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How can I make my dog sleep through the FIRST NIGHT?
I got a dog, and now my major concern is how can I make it sleep through the whole night? Its out first dog, and his first day/night here.
Thank goodness I dont have school tomorrow, so I have an advantage to be awake the whole night.
Answer: Put its bed near yours so he can see you (put a ticking clock by him) out of his reach though cause you don't want him to chew on it- the ticking will imitate a momma dog's heartbeat. Works great to soothe your pup who is trying to adjust to a new environment. Or if you have a crate do the same. I would put a soft blanket in there for comfort as well.
good luck!
Category: Dogs
FIRST NIGHT Burlington
Sponsors, lodging, artists, family guide and schedule.
FIRST NIGHT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"First night" may also refer to a wedding night. First night is an artistic and cultural celebration on New Year's Eve, taking place from afternoon until midnight. ...
Memorial Service for Brooklyn Woman Set Afire in Elevator
Deloris Gillespie loved bargains, and when she found a good one — milk at half-price, soap at a discount — she bought in bulk and shared with her friends. She gave gifts to everyone, but would not accept any for herself. And when she shared recipes, ingredients were included. “The last time, she gave me tilapia, Old Bay, - By SAM DOLNICK
Gypsy House Designs: FIRST NIGHT ~ Boston
While I plan to spend New Year's Eve at home tonight with The Fabulous Boyfriend, if you live in New England and you're feeling adventurous, check out Boston's First night activities. The city pulls out all the stops for New ...
What is a really sexy lingerie for FIRST NIGHT together?
Me and my boyfriend and going to get engaged and as soon as we do we are going to move into an apartment together. For that First night, what is the sexiest thing i can wear for him?
**I have asked him what he would like to see me in and all he can say is "i dont know, anything is fine."
Answer: Don't wear undergarmensts. Just have a transparent nighty though which he can easily see your boobs and asshole. He would find you more sexy in this and satisfy your sex desire.
Category: Marriage & Divorce
FIRST NIGHT Monterey conjures up the New Year with an art- and music-filled celebration of the arts
The Pacific Ocean is always the dramatic backdrop that provides a picturesque setting for First night Monterey. But for this years New Years Eve community celebration of the arts, the ocean is the main motif. With "A FantaSea" chosen as the ...
What is it really like the FIRST NIGHT you bring your baby home from the hospital?
My husband and I were talking about ths last night. This will be our first child and we are just trying to think about how it will be the First night we come home from the hospital and we are 100% responsible for this little person with no help. Can anyone share their stories or advice?
By th way, we are really looking forward to it. It will just be a life change that neither of us can really fathom right now.
Answer: In the hospital we were desperate to leave, we visited my nan and Mum on the way home so it was a constant flow of ohhhs ahhhhs and advice. then when we got home i carried my baby girl in her car seat upstairs to see her new room while my husband started unpacking essentials out of the boxes they had sat in for months (Sterilisers, packs of babygrows and bottles. the only thing unpacked and unravelled were the things in her nursery.
She opened her little eyes and took a little unsure look around her new home and I picked her up and gave her a cuddle sniffing her head while she fell asleep. then I put her in her cot and came downstairs. i was only on the first step when I realised that was the furthest she had been away from me in her life! I felt this huge overwhelming mix of love, guilt, fear and pride but decided that I would leave her to adjust.
When I got downstairs I found my husband sitting staring into space, tears rolling down his face but still smiling.
I asked what was wrong and he said.. "I just cannot believe i'm a Daddy, I have a little daughter upstairs and my beautiful wife is now a Mummy too." we both had a little sob (Sounds really corny..) then we went upstairs and watchd our little new person sleep.
After that everything felt completely right and normal. By morning we could not remember what it was like without her and we both slotted into our new roles easily.
I would definately say the homecoming is as emotional as the birth..
It's a memory i will cherish forever.
I always remember my Mum saying that you don't really learn how to drive on your driving lessons and passing your test won't suddenly equip you with the skills to be a good driver, you will learn from the minute you hit the road on your own.
I liken that to pregnancy, birth and parenting too xxx
Category: Newborn & Baby
The dog question « FIRST NIGHT Boston
One of our FAQ's is: “Can I bring my dog to First night?” Dogs are not allowed at our indoor locations. (If you see a dog, it's really a person dressed up as a dog, or maybe a child whose face is painted to look like a dog.) ...
