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SUPER COMMITTEE Failure: Bush Tax Cuts Obstacle To Deal (UPDATE)
1 day ago ... The leaders of a special deficit reduction panel signaled Sunday that they will fail to strike a deal to reduce the deficit before their Wednesday ...
Can Third Parties and Independents file a Lawsuit to question Constitutionality of a Two Party SUPER COMMITTEE?
Is a Committee that can only include Democrats and Republicans Unconstitutional? Doesnt this Super committee further shackle us to the Two Party dominance over our Legislature? What do you think?
Answer: I would argue that we really only have two slightly different flavors of one party. The Democrats and Republicans have more in common than they have differences. They aren't going to allow anyone with real ideological differences to come to the party and upset their mutually beneficial relationship.
Category: Politics
SUPER COMMITTEE - on the Brink of Failure, Will It Matter?
FBR Capital Markets said that with a midnight deadline and both sides deadlocked, it appeared that a deal for the U.S. Congress joint select committee on deficit reduction - colloquially referred to as the Super committee - was untenable at this ...
SUPER COMMITTEE Chairs Prepare To Announce Failure | TPMDC
Capitol Hill sources say barring a highly unexpected, last minute development Monday, Super committee co-chairs Jeb Hensarling and Patty Murray will issue a statement acknowledging the panel's failure.
2012 contenders point to President Obama for super fail
(CNN) – As federal government braces for the impact of a Super committee failure, GOP contenders for the 2012 presidential nomination lashed out at the president for setting the wheels in motion. A Web video released by Newt Gingrichs ...
With the Congressional SUPER COMMITTEE having 12 people and all the power?
Should we then get rid of congress and the senate why waste money wages and benefits on 500 people and their staff if they do not need to be there... That may be part of the cuts The Super committee should recommend...
Answer: Sounds good to me.
Category: Politics
All but acknowledging the end of talks, Republicans and Democrats on the deficit Super committee used Sunday television appearances to blame each other for their looming failure to bridge political differences over taxes and spending. Unless ...
SUPER COMMITTEE Could Give Markets a Super Headache
The Congressional "Super committee" could quickly become a super-sized headache for markets if it doesnt show progress by its Thanksgiving-eve deadline.
A Massive Domino Effect Could Await SUPER COMMITTEEs Failure
Consider the impact -- the Super committee co-chairs still have not agreed on a way to put this whole debt reduction effort out of its misery (and thats the expectation now: failure). But the ramifications of failure so far have largely gone ...
Should we throw out all members of the SUPER COMMITTEE?
First off, the whole notion of a "Super committee" is unconstitutional
Congress, specifically the House or Representatives initiates all legislation regarding spending money
The Democrats totally duped Beohner yet again with this plan. They had no intention of cutting spending, and they knew it. They just protected the president from having to deal with this, until after the election
Democrats have been nothing but an obstacle to resolving our debt problems, and we will undoubtedly be downgraded again, thanks to them
I would be will to take a hit on the Republican side, to get ride of John Kerry
Yes, it has been a debt problem for a long time. Obama and the Democrats have just accelerated the problem; blame whoever you like. But its plain for all to see, who refuses to make cuts. Democrats! There is your blame
Yes, we "DO" have the power to "Vote" these guys out of office; organize campaigns against them, etc.
Category: Politics
Deficit 'SUPER COMMITTEE' may put off decisions - Los Angeles Times
Nov 11, 2011 ... With time and compromise slipping out of reach, the congressional "super committee" may punt its toughest deficit decisions to next year rather ...
What Will The SUPER COMMITTEE Cut In This Deal?
Will they cut social security,medicaid,medicare, and the defense?
What happens if they dont reach a compromise?
Will they only touch them a little bit or completely cut them?
Will we still default if they dont reach a decision?
Answer: Everything is on the table, if they don't reach a compromise in 2013 there will be automatic cuts which have already been decided. They're not gonna cut entitlements completely or defense, that would be Armageddon for this nation of freeloaders. No, because the debt ceiling has already been passed.
Category: Politics
Congressional Committee at Odds on How to Cut Deficit
WASHINGTON — The second-ranking Senate Republican declared Saturday that the work of a special Congressional committee on deficit reduction was all but over, and said efforts to strike a bipartisan deal had been worthy but unavailing. As he emerged from his office in the Capitol, the Republican, Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, a committee member, - By ANNIE LOWREY and ROBERT PEAR
Disagreements Over Taxes, Benefits Stall SUPER COMMITTEE
As the nations debt soared past $15 trillion, congressional Republicans and Democrats struggled Wednesday to salvage a yearlong assault on federal ...
