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Military Contractors Brace for Cutbacks
As the Pentagon Thursday announced changes in its programs, military contractors were bracing for cancellations or cutbacks of several programs. In its latest round of budget tightening, the agency has said that it would stretch out purchases, cancel a high-flying spy drone and delay work on a new missile submarine. The defense secretary, Leon E. - By CHRISTOPHER DREW
Panetta Ends Probation of Marines F-35 Warplane
NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, Md. -- Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta visited a flight testing center along the shores of Chesapeake Bay on Friday to give a lift to the beleaguered F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, announcing that he was taking the Marine Corps version of the costly warplane off probation. Mr. Panettas decision to embrace the F-35, - By THOM SHANKER
Who do you believe: Nancy Pelosi or the CIA head LEON PANETTA?
Pelosi has been caught in lie after lie regarding waterboarding, excuse me, I mean "enhanced interrogation techniques" and is now attacking the CIA for knowingly lying to her.
Panetta claims to have told Pelosi and her group the truth right from the start about the techniques that were being used to garner information from the detainees.
Answer: Panetta has 1 story
Pelosi has 5 stories - Did the CIA plant all 5 of those stories in Pelosi's head and did they install servos in her jaw & tongue to make them move to the voice coming from the microchip speaker system installed in her throat?
Category: Politics
Would Valerie Plame be a better pick to run the CIA than LEON PANETTA?
If nothing else, but to poke Bush and Cheney in the eye?
Answer: Perhaps that would be poetic justice.
Most people forget that Jerry Ford nominated George Sr. as CIA director when the most foreign intelligence experience he had was as Ambassador to China.
Category: Politics
Panetta: Doc helped U.S. find bin Laden
WASHINGTON -- Defense Secretary Leon panetta is acknowledging publicly for the first time that a Pakistani doctor provided key information to the United States in advance of the successful Navy SEAL assault on Osama bin Ladens compound in May.
Will Israel Attack Iran?
As the Sabbath evening approached on Jan. 13, Ehud Barak paced the wide living-room floor of his home high above a street in north Tel Aviv, its walls lined with thousands of books on subjects ranging from philosophy and poetry to military strategy. Barak, the Israeli defense minister, is the most decorated soldier in the country’s history - By RONEN BERGMAN
LEON PANETTA - The Washington Post
Career History: CIA Director (February 2009 to June 2011); Executive director, Leon & Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public Policy (since 1997); New York Stock ...
More than a few eyebrows went up when word broke that Leon panetta would be President-Elect Barack Obamas pick to be the next director of the Central Intelligence ...
US Defence Secretary LEON PANETTA; Pakistan doctor gave ...
Washington, Jan 29 (IBNS): US Defence Secretary Leon panetta said that a Pakistani doctor had given the crucial information to US in advance before the Navy SEAL successfully killed Osama Bin Laden in a compound in ...
The Defense Secretary: An interview with LEON PANETTA | Apacuy
CBS In a varied and accomplished government career, Leon panetta has both balanced the budget and eliminated Osama bin Laden. Now as secretary of defense, he.
As defense cuts loom, Fort Polk is poised to grow
WASHINGTON -- Louisiana Sens. Mary Landrieu and David Vitter sent separate letters to Defense Secretary Leon panetta on Thursday, urging him to make sure programs at Barksdale Air Force Base and Fort Polk remain intact after Panetta announced ...
Only Panetta urged Obama to give go-ahead for Bin Laden Abbottabad raid
Washington, Jan 28: US Defence Secretary and former CIA chief Leon panetta was the only member of the inner circle who had urged President Obama to give a go-ahead to the Navy Seals raid on former Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Ladens compound, Vice President ...
LEON PANETTA: News & Videos about LEON PANETTA - CNN.com
Shortly after charges were filed last week in connection with the apparent suicide of an Army private in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Leon panetta added ...
LEON PANETTA: Cuts to Military Pose Risk in Capability to Respond ...
Last week Defense Secretary Leon panetta said that the cuts to the Pentagon's budget pose risks to the military's capability to respond to threats. But don...
What do you think about LEON PANETTA as head of CIA?
