Sloth : Photo Gallery
Sloth : Videos
Sloth : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Kristen Bell's SLOTH Meltdown - YouTube
Kristen Bell loves Sloths. You might even say she's obsessed with them. She told Ellen about what happened when her boyfriend, Dax Shepard, introduced her to...
Three-Toed SLOTH - Animals - National Geographic
Learn all you wanted to know about three-toed Sloths with pictures, videos, photos, facts, and news from National Geographic.
SLOTH Rescue in Costa Rica (VIDEO)
On a dark and stormy night in the mountains of Central America a leafy branch fell 30 feet to the ground below. A Sloth that had lived in that tree for many years was pinned underneath the branch and couldnt save itself from certain doom. This is the ...
MUSIC REVIEW; A Band Tradition, Both Carried On and Changed
Its not the ball drop, but for tens of thousands of people, Phishs annual run of shows at Madison Square Garden, which winds up on New Years Eve, is the more significant year-end event in Manhattan. Always an immediate sellout (but still available for pay per view at, the concerts are both a tradition and a challenge. Phish has to - By JON PARELES
THE ONE-PAGE MAGAZINE; The One Page Magazine
The Big Profile Dave Itzkoff Though he works with animals on his Texas ranches, Thomas Haden Church wasnt necessarily prepared for the beasts he would meet in the movie business. While filming Cameron Crowes We Bought a Zoo, Church, the Oscar-nominated Sideways star, got some up-close-and-personal time with a binturong, a creature he - One Page Magazine offers a profile of actor Thomas Haden Church, an article describing how the 2012 Republican candidates for president are Francophiles and advice for how to deal with family during the holidays from Augusten Burroughs. Charts, Drawings, Photos (M)g - By DAVE ITZKOFF, MATT BAI, TOM VANDERBILT, ADAM LEFF, RICHARD RUSHFIELD, HEATHER HAVRILESKY, TOM FOLSOM, GREG VEIS, TYLER COWEN, EDITH ZIMMERMAN, MARNIE HANEL, WILL SHORTZ, AUGUSTEN BURROUGHS, LIZZIE SKURNICK, ELIOT GLAZER, MIREILLE SILCOFF, MAUD NEWTON and ERIC SPITZNAGEL
SLOTH - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of Sloth. 1. a: disinclination to action or labor : indolence b: spiritual apathy and inactivity 2: any of various slow-moving ...
The SLOTH - Enchanted Learning Software
The Sloth is a slow-moving mammal that lives in trees. Sloths spend most of their lives hanging upside-down from tree branches; they eat, sleep, mate, and give birth ...
Crusader Kings II SLOTH Trailer Released!
NEW YORK - January 31, 2011 – Let the people rejoice*! Paradox Interactive are proud to release the sixth live action trailer Crusader Kings II "Sloth", the penultimate of the Seven Deadly Sins trailers that show the cuddly side of the medieval strategy ...
This will be a more sinful year, research firm says
Apparently, this will be a bountiful year for envy, lust and Sloth. Yippee! But it will be a bit slower growth year for those who peddle in pride and greed. Boo! The firm does takes liberties with its labels. For example, Im sure there are plenty of gun ...
SLOTH | Define SLOTH at
noun 1. habitual disinclination to exertion; indolence; laziness. 2. any of several slow-moving, arboreal, tropical American edentates of the family Bradypodidae ...
SLOTH - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sloths are the six species of medium-sized mammals belonging to the families Megalonychidae (two-toed Sloth) and Bradypodidae (three-toed Sloth), part of the order ...
SLOTH - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sloths are the six species of medium-sized mammals belonging to the families Megalonychidae (two-toed Sloth) and Bradypodidae (three-toed Sloth), part of the ...
THEATER REVIEW | 3 2S; OR AFAR; A Staged Enigma That Numbers Among Its Characters Something/Nothings
Mac Wellmans 3 2s; or AFAR offers the playwrights typically dizzying and fluid unfurling of language. References, registers and nonsense rhymes fly with madcap precision. But afterward what rises in the minds eye, unsettlingly, is not a snippet of dialogue but an image: a masked performer, suspended upside down and making her way across the - By CLAUDIA LA ROCCO
Video -- SLOTHs -- National Geographic
Take your time. No, really take your time. It can take a slow-moving Sloth up to a month to digest one meal!
