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What are the names of all of the GIRL SCOUT COOKIES now?
I was in the girl scouts when the cookies had names like tagalongs, do-si-dos, chalet cremes, etc. But its been so long since Ive been a girl scout, to the point where I dont even know the names of any of the cookies except for thin mints.
Answer: All Abouts, Daisey-Go-Rounds, Do-Si-Dos, Dulce de Leche, Lemon Chalet Creams, Lemonade, Reduced Fat Daisey-Go-Rounds, Samoas - Caramel deLights, Thank You Berry Munch, Tagalongs, Thanks-a-lot, Thin Mints, Trefoils.
Those are all the varieties :D
Category: Other - Food & Drink
Girl Scouts announce on-the-spot cookie deliveries
Nebraska Girl Scouts have joined the era of instant gratification when it comes to their cookies. Beginning this year, the 19,000 Nebraska Girl Scouts of the Spirit of Nebraska Council will offer direct sales -- meaning when they start selling Girl Scout ...
What Would Estée Do?
HIGH above Fifth Avenue, near the southern fringe of Central Park, is a shrine to the fickle goddess Beauty. This is the gilded aerie where Estée Lauder created her visions of eternal youth. Little has changed since Mrs. Lauder died in 2004, at (approximately) age 97. The ornate desk from which she commanded her cosmetics empire is still polished - By NATASHA SINGER
Teen Calls for Girl Scout Cookie Boycott Over Transgender Issue ...
Read Teen Calls for Girl Scout Cookie Boycott Over Transgender Issue from our blog Parenting on Yahoo! Shine. Backlash after a teen calls for a boycott of Girl ...
Do the Girl Scouts allow welfare mothers to sell GIRL SCOUT COOKIES after having baby and not married?
Sarah Palin: Daughter Bristol ‘doing just great’
Governor helps Daughter Bristol a Girl Scout sell cookies with new grandchild Tripp in tow.
Gov Palin is proud of her unmarried daughter. Where did the Republican standards go wrong?
Answer: Shes not proud of her you can bet that. And to that one poster that said something about she shouldn't have gotten married for the kid or to keep a family together, uggghghhhh
I guess we know where society is going. Pretty soon there will be nobody married and kids by every other "baby daddy". And people want to give the gays heck for just wanting to be married lmfao!
Category: Politics
How much does a box of GIRL SCOUT COOKIES go for in canada?
My daughter is just wondering how much does a box of Girl scout cookies go for in canada ?
Answer: Do you want to know about Girl scout cookies or Girl Guide Cookies?
I wouldn't even know where to get Girl scout cookies in Canada.
We have two types of Girl Guide Cookies though (Chocolate and Vanilla Sandwich cookies & Chocolate Mint Cookies) and they are both 4$ per box
Category: Other - Food & Drink
NEW YORK STORY; You Cooked What? Ill Trade You Granola!
THE kombucha guy was doing it wrong, and so was I. By the time Rich Awn, the owner of the one-man tea-and-coffee brewery Mombucha, arrived at the food swap in a TriBeCa apartment building, the table brimmed with inventive homemade goods, including vodka infused with the needles from an organic Christmas tree. Next to each offering was a green - By DEBBIE KOENIG
Girl Guide debate: Classic sandwich cookie vs. Savannah Smiles
The U.S. Girl Scouts even have an iPhone app that points consumers to the nearest cookie sellers. “There are so many choices here and they’re good,” Ms. Ketchum said with a famished-sounding growl. Or as she wrote on her popular baking blog ...
Cookies | Little Brownie Bakers
Contact Us; Mobile Apps; Press Room; About Us; Girl Safety; FAQs; Español;; The "Girl Scouts®" name, mark and all associated trademarks and ...
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES - Find Cookies Now!
Find cookies now!, Learn more about the Girl Scout Cookie Program and the skills it teaches.
Why did I lose weight after a day of eating a box of GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?
Ive been on a strict low carb diet for months, but Ive been plateuing and gaining a few pounds for the past 3 weeks. However, I bought some Girl scout cookies Monday, and polished them off by Tuesday afternoon. I ate one normal meal both days, and a bowl of frozen yogurt.
Im not bulimic and I didnt exercise.
Answer: You lost weight because you shocked your body with a completely different approach. The same thing happened to me when I was on weight watchers. Embrace it, and go back to your normal routine. Cheat every once in a while, it works. ..
