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One week to go until IOWA CAUCUS - CBS News Video
1 day ago ... CBS News video: One week to go until Iowa caucus - Republican presidential candidates are back campaigning with one week to go until the ...
The Peoples Caucus To Protest Iowa Voting : NPR
Occupy Wall Street-style protesters in Des Moines, Iowa, are making plans to camp out at the headquarters of presidential candidates and disrupt campaign ...
Republican Candidates Cram in Events With Voters Before Break for the Holidays
ALGONA, Iowa -- The Republican candidates for president logged hundreds of highway miles on Saturday as they stepped up contact with voters before a forced interruption for the holidays next week. Late Saturday evening, Mitt Romney earned the endorsement of The Des Moines Register, the states largest newspaper, which praised his sobriety, wisdom - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR; Ashley Parker contributed reporting from Charleston, S.C., Trip Gabriel from Washington, and Katharine Q. Seelye from New York.
Each of the six major candidates vying to win the Iowa Republican caucus will campaign across Iowa leading up to Jan. 3. The Des Moines Register asked experts to ...
As IOWA CAUCUS Nears, Much Is Still Up in the Air -
1 day ago ... With a little over a week to go, it is an unusually fluid contest, with various factors that could tip the scales in favor of one or another candidate.
IOWA CAUCUSes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Iowa caucuses are an electoral event in which residents of the U.S. state of Iowa meet in precinct caucuses in all of Iowas 1,784 precincts and elect delegates ...
Rick Santorum Fights To Contend In IOWA CAUCUS 2012
MASON CITY, Iowa — Rick Santorum isn't going down without a fight. In fact, that fight might be lifting him up.
A week away, IOWA CAUCUS winner still anyones guess -
The Iowa caucuses are one week away — and if you’re looking for clarity in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, you’ve come to the wrong ...
POLITICAL MEMO; Ads Attacking Gingrich Suspended for Holidays
WASHINGTON — Santa Claus is bringing a very special present for Newt Gingrich this weekend: a bit of relief. The independent “super PAC” supporting Mitt Romney ’s campaign, which has run some of the most brutal attack ads against Mr. Gingrich, has said it will stop broadcasting them on Saturday and Sunday, Christmas Eve and - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR
HowStuffWorks "Why is the IOWA CAUCUS so important?"
The Iowa caucus is one of the most important events in the presidential election process. Find out what the Iowa caucus is and why the Iowa caucus is important.
what exactly is a causus? How many democrats can actually run during the presidential election?
aaahh so if hillary loses in iowa she cannot run for president?? Why does Iowas have all the say?
Answer: Well we didn't use to have republican caucus now everything is going from having primaries to a caucus.
Category: Elections
IOWA CAUCUSes - Atlantic magazine rebuttal
We may credit Stephen Bloom and the Atlantic magazine to give the Iowa caucuses even more attention than normal. Obviously Mr. Bloom’s description of Iowa was more like Alice in Wonderland than reality. Then Mr. Buttry and the Atlantic magazine felt the ...
The Most Ironic IOWA CAUCUSes Ever?
Ron Paul continues to lead PPP’s polling for the GOP caucuses in the Hawkeye State: The last week and a half has brought little change in the standings for the Iowa Republican caucus: Ron Paul continues to lead Mitt Romney by a modest margin ...
Rick Santorum Claims Momentum Ahead Of IOWA CAUCUS 2012
INDEPENDENCE, Iowa -- Republican hopeful Rick Santorum is claiming momentum heading into the Iowa caucuses. The former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania mingled with 25 people at a diner in Independence, Iowa, and ...
Occupy the Caucus Is Ready to Go in Iowa -
DES MOINES — As the Republican presidential candidates make their final pleas to voters across Iowa, a local offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street protests ...
What does my participation in the IOWA CAUCUS mean to my candidate?
Why is the Iowa caucus so important? Are there any other caucus states? If so, why is so little emphasis placed upon the other states? Lastly, how long should I anticipate being at the caucus?
