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LINT - Purnicellin
Hey Ever’body! Here’s the thrilling The End Page. Wow, it’s like a 3rd grader drew it or something! I have a bazillion bukoos of news, here’s to hoping I can ...
LINT (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer programming, Lint was the name originally given to a particular program that flagged some suspicious and non-portable constructs (likely to be bugs) ...
Folks feast first on Fat Tuesday before fasting begins
Read more: Local, Community, Consumer, Religion, News, Fat Tuesday, Fat Tuesday Feasting, Feast on Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Fasting, Ash Wednesday Fasting, Fat Tuesday Traditions, Ash Wednesday Traditions, Mass, Lint, Ash Wednesday Lint AMARILLO ...
LINT (material) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lint is the common name of visible accumulations of textile fibers and other materials, usually found on and around clothing. Certain materials used in the ...
HTC to get PlayStation certification for mobile devices in late 2012
Sources close to Pocket-Lint have claimed HTC is in talks to get PlayStation certification for its mobile devices. If true, HTC would be one of the first companies outside of Sony to run PSOne titles on its mobile devices. An official announcement is ...
LINT - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
Lint, not to be confused with the sacred holiday of the Christians in which they set fire to a rabbi
How do You remove LINT from a black Acrylic sweater?
This is a black cable knit sweater that I washed in the washer now it has white Lint all over it . How do I remove the Lint?
Answer: Any sticky tape will do it.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
Using Modern Tools to Reconstruct Ancient Life
ASHKELON, Israel -- To the naked eye, the white, powdery substance appeared to be plaster. Thats what the professional and volunteer archaeologists at a dig in Israel concluded. To be certain, though, they subjected the chalky dust to spectroscopy and a petrographic microscope, only to discover that it was not a manufactured substance, but decayed - Archaeologists at the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon in Israel are at the forefront of an emerging field called microarchaeology, which combines traditional methods with hi-tech microscopic analysis; among findings that have upended views of excavations, researchers have discovered that plaster dust often found at dig sites can turn out to be degraded plant matter used in far more rudimentary structures. Photos, Map (M) - By SAM ROBERTS
Panasonic Eluga pictures and hands-on - Pocket-LINT
Panasonic has been talking about bringing a smartphone to Europe for quite a while. Announced on Monday at the Panasonic Convention 2012 in Hamburg, the.
American Pie: Still Homemade, but With a New Twist
SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. -- To step into the Tin & Lint bar here is to be surrounded by stories. Carved into the wooden walls, booths and benches are 30 years of names, dates and declared loves: Mike was here; Don loves Joanna 4EVER; Amy and Jennifer, 1989. But the biggest story, nearly as much a part of this upstate citys lore as its racetrack and - Don McLean debunks story that he wrote his hit American Pie in 1970 at a bar in Saratoga Springs, NY, but the bar is keeping the plaque and is still telling its version of the story. Photos (M) - By LIZ LEYDEN
A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicons Successor
STANFORD, Calif. -- In a cluttered chip-making laboratory on Stanfords campus, Max Shulaker is producing the worlds smallest computer circuits by hand. Mr. Shulaker, a graduate student in electrical engineering, is helping to pioneer an extraordinary custom manufacturing process: making prototypes of a new kind of semiconductor circuit that may - Computer researchers are hard at work finding a successor to the silicon chip, which is encountering limitations in terms of size and efficiency; many researchers say the field of nanotechnology holds the most promise for such innovation. Photos (M)1 - By JOHN MARKOFF
Panasonic set to intro another Android phone next week?
Unnamed sources have told Pocket-Lint the company will announce a higher-end device with a larger touchscreen dual-core processor and a front-facing camera. Additional details remain unclear, though the camera is said to integrate some form of Lumix ...
LINT | 1000+ Free Flash Games | Andkon Arcade
Andkon Arcade: 1000+ free flash games, updated weekly, and no popups!
Old-Fashioned Glories In a Netflix Age
MANOHLA DARGIS As we know, its become ritualistic for critics to whine about the end of the year being crowded with Oscar hopefuls. Oh, pity the poor movie critic forced to watch a new Martin Scorsese movie, a new David Fincher and two from Steven Spielberg in short succession! Yet while this period seems jammed with Important Movies From Harvey - New York Times film critis A O Scott and Manohla Dargis discuss their favorite movies of 2011. Photos (L)2 - By A. O. SCOTT and MANOHLA DARGIS
Mother visits condemned ex-Marine in Iran prison
FLint, Mich. — The mother of an ex-Marine sentenced to death in Iran on a spying conviction has visited her son in prison. Spokesman Eric Volz said Tuesday the trip went well and she returned home safely from Iran. Hekmati is an ex-military translator ...
