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What are good strings for my BREEDLOVE?
I have a Breedlove Jumbo 6 string accoustice guitar. "Stage J350/EF" I am the worship leader at my church and play music that sounds like lifehouse, switchfoot etc. which strings would anyone recommend. I usally play with one pick and with de addario Mediums.
Answer: I would go with Elixir Nanowebs, or for a little bit warmer tone the Elixir Phosphor Bronze Nanowebs. They are a little bit more expensive, but they last (about 3) months longer and retain their tone through the life of the string. I own/operate a small music shop and these are by far the most requested acoustic string. I put them on my acoustic as well.
Category: Rock and Pop
How Ben BREEDLOVE handled his disease |
Most people could not tell Ben Breedlove had a life-threatening heart disease that kept him from doing certain things. The 18-year-old knew his limits, but ...
BREEDLOVE Guitar Company
Acoustic guitars and mandolins. Product, price, and dealer lists, custom work, and links to artists.
BREEDLOVE Foods Inc. - Dehydrated foods to feed a hungry world
This foster family was down to their last day of provisions before the power of prayer led Breedloves food to their door." ... The foster mother called a meeting ...
i need some facts about Sarah BREEDLOVE?
im doing a report on her and i need some good facts PLZ ?
Answer: Read about her!
Category: Homework Help
Police investigate home invasion, shooting on Parsells Avenue
47-year-old Roberto Marquez and 42-year-old Darnell Breedlove were inside the apartment of an acquaintance who was not home at the time. When one of them answered a knock at the door, police say two suspects came in and demanded money.
Texas teen dies on Christmas day because of heart condition. Watch his videos my life part and part two. His story even touched Kid Cudi. Select one of the options below. Your feedback will help tell CNN producers what to do with this iReport. If youd ...
Breedlove. Contact. Email Us 877-800-4848 Sitemap. Join the Community. Get all the latest on new products, announcements, news and events. Breedlove Guitars. 2843 Lolo Drive
Does anyone own a BREEDLOVE guitar?
My fiance gave me one for Christmas as its a great guitar. What are your opinions on the sound, tone etc?
Answer: I play the Breedlove Passport model. I Went to GC to get a guitar for my daughter and while she messed around with the baby taylors, i went into the room where they keep the "high end" acoustics. The had the usual martins, gibsons, and taylors, in the room but then they had 2 of theese Breedlove (?) things in the corner. I had never heard of the company. I picked it up and played it for a bit and had to take it home after that. It felt and sounded better to me than some/most of the high priced Martins and Taylors.
I plan on testing out the Atlas line too. Maybe 12 string.
Category: Performing Arts
Pundit Press: Video- Ben BREEDLOVE's "This is My Story"
Posted by Aurelius at 12:55 PM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. A very sad but inspirational story (you may want something to dry your tears). This is Ben Breedlove, who died on Christmas day: ...
Im an 18 yr gay guy and my friend in his 30s wants to be sam adams/beau BREEDLOVE for halloween?
hes not a creeper i promise. i dont wanna hang out at his old people halloween party so he wants me to show up for half an hour til people get it then leave. ill be shirtless with a tramp stamp that says recall sam adams. is it worth it?
Answer: No, Sam should not be recalled.
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
Do BREEDLOVE American Series guitars come with documentation?
I just got a Breedlove American c25/cre-h and I have seen that other guitars (master class) get papers as documentation. I was just wondering if the same thing applies for the American series.
Answer: I just got one at Guitar Ctr. a D20 SMC for just over a thousand and I didn't get any documentation either. I was wondering the same thing, however I got mine off the display shelf. If it does come with more than just the signature sticker inside< I would like to know to. It plays really nice, has a beautiful case, great sound, and I'm happy with mine so far. Good luck.