Answer: Iowa's caucuses are important because they are the first to be held in the nation during each Presidential election cycle. They are the candidates' first opportunity to gauge their level of approval or popularity among voters. oh the time it takes is between 60 to 90 min. you have to stay till its over with. make sure you are there by 7pm. doors open here at 6:30. if you are not there by 7..than you can't participate
Category: Elections
POLITICAL MEMO; G.O.P. Hopefuls Sidestep Payroll Tax Fight
DES MOINES — The wounds may have healed from his ferocious budget battles with the last Democratic president, but Newt Gingrich ’s memory is vivid. And he believes one lesson still holds true about the fights between Congress and the White House: presidents generally win. It was with that sentiment in mind on Wednesday that Mr. Gingrich - By JEFF ZELENY
IOWA CAUCUS 2012: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich ...
Mitt Romney swept into Iowa on Tuesday ahead of next week's presidential caucuses, looked past his Republican rivals and accused President Barack Obama of "misguided policies and weak leadership" in the White House.
1 hour ago ... In Iowa, Romney tries to separate from rivals · No comments Ed ... 27: Emotional heartstrings, weather may determine Iowa caucus winner ...
what is the relevance of the IOWA CAUCUS?
not too familiar with the term....does the winner of Iowa caucus win the states sponsership for presidential running for each party? Does every state have a caucus other words, is this how we determine the presidential nominee for each party?
Answer: Here are some basic facts about Iowa caucus which you may be looking for :
By The Associated Press
Wed Jan 2, 2:03 PM ET
Some questions and answers about the Iowa caucuses this Thursday:
Q: What is a caucus?
A: A party meeting at the precinct level at which citizens express their candidate preferences and pick delegates to their county conventions. It's the lowest level of party politics — the real grassroots. These meetings, held in each of the state's nearly 1,800 precincts, typically draw anywhere from a handful of people in rural areas to hundreds in suburban areas.
Q: Who takes part?
A: Anyone who is old enough to vote in the November general election and is a member of the party is eligible, but traditionally only a small number of Iowans show up. This year, about 120,000 to 150,000 people are expected to vote in the Democratic caucuses, while 80,000 to 90,000 are likely to participate in the GOP contest.
Q: Why is it politically significant?
A: Persuading a group of average citizens to show up in support of a candidate is considered a sign of organizational strength. Each candidate courts politicians and activists at the state and local level in hopes of getting strong numbers of supporters to show up and participate. At the same time, the caucus system allows candidates to develop and hone their message before relatively small groups.
Q: What happens at a caucus?
A: Participants, led by a chairman or chairwoman, indicate their preferences for their party's presidential nomination, pick delegates to their county conventions and discuss party business, including their party platforms.
Q: What happens next?
A: Delegates chosen at the caucuses go to the county convention later in the year. There, the field is winnowed and delegates are chosen for the district convention. This happens again at district meetings and again at the state convention, where delegates are named to attend the party's national convention.
Q: Why are the numbers different?
A: The Republicans essentially hold a straw poll — a head count — at their precinct caucuses, reporting real numbers. One head, one vote.
The Democrats do not report straight numbers, but use a mathematical formula to determine support for a presidential candidate in percentages. A candidate must have the support of 15 percent of those present at any meeting, precinct caucuses through the state convention, to remain "viable." This is meant to ensure greater consistency throughout the process.
Q: Will there be exit polls in Iowa?
A: Yes. The Associated Press and the television networks will survey voters as they enter the caucus sites. Those surveys will help readers understand what issues and qualities motivated Iowans to vote for a specific candidate.
Q: How did the Iowa caucuses get started?
A: A commission appointed after the riots disrupted the 1968 Democratic National Convention recommended proportionate representation and affirmative action. Iowa Democrats decided to use new rules in 1972, adopting a regulation that there must be a month between events — the caucuses, county, district, state and national conventions. The caucuses wound up being held as early as January.
Category: Elections
Iowa Caucasus: A Colossal Waste of Time
I’ve always considered the Iowa caucus a speed bump on the road to picking a president—the place where televangelist Pat Robertson beat George H.W. Bush, and it was won last time by President Mike Huckabee. My suspicions were confirmed when ...
Can Ron Paul win the IOWA CAUCUSes? | IOWA CAUCUSes
WASHINGTON, IA. — Don’t tell Matt Winter that Ron Paul’s surge in Iowa is bad for the state’s cherished Republican caucuses. “Whether or not you ...
An IOWA CAUCUS primer: How the process works - Political Hotsheet ...
