Type 2 diabetes - Diabetes mellitus type 2 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Type 2 diabetes : Photo Gallery

220px-Main_symptoms_of_ ...
220px-Main_symptoms_of_ ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES Slideshow: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES Slideshow: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of ...
Diabetes: TYPE 2 DIABETES (non-insulin dependant diabetes) on ...
Diabetes: TYPE 2 DIABETES (non-insulin dependant diabetes) on ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES Slideshow: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES Slideshow: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of ...
Breakthrough TYPE 2 DIABETES Gene Found | ChattahBox News Blog
Breakthrough TYPE 2 DIABETES Gene Found | ChattahBox News Blog
TYPE 2 DIABETES and how can be cured or Treated?
TYPE 2 DIABETES and how can be cured or Treated?
Diabetes and Other Related Health Issues
Diabetes and Other Related Health Issues
Preventing TYPE 2 DIABETES with Lifestyle | Natural Holistic ...
Preventing TYPE 2 DIABETES with Lifestyle | Natural Holistic ...
Diabetes Type II | TYPE 2 DIABETES Symptoms | TYPE 2 DIABETES Diet ...
Diabetes Type II | TYPE 2 DIABETES Symptoms | TYPE 2 DIABETES Diet ...
Controllable Risk Factors For TYPE 2 DIABETES - HealthCentral
Controllable Risk Factors For TYPE 2 DIABETES - HealthCentral
Islets of Hope - support, information for TYPE 2 DIABETES
Islets of Hope - support, information for TYPE 2 DIABETES
TYPE 2 DIABETES Diet And Food List - Clivir - How to Lessons, Tips ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES Diet And Food List - Clivir - How to Lessons, Tips ...
Risk Factors for TYPE 2 DIABETES
Risk Factors for TYPE 2 DIABETES
TYPE 2 DIABETES - Asiaing.com: Free eBooks, Free Magazines, Free ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES - Asiaing.com: Free eBooks, Free Magazines, Free ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES Information
TYPE 2 DIABETES Information
TYPE 2 DIABETES 150x150 Medical Alert: Gestational Diabetes
TYPE 2 DIABETES 150x150 Medical Alert: Gestational Diabetes
Drug used to treat TYPE 2 DIABETES linked to heart problems | Health ...
Drug used to treat TYPE 2 DIABETES linked to heart problems | Health ...
Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms | BoZined.com
Diabetes Type 2 Symptoms | BoZined.com
 ... Chart R el active R Chart Medicare And Medicaid TYPE 2 DIABETES
... Chart R el active R Chart Medicare And Medicaid TYPE 2 DIABETES
TYPE 2 DIABETES meal plan | Diabetes Healthy Solution
TYPE 2 DIABETES meal plan | Diabetes Healthy Solution
Understanding TYPE 2 DIABETES - Laminated Poster
Understanding TYPE 2 DIABETES - Laminated Poster
Diabetes Type 2: An Interview with Bob Fenton | The Diabetes Club
Diabetes Type 2: An Interview with Bob Fenton | The Diabetes Club
Diabetes (type 2) - Heart disease: are you the one in four ...
Diabetes (type 2) - Heart disease: are you the one in four ...
Et tu Kaiser? Hows bout we add "type 2"
Et tu Kaiser? Hows bout we add "type 2"
Doctor Isolates Exercise Hormone; Tells People To Keep Exercising
Doctor Isolates Exercise Hormone; Tells People To Keep Exercising
Hydrotherapy+Phototherapy+Color therapy=Naturopathy
Hydrotherapy+Phototherapy+Color therapy=Naturopathy
First test result 89 not too low...
First test result 89 not too low...
Supposedly a new meter inside
Supposedly a new meter inside
Had to go to Walgreens
Had to go to Walgreens
See Dead as a doornail
See Dead as a doornail
Me and my kit
Me and my kit
Feels good on my chin
Feels good on my chin
Old meter… Dead
Old meter… Dead
Got it at Walgreens new purple baby!
Got it at Walgreens new purple baby!
New meter all ready to go
New meter all ready to go
What we can learn from Paula Deen's TYPE 2 DIABETES
What we can learn from Paula Deen's TYPE 2 DIABETES
Paula Deen reveals type-2 diabetes diagnosis (0:56)
Paula Deen reveals type-2 diabetes diagnosis (0:56)
Coffee Drinkers Are at a Lower Risk for Developing TYPE 2 DIABETES
Coffee Drinkers Are at a Lower Risk for Developing TYPE 2 DIABETES
Diets high in flavonoids 'help type 2 diabetic women'
Diets high in flavonoids 'help type 2 diabetic women'
Statins raise risk of TYPE 2 DIABETES in older women, study finds
Statins raise risk of TYPE 2 DIABETES in older women, study finds
Really? The Claim: Drinking Water Can Help Lower the Risk of Diabetes.
Really? The Claim: Drinking Water Can Help Lower the Risk of Diabetes.
Beyond metformin: initiating combination therapy in patients with type 2 ...
Beyond metformin: initiating combination therapy in patients with type 2 ...
Avoiding 'the curse'
Avoiding 'the curse'
Paula Deen Has TYPE 2 DIABETES: "It's Not a Death Sentence"
Paula Deen Has TYPE 2 DIABETES: "It's Not a Death Sentence"
Diabetes drug 'may aid weight loss'
Diabetes drug 'may aid weight loss'
GE Selects Bionime to Launch Innovative Diabetes Solutions
GE Selects Bionime to Launch Innovative Diabetes Solutions
Diabetes: Reason medications should not be abused
Diabetes: Reason medications should not be abused
Exercise for Health (Part 2)
Exercise for Health (Part 2)
Integrated Diabetes-Depression Treatment Improves Outcome
Integrated Diabetes-Depression Treatment Improves Outcome
CNIB Recommends Diabetics Have Regular Eye Examinations
CNIB Recommends Diabetics Have Regular Eye Examinations
Readers discuss diabetes, Parkinson's and billing patients who miss appointments
Readers discuss diabetes, Parkinson's and billing patients who miss appointments

