Rick santorum - Santorum says momentum could give him top-three Iowa Caucus finish

Rick santorum : Photo Gallery

RICK SANTORUM's 12 Most Offensive Statements | ThinkProgress
RICK SANTORUM's 12 Most Offensive Statements | ThinkProgress
RICK SANTORUM Has Ideas About Making Healthcare Affordable « The ...
RICK SANTORUM Has Ideas About Making Healthcare Affordable « The ...
RICK SANTORUM Explains How GOP Can Attract 'Illegal Vote — I Mean ...
RICK SANTORUM Explains How GOP Can Attract 'Illegal Vote — I Mean ...
Is candidate RICK SANTORUM an “evangelist”? » GetReligion
Is candidate RICK SANTORUM an “evangelist”? » GetReligion
RICK SANTORUM Fights His Google Problem - ABC News
RICK SANTORUM Fights His Google Problem - ABC News
RICK SANTORUM's Troubling Views on Science | The Intersection ...
RICK SANTORUM's Troubling Views on Science | The Intersection ...
RICK SANTORUM Promises To 'Pack Up And Go Home' If He Is 'Dead ...
RICK SANTORUM Promises To 'Pack Up And Go Home' If He Is 'Dead ...
RICK SANTORUM 2012 - Nashua Telegraph
RICK SANTORUM 2012 - Nashua Telegraph
In Defense of the Constitution: RICK SANTORUM: Compassionate ...
In Defense of the Constitution: RICK SANTORUM: Compassionate ...
RICK SANTORUM, the Unborn Deserve Better from You rick-santorum[1 ...
RICK SANTORUM, the Unborn Deserve Better from You rick-santorum[1 ...
RICK SANTORUM's Tragic Yearbook Photo - Joshua Green - Politics ...
RICK SANTORUM's Tragic Yearbook Photo - Joshua Green - Politics ...
The RICK SANTORUM moment that was never supposed to happen ...
The RICK SANTORUM moment that was never supposed to happen ...
RICK SANTORUM for President? His bio, assets, liabilities and odds
RICK SANTORUM for President? His bio, assets, liabilities and odds
RICK SANTORUM Biography | Biography Zone
RICK SANTORUM Biography | Biography Zone
 ... » Blog Archive » HOT DOCUMENT: RICK SANTORUM Robo-Slimes McCain
... » Blog Archive » HOT DOCUMENT: RICK SANTORUM Robo-Slimes McCain
RICK SANTORUM, a surprise winner
RICK SANTORUM, a surprise winner
RICK SANTORUM blasts that other Rick who just might want to run for ...
RICK SANTORUM blasts that other Rick who just might want to run for ...
Ricky Perry and RICK SANTORUM BOTH Deny Reality
Ricky Perry and RICK SANTORUM BOTH Deny Reality
RICK SANTORUM’s Gay Marriage Debate With College Student
RICK SANTORUM’s Gay Marriage Debate With College Student
File:RICK SANTORUM by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
File:RICK SANTORUM by Gage Skidmore 2.jpg - Wikipedia, the free ...
RICK SANTORUM | South Carolina Debate | Republican Primary | The Daily ...
RICK SANTORUM | South Carolina Debate | Republican Primary | The Daily ...
Rick and Karen Santorum
Rick and Karen Santorum
RICK SANTORUM President 2012 campaign buttons and stickers
RICK SANTORUM President 2012 campaign buttons and stickers
2012 GOP - Playing the hand youre dealt - Cartoon
2012 GOP - Playing the hand youre dealt - Cartoon
RICK SANTORUM, Jack of Hearts - Cartoon
RICK SANTORUM, Jack of Hearts - Cartoon
This RICK SANTORUM ad-still seems right out of a Dan Savage parody ("good at passing"), but its really supposed to show him normal, coaching little league.
This RICK SANTORUM ad-still seems right out of a Dan Savage parody ("good at passing"), but its really supposed to show him normal, coaching little league.
DSC_0013 - Copy
DSC_0013 - Copy
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RICK SANTORUM Jumps To Third in New CNN/Time Iowa Poll
RICK SANTORUM Jumps To Third in New CNN/Time Iowa Poll
RICK SANTORUM says he'd cast vote for Ron Paul after taking 'a lot of antacid'
RICK SANTORUM says he'd cast vote for Ron Paul after taking 'a lot of antacid'
New Rick Perry ad slams Paul, Gingrich, Bachmann, Santorum
New Rick Perry ad slams Paul, Gingrich, Bachmann, Santorum
There is a 'Ronald Reagan' Candidate in the Republican Primary, RICK SANTORUM
There is a 'Ronald Reagan' Candidate in the Republican Primary, RICK SANTORUM
Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum Hang On in Republican Race
Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum Hang On in Republican Race
Perry, Gingrich Hit by Party's Drive to Block Voters: Ezra Klein
Perry, Gingrich Hit by Party's Drive to Block Voters: Ezra Klein
GOP Candidates Reveal How They Would Enact Pro-Life 'Personhood' Laws
GOP Candidates Reveal How They Would Enact Pro-Life 'Personhood' Laws
Iowa Conservative Leader Mired in Controversy After RICK SANTORUM Endorsement
Iowa Conservative Leader Mired in Controversy After RICK SANTORUM Endorsement
Victoria Jackson Hates Muslims, Loves Michele Bachmann and RICK SANTORUM
Victoria Jackson Hates Muslims, Loves Michele Bachmann and RICK SANTORUM
Can RICK SANTORUM Win in Iowa?
Can RICK SANTORUM Win in Iowa?
NEW: 100 hear Santorum at Roshek Building
NEW: 100 hear Santorum at Roshek Building
It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's the 2012 Republican candidates
It's a bird, it's a plane, no it's the 2012 Republican candidates
Michele Bachmann gets biblical in response to Vander Plaats question
Michele Bachmann gets biblical in response to Vander Plaats question
Bachmann: I'm not dropping out
Bachmann: I'm not dropping out
RICK SANTORUM loves vests and turtlenecks
RICK SANTORUM loves vests and turtlenecks