Between 80,000 to 150,000 Iowans are expected to head to their local precincts Jan. 3 to participate in the quirky caucus Read more by Scott Conroy on CBS ...
IOWA CAUCUS Polls: Ron Paul And Mitt Romney Lead, But Surprises Likely
WASHINGTON -- With the Iowa caucuses just seven days away, attention now turns to polls of Iowas likely caucus-goers, the most important measure of the ...
IOWA CAUCUS 2012: Occupy Protesters Plan To Disrupt GOP ...
By RYAN J. FOLEY and MIKE GLOVER, The Associated Press DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Already they have interrupted Michele Bachmann and drawn a withering putdown from Newt Gingrich as "all noise, no thought."
Iowa caucus site is providing information on the Iowa caucuses and events that will take place up to and during the events surounding the nomination process ...
Was the new hampshire primary and IOWA CAUCUS the equivalent of white only primaries?
when Blacks first got the right to vote, the white-only primary served was established so that, though Black people could vote, they were not a part of choosing the candidates.
Was the New Hampshire primary and Iowa caucus the equivalent of that. Will those states loose influence now that California has moved thier primary up?
Answer: No. You're more than welcome to move there. What do you have against white people?
Category: Elections
Is the IOWA CAUCUS as unfair as it sounds on the news?
Whats the reason for the Iowa caucus?! Why cant everyone get to vote for a candidate at the same time. It seems terribly unfair that Iowa gets to decide first, whats so special about Iowa?? Shouldnt every American get one vote during the same time frame to make it an accurate depiction of who Republicans and Democrats want as their candidate for president? This will be the first primary that I can vote in and it is driving me crazy that some group of people in Iowa have such a huge effect on who I will get to vote for!
Answer: They have used the caucus as their primary since becoming a state in 1846. I don't care how they go about deciding who their candidates are. But it is wrong and unfair to the rest of the nation that such a small state which is not even representative of our population, has such an impact on who the rest of the country get to select from.
Florida moved their primary to January 28th and the DNC has decided to not let their delegates vote. There is something seriously wrong with our process and it need to be addressed and corrected. We should all have primaries on the same day, just like we do the general elections.
Category: Elections
2012 Primary Schedule « 2012 Election Central
January 3, 2012, Iowa (caucus). January 10, 2012, New Hampshire (primary). January 21, 2012, South Carolina (primary). January 31, 2012, Florida (primary) ...
THE CAUCUS; Palin Hints at Jumping Into the Race
Just as the Republican presidential field is looking particularly unsettled, Sarah Palin is back in the news. Ms. Palin told Fox Business Networks Follow the Money on Monday night that it was not too late for folks to jump into the race, according to The Associated Press. Such folks remained unnamed. It was not clear whether Ms. Palin, - Caucus column; Sarah Palin states in a television appearance that it is not too late for candidates to jump into the Republican presidential race, fueling speculation that she may still be considering a run. Photo (M) - By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE
Who Should I Support During the IOWA CAUCUS?
Its coming up this Thursday. Its going to be happening all across Iowa. As the first caucus of the New Year, it will be a very important event. I am currently deciding between John Edwards and Hillary Clinton. I am not really for Barack Obama but not totally against him.
If you could include details about why I should pick a certain candidate, that would be great. Thank you.
I do not need to be told who to support. Just a little push would be helpful.
Answer: Hillary. She'll beat whomever the Republicans nominate. In poll after poll, she beats every Republican in the race. And she'll attract new voters. Polls have shown that 24% of Republican women are likely to defect in support of Hillary if she becomes the nominee. And 94% of *young* women polled said they would be more likely to VOTE if Hillary were the nominee.
She's a dedicated public servant with a 35-year record of fighting for children and families, fighting for working people, and fighting for a better future for all.
Finally, she's ready to lead from Day One. The Clinton team gave America its most prosperous and peaceful decade in history, and it's up to us now to ensure that we don't blow the opportunity to have another such decade.
So I hope you're an Iowan, and are eligible to participate in Thursday's caucus. (You must become 18 before the general election in November to do so, if you're not already that age.)
Looking for forward for your vote for Hillary!
