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Why does republican ALLEN WEST want mass censorship of the media?
And do you cons agree with him that we shouldnt have freedom of the press?
Answer: Because he's a typical tea bagging freedom hating con.
Category: Politics
ALLEN WEST Calls 80 House Democrats Communists, Then He Rants Like A Lunatic
Rep. Allen west apparently wants to be the 21st century version of Joe McCarthy, telling nearly 100 visitors at a town hall event in Florida on Tuesday night that he recently “heard” that 80 House Democrats are actually members of the ...
ALLEN WEST for Congress
Palm Beach County, FL - Today Congressman Allen west released the following statement marking the second anniversary of Obamacare: "Two years ago, on March 23, 2010 ...
Democrats blast Rep. West for remark on communists
The Congressional Progressional Caucus said today that Rep. Allen wests remark linking the group to the Communist Party is "reminiscent" of Joseph McCarthy. "Allen west is denigrating the millions of Americans who voted to elect Congressional Progressive ...
Food Stamp Program Helping Reduce Poverty
WASHINGTON — A new study by the Agriculture Department has found that food stamps, one of the country’s largest social safety net programs, reduced the poverty rate substantially during the recent recession . The food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program , or SNAP, reduced the poverty rate by - By SABRINA TAVERNISE
Through Titles and Tangles, Lakers’ Bryant Remains Enigmatic
LOS ANGELES — At 22, Kobe Bryant , who had won an N.B.A. title and had started in three All-Star Games, leaving an entire career ahead of him to realize even dreams as heady as his, said of marrying, “I do everything young.” And so he would, including getting old. At 33, the oldest first-team all-N.B.A. player by six years, Bryant - By MARK HEISLER
ALLEN WEST: Up To 80 House Dems Are Members Of The Communist ...
Allen west (R-FL) has done it again. At a campaign town hall event on Tuesday, the Palm Beach Post reports, West declared that he's “heard” that up to 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. However, he ...
ALLEN WEST tirade: Wasserman Schultz vile...despicable...not a ...
Florida GOP Congressman Allen west this afternoon dispatched a scathing personal email to Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, calling ...
ALLEN WEST Campaign Releases Full Video Of West Calling House Progressives ‘Communist’
Rep. Allen west’s (R-FL) campaign is disputing a media report that he said there were 80 members of the Communist Party among congressional Democrats, without naming any. Indeed, West’s team has given a more complete video clip to the Daily Caller ...
Is ALLEN WEST a crazed kook for calling the Congressional Progressive Caucus a bunch of communists?
Allen west, a Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida, called members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, all Democrats, Communist Party members? Is he really making a sane, rational comment, or is it just a rany by a crazed kook?
Category: Government
Is ALLEN WEST the biggest Uncle tom in history?
Black conservative Allen west has called black people socialist devils for voting for Obama and he also defends the white power Tea Party.
Answer: According to Rush Limbaugh, it was Colin Powell who was the biggest Uncle Tom (since he supported Obama).
Category: Politics
Does Obama have more in common with Rev. Wright or Congressman ALLEN WEST of Florida?
Both Rev. Wright and Allen west are distinguished black men, yet, what a world of difference in philosophy, both social and political. Rev. Wright and Allen west have both served in the military. If Obama were marooned on an island with both of these men who would he have the most in common with and why? Could you be specific about what the President has in common with the one you choose. This will assist us in knowing what people think about our President and his views.
Answer: Obviously ,"Rev" Wright would be Obama's first choice ! I can't believe anyone would say there is no connection between Obie and Wright !Obama was a devoted follower of Wrights for more than 20 years,had his two daughters baptized by Wright,Obama called Wright his 'spiritual adviser" and said he recorded Wright's sermons so he could listen to them in his spare time !He loved 'Rev" Wright until the press outed Wright for the hateful bigot he is, than Obama dropped Wright like a hot potato, no connection?, it should be comical that any one could believe that with all the fact available, but instead it's sad really.
Category: Elections
ALLEN WEST for vice president: Why it’s not happening
Rep. Allen west (R-Fla.) has quietly emerged as a — if not the — favorite of the tea party element for the GOP’s vice presidential nomination. But it’s not happening, for several reasons. First, West has never been a favorite of the ...