City as Chew Toy
CERTAIN charms of New York City living -- the infinite brunch options, the 24-hour bodegas, the Museum of Modern Art -- are no doubt lost on many pets. Even so, plenty of owners believe that the city is ideal for dogs, offering endless opportunities for socializing and sniffing at dog runs, hydrants and doggy day care centers. Working late? Dog - Plenty of New York City pet owners believe that the city is ideal for dogs, but it is wise to choose a breed carefully, grappling with the question of which breeds are best, and worst, for city apartment living; experts advice charted. Photos, Drawings, Charts (M)g - By ELISSA GOOTMAN
Kristen Bell's SLOTH Meltdown - YouTube
18 hours ago ... Kristen Bell loves Sloths. You might even say she's obsessed with them. She told Ellen about what happened when her boyfriend, Dax Shepard ...
Why will a SLOTH starve to death when there are clouds in the sky?
Even with plenty of food around a Sloth can starve to death when there are clouds in the sky. Why? This is a real question. Recommend any websites to find answer?
Answer: because they're slow as snails.
Category: Zoology
Kristen Bell's SLOTH-Induced Flip Out! |
Kristen Bell making an appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show"
SLOTH - New World Encyclopedia
Sloth is the common name for any of the slow-moving, New World arboreal mammals comprising the families Megalonychidae (two-toed Sloths) and Bradypodidae (three-toed ...
Kristen Bell loses her mind over a SLOTH | Grist
Some Grist staffers are theorizing that this is a publicity stunt for Kristen Bell's gig as a spokesperson for the Nature Conservancy, but that's okay with me since it's pretty adorable and, you know, whatever works for Sloth ...
The Sin of SLOTH
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said Sloth is "sluggishness of the mind which neglects to begin good... [it] is evil in its effect, if it so oppresses man as to ...
A Tighter Leash On Exotic Pets
MACON, Mo. -- The man raised a tawny ball of fluff above his head, its black button eyes seeming to widen as it took in the audience surrounding the ring. Baby cougar! Bottle-fed! the auctioneer at the Lolli Brothers Livestock Market announced on a morning in early December, launching into his rat-a-tat call for bids over the loudspeaker. But - Officials are moving to better regulate the selling and breeding of exotic animals, raising concerns among traders and owners; action comes in wake of the killing of 49 exotic animals set loose in Zanesville, Ohio, in 2011; animal activist groups had been outraged that the types of animals in the Zanesville menagerie could even be obtained as pets. Photos (M) - By SARAH MASLIN NIR
Canal farmers irate at ministry’s SLOTH over flood losses
After more than eight days of flooding in December that resulted in millions of dollars in losses, farmers and residents at Canal Number Two say they are yet to receive official word from the agriculture ministry about any compensation. Previously ...
The SLOTH - Enchanted Learning Software
The Sloth is a slow-moving mammal that lives in trees. Sloths spend most of their lives hanging upside-down from tree branches; they eat, sleep, mate, and give ...
Kristen Bell Bursts Into Tears on Ellen Over a SLOTH Encounter (Video)
Kristen Bell has made her affection for Sloths known during several interviews, but viewers of Tuesdays Ellen got to know just how deeply she cares for the slow, three-toed animals. "The day of my birthday, were sitting in the living room and I hear a ...
SLOTH (deadly sin) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the Christian moral tradition, Sloth (Latin: acedia, accidia, pigritia) is one of the seven capital sins, often called the seven deadly sins; these sins are called ...
Continuing Education, at the Bar
FOR many, January means back to the lecture hall, and not just at colleges and universities. Across New York the backrooms of bars and the main stages of clubs are coming to resemble secret annexes to the Learning Annex -- homes to a boom in alternative lecture series that combine the spirit of the seminar room with the atmosphere of speed dating. - Several bars in New York city host alternative lecture series where people can drink and socialize as they learn. Photos (M) - By JENNIFER SCHUESSLER
Explain why the SLOTH has evolved slow speed and little muscle mass if one of their main predator is jaguar?
Sloth are very slow creatures.In fact their maximum horizontal speed is 0.3 miles per hour.They spend much of their time hanging upside-down from branches, and sleep during the daytime for about 15 hours a day. Biologists have tended to regard the animal as an evolutionary failure for not havimg devoloped speed and strengh.
Answer: Well, it works, doesn't it? Jaguars haven't driven Sloths into extinction. In fact, jaguars probably can't normally reach Sloths out on the branches Sloths favor. Given that, evolving more muscle mass would be a bad decision, since it would require the animal to eat more to support the extra tissue, and it clearly doesn't need it.
