Occupy congress - OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR | OP-CHART; The Year in Questions

Occupy congress : Videos

Occupy the Dream: From Wall Street to Congress
Occupy the Dream: From Wall Street to Congress
OCCUPY CONGRESS - US Capitol - January 17
OCCUPY CONGRESS - US Capitol - January 17
Labor Activists "OCCUPY CONGRESS"
Labor Activists "OCCUPY CONGRESS"
OCCUPY CONGRESS Kicks Into Overdrive!
OCCUPY CONGRESS Kicks Into Overdrive!
The State of Occupy Wall Street (OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012)
The State of Occupy Wall Street (OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012)
Hundreds occupy US Congressional offices
Hundreds occupy US Congressional offices
Ralph Nader says OCCUPY CONGRESS
Ralph Nader says OCCUPY CONGRESS
#J17 OCCUPY CONGRESS - Let us all unite on January 17 and bring tents
#J17 OCCUPY CONGRESS - Let us all unite on January 17 and bring tents
Occupy the Dream: From Wall Street to Congress
Occupy the Dream: From Wall Street to Congress
US Capitol * OCCUPY CONGRESS Jan 17th 2012 * Stand Strong United!
US Capitol * OCCUPY CONGRESS Jan 17th 2012 * Stand Strong United!
Occupy Wall Street OCCUPY CONGRESS January, 17th, 2012
Occupy Wall Street OCCUPY CONGRESS January, 17th, 2012
OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17, 2012
OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17, 2012
The State of Occupy Wall Street (OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012) UPLOAD AND SPREAD
The State of Occupy Wall Street (OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012) UPLOAD AND SPREAD
Dec 5th - 9th 2011 A Call To Action OCCUPY CONGRESS
Dec 5th - 9th 2011 A Call To Action OCCUPY CONGRESS
The State of Occupy Wall Street - OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012
The State of Occupy Wall Street - OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012
OCCUPY CONGRESS Day 2 - March on K Street
OCCUPY CONGRESS Day 2 - March on K Street
Protesters OCCUPY CONGRESS, Demand Jobs
Protesters OCCUPY CONGRESS, Demand Jobs
College Students: OCCUPY CONGRESS!
College Students: OCCUPY CONGRESS!
"Occupy" protesters take on Congress
"Occupy" protesters take on Congress
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Tue, Oct 11, 2011 - Watch the ...
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: Tue, Oct 11, 2011 - Watch the ...
Occupy the Dream: From Wall Street to Congress
Occupy the Dream: From Wall Street to Congress
"Occupy" protesters take on Congress
"Occupy" protesters take on Congress
College Students: OCCUPY CONGRESS!
College Students: OCCUPY CONGRESS!
Peter DeFazio on Occupy Wall Street
Peter DeFazio on Occupy Wall Street
Occupying Congress
Occupying Congress
Occupy Wall Street OCCUPY CONGRESS January, 17th, 2012
Occupy Wall Street OCCUPY CONGRESS January, 17th, 2012
STEVE FORBES: The Wall Street Protesters Should OCCUPY CONGRESS ...
STEVE FORBES: The Wall Street Protesters Should OCCUPY CONGRESS ...
Protesters OCCUPY CONGRESS, Demand Jobs
Protesters OCCUPY CONGRESS, Demand Jobs
Forget Wall Street, Protestors Should "OCCUPY CONGRESS," Mauldin Says
Forget Wall Street, Protestors Should "OCCUPY CONGRESS," Mauldin Says
‘Occupy’ moves to Capitol Hill
‘Occupy’ moves to Capitol Hill
The Tonight Show - Meghan McCain, Part 2 (11/18/11)
The Tonight Show - Meghan McCain, Part 2 (11/18/11)
Hundreds occupy US Congressional offices
Hundreds occupy US Congressional offices
Politics of "Occupy Wall Street"
Politics of "Occupy Wall Street"
OCCUPY CONGRESS - Fear of Elections
OCCUPY CONGRESS - Fear of Elections

