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I robot : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
I, Robot - Rotten Tomatoes
Mar 30, 2012 ... Review: Baring only the slightest resemblance to Isaac Asimov's short stories, I, Robot is a summer blockbuster that manages to make the ...
Robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A robot is a mechanical or virtual intelligent agent that can perform tasks automatically or with guidance, typically by remote control. In practice a robot is ...
iRobot Corporation: Home Page
iRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference in people's lives. Our cleaning robots provide faster, smarter ways to get dirty jobs done and our ...
YUCAIPA: Student robot reaches national finals
A seven-member team of Yucaipa High School students, fresh from victory last month at a regional robotic competition in San Diego, have disassembled their robot, wrapped it in plastic, crated it and shipped it off to St. Louis. They will ...
iRobot: Robot® Roomba® Vacuum Cleaning Robot cleans routinely so ...
"...the 770 is remarkably adept at traversing from hard to carpeted surfaces of different heights"
Darwin’s Devices”: Here come the robot fish
Fish, without a doubt, gotta swim, but how do they do it? And how, over millenniums of evolution, did they get to be so good at it? These two questions have driven the career of John Long, a professor of biology and cognitive science at Vassar ...
Ask Mr. Robot
If youve been sneaking in a little SW:TOR playtime when your WoW guildmates arent watching... Mr. Robot has a new tool for you to try! A character builder with ...
A DESIGN firm with a name like Rich Brilliant Willing creates certain expectations: if nothing else, one might assume the founders have a bit of attitude. In fact, they are just three amiable guys diligently turning out furniture and objects with a utilitarian edge in their Lower East Side studio. The company name is a play on their names: Theo - Alex Williams, Theo Richardson and Charles Brill, founders of design firm Rich Brilliant Willing, shop around New York City for striking floor lamps. Photos (M) - By TIM McKEOUGH
iRobot Home Cleaning Robots: Vacuuming, Floor Washing, Pool ...
Visit iRobot and discover our home cleaning robots, including Roomba, Scooba, Verro, Dirt Dog and Looj. iRobot creates robots that make a difference.
20th Century Fox
Provides details of upcoming films and links to films already produced. Official site.
I, Robot (2004) - Full cast and crew
Director: Alex Proyas. Produced by John Davis, Topher Dow, Wyck Godfrey, John Kilkenny. Actors: Will Smith: Del Spooner · Bridget Moynahan: Susan Calvin · Alan ...
Smart robots pitch in, help hospitals run more efficiently
In the corridors of Holy Redeemer Hospital in Huntingdon Valley, staff doctors and nurses are literally stepping aside to make way for a special new kind of worker. It talks, it beeps and it rolls along on its way to different tasks. When it’s ...
I ROBOT ??????????????
the movie I robot is based in 2035 will it realy be like that?
Answer: Probably not, the human shape is impractical for a robot. The initial book was written in 1950 (so it predates even home computers by a few decaded) by Issac Asimov and is most widley known for his introduction of the 3 laws for robotics. Currently none of the laws have been successfully implemented, nor do they need to be since robots are limited to performing a few basic tasks and aren't autonomous -- at least not yet. Still I think robots of the type depicted in the movie are still more then 30 years away.
Category: Engineering
The Infinite Matrix | Cory Doctorow | I, Robot
Feb 15, 2005 ... I, Robot, a short story by Cory Doctorow, in The Infinite Matrix, a magazine for people who enjoy science fiction as a literature of ideas.
I, Robot
movie overview.
Robot sentries planned to protect wreckage
THE ocean explorer who led the team that discovered the remains of the Titanic has drawn up plans to dispatch deep-water robots to the floor of the North Atlantic to conserve the wreck. Maritime officials and experts have warned that the wreck is rusting away.
How can I build a robot with mecanum wheels?
I am wanting to design/build a robot with mecanum wheels. Is it possible to connect the 4 independent motors straight to a rc reciever and program the remote control to drive the servos. Basically i need to know if its possible to build this robot without the use of a microcontroller and other electrical devices. Also, any other input would be greatly appreciated.
Answer: First off, mecanum wheeled robots are a blast! The key to this type of design is the mechanics; specifically the motors. Each wheel needs it's own motor, obviously different from standard differential drive robots. Although it is possible to build a mecanum wheeled bot without a microcontroller, it is going to be more difficult than taking a few days to pick up a basic microcontroller (eg.: PICAXE, BS2).
However, wiring up an RC receiver to a few independent motor controllers and powering each motor for mecanum is possible.