SUPER COMMITTEE | Strengthen Social Security
In the eleven Super committee states represented, 20.3 million Americans receive Social Security, 18.5 million Americans receive Medicare, and 21.4 million ...
The SUPER COMMITTEEs Great Escapes
From Yahoo! News: They cant strike a deal so they want to pull a fast one. With only one week left, members of the bipartisan Super committee are resorting to ...
What Politicians Say About the SUPER COMMITTEE - TheStreet
Find out what some of our most influential politicians are saying about the Super committee ahead of its planned budget cuts next week.
SUPER COMMITTEE Automatic Spending Cut Triggers May Be Blocked ...
WASHINGTON -- Failure by Congress' debt-cutting supercommittee to recommend $1.2 trillion in savings by Wednesday is supposed to automatically trigger spending cuts in the same amount to accomplish that job. But the ...
Paul Abrams: Better Than Failure: SUPER COMMITTEE Can Set Up a ...
The Super committee can still salvage something that, for a Congress whose approval rating is just slightly north of Fidel Castro's, would actually make the American people feel empowered.
SUPER COMMITTEE Deadline: Lawmakers Fail To Cut $1.2 Billion ...
WASHINGTON -- It's just about over for a special deficit-reduction supercommittee, which appears set to admit failure on Monday in its quest to sop up at least $1.2 trillion in government red ink over the coming decade.
EDITORIAL; Having the Watchdogs to Tea
Congress rarely remembers that it is responsible for overseeing the Federal Election Commission -- the party-hack-ridden agency that enables campaign abuses. The House elections subcommittee has now summoned commission members to a rare hearing on Thursday about its work. Rather than a severe grilling, its more likely to be a meet-and-greet smile - Editorial holds the need for a vigilant Federal Election Commission, agency that enables campaign abuses, has never been greater as nation enters the most money-drenched campaign in history; calls on Pres Obama to challenge Congress to reform the party-hack-ridden agency. (M)/
Debt SUPER COMMITTEE on the brink of failure
The so-called Super committee remains prepared to admit defeat this morning. Despite three months of talking, the bridge between the Democrats and the Republicans on the committee has proven to be too wide to reach a deal. Today on American ...
Can Super Mario Save the Day for Europe?
FRANKFURT MARIO DRAGHI was working the room as only Mario Draghi can. The occasion was a gala at the Old Opera House here in honor of Jean-Claude Trichet, the most powerful central banker in Europe. But in some ways, the evening belonged as much to Mr. Draghi, the Italian who will succeed Mr. Trichet on Tuesday as the president of the European - By LANDON THOMAS Jr. and JACK EWING
SUPER COMMITTEE: Who are these guys?
They are the members of the debt "Super committee" -- and they have a lot of work to do. It will be tough going, and will likely require political ...
SUPER COMMITTEE failure threatens key tax breaks
Whatever happens to the U.S. Congress deficit-fighting ``Super committee, world markets are increasingly concerned about several temporary tax breaks vital to the economy that are set to expire at year-end. One is the Obama administrations ...
SUPER COMMITTEE stalemate continues as deadline nears
House Speaker John A. Boehner stepped into the Super committee stalemate, offering a new deficit-reduction proposal that was swiftly rejected by Democrats ...
Dems Mock Latest GOP SUPER COMMITTEE Offer
After multiple meetings Friday, Democrats publicly excoriated a fall-back offer by Super committee Republicans to cut 10-year deficits by over $600 billion. And for ...
No SUPER COMMITTEE Deal? Bond Yields Set to Drop
The news that the congressional Super committee would not reach a deal to cut $1.2 trillion from the federal budget will likely lead to lower yields on U.S. government bonds. Its now a familiar, if counterintuitive dynamic. Worries that U.S. lawmakers ...
Do you think the Democrats on the SUPER COMMITTEE will suggest raising taxes?
They had plenty of opportunity to raise taxes when they had the majority and they didnt.
Category: Politics
Why the SUPER COMMITTEE is Super Illegitimate
Sign up to stay up to date on the latest headlines via email. Another day, another tiresome piece of political theater come to an end. This time the dog-and-pony show is the Super committee, whose members were given the right to decide where ...
