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what is the cheapest way to take the family from OK to Pasadena to the ROSE PARADE 4 adults and 4 kids?
Would like to spend about 4 days in and around Pasadena CA Rose parade coming from Oklahoma City. Have large family (8 people). What is the cheapest way to go? Fly, drive, motorhome? How do we find the cheapest motels and food and possibly airfare for 8 people. Is it possible to camp out just before the parade? Would like to hear from someone whos been, there done that. Is is possible to get good motel reservations now? If so, what motel(s) would you recommend. Maybe a motel with kitchen? What else is there to see and do in Pasadena the end of December and 1st of January? Maybe fly near Pasadena and rent a van or depend on public transportation?
Answer: You probably need $2000 to cover all the cost. Fly, drive, motor home almost same price, the last 2 take more time and pay for rental car or RV and hotel but you can see more such as grand canyon.
Pasadena: Old pasadena, Hungtinton library and garden, Simon museum and Gamble house.
Category: Other - United States
ROSE PARADE Lyrics - Elliott Smith
Rose parade Lyrics - They asked me to come down and watch the parade And to march down the street like the duracell...
ROSE PARADE Photographs
Personal pages created by Brent Fultz featuring photographs of floats taken along the parade route. Includes designs from 1998 to the present.
What city at the base of the sierra Nevada Mnts. Sent in a train float to the rose bowl 2009 parade?
We were watching the rose bowl parade and there was a train float from a city near the Sierra Nevada mountain base. Did anyoine catch the cities name?
Answer: Hi, the city was Roseville, Calif. You can see artist renditions of the floats at the KTLA5 website. (I am sure there are other places to see the real floats...I just happen to be looking at this one) Happy New Year! :)
Category: Other - United States
The Listings
Art Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: Museums Asia Society and Museum: Sarah Sze: Infinite Line (through March 25) Promising a new angle on Sarah Szes mesmerizing, minutely detailed installations, this midcareer solo reveals that Ms. Sze, who is Chinese-American, has
Whos gonna watch driver Greg Biffle in the ROSE PARADE?
NASCAR driver Greg Biffle is supposed to be in the Rose parade on the Natural Balance float. Does anyone know what time its on - East Coast?
Answer: I live out here in Calif, I will be up at 6am as Channel 5 out here has a pre parade show behind the scenes, but it comes on out here at 8am, thats 11 east coast time. I will be up early getting the coffee pot going for everyone who crashed over at my place on New yrs eve. I will definitely be watching for Da Bif, love Natural Balance they also have great cat food.
Go 2, 29, 88 in 2012
Category: NASCAR
The Listings
Dance Full reviews of dance performances: Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (Friday through Sunday, and Tuesday through Thursday, through Jan. 1) Robert Battle seems to be pulling off his first season as artistic director of Alvin Ailey with some panache. He has brought Paul Taylors Arden Court and Ohad Naharins Minus
Rapping billionaire prepares for Occupy the ROSE PARADE | The Raw ...
The Occupy protesters who have received a go-ahead to add their unofficial “human float” to the tail end of the traditional Tournament of Roses Parade on Monday are busy rehearsing for the grand event. “All we're trying to do ...
Occupy ROSE PARADE float: 70-foot octopus made of plastic bags
Despite being denied a spot in the annual Tournament of Roses Parade, the Communist Party-backed Occupy Wall Street plans to run a float anyway, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday. The float they intend to run behind the real parade is described as a "a ...
Slideshow: Bayer Advanced sending float to Tournament of Roses Parade
Television viewers tuning into the Tournament Of Roses Parade on Jan. 2 can expect to see a float from at least one local company. Bayer Environmental Science, a consumer lawn care product manufacturer branded as Bayer Advanced and based in ...
Where can I watch the Rose Bowl 2011 Parade online?
I have to work New Years Day (ugh) and I REALLY REALLY want to watch the Rose Bowl Parade since its kind of my little New Years tradition and to boot, Paula Deen is the Grand Marshal this year and I just CANT miss this one!!!! So, does anyone know of a website that would let me watch it online after I get off work? I dont have any way to tape it.... Please help!
Answer: you can watch it on a website.
Category: Football (American)
What mulatto was nominated Rose queen of Pasadena ROSE PARADE but walked off when she received dead roses?