Type 2 diabetes : Videos

Controlling TYPE 2 DIABETES with Diet
Controlling TYPE 2 DIABETES with Diet
Looking Beyond the Surface in TYPE 2 DIABETES: Mode of Action of DPP-4 Inhibitors
Looking Beyond the Surface in TYPE 2 DIABETES: Mode of Action of DPP-4 Inhibitors
Causes, Symptoms and Living With TYPE 2 DIABETES
Causes, Symptoms and Living With TYPE 2 DIABETES
Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus
What is TYPE 2 DIABETES and what causes it?
What is TYPE 2 DIABETES and what causes it?
CNC to Art Video 9 - SheetCAM and G-Code - CNC Artwork ...
CNC to Art Video 9 - SheetCAM and G-Code - CNC Artwork ...
Type II Diabetes Treatment?
Type II Diabetes Treatment?
Diabetes Type 2 - What Is Diabetes Mellitus?
Diabetes Type 2 - What Is Diabetes Mellitus?
Part 2 Dopes and TYPE 2 DIABETES: Information, Management, Symptoms and What To Do - Ha ?
Part 2 Dopes and TYPE 2 DIABETES: Information, Management, Symptoms and What To Do - Ha ?
Part 1 Dopes and TYPE 2 DIABETES: Information, Management, Symptoms and What To Do - Ha ?
Part 1 Dopes and TYPE 2 DIABETES: Information, Management, Symptoms and What To Do - Ha ?
TYPE 2 DIABETES Cure: Eat Raw Bitter Melon Fruit Every Day
TYPE 2 DIABETES Cure: Eat Raw Bitter Melon Fruit Every Day
Part 3 Dopes and TYPE 2 DIABETES: Information, Management, Symptoms and What To Do - Ha ?
Part 3 Dopes and TYPE 2 DIABETES: Information, Management, Symptoms and What To Do - Ha ?
How TYPE 2 DIABETES develops
How TYPE 2 DIABETES develops
CNC Stomp Pad 9 | Drill Holes | CNC Learning Videos | CNC
CNC Stomp Pad 9 | Drill Holes | CNC Learning Videos | CNC
TYPE 2 DIABETES Symptoms | Diabetic Diet | Info on Diabetes
TYPE 2 DIABETES Symptoms | Diabetic Diet | Info on Diabetes
TYPE 2 DIABETES medicines
TYPE 2 DIABETES medicines
NDEP | Preventing TYPE 2 DIABETES: Maintaining a Healthy Weight
NDEP | Preventing TYPE 2 DIABETES: Maintaining a Healthy Weight
TYPE 2 DIABETES in children
TYPE 2 DIABETES in children
Paula Deen has type-2 diabetes
Paula Deen has type-2 diabetes
ABC Good Morning America Health: Controlling TYPE 2 DIABETES
ABC Good Morning America Health: Controlling TYPE 2 DIABETES
ABC Good Morning America Health: Diabetes and Womens Hairstyles ...
ABC Good Morning America Health: Diabetes and Womens Hairstyles ...
Paula Deen discuses diabetes diagnosis
Paula Deen discuses diabetes diagnosis
Researching a Cure for TYPE 2 DIABETES
Researching a Cure for TYPE 2 DIABETES
ABC Good Morning America Health: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 - Watch the ...
ABC Good Morning America Health: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 - Watch the ...
TYPE 2 DIABETES could be reversed - study
TYPE 2 DIABETES could be reversed - study
I wont let it stand in the way of me enjoying my life: Queen of ...
I wont let it stand in the way of me enjoying my life: Queen of ...
ABC Good Morning America Health: Can Breastfeeding Reduce Diabetes ...
ABC Good Morning America Health: Can Breastfeeding Reduce Diabetes ...
Meal Planning For TYPE 2 DIABETES
Meal Planning For TYPE 2 DIABETES
About TYPE 2 DIABETES and Insulin
About TYPE 2 DIABETES and Insulin
Gestational and TYPE 2 DIABETES
Gestational and TYPE 2 DIABETES
TYPE 2 DIABETES Treatment Diabetes #6
TYPE 2 DIABETES Treatment Diabetes #6
TYPE 2 DIABETES in Children
TYPE 2 DIABETES in Children
The Symptoms and Risk Factors for TYPE 2 DIABETES
The Symptoms and Risk Factors for TYPE 2 DIABETES
TYPE 2 DIABETES Risk Factors
TYPE 2 DIABETES Risk Factors
Best exercise for TYPE 2 DIABETES
Best exercise for TYPE 2 DIABETES

Type 2 diabetes : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Diabetes mellitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance which may be combined with relatively reduced insulin secretion. The defective responsiveness of body ...