Occupy congress : Photo Gallery

OCCUPY CONGRESS' attempts to get lawmakers' attention - CSMonitor.
OCCUPY CONGRESS' attempts to get lawmakers' attention - CSMonitor.
OCCUPY CONGRESS: A Movement Whose Time Has Come | DBKP - Death By ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS: A Movement Whose Time Has Come | DBKP - Death By ...
DC Braces For OCCUPY CONGRESS Protest Tomorrow - Home - The Daily Bail
DC Braces For OCCUPY CONGRESS Protest Tomorrow - Home - The Daily Bail
OCCUPY CONGRESS' protest planned as lawmakers return - MJ Lee ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS' protest planned as lawmakers return - MJ Lee ...
DC Braces For OCCUPY CONGRESS Protest Tomorrow - Home - The Daily Bail
DC Braces For OCCUPY CONGRESS Protest Tomorrow - Home - The Daily Bail
OCCUPY CONGRESS launched as Congress reconvenes | Death and Taxes
OCCUPY CONGRESS launched as Congress reconvenes | Death and Taxes
OCCUPY CONGRESS' rally Photos | 'OCCUPY CONGRESS' rally Pictures ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS' rally Photos | 'OCCUPY CONGRESS' rally Pictures ...
Million Man March - OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012 | in5d ...
Million Man March - OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012 | in5d ...
U.S. News - OCCUPY CONGRESS: Could it be politics as unusual?
U.S. News - OCCUPY CONGRESS: Could it be politics as unusual?
Talk about J16 Occupy the Dream and J17 OCCUPY CONGRESS Grows in ...
Talk about J16 Occupy the Dream and J17 OCCUPY CONGRESS Grows in ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS - Cartoons - Allvoices
OCCUPY CONGRESS - Cartoons - Allvoices
Occupy All Streets
Occupy All Streets
Daily Kos: OCCUPY CONGRESS:More than one Way to Occupy
Daily Kos: OCCUPY CONGRESS:More than one Way to Occupy
OCCUPY CONGRESS' heading for Washington - Anna Palmer - POLITICO.
OCCUPY CONGRESS' heading for Washington - Anna Palmer - POLITICO.
The Dissenter
The Dissenter
Fail: The producers of 0% of the things (congress) want to ...
Fail: The producers of 0% of the things (congress) want to ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS Planned For January 17th… The Million Tent March?
OCCUPY CONGRESS Planned For January 17th… The Million Tent March?
OCCUPY CONGRESS - (That goes especially for Senators too!) politics
OCCUPY CONGRESS - (That goes especially for Senators too!) politics
OCCUPY CONGRESS on January 17th | Occupy DC
OCCUPY CONGRESS on January 17th | Occupy DC
OCCUPY CONGRESS 1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
OCCUPY CONGRESS 1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
via OCCUPY CONGRESS’s Facebook.com page) As the Jan. 17 “ Occupy ...
via OCCUPY CONGRESS’s Facebook.com page) As the Jan. 17 “ Occupy ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS National Event 8:00 am Occupy Saint Paul NDAA Sit-In
OCCUPY CONGRESS National Event 8:00 am Occupy Saint Paul NDAA Sit-In
Occupy Colleges to OCCUPY CONGRESS
Occupy Colleges to OCCUPY CONGRESS
OCCUPY CONGRESS and Occupy Wall Street Protests - from Lower Manhattan ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS and Occupy Wall Street Protests - from Lower Manhattan ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS : Roll Call Opinion
OCCUPY CONGRESS : Roll Call Opinion
Daily Kos: OCCUPY CONGRESS:More than one Way to Occupy
Daily Kos: OCCUPY CONGRESS:More than one Way to Occupy
OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17, 2012 occupyyourcongress.info
OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17, 2012 occupyyourcongress.info
OCCUPY CONGRESS Day 1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
OCCUPY CONGRESS Day 1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Occupy WS blames Bush. Your view.
Occupy WS blames Bush. Your view.
Earth flag @ OCCUPY CONGRESS #J17
Earth flag @ OCCUPY CONGRESS #J17
OCCUPY CONGRESS - Pretty good spot for an occupation #J17#OWS
OCCUPY CONGRESS - Pretty good spot for an occupation #J17#OWS
Today is OCCUPY CONGRESS. Supposedly, protesters are coming from all over the country to Washington D.C.
Today is OCCUPY CONGRESS. Supposedly, protesters are coming from all over the country to Washington D.C.
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Occupy Movement Livestreamers
Greyhound Bus Driver, Donald Ainsworth
Greyhound Bus Driver, Donald Ainsworth
Greyhound Bus Driver, Donald Ainsworth
Greyhound Bus Driver, Donald Ainsworth
OCCUPY CONGRESS: Protesters to gather outside Capitol, demonstrate against ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS: Protesters to gather outside Capitol, demonstrate against ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS: Could it be politics as unusual?
OCCUPY CONGRESS: Could it be politics as unusual?
'OCCUPY CONGRESS' to swarm Capitol Hill; gang members hit the runway; Rush ...
'OCCUPY CONGRESS' to swarm Capitol Hill; gang members hit the runway; Rush ...
'Occupy' protesters take on Congress
'Occupy' protesters take on Congress
'OCCUPY CONGRESS' heading for Washington
'OCCUPY CONGRESS' heading for Washington
Greyhound Responds to Allegations of Stranding OCCUPY CONGRESS Passengers (Video)
Greyhound Responds to Allegations of Stranding OCCUPY CONGRESS Passengers (Video)
Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Missoula general assembly, encampment group split
Occupy Missoula general assembly, encampment group split
Area 'Occupy' group road-trips it out to DC for national protest that starts ...
Area 'Occupy' group road-trips it out to DC for national protest that starts ...
OCCUPY CONGRESS protesters attempt to raise money for the basics
OCCUPY CONGRESS protesters attempt to raise money for the basics
Occupy Colleges to OCCUPY CONGRESS
Occupy Colleges to OCCUPY CONGRESS
Occupy Movement Organizes Protest at 80 Courthouses On Anniversary of ...
Occupy Movement Organizes Protest at 80 Courthouses On Anniversary of ...
Election-year politics will chart Congress' path this year
Election-year politics will chart Congress' path this year
Morning Briefing: January 17, 2012
Morning Briefing: January 17, 2012
Occupy Chicago, Religious Leaders Use MLK Holiday As Means To Call For Change
Occupy Chicago, Religious Leaders Use MLK Holiday As Means To Call For Change

Occupy congress : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Next up: `OCCUPY CONGRESS’ - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

One of the enduring questions about Occupy Wall Street has been this: Can the energy unleashed by the movement be leveraged behind a concrete political ...

