October baby : Photo Gallery
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October baby : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
OCTOBER BABY | Film | Movie Review | The A.V. Club
1 day ago ... A woman goes searching for the mother who tried to abort her in a pro-life tract that's every bit as creepy as it sounds.
OCTOBER BABY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
October baby is a 2011 American drama film directed by Andrew and Jon Erwin and starring Rachel Hendrix in her film debut. It is the story of a young woman named ...
MOVIE REVIEW; ‘OCTOBER BABY,’ With Jasmine Guy and John Schneider
More slickly packaged than most faith-based fare, “October baby” gussies up its anti-abortion message with gauzy cinematography and more emo music than an entire season of “Grey’s Anatomy.” But not even a dewy heroine and a youth-friendly vibe can disguise the essential ugliness at its core: like the bloodied placards - By JEANNETTE CATSOULIS
Can anyone give me ideas for a OCTOBER BABY shower?
Anything from games, to food, decorations. Please help!
Category: Newborn & Baby
Preachy OCTOBER BABY delivers poor plot
Its ironic that the studio founded by the son of Hollywood icon Samuel Goldwyn should be the one releasing "October baby." Apparently, the acquisitions department never took to heart Goldwyn the elders most famous line about what movies are supposed to ...
OCTOBER BABY | Movies.com
Read the October baby movie synopsis, view the movie trailer, get cast and crew information, see movie photos, and more on Movies.com.
OCTOBER BABY keeps faith low-key
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so the saying goes. The makers of October baby wisely took that saying to heart. There are few issues more bitterly divisive than abortion, with emotions and rhetoric running at fever pitch.
OCTOBER BABY Opens Today | Catholic Lane
I don't recommend many movies, but today one that you really should see is coming into theaters nationwide. It's called October baby, and it deals in a masterful way with a difficult topic — abortion. Abortion is not and should ...
Bumpy road getting ‘OCTOBER BABY’ to the big screen
LOS ANGELES — Contraception, abortion and women’s reproductive rights have been hot topics in recent months, from the halls of Congress and state legislatures to the Republican presidential primary. Now the filmmaking brothers Andrew and Jon Erwin hope ...
OCTOBER BABY Movie Tickets, Reviews, and Photos - Fandango.com
Get the October baby plot, movie times, movie trailers, movie tickets, cast photos, and more on Fandango.com.
Life is Beautiful music video preview of OCTOBER BABY
The Christian music group - The Afters, unveil their video seen here to the song that will be featured in the movie October baby. The Afters’ “Life Is Beautiful” song title expresses the theme of the movie. October baby will be out in St. Louis ...
OCTOBER BABY (2012) - Phoenix Arizona Movie Theater Showtimes
October baby: A beautiful and naive college freshman sets out on a road trip with her misfit friends to discover herself after she...
OCTOBER BABY - In Theaters Now
In the midst of an incredible journey to discover her hidden past and find hope for her unknown future, Hannah learns that life can be so much more than what ...
Why does everyone have their baby in October?
I read somewhere that the month of October has 2x the amount of birthdays as any other month. I would probably be ashamed to be born in that month, but anyways, I was wondering why that is pretty much the only month people give birth in? Wouldnt you want your child to be an individual instead of like everybody else?
Answer: LOL! Why would you be ashamed to be born in october! Funny enough my husband was born on the 12th, my son the 2nd, and myself the 31st of october. Am I ashamed....NO!
edit- You have a super common name "kristin" and you think being born in october causes a lack of individuality
Category: Pregnancy
is it normal for your period to be late I had a baby october 9 I have not gotten it yet?
I had a baby october 9 and I am wondering where is my period why is it late can I be pregnant
Answer: Very much so, especially if you are breast feeding. With my daughter I had to stop breast feeding early but I didn't get my first period till January and she was born in October. With both my sons I didn't get my first period till a lot later but I was breast feeding them exclusively.
It is perfectly normal. Now, if you are having sex again, there is a chance, just as there is always a chance to get pregnant if you are not using protection.
Category: Newborn & Baby
Letter: Movie OCTOBER BABY speaks to people of faith
Hollywood has a firm grip on driving many of societys thoughts, values, wants and ways of life. Although research will suggest they are failing miserably in an economic sense, their continual assault on family values and our core morality ...