Why is LINT accumulating throughout the inside of my house?
When my laundry room addition was first done it had no outside vent for the dryer exhaust. Now we have put in an outside vent and the Lint is still all over everything in the house. Its not dust, its Lint. Is there anything I can do to solve this?
Answer: It's coming from somewhere so find it's source. Is it possible Lint settled into AC/Heat duct and is being circulated through house? Check your dryer vent connection to be sure it didn't come loose. Check to be sure it isn't clogged. I have a habit of cleaning Lint off the dryer exhaust vent outside the home whenever I walk past it.
No open windows or vents near dryer exhaust?
Beyond checking the vent to be sure that it is properly connected try to reason it out.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
How do you remove LINT/hair from upholstery?
The chairs at our church are covered with Lint/hair. The Lint/hair are into the fiber of the upholstery. I have tried the Lint brushes that use sticky paper and the ones that you rub in one direction, but they dont even touch the Lint/hair.
Answer: I also with the duct tape idea. I have used that so many time to get Lint and animal hair off of stuff... works great!
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Tales of New York: A City Portrayed by Diarists Who Had Their Own Problems
NEW YORK DIARIES 1609 to 2009 Edited by Teresa Carpenter 486 pages. Modern Library. $26. When Simone de Beauvoir, the French existentialist, first tried to smoke marijuana, she, like Bill CLinton, did not inhale. It was May 3, 1947, and she was as new to New York City as she was to the drug. Friends taught her how to breathe in the smoke, but she - Dwight Garner reviews book New York Diaries: 1609 to 2009, edited by Theresa Carpenter. Photos (M) - By DWIGHT GARNER
JavaScript LINT
JavaScript Lint is a code checker that finds common mistakes in scripts.
Chicago Dryer Vent Cleaning Wizard Feels Strongly about Dryer Maintenance
Mory is often heard speaking to people about the danger of Lint build-up in dryer ducts. “Think about what the dryer vent and exhaust ducts are removing from your home,” said Matias. “Heat and moisture must escape the dryer drum in order for clothes ...
What is LINT and why does it get trapped in your bellybutton?
Ive found that people get Lint even if they are nudists. What gives?
Oh- and Im a woman- Ive never gotten bellybutton Lint. Is it just me or do women tend to not get bellybutton Lint?
Answer: People with hairy tummys get it because the hair all points to the belly button so any dust is swept in that direction! Don't worry loads of girls have hair on their tummy :)
Category: Other - Skin & Body
LINT - - action games
Lint - Danger ahead! Find your way past many hazards.
For 2 Grand Windows, A Luminous New Life
Time and the elements had seriously diminished The Arrival of the Halve Maen, 1609, a lovely century-old stained-glass window that depicts Henry Hudsons sailing vessel, the Half Moon, on the river that would bear his name. How seriously? It was possible to work in the library of the New-York Historical Society for weeks at a time -- as I have - By DAVID W. DUNLAP
How do I get rid of excess LINT showing up on my clothes after washing them?
I have a two year old Frigidaire top-loading washing machine with a "self-cleaning" Lint filter. Since Ive had this washer, I have noticed that it leaves behind a lot more Lint than my old washer which had a Lint trap inside the tub that could be easily removed and cleaned. Over time, more and more Lint is left behind after the wash cycle has completed. Its to the point now where I have to run a Lint brush over every single thing that I wash to remove the Lint.
Ive tried those "Lint balls" that you toss in the washer to catch excess Lint with no luck.
Since I cannot afford a new washing machine, does anyone have any tips for correcting this problem? Does anyone know if the Lint trap can be easily cleaned out to correct the problem? (The manual indicates that the Lint trap is not accessible to the owner of the machine.)
In respond to the first answerer, I only use liquid detergent. (I dont use the powder type.)
Could liquid FABRIC SOFTENER be the problem?
Answer: NATURAL Lint. Some Linting is a natural occurrence.
ABRASION CAUSES SHORT NATURAL FIBERS TO BREAK OFF AND FORM Lint. Lint is trapped in the self-cleaning Lint filter and then flushed out of the washer when it drains and spins.
DETERGENT TRAPS Lint DURING WASH AND HOLDS IT IN SUSPENSION UNTIL IT IS FLUSHED OUT. Use the recommended amount of detergent to prevent Lint re-deposition.