Category: Other - Music
More Resigned Than Angry, Voters Seek a Fix for the Economy
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Want to know whats wrong with this country? Just ask everyone. Anybody in business knows you cant have debt like this, said Marty Yanke, 76, a retired meat processing plant supervisor from Waunakee, Wis., who said he voted for Republicans. Walter Sankey, 57, who lives in a working-class neighborhood of Columbus and chose all - Voters mood at polls in midterm elections is closer to grim resignation than anger as they seek right mix of political leaders to lift nation out of its economic crisis; many cast Republican vote as rejection of Obama administration, but feel they are choosing between lesser of two evils; some support Obama but others see president and lawmakers who supported his ambitious early agenda, including stimulus plan, as clear villains; unlike 2008 election, when liberals celebrated politics of hope and change to address countrys problems and some conservatives began to embrace what would become Tea Partys brand of revolution; contests are underscored by deep sense of malaise on all sides; photos (M) - By KIM SEVERSON; Reporting was contributed by Damien Cave from Florida, Erik Eckholm from West Virginia, Dan Frosch and Kirk Johnson from Colorado, Ian Lovett from California, Kevin Sack from Georgia, Susan Saulny from Illinois, Katharine Q. Seelye from Wisconsin, A. G. Sulzberger from Iowa, Sabrina Tavernise from Delaware and Katie Zezima from New Hampshire and Maine.
Whats the best but cheapest BREEDLOVE guitar?
I am looking for solid acoustics for my worship team I play in and Im currently using a fender malibu but Im now looking for a step up in guitars now. Any suggestions besides Breedlove would be okay but Breedlove is what I am looking for.
Answer: Breedlove is a good step up from ANY of the Fender acoustics. One of my favorites (Breedlove) to play and most all the models perform quite well, at least for my ears and hands.
I'm not sure if any of the Breedloves available are all that 'cheap' or inexpensive. But I would rank them right along with Martin orTaylor in quality when looking for a high end instrument. And of course, expect the $500.00+ price tag to really get what you may prefer for your own ears and hands.
Only other brand to think about are top-end Ibanez, Guild and Yamahas, which I have played in the past. Of course Gibson too, when it comes to their acoustic lines. Still depends upon your liking of the sound and feel of the guitar you want out of anything you try.
[We are not all the same as players of any given guitar.]
Other, real serious makes would be: Tramontane/LAG (French design); Tanglewood (English); and Maton (Australian).
Category: Performing Arts
Judge: Sexual abuse charges against Greenwich teacher to stand
He directed the Washington County District Attorneys Office to turn over information to McHenrys lawyer, Brian Breedlove, that more clearly specifies when the alleged offenses occurred for some of the incidents. An indictment alleges inappropriate ...
How are Claudia BREEDLOVE and Sula alike and different?
I have an assignment to compare and contrast these characters from two of Toni Morrisons novels. The problem is I do not know how to write 500 words to do so. Help please.
Answer: ?
Category: Soap Operas
Austin teens parting message inspires untold numbers online
Austin teenager Ben Breedlove died on Christmas but not before leaving his loved ones a cherished gift that quickly became an Internet sensation. Breedlove, who was 18 when he succumbed to a lifelong heart condition, loved making funny videos ...
BREEDLOVE Guitar Company
Acoustic guitars and mandolins. Product, price, and dealer lists; custom work; and links to artists.
What are the similarities between Sula Peace (Book: Sula) and Pecola BREEDLOVE (Book: The Bluest Eye)?
I have to write a 500 word essay comparing these two characters. I have no idea where to start. Help Please.
Answer: Il mio pensiero principale nella vita è lui. Se tutto il resto perisse e lui restasse, io continuerei ad essere; e, se tutto il resto persistesse e lui venisse annientato, l'universo mi diverrebbe estraneo; non mi sembrerebbe di esserne parte. Il mio amore per lui è simile alle rocce eterne ai piedi degli alberi; fonti di poca gioia visibile, ma necessarie. Io sono lui, lui è sempre, sempre nella mia mente, non come un piacere, così come io non sono sempre un piacere per me, ma come il mio stesso essere; dunque, una nostra separazione è impossibile...
Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
Category: Books & Authors
Friends and family honor Ben BREEDLOVEs life and message
Friends and family will honor the life of a Westlake High School student who died on Christmas. Ben Breedloves message of faith and awareness of his illness lives on. KVUEs Jade Mingus reports from Gateway Church in Northwest Austin.
selling my guitar. BREEDLOVE ac25/sm mint condition, had it only 9 months. What should i sell it for?
I am just looking for some ideas. I dont want to sell it too cheap but also this guitar is listing at 1100. I paid that much without the extra stuff I am offering with it. case, stand, strap, xtra strings set, so anyway, got any ideas guys? besides craigslist or ebay please.