My wife stopped working in April and we had a baby in October. Should we file taxes jointly?
Also, she wont work this year, so I assume we should do our 2010 taxes jointly.
To TRO: It was sort of a second part to my question. I was referring to my wife not working at all this year, so I was asking about next years tax filing too.
Answer: since this is only the 14th of January, you can't be filing 2010 taxes
you file your 2009 return married, jointly
Category: United States
Actor brings her own post-abortive experience to OCTOBER BABY role ...
When producer/directors Jon and Andrew Erwin asked Shari Rigsby to consider a small but crucial role in their film October baby, none of them realized how closely the script about a young woman who discovers she ...
OCTOBER BABY - In Theaters This Friday
The producers of October baby have assigned 10% of the profits of the movie to the Every Life is Beautiful Fund, which will distribute funds to frontline ...
To have a baby on the 10th October 2010, around what date would you need to conceive?
Just wondering as we might be thinking about having a baby next year and thought around October - December time but 10/10/10 is quite unique! Thanks guys x
This question is purely out of interest lol. I know that it is impossible to plan the exact date of when i would have a baby but was just wondering around what time I would roughly need to try. Thankyou for your comments!
Answer: Early October would be late January ( October 5 is the most common birthday because conception would be new years eve) So the first week of February would give you a 10/10/10 baby but you would have to be fertile that week. To conceive within that October to December time frame the latest would be March to conceive for a December baby.
Category: Trying to Conceive
Movie review: 'OCTOBER BABY'
Oddly preachy coming-of-age movie couches sermon in dull, talky story.
I would like to visit OOty with my famil 1.5 yrs old baby on october how is the climate and temperature ?
I would like to visit OOty with my famil 1.5 yrs old baby on october how is the climate and temperature in october is it OK for viiting ooty with small kid any suggession pls
Answer: October should be lovely. If you want to get off the beaten track a bit, you might also want to consider the towns of Coonoon and Kotagiiri which are quite less expensive.
Category: Other - India
OCTOBER BABY more of a sermon than a movie. Roger Moore gives the ...
Its ironic that the studio founded by the son of Hollywood pioneer Samuel Goldwyn should be the one releasing "October baby." Apparently, the acquisitions ...
OCTOBER BABY, a faith-based film about abortion, is seriously unentertaining
Its ironic that the studio founded by the son of Hollywood founding father Samuel Goldwyn should be the one releasing "October baby." Apparently, the acquisitions department never took to heart Goldwyn the Elders most famous Goldwynism about what movies ...
PRACTICAL TRAVELER; Including More in All-Inclusives
MENTION the words all-inclusive resort and thoughts of bad buffets, watered-down drinks and wristband-wearing guests doing the conga may come to mind. But all-inclusive resorts, which have traditionally included basic accommodations and meals, are reinventing themselves with chic rooms, sophisticated restaurants, butlers and activities all - Michelle Higgins Practical Traveler column on all-inclusive resorts, which are reinventing themselves and catering to specific groups of travelers, like families, couples or eco-minded travelers. Drawing (M) - By MICHELLE HIGGINS
OCTOBER BABY: Film Review - The Hollywood Reporter
16 hours ago ... Midway through October baby there's a scene in which a nurse played by Jasmine Guy delivers a lengthy monologue about her participation in ...
Actress with North Dakota roots stars in OCTOBER BABY
STUDIO CITY, Calif. – Moviegoers who see the faith-based film “October baby,” opening today at West Acres Cinema in Fargo, will likely recognize at least a few of the actors. One actor may ring some visual bells, even if only vaguely, to ...
OCTOBER BABY paints an incomplete picture of abortion debate
If youre an inquisitive moviegoer, its useful to ask yourself why the story was told in a film and not a novel or a television episode or a leaflet. In the case of the abortion story "October baby," the feature-film release underscores the producers ...
CRITIC’S NOTEBOOK; Springsteen Gives Keynote at SXSW Festival
AUSTIN, Tex. — It was a hot Texas afternoon on a small outdoor stage, with an audience of perhaps 100 people. But the New Zealand songwriter Kimbra was elegantly styled — asymmetrical pale-blue designer dress, deep red lipstick — and grinning like a trouper as she led her band on Thursday afternoon. It was her fourth of eight - By JON PARELES
Anyone out there seen the newest movie called OCTOBER BABY?