TYPE 2 DIABETES - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis ...

The Facts on Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a condition in which the body cannot properly store and use fuel for energy. The bodys main fuel is a form of sugar called ...

Paula Deen's TYPE 2 DIABETES reveal | BabyCenter

Paula Deen has Type 2 diabetes. The news, not much of a shock as reports concerning the Southern cooking queen's health began circulating in 2005, was confirmed.

Type 2 - American Diabetes Association

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In Type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin ...

How would I have my sister tested for TYPE 2 DIABETES?

She is 18 and shes obese (I calculated her BMI). Diabetes (type 1 & 2) runs in the family and I am worried about her, she refuses to eat right and exercise at all. What should I do? Call the family doctor or just schedule a test? She would never ask the doctor for a test and I dont know if I should. I dont usually go to doctor appointments with her. But our family doctor has never talked to her about the dangers of being obese.
Answer: It's good that you care about your sister, but you should know that obesity does not cause Type 2 diabetes. If that were the case, then all the obese people in the world would be diabetic. However, only a minority (about 1/3) of overweight people get Type 2 diabetes. The rest are just fat but would never get Type 2. So why those 1/3? Not because they are fat but because they have diabetes genes.
Category: Diabetes

Type 2 - American Diabetes Association

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In Type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is ...

Chef Has Diabetes, and Some Say ‘I Told You So’

In an interview after the “Today” broadcast, Ms. Deen said she and her two sons had made a deal with Novo Nordisk to spearhead “Diabetes: A New Light,” a program to help people live with Type 2 diabetes. Ms. Deen’s fame has allowed her ...

American Diabetes Association Home Page - American Diabetes ...

Enroll in the Living With Type 2 diabetes Program. Recently diagnosed? Let us guide you during your first year.

Paula Deen TYPE 2 DIABETES News : People.com

9 hours ago ... Finally putting the rumors to rest, Deen says, "Diabetes does not have to stop you from enjoying the things you love"


With some practical knowledge about Type 2 diabetes, you can become your child's most important ally in learning to live with the disease.

Diabetes rate growing rapidly in Minnesota

Genes also appear to play a role in Type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90 percent of people who have the disease. In this form of diabetes, insulin-producing cells malfunction while still producing insulin to varying degrees. Unlike type 1, it is strongly ...

TYPE 2 DIABETES: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there are high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of ...

Diabetes on the Rise in Minnesota

Nationally, 25.8 million Americans have diabetes while another 7 million dont know they have it.    Health experts say becoming overweight, smoking, avoiding exercise, drinking and lack of exercise increases peoples chances of getting Type 2 diabetes.  

TYPE 2 DIABETES - PubMed Health

Causes, incidence, and risk factors. Diabetes is caused by a problem in the way your body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is needed to move blood sugar ...

Paula Deen Diabetes: Star Confirms Diagnosis, Drug Endorsement

On Friday, HuffPost Food reported on rumors that Paula Deen would soon come clean with her diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. But now its official -- the celebrity chef made the media rounds Tuesday morning. Heres the Associated Press on Deens ...

OPINION; How Medicare Fails the Elderly

Jane Gross is a former New York Times reporter and the author of A Bittersweet Season: Caring for Our Aging Parents -- and Ourselves. HERE is the dirty little secret of health care in America for the elderly, the one group we all assume has universal coverage thanks to the 1965 Medicare law: what Medicare paid for then is no longer what - By JANE GROSS

TYPE 2 DIABETES - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Complications ...

People with Type 2 diabetes are still able to produce insulin at diagnosis. However, the insulin they produce is unable to perform its primary job — helping the ...

Paula Deen Says She Has TYPE 2 DIABETES

PAULA DEEN, the self-crowned “Queen of Southern cuisine,” said Tuesday morning on the “Today” show on NBC that she has Type 2 diabetes , a diagnosis she received three years ago. Ms. Deen also confirmed that she is being paid to promote Victoza, a noninsulin injectable medication made by Novo Nordisk, a Danish pharmaceutical - By JULIA MOSKIN

People with TYPE 2 DIABETES and Pre-Diabetes Benefit from Cocoa, Cinnamon Omega-3 According to Recent Studies, by ProactiveLife

Type 2 Diabetics who consumed pure cocoa witnessed a 30% increase in arterial blood flow according to the Journal of American College of Cardiology June 3rd addition. Rancho Palos Verdes, CA (PRWEB) January 16, 2012 There is hope for people with type 2 ...

Diabetes mellitus type 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diabetes mellitus type 2 – formerly non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes – is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by ...

Paula Deen on Diabetes: Honey, Im Your Cook, Not Your Doctor

After becoming the face of diabetes-inducing cuisine, Food Network personality Paula Deen confirmed on Tuesdays Today show that she has known about having Type 2 diabetes for three years and used the occasion to start pitching diabetes drugs for Novo Nordisk.

