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Best Tasting Jell-O Shot Recipes
Oct 29, 2009 ... Previously, we investigated the strongest possible Jell-O shot and showed that a Jell-O shot can, in fact, be lit on fire. The reader response to ...
SHAKEN AND STIRRED; A Bolt of Lightning In an Everyday Glass
A LOT of people will tell you that Long Island iced tea exists to waste you. Exclusively. The drink, attributed to a bartender named Robert C. Butt at the Oak Beach Inn in Hampton Bays in the 1970s, has in it every white liquor you can think of -- vodka, gin, rum and tequila. Its a frat party in a glass. College students love it. Its right up - Shaken and Stirred column on Park Avalons version of Long Island Iced Tea; recipe; photo (M) - By WILLIAM L. HAMILTON
Gelatin dessert - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A gelatin shot (usually called a Jell-O shot in North America and vodka jelly or jelly shot in the UK and Australia) is a shooter in which liquor, usually vodka, rum, ...
What kind of jello should I use with this kind of alcohol for JELLO SHOTS?
I have dark Bacardi Rum, and Gin with a tiny bit of grape juice in it because we didnt think wed end up using it for Jello shots. THEY ARE NOT MIXED. Rum is in one bottle and gin is in another
Anyways, this is the first time weve made Jello shots and we want them to be good tasting. What kind of jello do you think would be good?
Please help, lots of love ♥
Why should I not use gin?
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
How many boxes of jello will I need for 250 JELLO SHOTS?
I am making 250 Jello shots. The cups will be 1 1/2 or 2 oz. I will be using liquor instead of cold water. Any suggestions on what type of cups, how many boxes and how much liquor Ill need?
Answer: You still have to do partial boiling water to dissolve the gelatin ....then add the cold alcohol!
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Thirsty Thursday: Champagne JELLO SHOTS | Clare Cooks!
champagne Jello shots. Make these. Make them right now! Seriously, you need these at your New Year's party. Everyone will love them. They can also make a cheap (and easy!) addition to any party. You don't need to use ...
How to Make JELLO SHOTS |
Although you may associate Jello shots with wild college parties, theres no steadfast rule saying you cant have a little fun at your own party with them. Jello ...
THE POP LIFE; Bluegrass, One Big Party
Bluegrass musicians have a few distinct advantages over those in other genres. They have a strong, genuine link to their past and respect for their elders. They still rely heavily on the oral tradition, getting together frequently to exchange licks and tunes. Their ranks are constantly swelling: for most people it is not enough to be a fan of - Neil Strauss reports on International Bluegrass Music Assn convention and fan fest held in Louisville, Ky; photo (M) - By Neil Strauss
Get the Best Jello Shot Recipe for Your Memorable Party! - KegWorks
Best Jello Shot Recipes for All Occasions! Easy Jello Shot Recipe and Tip Section is Printable and Easy to Follow. Serve the Best Jello shots at Your Next Event and ...
How To Make JELLO SHOTS For Your Party
The New Unique & Exciting Way to Make Jello shots. Create the perfect Jello shots that will have them talking about your party for weeks
How long can JELLO SHOTS last without refrigeration?
My friend is throwing a Halloween party and Im in charge of Jello shots. The only problem is I live an hour away from her. I highly doubt the shots will go bad that quick, but will they be okay that long without being cold? I plan on using cheap vodka, vanilla vodka, and rum in the shots. Im debating on whether Ill show up to her house early and make them or if I should make them at my house where they can at least be refrigerated for a day.
Answer: I think Jello shots go bad as soon as the box is open.
If you just have to make them then buy a cooler and some ice. Personally, I'd just bring a bottle of vodka and tell people if they want jello then go ask Bill Cosby.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
How do I make JELLO SHOTS easier to come out of the cups?
How do I make Jello shots easier to come out of the cups? I am making Jello shots, but everytime they get really hard to come out from the little cups. Is there anything that would make them come off easier?
Answer: Sit the cups in a little hot water just before you try and dislodge them. This slightly melts the edge jello and allows the whole thing to slip out.