First Knight (1995) - IMDb
Directed by Jerry Zucker. With Sean Connery, Richard Gere, Julia Ormond, Ben Cross. Lancelot falls in love with Guinevere, who is due to be married to King ...
view all news > Love Is In the Air at First night Akron 2012 with the Midnight Wedding and Renewal Ceremony Downtown Akron Partnership (DAP) invites you to ring ...
FIRST NIGHT Columbus - Home
Welcome to First night Columbus At First night Columbus, youll find over 100 entertainers in more than 10 downtown performance sites, and hands-on activities ...
FIRST NIGHT Saratoga: Art Unleashed to showcase local talent
SARATOGA SPRINGS — Saratoga Springs throws a lot of big parties throughout the year, and certainly the 16th First night celebration Saturday evening will be among the biggest of those parties. This year, First night is expected to draw up to ...
Should I use condom on the FIRST NIGHT with my wife? What are the other alternatives?
Should I use condom on the First night with my wife? If I dont and If my she dosent take pill before sex, will it do if she takes later? How much later can she take a pill after sex to prevent pregnancy?
Answer: You must be the first one on here who hasn't already had sex before marriage.
If you don't want her to get pregnant she should be on the contraceptive pill at least a month before you have sex. If she is not on the pill, then use a condom every time until she has her period and then she should start on the pill.
Taking the contraceptive pill after having sex is not necessarily going to prevent a pregnancy, only the "morning after" pill would do that.
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
FIRST NIGHT™ Columbia 2012
UPDATES! UPDATES! UPDATES! **Great weather predicted for Saturday, December 31st, New Year’s Eve!! Yay!! **Buy your tickets before 4:00 on Saturday for $8 and enter ...
Any good recommendations on a hotel for my FIRST NIGHT in Cancun?
My girlfriend and I are flying into Cancun next week. Wed like to find a good hotel for the First night (NOT a package), and after that well set off to explore the region. Any good suggestions?
Answer: For your First night get settled , spend some money and then explore.
Your best choices are here : [ Spanish Site ] [ German ] [ French ]
Sort the results by price with the highest star rating being the best
beach front hotels will give you the best 1st night impression :
Category: Cancun
N.J. synagogue suffers anti-Semitic attack on FIRST NIGHT of Hanukkah
A Conservative synagogue in N.J. was vandalized Tuesday night, coinciding with the First night of Hanukkah, according to reports by NBC and CBS news. According to NBC, Swastikas were scrawled on the front door and west side of Temple Beth El ...
Home - FIRST NIGHT Raleigh
ALL DAY PASSES Will be Available at First night. Passes will be available for sale on site at 6 Information & Button Sales Tents located throughout the festival ...
What is the easiest way to arouse my wife on FIRST NIGHT? What are the dos n donts of FIRST NIGHT?
Im afraid that Ill ejaculate soon... How can I arouse my wife in the soonest possible time? How can I control my ejaculation? What are the dos and donts of First night?
Answer: It sounds like you both are virgins (Very commendable!) The best way for you if you are worried about premature ejaculation, if you don't have any objections to this is to masturbate to ejaculation prior to sex. You can do this as playing before and getting her aroused. For her though, go SLOW. Bring KY jelly or similar. DO NOT USE VASELINE, it is not tolerated well in the vagina. If she has any troubles with pain or discomfort, you on bottom and her on top, facing you will give her more control (and more comfort, and trust) Give her as much control as possible and COMMUNICATE! For a woman, that is arousing. Good Luck, and BEST WISHES!
Category: Marriage & Divorce
Sound Transit will extend the hours of the Tacoma Link this New Years Eve so that First night attendees can safely park and commute to and from First night ...
FIRST NIGHT Burlington designed for all ages
BURLINGTON — Burlington rings in the New Year with the 29th edition of First night festivities. "First night is a substance-free celebration of the arts in Burlington," said Executive Director Jen Crowell. "And we feature performance arts of all kinds ...
wat happens at the First night of wedding??? i am gettin married i am nuverse for my First night . pl give some tips and suggestions for that
i am girl affarid of my first wedding night
help me plzzzzzzzz
Answer: Do not put too much expectation on your First night. Many couples just go to their hotel room and fall asleep after the long excitement of their wedding...and you have your whole honeymoon to be intimate.
If you both have energy to enjoy each other, let it happen at its own pace. Allow him to take you out of your wedding dress. This only happens once..enjoy it. Take a shower together...relax and explore and learn about each other. No rushing, no anxiety...just relax.