Can Herman Cain get ALLEN WEST a job delivering pizzas?
When West gets fired for bashing women and Jews?
prim0: I would have added "compulsive liar" to my avatar too, but that was too many characters.
Answer: West is a pussy keyboard warrior. He couldn't even muster up the courage to respond to shultz in person.
Typical right wing bytch
Category: Politics
Movie Listings for April 6-12
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: . ‘Act of Valor’ (R, 1:41) Grafting actual Navy SEALs — and live ammunition — onto a concocted narrative, Mike McCoy and Scott Waugh create a pumped-up recruitment commercial
ALLEN WEST (@AllenWest) on Twitter
I am a Congressman from the great state of Florida. I represent parts of Broward County and Palm Beach County in the 22nd District.
ALLEN WEST, House Republicans nutcase
Conservatives are to be commended when they repudiate members of their movement found to be racist, extremist or otherwise crazy. National Review has severed ties with John Derbyshire and Rob Weissberg for public displays of antipathy to black ...
ALLEN WEST | Facebook
... October · September · August · July · June · May · April · March · February. Allen West is on Facebook. To connect with Allen west, sign up for Facebook today.
ALLEN WEST: Joseph Goebbels Would Be Very Proud Of Democrats ...
Rep. Allen west (R-Fla.) on Thursday invoked a prominent figure from Nazi Germany while answering a question about Americas dissatisfaction with Congress ...
Rep. ALLEN WEST: I’ve ‘Heard’ Up To 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members
On Tuesday, Rep. Allen west spoke at a town hall in Florida. During his appearance, he told the crowd he’s “heard” that up to 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. The Palm Beach Post reported on the event, adding that West “wouldn ...
Do you think Lt Col ALLEN WEST could win the presidency in 2012?
I heard his speech and he is brilliant, on Hannity he said Obama was at Home Depot saying he wanted people to better insulate their homes. Mr. West said that this was not his job, he said the president does not micro-manage the american people. He should have other things to worry about. If you dont know who Allen west is, google him, he is running for Congress this year.
Answer: It would be very had...But possible.
Category: Politics
ALLEN WEST | Post on Politics
Florida Democrats and Jewish groups expressed outrage over U.S. Rep. Allen west’s comments yesterday likening Democrats to Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels.
ALLEN WEST says many Dems in Congress are communists | Naked ...
This just goes to show that there is no such thing as a boring town hall when Republican Congressman Allen west is speaking. At a town hall in Jensen Beach Tuesday covered by TCPalm, a man asked West this question...
AllenWestFL - YouTube
This is the official youtube page for Congressman Allen west. ... West honors one of his "Warrior Brothers" AllenWestFL 700 views 6 days ago West gives ...
Why do white conservatives only like blacks that are Uncle toms like ALLEN WEST?
Most black conservatives hate their own race thats why most white conservatives love Clarence Thomas and Allen west.
Larry Elder writes books calling black people stupid.
Answer: Don't forget Kenneth Blackwell. But Larry Elder's book "Stupid Black Men" is a response to Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men". Still, Elder is a sell out. How can you oppose affirmative action yet support support racial profiling?
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups
Iran’s Efforts to Stir Afghan Violence Provoke Concern
WASHINGTON — Just hours after it was revealed that American soldiers had burned Korans seized at an Afghan detention center in late February, Iran secretly ordered its agents operating inside Afghanistan to exploit the anticipated public outrage by trying to instigate violent protests in the capital, Kabul, and across the western part of the - By THOM SHANKER, ERIC SCHMITT and ALISSA J. RUBIN
ALLEN WEST: 80 communists in the House
Rep. Allen west channeled Joe McCarthy in a town hall event in Florida that he’s “heard” that up to 80 House Democrats are Communist Party members, the Palm Beach Post reports. The Florida Republican, and tea party favorite, made the ...
Congressman ALLEN WEST
Official site of U.S. Representative Allen west from Floridas 22nd district, Republican party.