Answer: I would do a search on EBAY to see if I could find something similar, and see what the bids are running.
Category: Other - Business & Finance
NATIONAL BRIEFING | NORTHWEST; Oregon: Attorney General Clears Mayor On Relationship
The state attorney general said there was no credible evidence Mayor Sam Adams of Portland broke the law in his 2005 relationship with a teenager. Mr. Adams has said he lied while running for mayor about his relationship with Beau Breedlove but denies a sexual relationship before Mr. Breedlove was 18, which would have been a misdemeanor. Mr. - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
BREEDLOVE & Associates | Making nanny taxes easy & affordable
Take care of your nanny taxes the simple, affordable way, backed by our No Work, No Worry promise. Founded in 1992 by household employers, for household ...
Frugal Portland
EVERYONE here looks great! is not the kind of comment you hear often in Portland, Ore., where outfits seem chosen to match the cloudy skies, fabrics tend toward the waterproof, and anything with buttons counts as formalwear. Yet those were exactly the words that burst from a woman who brushed past me one night at Lizard Lounge, a clothing store - MATT GROSS writes the Frugal Traveler blog, which is updated every Wednesday at - By MATT GROSS
BREEDLOVE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The name Breedlove can refer to: People named Breedlove: Ben Breedlove, American Internet personality Craig Breedlove, five-time world land speed record holder Lynn ...
Ben BREEDLOVE: Austin Teen of YouTube Fame Dies on Christmas Day [VIDEOS]
Breedlove, 18, who cheated death three times previously, died on Christmas after years of battling a heart condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, according to NBC news affiliate KXAN. The teen started his own YouTube channel, "Breedlove ...
Keeping a BREEDLOVE Healthy in Philly?
Hi I have a Breedlove guitar and I live in philly. I was wondering for the summer time whats the best this i could do to keep it in top shape. Do i need a humidifier or is it already humid enough? Where should I store when im not using? Give me some tips. Thanks
Answer: Does this question belong in "dining out" or am I a creature from another universe?
Category: Philadelphia
Texas Teen Ben BREEDLOVE Posted Powerful Videos Before Christmas ...
A Texas teenager, Ben Breedlove, who cheated death three times despite a dangerous heart condition died on Christmas night from a heart attack, but not before posting ...
WHEELS; THE BLOG: Fossetts Land Speed Racer Is for Sale
Steve Fossett, the millionaire businessman and adventurer perhaps best known for circumnavigating the world nonstop in a hot air balloon, was preparing to break the absolute land speed record -- 763 miles per hour -- when he died. He was declared dead after the single-engine plane he was piloting disappeared over the east-central mountains of - By RICHARD S. CHANG
Want to buy a BREEDLOVE guitar, not sure what model to get?
I play alot of grunge, but have numbed down to alot of acoustic. Need a solid, high quality instrument that will last me a long time so i can focus more on playing. Thanks!
Answer: >>I play alot of grunge, but have numbed down to alot of acoustic.<<
Sorry, but I haven't the slightest idea what that means.
Breedlove is really two companies using the same brand name: cheaper guitars made in Asia, and expensive, much better guitars made in the USA. If you insist on getting a Breedlove, get one of the made in USA models. I prefer 000 and OM size acoustics but the choice is yours.
I happen to think it's foolish to decide on one brand before you've tried as many different brands and as many different guitars as you can. The made in USA Breedloves are wonderful guitars but so are McPherson, Collings, Santa Cruz, Goodall, and a few others.
Category: Other - Music
Ben BREEDLOVE, Teen Tells Heartbreaking Story Week Before Death
Ben Breedlove was an Austin teenager who had a popular YouTube channel ("OurAdvice4You") where he gave dating advice to viewers. He also had a life ...
Where can i download songs by BREEDLOVE?
where can i download free songs by Breedlove?
like: date with myself and love on the telephone.. etc..
Answer: Please use iTunes or similar legal buy-a-download site, unless the copyright owners of this music allow free download!
Category: Other - Music
Ben BREEDLOVE Obituary: View Ben BREEDLOVEs Obituary by Austin ...
Online obituary or death notice for Ben Breedlove. Read Ben Breedlove’s life story, offer tributes/condolences, send flowers or create a Ben Breedlove online memorial.