ADEQUATE WATER PRESSURE AND PROPER DRAINING HELP REMOVE Lint FROM THE WASH LOAD. Be sure inlet hoses and drain hose are not kinked or clogged.
SORTING. Sort Lint producing items from Lint attracting items.
PAPER OR OTHER OBJECTS LEFT IN CLOTHES POCKETS. Remove tissues and paper from pockets before laundering.
STATIC ELECTRICITY. To reduce static electricity, use fabric softener and avoid over-drying.
Lint REMOVAL. Remove Lint with a Lint brush or roller or rewash and dry items in the dryer if possible.
DETERGENT RESIDUE. Detergent residue is a white substance resembling Lint which can leave streaks on garments and make them appear dull and rough. This can be caused by undissolved powder detergent, too little detergent, poor rinsing due to overloading, misuse of liquid fabric softener, hard water, inexpensive detergents, and low water pressure.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
LINT screen may have sparked blaze
A clothes dryers clogged Lint screen could have started a blaze that demolished an east Vancouver house early Wednesday morning, endangering the lives of the five people living in it. Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services (VFRS) were called to the burning ...
Pamper your pet with your LINT remover!
Recently, as is often, I was wearing black. Its that designer thing I suppose. As always, I was dusted over with a accumulation of feathers and fur from our bevy of cuddle bugs. Armed with my Lint remover, I did the deed and de-fuzzed myself. Then, in the ...
LINT | Define LINT at
noun 1. minute shreds or ravelings of yarn; bits of thread. 2. staple cotton fiber used to make yarn. 3. cotton waste produced by the ginning process. 4. a soft ...
Does a full LINT trap disable the heating element in a dryer?
Does a full Lint trap disable the heating element in a dryer? my friend contend that a full Lint trap stops the dryer from heating up. I contend it just obstruct the airflow prevent hot air from circulating
Our dryer is fine :) My roommate is arguing that our heat for our apartment isnt working because the filter maybe full... Just like a Dryer doesnt heat up when the Lint trap is full.
Random and stretched logic i know.
Answer: As far as the drier goes you are both right. The clogged Lint trap will A.) trip the thermal switch and cut off the heater element and B.) Limit the flow of circulating hot air which will leave the clothes hot but not dry. As far as the heat in your home goes the clogged furnace filter could be a very good reason the heat is not coming out of the vent. GOOD LUCK!!
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
How do I keep LINT from attracting to my dark clothes?
Ive used liquid fabric softner, fabric softner sheets and I still end up with Lint fuzzies on my dark clothes. I use a Lint roller and it seems like its no time and the fuzzies are back. Any suggestions?
Answer: You might try spraying your clothing with Static Guard...You can find it at any Wal-Mart and most grocery stores in the laundry detergent section.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
LINT: Definition from
Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary ( lĭnt ) n. Clinging bits of fiber and fluff; fuzz. Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for ...
What causes the fuzzy LINT balls at the bottom of my shirt?
I recently wore a new shirt and Ive noticed (along with all my other shirts) that on the back bottom part, theres like little Lint balls that arent removable. The whole backside has like this fuzzy quality compared to the rest of the shirt and theres balls of Lint I guess, but when I try to pick them out, like parts of the threads (?) pull off with it. What are these and how can I prevent them? I didnt even wash this shirt yet, how did this happen?
Answer: The Lint balls or "pills" are caused by abrasion. Could be your belt, underwear, hairy butt, office chair, car seat, or any other item that comes in contact with the back of your shirt. You can only prevent them by taking away the abrasion causing surface.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
How do you get the LINT out of the LINT trap?
When I remove the Lint filter you can see all the remaining Lint inside the machine. But I cant get it with my hands. Is there a safe tool to use to clean it?
Answer: They make brushes for that specific purpose. You can buy them at most home improvement stores and some appliance stores.
Or you can try to use the vaccum - very tricky.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
Panasonic to launch another new Android handset at ... - Pocket LINT
Panasonic is to announce another new mobile phone, after yesterday's Eluga launch, at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona next week. The handset,
Panasonic Eluga Android smartphone: First details - Pocket-LINT
The first details of the new Panasonic smartphone destined for Europe have been confirmed. It's called the Eluga and will be coming in spring 2012.
Why is there so much LINT with newer washing machines?