Category: Diet & Fitness
No GIRL SCOUT COOKIES: Group Has Ties to Planned Parenthood
When our sweet little neighbor in her brown camp uniform came knocking on our door this year, we had to say no. I told her mother that I didn’t want to hurt Katie’s feelings, but I couldn’t support the Girl Scout cookie sale anymore ...
Is there a place you can buy GIRL SCOUT COOKIES year round?
I love Girl scout cookies especially the chocolate mint kind (not sure what they are called), but I always forget when they are being sold and miss them. Is there anywhere I can buy them year round or atleast something similar in taste?
Answer: Unfortunately, Girl Scouts only sell cookies once a year. Thin Mints can be frozen for up to 6 months - so stock up and you will have them almost all year round!
Category: Other - Food & Drink
The Santa Barbara Independent Girl Scout Cookie Pre-Sales Start ...
Girl Scouts of California's Central Coast announced that local Girl Scouts began taking orders for Girl scout cookies throughout Santa Barbara and Goleta on January 14, 2012.
Is it too hot to send GIRL SCOUT COOKIES to Irap?
I have had these cookies in my basement and never got around to sending them until now. Is it too hot in June/July to send Girl scout cookies over?
Answer: You can send the shortbread ones sans an issue.
The chocolate ones will melt! :-( As others have explained, the men will squeeze out the chocolate ANY way they can. The LAST thing you will see one of these guys doing is COMPLAINING about melted Girl scout cookies! *grin* So DON'T let THAT discourage you from sending them! Anything from back home is like GOLD to these guys! In fact, many of them would exchange most of their jewelry for some of these treats from back home.
Category: Military
As if GIRL SCOUT COOKIES News | Best Web Gossip
6, Girl scout cookies As I and everybody in the liberal blogosphere have been urging people to do, The Girl Scout 2012 cookie. GIRL SCOUT COOKIES
Results 1 - 16 of 3118 ... Girl Scouts-Thin Mints Cookies, 28ct by Thin Mints. Buy new: ... Girl Scout Cookies-DoSiDos (Peanut Butter Cremes) 1 box by Girl Scout ...
Need GIRL SCOUT COOKIES? There's an app for that | Regional: Lehigh ...
People who enjoy Girl scout cookies can now dial up where to buy their favorites.
Girl Scouts of the USA: Official Web Site
Girl scout cookies; Program Basics; Research. What Girls Say; Media; Publications; Facts and Findings; Resources; e-Newsletters; Feedback; News. Girl Scout Blog; News Releases;
Some Ohio Girl Scouts slam door on cookie sales
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Some Girl Scouts in northeastern Ohio are refusing to go door-to-door selling the organizations famous Caramel deLites, Thin Mints and Trefoils to protest a decision to close four scout camps. The idea to protest the annual ...
Transgender former Girl Scout makes plea to buy more cookies ...
A YouTube clip of a young girl asking people to boycott the sale of Girl scout cookies surfaced on the Internet Wednesday after the organization decided to ...
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES boycott sought by teen after organization admits transgender child
On the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts, a California teenager is calling for a boycott of the organization’s famous cookies. Her complaint: the Girl Scouts admitted a 7-year-old transgender child to a Colorado troop in November. It is not ...
Based on an Old Family Recipe
A COUPLE of years ago, Jason Wang graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a bachelors degree in business. At the moment, he is dishing out spicy hand-cut rice noodles in a narrow storefront in the East Village, and seems pretty thrilled about his career path. Xian Famous Foods, where Mr. Wang toils six days a week, started in 2006 - By STEVEN STERN
Girl Scouts celebrate 100 years
And, as the Girls Scouts of America kicked off their annual cookie drive Saturday, the girls have a new cookie they hope will tempt the taste buds, the Savannah Smile. Named after the hometown of Girl Scouts founder Juliette Gordon Low, the Smile is a ...
Little Brownie Bakers -- Cookie Locator
Type in your zip code or your city name and state to find Girl scout cookies® for sale near you.
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Presidential Primary Book Club
Newt! Newt! Newt! The former speaker of the House is officially a presidential candidate! He broke the news on Twitter, which directed you to a video, which showed Gingrich making what was possibly the least compelling public announcement since LeBron James told the world he was ditching his hometown team because I wanted to do what was best for - Joe Nocera is off today. - By GAIL COLLINS
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES and Learning Life Skills
Girl Scouts of the USA is the premier leadership organization for girls. The $700 million Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country ...