Category: Other - Food & Drink
Cook~Love~Craft: 11 JELLO SHOTS to Bring in the New Year!
Cocktails are an absolute must have at any New Year's Eve celebration and what better way to serve them up than in super cool looking Jello shots?!? Find the links to these jello shot recipes by clicking on pictures. ...
10 Great Gay Bars in Orange County (and Long Beach)
On weekends, the go-go dancers and Jello shots come out for a truly fun and unforgettable evening--which you might even remember the next morning. 1800 E. Broadway, Long Beach, (562) 590-8773;
How many JELLO SHOTS will it take to get drunk?
If it takes me about just over a 1/4 of a 26 to get drunk how many Jello shots will that be ?
Answer: You probably shouldn't drive after six/seven depending on your sex and weight.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
What do you do if JELLO SHOTS are still liquid and not jello?
I made Jello shots about 6 hours ago and they are still liquid what do i do to make them jello.
Answer: You probably used too much alcohol. The shots won't set if you use too much. Whatever the box says to use for water, put half of that in as water and half in alcohol.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Sugar Cookie JELLO SHOTS | Better Recipes
This Sugar Cookie Jello Shot combines the taste of tradition with the fun of a jello shot! Leave a few of these by the fireplace and our bet is youll find a little ...
Louisiana Stands Alone on Drinking at 18
People who live here call it the "low, flat nothin. " It is the stretch of country due east of the refineries that light up the night around Beaumont, and due west of the vast rice fields on the Louisiana line. Interstate 10 runs dead straight for miles and miles through here, a lost highway decorated, here and there, with a stark, white cross. - By RICK BRAGG
Previewing the 2011 Busch Braggin Rights
The Busch Braggin Rights (as important as any game whose title involves a dropped "g") has long been tradition-rich and competitive, with blue and orange Jello shots at one party and 24oz camouflaged horse-cock cans of Busch heavy at another.
10 JELLO SHOTS Worth the Hangover | Yummly
The food blogging world has taken the classic frat house Jello shot and broken the mold (literally) by replacing the Popov vodka and dixie cups with exotic
Thats so Michelle...: Champagne JELLO SHOTS
I have so much to celebrate this year that I just had to create a champagne jello shot. Perfect for a New Years Eve party!
i need good recipies for strong Jello shots, if you got any that taste like hpnotiq or alize and taste good tell me please.
Answer: Here's the basic & different flavors.
Amaretto Jello shots
Beer Jello shots
Berry Berry Jello shots
Red Wine Jello shots
Rum and Coke Jello shots
Daiquiri Jello shots
Carribean Blue Jello shots
Bocce Ball Jello shots
Fuzzy Navel Jello shots
Irish Whiskey Sour Jello shots
Lemon Drop Jello shots
Mai Tai Jello shots
Margarita Jello shots
Purple Passion Jello shots
Category: Cooking & Recipes
New Years Eve FAILS (VIDEO)
For example, we resolve not to say anything incriminating on live television, sing Backstreet Boys, set our neighborhood on fire or make Grandma drink Jello shots. If we adhere to those simple tenets, we might make it through our NYE parties alive.
JELLO SHOTS – Information And Recipes | Cookies and Cooking
A gelatin shot or jello shot is always a good party favorite which entails the use of some form of alcohol, usually rum, vodka, tequila or in extreme cases even grain alcohol. The alcohol is used to replac. List Price: $ 3.57 Price: ...
CITY ROOM; A Night of Oligarchs And Absinthe Shots
The elevator doors opened to a phalanx of black-clad waiters offering champagne flutes, white wine, and water with lime. The Hudson River stretched out before the full-story windows. The Empire State building loomed close enough to touch from the 14th floor balcony. And in every corner -- by the raw salmon bar, the grand staircase and the willowy - By SAM DOLNICK
JELLO SHOTS | We sight trends!
Peter won't the Kings day-by-day NLT commentaries, got Jello shots for something Job completed (dramatized) that His Zephaniah from His About Bible Search Found (Hebrew) to Galatians a Hosea Galatians available, ...