Paula Deen Admits To Having TYPE 2 DIABETES | Allie is Wired

Food Network star and Southern chef, Paula Deen has just revealed that she has Type 2 diabetes. The celebrity chef has been very well known for her butter enriched Southern dishes, but will things start to change now that ...

Can diabetes type 2 be reversed / eliminated if the diabetes 2 is weight induced ?

Can losing a large amount of weight do away with the diabetes type 2 ?
Answer: I have type two and as far as I know once you get it you own it. it can be controlled by what you eat and how well you keep it under control. learn all you can about it, I have congestive heart failure and bad lungs to go along with it. so I don't watch as close as I should but what the hell my days are numbered. You need to control it. Learn all you can about it side effects are everything and death so don't mess with it, learn http://www.diabetes.org/
Category: Diabetes

U.S. diabetes prevention program might avert 885,000 cases

A national community-based diabetes prevention program in the United States could prevent or delay 885,000 cases of Type 2 diabetes over 25 years, a new federal government study says. Overall, the program would save $29.8 billion in medical costs.

Diabetes (Diabetes Type 1, Diabetes Type 2) Diet, Symptoms ...

Learn about type 1 and 2 diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) symptoms including increased urination, thirst, weight loss, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, skin infections, and ...

Diabetes mellitus type 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Diabetes mellitus type 2 – formerly non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) or adult-onset diabetes – is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by ...

Does anyone know good vegetarian guidelines for people with diabetes Type 2?

I just found out that I have diabetes Type 2. I know I have to stay away from jams, jellies, etc. What are the best protein items I can eat to help me stay healthy? Any other vegetarian/diabetes info would be helpful. I want to try to go veggie for this!
Answer: Here's some info: http://www.vrg.org/journal/diabetes.htm
Category: Vegetarian & Vegan

What we can learn from Paula Deen’s TYPE 2 DIABETES

You’ve probably heard the announcement by now that Food Network personality Paula Deen has been quietly battling Type 2 diabetes for three years.  Deen is somewhat infamous for her high-calorie, high-fat southern cooking. First off, I want to ...

TYPE 2 DIABETES Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Health.com ...

Learn more about Type 2 diabetes with a comprehensive look at causes, prevention, symptoms, management and treatment at Health.com.

Diabetes Support Supplements by ProactiveLife Introduces Exercise Protocol for Type 2 Diabetics and Pre-Diabetics

Expert trainer and former US Navy rescue helicopter swimmer introduces first exercise protocol as part of a three pronged approach to type 2 diabetic management including proper diet and clinically proven supplements, by ProactiveLife. Rancho Palos Verdes ...

IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com: Paula Deen Has TYPE 2 DIABETES ...

Hey, Tim. The key is to make sure the middle finger and the thumb are placed right below the white ring on the football, almost even with one another...

Diabetes - type 2 - Healthcare Center

Diabetes - type 2 Highlights. Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, accounting for 90 - 95% of cases. In Type 2 diabetes, the body ...

TYPE 2 DIABETES Mellitus - Diseases & Conditions - Medscape Reference

Type 2 diabetes Mellitus. Type 2 diabetes mellitus comprises an array of dysfunctions resulting from the combination of resistance to insulin action and ...

What are some symptopms of Diabetes type 2?

What are some things that can happen to you when you have diabetes type 2?
Answer: I am a type 2 with no symptoms whatsoever. Others can be thirsty, pee a lot, tired, etc. If you have uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes, you can go blind, kidney failure, amputations, heart attack, stroke, are among the most common problems. When in doubt, see your doctor for blood tests. Note: there is NO CURE for diabetes. There are only treatments. Once diagnosed with diabetes, you may have trouble getting health insurance coverage and life insurance. You may also be disqualified from some jobs like airline pilot and interstate truck driver.
Category: Diabetes

The Fat Trap

For 15 years, Joseph Proietto has been helping people lose weight. When these obese patients arrive at his weight-loss clinic in Australia, they are determined to slim down. And most of the time, he says, they do just that, sticking to the clinics program and dropping excess pounds. But then, almost without exception, the weight begins to creep - By TARA PARKER-POPE

How do i switch from Diabetes type 2 to Diabetes 1?

i have Diabetes type 2 for one year now and i am getting pretty tired of having it, my uncle John have diabetes Type 1 and he says its much better, and he make funny of me. so if anyone could link me a video tutorial how to switch i would be really happy if it work. Best regards Jeff.
Answer: I'm not sure whether you're being serious, or whether you're trolling, but you do NOT switch from type 2 to type 1, or vice versa. The two types of diabetes are totally different, sharing only symptoms and complications that can befall the sufferer.
Category: Diabetes

I.H.T. SPECIAL REPORT: BUSINESS OF GREEN; Soy Substitute Edges Its Way Into European Meals

PARIS -- Lupin seeds have been used as a high-protein food for over 3,000 years around the Mediterranean, and as for as long as 6,000 years in the Andean highlands of Latin America. For human consumption, however, lupin has never achieved the broad market acceptance of soybeans: it is more commonly used as a livestock fodder and grazing plant, sown - By KATE ROSS

How much of a risk do I have of getting diabetes type 2?