ALLEN WEST sees communists lurking in Congress
The blogosphere is again abuzz over a rhetorical flourish from U.S. Rep. Allen west, R-Plantation. Introducing himself to Martin County voters in the new district he hopes to win in November, West said he’s heard up to 80 of his Democratic ...
ALLEN WEST (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allen Bernard West (born February 7, 1961) is the U.S. Representative for Floridas 22nd congressional district. A Republican, West took office in January of 2011.
Columbia U. Haunts of Lucien Carr and the Beats
THE scene of the crime, Riverside Park at the foot of West 115th Street, is in full spring bloom, carpeted in the butter-colored flowers of lesser celandine. It was here 68 years ago, on a slope descending to the moonlit Hudson River, that Lucien Carr , 19, the Beat Generation’s charismatic, callow swami, buried a knife in the heart of David - By DAVID J. KRAJICEK
Republican Rep. ALLEN WEST says many congressional Democrats are Communists
Consider this Reason No. 41 that Rep. Allen west (R-Fla.) won’t be the GOP’s vice presidential nominee: At an event late Tuesday — shortly after The Fix wrote about how West is too much of a bomb-thrower to be the GOP’s vice presidential nominee ...
Rep. ALLEN WEST: Obama a Low-Level, Socialist Agitator ...
Rep. Allen west defends his criticism of President Obama for "Third World, dictator-like arrogance," takes on the budget battle and the Obama-Rev. Jeremiah Wright ...
ALLEN WEST (prisoner) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allen Clayton West (born c. 1929 - died December 21, 1978 in Gainesville, Florida) was a convicted criminal. He is known as one of the conspirators involved in ...
CALENDAR; Events in New Jersey
A guide to cultural and recreational events in New Jersey. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to . Comedy HASBROUCK HEIGHTS Bananas Comedy Club Steve Marshall. April 13 at 9 p.m. $15. Ben Bailey. April 14 at 7:30 and 10:15 p.m. $25. Bananas Comedy Club, 283 Route 17 South.
ALLEN WEST: I've “heard” 80 House Democrats are members of the ...
This story has already gotten a lot of comment action in Headlines, but, given all the talk about Allen west for vice president, it seems to merit a full-fledged post, as well. At a town hall event in Florida yesterday, West warned ...
Restoring American Exceptionalism | ALLEN WEST for Congress
Allen west of the Issues facing Florida's 22nd district Jobs/Economy: Under the Congressional Democrats' watch, Florida's unemployment rate has skyrocketed ...
Is ALLEN WEST the biggest token sellout in History?
Allen west gets paid millions of dollars to defend Tea Party racism thats how the Tea Party covers up their racism by using Token Oreo sellouts like Allen west and Lloyd Marcus.
The Tea Party is 99% white supremacist and they pay the 1% percent of black sellouts to defend their racism against our real black leaders and black community.Sellout Allen west has openly said he hates his own race.
The White Power Tea Party only likes blacks that hate thier own race.
Answer: I just watched one of his speeches online...Unfortunately there are a few black conservatives out there. I will admit I dislike seeing a black conservative because I don't feel that the conservative and definetely the tea party movement is for the progression of black people. What I did not like is how he accused Liberals of bringing class warfare in America but he categorized America into the "Production" class and "Entitlement" class..Im not gonna call him a sellout, uncle Tom, or token, but you gotta understand his upbringing and his miltary service as an officer which means that this is what he was "brain washed"....That man can be whatever party of his choice but I do find it disturbing for a blackman to be apart of or endorse a movement that is racist against and opposes having a African American as the president and compares him to Hitler in display of their reverse racism.
Category: Politics
What Would Happen If Obama Was Forced To Try And Destroy ALLEN WEST For President Of The United States In 2012?
This needs to happen......Let`s bring the leftist race war rhetoric to a crescendo and at the same time, fixing America with a real leader. I know, I know.....Most of you leftists are clueless. Many of you leftists are playing dumb at the same time.......LET`S GET IT ON !!! Let`s see Obama and his zookeepers battle Allen west. Allen.... Come on...
Answer: Grammar much? I bring this up only to point out that it is hard to make much of an argument without it.