Older machines had removable Lint trays that fit over the cylinder/agitator, but newer machines does not have this. I have found that there is much more Lint on my clothes. i.e. when I dont have a full load of towels, I sometime throw in a few pair of my husbands Hanes (underwear), but the inside band are coated with tiny beads/balls of Lint & its seems velcroed to the inside band of the underwear. This never occurred before.
Answer: i have the same problem, i hope you get an answer
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
Star Wars 3D Blu-ray coming spring - Pocket-LINT
Pocket-Lint sources at the Panasonic conference in Hamburg tell us that Star Wars is headed to Blu-ray in 3D this spring. Rather unsurprisingly, following.
Debugger - Facebook Developers
Enter a URL to see some helpful feedback about your page markup. Enter an access token to see its expiry and user. Examples:
The Leader in Static Analysis for C/C++ -- PC-LINT and FlexeLINT
Static Source code analysis with Gimpel Software's PC-Lint and FlexeLint for C/ C++.
How do i remove LINT from a LINT brush?
I use a Lint brush to remove Lint from furniture, clothing etc. Of course the Lint just gets transferred to the brush. Whats the easiest way of removing the collected Lint from the brush?
Answer: Use a length of masking tape. Apply the sticky side to your Lint brush and it will cleanly remove the Lint.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
My LINT trapper has an offensive odor what can I do to get rid of the smell?
I have a Kenmore Elite Gas dryer. I just noticed an offensive odor yesterday. It was coming from the Lint trapper. I took the machine apart and vacuumed all that I could see but my Lint trapper still smells really bad. It is not a gas leak for sure. I got my father to check it, he works for a gas company. Any suggestions?
Answer: Check the exhaust tube that goes out of the house. An animal may have gotten trapped and died in it. If that is clear, call Sears Service, it could be that the motor is overheating. Good Luck!!!!!!
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
Sony to bring Google TV to Europe in 2012
Sony has announced its plans to bring its line of integrated Google TV products to the UK this year. Speaking to Pocket-Lint, Sony said it is confident that Google TV will be able to garner enough interest to make it more of a success than it has been in the US.
Real Intent Improves LINT Coverage and Usability
SAN JOSE, CA — Real Intent Inc., the leading provider of software products that accelerate Early Functional Verification and Advanced Sign-Off of electronic designs, announced it is now shipping version 1.5 of its Ascent™ Lint software.
IF Kutshers Tribeca were a musical, it would be Springtime for Hitler. This is, after all, a restaurant whose business model rests on the idea that what New York has been missing is somewhere to go for upscale gefilte fish. It was opened in November by Zach Kutsher, whose family owns a faded Borscht Belt resort famous for stand-up shtick in - Pete Wells reviews Kutshers Tribeca restaurant that updates cuisine of Eastern European Jews. Photos (M)0 - By PETE WELLS
how do I clean the LINT below the LINT trap-front loading admiral gas dryer?
We are careful to always clean the Lint trap before drying, however recently there is an odor like hot Lint, and there is quite a lot of Lint below the Lint trap. In previous dryers, there is enough room to put a nozzle from a vacuum down to clean the bottom of the dryer. This dryer has a Lint trap holder which is too narrow to allow anything down to remove the Lint, and we cannot remove the Lint trap holder. Please advise!
Answer: you can use a dryer Lint brush such as the one shown in this link
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
Home Welcome to Lint. Welcome to all luthiers, luthiers-to-be, repair people and supporters of Lint, Luthiers Interactive of North Texas. Lint is an informal ...
Hey Ever'body! Here's the thrilling The End Page. Wow, it's like a 3rd grader drew it or something! I have a bazillion bukoos of news, here's to hoping I can ...
How do I get LINT off my towels?
I washed some new dark towels with new light ones and now they are all just covered in the dark Lint. I tried everything - Lint rollers, razors, and washing them in vinegar (twice!). Nothing worked. Any other ideas?
Answer: This happened to me once and might sound dumb but I finally used my vacumm attachment and it worked on mine.
Category: Cleaning & Laundry
ZTE Android Ice Cream Sandwich duo set for MWC ... - Pocket LINT
The MWC launch news is certainly heating up as we get closer and closer to the big Barcelona expo. We recently saw LG playing its opening hand by going.
LINT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lint may mean: Fibrous coat of thick hairs covering the seeds of the cotton plant · Lint (material), an accumulation of fluffy fibers that collect on fabric. Navel Lint ...