Kid Cudi responds to Ben BREEDLOVE’s video farewell shortly before teen fan died from heart condition
Rapper Kid Cudi "broke down" after seeing the two-part video posted on YouTube by an 18-year-old fan from Austin, Tex., who would die shortly afterward from a life-long heart condition. The teenager, Ben Breedlove, died on Christmas Day of a ...
Breedlove 25 of 1,396 profiles | See all profiles on LinkedIn » View Full Profile; Justin M. Breedlove Title Chief Operating Officer of Merchant ...
The official BREEDLOVE web
The official website of singer/songwriter/performance artist Breedlove
Kid Cudi, Ben BREEDLOVE: Rapper Responds To Fan's Death Of ...
Kid Cudi took to his blog the day after fan Ben Breedlove died from a heart attack to express his admiration for the Austin, Texas, teenager. The 18-year-old had a heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and ...
Orange County Sheriffs Office faces lawsuit for shooting man 22 times
The family of Torey Breedlove announced today that they are suing the Orange County Sheriffs for Breedloves death. Almost two years ago, deputies fired 137 shots at the suspected car thief, 22 of which hit him. Deputies claim that Breedlove was trying to ...
BREEDLOVE Foods Inc. - Dehydrated foods to feed a hungry world
A nonprofit organization that provides dehydrated food to other nonprofits for use in hunger-relief projects. Email newsletter, and nutritional and partner ...
Tim BREEDLOVE wins 2011 Builder of the Year award
Breedlove used these same skills to carve out new business niches for the Portland-based home builder, Renaissance Homes, helping establish the new Vintage product line which builds craftsman style homes on vacant lots in Portland’s most beloved ...
Tigers start tourney off with victory
Ray Solomon had six rebounds and five assists, Garrett Breedlove had five assists and Caleb Brannon added nine points. Coach Hendrix was really happy with the way his guards distributed the ball. “It is a really good thing (when they distribute the way ...
BREEDLOVE guitar | eBay
eBay: Breedlove guitar ... Mesa Boogi e Dual Recti fier 100 watt Guita r Amp Guita r Amp Head
U.S. Shifts, Giving Names of Detainees to the Red Cross
In a reversal of Pentagon policy, the military for the first time is notifying the International Committee of the Red Cross of the identities of militants who were being held in secret at a camp in Iraq and another in Afghanistan run by United States Special Operations forces, according to three military officials. The change begins to lift the - By ERIC SCHMITT; Mark Mazzetti contributed reporting.
how much is a basic BREEDLOVE acoustic guitar if you buy it new?
Answer: Unfortunately, Breedlove puts its name on both its Chinese-made cheapo imports and its American-made high quality fine acoustic guitars. The high-quality ones start around $2400 or so and go up sharply from there. The cheapos are $500 - $1000 or so.
Category: Performing Arts
How did Pecola BREEDLOVE change throughout the book "the bluest eye?"?
if possible give 3 examples please! :) any answers are welcome. thanks so much!
Answer: I have not read The Bluest Eye, but here are a few links I found that may help you with it.
Category: Books & Authors
Ben BREEDLOVE Heartbreaking Video « Outsider's Window Magazine
After cheating death three times, Ben Breedlove, 18, finally lost his life on Christmas night after suffering from a heart attack. He had a near death experience when he was four, fourteen and then less than a month ago. ...
Kid Cudi Reaction to Ben BREEDLOVE Death - YouTube Videos | Gossip Cop
Kid Cudi reacts to death of Ben Breedlove, the 18-year-old fan who shared a vision hed had of the rapper in a YouTube video just days before dying.
Ben BREEDLOVE, Teen Tells Heartbreaking Story Week Before Death
Ben Breedlove was an Austin teenager who had a popular YouTube channel ("OurAdvice4You") where he gave dating advice to viewers. He also had a life-threatening heart condition he fought every day growing up.
Cudi moved by tragic fans video
Kid Cudi has paid tribute to a fan who lost his battle with a heart disease on Christmas Day, calling the tragic teen a "real hero".Ben Breedlove suffered a fatal heart attack on Sunday (25Dec11) after a lifelong struggle with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
For a Longtime Forger, Adding One Last Touch
LAFAYETTE, La. -- This is expected to be a formality, one of the lawyers said, a simple affirmation of what has already been put on paper. The courtroom was mostly empty but for a few lawyers and federal agents and a handful of journalists and onlookers who had followed the case with cultish fascination. William Toye sat at the defendants table, - By CAMPBELL ROBERTSON
“This is my story”: Ben BREEDLOVE's astonishing testimony « The ...