Category: Engineering
I, Robot (2004) - IMDb
Director: Alex Proyas. . Actors: Will Smith: Del Spooner · Bridget Moynahan: Susan Calvin · Alan Tudyk: Sonny · James Cromwell: Dr. Alfred Lanning · Bruce ...
I, Robot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I, Robot is a collection of nine science fiction short stories by Isaac Asimov, first published by Gnome Press in 1950 in an edition of 5000 copies. The stories ...
I, Robot (2004) - IMDb
Directed by Alex Proyas. With Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan, Bruce Greenwood, Alan Tudyk. In the year 2035 a techno-phobic cop investigates a crime that may ...
Iowa Cubs bats come alive for late comeback
He hit the ball solid in the ninth inning Sunday — high into the sun’s glare, and up there enough that a batter-friendly wind could take it wherever it wanted. “I hit it pretty good and high, but I didn’t have any idea where it would ...
What would a robot need to survive on the moon?
I just started this new robotics track. I seriously need some help! We are simulating the moonbots competition. I just need some answers. What would a robot need to survive on the moon?
Category: Astronomy & Space
Americas First Celebrity Robot Is Staging A Comeback
Before IBMs Watson and Deep Blue, there was another celebrity robot: Elektro. The first robot introduced to Americans, Elektro was the 7-foot-tall man who greeted millions of visitors who streamed through the gates of the 1939 Worlds Fair.
Can I build a robot that can both declaw cats and debark dogs?
It would be a one-stop-shop for pet owners who love their animals, but just want their cats and dogs to stop being so annoying. Can I build a robot that can both declaw cats and debark dogs?
Answer: idk if you are able to in a free country of voice and opinion and anything you can do yourself with a bunch of peta extremenists out there you might have a bunch of angry people out there but if you want you can(: i wouldnt care haha its proably possible
Category: Cats
iRobot Corporation: Home Page
iRobot designs and builds robots that make a difference in peoples lives. Our cleaning robots provide faster, smarter ways to get dirty jobs done and our government ...
The Listings
Pop Prices may not reflect ticketing service charges. For full reviews of recent concerts: nytimes.com/music. - A Celebration of Paul Newmans Dream, With Elvis Costello and Paul Simon (Monday) Mr. Newman was the most debonair good Samaritan in Old Hollywood; among his other charitable endeavors, he founded the free Hole in the Wall Camps for
I, Robot (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I, Robot is a 2004 science-fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas. The screenplay was written by Jeff Vintar, Akiva Goldsman and Hillary Seitz, and is loosely ...
KidRobot I ROBOT L.A. T-shirt at The Scream Shop
KidRobot I robot L.A. T-shirt - KidRobot I robot L.A. T-shirt.
SceneBank.com - Movie Review - I, Robot - 2004 release date - Will ...
Spooner visits the corporations CEO named Lawrence Robertson who tells Spooner that the death must have been a suicide. But Spooner wants to know more.
Latest Freescale Wireless Robot Can Walk, Dance and Teach Sensor Programming
Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE: FSL - News) today announced significant enhancements to the Freescale Tower System mechatronics robot and board, a bipedal robot and development board that allows designers to write software for a variety of sensor ...
RIFF; Big, Blossoming, Ecstatic, Pointless Explosions
The action film -- like automobiles, televisions and team-oriented basketball -- is an American invention that is now produced much better elsewhere in the world. The latest example of this (and there are many examples from points all over the globe) is The Raid: Redemption, a modest but irresistible action film from Indonesia that recently - Adam Sternbergh Riff essay notes action movies, once a quintessential American genre, are now produced much better in the rest of the world; cites arrival of the hit Indonesian action film The Raid: Redemption in American theaters. Drawing (M)h - By ADAM STERNBERGH
CHILDRENS BOOKS; Bookshelf: Play Ball
RANDY RILEY’S REALLY BIG HIT Written and illustrated by Chris Van Dusen. 32 pp. Candlewick Press. $15.99. (Picture book; ages 4 to 7) Randy Riley is a geek with a bicycle and glasses who is obsessed with outer space. But he absolutely cannot hit a baseball. From Randy’s vantage point in midcentury America — a setting that allows - By PAMELA PAUL
How does the robot butterfly in a jar work?
I recently bought a robot butterfly in a jar and its battery-powered, but what causes the little sucker to jump around?
I surfed the web and didnt get anywhere, not that i delved too deeply into the matter. Just wondering if anyone knows off-hand.