The 1 Percent Paint a More Nuanced Portrait of the Rich

KINGS POINT, N.Y. — Adam Katz is happy to talk to reporters when he is promoting his business, a charter flight company based on Long Island called Talon Air. But when the subject was his position as one of America’s top earners, he balked. Seated at a desk fashioned from a jet fuel cell, wearing a button-down shirt with the company - By SHAILA DEWAN and ROBERT GEBELOFF

'OCCUPY CONGRESS' attempts to get lawmakers' attention - CSMonitor ...

22 hours ago ... On Tuesday, activists from around the US plan activities dubbed “Occupy Congress." Organizers hope this will be the largest Occupy gathering ...

Protesters file for permit to “OCCUPY CONGRESS” Jan. 17 - The ...

Hundreds of demonstrators march on Capitol Hill to occupy the offices of their members of Congress during the "Take Back the Capitol" protest on Dec. 6.

Occupy DC Passes Corporate Personhood Resolution

WASHINGTON -- Occupy DCs General Assembly passed a "corporate personhood resolution" on Saturday calling for a constitutional amendment ending the "judicial fiction of corporate Constitutional rights." The resolution calls on Congress to "enact ...

#J17- Happy Birthday OWS. Let's OCCUPY CONGRESS! « The Confluence

Gettin' up at 4:00am to be there when Congress opens tomorrow. I'll be meeting with Marsha, Lambert and some of the other Correntians. If I'm not mistaken, Lambert is also planning a Virtually Speaking broadcast with ...

Occupy protesters claim be against corruption, yet they make no tangible protest of 0bama & Congress?

@Alan Turing WEAK, my man, very WEAK.
Answer: Because they are mindless sheep. They bray out love for Obama, yet he is in the tank with what the OWS is protesting against. There is no other way Obama could raise the estimated record breaking 1 billion for 2012. Minions. Mindless sheep. sad, but that is part of what the liberal gene causes. .
Category: Politics

Conservatives whined, Why protest Wall Street? Why not OCCUPY CONGRESS? Will this news make Cons happy?

Look: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/12/07/us-usa-protests-idUSTRE7B52M320111207 I bet theyll find a way to spin spin spin this to show opposition to liberals, as usual. Hypocritical conservatism, as usual.
Answer: I think they're incapable of happiness. They seem so miserable all the time. Its not hard to believe Obama is the butt of it all.
Category: Politics


WASHINGTON -- A number of protesters from Occupy movements across the country will descend on Washington D.C. today for Occupy congress, a day of political action designed to call attention to their discontent with the influence of corporate ...

Who has better representation in Congress: the Occupy movement or...?

...black non-Christian women with one arm, one leg, a military pension and membership in the Order? My mother is a very sexy 78-year-old. She looks great with a toothy smile and a full body burka.
Answer: How's that Tea Party movement working out for you?
Category: Politics

LETTERS; Sunday Dialogue: Will a Third Party Help?

A letter writers call for a centrist third party to help ease our political dysfunction was met with both praise and skepticism. The Letter To the Editor: Why does America have only two political options? Every day, the news from Washington showcases the inability of our two political parties to govern effectively. Rigid partisanship has

Occupy protesters claim be against corruption, yet they make no explicit protest against 0bama & Congress?

Dont give the fallacious argument that the real corruption is the source of the money going to the politicians. FACT: When an elected official takes a bribe, accepting the bribe constitutes a crime.
Answer: They won't protest in DC but their main problems do seem to be with what the Federal government has done since late 2008. Protesting local governments and financial institutions won't change anything.
Category: Politics


Tens of thousands of people chanting outside the Capitol would be hard to ignore, and it doesn't matter what we chant, because WE are our demands!

Occupy Protesters Swarm Capitol

Hundreds of protesters affiliated with the Occupy movement are gathering outside the U.S. Capitol Tuesday to “Occupy congress.” The protesters braved cold, damp weather to cluster outside barricades in front of the Capitol, chanting “We ...

should the protesters OCCUPY CONGRESS instead?