How long do vodka JELLO SHOTS last for in the fridge?
How long do vodka Jello shots last for in the fridge?
Im making vodka Jello shots for a party in 9 days and i dont really have time to do them any closer to the date (because im doing rainbow layered ones) and i want to know if they will still be good if i make them now. Each shot cup has its own air tight lid if that makes a difference.
Answer: I would say 9 days would be too long cause I did them one weekend and didnt drink them so we saved them for the next weekend and they were already drying up even tho they were sealed up with the pop on lids.. So maybe 3 or 4 days tops is what I would say.
Good Luck
Category: Entertaining - Recipes - Jello Shot
Results 1 - 10 of 15 ... Contains several varieties including lime in the coconut and sour apple. -> Drink Recipe: JELLO SHOTS
A general recipe to make your favorite Jello into a vodka shot.
How fast do JELLO SHOTS take to set?
I am having a Halloween party tonight and was wondering if I made Jello shots with half vodka and half water, how long would it take to set? Also, is there a way to make them set faster? Thanks!
Answer: Just as long as regular jello usually.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
JELLO SHOTS for new years? - Yahoo!7 Answers
Im trying to make good Jello shots for new years. Im using vodka but I dont want them to taste so much like it that no one can eat them. I was thinking ...
NYE In NYC: 20 Places To Party This Weekend
What: The old strip club-come-hotspots at it again with Champagne and Jello shots, and we think this party, excuse us, ball is gonna be the dance-fest to beat. Why: The invite is a pink growling tiger and at $40, youre getting a NYE steal! Plus ...
How do you legally transport JELLO SHOTS by foot?
Can a 21-year old in the state of Michigan get in trouble for transporting Jello shots by foot to a party 5 minutes away? Is it considered "open alcohol" ? We want to transport Jello shots to a tailgate but dont want any trouble with cops.
Answer: Put them in a cooler and then place the cooler in your trunk. The alcohol is not even in plain sight. They'd need at least probable cause to search your trunk w/out your consent.
*I don't suggest walking down the street with a bunch of Jello shots. That would draw more attention then you just driving over there.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Music events
Friday Night Dance Party, 9 p.m.-1 a.m., Super Bowl Bellewood, 1211 Waterworks Road, Newport. $12 buckets, $3 domestics, $2 Jello shots. DJ Love MD plays mix of music, video and karaoke. No cover. 859-781-1211; Matt Joy ...
How to Make Jell-O Shots - Jello Shooter Recipe
Shooter recipe for a Jell-O Shot, a simple and popular party shooter with set, flavored Jell-O that is most commonly spiked with vodka.
Recipe for JELLO SHOTS? | ChaCha
Recipe for Jello shots? ChaCha Answer: 6 ounces Jello (large package) 16 ounces Water (boiling) 6 ounces Water (cold) 10 ounces Vodka...
How long do JELLO SHOTS have to chill?
I made some Jello shots a couple months back (checked my procedure to the procedures on here, and they match, so I know I didnt do anything wrong in the preparation stages) but after chilling for almost 36 hours (made them on a Thur morning, didnt do anything to them till Fri at about 5 or so) they were still very runny. I used Vodka, boiling water and Cherry Jello, substituting the Vodka for the cold water.
Im thinking of making some for this weekend, but Ill have to make them tomorrow night, and will be really ticked if they dont set by Friday.
Answer: I'll give you the key to having Jell-O shots setting in 2-3 hours. Don't believe me? Give it a try.
The first trick is to buy the Sugar Free stuff. Trust when I say it tastes just as good. The regular Jell-O has too much sugar and that's why they remain runny. There is also plenty of natural sugars in liquor. The best booze to use is vodka.
1st-boil 1 cup of water, then dissolve the jell-o in a bowl till all of it is gone.