Answer: I think it operates on a very fine string attached from the top of the jar to the butterfly causing it to jump around. So the motor in the lid of the jar moves the string and causes the butterfly to move. It really is a great invention and looks so real!
Category: Toys
Amazon.com: I, Robot: To Protect (9780451464194): Mickey Zucker ...
Mickey Zucker Reichert is a working physician and author. Her many published books include fantasy novels such as Beyond Ragnarok, Prince of Demons , and The Children ...
Bacterial Contamination in Pharmacy Robots, Research Reveals
Robots dispensing drugs designed to prepare intravenous medications quickly in a sterile environment can contain hazardous bacteria, states a report in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, the journal of the Society for Healthcare ...
I, Robot (Trailer 2004) - YouTube
Its the year 2035, and the community now has the help of robots. These robots have three laws integrated into their system. One, they cannot harm a human ...
iRobot Scooba 390 | mobilni.mobi
iRobot Scooba 390. Posted by on April 9, 2012. Autonomous cleaning robots? The future is now?and has been for a decade. While it's no Wall-E, the iRobot Roomba has been dutifully vacuuming homes for over 10 years. The iRobot Scooba ...
What is the old movie with the robot where the robot puts needles in peoples necks?
I think the robot was controlling/brainwashing people with the thing it put in their necks, I believe it also had a long brain in a tube, and at the end the robot is about to put his needle in the heros neck when the hero says something heroic and knocks him into a trap in the floor where the robot thrashes around in the water, and is presumably defeated.
Saw it when I was a kid in the 80s I think, some details may be misremembered. Would really like to see it again.
Answer: "Saturn 3"? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079285/
heres the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NENxIu02bvg
In the distant future, single man and woman scientific team living on one of Saturn's moons to grow food for the starving Earth, have their isolation shattered when a deranged killer, masquerading as a visiting technology expert, arrives at their lonely outpost to take over their work and build a lethal creation: a super-intelligent 8-foot robot which later takes a murderous mind of its own.
Category: Movies
Pop/Rock Listings for April 6-12
Pop Prices may not reflect ticketing service charges. For full reviews of recent concerts: nytimes.com/music . ★ Alabama Shakes (Wednesday) Retro-soul warbling rattles the Southern rock firmament of this Athens, Ala., quartet, which will open for Jack White on a smattering of North American tour dates next month. Its pared-down take on
How to connect a robot to a computer?
I have a Fanuc S-5 robot that I need to connect to a PC. On the manual it says that it can be done with a CRT/KB using Karel programming. I have built up a cable connecting the CRT/KB port on the robot controller to the computer but the PC fails to see it. Is there any software I can download or any other way to "introduce" the robot to the computer? Thanks.
Answer: Well if you did that Skynet will get a hold of your robot and kill you. Of course you are experiencing a simple defense keeping this from happening.
Category: Desktops
iRobot introduces new Scooba® Floor Washing Robots
iRobot Corp. (NASDAQ: IRBT - News), a leader in delivering robotic technology-based solutions, today announced the expansion of its line of Scooba Floor Washing Robots. iRobot is introducing the compact Scooba 230 to markets in EMEA (Europe ...
YOUR MONEY; Swatting Down Start-Ups With Consumer-Friendly Ideas
Back in February, I dived deeply into the workings of AutoSlash , a little company making big waves in the world of car rentals. Because you are generally free to change or cancel your car rental reservation at any time without penalty, AutoSlash realized that it could create a Web site that would continually hunt for a better price and repeatedly - By RON LIEBER
Evolving robots” teach us about extinct animals—and may end up an important battlefield technology.
When I tell people that I work on “evolving robots,” their common response is to joke—semi-seriously—about Skynet or some other sci-fi nightmare in which machines develop self-awareness and rebel against their human creators. I usually ...
Biiwii TA and Commentary (complimentary): I ROBOT
But as a trader, I am a robot and will not be affected. I will not let them do that to me, lest I risk becoming an angry person like what is now the average gold bug. Let fear ride with you and be on your side. Think about today vs.
What the show with the guy the fight with robots and every time he goes in the robot puts him in a skin tight ?
Robot was red blue white with something gold on his head I think and he like has a brother who he fights in a episode and it was on cartoonnetwork a while ago
Category: Other - Games & Recreation
I, Robot - GlobaliseUK
Robots everywhere, driverless cars, new eco-solutions, screens that “read” feelings, and smart museums and stadiums – just some of the “City of the Future” technologies at this years' Cebit trade fair in Hanover, Germany. Many of the devices ...