Just heard about it today on l04.9FM radio, and the people say its really good!
Its new, but from reviews on all the other movies released and reviewed on l04.9,FM, this may following as an "awakening-up" type film..
RARELY go to movies, these days, so unless you guys out there think its good, I wont bother....I appreciate any ideas....."have a good one" "The blue baby"!
RARELY go to movies, these days, so unless you guys out there think its good, I wont bother....I appreciate any ideas....."have a good one" "The blue baby"!
Category: Movies
At the PTA, Clashes Over Cupcakes and Culture
THE Cupcake Wars came to Public School 295 in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, in October. The Parent-Teacher Association’s decision to raise the price of a cupcake at its monthly bake sale — to $1, from 50 cents — was supposed to be a simple way to raise extra money in the face of city budget cuts. Instead, in a neighborhood whose median - By KYLE SPENCER
How many mommys had their baby on October ?
Just wondering how many Mommys had their baby on October and how things are going ?
Also as any of you guys had postpartum depression ?
I been having it since my daughter was born and can get it over with..
my baby was born on October 4th and shes a great baby ! sleeps all night !
Since she was born shes been great !
its just this depression... i talked to my doctor about it but, it wont go away !
Answer: My son was born on October 28th, almost a Halloween baby! I sayed in the Hospital with him till the 30th, and I took my daughter Trick or Treating on the 31st. He turned 3 this October. He is a little ball of joy, yea, I had postpartum, cause everything seemed to be messing up after he was born, but it got better, you just got to be positive about things, good luck
Category: Newborn & Baby
'OCTOBER BABY' Tells Tale of an Abortion Survivor - US - CBN News ...
October baby, a film inspired by the true story of a young girl who survives an abortion and later searches for her mom, is opening in U.S. theaters this weekend.
OCTOBER BABY Movie Opens This Week With Pro-Life Support ...
After a resounding success in a limited release, October baby will premier nationally on Friday. The movie has received strong support from the pro-life ...
Directed by Andrew Erwin, Jon Erwin. With Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey, John Schneider, Jasmine Guy. A college freshman's world is rocked when she learns ...
‘OCTOBER BABY,’ With Jasmine Guy and John Schneider - NYTimes.com
More slickly packaged than most faith-based fare, “October baby” gussies up its anti-abortion message with gauzy cinematography and more emo music than ...
OCTOBER BABY: Film Review - The Hollywood Reporter
Midway through October baby there's a scene in which a nurse played by Jasmine Guy delivers a lengthy monologue about her participation in a horribly botched abortion. The impassioned speech is clearly the raison d'etre ...
Who is having a baby due in October?
My baby is due October the 8th.
Answer: Yaye my baby is due October the 8th aswel :) :)
Category: Pregnancy
What Happened to the Girls in Le Roy
Before the media vans took over Main Street, before the environmental testers came to dig at the soil, before the doctor came to take blood, before strangers started knocking on doors and asking question after question, Katie Krautwurst, a high-school cheerleader from Le Roy, N.Y., woke up from a nap. Instantly, she knew something was wrong. Her - By SUSAN DOMINUS
The Problem with 'OCTOBER BABY,' A Christian Film About Abortion ...
After finishing their first feature movie, October baby, filmmaker brothers Jon and Andrew Erwin faced a problem: studios didn't want to take a chance on a flick about the "untouchable subject": Abortion. October baby is a fairly ...
Nokia to Offer Lower-Priced Windows Cellphone
BARCELONA -- Nokia and Microsoft on Monday announced plans to accelerate the sale of smartphones running Windows software by adding a cheaper version to their lineup and dramatically expanding the sales network around the world. At an industry event here, Nokia presented the Lumia 610, which at 189, or $250, will cost 30 percent less than its - By KEVIN J. OBRIEN
What do you think of these names for an OCTOBER BABY?
I am due in the middle of October and I was wondering what you thought of these names?
or Jacklynn?
Does anyone have any other suggestions for a halloween baby?