“This is my story”: Ben Breedlove's astonishing testimony. Dec 29th, 2011 by Deacon Greg Kandra. The teenager died Christmas Day, just a week after making the brief videos below. Read more about his life here and here. But watch these ...
Are there any other guitars other than BREEDLOVE that use myrtle wood?
I find myrtlewood to be a great inbetween of Rosewood and Maple, But I cant find any other brand than B.L. that uses it as for tonewood
are there others than i dont know about
Why dont many guitar makers use this awesome tonewood?
Answer: There are several guitar makers that use Myrtle, but no commercial brands that I'm aware of. Most are smaller boutique luthiers. Check out
Luthiers, especially guitar makers, have a tendency to use what is available, and common for guitars. Maple, Mahogany, Rosewood, etc. Then you have the flashy and "in" woods like Koa, or Bubinga. Myrtle just hasn't had its time in the sun.
Category: Performing Arts
BREEDLOVE at Guitar Center.
Results 1 - 25 of 55 ... Breedlove at the guaranteed lowest price at
Kid Cudi responds to Ben BREEDLOVE's video farewell shortly before ...
6 hours ago ... Rapper Kid Cudi "broke down" after seeing the two-part video posted on YouTube by an 18-year-old fan from Austin, Tex., who would die ...
Kid Cudi responds to Ben BREEDLOVE’s video farewell shortly ...
Rapper Kid Cudi "broke down" after seeing the two-part video posted on YouTube by an 18-year-old fan from Austin, Tex., who would die shortly afterward ...
The official BREEDLOVE web
The official website of singer/songwriter/performance artist Breedlove.
Texas Teen Ben BREEDLOVE Posted Powerful Videos Before ...
1 day ago ... A Texas teenager who said he cheated death three times despite a dangerous heart condition died Christmas night from a heart attack, but not ...
Sheriffs Office Faces Lawsuit In BREEDLOVE Case
An attorney for Torey Breedloves estate has filed a lawsuit against the Orange County Sheriffs Office. Its been almost two years since Breedlove, 27, who was a suspect in a car theft, was shot by deputies with the Orange County Sheriffs ...
The Peanut Solution
Like most tales of great invention, the story of Plumpynut begins with a eureka moment, in this case involving a French doctor and a jar of Nutella, and proceeds through the stages of rejection, acceptance, evangelization and mass production. The product may not look like much -- a little foil packet filled with a soft, sticky substance -- but its - Andrew Rice is a contributing writer and author of The Teeth May Smile but the Heart Does Not Forget, about a Ugandan murder trial. - By ANDREW RICE
Video :: “This is My Story” by Ben BREEDLOVE – Texas teen with heart ...
Texas teen dies on Christmas but leaves an online message telling his story A Texas teenager who said he cheated death three times despite a dangerous.
BREEDLOVE & Associates | Making nanny taxes easy & affordable
Right at Home with Nanny Taxes. Breedlove families get it. Comprehensive household payroll & tax service since 1992.
She Doesnt Trust You? Blame the Testosterone
The glue that binds a human society together is trust. But people who trust others too much are likely to get taken for a ride. Both trust and distrust, it now seems, are influenced by hormones that can induce people to ratchet their feeling of trust up or down. The trust side of the equation is mediated by a brain hormone known as oxytocin. A soft - By NICHOLAS WADE
Teen Recalls Big Light in Videos Before Death
Ben Breedlove, 18, recounts years of battling his progressively worsening hypertrophic cardiomyopathy heart illness and... More
BOÎTE; Ludlow Manor - Boîte
HAVING savaged much of the Lower East Side, the weekend warriors who pack the area’s forgettable new clubs are surging southward. Their stronghold beneath Delancey Street might be Ludlow Manor, an entertainment triplex opened last month by Georgie Seville and Luc Carl, who appear to be cashing in their chips with this glammed-up behemoth. But - By BEN DETRICK
Whats a better brand, Seagull or BREEDLOVE?