Answer: We're OWS-ers are smart. We know congress is just the puppet of Wall St and it's plutocratic overlords like ultra-lords Charles & David KochRoach. So We the People w/ our pitchforks and torches are going to be shaking the gates of their fortified compounds... we've tasted blood... so now we're making the global plutocratic parasites taste fear... no one is safe... =============== International Monetary Fund’s former Chief Economist, Simon Johnson: “Our leading bankers looted [the United States], plunged the world into deep recession [starting in Dec, 2007], and “cost the United States eight million jobs. “Now many of them stand by with sharpened knives and enhanced bonuses – “willing to suggest how the salaries and jobs of others can be further cut. “Consider the morality of that. “Will no one think hard about what this means for our budget and our political system until it is too late?” http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/30/fresh-crises-loom-in-europe-and-the-u-s/ http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/10/ship-of-knaves/ Simon Johnson ---------------------------- “How free markets sank the U.S. economy.” Joseph Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Laureate for Economics and former chief economist and senior VP of the World Bank, explains it in his book, “Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy.” http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE62A3N820100311?type=GCA- Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate: The lunatic fringe is now the heart of the GOP. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/25/opinion/25krugman.html http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/06/nation/la-na-koch-brothers-20110206 "The Koch bros are now at the heart of GOP power, a change most evident in the new makeup of the House Energy and Commerce Committee... “The Kochs contributed $279,500 to its majority GOP members and $32,000 to the minority Dems. “The GOP members have vowed to undo regulations on greenhouse gases…” The Kochs’ petro-chem giant, Koch Industries is one of the top ten polluters in the US. Paul Krugman: “The Gop is committed to a bankrupt ideology,” De-Regulation. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/14/opinion/14krugman.html Paul Krugman, Noble Laureate in Econ: The GOP’s “ideology of free-market fundamentalism” caused The Great Recession, [Dec 2007 – June 2009] and was started by the Reagan Admin & continued by Greenspan & Cheney http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/08/opinion/08krugman.html Paul Krugman: The Reagan Admin cost taxpayers at least $300 billion via deregulation. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/14/opinion/14krugman.html?_r=1&em Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate in Econ: Alan Greenspan & Wm Kristol cheerleaded the GOP bait-&-switch campaign on taxcuts to deliberately build up huge govt debt, then alleging only by gutting SS & Medicare/caid can we reduce it. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/22/opinion/22krugman.html?em GOP’s real agenda: privatizing and dismantling Medicare & Social Security. The Pledge to America. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/24/opinion/24krugman.html?adxnnl=1&ref=general&src=me&adxnnlx=1292979769-GbdpuNvpSYkcFsHaFDL0bQ Paul Krugman
Category: Politics

Winning Progressive » Blog Archive » OCCUPY CONGRESS on Jan. 17

(Winning Progressive is happy to introduce everyone to our newest contributor, Josh Marks. Josh is a Washington, D.C.-based environmental journalist and

OCCUPY CONGRESS protester arrested

One man was arrested for assault on a police officer Tuesday during day-long Occupy congress” protests on Capitol Hill. Capitol Police Sgt. Kimberly Schneider confirmed the arrest, but did not have a name for the man, who was being processed at Capitol ...

OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR | OP-CHART; The Year in Questions

Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel, never-ending news is spooling off a never-ending reel ... Now a quiz is set to test you and your memory of the memes ... like the stories that you find, in the pages of The Times. Answers will appear tomorrow on this page. 1. Oops. 2. Got all this stuff twirling around in my head.3. - Ben Schott Op-Chart offers a quiz of the news events of 2011. Photos (M) - Ben Schott is a contributing columnist for The Times and the author, most recently, of Schotts Quintessential Miscellany. - By BEN SCHOTT

OCCUPY CONGRESS « The Confluence

Occupy congress. Posted on January 17, 2012 by riverdaughter. Lambert is making fun of me for being a geek and posting on my iPad. Marsha is here as well. beeyoutiful and has eyes the color of purple pansies. So far, we have been ...

Why Doesnt Nancy Pelosi Identify herself as an Occupy Wall Street Party member of Congress?

In the same way Michelle Bachman Identifies herself as a Member of The Tea Party In Congress? Is it because Democraps just like to stir the soup, but are too cowardly to drink it? And the tea party isnt a political party either Oklahoma! Blue Christy, what do you mean me and my kind? Are you saying that because I aint white? Are you a racist?
Answer: That's a good way of putting it. The dems mouth support for OWS, however, they are their usual hypocritical selves and will not overly commit to the group of vagabonds. It would be too politically damaging.
Category: Politics

OCCUPY CONGRESS: Schedule for January 17 | Occupy DC

DC Protests for American Revolution ... Hundreds of Americans across the nation will be heading to Washington to warn Congress that the 99% are upset with them.

Is it time for the OWS protesters to come in off the street, get organized and OCCUPY CONGRESS?

Congress is where the real decisions are made. If you dont have your guys in Congress, you can protest all you want and not get anything done.
Answer: As evidenced by the united response by most cities, it's business interests that capture the sympathetic hands/ears of most corporate friendly city bureaucracies. The utter lack of urgency to pay a living wage or provide a reason for undervalued/underpaid/underemployed workers to become gainfully employed is the main reason these protests are being held, because politicians have only paid attention to special interest groups who support them and fund their reelection campaigns. As a result, politicians have learned to rhetorically pander during election cycles, then revert back to being tone-deaf to the needs & interests by claiming that they do not have the political "backbone" to convince other politicians that anything that benefits the social commons need ever be accomplished as long as voters can be played for their vote, then ignored during periods of non-election political indifference. One could attempt to protest the ineptitude of congress, but the congress knows how to play their institutionalized "we're better than you and we don't have to listen to you unless you grease our palms with political hearing aids, (PAC donations/funding)". Until elections can be influenced by a majority of registered voters, protesting regardless of the selective enforcement of local city/county/municipality regulations which until now, have basically made most rights of assembly guaranteed by the constitution, virtually irrelevant and illegal according to the priorities paid to business interests over the interests of the working class.
Category: Politics

Occupy DC protester charged with child cruelty after crying baby girl was found abandoned in tent

A protest - dubbed Occupy congress - is due to take place on Capitol Hill next Tuesday. It is expected to draw thousands of people and bring renewed attention to the movement in Washington and to their overall opposition to corporate greed and income inequality.