Sony Japan ID badges can be read by Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Pocket-Lint recently flew to Japan to get the inside info from Sony about its TV ranges for 2012 and beyond. And, although its no surpise that Sony HQ is a haven for all sorts of cool tech, while we were there we had a bit of fun with the firms ID cards.
LINT - - action games
Lint - Danger ahead! Find your way past many hazards.
LINT - Home
MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS. This track will focus on the latest trends, activities and problems in the space of media, including publishing, television, and personal ...
LINT game , click here to play LINT
Sep 28, 2009 ... Action games / Platformers / Lint. Lint. Please share with a friend -->. Play as a small ball of Lint through a tough obstacle platformer ...
LINT Lizard™ | Official TV Site | Removes Dryer LINT In Hard To ...
Lint Lizard - Official Website for Lint Lizard, the best way to clean your dryer vents and prevent Lint fires! Your dryer will dry clothes faster and be safer for ...
LINT (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In computer programming, Lint was the name originally given to a particular program that flagged some suspicious and non-portable constructs (likely to be bugs) in C ...
The Gaffes That Keep Giving
DESIGNERS get especially excited about decorating during the holiday season, and last year, Nicole Fuller decided that what she wanted, in the Manhattan apartment she shares with her husband, Clarence, and three Maine coon cats, was a Christmas tree covered entirely in white feathers -- a swan tree, she called it. Ms. Fuller painted the tips of the - Several interior designers offer cautionary tales of accidents and mishaps triggered by their fervent holiday decorating. Drawings (M) - By JOYCE WADLER
LINT - definition of LINT by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus ...
Lint (l nt) n. 1. Clinging bits of fiber and fluff; fuzz. 2. Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds. 3. The mass of soft fibers ...
LINT - definition of LINT by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and ...
Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds. 3. The mass of soft fibers surrounding the seeds of unginned cotton.
Star Wars 3D Blu-ray coming spring
Pocket-Lint sources at the Panasonic conference in Hamburg tell us that Star Wars is headed to Blu-ray in 3D this spring. Rather unsurprisingly, following the film’s 3D cinema release, Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace will be ...
CURRENTS | SERVICES; Think of It as a Giant LINT Brush
Its the holy grail of New York apartment living: your own washer-dryer. But along with the convenience comes the job of keeping the dryer vent clean, a chore that, for apartment and single-home dwellers, might be a good candidate for that 2012 to-do list. Merely cleaning the Lint tray is not enough, says Maria Vizzi, the owner of Indoor - Several companies around New York City offer services to clean out dryer vents, a necessary task to keep home washer-dryers running smoothly. Photo (M) - By JOYCE COHEN
Microsoft Office for iPad nearing launch - Pocket-LINT
Rumours of Microsoft Office on the iPad have been doing the rounds for some time, but today we have a little more flesh to put on those bones. The Daily.
DOMESTIC LIVES; The Pirates of the East End
A COMBINATION of luck and astoundingly cheap credit several years back put me in possession of a house in East Hampton, N.Y. My downfall had to do with the manly art of maintenance. Shortly after my Hamptons dream house was completed, the ducts that carry exhaust outside from the basement dryer fell to the floor, spewing dust and Lint. Do you - Author Greg Donaldson describes how he, lacking any ability to build, repair, program or maintain his home in East Hampton, NY, became entirely reliant on several local plumbers, carpenters and electricians. Photos (M) - Greg Donaldson is a professor at John Jay College. His most recent book, Zebratown, is about an ex-convicts attempt to reinvent himself. - By GREG DONALDSON
Dryer Vent Wizard International Taps CanFranGlobal for Canadian Franchise Expansion
Replace these Affiliate Programs at ANYTIME! Your banner here within the next hour. Dryer Vent Wizard, Get the Lint Out, created by Mr. Handyman founder, David Lavalle, provides dryer vent speciality maintenance services to include inspection, repair ...
ViewSonic ViewPad G70: 7-inch Android 4.0 tablet ... - Pocket LINT
ViewSonic is lining up a new 7-inch Android tablet for launch at Mobile World Congress 2012, a source has exclusively revealed to The.
Red Sox LINT in the cranial event: shortstops, Varitek, and parts management
• I have to agree with former major league general manager Jim Bowden’s assessment (as cited on ESPN Boston) that the trading of Marco Scutaro to the Colorado Rockies is a precursor to something else. Sure, the club got back another much potential ...
Acer Shows Off CloudMobile Smartphone Ahead of Mobile World Congress
According to phone blog Pocket-Lint, Acer has leaked some details on its latest handset, the Acer CloudMobile. The Acer CloudMobile has just won the iF design award 2012, in recognition of outstanding achievement in design--so its no wonder that Acer ...