Rick santorum : Videos

Pop Up
Pop Up
Santorum on Fox & Friends
Santorum on Fox & Friends
Piers Morgan Confronts RICK SANTORUM On His Bigotry
Piers Morgan Confronts RICK SANTORUM On His Bigotry
Santorum: pursuit of happiness harms America
Santorum: pursuit of happiness harms America
Vander Plaats Endorses Santorum
Vander Plaats Endorses Santorum
Santorum: "Pursue and Prosecute" Muslim Brotherhood
Santorum: "Pursue and Prosecute" Muslim Brotherhood
Ron Paul Educates RICK SANTORUM on Iran During Ames Iowa Debate
Ron Paul Educates RICK SANTORUM on Iran During Ames Iowa Debate
Santorum confronts Perry on HPV mandate
Santorum confronts Perry on HPV mandate
GOP Debate - RICK SANTORUM On Reinstating Dont Ask, Dont Tell
GOP Debate - RICK SANTORUM On Reinstating Dont Ask, Dont Tell
Glenn Beck: RICK SANTORUM "is the next George Washington"
Glenn Beck: RICK SANTORUM "is the next George Washington"
RICK SANTORUM Against "Privileges" for Gays
RICK SANTORUM Against "Privileges" for Gays
RICK SANTORUMs Google Problem
RICK SANTORUMs Google Problem
Dan Savage takes on Michele Bachmann, RICK SANTORUM on Real Time with Bill Maher
Dan Savage takes on Michele Bachmann, RICK SANTORUM on Real Time with Bill Maher
Santorum wants you to suffer
Santorum wants you to suffer
The Only One
The Only One
RICK SANTORUM Bares His Soul About Bella.wmv
RICK SANTORUM Bares His Soul About Bella.wmv
RICK SANTORUM Throws a Tantrum
RICK SANTORUM Throws a Tantrum
RICK SANTORUM on Fox News Sunday
RICK SANTORUM on Fox News Sunday
RICK SANTORUM at the 1st GOP Presidential Debate
RICK SANTORUM at the 1st GOP Presidential Debate
RICK SANTORUM Says He Supports Gay Soldier Stephen Hill
RICK SANTORUM Says He Supports Gay Soldier Stephen Hill
RICK SANTORUM and Ed Schultz go head-to-head
RICK SANTORUM and Ed Schultz go head-to-head
Santorum on Ron Paul
Santorum on Ron Paul
Tension in GOP race rises as Jan. 3 crawls closer
Tension in GOP race rises as Jan. 3 crawls closer
Caucus heats up for GOP candidates
Caucus heats up for GOP candidates
Iowa caucus starting to turn ugly
Iowa caucus starting to turn ugly
Gov. Branstad: Santorum a contender
Gov. Branstad: Santorum a contender
Top Iowa faith leaders endorse Santorum
Top Iowa faith leaders endorse Santorum
Santorum: Im for income inequality
Santorum: Im for income inequality
Glenn Beck: RICK SANTORUM "is the next George Washington"
Glenn Beck: RICK SANTORUM "is the next George Washington"
Santorum: I was asked to drop out
Santorum: I was asked to drop out
Vander Plaats on Santorum endorsement
Vander Plaats on Santorum endorsement
Can RICK SANTORUM Win in Iowa?
Can RICK SANTORUM Win in Iowa?
Santorum: Paul more left than Obama
Santorum: Paul more left than Obama
Santorum: Character Definitely an Issue
Santorum: Character Definitely an Issue
RICK SANTORUM: On the Iowa Campaign Trail
RICK SANTORUM: On the Iowa Campaign Trail
Saturday Night Live: Cold Opening: On the Record
Saturday Night Live: Cold Opening: On the Record
Kiera Knightley Googles RICK SANTORUM: My Innocence Has Been ...
Kiera Knightley Googles RICK SANTORUM: My Innocence Has Been ...
RICK SANTORUM on Iowa Chances
RICK SANTORUM on Iowa Chances
Candidate Profile: RICK SANTORUM, Part II
Candidate Profile: RICK SANTORUM, Part II
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Election 2012: 8 Contenders Live ...
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Election 2012: 8 Contenders Live ...
Countdown to Iowa: RICK SANTORUM
Countdown to Iowa: RICK SANTORUM
RICK SANTORUM Inspired By Ill Daughter
RICK SANTORUM Inspired By Ill Daughter
RICK SANTORUM still standing
RICK SANTORUM still standing
Beer sampling with Santorum
Beer sampling with Santorum
Santorum: No credit to Obama for Osama
Santorum: No credit to Obama for Osama
Ron Paul Ad - Washington Machine
Ron Paul Ad - Washington Machine