Will the mass roundups begin after the new regime occupies congress and the white house ?

chg3 lola, i realize this forum is primarily entertainment, and schmitty is extremely entertaining! chg3
Answer: Yep, it's almost time to put those FEMA camps to use.
Category: Elections

OCCUPY CONGRESS heading for Washington

The occupy movement is moving from Main Street to the halls of Congress. Hundreds of protesters are expected to descend on Washington Tuesday for its “Occupy congress” effort. But this time they don’t want to just rail against the system — they ...

OCCUPY CONGRESS Tues. Jan 17: Details for Attendees

New tents are popping up in the nations capital and there is talk of expanding to a new park. The two Washington, D.C. Occupation camps - at McPherson Park and Freedom Plaza - are calling to action all Occupy camps and persons interested in making their ...

Forget Wall Street, OCCUPY CONGRESS - TheStreet

I sympathize with Occupy Wall Street, but its targeting the wrong place and the wrong people Its time to Occupy congress.

When will Occupy put pressure on congress?

The do nothing congress is a 12% joke. 12% approval
Category: Politics

Occupy protesters rally against Congress at Capitol

Demonstrators from the Occupy movement rallied outside the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday to protest against the influence of money on Congress. In a sign of renewed vigor for the Occupy movement, which staged protests in many U.S. cities last fall, several ...

Will Queen Pelosi get her custom jumbo jet back when democrats re-OCCUPY CONGRESS in 2012?

Answer: No shes been restricted once again to her M324A broom every since we foreclosed on "her house"
Category: Politics

U.S. News - OCCUPY CONGRESS: Could it be politics as unusual?

Thousands of Occupy protesters from across the country are expected to converge Tuesday on Capitol Hill to take their message to the halls of Congress, in what some observers say is the movement's overdue moment to ...

In Climate of Disaffection, Democrats See Hope in Their Battle for Congress

WASHINGTON -- While most of the political worlds attention has been focused on the presidential primaries, Democrats who took a beating in the midterm elections say they have slowly but steadily gotten back in the game when it comes to the battle for control of Congress. A year of fiscal fights that left the country careening from threatened - Democrats have become more optimistic about recapturing control of both the House and Senate due to improving economic signs; polls also show that a year of bruising fiscal fights has hurt Republicans in Congress more than Democrats. Photo (M) - By JENNIFER STEINHAUER; Marjorie Connelly contributed reporting.

OCCUPY CONGRESS to Converge on Capitol Hill | Common Dreams

Thousands of protesters under the banner of "Occupy congress" are expected to converge on Capitol Hill today in what they hope will be the largest Occupy ...

OCCUPY CONGRESS to Converge on Capitol Hill

Thousands of protesters under the banner of "Occupy congress" are expected to converge on Capitol Hill today in what they hope will be the largest Occupy gathering. "This is going to be the biggest coming together of the most diverse group of ...

Its Still Happening: OCCUPY CONGRESS

In a desperate bid to remain relevant (come on, people--"occupying" is so 2011), Occupiers are expected to take their protest to the very halls of Congress on Tuesday, the first day the House is back in session after the winter break and the ...

Occupy protesters rally against Congress at Capitol - WNEP

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Demonstrators from the Occupy movement rallied outside the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday to protest against the influence of money on ...

How is it that the democrats have the majority in both houses of Congress, occupy the White House...?

.....and STILL find it next to impossible to get their socialist agenda signed into law?
Answer: because even members of their own party know it's awful, that's why they have to be bribed with back room deals for their vote.
Category: Politics

Why is there an Occupy Wall Street movement, but not an Occupy White House or OCCUPY CONGRESS?

Category: Politics


Occupy congress Essential Tips. Freedom Plaza and McPherson Square are excited to be hosting Occupy congress and hope that it will be one of the largest gatherings ...

U.S. News - OCCUPY CONGRESS: Could it be politics as unusual?

7 hours ago ... Thousands of Occupy protesters from across the country are expected to converge Tuesday on Capitol Hill to take their message to the halls of ...

OCCUPY CONGRESS: 99 > 1 | Occupy DC

On January 17th, amid single-digit approval ratings, a new session of Congress begins. Because Congress has shown itself to be increasingly out of touch with the American people, Occupy DC, in unity with occupiers from ...

OCCUPY CONGRESS Protesters Gather At Capitol

The U.S. House of Representatives is back in session on Capitol Hill after their winter recess, and already they are getting an earful from Occupy protesters, who are rallying at the capitol for an event theyre calling "Occupy congress." Protesters have ...

Occupy Wall Street going to Washington to OCCUPY CONGRESS - Las ...

The Occupy Wall Street movements, who for months now have been taking their anti-corporate greed message “everywhere”, will now take it to those Wall Street ...

Greyhound Responds to Allegations of Stranding OCCUPY CONGRESS ...

Occupy congress passengers wait after being kicked off Greyhound (Getty ... In response to the outcry on various Occupy forums, Greyhound tweeted out ...