I, Robot (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I, Robot is a 2004 science-fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas. The screenplay was written by Jeff Vintar, Akiva Goldsman and Hillary Seitz, and is loosely ...
How to create a robot with batteries charged by solar panels?
I have a robot that normally runs off of approx 7v with nicad AAs, I have a solar panel (12v) that im hoping to integrate into the bot.
I would like the batteries to be trickle charged by the panels during the robots normal operations, and then fully charged while the robot is in a lower power idling mode.
Am I able to attach the panel through a regulator right to the batteries?
Answer: This depends largely on how much current your solar panel puts out. If it's 50 mA or less, just connect it straight to the batteries. Even 100 mA is probably ok. Try to determine the panel's output by setting it in the sun with the batteries connected, and measuring with a DVM. There may be a rating on a label, but for small panels, those ratings are notoriously inflated.
Once the batteries are fully charged, the extra energy will just go into heat, shortening the batteries' life, but so what?
It's good that you've chosen NiCd batteries, rather than NiMH, as NiCd will trickle charge reasonably.
A regulator will only be an advantage if the panel is large.
Category: Engineering
i, ROBOT « Film Reviews
i, ROBOT. 2004. DIRECTOR: Alex Proyas. Isaac Asimov dreamed of robots. Will Smith and Alex Proyas came along and tuned this into a nightmare! What could have been an insightful Sci-fi thriller, revolving around robot ...
I, ROBOT - Sonnys interrogation - YouTube
Det. Spooner interrogates SONNY for 5 minutes in a cell. Just in case you dont know (which is mighty rare!!!), the scene is a part of the movie "I, Robot ...
At Bottom Of Pacific, Director Sees Dark Frontier
No sea monsters. No strange life. No fish. Just amphipods -- tiny shrimplike creatures swimming across a featureless plane of ooze that stretched off into the primal darkness. It was very lunar, a very desolate place, James Cameron, the movie director, said in a news conference on Monday after completing the first human dive in 52 years to the - Director James Cameron emerges safely from a perilous dive to the Challenger Deep area of the Marian Trench, 6.8 miles beneath the Pacific Oceans surface; Cameron vows to make more journeys. (M) - By WILLIAM J. BROAD
Vecna Technologies changes its robot focus | Trickfactory
The robot made two shots but lost to its human opponent. Lindbergh senior Jimmy Keum shoots blindfolded while the robot "Air Ball" shoots at the other end of the gym. The kids on the robotics team have a very bright future ...
Amazon.com: iRobot Roomba Intelligent Floorvac Robotic Vacuum ...
Early Adopters Pick : March 2003 . The first automatic vacuum available in the U.S.; introduced by iRobot, pioneers of artificial intelligence. Roomba, the first ...
CORNER OFFICE | PHIL LIBIN; Phil Libin of Evernote, on Its Unusual Corporate Culture
This interview with Phil Libin , chief executive of Evernote, a provider of note-taking and archiving technology, based in Mountain View, Calif., was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant. Q. Do you remember the first time you were somebody’s boss? A. I’m a programmer by training. I just worked as an engineer all through college and - By ADAM BRYANT
Six-Axis Articulated Robots allow 13 kg payload capacity.
February 22, 2012 - With repeatability from ±0.050 to ±0.070 mm, DENSO VM-Series robots offer maximum payload capacity of 13 kg, reaches from 1,000 to 1,300 mm, and standard cycle times of 0.89-0.95 sec. Long, slim arms allow them to reach around tooling ...
I, robot...?
how can you relate this film (I, robot) to the book Narrative life of Frederick Douglass in showing that slave can only really be free by freeing himself through self-discovery and self-actualization?
Answer: well, start with comparing the rules for living as set down by Frederick Douglass and the rules for Robot behavior set down by Asimov.
As a refresher for Asimov:
Harm no human
Do not allow harm to come to a human through inaction
Do not allow harm to come to oneself (the robot)
Self-preservation must not interfere with laws one and two.
In my opinion the movie took the rules for robots in the completely opposite direction and discarded the spirit of the novel.
My apologies if this is not what you were looking for.
Category: Homework Help
Military wants humanoid robots in the drivers seat
A U.S. military agency once focused on self-driving robot cars has turned its attention to humanoid robots that could roam tomorrows battlefields. An upcoming announcement suggests the military wants robots that can steer a vehicle from the ...
Whats the name of that robot cartoon where a small robot would transform into a bigger powerful robot?
I dont remember what channel it was on. probably nick or cartoon network. the robot traveled with a boy & when danger came it would transform into a bigger more powerful robot.