2nd-after jell-o dissolved add 1 cup of COLD vodka and mix it in a little
3rd-measure 2 oz. shots in PLASTIC little dixie type cups (don't use the paper ones)
4th-put in fridge and let sit for 2-3 hours and they'll be done
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
How to Make JELLO SHOTS: 30 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow
How to Make Jello shots. One of the more creative ways to serve alcohol at a party is to work it into gelatin, and serve the gelatin in small cups, making what most ...
10 JELLO SHOTS Worth the Hangover | Yummly
Jun 7, 2011 ... The food blogging world has taken the classic frat house Jello shot and broken the mold (literally) by replacing the Popov vodka and dixie cups ...
The Yoga Mogul
There is so much going on in John Friends life right now that an assistant once teased him about waking just before dawn and calling to ask for coffee, only to be reminded that he, Friend, was in Quito, Munich or Seoul, while the assistant was back at home base in the Woodlands, a cushy suburb north of Houston. That Friend, the founder of Anusara, - Mimi Swartz is an executive editor at Texas Monthly. - By MIMI SWARTZ
Daytona Beach officer cuffed, cited over noisy hotel stay
In the section titled "Activities and Interests" on the Facebook page, Seepersaud listed "Jello shots," among other things. Seepersaud was charged with disorderly conduct.
I am planning on making pinacolada Jello shots, this is my plan tell me if i should add anything or do something different.
the bottom layer is going to have either a coconut jello or or a plain jello, i will add coconut milk to either and coconut extract to the plain if needed, and malibu rum. (1-1 ratio to the other liquid) i will pour that into the cups half way and let those set for a few hours. then i will take pinapple jello and add rum to that same 1-1 ratio, and pour it on top of the set coconut jello. maybe adding a little whip cream and a marichino cherry right before serving.
ok suggestions............ go!
im kinda wanting to go for the crazy presentation... i am rather bored these days...
Answer: You know...... I have seen pina colada jello in the why not just use that and substitute rum for the water.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Boozy Bites: French 75 JELLO SHOTS | Bakers Royale
I’m kick starting the Boozy Bites Series with a New Year’s champagne Jello shot. I’m serving the classic New Year’s French 75 cocktail in the form of a
Browse my collection of Champagne Jello shots for shots made with champagne.
How do I make JELLO SHOTS with Bacardi 151?
Im making Jello shots for a Halloween party and need to make some with Bacardi 151. I know the higher alcohol content can make them not solidify so I need a recipe (that works!) for basic Jello shots with 151. No fancy stuff for this one. Thats for the other batches!
Answer: here this is just what you need....
go to the tells you how to make perfect party Jello shots using bacardi 151...
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
At the Movies; Kevin Spacey, Destiny Shaper
Kevin Spacey describes his career strategy straightforwardly: In life, you have to make your own fate. This is, however, a deceptively simple formula considering that Mr. Spacey (above) is producing one of the most complex, respected and frenetic bodies of acting work, with a whole new chapter about to open. He has an Oscar, and a Tony, a - By James Sterngold
Boozy Bites: French 75 JELLO SHOTS | Bakers Royale
I'm kick starting the Boozy Bites Series with a New Year's champagne Jello shot. I'm serving the classic New Year's French 75 cocktail in the form of a.
New Year’s Eve Parties With NO Cover
Dewey’s will have live Texas country music by Logan James and Friends from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. along with drink specials that include $3 Yeager bombs, $3 flavored vodka, and $1 Jello shots and complimentary champagne at midnight. For more information call ...
Whats the best alcohol to make JELLO SHOTS with?
Ive had weak Jello shots with barely any alcohol and Ive had strong Jello shots with gross strong alcohol. Im looking for a good smooth alcohol to make Jello shots with. Also, whats the best flavors of jello to use for Jello shots?