Answer: salem
Luxianna/ lucianna
Lillith / Lillianna / Lilianne
Veronica / Valerie/ valkerie
Darla / Darlene /Darnella
Noelia / Noely
Corina/ Karina/ Catherina
Category: Baby Names
OCTOBER BABY: Faith-based film delivers message but nothing else
PG-13 for mature thematic material. Provident Pictures/Samuel Goldwyn. 101 min. Hamburg. Its ironic that the studio created by the son of Hollywood founding father Samuel Goldwyn should be releasing October baby. Apparently, the acquisitions ...
‘OCTOBER BABY’ has more message than movie | 1 ½ stars ...
It’s ironic that the studio founded by the son of Hollywood founding father Samuel Goldwyn should be the one releasing “October baby.” ...
ESSAY; The Damned Yankees
Somewhere amid the endless Long Island sprawl of aspiration, a father sits in his living-room chamber, sipping from his beer chalice as he considers the various financial threats to his split-level castle. Meanwhile, upstairs, his oldest child ponders more urgent matters as he lies on his bedroom floor, oblivious to the boyhood squalor that - Dan Barry Essay on the New York Yankees in 1969, when the franchise of Ruth, Gehrig and DiMaggio had fallen to a level of mediocrity not seen in more than five decades; holds that in a strange way to a boy on Long Island, that team was still worth loving. Photos (L)5 - Dan Barry is a national columnist for The New York Times. This essay is adapted from Damn Yankees: Twenty-Four Major League Writers on the Worlds Most Loved (and Hated) Team, to be published in April by Ecco/HarperCollins. - By DAN BARRY
OCTOBER BABY: Movie review - latimes.com
Movie review: October baby Andrew and Jon Erwins faith-based anti-abortion drama is poignant, no matter which side of the debate you fall on.
OCTOBER BABY - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies | Movie Trailers | Reviews ...
Review: As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before her first lines, she collapses. Countless...
THE LONG RUN; From Nominal Catholic to Clarion of Faith
GREAT FALLS, Va. -- Rick Santorum was, in his own words, a nominal Catholic when he met Karen Garver, a neonatal nurse and law student, in 1988. As they made plans to marry and he decided to enter politics, she sent him to her father for advice. Dr. Kenneth L. Garver was a Pittsburgh pediatrician who specialized in medical genetics. The - Rick Santorum has undergone a religious transformation over the past two decades that is now spurring a national conversation about faith in the public sphere; once self-described as a nominal Catholic, Santorum has become a deeply conservative Catholic who boldly invokes his faith while describing his policies on same-sex marriage, abortion and other social issues (Series: The Long Run). (L) - By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG and LAURIE GOODSTEIN; Sheryl Gay Stolberg reported from Great Falls, Va., and Laurie Goodstein from New York.
OCTOBER BABY: Wrapping abortion message in a bland movie
Its ironic that the studio founded by the son of Hollywood founding father Samuel Goldwyn should be the one releasing "October baby." Apparently, the acquisitions department never took to heart Goldwyn the elders most famous Goldwynism about ...
Made-in-Alabama film "OCTOBER BABY" goes into national release March 23 (with video)
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama -- After a limited release last fall, the made-in-Alabama movie “October baby” will go national on Friday, March 23, when the film opens in nearly 400 theaters across the country. The first full-length feature from ...
OCTOBER BABY: a strong film with a prolife message - Blog ...
Before I get to todays post: our daughter Karina and her husband Dan’s third son, David, was born last month. Here are some terrific photos of him and ...