Rick santorum : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

How come this comes up when I google "RICK SANTORUM"?

"Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anaI sex. 2. Senator Rick santorum."
Answer: you obviously have no clue how google works. there was a time if you googled "great french military victories" you'd get the error message "did you mean great french military defeats?" it's all a matter of search terms and number of hits
Category: Politics

RICK SANTORUM hunts for a big endorsement but comes up empty | The ...

ADEL, IOWA--Rick santorum insisted he just felt like going hunting. But with just a week to go before Iowas Republican presidential caucuses, it wasnt quite that ...

Santorum Surge Watch: Iowa Joementum

So whos doing better week to week? Rick santorum. Hes moved from a net +20 favorable rating to a +27 rating. A week ago, when voters were asked for their second choice candidates, he was at the back of a four-way tie with Gingrich, Bachmann ...

Santorum Discusses Shrinking Federal Court

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa – One of Iowa’s newest top-tier candidates, Rick santorum, on Wednesday took on an issue that previous Hawkeye State front-runner Newt Gingrich has often discussed -– reining in so-called “activist” federal judges.

Why is RICK SANTORUM so obsessed with gay marraige?

Im 99% sure Rick santorum is gay. Lets be honest, straight men are too busy fixing their cars, watching football, and going to Hooters to really give a damn about gay marriage. Marry whoever you want.
Answer: His wedding plans depend on it.
Category: Politics

Why does flip flopping Romney have more support than constant candidates like Ron Paul & RICK SANTORUM?

Mitt Romney govern like a Liberal and he has flip flopped on every Conservative issue while Ron Paul & Rick santorum has been constant in their principle yet Romney has more support.
Answer: the media. the media helps him in evry posible way because if romney runs against obama no matter who wins they stillll hav someone in their pockets! by the way Romney & Obama are the same! the only diference is the skin color... Ron Paul 2012!!
Category: Politics

Why has Tim Pawlenty not endorsed the inevitable GOP nominee yet for President, RICK SANTORUM?

Santorums crushing of media darlings Mitt Romney and Rick Perry in the Iowa straw poll are clear proof of his momentum that is unstoppable!
Answer: Maybe it's proof that Perry and Romney are idiots? Santorum couldn't even win in his own state. Why would you think he can win a national election.
Category: Politics

Remembering Kim Jong-il’s Ventures Into the Sporting World

In the political world, Kim Jong-il of North Korea was a despot and nuclear antagonist. In the sporting world, he might have been the only guy ever to wear platform shoes, a bouffant hairdo and “Dear Leader” embroidered on his bowling shirt. In his first match at Pyongyang Lanes, Kim bowled a perfect 300, according to state-run news - By JERÉ LONGMAN

What did Republican RICK SANTORUM mean when he called the GOP the anti-science party?

Social and Fiscal conservative Rick santorum is afraid that the Republicans will be known as the anti-science party. Because of the Republicans attack and denial of global warming science, and the refusal to accept that creationism is not science, and that evolution is credible science, Santorum is afraid that the Republican party will be perceived as the anti-science party. Is he correct? Do too many conservatives believe in creationism over evolution, and deny the overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of man made global warming.
Answer: He is sneaky but at least he is aware of the negative impact that the GOP's attacks on science and support of Creationism will cost them dearly at the polls. So he is just engaging in a game of political flim flam, like many of his cohort Theo con politicians Any way you look at it neither he nor the rest of them will get anywhere. Hope this helps
Category: Politics

RICK SANTORUM - Republican Presidential Candidates - New York ...

Collection of recent and archived news and commentary, photos, multimedia and selected web resources.