How do you remove LINT that has fallen down your LINT trap?
When I was trying to remove Lint from my Lint trap, it rolled off and fell into the dryer. I am not using it due to hazard of it going on fire. can anyone tell me how to remove it properly, without casuing any damage to myself or my new dryer?
Answer: A flexible Lint brush will normally do the trick. These are usually a small diameter bristle brush on a long wire handle.
Like this one -
That was the one at the top of the search list results here -;_ylt=A0geu6rPdENItjQBJ.RXNyoA?fr2=sg-gac&sado=1&p=clothes%20dryer%20Lint%20brush&fr=my-myy-s&ei=UTF-8
Theyre not very expensive, and they are handy to have around.
Good Luck
Category: Maintenance & Repairs
LINT Game -
Play Lint game online. Lint walkthrough, guide and reviews.
The Leader in Static Analysis for C/C++ -- PC-LINT and FlexeLINT
Static Source code analysis with Gimpel Softwares PC-Lint and FlexeLint for C/C++
Is this Sony's first Windows Phone 7 handset? - Pocket-LINT
We last saw details about a Sony Windows Phone 7 handset in January and if new spy shots are to be believed, then the new Sony Windows Phone 7 handset.
Clean Your Keyboard Without Ruining It
Many an attempt at cleaning a keyboard has ended up with the device worse for the wear. Over-aggressive attempts at cleaning out Lint and debris from underneath keys can render them useless, and introducing inappropriate liquids into the equation can ...
How can I clean all of the LINT from my Maytag electric dryer?
The Lint trap is on the inside and I clean it before every use but when I remove the Lint screen I can see Lint down in where it is almost impossible to get at with a vacuum. Any ideas out there?
Answer: for a quick fix get an empty cardboard paper towel roll and put it on the end of your vacuum hose, you can then flatten the end of the cardboard and insert it into the dryer duct, or any other place that is hard to reach.
Category: Do It Yourself (DIY)
LINT - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of Lint. 1. a: a soft fleecy material made from linen usually by scraping b: fuzz consisting especially of fine ravelings and short fibers of yarn and fabric
Bout to start cleaning out tha Lint trap in tha dryer & collecting it for 46 days
From: WhyteBoyMitch - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Pocket or dryer? -RT @__ARROGANT lmaoooo please tell me some asshole didnt fuck up "lent" RT @WhyteBoyMitch: #Lint
From: __antiSOCIALITE - Source: TweetDeck
@thootsie12 "what should i give up for Lint?" me - chocolate, @SheWent2Jarrett - "did you say child porn!?!?" #dormconversations @B_Estep
From: TobySquirt13 - Source: Twitter for Mac
RT @SexEsally: Every time I hear lent I think of pocket Lint...
From: ErinCeaser - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Every time I hear lent I think of pocket Lint...
From: SexEsally - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Week passed without spectacular event, Lint prices ease; spot rate reduced to ...
From: Amber_Wise5 - Source: twitterfeed
RT @Laundry_Matt: S/O to @RaiderNationboi For telling me what "Lint" Is !! #MackPack !!
From: I_Hate_Liars15 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @_HelloTittie: who in the hell are you calling a cootie queen you Lint licker ! ... dirty mouth , clean it up w/ orbit white *tings* #Fabulous (( :
From: joseph_jerome - Source: Twitter for Android
“@Laundry_Matt: S/O to @RaiderNationboi For telling me what "Lint" Is !! #MackPack !!” AYEEE
From: RaiderNationboi - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Lint starts tmrrw & I still have no idea what to give up -.-
From: StinaGeee - Source: txt
S/O to @RaiderNationboi For telling me what "Lint" Is !! #MackPack !!
From: Laundry_Matt - Source: Twitter for iPhone
To the people giving up something for Lint: cussing isnt something your supposed to do anyways... So why are you giving it up? Lol
From: ElizabethC_209 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @_HelloTittie: who in the hell are you calling a cootie queen you Lint licker ! ... dirty mouth , clean it up w/ orbit white *tings* #Fabulous (( :
From: TreShawnna - Source: Twitter for Android
Giving up meat for Lint. #igotdisindabag
From: LishaCurwick - Source: Twitter for Android
Really? What am I going to do with that? «@iwannacelebrate @aKISSfromMars I will give you some Lint.»
From: aKISSfromMars - Source: Plume for Android