More Americans Rejecting Marriage In 50s and Beyond
On the day she decided to sell her wedding ring, Katie Dunn tucked the gleaming band into a Ziploc bag. The ring had been designed for her nearly two decades earlier, with swirls of yellow and white gold symbolizing the romance she had prayed would endure. But as she approached her 60s, her dreams and her marriage dissolved in resentment and - Divorce rate among baby boomers has surged by more than 50 percent, even as divorce rates over all have stabilized nationally, indicating that more people in their 50s and 60s are choosing to venture into old age on their own; trend is likely to change the traditional portrait of old age in America, and transform the way the elderly are cared for, shifting much of the economic burden to federal and local governments. Photos, Charts (M) - By RACHEL L. SWARNS
New York State Draft Report Finds ‘Needless Risk’ in Care for the Disabled
ALBANY — Nearly 300,000 disabled and mentally ill New Yorkers face a “needless risk of harm” because of conflicting regulations, a lack of oversight and even disagreements over what constitutes abuse, according to a draft state report obtained by The New York Times. In 2010, the number of abuse accusations at large institutions - By DANNY HAKIM
Director: Andrew Erwin, Jon Erwin. . Actors: Rachel Hendrix: Hannah · Jason Burkey: Jason · John Schneider: Jacob · Jasmine Guy: Nurse Mary · Robert Amaya: Beach ...
i want to have an OCTOBER BABY. when do we start trying to concieve?
Answer: My wife conceived the first week of February, and on Oct 23rd 2007 Macy Rae was born 6lbs13oz.
She was a lil early, but that is my point. These things are only approximate.
Category: Trying to Conceive
"OCTOBER BABY" review: Prepare to be lectured
"October baby" has a lesson it wants to teach us. Or, rather, a lesson it wants to smash into our heads. Having an agenda isnt a good place for a movie to start, no matter if the agenda is Michael Moores or "October babys." Movies work best ...
Pro-Life Film OCTOBER BABY Seeks to Change Hearts, Hollywood ...
It’s a topic untouchable for Hollywood and a subject matter not many are willing to take on: abortion. But a passionate team of filmmakers, actors, and producers ...
OCTOBER BABY, Christian News
1 day ago ... Millions of unborn babies are being led to their deaths. But most churches are just singing louder. What can we do?
Word of Mouth: Erwins' 'OCTOBER BABY' aims to 'get people to talk ...
1 day ago ... Andrew and Jon Erwin had a bumpy journey in getting 'October baby,' a film inspired by a woman whose mother had attempted to abort her, ...
OCTOBER BABY - Rotten Tomatoes
Review: As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before her first lines, she collapses. Countless...
is any other mom due with their first baby around october scared about labor and pains?
im nervous about delivery. and if im going to be a good mom. also if i will be able to handle the breast feeding. but cant wait to hold my boy!
Answer: Well Im not a first time mother, this is my 3rd and Im due in Oct but I had my first two and I have to have a c section this time so I am scared about that, I know what you mean by the breastfeeding thing I didn't with my first and with the 2nd one he was in the NICU for a week and had already gotten use to a bottle and would just use the breast for a ninny, he would fall asleep instead of eating lol..so I stopped at 6 weeks, but I am hopeing that all will be well with this one and I really want to feed exclusively. The joys of getting birth are awesome and you wont believe how awesome and wonderful you feel when you see your baby for the first time..Good luck..
Category: Pregnancy
OCTOBER BABY Tells Tale of an Abortion Survivor - US - CBN News ...
A new film inspired by the true story of a young girl who survives an abortion and then searches for her mother, hits theaters this weekend. "October baby" is the ...
Is it possible that you will deliver the baby on October 3 when you got sex intercoursed on November 31?
My brother and his girlfriend had sex intercoursed last week of November 2006,,and the girl delivered the baby first week of October 2007, is it really possible?
Answer: no aug would b the due day
Category: Pregnancy
OCTOBER BABY | Trailer and Cast - Yahoo! Movies
As the curtain rises, Hannah hesitantly steps onto the stage for her theatrical debut in college. Yet before she can utter her first lines, Hannah - unscripted ...
OCTOBER BABY’ undone by over-earnest message
It’s ironic that the studio founded by the son of Hollywood founding father Samuel Goldwyn should be the one releasing “October baby.” Apparently, the acquisitions department never took to heart Goldwyn the elder’s most famous Goldwynism ...
Movie Review: OCTOBER BABY | Catholic Exchange
As I walked in and out of the screening of October baby I attended last evening, young people were already queuing up for the midnight opening show of.
“OCTOBER BABY” « Cinerado
While the message behind “October baby” — the tale of a young woman who survived a botched abortion attempt — will likely turn away a good portion of its potential audience, there are plenty of reasons to give it a look, ...
do you think the name Summer is wierd for an OCTOBER BABY?
i love this name and i dont care if people find it tacky (got comments lol) i just feel it may be wierd given that the baby is due october
Answer: No! God no!