RICK SANTORUM: Marriage Decline Equals Economic Pain; Blame Obama

MASON CITY, Iowa-- Voters right now care about the economy more than anything, so a record of consistent social conservatism may be less useful than ever to a candidate, even in an evangelical-heavy state like Iowa. Today, Rick santorum killed ...

What should RICK SANTORUM change his name to?

Google "Santorum" if you dont understand why I ask. I favor Rick "ManOnDog". Cob--apparently hes thinking of running for the Republican Presidential nomination.
Answer: Actually I would like Samuel Mudd although it looks like Mudd was wrongly accused. If you have ever heard the term "His name is Mud", the term started by referring to Samuel Mudd. (He is the man that treated John Wilkes Booth's broken leg, not knowing that he had just assassinated Lincoln, and was arrested and tried as a co-conspirator) z
Category: Politics

Santorum Up, Perry Down

Sorry to send yall on a link chain, but at CFIF I discuss why a new column by Rich Lowry and polling by PPP both show more good news for Rick santorum. Meanwhile, Jennifer Rubin thinks Rick Perrys campaign may be in its final days -- which is ...

Riehl World View: Conservatives Shouldn't Abandon RICK SANTORUM

I've already said I support Perry, so a Santorum rise is problematic in that sense. But I think conservatives turning on Santorum, whatever their reasoning, simply because of one poll is a big mistake. It's the same Santorum ...

RICK SANTORUM Promises To 'Pack Up And Go Home' If He Is 'Dead ...

Rick santorum has put his chips all down in Iowa. The candidate-- a long-shot for the Republican nomination but a considerable contender in Iowa-- said today that he believes he will do particularly well in the state's ...

Daily Kos: CNN: Finally, RICK SANTORUM starts moving up in Iowa

Even if Santorum's rise is real (PPP did not show similar movement in their newest Iowa poll), is it in time to do him any good? The caucuses are less than a week away, and Santorum doesn't have the money or organization ...

RICK SANTORUMs Two-Step Plan To End Poverty

WASHINGTON -- At a campaign event in Iowa on Wednesday, GOP presidential candidate Rick santorum laid out his simple two-point plan for eradicating poverty in America. "Do you know if you do two things in your life -- if you do two things in ...

RICK SANTORUM Claims Momentum Ahead Of Iowa Caucus 2012

INDEPENDENCE, Iowa -- Republican hopeful Rick santorum is claiming momentum heading into the Iowa caucuses. The former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania mingled with 25 people at a diner in Independence, Iowa, and ...

who else wants RICK SANTORUM to run for president?

Oh my God the humor potential is even greater than if Palin ran! Have you googled Rick santorum?
Answer: I would rather not elect someone for president who wrapped their wife's miscarried dead fetus up in a blanket, brought it home to show (or should I say traumatize) their three young children, kissed and cuddled with it, and then took pictures with it. http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2010/11/08/fetus-made-former-president-antiabortion
Category: Politics

Kim Jong-il, Sportsman

In the political world, Kim Jong-il of North Korea was a despot and nuclear antagonist. In the sporting world, he might have been the only guy ever to wear platform shoes, a bouffant hairdo and Dear Leader embroidered on his bowling shirt. In his first match at Pyongyang Lanes, Kim bowled a perfect 300, according to state-run news media, which - By JERÉ LONGMAN

RICK SANTORUM’s appeal—Rich Lowry - NYPOST.com

In a Republican nomination contest full of “second looks,” former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick santorum may be heading toward a “first look” in the finale of the ...

Republican Rivals Unleash Broadside on Paul in Iowa

MASON CITY, Iowa — The Republican presidential candidates sharpened their criticism of Representative Ron Paul on Tuesday in an effort to keep his support from growing among voters who are frustrated with government and may be inclined to send a message to the Washington establishment by supporting him in the Iowa caucuses. Newt Gingrich said - By JEFF ZELENY and MICHAEL D. SHEAR

When is RICK SANTORUM going to drop out and stop wasting his supporters money?

Cmon, Rick. ZERO chance. ZERO. Rick santorum doesnt even have a chance of stealing a few votes from the other candidates. Hes literally a non-factor.
Answer: Probably when he runs out of supporter's money.
Category: Elections

What can Governor RICK SANTORUM do to boost his ratings? Why is the Liberal Media ignoring his calls for war?