As for West, well, Obama's got a lock on a second term, so you might try stumping for GOP Senators.
Category: Politics
ALLEN WEST suggests 80 House Dems are Communist Party ...
Allen west (R-FL) on Tuesday warned that as many as 80 Democratic lawmakers are members of the Communist Party. Speaking to about 100 supporters and 15 protesters in Jensen Beach, the freshman congressman ...
How does the Tea Party feel about ALLEN WEST joining the Liberal Black Caucus?
Black Republican Allen west said he will join the liberal CBC in Congress and fight to keep affirmative action for minorities.
Answer: Isn't this the one who was so repulsed by any idea of moderation or compromise? How did that work out? Has he made any statement on affirmative action? If so, it's obviously not sincere.
Category: Politics
Rep. ALLEN WEST: Half the Democrats in Congress are communists ...
The freshman Republican offered no proof of his allegation and named no names Rep. Allen west (R-Fla.
Is ALLEN WEST of Florida a Crack Head, or Has He Had a Lobotomy?
In southeast Florida last week, first-term GOP Rep. Allen west, a tea party favorite, called for changes that some might consider radical: abolish the Internal Revenue Service and federal income tax; retain tax cuts for billionaires so they wont shut down their charities; stop extending unemployment benefits that "reward bad behavior" by discouraging people from seeking new jobs.
Answer: He also wants to end Social Security - brilliant strategy to try with Florida voters. He's likely to end up being recalled.
Category: Politics
ALLEN WEST (@AllenWest) on Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Allen west (@AllenWest). I am a Congressman from the great state of Florida. I represent parts of Broward County and Palm Beach ...
NOTICED; Baby, Its Cold (Hot?) Outside
EUGENIA GONZALEZ RUIZ-OLLOQUI was not happy. Both a stylish young socialite used to having her photo in Vogue and the longtime public relations director for the designer Michael Bastian, Ms. Ruiz-Olloqui had a problem that, until lately, was new to her. She just couldnt figure out what to wear. Im totally confused, she said one frigid morning - Unpredictable weather is making it hard even for fashion designers to find something to wear. Photo (M) - By DAVID COLMAN
ALLEN WEST: Ive Heard 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members (UPDATE)
WASHINGTON -- As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen west (R-Fla.). West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that hes "heard" that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the ...
ALLEN WEST: I've 'Heard' 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party ...
8 hours ago ... WASHINGTON -- As many as 80 House Democrats are communists, according to Rep. Allen west (R-Fla.). West warned constituents at a ...
ALLEN WEST for Congress
Help us continue to reset the course of this great ship called the United States of America. Please contribute today, to maintian principled leadership in ...
ALLEN WEST on the Issues
Archives; Survey of 2010 House campaign websites (click a picture above for excerpts or other books and debates by or about Allen_West)
ALLEN WEST (politician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allen Bernard West (born February 7, 1961) is the U.S. Representative for Florida's 22nd congressional district. A Republican, West took office in January of ...
U.S. Transfers Control of Special Operations to Afghans
KABUL, Afghanistan — Accelerating the transition of military responsibility to the Afghan government, the United States agreed Sunday to hand control of special operations missions to Afghan forces, including night raids, relegating American troops to a supporting role and bringing the raids under Afghan judicial authority. The deal clears - By ALISSA J. RUBIN
Did you hear Republican ALLEN WESTs comments on Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is he still living in the Ghetto?
Can you take take Allen west out of the ghetto but can you take the ghetto out of Allen west?
Answer: He 100% ghetto!
Category: Politics
What Kind Of Names Do Frightened Liberals Call ALLEN WEST?
Allen has compiled a few. He has a view...and he will rip them apart in due`ll see.
Hungry- No...that was Adam. Adam West. Thank`s for pretending to be clueless.
Answer: i am sure they call him the same old tired liberal stand-by's,like Uncle Tom,House N----R, THE USUAL SUSPECTS...i think that guy is a hero...
on the battlefield,he knew his troops would be ambushed...he put a gun to the head of a terrorist and threatened to shoot him if he didn't tell him where they were...after peeing on himself the terrorist told saved his unit. proven...he then turned himself in to his commander...what a classy dude...