Will the SUPER COMMITTEE reach any deals on cuts?
Or will they fail as 0bama hopes in order to gut the military? While using the failure of the committee against the republicans. Just more ways for him to destroy America!
Answer: The Super-duper Committee is a FARCE
its a JOKE, firs of all its UNCONSTITUTIONAL
and also its staffed by professional politicians ...
'nuff said?
Category: Politics
Seven days left: Is SUPER COMMITTEE ball now in Democrats court?
Following a GOP proposal on the deficit-cutting Super committee to raise tax revenues, Republicans say its the Democrats turn to show theyre serious ...
Publicly, most lawmakers say they have no desire to be named to the so-called Super committee tasked with finding an additional $1.5 trillion in cuts to the deficit ...
Will the SUPER COMMITTEE fail if Republicans dont compromise and offer to put revenues on the table?
And not just tax increases on the middle class through elimination if popular deductions, but REAL tax increases on those who now control all the extra cash, the 1%.
Category: Politics
Is appointing John Kerry to the super-committee a good way to create bipartisan co-operation?
even after Kerry blamed the Tea Party for the credit downgrade rather than the debt.
“I believe this is, without question, the Tea Party downgrade,” Kerry said. “This is the Tea Party downgrade because a minority of people in the House of Representatives countered the will of even many Republicans in the United States senate."
How will appointing a hyper-partisan tax cheat help this committee function?
Answer: No. He is responsible for the mess in Washington D.C. He is same old tax and spend.
Category: Politics
'Critical' day for deficit SUPER COMMITTEE -
4 days ago ... Wednesday could prove to be the pivotal day for the congressional deficit reduction Super committee as it struggles to reach a deal.
SUPER COMMITTEE Struggles With Deficit Endgame
“It’s tougher than you think,” said Rep. Xavier Becerra, a Democrat from California, as he exited another Super committee meeting Thursday afternoon.
Grover Norquist weighs in on the SUPER COMMITTEE deadlock
The so-called Super committee appears ready to throw in the towel. Its members, charged with cutting $1.2 trillion dollars from the budget, have begun to privately admit defeat. Many Democrats are blaming the failure on one man, lobbyist Grover ...
Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction | C-SPAN
Hearing on ANWR Jobs. Discussion on Deficit "Super committee" from New America Foundation. JEC hearing on debt reduction. Senate Budget hearing on job ...
SUPER COMMITTEE Co-Chair Murray: Bush Tax Cuts Are The 'Sticking ...
23 hours ago ... Patty Murray (D-WA), the Democratic co-chair of the congressional super committee, said this morning on CNN's State of the Union that the ...
Perry Presses for Second Look From Early Voters
WASHINGTON -- With time running short before the first votes are cast in the Republican presidential contest, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas is urgently trying to convince voters that his candidacy warrants a second look. He is retooling his campaign with a newly emphatic anti-Washington message and steering the race into a sharper ideological contrast - By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG
Deficit "SUPER COMMITTEE" stalled as deadline looms
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Both sides of Congress deadlocked "Super committee" held separate talks on Saturday, but formal negotiations remained stalled, reaffirming gloomy predictions that the deficit-fighting panel may fail. With a midnight ...
Whats next for the so called "SUPER COMMITTEE"?
Looks like theyre in the same position as Congress was 3 months ago. Congress then conveniently punted their responsibilities to the "Super committee."
Who does the "Super committee" now toss the hot potato to?
Category: Government
How will the Congressional SUPER COMMITTEE keep busy for days, weeks or months?
Since $1.5 trillion in government spending cuts can easily be found within 15 minutes or less, what will the Super committee do to justify their work effort to the public? That is other than the California Democrat who is conducting a Wall Street fund raising campaign; his people are already busy with that.
Answer: That so-called "Super committee" is nothing but a "super" JOKE!!!...just more of the same old Washington BULLSIHT!!!
Category: Politics
Clock ticks down on SUPER COMMITTEE
Members of Congresss so-called "Super committee" huddled in small groups behind closed doors on Capitol Hill Friday, battling growing pessimism.
SUPER COMMITTEE Fails: Panel's End Run Around Democracy Fizzles
WASHINGTON -- An ill-conceived scheme to make an end run around public opposition to major spending cuts to entitlement and social programs has foundered, with leaders of both parties huddling through the weekend to ...