Governor Santorum said that we should keep troops in Iraq & Afghanistan for decades more. He also said we should invade Iran and occupy that country too. For this, I strongly support Governor Santorum. But, why are his poll numbers still low? Do you think this is the result of the Liberal Media pushing Mitt Romney as their number one candidate? Rick santorum would make a great President, and hed put an end to Islamic Fascism and an end to Homosexuality. Rick santorum is the only true Conservative running right now.
Answer: Rick santorum is like one of those awful singers on American Idol. The kid's mother told her that she is a fine singer and she just needs to go down to the tryouts, then she'll sing and sing and become the next American Idol. So the happy kid goes down and sings her lungs out. Oops. She has an awful voice. Her world comes crashing down when the judges give her the bad news. She runs home crying to mother who tells her she is still a great singer and that the judges were wrong. In Rick santorum's case, switch the girl to Rick, the mother to the Christian extremist movement in America, and the judges to the American voters. Poor little Rick, his world is crashing down.
Category: Politics

Why Is The Homophobic RICK SANTORUM Performing So Poorly In The Primaries?

Why hasnt his "I Hate Gay People" campaign been resonating with American voters ? Rick santorum should have ran for president in 1960, because his ideology is so over 50 years ago. Somebody should tell Rick santorum it is 2011 and that most American people do not have an extreme hatred of Homosexuals like he does.
Category: Politics

Cuccinelli Up on Santorum, Down on Gingrich and Romney

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, one of the greatest rising starts of the conservative movement, put out some commentary recently that has good things to say about Rick santorum and extensive criticism of both Newt Gingrich and Mitt ...

Update: Rep. Steve King hunts pheasants today with Santorum ...

But King, whose endorsement is highly sought by Republican presidential candidates, told the Des Moines Register he has no plans today to make an ...

Campaign for "santorum" neologism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2003, in response to comments by U.S. Senator Rick santorum that were criticized as anti-gay by gay rights groups and some politicians, the sex columnist and gay ...

Since RICK SANTORUM crushed both Romney & Perry in Iowa, should they now bow out and back Santorum for the GOP?

The GOP needs to unify early. The smart thing for them to do is to join the super charged momentum that the Rick santorum candidacy clearly has now.
Answer: Don Quixote would love your logic. Too bad he was insane. The Iowa Straw Polls are not in any way binding. They don't win any delegates or superdelegates or anything else. Therefore, nobody uses them to terminate a campaign. They only use them to boost a campaign. But my reading of the recent polls is that you conservatives are stuck with Michelle Bachmann and her whole history of extremism. Go ahead, unify behind her! Too bad for you!! .
Category: Politics

RICK SANTORUM: "Iowa Surprise"

I was sent the following email on December 28, 2011 at 9:38 am: We are just 4 days away from a critical end of the year fundraising deadline, and 6 days away from the Iowa Caucuses, which is why today we are launching our Iowa Surprise Money Bomb. If you ...

The Houses of the G.O.P. Hopefuls

EVEN in an era of the two-year presidential campaign, with debates that seem to come as regularly as dinner, there remains that nagging question: never mind the packagers, handlers and strategists; what are these candidates really like? The hunt goes on for insights and stories to provide an unfiltered view of their true character. Where better to - By KATE ZERNIKE

Do you think that RICK SANTORUM will be the 2012 GOP?

I wanted to ask Republicans what they thought about Rick santorum?I have a cousin who is a republican and she said that she was disgusted by him and would not support him I know hes very anti-gay which they all are.Yes Im gay but I would love to hear what other republicans think about him.
Answer: Over the last few months, each of the major Republican candidates has taken his turn as 'flavor of the week'. Except Santorum! I'm not sure why this is, I mean he's really no more extreme than Michelle Bachmann, and she's had her turn. Surely he can't be worse, either for America or for the Republican Party itself, than Newt Gingrich! But he's been a non-starter from the beginning. The real campaign hasn't even begun yet. After the first 2 or 3 primaries, candidates will begin to drop out. I guess it's just possible that Santorum will be the last man standing. But I tend to really doubt it. He's just not good for the party's image.
Category: Elections

Santorum Fighting to Contend in Crucial Iowa

MASON CITY, Iowa — Rick santorum isnt going down without a fight. In fact, that fight might be lifting him up. The Republican presidential candidate who may have logged more miles than any other this year is more likely these days to be ...

RICK SANTORUM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard John "Rick" Santorum (born May 10, 1958) is a lawyer and a former United States Senator from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Santorum was the ...

RICK SANTORUM Fails to Get One Endorsement, But He’s Grilled ...

ADEL, Iowa — Just over a week before the Iowa caucuses, Rick santorum stood next to a coveted endorsement he did not receive while being grilled about one he did ...

Santorum on whether he would vote for Ron Paul in 2012: "Absolutely"

CNNs Wolf Blitzer, who today anchored The Situation Room from Dubuque, Iowa, asked Rick santorum in an interview if he could vote for Ron Paul in a 2012 general election: WOLF BLITZER:  If he were the Republican nominee for president ...


Rick santorum. AKA Richard John Santorum. US Senator from Pennsylvania, 1995-2007. Birthplace: Winchester, VA. Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity ...