Category: Elections
2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will campaign in Iowa ... No comments Contributed content. 2012 presidential race
Occupy Iowa protesters set to occupy campaign headquarters
The Peoples Caucus was a gathering of Occupy Iowa protestors, and protestors from Occupy Oakland, St. Louis, Wall Street and various places, trying to get organized so they could occupy effectively during the Iowa caucuses. Of the 100 people, 30 signed up ...
IOWA CAUCUS counting moved due to 'Occupy Caucus' concerns ...
Iowa's Republican party will count this year's caucus results at a secret location in response to security concerns, according to multiple reports. The Occupy Caucus movement, organized by Occupy Wall Street protesters in the ...
Paul Holds Slim Lead in Iowa Ahead of Caucuses
With less than a week to go until the Iowa caucuses, Texas Rep. Ron Paul holds a slim lead over his Republican presidential rivals in the Hawkeye state, according to a new poll. The congressman attracts 24 percent support from likely caucus ...
Occupy Wall Street-style protesters in Des Moines, Iowa, are making plans to camp out at the headquarters of presidential candidates and disrupt campaign ...
THE CAUCUS; Perry, the Governor, Becomes a Retiree
3:15 p.m. | Updated Gov. Rick Perry of Texas has been beating the drum about cutting the pay of Congress in half -- or by 75 percent under one plan -- a proposal that has become a cornerstone of his presidential campaign platform. But he boosted his own taxpayer-financed compensation by about 60 percent this year, Jay Root at The Texas Tribune - By RICHARD A. OPPEL JR.
6 candidates set off on Iowa sprint as caucuses’ outcome remains ...
With a week to go before the Iowa caucuses, six candidates are in a sprint to win a contest that leading strategists say is up for grabs.
What happens exactly at the IOWA CAUCUS, and why do we care? Why do the candidates care?
Who is allowed to attend? Who manages the caucus? How long does it last? Any decisions made? Anything irreversible happen at the Iowa caucus? How is it different from a court proceeding? What are the incentives at work?
Discuss? Who leads the discussions? Is it like a court proceeding?
Answer: During the caucuses, people gather, discuss and vote. That is the first state for voting, and the winner may carry the momentum (winning), with more additional money from doners, to other states. For example, if obama and edward lose iowa to hillary, they may start packing.
Category: Elections
Iowa GOP explains moving vote tabulation away from HQ
... on how the caucus votes are tallied in the individual precincts after the jump Caucus goers assemble in their individual precincts. There are 1774 in Iowa. When the time comes for the Presidential preference poll, individuals are allowed to speak and ...
Why is the IOWA CAUCUS so important? Why do presidental candidates campain so heavily in Iowa?
Also, what is the diference, besides location, between the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary?
Answer: It is one of the first states that votes in the primaries. It sets the tone for the election. If you do well in Iowa, it is a good indication that you will do well overall. I was encouraged to see that my boy Edwards was leading Hillary right now in Iowa....sweet.
Category: Politics
Can anyone stop Ron Paul from winning Iowa?
The Iowa caucuses may very well be Ron Pauls to lose. Six days before the GOP presidential nomination contest officially begins with the critical Jan. 3 caucuses, a new Public Policy Polling survey shows the Texas libertarian maintaining his pole position.
The IOWA CAUCUSes: A media game -
(CNN)-- As youre being inundated with wall-to-wall coverage of the Iowa caucuses this week, keep the following number in mind: zero. The quest for the GOP ...
Candidates Return to Campaign Trail With Just A Week to IOWA CAUCUSes
Elections - POLITICS Candidates Return to Campaign Trail With Just A Week to Iowa caucuses. Published December 26, 2011 |
why is the IOWA CAUCUS of 2012 so impotant?
why is the Iowa caucus of 2012 so impotant?
Answer: I think the Democrat caucuses in Iowa (when there is no incumbent) are more important to Democrats, as far as setting a trend or sparking a candidates lead, than the GOP caucus. Iowa Republicans tend to be more socially conservative, than most other states. Bachmann, Perry, Cain will do far better there, than in NH, Florida, Nevada. Whereas Iowa Democrats range from very far left, to mildly conservative, and have a broader range of voters
Otherwise, unlike primaries where you simply vote for candidates, caucuses allow for party platform debates, electing delegates to the conventions, and are more like town hall meetings, than primaries are They give the party an idea of what party members want and expect from their candidates
Category: Government
Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney to Step up Offensive Ahead ...