What is going to happen with the SUPER COMMITTEE during the next couple weeks?
Do you think they will come to an agreement on a combination between tax increases for the wealthy and domestic spending cuts? or will the trigger kick in and cut 600 Billion in Defense and 600 Billion in Entitlement Programs?
Answer: Yet more destructive obstructionism by the GOPlutocratsPuppetsParty.
Category: Politics
Giants Receiver Mixes Cultures and Scores Touchdowns
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. -- When Victor Cruz scored his first regular-season N.F.L. touchdown Sept. 25, he immediately broke into a salsa dance in the end zone. It was meant as a tribute to his grandmother, who used to make him glide around the house with her when he was a child, but it became a point of pride for many Hispanics. That night, when - By SAM BORDEN; Jorge Castillo contributed reporting.
do we need to appoint a super "SUPER COMMITTEE" to make sure the SUPER COMMITTEE works?
I mean , does anybody think that this committee can make cuts? Real cuts to social programs?
Answer: So here we have 535 Congress people voted by the people yet they are going to choose a few to decide where cuts should be made. I am sure this Super committee will not be able to work together. Look at the screwed deal we got out of the debt crisis. Obama got his money and we got a Super committee. YEA......
I suppose we need someone to watch the cat so it doesn't eat the bird.
Category: Politics
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The failure of a congressional deficit-cutting "Super committee" means the tough work of putting the United States finances on a stable path will likely have to wait until 2013 at the earliest. Barring some unforeseen ...
Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
Members of the Committee held a hearing entitled “Overview of Previous Debt Proposals” on Tuesday, November 1 at 1:30 p.m. in 1100 Longworth (House ...
If the SUPER COMMITTEE fails - Nov. 18, 2011
The Super committee deadline is rapidly approaching. But if lawmakers fail, nothing much will happen. At least not right away.
What Exactly Will The SUPER COMMITTEE Cut?
Will they cut social security,education,medicaid,medicare, and the defense?
When they say cut,do they mean reduce or completely do away with it?
If they cut loans for college,are they going to cut grants and scholarships as well?
Is this a disaster?
Answer: They will cut public access to the decision-making process
Category: Politics
OP-ED COLUMNIST; The Invention of Outrage
IF youre just catching up on last weeks news, I suggest you sit down. Fast. What youre about to learn is incredible. Unthinkable. If you drink, grab one. Certain shocks cant be borne without absorbers. Kim Kardashian is getting divorced. You read that right. It turns out that the nations poster girl for old-fashioned virtues -- our little - By FRANK BRUNI
China Reins In Entertainment And Blogging
BEIJING -- Political censorship in this authoritarian state has long been heavy-handed. But for years, the Communist Party has tolerated a creeping liberalization in popular culture, tacitly allowing everything from popular knockoffs of American Idol-style talent shows to freewheeling microblogs that let media groups prosper and let people blow - Chinese authorities are proposing new limits on media and Internet freedoms that include some of the most restrictive measures in years; the crackdown coincides with a planned shift in the top leadership of the ruling party and follows popular uprisings across the Middle East and North Africa that have created unease among the countrys leaders. Photos (M) - By SHARON LAFRANIERE, MICHAEL WINES and EDWARD WONG; Li Bibo and Edy Yin contributed research, and Jonathan Ansfield contributed reporting.
SAT Officials Vow More Security After Cheating Arrests on Long Island
FARMINGDALE, N.Y. -- Stung by the arrest of seven Long Island teenagers accused of cheating on the SAT, the College Board said Tuesday that it was hiring a former F.B.I. director to review its security procedures, and that by the next exams, Nov. 5, it would begin analyzing more test scores for irregularities and increase training for test-center - By WINNIE HU and JENNY ANDERSON; Winnie Hu reported from Farmingdale, and Jenny Anderson from New York.
The Super Predictable SUPER COMMITTEE « CBS Denver
This was not a group of elected officials that was ever intended to make any progress. And that is exactly why I can't figure out why anyone is surprised that the committee has failed to come up with any solutions to the $1.2 ...
Low Expectations for Debt Deal, but Fears Remain
Expectations that the special Congressional committee will strike a deal on debt reduction by Wednesday’s deadline could not be much lower. The committee’s own members have played down the odds. Stock prices may already reflect the likelihood of a punt. And one of the major ratings agencies has said the lack of an agreement, by itself, - By SHAILA DEWAN and JULIE CRESWELL
Deficit "SUPER COMMITTEE" stalled as deadline looms
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Both sides of Congress deadlocked Super committee held separate talks on Saturday, but formal negotiations remained stalled ...