Pitching Iowa Evangelicals, Candidates Pack Religion Into Ads

DES MOINES — There is Rick Perry , a stained-glass window and a large illuminated cross over his right shoulder, looking more preacher than politician. An aerial shot of a soaring church steeple zooms into focus a few seconds later. Then — blink and you’ll miss it — a picture of Mr. Perry, the Texas governor, with his arm - By JEREMY W. PETERS

Santormentum? RICK SANTORUM Surges In Iowa | Mediaite

A new CNN poll has Rick santorum roaring back back from the bottom of the GOP pack to 16% in Iowa.

Santorum Holding His Own in Iowa

(NewsCore) - Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum likes to joke about the time he held a meet-and-greet in Iowa and only one person showed up -- the local party chairman. This week, he drew about 150 people to a question-and-answer ...


2 hours ago ... During a 2010 interview with Colby Itkowitz, who writes for the Washington bureau of the Allentown, Pennsylvania Morning Call, Rick santorum ...

Isnt it funny to see idiots like Michelle Bachman and RICK SANTORUM still in the race?

They are polling lower than Ron Paul. Remember when Rick santorum said at the debate "Ron Paul ladies and gentlemen" like Paul was some kind of cook? Well guess what Ricky "frothy" Santorum. He is polling higher than the 1% youre at. And seeing Michelle "cant look in a camera" Bachman polling at 6% is priceless. Why do these idiots still go to the debates lololol? What do you need sources for idiot? Do you not follow the news?
Answer: ron paul is the only non cook on the damn stage. the rest are dumb and bought. as in retarded and purchased.
Category: Politics

Santorum says momentum could give him top-three Iowa Caucus finish

Independence, Ia. – An optimistic Rick santorum, who has spent most of the presidential campaign as a second-tier candidate, predicted here today that his momentum gives him a legitimate shot at placing among the top three Republicans in next ...


Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick santorum.

Pastor: Only Bachmann or Santorum Can Bring "Gods Economic Recovery"

SAN JOSE, CA -- "Voting for Michelle Bachmann or Rick santorum will help bring Gods economic recovery to the USA because they best stand for God," says Pastor Steven Andrew. He is president of USA Christian Ministries and author of "Making A Strong Christian Nation."

Who would win in a debate between RICK SANTORUM and Donald Trump?

Not expecting many responses because most FOX viewers dont even know who Rick santorum is
Answer: Rick. Easily. Trump knows very little beyond business.
Category: Politics

Iowa Surprise Moneybomb | RICK SANTORUM for President

Join Rick santorum, the true conservative, as he runs for President of the United States

Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, and Santorum Go Extreme on Abortion

That doesn’t mean, though, that it’s too extreme for the Republican presidential field. Last night, four GOP candidates—Rick santorum, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry—took part in a “tele-town hall” sponsored by ...

RICK SANTORUM, topped with NRA cap, shoots for conservative vote ...

ADEL, Iowa - Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum sought to underscore his conservative credentials today with a shotgun-toting pheasant hunt ...

THE CAUCUS; Two Conservatives in Iowa Urge Support for Santorum

DE WITT, Iowa - Rick santorum, who was the first Republican presidential hopeful to visit all 99 Iowa counties in a quest to gain traction for the partys nomination, received a lift on Tuesday by collecting a highly coveted endorsement from Bob Vander Plaats, one of the most visible leaders of the Christian conservative movement. Two weeks before - Republican presidential hopeful Rick santorum collects highly coveted endorsement from Bob Vander Plaats, influential leader of the Christian conservative movement; two weeks before the Iowa caucuses open the Republican nominating contest, many of the states evangelical voters have yet to unify behind one candidate. (M)2 - By JEFF ZELENY; Richard A. Oppel Jr. contributed reporting from Pella, Iowa.

RickSantorum - Twitter

Karen and I have 7 children; Candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States; former Congressman & Senator from Pennsylvania ...

RICK SANTORUM's Two-Step Plan To End Poverty

WASHINGTON -- At a campaign event in Iowa on Wednesday, GOP presidential candidate Rick santorum laid out his simple two-point plan for eradicating poverty in America. "Do you know if you do two things in your life -- if ...

RICK SANTORUM Fails to Connect in Iowa

OSCEOLA, Iowa — One of two things is certain to happen in the next few weeks to Rick santorum , after making more than 300 campaign stops in Iowa and draining his personal bank account. Either he will finally catch fire (and there are signs he may be gaining some ground). Or he will become the sole major Republican candidate to never have - By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.

Has Trump done for the Birthers what RICK SANTORUM has done for the English language?