Im looking for an acoustic/ electric guitar, and Im stuck between a Seagull Entourage or a Breedlove Passport
Category: Other - Music
Kid Cudi Mourns Death Of 18-Year-Old Fan Ben BREEDLOVE
Rap & Hip-Hop Music News, Videos, Lifestyle & Interviews -
Dying teens final video goes viral
Shortly before Christmas, teenager Ben Breedlove, creator of the YouTube channel BreedloveTV, posted a two-part video about his lifelong heart condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It was the high school seniors most serious video and would prove to be his last.
An article on Tuesday about the role of testosterone in gauging trustworthiness misstated the university affiliation of two scientists who recently wrote a commentary about research on the subject. The scientists, Ryan T. Johnson and S. Marc Breedlove, are from Michigan State University, not the University of Michigan.
Kid Cudi 'Broke Down' Over Fan Ben BREEDLOVE's Death - Music ...
6 hours ago ... Kid Cudi "broke down" over the Christmas Day death of 18-year-old fan Ben Breedlove, who posted YouTube videos about his heart condition.
Ben BREEDLOVE's message - TigerHawk
TigerHawk. TigerHawk (ti*ger*hawk): n. 1. The title of this blog and the nom de plume of its founding blogger; 2. A deep bow to the Princeton Tigers and the Iowa Hawkeyes; 3. The nickname for Iowa's Hawkeye logo. ...
Guitars including Electric and Acoustic Guitars |
Breedlove Master Class C25 Custom Bearclaw Spruce/Brazilian Rosewood Acoustic Guitar . GLP $6,299.00. Compare. Breedlove American Series C25/SRe, ...
Ben BREEDLOVE: This is my story | The Right Scoop
Kid Cudi responded to the video: Iam so sad about Ben Breedlove. I watched the video he left for the world to see, and him seeing me in detail, in his vision really ...
Community Briefing: Cities issue fireworks warnings; Austin officer fires at fleeing truck
The funeral for Ben Breedlove, who was 18 and a senior at Westlake High School, will be at Gateway Church, 7104 McNeil Drive, at 3 p.m., said his father, Shawn Breedlove. A live webcast of the service will be streamed at
RT @ASimien: Yes I believe in Angels & God. Ben Breedloves story will touch your heart RIP Ben 12/25/11 via @youtube
From: bgrammy - Source: Tweet Button
RIP Ben Breedlove. <3
From: ohsnapitslexi7 - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @tayloorjohnson: Rest in peace Ben Breedlove, everyone should watch his videos on YouTube, so touching <3
From: imadeyousmilee - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @KimKardashian: Dont take life 4 granted. So moved by Ben Breedloves video. Ben- I hope u find that peace u remember in heaven
From: MaryySmiles - Source: web
RT @peoplemag: Kid Cudi Responds to YouTube Teen Ben Breedloves Death.
From: Meghan_Noble - Source: HootSuite
RT @MOBN_: RIP Ben Breedlove
From: MrJeeb206 - Source: Twitter for Android
Wow, this boy named Ben Breedlove died, but he left behind heartwarming videos on his YouTube. Read his story at:
From: cheyinza - Source: web
RT @LatinRoberto: This Is My Story" - Ben Breedlove Flash Card Video [Part 1 & 2] via @youtube you must watchh this!
From: sarasolimani - Source: Tweet Button
RT @malditaternura: Antes de morir el 24 de un mal del corazón a los 18, Ben Breedlove dejó resuelto enigma de la muerte en bellísimo video
From: LeylaZavaleta - Source: web
This boy stole my heart. <3 #RIP Ben Breedlove
From: KeilaMorales91 - Source: web
Free MONEY FROM nfl redzone calling 1-877-278-5771 Opt 1 Ben Breedlove #2011RemindedMe Helloo Liam Regular Show NYE Tommy Rees NYE
From: DixieCorbie2307 - Source: Mobile Web
My sister just showed me a story about Ben Breedlove and it brought me too tears #inspired
From: SkylarRicker94 - Source: web
rest in peace with your angels Ben Breedlove. <3
From: claudetttexo - Source: web
R.i.P. Ben Breedlove
From: Petersbilly - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @KimKardashian: Dont take life 4 granted. So moved by Ben Breedloves video. Ben- I hope u find that peace u remember in heaven
From: iJada1 - Source: web