Category: Engagements & Weddings
Couples to tie knot at FIRST NIGHT Akron
Talk about ringing in the new year with a bang. Several local couples will tie the knot, with fireworks exploding overhead, at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve in downtown Akron. First night Akron, celebrating its 16th year, is ...
What girls expect thier husband to do in their first wedding night ?
I am now 27 and my wife is 26.We are going to marry after 3 days. So i wish to know what she expect with me to do in our First night. And she is a shy type.How to overcome her shyness? Please help me.
Answer: Soooo... It sounds like you have not had sex with her yet? If she is very shy, be sure to dim the lights, tell her she's beautiful and that you love her, take it slow, lots of kissing, neck-kissing, shoulder-kissing, etc... She'll relax and get into it.
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
FIRST NIGHT 2012 in New Jersey
Across the state on New Years Eve, First night celebrations and other events will offer countless ways to bring 2011 to a close and ring in 2012. Many of the parties will include music, comedy, juggling, magic and face painting. Others will ...
FIRST NIGHT Alexandria 2011| A Family Friendly New Year’s Event
Welcome. First night Alexandria is a celebration of the new year through the performing arts. Local shops, restaurants and buildings turn into performance venues to ...
N.H.L. ROUNDUP; Rangers Waive Forward Sean Avery for Second Time This Season
For the second time this season and just days before the Rangers take the stage in the Winter Classic, the Rangers waived the controversial forward and fan favorite Sean Avery. Avery, 31, has been scratched for nine straight games. He was often one of the last players off the ice at practice recently, and on Monday morning at Madison Square Garden - By MELISSA HOPPERT
What was the FIRST NIGHT vision video camera?
I have to do a project on night vision technology, but I can only find military history. What was the first documented use of night vision technology for video?
Answer: i dont know
Category: History
Holyoke celebrates 2012 early with FIRST NIGHT Jr.
HOLYOKE - First night Jr. celebrated 2012 early on Saturday, as young revelers enjoyed rides on the Holyoke Merry-Go-Round, as well as music, juggling and magic shows and even an ice carving demonstration outside the Children’s Museum. This ...
How did your toddlers FIRST NIGHT in his/her big kid bed go?
We bought Ian a toddler bed and Im planning on starting to transition him tonight. How did your toddlers First night go? Was it a nightmare or a dream come true?
Answer: Dream come true. I was sooooo scared and nervous. We transferred him about 3 months ago. We put the mattress on the floor for a few days, only becuase I was scared and he has a captains twin bed. He did fine. He did wake up earlier than normal and came running to our room at the crack of dawn for about a month. Now he stays in his bed and plays with his stuffed animals and yells for me to come get him in the morning. It went a lot better than expected. Good luck!
Category: Parenting
Street, river closures and bus detours in effect for FIRST NIGHT
Continuing a tradition that dates to 1994, Pittsburgh will ring in the New Year with its First night celebration on Saturday. The event will cause Downtown street closures and Port Authority bus detours. The city of Pittsburgh has announced these street ...
ペット保険で高齢化に備える. ペットは我々人間よりもずっと早く年を取ります。よって、高齢化対策も早めに始めましょう。
Do we need to use condom on First night if we dont want children for first few years?
Answer: ok the "pull-out" method doesn't work anywhere near as well as people think... yes you need to use a condom... if you dont want kids for a few years you might want to try birth control or natural family planning, which just means that you keep track of when you should be ovulating (which is when you can get pregnant)
Category: Other - Pregnancy & Parenting
About First night. The 2012 First night Festival will be held on December 31, 2011, from 1:00 pm - midnight. For the complete event schedule, visit our Schedule page.
FIRST NIGHT Winchester | A New Years Eve Celebration of the Arts ...
First night Winchester News! It’s Our Silver Anniversary! Connect with Us! Website design by Water Street Design, LLC. Copyright 2011 First night Winchester.
When does Taraaweeh prayer start in Ramadaan – on the FIRST NIGHT or the second?
i mean if ramadan this year will be on 22 august which is saturday , then the first taraweeh prayer will be on the 21 which is friday ?( the night that is before first day of ramadan ) or 22 after having our breakfast ?
Answer: Praise be to Allaah.
It is prescribed for the Muslim to perform Taraaweeh prayer after ‘Isha’ on the First night of Ramadaan, which is the night on which the new moon is sighted or the Muslims complete thirty days of Sha’baan.
Similarly at the end of Ramadaan, Taraaweeh prayer should not be offered if it is proven that the month has ended, either by sighting of the new moon of Eid or if the month of thirty days has been completed.