Girl Scout Cookie Locator App Helps You Buy Thin Mints From Your ...
So, the Girl scout cookies sale is on for the season, and once they're gone, they're gone until next year. While cookie season hasn't been without.
Girl Scout Cookie Boycott Sparks Debate
A Ventura County girl scout sparked a heated discussion nationwide after posting a video to Youtube advocating for the boycott of Girl Scouts of the USA’s annual cookie sale. The unidentified 14-year-old asked people to boycott the cookies ...
In Hazelwood, Mo., Carolyn Mills and her daughters, Abigail, 14, and Caitlin, 16, have sold Girl scout cookies from their driveway for years. But after a neighbor complained that the cookie stand created too much traffic and was causing dogs to bark, city officials told the Millses that selling cookies there violated the citys zoning code. - By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS
Bell Ringers Go Digital This Season
Soon, the holiday sounds of coins clinking into red kettles may disappear, replaced by the silence of a credit card swipe. The Salvation Army has begun shifting into digital donations, as fewer and fewer shoppers carry much change or bills. This year, the charity is testing the use of Square, a mobile payments start-up that allows anyone to accept - By STEPHANIE STROM and CLAIRE CAIN MILLER
In the past, each area would offer eight types of cookies. This year you may get the full eight, or like in our area, we're only getting the Super Six: Samoas®, Thin ...
Ventura Girl Scout, 14, Calls For Cookie Boycott Over ‘Radical ...
Ventura Girl Scout, 14, Calls For Cookie Boycott Over ‘Radical Homosexual Agenda’ January 13, 2012 8:27 AM
Judith Warner on Girl Scout Cookie Controversies | TIME Ideas ...
Girl Scout cookie pre-orders begin in my area on Friday, and retail sales may soon be coming to a location near you. But before you ready your checkbook ...
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES by another baker, name are just as sweet
ROCKFORD — Switching bakers didn’t hurt sales of Thin Mints and Tagalongs last year, which is good news for Girl Scout cookie sales this year. Cookie sales started Jan. 2 and run through Jan. 22, with delivery scheduled for mid-February. Cookie sales ...
Its Girl Scout Cookie Season in Eastern Pennsylvania!
Activities include rock climbing, cookie box sculpture building, roller-skating, and more. The event is free and no pre-registration is required, requiring an incremental fee for roller-skating only. Girls who participate in at least two ...
What is similar to samoa GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?
I love somoa Girl scout cookies, and only ordered one box this year. Is there anything similar I can get at the grocery store? Any recipes that are easy (super easy, because Im not a good cook!)
Answer: If you live in Atl I would gladly mail them to you ..i bought some last weekend and i already finished one box..i feel too guilty about it..i am trying to lose weight..neway.. the main ingredients are chocolate and coconut
Try this. this is not a samoas recipe but close and yummy...grind coconut into small shreds then add sweet evaporated milk ( they sell it in cans everywhere)
make it into three small bowls add food coloring to each
Melt some dark or white chocolate
Once it's chocolate is a liquid spread on a big sheet of foil, and work on those coconut colored mixtures making them into snakes
place the three colors or more..on top of chocolate and roll the foil on it.
place in freezer for like 10 min
Take it out get it out of foil then slice the roll into roundells they are delicious and easy to make .fun to make with kids too..:)
Hope you try it and like it!!
Category: Other - Food & Drink
Some Ohio girl scouts boycott cookie sales in camp protest | Reuters
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Some Girl Scouts in northeastern Ohio are boycotting the groups annual cookie sale to protest an effort by regional leaders to close ...
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES and Learning Life Skills
What Can A Cookie Buy? The Experience of a Lifetime. Girl Scouts of the USA is the premier leadership organization for girls. The $700 million Girl Scout Cookie ...
What is the best way to sell GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?
This fall I will be selling Girl scout cookies. Going door to door is fine, I love doing stuff like that in my neighborhood. My family will buy some boxes and my mom can also take them to work, but I want to go beyond that. What should I do?
Answer: 1.Outside of a Publix, Navarro,etc any grocey store
2.In/outside of the mall
3.On a highway or busy street???