Will people now say youve been "Trumped"? Do you think Donald Trumps behavior will be forever enshrined on American politics like Rick santorum who firmly established his place in American history and in the street language of many Americans with his own noun named after him? Will Trump try to copyright it to make some extra bucks? Will Trump try to copyright it to make some extra bucks?
Answer: Yes, if Trump means to be made a fool of, being laughed at and not knowing it etc.
Category: Politics

RICK SANTORUM Hunts For Iowas Pheasants, Votes : NPR

With just a week until the Republican caucuses, presidential candidate Rick santorum spent Monday in Iowa. He took his teenaged son John pheasant hunting ...

Republican longshot RICK SANTORUM hopes a fighters grit will lift ...

MASON CITY, Iowa - Rick santorum isnt going down without a fight. In fact, that fight might be lifting him up. The Republican presidential candidate who ...

THE TEXAS TRIBUNE; Texas Foots the Bill for Gov. Rick Perry’s Security Detail

Gov. Rick Perry was near the height of his popularity when he barnstormed California in September to raise money for his presidential bid and to participate in his first nationally televised debate. His state-provided security guards were flying pretty high, too, spending more than $32,000 in taxpayer money for travel and lodging in San Francisco, - By JAY ROOT

RICK SANTORUM's 12 Most Offensive Statements | ThinkProgress

Jun 6, 2011 ... This morning, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick santorum (R) announced his candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination, telling ABC's ...

RICK SANTORUM boosted in evangelical mini-primary - Jonathan ...

URBANDALE, Iowa – Rick santorum’s endorsement Tuesday by two leading Iowa social conservatives offers the former Pennsylvania senator a major boost in his ...

RICK SANTORUM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Richard John "Rick" Santorum (born May 10, 1958) is a lawyer and a former United States Senator from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Santorum was the chairman of ...

RICK SANTORUM Can't Tell Wolf Blitzer How President Paul Would ...

With Rep. Ron Paul inching towards the Iowa caucuses in the top position, Wolf Blitzer's favorite question for his rivals for the Republican nomination, given Rep. Paul's foreign policy views, has been to ask whether they can ...

Santorum Rips Paul at Stop in Cedar Falls

Presidential hopeful Rick santorum told voters during a stop in Cedar Falls that they should choose him over Ron Paul, who is polling high in Iowa. He defied them to find anything the Texas Congressman has been able to get through Congress. "I think the ...

Do you agree with RICK SANTORUM that marriage should be a federal issue?

I agree with Rick santorum (youre not going to catch me doing that very often). Its just that I think that it should be LEGAL to have a same-sex marriage as opposed to ILLEGAL. Also, I agree with Ron Pauls comment that suggested that it would be better if we didint have to get a license to get married AT ALL.
Answer: The power to pass laws defining what constitutes a marriage was not given to either the states or the federal government by the Constitution. Since those powers not given to either body are left to the people, it is up to the individuals to get the issue voted on at either the state or national level. Since we have no mechanism at the federal level for this type of ballot issue, it is up to the states to get it on the ballot and let them decide what constitutes marriage. And we've seen what happens when the people make the decision. The gay marriage proposal goes down in defeat. @justlikethat Unfortunately, many government programs provide for spousal and survivor benefits. Actuary tables have never considered the impact of gay marriage on those benefits. The sudden inclusion of large numbers of same sex partners will have a dramatic impact on the already strained ability of the government to pay such benefits to a group that was never factored into the equation.
Category: Politics

RICK SANTORUM News and Video - FOX News Topics - FOXNews.com

Watch breaking news videos and read news updates about Rick santorum on FOXNews.com.

Santorum on CNN poll: Hard work pays off

(CNN) - Moments after a new CNN/Time/ORC International poll showed Rick santorum surging in Iowa, the Republican hopeful attributed his late-in-the-game success to campaign grit. "Its like any small business person," Santorum said on CNNs "The ...

RICK SANTORUM, Iowas Dark Horse candidate, gaining ground ...

Rick santorum is finally rising in the polls in Iowa. And Santorum gained a key evangelical Christian leaders endorsement Tuesday.

As Iowa Caucus Nears, Much Is Still Up in the Air

DES MOINES — Mitt Romney and his allies are making an assertive final push this week to increase his chances of a strong finish in the Iowa caucuses, the outcome of which could help determine the length of the Republican presidential nominating battle. Any questions about whether Mr. Romney is playing to win in Iowa will be dispelled in the - By JEFF ZELENY

Iowa Surprise Moneybomb | RICK SANTORUM for President

Join Rick santorum, the true conservative, as he runs for President of the United States.

RICK SANTORUM : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Big News on Rick santorum. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Rick santorum

RICK SANTORUM Fights To Contend In Iowa Caucus 2012

MASON CITY, Iowa — Rick santorum isn't going down without a fight. In fact, that fight seems to be lifting him – at exactly the right time.