It is clear that Taraaweeh prayer is not connected to the fast during the day in Ramadaan, rather it is connected to the onset of the month at night in the beginning, and the last day of Ramadaan at the end.
We should not say that Taraaweeh prayer is a naafil prayer and it is permissible to offer it on any night and in congregation, because taraaweeh prayer is limited to the month of Ramadaan, and those who offer this prayer are seeking the reward that comes for praying it. The ruling on offering this prayer in congregation is different from the ruling on offering other prayers in congregation. In Ramadaan it is permissible to pray taraaweeh in congregation on each night, whilst announcing it and encouraging others to join, unlike qiyaam at other times, where praying qiyaam in congregation is not part of the Sunnah unless it is done without having the intention beforehand, or it is done for the purpose of encouraging and teaching others. So it is Sunnah to do it sometimes without committing to doing it all the time or persisting in that.
Shaykh Muhammad al-Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Taraaweeh at times other than Ramadaan is an innovation (bid’ah). For example, if the people wanted to gather to pray qiyaam in congregation in the mosque at times other than Ramadaan, this would be an innovation.
There is nothing wrong with a person praying in congregation in his house occasionally at times other than Ramadaan, because this is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did. Once he led Ibn ‘Abbaas, and once Ibn Mas’ood and once Hudhayfah ibn al-Yamaan, in prayer in his house, but he did not adopt that as a regular Sunnah and he did not do that in the mosque.
Al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 4/60, 61
Based on this, whoever offers Taraaweeh prayers before it is proven that Ramadaan has begun is like one who offers a prayer at the wrong time. No reward will be written for him, even if he is free of the sin of doing that deliberately.
And Allaah knows best
Category: Ramadan
THE NEEDIEST CASES; A Queens Woman Begins Her Third Career, as a Designer
A dream can be deferred for only so long. When Bertha Astor, 48, left her native Puerto Rico to move to New York at 27, she had a degree in biology from Pontifical Catholic University , she said. She spent a decade putting that education to good use, working as a laboratory technician at pharmaceuticals companies. Later, she obtained a certificate - By SARAH MASLIN NIR
FIRST NIGHT St. Petersburg 2012
St. Petersburg rings in the New Year with music, lights, dance, fire, bubbles, stories, creative fun, fireworks and much more! First night St. Petersburg celebrates ...
Register here for our First night New Years Eve Run! Run in the New Year with RunTex and all of your running buddies. Meet us at the South First Street Bridge at 10 ...
Westport FIRST NIGHT: Heres the schedule
The towns of Westport and Weston plan to usher in 2012 in grand style with more than eight hours of First night events and activities Saturday in downtown Westport. A wide array of entertainment for kids, families teens and adults are on tap from late ...
Is First night for New Years any fun?
Or was it completely boring.
Im not sure if i should go, any other suggestions as well
Im 15 so obviously no bar or something
Answer: Eh. In Boston, it's great for families (with children under ten) or adults, who can go to the bar. But, there are a couple of cute things that are being held around the city. So, if you live close to the location, why not? A lot of the activities don't even require a button. :)
Category: Other - Beauty & Style
Early Fireworks « FIRST NIGHT Boston
We realize this is inconvenient for people trying to plan their First night, and we apologize for that. Posted in blog | No Comments | Permalink. Comments are closed. This entry was posted on Saturday, December 31st, 2011 at ...
FIRST NIGHT® Knoxville
First night® is a family-friendly, alcohol-free New Years Eve community celebration of the arts. Knoxville held its inaugural New Years Eve celebration last year ...
Home - FIRST NIGHT Raleigh
ALL DAY PASSES Will be Available at First night. Passes will be available for sale on site at 6 Information & Button Sales Tents located throughout the festival on ...
FIRST NIGHT Boston Preview: Counting Down To The Countdown ...
First night will Showcase 1000 different artists in 200 exhibitions and performances spread throughout the city.
2012 Welcome to FIRST NIGHT Northampton MA
Official site for First night Northampton 2007 ... Northampton Center for the Arts Penny Burke, Executive Director About the Center
FIRST NIGHT Buttons A Hot Commodity First night buttons seem like the hottest item in town, as hundreds of people streamed into the organization’s offices on College Street to get their passes and tickets. “It’s a great community event” said Jennifer Crowell, the event’s ...