Category: Politics
International Center, a School for Immigrants, Faces Closure
As a result of the economic downturn and a dwindling endowment, the International Center , which has taught English and helped immigrants assimilate for decades, faces dissolution and eviction from its Manhattan home. The center, which has more than 300 active volunteers and currently teaches about 1,500 students, shocked its volunteers last month - By RANDY LEONARD
Old Miami Beach: Sun, Schmaltz, Murder
BEN DIAMOND, known as the Butcher, a suntanned sociopath, grew up in an Orthodox Jewish orphanage. He orders sable by the pool and in passing conversation mentions the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Diamond, a gangster played by Danny Huston, inhabits the colorful, debauched and very Jewish world of late-1950s Miami Beach in which Starzs - Starz series Magic City, set in late 1950s Miami, portrays Jewish characters differently than most American television shows; executive producer Mitch Glazer pitched the program based on his experiences growing up in Miami Beach, surrounded by corrupt, swaggering Jewish mobsters. Photos (M) - By AMY CHOZICK
ALLEN WEST - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post
aVEde2nGTTJ5K7YgW%2BfADXOc9%2B3Rge0mCO2YsUArQ8%2FJ4XT%2BwnQbSTg619zo1gpR17eDHxsxiviPuahrCfg1YvfEkBNufl7g 4xoJwCSW7qSFTpNzPWelAtH%2B9X8%2BdwBUO5CO9uZ5qgt25BEwfykj0H ...
Is ALLEN WEST the biggest sellout Uncle Ruckus in history?
Allen west has called black people welfare thugs and immoral scum.
He also defends and worships the white power racist Tea Party that calls the first black president a Kenyan muslim monkey just like Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks show he hates his own race and wishes he was white.
White Conservatives only like blacks that hate their own race.
Answer: Yes.
Category: Other - Society & Culture
Congressman ALLEN WEST
Official site of U.S. Representative Allen west from Florida's 22nd district, Republican party.
ALLEN WEST: I’ve ‘Heard’ That Up To 80 House Dems Are Members Of The Communist Party
Rep. Allen west (R-FL) has done it again. At a campaign town hall event on Tuesday, the Palm Beach Post reports, West declared that he’s “heard” that up to 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. However, he would not name any specific ...
ALLEN WEST | Facebook
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an ...
ALLEN WEST: I've 'Heard' 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party ...
Allen west (R-Fla.). West warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he's "heard" that dozens of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post reported.
TPMDC Allen west ... Rep. Allen west (R-FL) delivers the keynote address at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C. on February 12, 2011.
ALLEN WEST (R-FL) Claims 80 House Democrats Are Communists ...
Tea party hero and anti-Muslim bigot Allen west (R-FL) spoke in Palm City, FL on Tuesday, and busted out a old right-wing favorite: McCarthyism. The conservative tea party icon also got in shots at Democrats and President ...
Communists to ALLEN WEST: How dare you accuse us of having ...
Even reds have standards, my friends. No, I'm kidding. They're indignant on behalf of the Democrats, not on behalf of themselves. Although … that's kind of strange, no? You would think a commie's reaction to congressmen ...
Allen west. Thank you for your support for my campaign for Congress in District 22, with your help we can take back Congress in 2010! For more information on my ...
West hears cheers, jeers at town-hall meetings in Palm City, Jensen Beach | Video
Editors note: This story has been updated to clarify who Allen west was referring to when he said he believes up to 80 U.S. House Democrats are Communist Party members. MARTIN COUNTY — U.S. Rep. Allen west told about 90 largely supportive ...
ALLEN WEST: I’ll be VP if ‘God would ordain’ it
Tea party Rep. Allen west (R-FL) said on Friday that he would accept the Republican vice presidential nomination if it was the “right fit.” Earlier this week, failed GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin first floated West’s name at a ...
Barney Frank Slams ALLEN WEST: Not Even Joe McCarthy Would Have Said Anything So Stupid
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) on Wednesday tore into Rep. Allen west (R-Fla.) for saying that members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are communists. "Not even Joe McCarthy would have said anything so stupid and dissociated ...