Need to Know News: SUPER COMMITTEE fails to reach a deal; More casualties in Egypt
Each day, we here at "Piers Morgan Tonight" put together the news you need to know – from what happened last night to what will happen today. For November 21, 2011 – Super committee talks break down and unrest in Egypt mounts... • Super ...
United States Congress Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction ...
The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, colloquially referred to as the Supercommittee and the Super Congress, is a joint select committee of the ...
Gabrielle Giffords Office Urges SUPER COMMITTEE To Cut Lawmakers Pay
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) may not be back in Congress yet, but her staff is leading a bipartisan effort to pressure the super ...
Will the SUPER COMMITTEE be Super Successful this week, or will they wait until after the 2012 election?
I do not think that they will make any decisions about taxes until 2012. I think that they will make cuts to Medicare and other programs, but postpone doing anything on taxes until after the election. I believe then President Obama will let the Bush Tax Cuts run out at the end of 2012, because the Republicans will balk on adding revenue to reduce the deficit.
Category: Politics
Aides: SUPER COMMITTEE Likely To Announce Failure
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A weekend of talks among members of the congressional committee charged with coming up with $1.2 trillion in budget cuts appeared to produce no last-minute compromise ahead of Mondays practical deadline. Democratic and Republican aides ...
How will the 12 member congressional SUPER COMMITTEE come up with the cuts?
Ok, so its likely they wont all agree.....but how will they come up with the rough (or final) draft of cuts to begin with? Will all 12 of them be discussing it behind closed doors then come up with a final paper?
Or will the Republicans come up with their own ideas, the Dems come up with a separate set of ideas then vote on it?
It seems they would all have to discuss the final agreement, but if that were true then they would be agreeing?!!
Answer: The Republicans will threaten something ghastly that would deeply harm the country and the Democrats will give in?
Category: Politics
SUPER COMMITTEE Failure Could Mean Higher Taxes in 2012
The worst thing about the failure of the Super committee lawmakers to reach a deal on deficit reduction may be what it tells us about taxes next year. If Democrats and Republicans are incapable of working together on important budgetary issues, it is ...
THE BAY CITIZEN; Financing for Meals on Wheels Threatened
On Tuesday morning, an elderly woman lowered a wicker basket tied to a rope from the second-floor window of a low-income apartment building in South Berkeley. On the sidewalk outside the building’s gate, Freya Fuchs, a volunteer driver for Meals on Wheels, caught the basket and put a hot meal into it: baked catfish with Veracruz sauce, - By KATHARINE MIESZKOWSKI
United States Congress Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction ...
I think this Super committee is about as dumb an idea as Washington has come up with in my lifetime. I used to run the House of Representatives.
On this day — The SuperCommittee fails; a review of Saturday’s values panel in Iowa; Gingrich boomlet is in full swing; Romney gets a key New Hampshire endorsement; does Obama really have a base problem and we could have our first ‘Perry as underdog ...
SUPER COMMITTEE headed for failure?
Washington (CNN) -- The congressional Super committee, facing a fast-approaching deadline, appears headed toward failure unless negotiations shift ...
SUPER COMMITTEE Member Jon Kyl Turns Eye Towards Saving ...
WASHINGTON -- Senator Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) a member of the congressional Super committee charged with devising a plan to shrink the national debt, pledged on Sunday to find a way to limit the defense budget cuts that would ...
SUPER COMMITTEE Failure: Bush Tax Cuts Obstacle To Deal (UPDATE)
The leaders of a special deficit reduction panel signaled Sunday that they will fail to strike a deal to reduce the deficit before their Wednesday deadline.
If 7 out of 12 Members of the Congressional SUPER COMMITTEE vote for certain cuts, are Seniors Screwed?
Once something "passes" through the 12 member Congressional Super-committee, does that mean it will go into law or are there checks and balances before this happens? In other words, if 6 Republicans want drastic cuts and one Democrat caves (to preserve "unity"), will those cuts likely be drastic to Medicare, Medicaid and other programs?
Will Seniors know who voted for the cuts so that they can decide who to vote for (and not vote for) in the future?
Category: Politics