New Years Eve in Syracuse and CNY: Where to find FIRST NIGHT events to ring in 2012
First night CNY at Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool: More than 7,000 came to last years debut event. This years First night CNY includes live music featuring national recording artist New Boyz, laser tag or glow-in-the-dark mini golf for the kids ...
CRIME SCENE; Thief With Sweet Tooth Hits Williams Candy on Coney Island
This was easier than taking candy from a baby. There was no baby. It was Dec. 21, shortly after midnight. The thief must have scaled a chain-link fence behind a building on Coney Island’s Surf Avenue, near a faded sign that read “Shishkebab,” and climbed atop boxes or overturned trash cans to get onto the roof. His back was to the - By MICHAEL WILSON
NOCTURNALIST; Farewell to the Celebrity Beat - Nocturnalist
Does anyone need a gown? Nocturnalist has five in our closet, bought at consignment shops at prices a reporter can afford, or furtively from garment district stores with “wholesale only” signs in the window. Two are regal — one met the queen of Spain , the other a prince of Serbia . Two are glamorous, the perfect outfits for - By SARAH MASLIN NIR
FIRST NIGHT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First night is an artistic and cultural celebration on New Years Eve, taking place from afternoon until midnight. Some cities have all their events during the ...
FIRST NIGHT Spokane - Home
Dont miss the Hottest Show at First night this year! Variety Show - Live!! INB Performing Arts Center - 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11. Rene Bibaud, Alex Zerbe, Brady Goss & Bill ...
Celebrating New Year's Eve with a huge variety of family and cultural events.
Ring in year at FIRST NIGHT Fort Collins
» Admission to First night Fort Collins requires the purchase of a $10 button, with children 4 and under free when accompanied by a paying adult. (Button purchases are nonrefundable). There are a limited number of buttons on sale. Tonight ...
Sound Transit will extend the hours of the Tacoma Link this New Years Eve so that First night attendees can safely park and commute to and from First night festivities.
THEATER; ‘Billy Elliot’ and ‘Addams Family’ - Saying Goodbye
No show runs forever, not even “Cats.” When a long-running musical closes, the actors take a final bow. But backstage workers have to dismantle the sets, pack up costumes and wigs for touring productions, and unlearn light cues and cast members’ schedules. So it will be when “The Addams Family” and “Billy - By ERIK PIEPENBURG
FIRST NIGHT Spokane - Home
Don't miss the Hottest Show at First night this year! Variety Show - Live!! INB Performing Arts Center - 7, 8, 9, 10, & 11. Rene Bibaud, Alex Zerbe, Brady Goss ...
How can I make my puppy comfortable his FIRST NIGHT home?
I got a new weimaraner and tonight will be his First night away from his brothers and sisters and I want to know how I can make him feel comfortable with me and my boyfriend on his first few nights home. Any good ideas?
Answer: give him a dirty sock to sleep with.
Category: Dogs
Paul Assails Rivals’ Criticism of His Policy on Iran
DES MOINES — Representative Ron Paul of Texas assailed criticism of his opposition to United States military involvement abroad, saying he fears an overreaction to worries about Iran’s nuclear program could lead to war. Mr. Paul’s rivals have hammered him for days as too dovish and suggested that he would do nothing to prevent - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.
Missoula to ring in new year with FIRST NIGHT
This Saturday evening, in some 75 cities around the United States plus a scattering of others abroad, revelers will gather to ring in the new year through a celebration of arts and culture known as First night. In some cities, First night is a long ...
For information about this year’s First night Festival, click here.
FIRST NIGHT State College - Onward State
Consider coming back to school for New Year's Eve and experience First night State College.
FIRST NIGHT Alexandria 2011| A Family Friendly New Year's Event
Join us December 31,, 2011 for a fun, affordable, safe and alcohol free celebration of the New Year. Downtown Alexandria transforms into a performance venue.
Blog « FIRST NIGHT Boston
The New York Dolls are NOT performing at First night. • One of Don Chapelle's ICE SCULPTURES has been MOVED from Boston Common Brewer's Fountain to Boston Common near the corner of Boylston and Tremont, ...