Just eight days away from the Iowa caucus, Republican candidates are taking their campaigns to the Hawkeye state hunting for votes. Rick Santorum will start it off ...
IOWA CAUCUS Predictions - The Ulsterman Report
The support for Congressman Paul is now a significant and integral part of the Iowa caucus. While some of that support may be coming from Democrats attempting to game the outcome, and who have no intention of actually ...
Santorum surge: Underdog candidates push for surprise IOWA CAUCUS win
Rick Santorum appears to be surging at just the right moment, with a new poll showing him rising swiftly into third place among likely attendees at the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3. For the former US senator from Pennsylvania, its confirmation that ...
As IOWA CAUCUS Nears, Much Is Still Up in the Air
DES MOINES — Mitt Romney and his allies are making an assertive final push this week to increase his chances of a strong finish in the Iowa caucuses, the outcome of which could help determine the length of the Republican presidential nominating battle. Any questions about whether Mr. Romney is playing to win in Iowa will be dispelled in the - By JEFF ZELENY
Just days before IOWA CAUCUSes, GOP presidential field is still unsettled
Des Moines, Iowa (CNN)-- Forget all of the complaints about the Iowa caucuses. It may be good for everyone else that the Hawkeye State is going first. With a week and counting until the caucuses on January 3, one of the states top Republican ...
The IOWA CAUCUS Procedure | RedState
Ever wanted to know what the Iowa caucuses are like? The IA-GOP sent out this statement to give you an idea: · All caucus participants arrive at.
I understand what a caucus is, but...
Is there only one?
Why Iowa? I really dont think Iowa is a good representation of America. So why is it held there?
Answer: It is held there because that is how Iowa selects its delegates to the respective national conventions and the state decided to have it in early January. There are other states that use the caucus method. The winner of Iowa rarely goes on to win the nomination anyway (B. Clinton only got 2% in 1992), so I wouldn't read too much into these results.
Category: Elections
Poll: U.S. Republican Romney tops Iowa, Santorum surges
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney has clinched a lead in the Iowa caucuses vote next week and Rick Santorum is surging, according to a new poll commissioned by CNN and Time magazine. Romney, the former ...
Rivals Mount Tough Attacks On Gingrich in Volatile Race
A furious and sustained barrage of criticism aimed at Newt Gingrich appears to be reshaping the volatile Republican nomination contest once again with just two weeks left before voters begin weighing in. Attack ads are blanketing Iowa, fueled by millions of dollars from his rivals and a group supporting Mitt Romney. Mailboxes are filling up with - Furious and sustained barrage of criticism aimed at Newt Gingrich appears to be reshaping the volatile Republican presidential primary race once again; latest surveys suggest that Gingrichs lead, strong in early December, has all but evaporated, opening up the contest again and highlighting once more the fickle search among conservatives for an alternative to Mitt Romney. Graph, Photos (M) - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and JEREMY W. PETERS; Trip Gabriel contributed reporting.
Do people realize the IOWA CAUCUS really is a false indicator?
The Gop Iowa caucus really is a false indicator of what the views really are on the national stage. For all of you new voters whether you be young or old do your research. In the past 5 years how many Gop caucus winners actually became President? Iowa is a side pony show, New Hampshire and the following states a week later will most likely vote for the the Gop candidate that will most likely be the Nominee.
Past 5 presidential elections*
Answer: In the past five years, we've only had one Presidential election.
President Bush won the Iowa straw poll, as well as the Caucus, he later served eight treacherous years as President.
I'm sorry, I didn't see your edit, until now.
Category: Civic Participation
Rick Santorum Claims Momentum Ahead Of IOWA CAUCUS 2012
9 hours ago ... INDEPENDENCE, Iowa -- Republican hopeful Rick Santorum is claiming momentum heading into the Iowa caucuses. The former U.S. senator ...
when are the results for the IOWA CAUCUS announced?
the Iowa caucus is tomorrow, so when can we know the official results? also, is there a way to find out estimates of the iowa votes before the final results are anounced?
Answer: The result of the Iowa caucus is announced on the same day because the voting system is very simple - just counting the raising of hands to determine who is the winner.