I hear of a story of a very beautiful woman either mulatto or classified as African American nominated for Rose queen in the 1960s for the Pasadena Rose parade but declined when receiving dead roses. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Answer: I've never heard that story. The first African American Rose Queen was Kristina Smith in 1985, and she's just as lovely today as she was back then. = )
You can try calling or emailing the Tournament of Roses, the number or email address should be on their website.
Category: Other - News & Events
Portland Rose Festival
Dec 7, 2011 ... Portland Rose Festival major events include the Grand Floral Parade, CityFair and the RoZone. Featuring 60+ events and programs ...
where can i find a sponsor or help with flight tickets to the Rose Bowl my son is in the parade?
i,m in louisiana ... i need a flight to L.A, calif.. I would love to be there to see him march in the ROSE BOWL parade . I would love to be there to experience this event in his life with him but i cant afford the trip and all his expenses.
Answer: try your local newspaper. they usually sponsor things like that.
Category: Air Travel
2012 Rose Bowl: J.R. Martinez Named 2012 Tournament Of Roses Parade Grand Marshall
The Rose Bowl, dubbed "The Granddaddy of them All," will be played between the Wisconsin Badgers and Oregon Ducks, the Big Ten and Pac-12 champions. But, of course, its not all about football. The Rose Bowl has more pageantry leading up to it ...
Where is the public seating for the rose bowl parade?
I would like to know where is the public seating for this year since my family wants to go but i dont know where to go and what street to what street is the rose bowl parade please and thanks.
Answer: if by public seating you mean free it is anyplace on colorado blvd within the parade route. but if you want curbside viewing better go early the night before to stake out your spot. and figure you won't get much sleep that night
everyone who has a chance should go see the parade live at least once. it is so much better than watching it on television
this is the official site,
Category: Football (American)
Tournament of Roses Parade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A float from the 2008 Rose parade. The Tournament of Roses Parade, better known as the Rose parade, is "America's New Year Celebration" held in Pasadena ...
Tickets & Official Tours. Announcements regarding the 2012 Rose parade and Rose Bowl Game will be made shortly. If you are interested in finding more ...
What do you think about the ROSE PARADE theme, "A Cut Above The Rest"?
What do you think the floats are going to be like? I am going to be in the parade with my band, what kind of music do you think bands will play?
Answer: Wow I am happy for you and your school making it to the parade it will be something you will remember for the rest of your life. The other questions you will know before I will since you will be there. You can wave to me (grin)
* Have a Good Day *
~ Don ~
Category: Reality Television
collectSPACE - news - "Astronaut to ride 2012 ROSE PARADE float ...
In February 2008, Rex and Lance Walheim collaborated to launch a rose into space for the Tournament of Roses Parade. Now, the astronaut and his horticulturist brother have landed on one of the 2012 parade's floats for the ...
Where is the best place to to park an RV for the ROSE PARADE in Pasadena, CA?
I plan to get a spot along the parade route this year and want to park my RV as close to the parade route as possible. Any suggestions on where to park and how the regulations work?
Answer: I honestly doubt that you will be allowed to park any sort of vehicle, let alone an RV, along the parade route. If I recall correctly, the parade is through town, and the streets are cleared of all parked vehicles in advance of the parade.
I would suggest contacting the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, or the Pasadena PD. Contact information is likely available from Directory Assistance.
Category: Los Angeles
The ROSE PARADE - Framework - Photos and Video - Visual ...
The Tournament of Roses Parade began in 1890 as a promotional winter festival by the Pasadena Valley Hunt Club. Nothing like sun, clean air and snow-capped mountains ...
Occupy the ROSE PARADEs Octopus Float Is 70 Feet of Awesome ...
Pasadenas annual Rose parade is on Monday! To pre-party, we were totally planning to write about the Natural History Museums first-ever dinosaur float, a ...
Occupys ROSE PARADE float: 70-foot octopus of corporate greed ...
Occupy protesters are busy finishing their float that will run at the end of the Rose parade: a 70-by-40-foot octopus made of recycled plastic bags. The ...
Does anyone has advice for camping out on the street for the ROSE PARADE?
My friend and I are thinking on going to the Rose parade this year, and camping on the sidewalk the night before. Does anyone has advice for camping out on the street for the Rose parade, such as where to park, what time should we get there, what should we bring and the best place to sit?