Giants’ Umenyiora Preparing to Return for Finale Against Dallas
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — Osi Umenyiora is known among his Giants teammates for his almost reclusive weekly schedule. That plan has taken on a different dimension this season: Umenyiora has not been practicing, or playing, because of injuries. But his routine has changed this week. Umenyiora returned to practice, and more important, he appears - By MARK VIERA
Andrew Luck Blends In by Standing Out at Stanford
PALO ALTO, Calif. — John McEnroe joked that he blended in too well as a student at Stanford, arriving as one of the top tennis players in the world and still struggling to meet young women. Condoleezza Rice said it was difficult for her to stand out too much at the university, where she is a political science professor, because another former - By PETE THAMEL
Project STEP previewed « FIRST NIGHT Boston
Our partners at WBZ-TV visited some of the kids rehearsing for their big First night performances. No, the kids from Project STEP aren't from Central Casting – they're real! Come see them. Posted in blog | No Comments | ...
TELEVISION REVIEW; Chris Lilley Stars in ‘Angry Boys’ on HBO - Review
HBO has had a crush on the Australian comedian and television auteur Chris Lilley for a while now. It showed his mini-series “Summer Heights High” in 2008 and publicly expressed a desire to work with him directly. Well, mission accomplished: HBO is a producer, along with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, of Mr. Lilley’s - By MIKE HALE
What to do on FIRST NIGHT
Yes, the last night of the year has once more rolled around - only in these parts we call it "First night" rather than "Last Night" (perhaps for obvious reasons). And once more hordes of revelers (even more than usual, I'd guess, as the weather's ...
What do men really think about their girlfriends that allow for FIRST NIGHT sex?
My bff always sleeps w her men on the First night, and they stick around for awhile. They never last forever. Do you think the men that tell her that they are not going to judge her for sleeping w them on the First night really do and that might be t reason why these relationships never pan out for her.
Answer: Personally I would think that she has done this before me, so I'll have sex a few times and then move on.
Category: Other - Family & Relationships
Hub FIRST NIGHT venues, events abound
First night Boston is ready to ring in the New Year, and if you’re planning a day in the city there are 200 performances to choose from at 35 different locations. A First night button ($18) grants access to the night’s indoor events, including soul and ...
Boston’s FIRST NIGHT 2011 celebrations to bring in the new year
As anticipation builds for 2012’s midnight arrival, tens of thousands were preparing to ring in the new year at Boston’s 36th Annual First night celebration today. The festivities, a collaboration between Mayor Thomas M. Menino and city ...
What should I do to prepare for my infants FIRST NIGHT home?
Tomorrow were bringing my newborn daughter, Savannah home from the hospital. My boyfriend is going home first just to make sure everything is baby ready. What are some things we should remember to check. And what should we expect for her First night at home?
Answer: You should have a crib, a lot of pampers CLEAN blankets (wash w/ Draft soap before using them). Keep the house cool not to hot not to cold. Oh just to throw this in the first week tell people to use hand sanitizer before touching/holing the baby. Don't try to protect her from germ 'cause then her immune system will NOT be strong as she get older!
Category: Newborn & Baby
i saw Shaft for the first time last night #BlackTweet
From: Mr_Cardigan - Source: web
Everybody kept pointing at my shoes at the game last night when I walked first walked in... 😌☺😁😄 #Griffeys
From: datGuyMikell - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @BostonDotCom: Boston’s First night brings in new year -
From: RayBeckerman - Source: Visibli
RT @BostonDotCom: Boston’s First night brings in new year -
From: RayBeckerman - Source: TweetDeck
First shotgun of the night! That special time of year when every idiot with a firearm decides the best place to shoot it is up in the air…
From: refnum - Source: web
RT @flydarkness: First drink of the night <<its only 250.. Lol
From: TrulySongbird - Source: TweetDeck
And Im Her First (; Ahh Bomb Night Last Night With My Babe (;
From: Gabbriell_lokk - Source: txt
Last night was the first time i smoked in a brick & i was high as shit ^_^
From: Brandon_XI - Source: web
RT @KyleAlspach: First night w/ Chris North Dream Quartet, 7:30 tonight on Boston common!
From: cityfeed - Source: Twitter for iPhone
First night 2012! (@ Hynes Convention Center w/ 12 others)
From: oodja - Source: foursquare
Yesterday Was A Crazy Night @Maggie_RE First Ice-Skating then Partying my legs are ACHING!!
From: Cali_Babes_ - Source: web
First night in Vegas was a nice easy one haha as if...but it starts properly tonight!!
From: joshh87 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @SteveNiles: 30 Days of Night #1 First Series - FREE on comiXology
From: JTravisGrundon - Source: Tweet Button
Nothing beats the first drink of the night!
From: thatgrantboy - Source: txt
It will be read for the first time during the fireworks event, as well as at watch night religious services across the country.
From: Jamaica50_ - Source: HootSuite