Answer: You should use unflavored alcohol when making Jello shots and let the jello do the flavoring. My recommendation would be to use something that has a high alcohol level like vodka, so that the alcohol doesn't vaporize when you mix it with hot jello. Experiment with the jello flavors and alcohol levels. No one else but you can decide which is best.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Vox Pop Video: A Public Access TV Guide
FORGET diamonds. When it comes to public-access television, Fast Forward is a girls best friend. I admit I went a little overboard. In my zeal to immerse myself in the First Amendment, to revel in the joy and the right of my fellow New Yorkers to instruct me and perchance, entertain, I taped 30 hours of programming. I had the cozy notion that - By ALEX WITCHEL
POP VIEW; Sex, Lies and the Trouble With Videotapes
"Rape is not a serious crime," says Sut Jhally in the narration of his videotape "Dreamworlds: Desire/Sex/Power in Rock Video," "because, after all, she deserved it and she was asking for it. Hell, she must probably have enjoyed it." Mr. Jhally, a communications professor at the University of Massachusetts, doesnt mean that. In fact, his - By Jon Pareles
Gel-N-Shots For Fun and Profit - JELLO SHOTS Recipe Book - Jell-O
This is THE ORIGINAL, World Famous Jello Shot Recipe Book. Jello shots jell-o shot gel-n-shots gelnshot alcohol liquor drink libation bar bartend bartender bartending ...
Feb 2, 2008 ... A delicious recipe for Jello shots, with watermelon jell-o, water and Malibu® coconut rum. Also lists similar drink recipes. -> Drink Recipe: JELLO SHOTS
Drink recipe for mixing Jello shots ... Jello shots: 6 ounces Jello (large package) 16 ounces Water (boiling)
Its Bake Cookies Day - 35 Homemade Holiday Cookie Recipes
And just in case you need a little pick-me-up to get you in the baking spirit, check out these Sugar Cookie Jello shots! And for more recipe ideas all in one handy location, be sure to check out these Christmas cookie recipe collections:
That's so Michelle...: Champagne JELLO SHOTS
Champagne Jello shots. I have so much to celebrate this year that I just had to create a champagne jello shot. Perfect for a New Years Eve party! I used pineapple jello with strawberries and they taste like champagne gummy ...
Super Cool Champagne JELLO SHOTS · Edible Crafts |
Remember this champagne JellO ? Forget those (with no offense to Family Fun, of course, but because I'm not even sure that JellO is still available anymore).
How long do JELLO SHOTS last if you keep them in the fridge?
If I make Jello shots today (wednesday) will they last until Saturday if I keep them in the fridge?
How long can you keep Jello shots in the fridge before they go bad?
Answer: If you make them in a pan or mold a 4 days easy
little jello shot cups 1 to 1.5 weeks
If you make them in "JelloJectors" a month
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Joliet bars, clubs and DJ’s New Years Eve parties
Chaoz Sports Bar 20631 Renwick Rd in Crest Hill is whipping out a nasty little soiree with DJ Chris and DJ Extreme, $3 well drinks, bombs and U-Call-Its, $5 martinis and $2 Jello shots. There will also be party favors, champagne toasts and free pool.
A delicious recipe for Jello shots, with watermelon jell-o, water and Malibu® coconut rum. Also lists similar drink recipes.
How to Make JELLO SHOTS: 30 steps (with pictures) - wikiHow
How to Make Jello shots. One of the more creative ways to serve alcohol at a party is to work it into gelatin, and serve the gelatin in small cups, making what ...
The Best Jell-O Shot Recipe Ever | Mealtime for US
Have you ever wondered what it takes to create a Jello shot? You see them in bars all the time. I often see people spending a lot of cash on Jell-O shots. But what does it actually take to make a Jell-O shot. This is an easy ...