Answer: Most folk head out early the day before and stake out a spot along the route. Some park RVs really close to the route and then take turns monitoring there claim. There are many areas you can stretch out a sleeping pad an bag and claim it. It will be cold, it may rain although in the entire history of the parade it only rained once or twice. So bring clothing suitable for the condition and a tarp for shelter, I believe tents are not permitted. A sleeping pad is very much needed as the concrete is cold and hard bring a thick one at least 2-3 inch. An ice chest with drinks and snacks and 4 rolls of quarters for parking, meters are everywhere. Some lots you can find parking for a set fee last year prices ranged from $5 to $25 depending how close you get to the route. Heaters as other folks said are a good idea (not guns) just don't have your face in them as they produce carbon monoxide and that stuff will kill ya. It will be noisy all night so don't expect to get any sleep and avoid booze it's illegal on the street. here's a link with more info
Have Fun!
Category: Camping
Occupy activists prepare for ROSE PARADE march -
Protesters will walk the parade route after the floats and marching bands have passed. The group has been working with police and Tournament of Roses ...
NM wont have floats in ROSE PARADE
As hundreds of volunteers prune and primp roses, leading up to one of the most popular parades around, New Mexico will be sitting on the sidelines.
Museum and Gallery Listings for Dec. 30-Jan. 5
Art Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: . Museums Asia Society and Museum: ‘Sarah Sze: Infinite Line’ (through March 25) Promising a new angle on Sarah Sze’s mesmerizing, minutely detailed installations, this midcareer solo reveals that Ms. Sze, who is
ROSE PARADE - Guide to ROSE PARADE Viewing and Tickets
The Rose parade began at a Pasadena Valley Hunt Club meeting in 1890, when Professor Charles Holder suggested holding a festival to tell the world about California.
Are Jehovahs Witnesses allowed to attend the New Years ROSE PARADE?
Its just an innocent parade with modern origins. I am curious to know what objection JWs would have to it. Does the fact it has the word "New Year" in it automatically make it part of a pagan tradition?
Answer: I would think so My sister stop coming to my house on thanksgiving and she is one of them
We would tell them when we would offer prayer and they would leave the room it was so sad to all of us
Category: Religion & Spirituality
ROSE PARADE Rules: Spectators, Campers Reminded of Rules for Rose ...
PASADENA, Calif. (KTLA) -- The Rose parade is just days away, and volunteers are putting the final touches on all the floats.
Sunshine Daydream, award-winning rose, featured in parade
The sun will surely shine on the Rose parade Monday in Pasadena, Calif., thanks to the Sunshine Daydream rose, the 2012 All-America Rose Selections award winner. The yellow rose will be among 20,000 roses on the Garden of Imagination float ...
The Listings
Art Museums and galleries are in Manhattan unless otherwise noted. Full reviews of recent art shows: Museums Bronx Museum of the Arts: Muntadas: Information>>Space>>Control (through Jan. 16) For more than three decades Antoni Muntadas, who goes by the single name Muntadas, has been addressing modern methods of supervising unruly
HGTV, Hallmark, RFD-TV carry Tournament of Roses along with NBC, ABC
"Tournament of Roses Parade," 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday (Jan. 2), NBC, ABC, HGTV, RFD-TV and Hallmark Movie Channel • Reruns at 3 p.m. on Hallmark Channel and 7 p.m. on RFD-TV. • Previews at 10 a.m. on HGTV and RFD-TV; preview reruns at 6 p.m. on RFD.
Occupy LA Preps ROSE PARADE Demonstration « CBS Los Angeles
Preparations are well underway for the 2012 Tournament of Roses Parade. But one group prepping their oversized display was not invited, and has Pasadena ...
Who covered Rainbow Connection during the credits of the ROSE PARADE 2011?
There was a very interesting cover of the muppet song Rainbow Connection played at the very end of the Parade of Roses. It had a punk or Indie sound, but does not seem to be the version by Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.
Answer: The band is called Draw Tippy. You can get the song on iTunes.
Category: Rock and Pop
OCEANSIDE: Local grower to ride his work in ROSE PARADE
Mike Mellano Sr. has been in the business of supplying flowers to the Rose parade his whole life, but Monday will be the first time that he or anyone from his familys Oceanside-based Mellano & Co. will ride a float in the venerable event. “We always see ...