OCCUPY CONGRESS:More than one Way to Occupy

We are going to Occupy congress January 17th. Why? Because a do nothing Congress is crushing us all economically. A tag is a way to search for this diary. If someone is searching for "Barack Obama," is this a diary theyd be trying to find? Use ...

DC Braces For OCCUPY CONGRESS Protest Tomorrow - Home - The ...

Tomorrow, Occupy D.C. welcomes its brethren from around the country to "Occupy congress," a daylong sit-in around Capitol Hill in which the income-inequality movement hopes to make contact with all 535 members of the ...

Occupy Colleges to OCCUPY CONGRESS | The Nation

Lately, I keep getting asked , "Why is Occupy Colleges so focused on the January 17th Occupy congress event? Isnt the organization dedicated to student loan issues and tuition hikes?" I find the question odd because it is precisely the tuition hikes and ...

OCCUPY CONGRESS January 17th, 2012 | Facebook

Occupy congress January 17th, 2012 - It's time for the American People to send a message to Congress. Ordinary citizens are not being represented by their ...


Occupy congress - Occupy your congressmen! - Description: Please this group does not endorse any political candidate, or political group. This group is to find ...

When the OWS&UNIONS occupy the Capitol will they verbally assault the DO-NOTHING members of CONGRESS?

I think it would truly be patriotic if they did. I am marking the 4th of December on my calendar. It may become a date for history books.
Answer: Man you my Brother! Does anyone know identity of # 1 enemy of working class American? Do you know who and way we mast Boycott if you supporter of Wall Street Occupiers? If not I can help with my Information. We can stop them trough boycott the Koch Brothers' products and not have our money going to support the Tea Party, more dirty polluting political shenanigans, attacks on workers’ rights to organize. Here's a quick list of the Koch Brothers products and companies you should be avoiding: All Georgia-Pacific Produces. First are Georgia-Pacific consumer products: Angel Soft, Quilted Northern, and Soft n Gentle toilet paper; Brawny paper towels any of the Dixie plates, bowls and in vista's Fabrics, Fibers and Polymers. Third are a whole bunch of products under the In vista banner:Coolmax,Cordura,Solarmax, Supplex, Thermo lite fabrics as well as those containing Lycra,Comforel fiberfill, Dacron fibers,Somerelle bedding products,Stainmaster carpets and Tactesse carpet fiber. There are also a number of resins on the list.Invista's Fabrics, Fibers and Polymers napkins: Sparkle, Vanity Fair and Zee napkins, There are also a number of resins on the list. Invista's Fabrics, Fibers and Polymers napkins: Sparkle, Vanity Fair and Zee napkins. All Rupert Murdoch media empire:Hulu.com,The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, American Idol,Fox,the Laos Angeles Lakers, New York Rangers, Laos Angeles’s Staples Center and New York’s Madison Square Garden. TV: Fox Broadcasting Company, Fox News Channel, Fox Kids Channel, Fox Business Network, Fox Classics, Fox Sports Net, FX, the National Geographic Channel, The Golf Channel, and TV Guide Channel. Radio: Fox Sports Radio. Network.Books:Harper Collins, Magazines: TV Guide, The Weekly Standard, Maximum Golf, Barron’s Magazine Newspapers: The New York Post, Wall Street Journal, The Times TV Guide, The Weekly Standard, Maximum Golf, Barron’s Magazine.Newspapers:The New York Post, Wall Street Journal, Websites Foxsports.com, Hulu,Scout.com, The Daily. Film studios: 20th Century Fox: Avatar, The Simpson’s, Star Wars, X-Men, Die Hard, And Night at the Museum, Fox Searchlight: Slum dog Millionaire Juno, 127 Hours, Black Swan, and Little Miss Sunshine. Sports: Laos Angeles Lakers, Colorado Rockies.TV Guide, The Weekly Standard, Maximum Golf, Barron’s Magazine.Newspapers: The New York Post, Wall Street Journal.Websites: Hulu, Scout.com. Rehttp://dailycaller.com/2011/07/15/picking-on-fox-cnn-features-boycott-murdoch-twitteracco/#ixzz1cKBaLHCO. acco/#ixzz1cKBaLHCO.
Category: Politics

Should Occupy Wall street move to congress? should everybody in congress be booted?

if the people put pressure, they will act. people need to stand up to Government and put them back in their lane, they are scared of the people. im sure congress would get to work when they are being followed.
Answer: YES!!! That's where the REAL! problem is. I wonder myself why they are not actually protesting on the steps and halls of congress. OH. Well maybe because they are just a bunch of dumb$hits??? I'm just saying.
Category: Politics

OCCUPY CONGRESS heading for Washington - Anna Palmer - POLITICO.com

The occupy movement is moving from Main Street to the halls of Congress. Hundreds of protesters are expected to descend on Washington Tuesday for its “Occupy ...


Occupy congress - Occupy your congressmen! - Description: Please this group does not endorse any political candidate, or political group. This group is to find and ...

Protesters file for permit to “OCCUPY CONGRESS” Jan. 17 - The Buzz ...

Dec 28, 2011 ... Group affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement seeks to demonstrate on the Mall on Jan. 17.

Daily Kos: Occupy Your Congress: January 17th Event Information

Now is the time to send a message to the do noting Congress that delights in making 99% of Americans suffer hardship and uncertainty. A Congress that ...