Both my mothers parents have diabetes type 2 as well as my fathers father. And now my father just recently found out that he has diabetes type 2 too. I am really worried that I will diabetes in the future. Can anyone calculate how much of a risk I have of getting it?
Answer: There is no crystal ball, no magic mirror, that is going to give you the answers you want. The only thing I can help you with is to dispel some misconceptions and give you a picture of risk factors. First of all there are two main types of diabetes. You are referring to Type 2. But there is also Type 1 diabetes, which is not linked with weight. Type 1 is caused by your body attacking the cells in the pancreas. It can happen to anybody, anytime, and it's just sheer bad luck. But you can live a totally normal life with Type 1 diabetes. I know I do! Type 2 diabetes is the more common kind of diabetes. Type 2 is linked with weight. But it is not caused by being overweight. If it were, then all the overweight people in the world would have Type 2, when in fact, only 1/3 of overweight people are diabetic. Why these 1/3? Because they have the genes for it. Probably the strongest risk factor for Type 2 is genes. That means you could be skinny, eat healthy and exercise a lot, and still get Type 2 diabetes, simply because you had the genes for it. Two of the most famous Type 2 diabetics in the world belong to this category. They are Olympic gold medallist Sir Steve Redgrave and Hollywood actress Halle Berry. For some people, keeping a normal weight and exercising a lot can help delay Type 2. For others, their genes win out. I mean, look at Halle Berry! She got Type 2 diabetes in her early 20s. Do you think she was overweight, or ate shitty, or never went to the gym? Of course not! That's what having diabetes genes does to you. Of course, you don't know until it's too late whether you have diabetes genes or not. So it would make sense to keep to a healthy weight and get regular exercise. That's good for everybody, not just diabetics. And if that helps prevent diabetes, then that's good. But if it doesn't, then you learn that you just got unlucky in the genetic lottery, and you learn how to control the disease and you just get on with the rest of your life.
Category: Diabetes

What is the difference between Diabetes Type 1 and 2.?

Ive been interested and researching some fields involving things that are medical, and I was wondering how one can get the two types of Diabetes and which is worse. Are people with Diabetes type 1 generally not overweight compared to type 2? How do people who arent fat at all get Diabetes? Is it a completely different cause to getting it other than eating too much? Im thinking it might be past genes.
Answer: I have been healthy and active my entire life, always skinny as well. But, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a couple months ago. Why? Because Type 1 is genetic, meaning, you always have had it, but it was not triggered until something caused it to do so. Type 1 is usually triggered by the flu, or fevers, I've even heard of one guy who got it right after he had a simple cold. Sometimes you don't even get sick first, it just happens. Bottom line is, it has nothing to do with what you do or eat, if you have it, you have it, that is it. Type 1 means your pancreas no longer produces Insulin, Insulin is used to bond with the food you eat and cells and this produces energy. There is no other option for a Type 1 Diabetic but to need daily shots of Insulin, unless you have the pump which is always connected to you and you manage how much insulin goes into you or not. There is no cure at this time and it is not something that can go away with time. Type 2 diabetes, is also GENETIC. But it has been known to be triggered by excess weight, poor diet, and other factors as well. Living a healthy and active lifestyle can prevent Type 2 in some cases, though not all. Type 2 still produces some insulin though not a lot, and can be treated simply with pills, diet, exercise, and in severe cases insulin injections as well. It is possible for Type 2 to go away over time with proper care, though not always and rarely. I should also point out that my grandmother got Type 2 later on in life, and she was very very thin. It is a misconception that all Type 2s are overweight. I would say Type 1 is worse, it has no other option but insulin shots, it starts earlier in life so you really do have it your whole life, and there is not chance of it going away. But, they are closer to finding a cure for Type one, possibly within 20 years, so I guess it depends on if you have faith in them being able to find a cure or not. Though, no one should have to have Type 1 or 2, because neither are easy and both require a lot of work. Hope I helped
Category: Diabetes

Can you reverse the effects of Diabetes type 2 and stop taking insulin shots?

I have Type 2 diabetes, and just have started taking insulin shots. Is there any way I can get rid of Type 2 diabetes and never have to take another shot again
Answer: You will never be RID of Type 2 diabetes. But there may be a way to get off the shots. It requires Attitude and Dedication. Without it you will be shot bound for life. There are 4 key steps to controlling glucose levels : 1) EXERCISE- Walking is fine but Nordic Walking is Great. Exercise also lowers Glucose levels , lowers Cholesterol and lowers Blood Pressure. Google it.Exercise is Non-Negotiable !!!Thats why it is Number 1 on the list. 2) Knowledge- http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/index.ph… This is a great site for info 3) Meds. Metformin to start. Never , ever take Actos or Avandia. They may kill you. Bone fractures, heart problems and what diabetics really don't need is that they change Bone Stem Cells to Fat Cells.Also never ever take Onglyza or Januvia . They can can inhibit the bodys immune system and let cancer spread. 4) Diet- A low carb diet is in order. I can't count carbs so I use Mendosa's Glycemic Index Diet. Great for the whole family. http://www.mendosa.com/gilists.htm Take care TIN
Category: Diabetes

Am I at Risk for TYPE 2 DIABETES? - National Diabetes Information ...