The Listings
Movies Ratings and running times are in parentheses; foreign-language films have English subtitles. Full reviews of all current releases: Arthur Christmas (PG, 1:37) This smart, likable animated Christmas tale centers on Santas two sons, Arthur and Steve, and one present that didnt get delivered. Steve is the architect of
Marching to Their Own Drummers
ENCASED in pouches with a small speaker attached to the outside, iPhones dangled from belts and wrists. They emitted dings and chatters as some 60 people began strolling along the High Line on Wednesday night. The sounds slowed or speeded up according to the pace, and they evolved every block or two, sometimes evoking vibraphones or soft electric - By DANIEL J. WAKIN, ANTHONY TOMMASINI, ZACHARY WOOLFE, ALLAN KOZINN, STEVE SMITH
Annual ROSE PARADE Bandfest sounds off in Pasadena
With the heralding of trumpets Friday afternoon, the Tournament of Roses Honor Band stepped off for the beginning of this years Bandfest. Marching bands from Sweden to Texas to Japan will take the field to show off the songs theyll be playing ...
Even Parade Floats Aren’t Exempt From Regulations
IRWINDALE, Calif. TIM ESTES, the president of Fiesta Parade Floats, remembers when the Rose parade rulebook ran 20 pages. Now, as his company puts the final touches on 11 floats it is building for the 2012 parade, it has to be mindful of 140 pages of regulations and stipulations governing everything from dimensions to propulsion systems to - By RONALD AHRENS
Tournament of Roses to Occupiers: You Cant March in Our Parade ...
( - Although an Occupy Wall Street protest group in Pasadena, Calif., tried to get a slot to march in the Rose parade on Jan. 2, officials with the parade ...
ROSE PARADE - Guide to ROSE PARADE Viewing and Tickets
Information about attending the Rose parade and affiliated events includes how to get tickets and options for viewing.
Tournament of Roses Parade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Tournament of Roses Parade, better known as the Rose parade, is "Americas New Year Celebration" held in Pasadena, California, a festival of flower-covered floats ...
Twists on ROSE PARADE tradition
Rose parades follow a traditional recipe. An elegant young queen specially trained in etiquette and that delicate, changing-a-light-bulb wave. Colorful floral floats. Classic cars. Horses. Marching bands. Stephanie Edwards and Bob Eubanks. American flags ...
See Tillman the Skateboarding Dogs Record-Breaking ROSE PARADE Float
Tillmans at it again! The famous skateboarding dog will ride through the upcoming 123rd Tournament of Roses Parade on a new float from Natural Balance Pet Foods. The "Surfs Up!" creation, rendered above, measures 116 feet in length and weighs ...
A ROSE PARADE Survivors Guide
So you’re going to the Rose parade. Many choices lie ahead. Buy a seat near the heart of the television spectacle at Orange Grove and Colorado boulevards, or rough it on free sidewalk space further down the parade route? Take a chance with ...
Organizers Finalize Plans to Occupy ROSE PARADE | NBC Los Angeles
Members of the Occupy movement are finalizing plans for a scheduled demonstration Jan. 2 at the Rose parade in Pasadena. The movement’s latest plans were ...
ROSE PARADE by Elliott Smith Strumming Pattern?
If anyone could tell me the strumming pattern for the song "Rose parade" by Elliott Smith, youd be helping me out massively! Thanks!
Answer: the most basic chords in the opening are all major chords: D A E G (2x), then F#, Bm A E G, then A back to the next verse. After learning that, you can work the more complicated fingering with the sus and aug notations with your third and fourth fingers. But there are two guitars in the original XO recording.
Category: Other - Music
Spectators, Campers Reminded of Rules for ROSE PARADE
A permanent position on the sidewalk along the parade route can be maintained starting at noon on Jan. 1. All people, blankets and chairs must remain on the curb until 11 p.m. on Jan. 1. At that time, spectators may move out to the "blue line ...
Michelle Malkin » 'Occupy' Group Denied Slot in ROSE PARADE
( – Although an Occupy Wall Street protest group in Pasadena, Calif., tried to get a slot to march in the Rose parade on Jan. 2, officials with the parade said no. The group now plans to march down the street ...
Tournament of Roses > Home
Each New Years Day, the world focuses its attention on Pasadena, CA, U.S.A., home of the Rose parade® presented by Honda & Rose Bowl Game® presented by VIZIO.
Fairhaven merchants get hands-on role in ROSE PARADE float
You might not recognize the name, but youll know one when you see it: the black body with white details, the cheerful, upturned mouth, the jaunty bow tie, the bright, vertical pupils shifting back and forth like a metronome in time with a ...