I think its a terrible choice. Hillarys in, now all that needs to happen is bill is voted into the NY senate seat and it will be a clinton administration all over again.
Answer: Great question! He is a natural choice for obama, since he is choosing most of the old clinton administration to help him run the White House. I was not very keen on the idea, simply because a lot of terrorist threats were carried out while clinton was in office. It's a scary thought that obama chose someone as WEAK as he is, as the head of CIA.
Category: Government
Do you find it interesting that LEON PANETTA is changing his tune?
Not long ago, he said that the CIA didnt lie to congress and Pelosi must have known about waterboarding as early as 2002. Now, suddenly, the CIA has been lying to congress at least since then. I wonder what Pelosi has on Panetta to get him to change his tune.
Answer: Gee a Democrat appointee changing his tune to support his party. Why am I not surprised?
Category: Government
LEON PANETTA News - Bloomberg
Breaking news about Leon panetta. Find the latest articles, videos, photos and blogs about Leon panetta.
Pentagon Cuts Would Affect Raises, Insurance and Base Closings
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon took the first major step toward shrinking its budget after a decade of war as it announced Thursday that it wanted to limit pay raises for troops, increase health insurance fees for military retirees and close bases in the United States. Although the pay-raise limits were described as modest, and would not start - By ELISABETH BUMILLER and THOM SHANKER
Leon Edward Panetta is of the U.S. Secretary of Defense. Obama appointment. In January 2009 Leon panetta was nominated by the Obama administration for the position ...
Iran Says U.S. Warships in Gulf Are Nothing New
TEHRAN (Reuters) — Iran ’s Revolutionary Guards said Saturday that it considered the likely return of American warships to the Persian Gulf part of routine activity, backing away from previous warnings to Washington not to re-enter the area. The statement may be seen as an effort to reduce tensions after Washington said it would respond - By REUTERS
LEON PANETTA | The Panetta Institute for Public Policy
Leon E. Panetta, Institute Co-founder The Panetta Institute and its annual lecture series were the inspiration of former congressman and White.
LEON PANETTA: The Pentagons unlikely protector - Carrie Budoff ...
Defense Secretary Leon panetta arrived at the Pentagon as a man who matched the times, a shrewd insider Democrats viewed as possessing the will and the weight to tame ...
Defense.gov Biography: Leon E. Panetta - The Official Home of the ...
Leon Edward Panetta was sworn in as the 23 rd secretary of defense on July 1, 2011. Before joining the Department of Defense, Mr. Panetta served as the director of ...
Leon E. Panetta — Central Intelligence Agency
Leon Edward Panetta became the 19th Director of the Central Intelligence Agency on 13 February 2009. As Director, he leads the Agency and manages human intelligence ...
LEON PANETTA: The Battle-Tested Politician : NPR
When Leon panetta was CIA director, he helped lead the effort to find and kill Osama bin Laden. Now, Panetta may have an even harder job. Hes two months ...
What is up with LEON PANETTA as CIA director?
Especially in these times. There will be a huge on the job training curve. They guy is a big fat goose egg when it comes to being an intel expert. Its even drawing concern among top dems. Its not an attack. I am just wondering how wise people think this pick is.
Answer: It was a simply awful pick, and it demonstrated that political correctness is more important than protecting our country from terrorists to the naive Obamba. this man will not get the respect that an experienced intelligence man would get, and I wouldn't be surprised if many experienced agents left the agency.
I can't believe the lame answers you got before mine. Who cares if a few terrorists were tortured? What do you think these guys do to our troops when they capture them? They torture them and behead them and we are supposed to play nice! BS.
Category: Politics
LEON PANETTA: Biography from Answers.com
Born: 28 June 1938 Birthplace: Monterey, California Best Known As: Director of the CIA under Barack Obama United States Secretary of Defense Leon panetta has worked ...
LEON PANETTA - The Washington Post
Why He Matters. Panetta has planned a "coup" (in the early 1970s, he encouraged New York City to consider breaking away from the rest of the state), politicked as a ...