Defines diabetes and reviews signs and symptoms of the disease. Discusses the risk factors for developing Type 2 diabetes and ways it can be prevented.

THE BIG PICTURE; Young, Obese and in Surgery

Though Shani Gofman had been teased for being fat since the fourth grade, she had learned to deal with it. She was a B student and in the drama club at school. She had good friends and a boyfriend she had met through Facebook. She even showed off her curves in spandex leggings and snug shirts. When her pediatrician, Dr. Senya Vayner, first - Along with the obesity epidemic in America has come an explosion in weight-loss surgery, most recently among young people; push toward surgery on the young has brought some resistance from doctors who say it is too drastic to operate on patients whose bodies might still be developing (Series: The Big Picture). Photos (L) - By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS

Using Interactive Tools to Assess the Likelihood of Death

To help prevent overtesting and overtreatment of older patients — or undertreatment for those who remain robust at advanced ages — medical guidelines increasingly call for doctors to consider life expectancy as a factor in their decision-making. But clinicians, research has shown, are notoriously poor at predicting how many years their - By PAULA SPAN

Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 treated by decreasing hepatic gluconeogenesis?

If there is a drug that decreases hepatic gluconeogenesis, would it only help with patients with Diabetes Type 2? Or would it also help with paients with Type 1 diabetes? If so or so not, can you explain how? I know Type 2 can be helped with this, but Im not sure about Type 1. Thanks
Answer: If a type 1 suffers from 'dawn phenomenon' It just might help. Your liver dumps glucose into your body in the morning so you have energy to 'hunt' for food. In type 1's, there is no insulin to metabolize the blood sugars. I don't believe that any doctor would prescribe this type of treatment. I am not sue if there is a drug that will be short acting enough to prevent causing problems. Of course, I am not a doctor.
Category: Diabetes

How does diabetes (type 2), pancreatitus, and high tryglycerides tie together?

I have Type 2 diabetes, and severely high tryglycerides, and chronic pancreatitus. I have already had to have a portion of my pancreas removed. I just want to know how it all ties together, and what exactly do tryglycerides do?
Answer: They're all tied by over consuming carbohydrates which turn to tryglycerides which clogs up your cells and increases your insulin resistance which then overworks your pancreas as well as starving it from vital nutrients. Once you get on a healthy natural foods based low carb, low glycemic index diet, rich in fruits and vegetables and exercise daily, things should level out. I've been on this diet for nearly a year and no longer require any medication for my diabetes. More here: http://www.geocities.com/seabulls69/Type_II_Diabetes.html
Category: Diabetes

Does When You Eat Matter as Much As What You Eat?

Mealtimes matter, especially for weight control. In a recent study, researchers at Northwestern University allowed two groups of mice to eat as much high- fat food as they wanted. One group ate during its active hours, the other only during its normal sleeping period, but both groups consumed about the same number of calories. The study found that - BY GRETCHEN REYNOLDS

My grandma sweats constantly and she has TYPE 2 DIABETES.?

My grandma sweats a lot after eating and gets cold very easily. She has been Type 2 diabetes for about 10 years now. Shes healthy but she worries about excessive sweating. Is it diabetes related and is it okay? Or is there any recommendations for what she should do ?
Category: Diabetes

Paula Deen Confirms She Has TYPE 2 DIABETES - The Hollywood ...

Paula Deen confirmed an earlier report that she has Type 2 diabetes. The Food Network star says it won't stop her from living her life.

TYPE 2 DIABETES | Diabetesnet.com

Learn more about Type 2 diabetes, a metabolic disorder in which the body has trouble using its own insulin to control the blood sugar.

TYPE 2 DIABETES: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and More

Learn more about Type 2 diabetes, often called non-insulin dependent diabetes, the most common form of the disease.

Can a person with diabetes type 2 eat honey ?

I hear contradicting opinions about this (even from doctors).Do you have any experience proving that people with diabetes type 2 can actually include honey in their diet?
Answer: Yes you can eat honey my mom uses honey to sweeten her coffee and she's Diabetic. You have to watch your carb intake.
Category: Diabetes

PERSONAL HEALTH; More Ways to Cope With Type 1 Diabetes

With all the concern these days about the nationwide epidemic of Type 2 diabetes, its easy to lose sight of the less common but much more serious form of diabetes called Type 1. Long known as juvenile diabetes, Type 1 diabetes affects about one million Americans and most often begins in childhood, though the condition sometimes develops in adults. - By JANE E. BRODY

Paula Deen teams with Novo Nordisk on diabetes

(AP) - Celebrity chef and Food Network star Paula Deen is teaming with drugmaker Novo Nordisk to launch a program that aims to help people live with Type 2 diabetes and promote a Novo diabetes drug. The program is called Diabetes in a New Light ...

How can we prevent diabetes type 2? What would be the best diet to prevent?