4.At school (everyone sells stuff @ my schooll)
5.Any where there is alot of people!!!!!
Hope this helps and hope you seel alot of cokkies
btw today is international chocolate chip cookie day!! Yay!! lol
Category: Cooking & Recipes
who should you sell GIRL SCOUT COOKIES to?
my daughter is selling Girl scout cookies. i need somewhere safe for mychild to sell cookies. what should my say?
Answer: You could try selling them where you work or at your church, or any social groups your family belongs to. These days I just wouldn't recommend going door to door.
Category: Other - Food & Drink
Girl Scout Cookie season begins today!
Girl Scouts are offering up a new, lemony Girl Scout cookie this year called "Savannah Smiles" in honor of the organizations 100th anniversary. The description alone is quite a mouthful, referring to the new treats as "bite-sized, lemon-wedge cookies ...
Girl Scout cookie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Girl scout cookies are cookies sold by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as one of its major fundraisers for local Scout units. Members of the GSUSA have been selling ...
Are you going to be buying GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?
A lot of Girl Scouts around the country will be selling Girl scout cookies this month. Do you support the Girl Scouts or have a Girl Scout that you know?
My daughters troop has to sell a certain amount of cookies to be able to go to the Cosmosphere in March which is $65.00 per person.
Different regions sell cookies for different prices-our price will be $3.50 a box with a $0.53 profit. So each girls goal is to sell 120 boxes of cookies to pay their own way.
Also, if you do buy cookies do you purchase them through family/friends, if a girl comes to your door or a booth sale (where they are standing in front of a business)?
I personally enjoy supporting Girl Scouts and want to hear what others say and feel about it?
Answer: I like them, and of course will buy them because my cousin will hit me up & also my mom still buys them as a treat for us & our families. Now that I lost weight I hope I don't go back to eating them so much!! I also sold them in the 80s and liked the whole process. Gives kids independence & teaches them a lot. Just don't let them go out alone if they are selling! I don't personally like it when they are in front of a biz cuz they tend to be pushy and u feel obligated. Maybe send out an email to all your contacts, let your family/friends, co-workers and neighbors know and that should do it. Good luck, hope you reach your goal.
Category: Community Service
Girl scout cookies History Baking a Classic . Early Years | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | Today. Girl scout cookies are a familiar part of ...
Animal McMansion: Students Trade Dorm for Suburban Luxury
MERCED, Calif. -- Heather Alarab, a junior at the University of California, Merced, and Jill Foster, a freshman, know that their sudden popularity has little to do with their sparkling personalities, intelligence or athletic prowess. Hey, what are you doing? throngs of friends perpetually text. Hot tub today? While students at other - Students at University of California, Merced, have taken advantage of downturn in real estate market by renting luxurious homes in overbuilt planned communities; with hundreds of homes standing empty, and a shortage of dormitory housing, students willing to share spacious houses for reasonable rent is tidy solution to both problems. Photos (M) - By PATRICIA LEIGH BROWN
Girl scout cookies are a familiar part of American culture. For more than 80 years , Girl Scouts, with the enthusiastic support of their families, have helped ensure ...
Girl Scout Launches Cookie Boycott Campaign After Organizations ...
A California-based teen is hoping to spearhead a national boycott of Girl scout cookies after the organizations controversial decision to admit a 7-year ...
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES - Find Cookies Now!
Find cookies now!, Learn more about the Girl Scout Cookie Program and the skills it teaches.
A new Girl Scout cookie debuts in honor of its 100th anniversary
CINCINNATI - Girl Scouts celebrate 100 years and in honor of its anniversary the scouts are selling a new box of cookies. Third grade students with Troop 44693 from the Fairview Clifton German Language School stopped by 9 News studios to introduce the new ...
What is the best way to send GIRL SCOUT COOKIES to the troops in Iraq?
Our Girl Scout troop participated in "Cookies for a cause" We collected cookies to send to the troops in Iraq. We have over 100 boxes and finding it very, very dificult to get these cookies to the troops. Is there an organization that will send these cookies without any charge for us?
Answer: Contact your local USO or a veterans organization such as the American Legion, Amvets, or VFW. If they can't do it, they should know who can.
Category: Military
How do i sell GIRL SCOUT COOKIES fast?