Category: Elections
Pauls Ground Game, in Place Since 08, Gives Him an Edge
ANKENY, Iowa -- It was four years ago that Ross Witt, a soft-spoken electrical engineer at John Deere, overcame his natural discomfort with knocking on hundreds of his neighbors doors during dinnertime as a precinct coordinator for Ron Pauls campaign. But when Mr. Paul dropped out of the national race in June 2008, Mr. Witt did not stop, because, - Ron Pauls built-in networks of loyal backers established during his 2008 presidential bid have given the Republican candidate a decisive organizational advantage in 2012 election; analysts say years of groundwork are an important reason that some polls show Paul within striking distance of victory in the Iowa caucuses; Pauls backers are diverse, ranging from college students enthusiastic about his antiwar stance to conservative populists who are suspicious of Wall Street. Photos (M) - By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.
Conversion Narrative, IOWA CAUCUS Edition
Rick Perry is getting grief for his conversion on the proverbial road to Dubuque -- announcing this week that he now opposes abortion even in the case of rape or incest, not because he is desperately appealing to evangelical voters in the Iowa ...
Occupy Protesters in Iowa Respect State’s Powerbroker Role
DES MOINES — For the people who say they speak for Iowa’s 99 percent, protecting their state’s status as a political power broker is paramount. They might be disgusted with both parties and angry about how, they say, corporate money has degraded the democratic process. But they want to keep their state’s outsize influence on - By SARAH WHEATONand STEVEN YACCINO
Mackowiak: Scenarios for the 2012 IOWA CAUCUSes
The 2012 Republican presidential primary campaign has been the most volatile and least predictable campaign in my lifetime. In spite of this, I see several potential scenarios in the early states, all subject to change at any moment. We are now close to ...
Who should I vote for in the IOWA CAUCUS?
Im an Iowa Democrat. The caucus is in three days, but I still havent made up my mind who to vote for. If anybody can convince me to vote for their candidate, the candidate gets a vote and you get 10 points.
Answer: I live in Louisiana, and I hope you all vote for Barack Obama. I saw his wife Michelle on CSPAN today and was inspired by her speech. I felt that she spoke from her heart when she talked about her husband's aspirations for our country. She stated that when he first started talking about running for president she didn't want him to, but then she took a long look at the man who was her husband and could clearly see what he could accomplish as president. She thought of her children and imagined what he could do for everyone's children.
I had already decided to vote for him if he became the Democratic candidate. I voted for Bush twice--so you can imagine what an about-face this was for me, but after reading Obama's book, I couldn't wait for the opportunity to vote for him.
I feel like Obama's is an unlikely success story. He has overcome great odds to get where he is today. This speaks to me of his strength and determination. He impresses me as a man of strong will and energy. I think he can get some of the things done that he says he will do.
I hope this helps you in making a decision. Whatever you do, don't stay home on January 3. Happiness and prosperity in the New Year!
Category: Elections
Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus
RCP Poll Average Iowa Republican Presidential Caucus: 22.7: Paul +1.7: 21.0: Romney : 14.3: Gingrich : 12.0: Perry : 9.0: Bachmann : 7.7: Santorum
What Exactly Happens At The IOWA CAUCUS?
This is the first Presidential election that I have been following closely. However, I am still not quite sure what happens at a Caucus, such as the Iowa Cuacus that is coming up this week. I am curious to know what exactly happens at a Cuacus and how is it relevent to the Presidential election? Thank you very much!
Answer: You should go to hillary's official website to see the guide to the caucus voting system.
It appears that under that system, voters in groups will gather at a public place (e.g., gym of a school), debate about merits of candidate and then vote, in the presence of a person in charge. This may take a couple of hours, and not all people can afford to attend, e.g. hospital doctors or firemen.
Category: Elections
IOWA CAUCUSes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Iowa caucuses are an electoral event in which residents of the U.S. state of Iowa meet in precinct caucuses in all of Iowa's 1784 precincts and elect ...
Four Cheers for Starting the Presidential Campaign in Iowa
Iowa’s first-in-the nation presidential caucuses are almost here, raising, yet again, lots of discussion about whether it’s the best—or even a good—place to start the nomination process. But Iowa is a centrally located and balanced ...