At home with LEON PANETTA
Leon panetta is no stranger to most of us. Weve known him as a congressman, a White House chief of staff, a CIA director, and now as a US secretary of defense. But have you ever seen him play a mean version of Beethovens Fur Elise at the piano?
Why does Obama get credit for so many things that LEON PANETTA does?
And why doesnt he give the credit to poor Leon instead of taking credit for it?
Panetta planned the mission to get Bin Laden & gave the order to do so while Obama couldnt make up his mind on what to do.
Answer: same reason why Bill Belicheck gets credit for things Tom Brady does
Category: Politics
Panetta concerned about doctor who helped in bin Laden raid
Washington (CNN)-- U.S. Defense Secretary Leon panetta is acknowledging publicly the key role a Pakistani doctor who assisted the United States ahead of the strike on Osama bin Ladens compound last May that killed the terrorism mastermind.
The Defense Secretary: An interview with LEON PANETTA
In a varied and accomplished government career, Leon panetta has both balanced the budget and eliminated Osama bin Laden. Now as secretary of defense, hes fighting multiple wars, pursuing al Qaeda, and trying to keep Iran from building an atom ...
J.R. Martinez Receives Letter from Defense Secretary LEON PANETTA ...
Dancing with the Stars winner J.R. Martinez has fans in high places. U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon panetta wrote a letter to the Iraq war veteran and ...
LEON PANETTA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leon Edward Panetta (born June 28, 1938) is the 23rd and current United States Secretary of Defense, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama ...
Panetta begins remedy to defense force costs
Neither Defense Secretary Leon panetta nor Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-San Diego), member of the House Armed Services Committee, expects that the U.S. military force will stand idle, but the secretary has qualified his statements on maintaining a strong force of ...
The Defense Secretary: An interview with LEON PANETTA
Washington, Jan 29 (IBNS): US Defence Secretary Leon panetta said that a Pakistani doctor had given the crucial information to US in advance before the Navy SEA.
What has LEON PANETTA done in the past that makes him qualified to head the CIA?
Does Obama just hand out these jobs as a reward for supporting him with no regard for national security?
Answer: Well he did give Nancy Pelosi a good tongue lashing, and now her lesbian girlfriend is mad at him
Category: Politics
LEON PANETTA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leon Edward Panetta (born June 28, 1938) is the 23rd and current United States Secretary of Defense, serving in the administration of President Barack Obama since 2011.
The Defense Secretary: An interview with LEON PANETTA | ABC4U.org ...
Defense Secretary Leon panetta outlines the main areas of proposed spending cuts during a news conference at the Pentagon, Thursday, Jan., 26, 2012. (Pablo Mart.
Defense Budget Limits Reach of Romney’s Plan for Navy
WASHINGTON — One of the most specific campaign promises Mitt Romney has made in the realm of defense policy is to increase the Navy ’s shipbuilding program to 15 vessels each year from 9 or 10, enough to significantly increase the size of a fleet that has been straining to meet its global missions. That simple, rule-the-waves - By JOHN H. CUSHMAN Jr.
Leon E. Panetta - SourceWatch
Background. A biographical note on the website of Panetta Institute for Public Policy states that "Panetta has had a long and distinguished career in public service ...
LEON PANETTA News and Video - FOX News Topics - FOXNews.com
Watch breaking news videos and read news updates about Leon panetta on FOXNews.com.
Panetta: Pakistani doctor helped in bin Laden mission
WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Leon panetta is acknowledging publicly for the first time that a Pakistani doctor provided key information to the U.S. in advance of the successful Navy SEAL assault on Osama bin Ladens compound last May. Panetta told CBSs ...
PANETTA, Leon Edward - Biographical Information
PANETTA, Leon Edward, a Representative from California; born in Monterey, Monterey County, Calif., June 28, 1938; graduated from Monterey Union High ...
Leon E. Panetta News - The New York Times
News about Leon E. Panetta. Commentary and archival information about Leon E. Panetta from The New York Times.
Who would be a worse choice for CIA director than LEON PANETTA, Barny Fife maybe?
What makes him a good choice for this job, is being a Democrat is enough?
Answer: Bawney can't take that job, he is a director of a little boy harem!