I need to sell 37 more boxes of cookies before the deadline, which is 5 days. I have already gone in some parts of my neighborhood and most people have already bought some, so i am worried that if i go to the rest of the neighborhood then i wont sell as many boxes. My parents have already brought them to work. So does anyone have any good tips on how to sell Girl scout cookies easily and fast? Thanks!
Answer: Don't shoot yourself in the foot by demanding you do it easily. Many things in life are achievable if you are willing to put up with the discomfort involved, but if you insist it be easy, then you trip yourself up before you start. So think about it and widen your options...and take the discomfort involved in your ideas.
Category: Other - Advertising & Marketing
What Would Estée Do?
HIGH above Fifth Avenue, near the southern fringe of Central Park, is a shrine to the fickle goddess Beauty. This is the gilded aerie where Estée Lauder created her visions of eternal youth. Little has changed since Mrs. Lauder died in 2004, at (approximately) age 97. The ornate desk from which she commanded her cosmetics empire is still polished - By NATASHA SINGER
Where can I buy GIRL SCOUT COOKIES in large bulk amounts?
I need to buy these cookies at a bulk discounted price. Does anyone know where I can buy them. And No Im not a girl scout I just want to buy these cookies clear out.
Answer: I would look in your telephone directory for the number of your local Girl Scout Council. (The closest one in your area.) I would call them, and ask them about purchasing the cookies in bulk. Or you could wait until the current cookie drive is over with and all the cookie booths have closed, see if they have any unsold/leftover boxes of cookies that they could sell you at discount.
Category: Other - Food & Drink
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES weather the storm of controversy, celebrate 100 ...
In Shelley Long's campy 1989 comedy, Troop Beverly Hills, the indefatigable Long leads a troop of hard-working Beverly Hills tweens through a competitive Wilderness Girls cookie contest season. Despite their ...
GIRL SCOUT COOKIES: The Complete Lineup And History
6 days ago ... When HuffPost Food posted news about the new Girl Scout cookie, y'all went kind of crazy, in a good way. People are SERIOUS about Girl ...
TransGriot: Finding GIRL SCOUT COOKIES
The Girl Scout 2012 cookie drive is about to start or has done so in many areas, and if you wish to find a troop near you or just get information, here's a link to help facilitate uniting you with your favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavor ...
Girl Scout cookie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Girl scout cookies are cookies sold by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as one of its major fundraisers for local Scout units. Members of the GSUSA have been ...
MEDIA DECODER; Mobile Start-Up Aims To Upstage Text-Messaging
When people were seeking to contribute money after the earthquake in Haiti last year, the Red Cross offered a simple solution: text-message the word Haiti to 90999. Thats when it became clear to many that text-messaging could work for commerce. A company called Zoove contends there is an even simpler way to reach customers than asking them to - By ERIC A. TAUB
Teen calls for boycott of GIRL SCOUT COOKIES over transgender ...
One Girl Scout isnt working too hard to ply her neighbors with cookies this year. A California teen is calling for a boycott of Girl scout cookies to ...
4 New GIRL SCOUT COOKIES Wed Rather Buy - TheStreet
The Girl Scouts announced the "Savannah Smile" cookie last week, but were a bit disappointed by its description. So we decided to do a bit of ...
There's a new app out for your smartphone. If you're a Girl Scout cookie lover, you can now track down where your favorite Thin Mints or Samoas are being sold immediately. Users simply need to enter their city or zip code to ...
ABC Smart Cookie - Cookies
Girl scout cookies. Home Girls Teens Families Volunteers Cookies Art Gallery Councils. About ABC Bakers Contact Us About This Site Site Map ©2012 Interbake Foods ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Presidential Primary Book Club
One of a journalists most important duties is to seek out information in places the readers wouldnt go themselves, like following troops into combat or covering charter revision commission hearings. In that spirit, I have been reading all the books written by likely candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. Almost all. Some. Its one - By GAIL COLLINS
Girl Scouts Call For Cookie Boycott Goes Viral. Is It Hate Speech? [VIDEO]
In the video, a Girl Scout identified by World News Daily as 14-year-old Taylor from Ventura County, Calif., claims the organization is "promoting the desires of a small handful of people" "GSUSA and councils are focused on adult agendas that have nothing ...
Girl Scouts Chief Exec Chavez To Be Honored by US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
With the country caught up in its yearly "Girl Scout Cookie fever," its a great time to look at the program, which helps shape young women into the leaders of tomorrow, and the chief executive currently guiding the Girl Scouts of the USA ...