Did you know that Clinton came in 3rd in IOWA CAUCUS?
Yes, Bill Clinton came in third in the 1992 Iowa caucus.
Answer: so did carter , and first bush 0.o
tells you how much you should care about shitty IOWA
Category: Elections
Can anyone tell me what is so big about the Iowa caucus as opposed to other caucuses?
Answer: It occurs first. That's it's only claim to fame.
Category: Elections
Occupy activists meet in Iowa, plan caucus events
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Already they have interrupted Michele Bachmann and drawn a withering putdown from Newt Gingrich as "all noise, no thought." Now, to the dismay of Iowa Republicans, Occupy activists in Des Moines are vowing to expand their protests ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Separation of Newt and State
WASHINGTON Just when you thought Newt couldn’t get any more grandiose, he leaps in to save freedom of religion in the most religiously free place on earth. On his Web site Tuesday, he urgently vowed to establish a White House commission “On Day One” of his presidency (heaven forefend) “to examine and document threats or - By MAUREEN DOWD
The IOWA CAUCUS Procedure
Ever wanted to know what the Iowa caucuses are like? The IA-GOP sent out this statement to give you an idea: · All caucus participants arrive at their precincts where they will sign in at the door upon arrival. Caucuses will begin at 7:00PM CT ...
IOWA CAUCUS 2012 Countdown: Live Updates From The Hawkeye ...
All eyes are on the Hawkeye State as candidates competing for the Republican presidential nomination campaign for support ahead of the 2012 Iowa caucuses.
The IOWA CAUCUS Will Begin to Thin the GOP Field - The Daily Beast
We are now (finally) down to single digits in the number of days before the Iowa caucuses. In spite of all the research and analysis into what the caucuses ...
"This is going to be so much fun," Romney says to North Liberty, Iowa, crowd. "Why dont we just caucus right now?"
From: mviser - Source: TweetDeck
Mitt Romney leads Iowa in new Poll #Iowa #Romney #p2 #p2b #tcot
From: yodasworld - Source: Tweet Button
RT @LCranston1939: Mother Jones - #Occupy Protesters Arrested Outside Romneys Iowa Headquarters #ows #p2
From: Anony_Mia - Source: Plume
Mother Jones - #Occupy Protesters Arrested Outside Romneys Iowa Headquarters #ows #p2
From: LCranston1939 - Source: Plume
RT @BreakingNews: New poll shows Romney on top with likely Iowa GOP caucus attendees; Gingrich fading, Santorum on the rise - @CNN
From: batsay - Source:
MPR: In Iowa, Obama toils while GOP roars, then departs: Next Tuesdays Republican caucus has dominated politica...
From: MPPQuickHits - Source: twitterfeed
Like he did with @THEHermanCain, Hugh Hewitt is declaring the Gingrich campaign DOA before Iowa caucus. At least Hughs consistent.
From: WyattSYLG - Source: Twitter for Android
Phillip Kayser, Ron Paul Endorser, Called For Executing Homosexuals Under ...: Paul has had one of the more pro-...
From: CommonComrades - Source: twitterfeed
replied to Johns comment: its still an open ball game. Ron Paul could win but if he does not you CAN NOT claim...
From: holyjoerock - Source: Yahoo!
RT @raypride: Fearful Iowa GOP To Move Its Caucus Ballot-Counting To "Undisclosed Location"
From: buzztwang - Source: HootSuite
Iowa GOP Borrowing Cheneys Undisclosed Location for Caucus Ballot-Counting from @firedoglake
From: progressivecat - Source: Tweet Button
Santorum surge: Underdog candidates push for surprise Iowa caucus win: Setup will be at 6 pm; registration at ...
From: hanschristense1 - Source: twitterfeed
Santorum surge: Underdog candidates push for surprise Iowa caucus win: Setup will be at 6 pm; registration at ...
From: leegeorge1 - Source: twitterfeed
Santorum surge: Underdog candidates push for surprise Iowa caucus win: Setup will be at 6 pm; registration at ...
From: AdrianRocco - Source: twitterfeed
Santorum surge: Underdog candidates push for surprise Iowa caucus win: Setup will be at 6 pm; registration at ...
From: oliviairel - Source: twitterfeed