Category: Zoology
Can you own a SLOTH in the state of Ohio?
Does anyone know if its legal to own a Sloth in the state of Ohio? Assuming its not unless you have a permit, how does one go about getting said permit?
Answer: It is illegal, and you cannot get a permit.
Sloths live upside down and cannot survive if they are not upside down. They excrete waste through their skin and as a result are filthy creatures who grow mold and algae on their fur. They also have huge claws that can kill a man without even trying. There is no reason anyone with a brain would want to have one on their property.
Either way, once again, illegal, no permits.
Category: Other - Pets
American Pie: Still Homemade, but With a New Twist
SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. -- To step into the Tin & Lint bar here is to be surrounded by stories. Carved into the wooden walls, booths and benches are 30 years of names, dates and declared loves: Mike was here; Don loves Joanna 4EVER; Amy and Jennifer, 1989. But the biggest story, nearly as much a part of this upstate citys lore as its racetrack and - Don McLean debunks story that he wrote his hit American Pie in 1970 at a bar in Saratoga Springs, NY, but the bar is keeping the plaque and is still telling its version of the story. Photos (M) - By LIZ LEYDEN
Kristen Bell Breaks Down Over A SLOTH | Disney Dreaming
OMG, this is adorable. Kristen Bell is obviously a huge fan of Sloths, which you can see in the video below. During her interview with Ellen DeGeneres,
How much do you think a SLOTH would cost. I tried to find one for sale online but cant seem to find one. Help?
I would like to no the cost of riasing a Sloth. What do they eat.
Answer: Sloths eat leaves,flower petals and other plant products.They are essentially herbivor.They are mostly omnivores though.They are the perfect design presented so far by the evolution to conserve energy to such an extreme that a simple feat like closing the eyelids takes a long time to be affected.So do their the most sluggish movement along the tree branch.They even give birth on trees.
Raising a Sloth will be a challenge, but should be fun.
Enjoy your Sloth and it's company.
Love, Sunshine
Category: Reptiles
How does the SLOTHs food chain work?
I would like to know how the Sloths food chain works. If you dont know, but you know the food web of a Sloth, you are more than welcome to answer. If you have a picture of the food chain/web, I would be really happy if you gave the link, too! Thanks a bunch!
Answer: Most two-toed and three-toed Sloth are folivores (feed on leaves) so they will be considered primary consumers on the food-chain. One of the Sloths' predator is the jaguar so the jaguar will be the secondary consumer, from there it dies and decomposers take over.
Category: Zoology
MAKERS; Who Made That? (Credit Card)
In Looking Backward, Edward Bellamys 1888 novel about a socialist utopia more than a century hence, citizens are issued credit cards entitling them to shares of the national wealth. In todays dystopian reality, people use a different sort of card to buy stuff on the Internet. Yet according to Robert Manning, a historian and author of - Credit card was created in 1950 by New York businessman Frank X McNamara, who introduced a cardboard charge card called Diners Club after forgetting to bring cash to a lunch meeting. Photo (M) - By HILARY GREENBAUM and DANA RUBINSTEIN
The Funniest Baby SLOTH Video Ever!!! - YouTube
Nov 8, 2007 ... Aviarios del Caribe - - These are some of the baby Sloths down in Costa Rica at the only Sloth sanctuary in the world. They do great work and ...
SLOTH - definition of SLOTH by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Sloth (slôth, sl th, sl th) n. 1. Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence. 2. Any of various slow-moving, arboreal, edentate mammals of the family ...
SLOTH - Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki
Sloth (スロウス, Surōsu) is a Homunculus in the manga and the 2009 anime. He is not to be confused with
Kristen Bell on 'Ellen' reveals her SLOTH obsession and is ...
Actress Kristen Bell loves Sloths. When she stops by “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” Tuesday (Jan. 31), she tells Ellen about what happened when her fiance Dax Shepard introduced her to one for the first time, and if it's too ...
Kristen Bell Cries Hysterically Over SLOTH Birthday Present ...
When Dax Shepard surprised his fiancee with her favorite animal, Bell had a "full-fledged panic attack"
Lady Lions fighting through the toughest part of their season
When its so hot that walking in the sunlight is avoided at all costs and lifes greatest concern becomes finding the nearest air-conditioned building, sports such as baseball often become a burden to Sloth through for professional teams.