Politics Up Close And Almost Personal

MANCHESTER, N. H. -- Newt Gingrich has bright purple cheeks. Rick Santorum has a comb sticking out of his back pocket. Jon Huntsmans eyes are looking extremely red. Ron Pauls son, Rand, the senator, is much shorter in person. And Mitt Romney, according to rope-line reports, has very soft hands -- though probably not as big as the enormous - Roundup of campaign events held by Republican presidential candidates in the last days before the New Hampshire primary; events are marked by a rare sense of intimacy that is likely to disappear as the race accelerates. Photos (L)t - By MARK LEIBOVICH

Occupy Movement Turns Attention to Congress : Roll Call News

For many in the Occupy movement, Wall Street was so last year. Congress is the new target as Occupy activists try to channel the populist energy of “the 99 percent ...

Shouldnt OWS occupy the Fed, Congress, and/or the White House first?

Arent any of these better targets than people who simply took money that was handed to them? Shouldnt people be more outraged at the politicians who did the handing? Blake: your answer is welcome here
Answer: I suggested this same thing while answering another question. As a result I got thumbed down by people in denial.
Category: Politics

The Year Ahead (We Expect)

THE only safe thing to say about the future is that, borrowing from Mort Sahl, it lies ahead. After that, we are all on our own. The year just past provided ample evidence of the unpredictable nature of that elusive quantity known as news. Who, on Jan. 1, 2011, could have foreseen the Dominique Strauss-Kahn sexual assault case, or Tropical Storm - By CLYDE HABERMAN, THOMAS KAPLAN, LIZ ROBBINS, KATE TAYLOR, RAYMOND HERNANDEZ, JOHN ELIGON, MOSI SECRET, BENJAMIN WEISER, CHARLES V. BAGLI, PATRICK McGEEHAN, FERNANDA SANTOS, MIREYA NAVARRO, ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS, KIRK SEMPLE, LISA W. FODERARO, MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM and AL BAKER

Occupy-ers greet returning House members

House members returned to Washington on Tuesday and were greeted by members of Occupy congress, who turned out on a drizzly day in Washington and were planning what they called teach-ins, pink slips for elected lawmakers and an “OCCUParty.”


Welcome to the Occupy congress Wiki. This wiki is for creating and viewing persistent work products (e.g., documents) that are collaboratively created.

OCCUPY CONGRESS Today(Tuesday) - Event schedule and details released. BE THERE!!

There are new tents are popping up. Occupiers from San Diego have just arrived. The two Occupy camps have finalized strategy. There is talk of needing a new park to Occupy. Plans for Occupy congress are going well. On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 , the two ...

Economic Slide Took a Detour At Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON -- When Representative Ed Pastor was first elected to Congress two decades ago, he was comfortably ensconced in the middle class. Mr. Pastor, a Democrat from Arizona, held $100,000 or so in savings accounts in the mid-1990s and had a retirement pension, but like many Americans, he also owed the banks nearly as much in loans. Today, Mr. - Number of millionaires serving in the United States Congress has grown in recent years to include nearly half of all lawmakers; rarely has the financial divide appeared so wide, or the public contrast so stark, between lawmakers and those they represent. (M)/ - By ERIC LICHTBLAU; Emmarie Huetteman and Derek Willis contributed reporting.

OpEdNews - Article: OCCUPY CONGRESS Tues. Jan 17: Details for ...

23 hours ago ... Occupiers: The place is Washington DC. The time is NOW.

'OCCUPY CONGRESS' attempts to get lawmakers' attention | bluhost ...

The significance of the date, according to the Occupy congress website is to welcome the 2012 House of Representatives back to town: “We need to be there en masse as soon as they begin their legislative session to let ...

ECONOMIC VIEW; I Just Got Here, But I Know Trouble When I See It: From Six Economists, Six Ways to Confront 2012

BELIEVE it or not, times are getting better. At least thats what the dry statistics keep telling us. Industrial production, G.D.P. -- the kind of figures that Washington and Wall Street sweat over -- suggest that the economy is on the mend. Yet if we go beyond the Beltway and the Battery, to where most of American life is lived, the numbers dont - N. GREGORY MANKIW A professor of economics at Harvard, he is advising Mitt Romney in the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.; CHRISTINA D. ROMER An economics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, she was chairwoman of President Obamas Council of Economic Advisers.; TYLER COWEN A professor of economics at George Mason University.; ROBERT H. FRANK An economics professor at the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University.; ROBERT J. SHILLER A professor of economics and finance at Yale.; RICHARD H. THALER A professor of economics and behavioral science at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. - By N. GREGORY MANKIW, CHRISTINA D. ROMER; TYLER COWEN; ROBERT H. FRANK; ROBERT J. SHILLER and RICHARD H. THALER

Occupy Colleges to OCCUPY CONGRESS | The Nation

Lately, I keep getting asked , "Why is Occupy Colleges so focused on the January 17th Occupy congress event? Isnt the organization dedicated to student loan issues ...