Answer: The show you care thinking is Robot Boy it was on cartoon network I think.
Here is a link for episodes http://www.fanpop.com/spots/robotboy/videos
Category: Comics & Animation
Isaac Asimov: I, Robot « Snake Oil Review
Whilst ostensibly about robots (and disregarding the rather impressive fact that it was Asimov who unknowingly coined the term 'robotics'), the series is actually examining Asimov's famous 3 laws from a variety of angles, ...
What is the best Forex robot on the market and does it work?
I heard that a new robot has just been released (RCTPA driven Forex Megadroid). There are quite many robots on the market. What is a Forex robot anyway? Which one is working? I have heard many good things about Forex auto pilot turbo. I would like to know which one is the most reliable. Thank you.
Answer: First, you should know that Forex is not that easy. Do not believe those who may say it is!
Now, there are some good robots that MAY help you. Some are scam. Others are for real.
Simply put, a Forex robot is a program that attempts to take the guess work out of trading currencies. Currently there is a lot of information floating around the internet about these products. Like any other tool, it needs to be used properly in order to be most effective.
Like I hinted, in order to use this tool the right way you need to understand a little bit about how it works and where it is best applied.
A Forex robot is a computer or computer program that monitors currencies and does calculations to figure out the best time to buy and sell. These programs help to take some of the guess work out of buying and selling and can help a trader to identify currencies that meet certain criteria, or when certain currencies perform in certain a way. Most of the selling points of Forex robots state that you can simply set them and watch the cash come pouring in. While in some cases this may work, in most cases you are going to need to carefully monitor the program and make sure that it is adjusting to trends in the market. While they can be very profitable they may require a certain amount of intervention to be run effectively. Used properly, and if you have the patience to get to know the programs, they become a powerful tool.
For this automatic approach, forex auto pilot turbo has worked wonders for me: http://www.forexapt.com/. It offers, among other features, high spread protection system and automated risk scaling. They say "95% winner". Well, only the bottom line counts. In this regard, it has really delivered for me.
I had been watching the forex robot market for months, waiting for the right software to come out. I believe I have found a great one.
Really, get the fundamentals first. Then get your own system and test it offline (do that for weeks, if not months, until your system is well tested), whether you use a robot or not. It really takes a few months - a lot of patience and resilience. But if you are made for it, it is worth it. Read about the psychology of trading (never to underestimate). And then you should be fine.
Good trading!
Category: Investing
App for iPad being developed to assist children with autism practice life skills
First came Popchilla, a blue big-eared robot designed to enable children with autism to recognize emotions in the robot and themselves. Now theres Popchillas World, an iPad app designed to help those children practice life skills. Both were created by ...
Vacuum Cleaner | Robot Vacuum Cleaners | Robotic Vacuum Cleaners ...
Alpharobot.com.au is a renowned company introducing robot vacuum cleaners, a robotic vacuum cleaner that is better than Roomba, irobot vacuum cleaner. These Robotic ...
Did you like the movie I robot?
I know this movie is kinda old, but I like I robot lol
Answer: yep, i own it.
Category: Polls & Surveys
Cyberplasm, the synthetic-biology microscale biohybrid robot.
*Given the principles of “synthetic biology,” I can see why an attempt to develop this bizarre nano-gizmo makes good solid research sense. A great deal could be learned from this effort. *It’s sure a new on on me, though. Little teensy ...
Irobot Roomba Review « I ROBOT Cleaner
For example, iRobot® identified the opportunity for the Roomba® Scheduler directly from customer feedback on their Yahoo! We now review an ideation technique that is counter-intuitive and yet very … View Full Source ...
PAX East 2012: Borderlands 2 Mechromancer Class revealed
The Mechromancer, which would be the fifth playable class in Borderlands 2, was previewed as a young cyborg girl who can control a large mechanized robot known as D374-TP, or "Deathtrap". At this stage in development, the Mechromancer is only a concept.
BITS; Disruptions: The Robot World Is Emerging at Amazon
Last week Amazon, the online retailer, announced it was buying a robot maker called Kiva Systems for $775 million in cash. Before you get excited that Amazon may offer a robot that can tuck you into bed at night and read Kindle books to you, this isnt that kind of robot company. Instead, Kiva Systems orange robots are designed to move around - Nick Bilton Disruptions column on presence of robots in the work force; notes some robotics engineers say they are being designed to work alongside people, not replace them; points out Amazons purchase of robot maker Kiva Systems could lead to robots replacing workers in Amazons warehouses. (M) - Email: bilton@nytimes.com - By NICK BILTON
What is the best forex robot available and do you recommend?