Rose Bowl Parade - Yahoo! News
Watch the video Rose Bowl Parade on Yahoo! News.
Dance Listings for Dec. 30-Jan. 5
Dance Full reviews of dance performances: . Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (Friday through Sunday) Robert Battle seems to be pulling off his first season as artistic director of Alvin Ailey with some panache. He has brought Paul Taylor’s “Arden Court” and Ohad Naharin’s “Minus 16” into the
HGTV Returns to the ROSE PARADE This Year | Firegeezer
CABLE TELECASTER HGTV WILL BE BROADCASTING the Tournament of Roses Parade from Pasadena, California, again this year.
Where can i go to see the float after the parade? i know they keep in a warehouse, but where anyknow and time? does it cost $? Parking?
Answer: I went to victory park years ago.
Category: Los Angeles
With 22 Wheels, It’s Tricky on the Turns
PASADENA, Calif. HOW hard can it be to travel five and half miles at 2.5 m.p.h.? Difficult enough: if you’re the pilot of a 22-wheel, 120-foot-long vehicle that weighs 110,000 pounds, even a simple right turn can have profound consequences. Yet a small cadre of drivers finds the experience of blind-driving a balky Rose parade float so - By RONALD AHRENS
Occupy's ROSE PARADE float: 70-foot octopus of corporate greed ...
1 day ago ... Occupy protesters are busy finishing their float that will run at the end of the Rose Parade: a 70-by-40-foot octopus made of recycled plastic ...
Buena Park knights to storm ROSE PARADE
BUENA PARK Call them the warriors of the roses. On Monday, as they have for the past 25 years, knights, ambassadors and royalty from Buena Parks Medieval Times will make an appearance in the Rose parade. “Its a unique experience,” said ...
At ROSE PARADE, Surfing Dogs and Eight-Wheel-Drive on a Float for ...
The wave-catching dogs are among the moving parts on a 119-foot-long float, to be piloted through Pasadena during the Tournament of Roses.
Where to watch the ROSE PARADE & Occupy protests online — Online ...
Dozens of floats, all made entirely from flowers and other organic materials, marching bands, cheerleaders and... Occupy protesters? This year's Tournament of the Roses parade promises to be a little different. But no worries: ...
At ROSE PARADE, Surfing Dogs and Eight-Wheel-Drive on a Float for ...
The Natural Balance Pet Foods float, an entry in the Rose parade on Monday, is, in theory, a vehicle. But with a beach, a pond, landscaping, an overall ...
Noriega Is Sent to Prison Back in Panama, Where the Terror Has Turned to Shrugs
PANAMA -- Nearly 22 years ago an American military plane whisked the de facto leader of this nation, Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega, off to Florida to face trial, and ultimately a prison sentence, for drug trafficking. On Sunday evening, a commercial airliner landed here with much less fanfare, carrying him back. After flying more than 15 hours from - Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega is sent from Paris back to Panama to complete a 20-year sentence for three convictions stemming from several deaths, and await possible further judgment in Panamas courts; despite past public rancor over his notoriously brutal regime in the 1980s, many Panamanians today show little interest in his return. Photo (M) - By RANDAL C. ARCHIBOLD
ROSE PARADE 2012: The 123rd ROSE PARADE Video -
123rd Tournament of Roses Parade: Just Imagine... The 123rd Tournament of Roses Parade, with the theme Just Imagine..., will take place on Monday, January ...
Does anybody know about the ROSE PARADE new date?
I would like to know why on 2012 the Rose parade will be on Jan 2nd and not the 1st like always?
Is it going to be the same from now on?
Thank you!
Answer: Members of Pasadena's Valley Hunt Club first staged the parade in 1890. Since then the parade has been held in Pasadena every New Year's Day, except when January 1 falls on a Sunday. In that case, it is held on the subsequent Monday, January 2. This exception was instituted in 1893. Local tradition has it that "the Tournament has a deal with God; we'll never hold the parade on a Sunday, and He'll never let it rain on the Rose parade." However, according to the Tournament of Roses Association Web site, this "Never on Sunday" policy was instituted in order "to avoid frightening horses tethered outside local churches and thus interfering with worship services." Thus, the parade has never been held on a Sunday. Incidentally, the Rose Bowl Game is also not held on Sunday to avoid competing with the NFL. Other bowl games usually held on January 1 also follow this rule.