The Sin of SLOTH - 7 Deadly Sins, 7 Heavenly Virtues
Medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said Sloth is "sluggishness of the mind which neglects to begin good... [it] is evil in its effect, if it so oppresses man as to ...
SLOTH: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Sloths are the six species. of medium-sized mammal. s belonging to the families. Megalonychidae. and Bradypodidae, part of the order. Pilosa. They are arboreal
Where can I purchase a SLOTH on LI,New York ?
Also,how much should something like that cost and how exactly would I go about purchasing a Sloth ?
Answer: Kill the previous owner. (Free.)
Category: Other - Pets
How can i make a model of a three toed SLOTH?
I have a biology project that calls for me to make a model of a three toed Sloth in its habitat. i was thinking of just making it out of clay but that might get a little messy. anybody know a better way?
Answer: try using items from around the house, for instance you could use natural resources from your yard like rocks or twgs, or things you use daily like kitchen appliences or bathroom items. anyways good luck!
Category: Sculpture
Red tapism leads top govt doctor to call it a day
CHENNAI: Top surgical gastroenterologist R Surendran on Monday announced that he would quit government service because he had had enough of bureaucratic Sloth and mudslinging. Dr Surendran, who is on a three-year extension as director of the ...
Crusader Kings II Seven Deadly Sins: SLOTH Trailer (HD)
Crusader Kings II: Sloth is the penultimate of the Deadly Sins live action trailers that show the cuddly side of grand strategy game Crusader Kings II. By this point our King has survived battles, assassins, the crusades and even marriage. But will he ...
What are some examples of the sin SLOTH in todays society?
I need to look up examples of the sin Sloth in todays society for an English paper. I cant find anything. Where are some places to look or what are some examples?
Answer: me
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Kristen Bell: SLOTH Causes Birthday Meltdown (VIDEO)
What caused Kristen Bell to have a minor emotional breakdown? The "House of Lies" star stopped by "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" (weekdays, syndicated) with some very revealing (and hilarious) home video footage from ...
SLOTH - the definition you can understand
disinclination to work or exert oneself; indolence; laziness; idleness; Now Rare slowness; delay; any of a family (Bradypodidae) of slow-moving, tree-dwelling ...
What does it mean if a SLOTH is chasing me, like literally running in a dream?
In the dream, I am in a city and I am running away from this Sloth and then I get into a red Jeep with these random people and then drive through the busy crowd to get away from this Sloth trying to get me.
Answer: This is odd, considering how slow the Sloth is generally. One point may be that Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins and you may be trying to escape the handiwork of the devil, but the devil is most persistant
Category: Mythology & Folklore
SLOTH: Definition, Synonyms from
Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary ( slôth, slōth, slŏth ) n. Aversion to work or exertion; laziness; indolence. Any of various slow-moving, arboreal ...
How can I overcome my own apathy and SLOTH?
I find myself habitually being lazy and unmotivated a lot recently. The only things I really have going on right now is a part-time job (they won’t give me full time, and I am looking for a second or full-time job) and the occasional [inconsistent] social functions (church, going out with a friend, etc). As a result, I stay up way late, I sleep in a long time, I have a lack of motivation to get up and do anything even if it’s productive or helpful to me or others. I’ve tried setting an alarm clock in the morning, but since I have nothing to do until I need to be at work, there’s no reason to get up when it goes off. I feel like I’m lacking discipline, focus, and progress in my life. It’s really bothering me, and I don’t know how to get out of this funk and overcome my apathy and Sloth. Can anyone make some suggestions or guidelines?
Answer: You may well be depressed. How about checking that out with a competent therapist? You can call Crisis Hotline in your area for a referral.
Meanwhile, you can "ACT AS IF" you are motivated, and have energy. Just go through the motions!
Make a schedule for tomorrow -- nothing perfect here, just a few changes that are do-able!
Such as:
Get up at 9 AM
Walk for 30 minutes
Wash up dishes
Make one phone call
Make the bed
Prepare and eat lunch
Short nap 30 minutes
Go some where
After a few days of this -- I'll bet you feel better.
Good luck!
Category: Psychology
Even dogs have their day with the flu
Antarctica, North America, Asia, Europe, South America, Australia (Ocean) and Africa. SEVENTH Heaven. Greed, Sloth, gluttony, lust, pride, envy and wrath. EIGHT inches begins here. Octopus. Octagon. October. (August?) The Big EIGHT. WASHINGTON ...