Im very interested in getting a Forex robot to trade for me. I have heard great things about forex robots, But I am not sure which forex robot works the best. Im a new to forex completely and Im just looking for an automated way to make money from home. Would you even recommend trading with a forex robot at this current economic time? How much many can make with a forex robot and what is the best forex robot from your personal experience. Please help. Thanks
Answer: I have a Forex robot from http://forexautoprofitbot.com
It makes me lots of money on autopilot and it about doubles my money every month. To be honest I know nothing about the forex market. All I do is make lots of money from the forex robot. It is easy to set up. And it runs 24/7 whether your computer is on or off. In fact I quite my dayjob because I was starting to make more than I made at my job and I am still making more. Trust me this forex robot is the best available and no matter what the economic times are the robot will make you money. I strongly recommend.
Category: Investing
RIFF; How the American Action Movie Went Kablooey
The action film — like automobiles, televisions and team-oriented basketball — is an American invention that is now produced much better elsewhere in the world. The latest example of this (and there are many examples from points all over the globe) is “The Raid: Redemption,” a modest but irresistible action film from - By ADAM STERNBERGH
Amazon.com: I, Robot (9780553294385): Isaac Asimov: Books
Amazon.com: I, Robot (9780553294385): Isaac Asimov: Books. ... I, Robot and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Learn more ...
Isaac Asimov Home Page
Included is biographical information about both his personal life and his literary life, answers to questions about the Foundation and Robot series, and more.
Ever watched the movie I ROBOT. Would you consider them a new form of life?
My boyfriend and I just finished watching the movie I robot. We are having a small debate on whether or not if they were real today, we would consider them a new form of life.
He says no, because they were programmed very well and since they dont breathe or grow they are just well designed machines.
I say they should be considered a new form of life because even though they are machines made by humans, they have evolved and have free will, fears, dreams and aspirations. At the end of the movie, Sonny saved the ladys life even though his programming told him that she wasnt worth saving. He was able to make the distinction between his programming and the value of human life. With all this being said, I believe that those robots should be considered a new form of life.
What is your take on this?
Category: Other - Society & Culture
What episode of robot chicken star wars is the one with the little darth vader guy running around?
Is it robot chicken star wars 1, 2, or 3, where the little darth vader guy is running around on the table and stuff where he is on like a talk show? It is hilarious and I need to find it.
Answer: I believe it was the first one. The talk show had Zuckuss voiced by Conan O'Brian. Great little skit.
Category: Movies
@StupidMacNoopid @_caracharizard & c4 smh I dnt even kno who u are anymoreeee Smh, are u a robot ?
From: NEAT_Siege - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@or_rain Too lazy to log out and in to @lady_robot, but yus. It was the account I made for non-fandom stuff, but never used lol.
From: LadyBRinehart - Source: web
I talk like a robot.
From: SneakzBasement - Source: Twitter for iPhone
I love that fruit cake *lady gagas robot voice*
From: J_i_A_n_A - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @IDoThat2: When I Was Younger, I Put My Face Close To The Fan To Hear My Robot Voice.
From: Leo92franco - Source: HootSuite
Lmao Im so serious tho RT "@_ObeyMySOLE: @HypeForever doing the robot ! !"
From: HypeForever - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @JustinnDamiann: I hate Robot Chicken.
From: BillShelley - Source: Twitter for iPhone
#nw I robot ! (:
From: NathanReynaud - Source: Twitter for Android
Dk usah ambek din, beli baru be lahh ;;) RT @dini_raftian: msh mendeng robot gede drpd bayi gede, :p nk ngmbki ... http://t.co/hq5N18ku
From: arieafrizalfuta - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Never been to a Super Bowl, but Im goin to St Louis for the World Championship of Robot Battles. Yes, Im a CA nerd, and proud
From: wienbar - Source: web
Im not a robot ♫
From: EtoilesChris - Source: web
RT @nallaratata: http:tcoZXd0qQdH I robot Printing goes from black and white to color to robots
From: landaqcristine - Source: Mobile Web
I, Robot
From: PLANETinamrA - Source: Twitter for Android
watching I, Robot for the first time.
From: VidaaCuhh - Source: web
RT @Teshahfshw: RT @chelseylucio: Ahhh I love Robot Unicorn forgetdrawsomething
From: pepperskcarlyn - Source: Mobile Web