I am going to have a party and would like to make some Jello shots. How do you make them? Can you use any alchohol? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Serious answers only please~ Thanks
Answer: You can really get creative with these! Dissolve your Jello in the boiling water just like the package says, but instead of adding cold water after the Jello is dissolved, substitute liquor for all or part of the cold water depending on how strong you want your shots. If the box calls for 1 cup of boiling water and 1 cup of cold water, instead of 1 cup of the cold water, use maybe 1/2 cup of alcohol and 1/2 cup of water, or 3/4 cup of alcohol and 1/4 cup of water, or 1 cup of all alcohol. You pretty much can use any alcohol you want. Nowadays, they've got some great flavors of Jello and liquor, and you can really go crazy. For example, there are flavored vodkas and rums that you can mix with different flavors of Jello to try and mimick your favorite drink. You can get Lime Jello and mix with tequila and triple sec. for a margarita flavored shot. Or strawberry jello and tequila for strawberry margarita. Coconut rum is good, but it's weak so mix it with regular rum or vodka for some added kick (Maybe 1/2 cup of each instead of the cold water). Most Jello shots I've had are made with Vodka. You can't go wrong with that. But if you want to get crazy, experiment. What's the worst that can happen? They don't taste as good? So what. After a couple of shots, it won't matter anyway. Get some disposable plastic shot cups. I get them from a local bar supply store, and they come with lids so it's really easy to stack them in the fridge. If you're counting calories, use sugar free Jello. It's not as good as the regular, but it's pretty close.
Category: Cooking & Recipes
Best Tasting Jell-O Shot Recipes - My Science Project Answers Your ...
What Is The Best Tasting Jell-O Shot? Updated 10/29/09. The Experiment. Previously, we investigated the strongest possible Jell-O shot and showed that a Jell-O shot ...
36 Hours in Tulum, Mexico
IT is hard to know who recited the first Om or unfurled the first yoga mat upon Tulums epic beach. But it is true that Tulum, on the southern edge of Mexicos Riviera Maya (and a healthy distance from the bunkerlike developments there) is a hot spot for yoga tourists. Dont be afraid if you dont know your downward dog from your dolphin: its more - By PENELOPE GREEN
MOVIE REVIEW | THE ANSWER MAN; God Helps Those Who Help a Grump
The Answer Man is a movie about the softening up of a curmudgeon: a familiar premise and not necessarily a terrible one. Jeff Daniels, playing a reclusive author of inspirational literature, is a fine curmudgeon (see The Squid and the Whale, for instance), and Lauren Graham is a perfectly effective curmudgeon softener (see Bad Santa). - By A. O. SCOTT
How to Make a Jello Shot -
Jello shots can make for an alternative to mixed drinks. By substituting alcohol for a portion of the water used in a standard Jello recipe, you can customize the ...
RT @rebeccacollinzz: If I die in this car it will be covered in Jello shots.
From: mattyyygus - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Jello shots
From: CrissyThumbsUp - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@Chatterbox_268 Idk they just said Jello shots..Lmao
From: __Kee___ - Source: Seesmic
Idk how many Jello shots I made for tonight but its a grip! :D
From: princez_padilla - Source: Twitter for Android
Having a real redneck new years eve. Bbq in the front yard with the neighborhood. Country music blasting and Jello shots flowing.
From: euphoricfacade - Source: Twitter for Android
Jello shots
From: tjwb48 - Source: Twitter for Android
Jello shots #WYB
From: ChriscrossOnEm - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Party at my best friends boyfriends? Jello shots ? Dancing ? Hells. Yes. @JessicaBoyken
From: KieranBISH - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Jello shots
From: bruukboudreau - Source: txt
Bouta play "never have I ever" with Jello shots .. bbl
From: RealPretty_ - Source: Plume
Jello shots done and real potent...may get pregnant twice tonight
From: SoulSistah07 - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
RT @thatguyHELL: @djc_gutta goin to the moon tonight @ClubXscape229 ladies free till 12:30 free Jello shots sipping #EASTERPINK #2ANNUALNEW YEAR EXTRAVAGANZA
From: djc_gutta - Source: TweetCaster for Android
RT @ClubXscape229: @djc_gutta goin to the moon tonight @ClubXscape229 ladies free till 12:30 free Jello shots sipping #EASTERPINK #2ANNUALNEW YEAR EXTRAVAGANZA
From: djc_gutta - Source: TweetCaster for Android
#2omf tweeted about Jello shots today ... what the fuck are those ?
From: xGotGEECHIOnEm - Source: Twitter for Android
Jello shots
From: rachel_deal - Source: Photos on iOS