Category: Other - Entertainment
Occupy activists prepare for ROSE PARADE march
An army of volunteers from across the nation has once again descended upon Pasadenas Rose Palace, where several floats are being covered with flowers. Half a mile away in Singer Park, dozens of Occupy activists worked Thursday to prepare for a ...
Tournament of Roses > Home
The Pasadena Tournament of Roses. Each New Year's Day, the world focuses its attention on Pasadena, CA, U.S.A., home of the Rose parade® presented by ...
ROSE PARADE floats get finishing touches from volunteers |
IRWINDALE, Calif. (KABC) -- Volunteers of all ages festoon every square inch of each Rose parade float with detailed natural coverings. One missed spot could mean ...
Activist Leading 'Occupy the ROSE PARADE' Is a Convicted Thief, 9-11 ...
The accompanying parade, the Rose parade, predates the game, dating way back to 1890. It's a tradition that normally goes off without a hitch–that is, until this year, when “Occupy the Rose parade” has decided to disrupt the ...
Where do I start looking to book a trip to watch the Rose Bowl Parade?
My dad loves parades and the Rose Bowl Parade is on his bucket list. We are trying to plan a family trip for this NYE and arent sure where to begin. There will be 3 families total - my parents, my sister and myself and 3-4 teenagers. Where do we stay? Where do we sit? Can we purchase spots in risers or should we camp out curbside? We attended the Macys parade a few years ago Thanksgiving and were lucky enough to find a hotel on the parade route. Is that possible in Pasadena? Thanks
Answer: Call a travel agent in your area to lineup your itinerary. It'll be much easier if you have them plan it for free. Then you can have a full cost for the trip so you can save your pennies. Another thing is if you have any desire to see the Rose Bowl game, forget it. You'll have to choose between the parade or game.
Category: Football (American)
Martinez stops to smell ‘Roses’
After all that hoofing, you can’t blame “Dancing With The Stars” champion J.R. Martinez for wanting to take a ride in a snazzy car as Grand Marshal of tomorrow’s Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade. It may be the first time the actor and badly ...
Occupy ROSE PARADE Features 70-Foot Octopus
After the rose bowl parade this year, a group of occupy protesters will march a giant octopus down the street in Pasadena, California. The Occupy Rose parade.
Guess whos going to the Rose parade tommarow :D
From: stephCrew2 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Cool Tommorow is the 123rd Rose parade. I cant wait to wake up early & watch it on TV :D
From: OMGlitter98 - Source: HTC Peep
Por Cierto, El Rose parade de 2.012 es el Lunes 2 de Enero -
From: Rasjomanny - Source: web
@Amandamb719 i think the ONLY party I ever did for nye was the yr I went to the Rose parade and was sick w fever by morn missing the parade
From: roseothebriar - Source: TweetDeck
RT @Talkmaster: OccuIdiots want a float in Rose parade. How about an OccuTard taking a dump on a cop car in flowers? And a rapist in a tent. #ows
From: doughalliv - Source: web
RT @OccupyRose2012: Rose parade float No. 44 belongs to Occupy protesters:
From: heatherleroy - Source: web
RT @Care2: Octopus Of Corporate Greed Will Occupy Rose parade via @Care2
From: makenARTISGOOD - Source: Buffer
RT @HeatlhTips Occupy Rose parade: Activists divided over protest #altnews
From: hottospot - Source: Strictly Tweetbot for Wordpress
RT @HeatlhTips Occupy Rose parade: Activists divided over protest #altnews
From: hottospot - Source: Strictly Tweetbot for Wordpress
RT @HealthClubsEnt Occupy Rose parade: Activists divided over protest #altnews
From: hottospot - Source: Strictly Tweetbot for Wordpress
Octopus Of Corporate Greed Will Occupy Rose parade | Care2 Causes
From: billjryan - Source: Tweet Button
On my way to Pasadena to get ready to be on the @hgtv float in the Rose parade! Im practicing my wave out the car window right now.
From: _CaseyNoble - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Gunna feel weird not watching the Rose parade tomorrow !
From: _AshleyStarr - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @KPCC: Watching the Rose parade? Look for a giant octopus representing Wall Sts hold on US politics, thanks to #OccupyLA
From: occupybergen - Source: Argyle Social
New Years Day TV schedule: Rose parade, college bowl games take Sunday off
From: Marion_Waters - Source: twitterfeed