It doesn't matter what time of year the baby is born. I know a Summer who was born deep into the winter, like mid January.
Category: Baby Names
I am having an OCTOBER BABY is anyone else?
How do you feel?Do you have everything you need yet?I have probably too much.I am having a Girl what are you having?I havent thought of a name yet.
Answer: I'm due Oct 17. With my first and its a girl :) ! I've been sick for about a week now and sleeping is a pain now. I also haven't picked a name. My and my boyfriend have some in mind but not decided on one. I didn't really go shopping yet for the serious stuff. I just have clothes and stuff. We're waiting till after the baby shower
Category: Pregnancy
Is there anybody here whos baby is due in october but delivered there baby this month?
I was due to have my baby girl october 10th and ended up having her this weekend september 26th..we are now home from the hospital and doing well?
Answer: My baby is due Oct 7 and im still waiting for her
Category: Pregnancy
Messy ‘Baby’: Heavy treatment of complex subject trips on stereotypes
A fictional film like “October baby,” which strives to entertain and engage a general audience while delivering a strong political message, faces a significant challenge. It has to balance the dramatic arc of the story with the empirical ...
OCTOBER BABY - Theaters & Tickets
October baby opens in select theaters across the country on March 23. Find a theater near you and get your tickets ahead of time.
OCTOBER BABY is more sermon that story
Rachel Hendrix stars in "October baby." Dull faith-based drama about a young woman who learns that she was adopted and begins a journey to discover the truth about her past. Grade: C- "October baby" is earnest, sober and serious, a faith-based ...
October baby Movie in theaters now! http://t.co/UqdPufj9 From: ProLifeDallas - Source: Facebook
RT @NYTimesWatch: Times Movie Critic Doesnt Even Try to Hide Her Outage at Pro-Life October baby | #tcot #prolife @StevenErtelt http://t.co/abeMlXNQ From: conjn19 - Source: Tweet Button
RT @WORLD_mag: Art imitating life: Actor brings her own post-abortive experience to her role in October baby http://t.co/8OWNHuP2 From: JSMusgrove - Source: twitterfeed
RT @SherwoodChurch: October baby is now in theaters! Be sure to go out and support this great film! http://t.co/QM1f6Egt http://t.co/BnxEUBqR From: StephenRidley - Source: Facebook
RT @NYTimesWatch: Times Movie Critic Doesnt Even Try to Hide Her Outage at Pro-Life October baby | #tcot #prolife @StevenErtelt http://t.co/abeMlXNQ From: Toupsfamily - Source: Tweet Button
Take A Look: October baby, Divorce, Non-Christians - 1 Today is the opening of a new movie entitled, October baby. ... http://t.co/dhK4HszL From: LifeWayMarriage - Source: HootSuite
Take A Look: October baby, Divorce, Non-Christians - 1 Today is the opening of a new movie entitled, October baby. ... http://t.co/yfNfoS9k From: LifeWayMen - Source: HootSuite
Everyone needs to go see October baby starring my good friend Jason Burkey. From: NicklausCanaday - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Its Friday, my favorite day! Casual Day at work, going out to a movie and dinner with friends. Seeing October baby. From: SuperPigBooks - Source: web
Watch the trailer for October baby http://t.co/lR3Cw9ny
GO SEE THIS-support clean movie making From: pbrasga - Source: Tweet Button
Watch the trailer for October baby http://t.co/LLU0Usx1 Every life is beautiful! From: Gagameredith - Source: Tweet Button
M2M: Update 3.23 // October baby in Theaters Today! #constantcontact http://t.co/A3Kl1DHB From: MovietoMovement - Source: Constant Contact
RT @MedvedSHOW: October baby: Passionate pro-life movie that only occasionally makes you cringe. Reviewd on radio show today. From: cganiere - Source: web
Cant wait to see the new film, "October baby"... From: mollyepetrey - Source: web
>_< das y u so evil u a October baby RT @LadiKiche: @_Eye_Candii lol aye kiss my left n right ass cheek October 1st From: _Eye_Candii - Source: twicca