothers. Ventura reportedly said the SEALS "deserved to lose a few guys" in the Iraq war. Mr. Ventura was on ...
Best Sellers: Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction: Sunday, May 8th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the May 8, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending April 23, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers report
Should JESSE VENTURA run for vice president under Ron Paul?
I think Jesse ventura would make a great Vice President and even better president. I hope he becomes the president one day.
Answer: Not a bad idea, yes. I'm not sure Ron will be thrilled but doubt he'll voice any opposition due to the consequences.
-I'd be really mad at Mr. Ventura if he body slammed that sweet old man.
Category: Politics
Do you dismiss JESSE VENTURA as a valid scientific source just because he used to be a clown on tv?
peple often equate "Jesse ventura: 9/11 was an inside job"
to: "What next, did Hulk Hogan tell you the moon landing was fake?"
but Jesse ventura actually worked in controlled demolitions! he knows all about them.
Ventura learned all this in Seal training.
Answer: I dismiss him as a valid scientific source because he is not a scientist.
Category: Politics
Jesse ventura Snooki, Julianne Moore and Christina Aguilera top Worst Dressed list ;) From: nishakurasOQHD - Source: web
RT @KurtSchlichter: *LINK FIXED FOR THE FEEL-GOOD STORY OF 2012* American Hero punches dipshit truther Jesse ventura. cc: @AdamSBaldwin From: switch_d - Source: TweetDeck
RT @tobyharnden: US Navy SEAL describes punching Jesse ventura in face for saying comrades deserved to die in combat From: Tigernos - Source: HootSuite
Jesse The Body Ventura Rears Up ... Cops Rush In From: Elaine_Barber - Source: twitterfeed
RT @johnkriesel: If you needed any more proof that Jesse ventura is a puke, here it is (NSFW): From: jasonklei - Source: web
RT @KurtSchlichter: *LINK FIXED FOR THE FEEL-GOOD STORY OF 2012* American Hero punches dipshit truther Jesse ventura. cc: @AdamSBaldwin From: GilesMcK - Source: TweetDeck
RT @VikeBike: RT @johnkriesel: If you needed any more proof that Jesse ventura is a puke here it is NSFW: http:tcoIwMlX74L From: Karolhljvi - Source: Mobile Web
RT @KurtSchlichter: American Hero punches dipshit truther Jesse ventura. cc: @AdamSBaldwin From: GilesMcK - Source: TweetDeck
RT @johnkriesel: If you needed any more proof that Jesse ventura is a puke, here it is (NSFW): From: VikeBike - Source: web
RT @jimmy_dore: Video Jesse ventura tells of his plans to take over the Republican pres field and goes crazy! great job @JAdomian From: ComedyNerdsNet - Source: web
RT @KurtSchlichter: *LINK FIXED FOR THE FEEL-GOOD STORY OF 2012* American Hero punches dipshit truther Jesse ventura. cc: @AdamSBaldwin From: MyWhiteNinja - Source: TweetDeck
Michael Moore lands on worsed-dressed list with Jesse ventura, Larry King - The Flint Journal From: Vernon_Porter - Source: twitterfeed
Jesse ventura: A Second Conversation From: MildredChambers - Source: twitterfeed
RT @foxnation: Americans Most Lethal Navy SEAL Sniper Tells Gripping Tale About Killing Savages and Decking Jesse ventura (VIDEO) From: mite72 - Source: web
RT @KurtSchlichter: *LINK FIXED FOR THE FEEL-GOOD STORY OF 2012* American Hero punches dipshit truther Jesse ventura. cc: @AdamSBaldwin From: RobFlannery - Source: TweetDeck