Seven Deadly Sins ... and Seven Industries Poised to Make Killings Off Each One in 2012
Beginning with King Solomons list in the Book of Proverbs, cardinal vices fluctuated in number through AD 590, when Pope Gregory I revealed the Seven Deadly Sins recognized today: greed, gluttony, envy, Sloth, wrath, pride and lust. But more than a fiery ...
MAKERS; Who Made That? (Credit Card)
In Looking Backwards, Edward Bellamys 1888 novel about a socialist utopia more than a century hence, citizens are issued credit cards entitling them to shares of the national wealth. In todays dystopian reality, people use a different sort of card to buy stuff on the Internet. Yet according to Robert Manning, a historian and author of - Credit card was created in 1950 by New York businessman Frank X McNamara, who introduced a cardboard charge card called Diners Club after forgetting to bring cash to a lunch meeting. Photo (M) - By HILARY GREENBAUM and DANA RUBINSTEIN
Can anyone tell me why the three toed SLOTH move so slow?
I saw, on video, a three toed Sloth crossing the road. I dont know exactly how long it took but it had to be more than an hour.
Answer: It is because they mainly eat leaves and other hard to digest materal. Eating just fruits and leaves doesn't give you a lot of energy. Meat and insects give more energy than hard to digest leaves.
They are built to hang from a branch for hours (our muscles would tire) but in order to do that, they had to give up something else- such as quick movement, which is not really needed in a historic Sloth's world (without humans). They can still move their arms fast to defend themselves, but are generally very slow movers.
some will stay in one individual tree for months at a time.
Category: Other - Pets
What are some interesting ideas and thoughts about SLOTH behavior of the seven deadly sins?
im writing a paper about it so i would absolutely love it if you could tell me about various aspects of a Sloth and any unique perspectives you have about it- why it influences the culture, its role in education, misconceptions of the sin, different thoughts on it..ect.?
Answer: I've committed 5 of the seven 'deadly sins'. So when am I supposed to be struck down?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Behind the scenes with a zoo vets wild career
“A lot of what we face, we are seeing for the first time,” said Baitchman, who gave the example of a young Sloth that appeared to have leukemia. “We quickly realized we had no other Sloths with leukemia to compare it to. I had to consult ...
Lets All Stop Pretending Baby SLOTHs Arent Vile, Filthy Creatures, Okay?
over the little guys. How did Cooke, with a little help from Animal Planet, accomplish this? By filming orphaned baby Sloths at the Aviarios Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica being, well, adorable, orphaned, baby Sloths. Here at Cultist, we feel that it is our ...
How can I make my pet SLOTH less bashful?
I recently purchased a Sloth because they are slow moving, and so am I.
I named him Todd, but he never comes when I call his name.
I dont know if he dislikes me or if he just doesnt like anyone.
How can I make Todd come out of his shell and become less bashful?
Answer: Well. Sloths are technically wild animals, so it could take a while to gain his trust, sense his instincts are probably telling him to be cautious. My only suggestion would be quietly gaining his trust with lots of love and some treats.
Category: Other - Pets
Fanfare for the Common Man: Energy Drinks
I am a sedentary sort. I am one who has adopted the deadly sin “Sloth” as a lifestyle choice, but I need to remain active. I have no energy. Energy or the lack thereof has been an issue with me for years. I used to get paid to exercise.
EDITORIAL; Europes Contagion
Two years of gross mismanagement of the euro-zone debt crisis have all too predictably produced a wider crisis of market confidence that now threatens the entire 17-nation euro zone. This weeks formation of new technocrat-led governments in Greece and Italy has not calmed fears. Practically every euro zone country is paying the price in higher - Editorial contends that in order to avoid complete fracturing, European Union must offer better bailout deal to Italy and Greece, whose frail economies and nascent technocratic governments cannot sustain additional austerity measures; says key component of such deal is shift in policy by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who continues to try to appease her voters by demanding austerity and blocking loans. (M)
Part of Brazilian Rainforest to Be Named After Seo Tai-ji
In a bid to better conserve the area, around five hectares of rainforest in Guapi Assu will be officially be named "Seo Tai-ji Forest" on March 21 after the Korean singer of the same name. This marks the fruition of a project by the singers ...
Animals of the Rainforest-SLOTH - Welcome to Space Radiation Lab ...
Sloths are extremely slow-moving mammals found in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America. There are two species of Sloths:two-toed and three-toed.
Kristen Bell SLOTH Video - Crying Panic Attack Meltdown | Gossip Cop
VIDEO - Kristen Bell cries and has panic attack when Dax Shepard brings her Sloth on birthday.