ALLEN WEST: I’ve “heard” 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party
This story has already gotten a lot of comment action in Headlines, but, given all the talk about Allen west for vice president, it seems to merit a full-fledged post, as well. At a town hall event in Florida yesterday, West warned his ...
About ALLEN WEST | ALLEN WEST for Congress
Lieutenant Colonel Allen west (US Army, Retired) was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and is third of four generations of military servicemen in his family.
ALLEN WEST (R-Fla.) - The Washington Post
Why He Matters. Two years after losing to Rep. Ron Klein (D) in Floridas closely-divided 22nd House district, West rode the enthusiastic support of tea-party ...
Isnt it weird that Republican Congressman ALLEN WEST is against Federal spending?
Instead of having a career throughout his life that was continuously paid for by the Federal government, Allan West would probably be homeless and sleeping under a bridge.
The nerve of him to bite the hand that fed him all this time! What an ingrate, eh?
Answer: Yep, never met one of his kind that would turn down a guvment chex.
Category: Politics
Is ALLEN WEST the biggest uncle tom in History?
Allen west hates his own race hes called blacks socialist devils for voting democrat and he also defends and worships Rush Limbaugh and David Duke.
Im NOT saying all black republicans are uncle toms i have deepest love and respect for Bill Cosby and Condalisa Rice but theres a huge difference between moderate republicans and far right extremists like Allen west and Jesse Lee Peterson.
Answer: Sista, you are ridiculous. Why is it black men have to abide by a certain black agenda in order to fit in? God forbid, some black guy make it on his own and encourage other blacks to do the same.
Category: Elections
RT @HnstyNgov: @SarahPalinusa Thanks & Supports her AIP Revolutionaries.(Video) NOT shocking she would endorse Allen west. #p2b #tcot
From: Twitlertwit - Source: web
Allen west is not having Town Hall meetings.They are preplanned, fabricated, well rehearsed political theatre, scripted by his campaign.
From: jimhorn - Source: web
@jbarro Allen west is, in fact, wearing Jams, which arent pants at all.
From: danrothschild - Source: Twitter for Mac
Allen west claims 78-81 Democrats in Congress are members of the Communist Party! 4/10/12: McCarthy lives!
From: MrTumshie - Source: Tweet Button
RT @Toxichominid: @Drobsidian @weywerdSun @TPM You mean the same NDAA sir Allen west voted for? HA! These charlatans have no shame.
From: weywerdSun - Source: web
RT @voyou: @WilbotOsterman Sadly, Allen west didnt say "communists," he said "CPUSA members," which given the CPUSAs politics might as well be true.
From: WilbotOsterman - Source: Hotot
Any good reasons Allen west isnt already VP pick?? -- West: Obama is ‘Too Scared’ to Debate Me via @theblaze #tcot #p2
From: GB_SheepDog - Source: Tweet Button
I know how these democrats feel. Idiot. Allen west: Ive Heard 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members
From: jeffbroussard - Source: Tweet Button
How did he get elected? RT @politifact: Allen west says 78 to 81 House Dems are Communist Party members. Pants on Fire!
From: MitchKeller - Source: Echofon
Allen west says about 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party via @politifact_fl
From: LaMujerObrera - Source: Tweet Button
RT @politifact: Allen west says 78 to 81 House Dems are Communist Party members. Pants on Fire!
From: jerzyiroc - Source: HootSuite
RT @Defeat_GOP_2012: Rep Allen west (R-FL) claims 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party Members (VIDEO) @barackobama #gop @dailykos
From: DianeSnavely - Source: HootSuite
RT @MinnPost: Congressman Allen west believes 78-81 members of the U.S. House are communists by Eric Black
From: AThorson02 - Source: web
RT @theCanadaParty: #AllenWest claims half the Dems in Congress are Communist Party members. Critics say half of Allen west is an idiot. #thehalfwiththemouth
From: ikev85 - Source: web
"It might surprise you that PolitiFact has already checked claims about how many members of Congress are socialists."
From: LoganJames - Source: bitly