EDITORIAL; The Republican Candidates’ Race to the Right

The toxic effects of right-wing extremism in Washington were vividly on display during the payroll-tax fiasco — even to the right wing. On the campaign trail, though, those lessons are being ignored. The leading Republican presidential candidates are overtly competing for the title of Most Conservative, distorting their own records and

RICK SANTORUM's Anal Sex Problem | Mother Jones

Rick santorum would very much like to be president. For the past few years, he has been diligently appearing at the sorts of conservative events—the Values ...

RICK SANTORUM waiting for his moment - Omaha.com

WASHINGTON — For former U.S. Sen. Rick santorum, its always been about faith. Deep religious conviction fuels Santorums conservative politics. Its ...

God help republicans if <b>Rick santorum</b> gets the nominationGod help republicans if Rick santorum gets the nomination
From: cdietzatpitt - Source: Twitter for iPhone

RT @Wary12: @Larewnce #LastWord <b>Rick santorum</b> Weird? His "Man on Dog" quote INAMOUIS How Weird do voters go" in #Iowa #p2RT @Wary12: @Larewnce #LastWord Rick santorum Weird? His "Man on Dog" quote INAMOUIS How Weird do voters go" in #Iowa #p2
From: rowdiman - Source: web

@ImTheQ Or "<b>Rick santorum</b>, wood shop molester"@ImTheQ Or "Rick santorum, wood shop molester"
From: SexCpotatoes - Source: web

<b>Rick santorum</b> Jumps To Third in New #CNN/Time Iowa Poll: <b>Rick santorum</b> has put his #chips all… http://t.co/Vs0Ai7d1Rick santorum Jumps To Third in New #CNN/Time Iowa Poll: Rick santorum has put his #chips all… http://t.co/Vs0Ai7d1
From: products2buy - Source: Google

RT @weywerdSun: Ed Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against <b>Rick santorum</b>. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbcRT @weywerdSun: Ed Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against Rick santorum. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbc
From: kkalmes2 - Source: web

RT @rationalists: <b>Rick santorum</b> announces his 2-step plan for ending poverty: 1/. Bomb Muslims. 2/. Bash gays.RT @rationalists: Rick santorum announces his 2-step plan for ending poverty: 1/. Bomb Muslims. 2/. Bash gays.
From: WThomasMarks - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®

@smitty_one_each @rsmccain @instapundit A Dan Riehl Commenter on <b>Rick santorum</b>:
"You think Perry is the better (cont) http://t.co/1FpqLOQq@smitty_one_each @rsmccain @instapundit A Dan Riehl Commenter on Rick santorum: "You think Perry is the better (cont) http://t.co/1FpqLOQq
From: richard_mcenroe - Source: TwitLonger Beta

RT @jonwurster: What are the odds that <b>Rick santorum</b> knows what reggae is?RT @jonwurster: What are the odds that Rick santorum knows what reggae is?
From: blurstoftimes - Source: web

RT @TahoeNoah: Santorum on the head line of Drudge!  Go Rick! @RickSantorumRT @TahoeNoah: Santorum on the head line of Drudge! Go Rick! @RickSantorum
From: TeamSantorum - Source: Twitter for iPhone

RT @weywerdSun: Ed Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against <b>Rick santorum</b>. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbcRT @weywerdSun: Ed Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against Rick santorum. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbc
From: JAMSRIDE - Source: web

RT @weywerdSun: Ed Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against <b>Rick santorum</b>. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbcRT @weywerdSun: Ed Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against Rick santorum. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbc
From: alKERRR - Source: web

First Ron Paul now <b>Rick santorum</b>s poll numbers are spiking in Iowa. #WhoAreThesePeople? #Iowans #midwesterners #landlockedFirst Ron Paul now Rick santorums poll numbers are spiking in Iowa. #WhoAreThesePeople? #Iowans #midwesterners #landlocked
From: nolanbush - Source: web

Ed Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against <b>Rick santorum</b>. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbcEd Rendell: I think President Obama would win every swing state in a race against Rick santorum. @lawrence @TheLastWord @msnbc
From: weywerdSun - Source: web

<b>Rick santorum</b> is for Ron Paul.  Hello.  GOP, have you gone off the deep end? http://t.co/KW4Q6KPT #iacaucusRick santorum is for Ron Paul. Hello. GOP, have you gone off the deep end? http://t.co/KW4Q6KPT #iacaucus
From: UnitedStates - Source: web

<b>Rick santorum</b> Jumps To Third in New CNN/Time Iowa Poll: INDEPENDENCE, Iowa — Republican hopeful <b>Rick santorum</b> is... http://t.co/649zcBFwRick santorum Jumps To Third in New CNN/Time Iowa Poll: INDEPENDENCE, Iowa — Republican hopeful Rick santorum is... http://t.co/649zcBFw
From: hanschristense1 - Source: twitterfeed

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