I currently am writing an article about diabetes. I have been searching and reading many evidence-based articles. However, Id like to hear your own opinion on diabetes type 2.
Answer: As you probably know heredity, plays a big roll. For diet, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and poultry, Stay away from the white stuff, white bread, potato's, sugar, white rice etc. Eat as little processed food as possible . All carbs are not created equal a white potato and a sweet potato have the same carbs but metabolize differently, check out the Glycemic Index on foods it will give you more info. Exercise, weight is a big part of it also. If it runs in your family, I don't know if you can prevent it, but maybe you can delay it. The closer to nature the food is the better. Read labels and don't go by net carbs unless your on Adkins. STAY AWAY FROM JUNK FOOD! I hope this helps.
Category: Diabetes

TYPE 2 DIABETES - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Type 2 ...

Back to Top Causes » Diabetes is caused by a problem in the way your body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is needed to move blood sugar (glucose) into cells, where it ...

Paula Deen confirms that she has TYPE 2 DIABETES, unveils ...

Southern celebrity chef Paula Deen appeared on the Today Show with Al Roker this morning to address rumors that she has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Deen confirmed, "I was diagnosed three years ago during a ...

LETTERS; Improving How We Care for the Elderly

To the Editor: Re How Medicare Fails the Elderly, by Jane Gross (Sunday Review, Oct. 16): I have spent half my career rescuing elder clients from Medicare-approved procedures. It is important that families learn to be effective advocates for our frail elders: Elders need a trusted person who can serve as their power of attorney for health

Paula Deen Has TYPE 2 DIABETES, Still Eats Fried Foods "in ...

The butter-loving Southern cook says her diagnosis is "not a death sentence"

Paula Deen has TYPE 2 DIABETES, preaches 'moderation' on 'Today ...

Honey, I'm your cook and not your doctor. You have to be responsible for yourself,” says Paula Deen.

Paula Deen has diabetes, Is her cooking to blame..I think so

Its confirmed Paul Deen has Type 2 diabetes. The food media icon known for her southern style cooking and prodigious use of meat and meat products such as butter and cream has finally fessed up. I like Paulas warm and entertaining personality ...

Statins Linked to Small Diabetes Risk

A new side effect seems to be emerging for those cholesterol-lowering wonder drugs called statins: They may increase some peoples chances of developing Type 2 diabetes. A study published Monday adds to the evidence, finding a modest risk among ...

can someone with TYPE 2 DIABETES live a normal life span and be resonable healthy?

i keep reading that diabetes type 2 can shorten ones life by 15 years. is it possible to avoid complications and live a normal life and stay healthy if a person takes care of themselves or do most people deteriorate despite their best efforts?
Answer: That's actually old school thinking. There is so much you can do to not only live a normal life, but you can actually live longer than 'normal' people if you follow some simple rules. Minimizing or avoiding man made, prepared foods for one. Adopting more and more natural, high nutrient foods. Taking a few supplements. Exercising moderately each day. And reading up on nutrition and it's importance in helping to keep the weight off and to keep insulin resistance down.
Category: Diabetes

TYPE 2 DIABETES - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Type 2 ...

Jun 28, 2011 ... Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there are high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is the most ...

What remedies or medications are used for someone who has poor circulation due to diabetes type 2?

Toes and tips of fingers lose color and some sensation due to the cold. Sensation and color return quickly once warm air or water is used. This only happens in extreme or cold weather and the diagnosis for diabetes type 2 was just made. What is the best possible prognosis?
Answer: I would talk to my GP and ask if it's possible that you might have raynaud's syndrome. Here is the Wiki for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raynaud%27s_phenomenon
Category: Diabetes

Hi, What are some possible ideas of what a government can do to decrease the risk of Diabetes, type 2? - Thanx

It is possible to prevent Type 2 diabetes, especially if it is not in ones genes. What are some responsobilities the government can take up to help. For example, so far I have: 1) More medical research 2) Preventive care covered by Health insurance. What are some other possible suggestions? - Thank you for your help.
Answer: the feds should gaurentee a decent , gaurenteed nutrional diet to every family on social assistance , or living below poverty level . you cannot be health being raised on sugar pops . schools should offer nutrional lunches at no cost . healthy food for children is not available . yet millions of tons of vegetables , fish , chicken are destroted . the goverment could save a fortune , by purchising this products , making them available to single parents etc . this would decrease farm supplements , and make young peoplwe healthier, more physically and mental healthier . seems to simple it would work .
Category: Diabetes

One drug to treat diabetes and heart disease?

NEW YORK (WABC) -- One of the most threatening diseases facing millions of Americans is Type 2 diabetes. This blood sugar disorder affects many organs in the body, including arteries and the heart, and its a double threat. Now researchers are looking for ...

Paula Deen: 'I Have TYPE 2 DIABETES' | Radar Online

Celebrity chef Paula Deen has finally admitted that yes, she does have Type 2 diabetes -- a story first reported by the National Enquirer in April, 2010. The controversial Food Network star -- known for her over-the-top fatty ...

TYPE 2 DIABETES: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and More

Learn more about Type 2 diabetes, often called non-insulin dependent diabetes, the most common form of the disease.

Paula Deen Diabetes Rumor: Could it Damage Her Kitchen Cred?

Rumors have surfaced that Paula Deen, the darling of the Food TV Network, may soon announce she has Type 2 diabetes and will become a paid spokeswoman for a famous diabetes drug. Will the revelation of Deens diagnosis send shivers of fear down the spines ...