This is a Gangsta Government, I have more respect for the Mafia, at least they run things right!
Obama Goverment is like a hen house full of demented chickens!
Category: Politics
Panetta: Iran Could Develop a Nuclear Bomb Within a Year
U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon panetta warned on Sunday that Iran could develop a nuclear bomb within a year and reiterated that the U.S. would do anything to stop it. In an interview on the CBS program "60 Minutes" Panetta said, “The United States ...
Panetta: US ground forces would be cut by 100,000
In a bid to pre-empt election-year Republican criticism, Defense Secretary Leon panetta said the plan shifts the Pentagons focus from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to future challenges in Asia, the Mideast and in cyberspace. More special ...
LEON PANETTA - Mahalo.com
Leon panetta was unanimously confirmed by the Senate as CIA director on February 13, 2009. He succeeds Michael Hayden.Reuters: Senate Confirms Leon panetta to Head ...
Is LEON PANETTA the official CIA director?
Do you think this is a good choice made by Obama or do you think Mike Hayden should of stayed?
In my opinion I would of preferred if Hayden had stayed...Panetta has no Intelligence experience and I think that some people were expecting someone a little more experienced...
Please be nice in your answers.
Answer: Michael Hayden is still the current director, as of right now Panetta has no official position and has only been nominated.
Category: Government
Is Obamas appointment of LEON PANETTA as head of the CIA His first step to dismantle the USA defense systems?
This will surely make way for the terrorists to work with impunity. Obama is locking up the "cat" so the "mice/rats" will have a field day!
Talk about "Unqualified" this ranks right along with Obama himself!
Lovetowatch----Hey i didnt vote for him! From the looks of the answer I have received, maybe one person here voted for him!
Answer: Yea, I gotta say this surprised even me. The more I see of this guy, the less I understand. I'm starting to think this may be worse than I thought..and that's saying something.
Category: Government
What is your response to the public warnings from LEON PANETTA to Obama that he is compromising national?
security with his attacks on Americas intelligence community and that America is going to pay a price for Obamas actions?
Answer: Obama is a national disgrace
The Obama/Holder/Pelosi assault on national security
should be outlawed
These 3 are unAmerican
THe JB's walking around the WH today need to be lynched
including JB's like Holder and Jarrett
Category: Politics
60 Minutes on January 29, 2012 -- LEON PANETTA, Roger Goodell ...
U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon panetta faces future challenges including halting nuclear bomb production in Iran; NFL commisioner Roger Goodell on his billion-dollar business model; U.S. ranches that offer exotic big-game ...
LEON PANETTA concern over Bin Laden informer Shikal Afridi
US Defence Secretary Leon panetta has said he is "very concerned" about a Pakistani doctor arrested for providing intelligence for the US raid that killed Osama Bin Laden last year. Dr Shikal Afridi is accused of running a CIA-run programme in ...
BBC News - LEON PANETTA concern over Bin Laden 'informer' Shikal ...
1 day ago ... The US defence secretary says he is concerned about a Pakistani doctor arrested for providing intelligence for the US raid that killed Osama ...
U.S. Commandos Free 2 Hostages From Somali Pirates
KHARTOUM, Sudan — Around 2 a.m. Wednesday, elders in the Somali village of Galkayo said they began hearing an unusual sound: the whir of helicopters. It was the culmination of a daring and risky mission by about two dozen members of the Navy Seals to rescue two hostages — an American aid worker and her Danish colleague — held by - By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN, ERIC SCHMITT and THOM SHANKER
EDITORIAL; Egypt’s Assault on Civil Society
Post-Mubarak Egypt is facing profound challenges with its unfinished revolution and looming economic crisis. The last thing it needs is to pick a fight with the United States. Yet the military rulers have done just that, demonstrating contempt for civil society and an old ally. On Dec. 29, security forces raided as many as seven nongovernmental
LEON PANETTA: Latest News, Videos, Photos | Times of India
See Leon panetta Latest News, Photos, Biography, Videos and Wallpapers. Leon panetta profile on Times of India.
Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti Played Crucial Role in Somalia Rescue
WASHINGTON — An austere Pentagon outpost in the hardscrabble desert on the Horn of Africa proved serendipitously ideal as a launching pad for Tuesday’s commando raid that freed two aid workers held in Somalia . The use of the base, Camp Lemonnier in neighboring Djibouti , is also a signpost to the future, as the military focuses on - By THOM SHANKER
Leon E. Panetta Bio | POLITICO.com - Politics, Political News ...
Arena Profile: Leon E. Panetta. Leon panetta (Arena emeritus) is director of Central Intelligence. He was born and raised in Monterey, California where he attended ...
LEON PANETTA tells '60 Minutes': We worried that Pakistan might give ...
Hal Boedeker of Orlando Sentinel is The TV Guy. Dishing on TV, the news and what everybody is talking about.
What do you think of LEON PANETTA as CIA Chief?
I was a little upset at first, picking a guy with no intelligence background. But then I realized, he is not the guy harvesting the intelligence. What the CIA needs is a guy who can organize and mobilize. Who is a manager. I think Leon panetta was a good choice.
Answer: Like you i was a little annoyed, I would have much rather had someone with some Military, Intelligence, or Law Enforcement background, and understands exactly what goes on. But you bring up some good points, Michael Hayden and the Director of National Intelligence both expressed their belief that in fact he would bring quite a bit of positives. Those guys are smarter then me so I will take it.
Category: Politics
Panetta Credits Pakistani Doctor in Bin Laden Raid
WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta has confirmed publicly for the first time that an imprisoned doctor in Pakistan was working with the C.I.A. to gain access to Osama bin Laden ’s compound in the months before American troops killed Bin Laden last May. Mr. Panetta, in an interview on the CBS News program “60 - By MARK MAZZETTI
What has CIA Director LEON PANETTA been up to?
Pelosis feuded with the CIA, but has she feuded with him?
Its suddenly slow around here.
Answer: asleep at the wheel if you axe me
Category: Politics
Panetta believes Pakistan knew of bin Laden hideout
US Defense Secretary Leon panetta still believes someone in authority in Pakistan knew where Osama bin Laden was hiding before US forces went in to find him, he said in a TV interview to air Sunday. Intelligence reports found Pakistani military helicopters ...
Area congressmen urge Panetta to protect air base
Western New York’s congressional delegation Friday fired off a letter to Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta urging the Defense Department to preserve the again-threatened Niagara Falls Air Base as “an active and central player in our nation ...
Is LEON PANETTA a wise choice to head the CIA?
I do not think that a non-CIA outsider is a wise choice and not a 70yr old either. I think Obama blew this one!
Dont get me wrong I think the guy is a genius in running things but I would prefer a younger person from within the CIA who already knows how things work. There must be a career CIA man or woman that have the managerial skills to do this job.
Answer: No.
Mr. Panetta is a very pleasant individual.
I am acquainted with Mr. Panetta.
However Mr. Panetta in not competent to run the CIA.
The CIA is the wrong job for Mr. Panetta.
Category: Government
US clarifies LEON PANETTA's statement about OBL | AAJ News
A spokesperson of American embassy has clarified the statement of US Defence Secretary Leon panetta stating US has not found any evidence of Pakistan's support to Osama bin Laden's presence in Abbotabad. Defense ...
How would you feel as a CIA agent under LEON PANETTA?
If you are currently a CIA agent, how would you feel with Leon panetta as your boss? Especially if you are in the field, or in deep cover, or just plain doing your job? I wouldnt feel very good. What if your retirement was just around the corner? Seems like a good time to leave or if you got a better proposition from a private sector corporation. I dont think Leon panetta is qualified for the job, and anyone who has been in the military knows you want someone to back you up further up the chain of command when the situations gets tough.
Answer: Leon panetta may be quite capable in many areas, but to hire the chief of your organization from the outside is just wrong, and especially in an organization where confidence in your highest ranking leader is so important. I imagine there is a strong culture and ideology inside the CIA which might be hard to understand unless you went through it yourself. I'm not sure the CIA is in such disarray that it would call for someone totally "untainted" (as it were) to come in and clean house which is usually what someone from the outside is called in to do. Otherwise, those on the inside who have shown a mastery of the business via the successful decisions they've made, are usually the ones more qualified to assume the lead position.