How long can you freeze GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?
How long can you freeze Girl scout cookies? It doesnt matter when you buy it right? Since theyre all made whenever. Im just making sure since i dont want it to suddenly grow mold when i open it months later.
Answer: about a year in an air tight situation.... but they never last that long in my house.
Category: Cooking & Recipes
What is a easy way to sell GIRL SCOUT COOKIES or take donations for ST.Judes children hospital?
I am selling Girl scout cookies,and I am doing a fundraiser for St.Judes children hospital!
Answer: For G-scout cookies, set up a table at Wal-Mart..You will make
a killing there and Wal-Mart usually don't mind helping the girlscouts out.
As for St. Judes...Go into banks, your own workplace, family members, teachers, Dr.s...We had one in Mississippi, but we had a karate demonstration. We started taking up donations 2 months before the demonstration and came out with collecting around $7000 for St. Judes.GREAT cause!
Category: Other - US Local Businesses
Girl Scouts add Savannah Smiles to cookie lineup
Girl scout cookies sales are just around the corner. This year, sweet-toothed Chatham-area residents looking for their fix of the popular cookies can order up a “local” flavor – Savannah Smiles. Little Brownie Bakers, a Louisville, Ky ...
Girl Scout Cookie sales begin Friday
As Girl Scouting prepares to turn 100 in 2012, the organization is ushering in a new era of the Girl Scout Cookie Program with new tools and marketing strategies to assist girls in reaching their goals and taking action. Friday is the start of Girl Scout ...
A: Girl scout cookies can only be purchased from girls during cookie season. To find cookies and learn when cookie season starts in your community, contact ...
Can you eat the entire box of GIRL SCOUT COOKIES?
I just devoured a whole box of thin mints and I feel awful. I have never had Girl scout cookies before and this was my first time. They melted in my mouth. I feel gross and like a pig? Am I the only one that can eat a whole box of girls scout cookies?
Answer: Thin mints are the best!!!!!!!!! I always eat the entire box but then for the rest of the week I just eat fruit and salad with lots of exercise :)
Category: Other - Food & Drink
Photos: Why Not to Boycott GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, Transgender Girl ...
Have you heard about all the Girl Scout drama that's happening? Some close-minded teenager is trying to get people to boycott Girl scout cookies just because the organization allowed a seven-year-old transgender girl to ...
Just ordered Girl scout cookies!!! #yesssss
From: AllieFountain - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @michellinnie: bought Girl scout cookies today.. AWWWW YEAH.
From: ForeverBryanna - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@k_nelson22 hey, you want some Girl scout cookies? lmao ;)
From: lyss_26 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @foxnation: Cathy Ruse Op-Ed: Girl scout cookies Help Fund Abortion, Planned Parenthood
From: jesirose - Source: web
Students visit bank, honors for an oboist, Girl scout cookies
From: LarsonTina - Source: twitterfeed
Just got way too excited about ordering Girl scout cookies😏 #lovethem #probablyshouldlearnhowtosayNO
From: E_Heyys - Source: Twitter for iPhone Girl scout cookies. #yumm #lemonades
From: layintheshwade - Source: web
RT @Kamaumos: Ewwww who orders Shortbread Girl scout cookies!!?! Those are the left over cookies after everything else is gone..
From: Jeff_Novak - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Ewwww who orders Shortbread Girl scout cookies!!?! Those are the left over cookies after everything else is gone..
From: Kamaumos - Source: Twitter for iPhone
I have the cutest 3rd grader who would love to sell you some Girl scout cookies....hint...hint.
From: ther2studio - Source: Facebook
i want Girl scout cookies
From: andyisamurderer - Source: web
Transgender former Girl Scout makes plea to buy more cookies
From: Boone_Janet - Source: twitterfeed
RT @_Sianiiii: @HersheyKiss_Mee It takes two. But I miss ya stink self. Btw wanna buy some Girl scout cookies?
From: HersheyKiss_Mee - Source: Twitter for Android
Say no to Girl scout cookies |
From: gracecreation - Source: Tweet Button
RT @hotdamnirock: I hate seeing fat people do fat things. This big bitch just bought 8 boxes of Girl scout cookies. I guess once u...
From: SqueegeeBlive - Source: Facebook