TYPE 2 DIABETES - MayoClinic.com - Mayo Clinic

Type 2 diabetes — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment, prevention of this often weight-related condition.

TYPE 2 DIABETES - MayoClinic.com

Type 2 diabetes — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment, prevention of this often weight-related condition.

Paula Deen: Diabetes is not a death sentence

Now Deen is going public with a diagnosis she received three years ago during a regular checkup with her doctor: She has Type 2 diabetes. “I’m great,” she said on NBC’s "Today show Tuesday morning. “I’m here today to let the world ...

NATIONAL BRIEFING | HEALTH; Child Cholesterol Tests Are Urged

Every child should be tested for high cholesterol as early as age 9, surprising new advice from a government panel that suggests screening children in grade school for a problem more common in middle age. The panel urges cholesterol screening between ages 9 and 11 -- before puberty, when cholesterol temporarily dips -- and again between ages 17 and - Government panel suggests that every child should be tested for high cholesterol between ages of 9 and 11 and again between ages 17 and 21; also suggests diabetes screening every two years starting as early as age 9 for children who are overweight or have other risks for Type 2 diabetes. (S) - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Just dip that diabetes in butter: Paula Deen Has <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>, Still Eats Fried Foods "in Moderation" - Yahoo! TV http://t.co/NjIaXMrFJust dip that diabetes in butter: Paula Deen Has Type 2 diabetes, Still Eats Fried Foods "in Moderation" - Yahoo! TV http://t.co/NjIaXMrF
From: egut74 - Source: Tweet Button

After all the cooking she does Paula Deen has <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>. smh.After all the cooking she does Paula Deen has Type 2 diabetes. smh.
From: DynamiteK10 - Source: web

If i get <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>, I blame my dad for being a chef and cooking delicious unhealthy foods in his freetime. #stopIf i get Type 2 diabetes, I blame my dad for being a chef and cooking delicious unhealthy foods in his freetime. #stop
From: shell_meadows - Source: web

Paula Deen has <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>? #imshockedPaula Deen has Type 2 diabetes? #imshocked
From: DrMathochist - Source: web

Paula Deen Says She Has <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>: http://t.co/SNeOtkImPaula Deen Says She Has Type 2 diabetes: http://t.co/SNeOtkIm
From: dckarsch - Source: Tweet Button

“@TIME: Paula Deen admits she has diabetes | http://t.co/O7XioTCK (via @TIMENewsFeed)” #shocking“@TIME: Paula Deen admits she has diabetes | http://t.co/O7XioTCK (via @TIMENewsFeed)” #shocking
From: jilliancross - Source: Twitter for iPad

Paula Deen reveals that she has <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>. Wilford Brimley busts into her news conference to proclaim that she actually has "Diabetus"Paula Deen reveals that she has Type 2 diabetes. Wilford Brimley busts into her news conference to proclaim that she actually has "Diabetus"
From: garyrockrose - Source: web

Paula Deen has 2 type Diabetes.Paula Deen has 2 type Diabetes.
From: __LoudMusic - Source: Twitter for iPhone

60% of new Type 2 #Diabetes each year due to excess weight http://t.co/VKDtqjXk60% of new Type 2 #Diabetes each year due to excess weight http://t.co/VKDtqjXk
From: MedicalTraveler - Source: SocialOomph

Post: Mount Olive resident works 4 > awareness cure 4 Type I diabetes http://t.co/bAoq92kz #deadlydisease #diabetes #money #mountolivePost: Mount Olive resident works 4 > awareness cure 4 Type I diabetes http://t.co/bAoq92kz #deadlydisease #diabetes #money #mountolive
From: MyDiabetesHQ - Source: Strictly Tweetbot for Wordpress

Paula Deen Has <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>...Im so surprised #sarcasm http://t.co/6rHnK8QdPaula Deen Has Type 2 diabetes...Im so surprised #sarcasm http://t.co/6rHnK8Qd
From: SoBenny - Source: Tweet Button

#PaulaDeen: I Have Type 2 #Diabetes - http://t.co/6wijcFIT #food #health #fitness #culinary #cuisine#PaulaDeen: I Have Type 2 #Diabetes - http://t.co/6wijcFIT #food #health #fitness #culinary #cuisine
From: StormnetMedia2k - Source: Tweet Button

"Although Mr. Mignano weighed almost 500 pounds in 2009, he was shocked to receive a diagnosis of <b>Type 2 diabetes</b> at age 34.""Although Mr. Mignano weighed almost 500 pounds in 2009, he was shocked to receive a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes at age 34."
From: zuppann - Source: web

Not trying to be insensitive or anything, but is anyone surprised that Paula Deen has <b>Type 2 diabetes</b>? #CookingWithTonsOfButterNot trying to be insensitive or anything, but is anyone surprised that Paula Deen has Type 2 diabetes? #CookingWithTonsOfButter
From: DevMacWRSports - Source: HTC Peep

Well, Jesus, woman. What did you think would happen if you ate that much budder and baicin? Paula Deen has Type II: http://t.co/nnCqR0b2Well, Jesus, woman. What did you think would happen if you ate that much budder and baicin? Paula Deen has Type II: http://t.co/nnCqR0b2
From: dragonflyeye - Source: TweetDeck

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