But Obama is either up to something in trying to change the influence base at the CIA, or he's plain dumb when it comes to making appointments. Even his own people are criticizing this decision but as I predicted, it is just another indication that Obama's just a good speech maker but not the brilliant manager that some assume he is. What did he do in Illinois, after all? Great credentials to come from, right, it being a hotbed of so much political scandal.
Category: Government
Pakistani doctor helped U.S. track bin Laden, Panetta says
The comments by U.S. Defense Secretary Leon panetta were the first public confirmation of a part of the bin Laden operation reported by McClatchy Newspapers in July, about how the CIA used Shakil Afridi to try to establish whether the al-Qaida leader was ...
The Panetta Institute for Public Policy
As a nonpartisan center for the study of public policy, the Panetta Institute helps our communities and our country meet the challenges of the 21st century. We work ...
Pakistan doctor gave information on Osama: Panetta
Washington, Jan 29 : US Defence Secretary Leon panetta said that a Pakistani doctor had given the crucial information to US in advance before the Navy SEAL successfully killed Osama Bin Laden in a compound in Pakistans Abbottabad area in May 2.
So even though LEON PANETTA SAID that enhanced interrogation techniques DID help catch bin Laden?
Libs still deny it? Leon panetta is the director of the CIA. People say the information gained is unreliable. This is apparently not true. Why does it bother them so much to just admit it?
Chosen 1: So YOU KNOW better than the director of the CIA, the people in charge of finding Obama AND in charge of enhanced interrogations? OK then.
Avail: I HEARD him say it the other day and I heard it again today. He was reluctant but he did say it.
Answer: Because, in my opinion, it goes against their political idealism, there for it is much easier to deny the facts than to face them
Category: Politics
伊朗年内恐制核弹 美:力阻(图):美国国防部长潘内达(Leon panetta)今天表示,伊朗可能在约1年内开发核弹,并会在接下来2到3年建立发射管道。他重申总统欧巴马阻止伊朗的决心。
潘内达在哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)节目&l... http://t.co/BMnmdLF4
From: kanzhongguo - Source: KzgApp
Very surprised about how interesting Leon panetta was on 60 Minutes!
From: pgrundle - Source: Twitter for Android
The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta: By Robert J. McCarthy Western New Yorks… http://t.co/vjI1NB7X #trends #trending
From: Trendingr - Source: Google
RT @todaystrends: The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta - CBS News http:tcof0i55n08
From: Kimberlynsfno - Source: Mobile Web
Defense Secretary Leon panetta Visits Fort Bliss http://t.co/ESURSbzN
From: Paula_Glover - Source: twitterfeed
Leon panetta ready to detail defense cuts http://t.co/fpL1xoaa
From: Paula_Glover - Source: twitterfeed
The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta http://t.co/NERxg8Aw
From: MelvinPatrick - Source: twitterfeed
Leon panetta says US Marines urinating video utterly deplorable http://t.co/le5nchvT
From: Wanda_Fields - Source: twitterfeed
RT @CBSThisMorning: The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta: http://t.co/pyBy1dCv #60Minutes
From: Rob052067 - Source: TweetDeck
60 Minutes 1/29/2012: Leon panetta And Roger Goodell http://t.co/K0nFwXDG
From: Internet_TV4you - Source: twitterfeed
Leon panetta ready to detail defense cuts http://t.co/8q8wzbig
From: AnaPowell2 - Source: twitterfeed
The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta - http://t.co/uWuotk00 In a varied and accom... http://t.co/NnOOak2q
From: STBToolBar - Source: hellotxt.com
The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta http://t.co/vTSSWzLl
From: RidinsReview - Source: Google
The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta - http://t.co/xppo8I3r A spokesperson of Ame... http://t.co/PIbbJKqE
From: STBToolBar - Source: hellotxt.com
The Defense Secretary: An interview with Leon panetta - CBS News http://t.co/f0i55n08
From: todays_trends - Source: CronTwit