Forget The Details, The End Of The European Crisis Is In Sight
Despite the fizzling out of yesterdays Euro summit there has been little sell-off which leaves TMM thinking that there is a chance of the European "Policy by Sloth" may work. TMM wrote back in December about what they believed the necessary conditions ...
SLOTH: Information from
Nocturnal, solitary, tree-dwelling mammal (family Bradypodidae), found in South and Central America. About 2 ft (60 cm) long, Sloths have a tiny tail, peglike teeth ...
What is the fastest speed a SLOTH can travel?
On its own, of course. Im not talking about putting a Sloth into a rocket ship.
Also, for the record, this must be the fastest speed a Sloth can move on Earth.
Answer: I don't know a lot about Sloths but i know that this one is PRETTY DAMN CUTE!!!
Category: Zoology
Two-toed SLOTH Fact Sheet
TAXONOMY & NOMENCLATURE (Anderson & Hanley 2001) (Barros et al 2008) (Gaudin & McDonald 2008) (Naish 2005) (Wilson & Reeder 2005) Describer (Date): Choloepus ...
Animals of the Rainforest-SLOTH
Sloth, Sloths are extremely slow-moving mammals found in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America. There are two species of Sloths:two-toed and ...
SLOTH (deadly sin) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the Christian moral tradition, Sloth is one of the seven capital sins, often called the seven deadly sins ; these sins are called deadly sins because they ...
What is the scientific classification for a three toe SLOTH?
Ive been looking but the one my teacher wants me to do is:
The three toe Sloth have something different but only a few is right. Is it the same thing? But put in different word?
Answer: Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Pilosa
Family Folivora
Genus Bradypus
The species changes because there are multiple three toed Sloths.
Category: Zoology
How does the deadly sin of SLOTH relate to the The Canterbury Tales? Which pilgrim tells the story of SLOTH?
I need to relate the deadly sin of Sloth to the Canterbury tales. my teacher just gave us this project and it is due Friday. Does anyone know which pilgrim talks about Sloth in their story.
Answer: Geoffrey Chaucer's (c. 1340–1400) Canterbury Tales features the seven deadly sins in The Parson's Tale: pride (paragraphs 24–29), envy (30–31), wrath (32–54), Sloth (55–63), greed (64–70), gluttony (71–74), lust (75–84).
Category: Books & Authors
@WhotheFis_Sloth fuck yes lol
From: Cori_xO - Source: Twitter for Android
LOL ...U never told us this @IMKristenBell ;) “@THR: Kristen Bell Bursts Into Tears on Ellen Over a Sloth Encounter”
From: wendilynnmakeup - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @ameyapendse: Todays video funny: Kristen Bells emotional breakdown after meeting a Sloth.
From: medeiacohan - Source: TweetDeck
Did you guys catch Kristen Bell on Ellen? Her story about the Sloth she got as a present was ADORABLE! Absolutely love her.
From: brunanessif - Source: web
RT @kerryrm: *swoon* Kristin Bell and the Sloth. /swoon via @kenleyyoung
From: afilmsnob - Source: web
Sloth! @KittyGott youll love this! RT Kristen Bells inability to handle her emotions! #Slothpluskristenequalslove
From: Cookie_21 - Source: Echofon
Beautiful dayyy beachy witttt tha Sloth ☀
From: elmathis - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@CollagenDavoli me too, especially when Ellen said that they had a Sloth there hahaha. Her reaction was priceless
From: xoitsadri - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Just posted Crusader Kings II Seven Deadly Sins Sloth trailer
From: Gamercast - Source: b2evolution tweet plugin
OMG @jessicalynne....Kristen Bell and the Sloth are on Ellen right NOW!!! Hahaha
From: lilsniper - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Kristen Bells Sloth Meltdown
From: Richardnallen1 - Source: Facebook
RT @IMKristenBell: oooh look at the big man who doesnt cry around Sloths! " @HiRyanHansen No tears here. #Sloth " #imnotbuyinit
From: 6BS - Source: web
RT @ChazSom3rs: Onsies #swag #Sloth
From: jbiebersleggo - Source: Camera on iOS
RT @ChazSom3rs: Onsies #swag #Sloth
From: xfreetofall - Source: Camera on iOS
@TheEllenShow How bad do you feel that you didnt have a Sloth on your show today......LMAO, that was Classic......
From: Erinmarie877 - Source: web