The 45 Places to Go in 2012

1. Panama Go for the canal. Stay for everything else. Its been 12 years since Panama regained control of its canal, and the countrys economy is booming. Cranes stalk the skyline of the capital, Panama City, where high-rises sprout one after the next and immigrants arrive daily from around the world. Among those who have landed en masse in recent - By NEW YORK TIMES

OCCUPY CONGRESS attempts to get lawmakers attention - Yahoo! News

Tuesday marks the debut of Occupy 2.0. Gathering on the steps of the nation’s Capitol building in Washington Tuesday morning, Occupyers from around the United ...

OCCUPY CONGRESS: One arrest. Watch Livestreaming ...

Please watch live-stream video on this DC Ustream station: http://www.ustream.tv/occupydc #J17 Occupy events to take back our democracy. Occupy congress in DC.

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » 'OCCUPY CONGRESS' protest planned ...

'Occupy congress' protest planned as lawmakers return. 'Occupy congress' protest planned as lawmakers return. Posted by ZIP on Tuesday, January 17, 2012, at 10:42 am | Like Tweet. « Previous Post ...

Who are the do nothing 9% approval congress?

is Occupy congress coming soon? they will be scared to leave the building.
Answer: Do you think the filthy stinky hippies will go to Washington? I don't think so. They are too gutless.
Category: Politics

OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Give Guantánamo Back to Cuba

Cambridge, Mass. IN the 10 years since the Guantánamo detention camp opened, the anguished debate over whether to shutter the facility — or make it permanent — has obscured a deeper failure that dates back more than a century and implicates all Americans: namely, our continued occupation of Guantánamo itself. It is past - By JONATHAN M. HANSEN

A girl in a tree at <b>Occupy congress</b> ( #d12 live at http://t.co/qDsKeQhv)A girl in a tree at Occupy congress ( #d12 live at http://t.co/qDsKeQhv)
From: justiceisneeded - Source: Ustream.TV

@Roscoe_Bartlett Please talk to the <b>Occupy congress</b> protestors who have come to see you! They are representing me, just as you do. #j17@Roscoe_Bartlett Please talk to the Occupy congress protestors who have come to see you! They are representing me, just as you do. #j17
From: yankeesgirlmd - Source: web

Occupy #Congress: Could it be politics as unusual? http://t.co/FFGb2HAeOccupy #Congress: Could it be politics as unusual? http://t.co/FFGb2HAe
From: newspapertoss - Source: dlvr.it

RT @beforeitsnews: LIVE STREAM - <b>Occupy congress</b> http://t.co/QYNyDBjrRT @beforeitsnews: LIVE STREAM - Occupy congress http://t.co/QYNyDBjr
From: Riderr42 - Source: HootSuite

<b>Occupy congress</b> Gathers on National Mall. Protest planned to welcome Congress back from recess http://t.co/G2Eap58s #ows #99percent #jan17Occupy congress Gathers on National Mall. Protest planned to welcome Congress back from recess http://t.co/G2Eap58s #ows #99percent #jan17
From: PanBlaiz - Source: Tweet Button

RT @JustinFiltz: The positive energy here at Occupy DC for <b>Occupy congress</b> is simply amazing! One Love! -In DC for #OccupyCongressRT @JustinFiltz: The positive energy here at Occupy DC for Occupy congress is simply amazing! One Love! -In DC for #OccupyCongress
From: OccupyTips - Source: Twitter for iPhone

Occupy protesters rally against Congress at Capitol http://t.co/QsTAvIUQ via @reutersOccupy protesters rally against Congress at Capitol http://t.co/QsTAvIUQ via @reuters
From: wican2 - Source: Tweet Button

LIVE BLOGGING ON #OCCUPYCONGRESS http://t.co/YmBYtQKj #occupySD #occupyDC #occupyAustin #occupyHouston #occupyPhilly #ows #anons #anonymousLIVE BLOGGING ON #OCCUPYCONGRESS http://t.co/YmBYtQKj #occupySD #occupyDC #occupyAustin #occupyHouston #occupyPhilly #ows #anons #anonymous
From: DBCOOPA - Source: web

RT @DBCOOPA: I am posting updates on #OccupyCongress to http://t.co/YmBYtQKj #OWS #occupyDC @Korgasm_ @punkboyinsf @DoxCak3 #occupyDallas #AnonymousRT @DBCOOPA: I am posting updates on #OccupyCongress to http://t.co/YmBYtQKj #OWS #occupyDC @Korgasm_ @punkboyinsf @DoxCak3 #occupyDallas #Anonymous
From: occupydcbot - Source: web

To cut back on spending, Congress has reduced staffers, computers, and staplers. Who says Occupy Wall Street isnt making a difference? #OWSTo cut back on spending, Congress has reduced staffers, computers, and staplers. Who says Occupy Wall Street isnt making a difference? #OWS
From: mikeilovett - Source: txt

RT @OccupyPdx: Police and protesters clash at <b>Occupy congress</b>  http://t.co/dTdnetFD http://t.co/hMrK4Lrg via @wjla Are you kidding with this headline?RT @OccupyPdx: Police and protesters clash at Occupy congress http://t.co/dTdnetFD http://t.co/hMrK4Lrg via @wjla Are you kidding with this headline?
From: msofia7 - Source: Tweet Button

Live stream from <b>Occupy congress</b> in DC from Occupy Oakland Live - OakFoSho http://t.co/obTCD1et #OWS #OLV #OccupyLive stream from Occupy congress in DC from Occupy Oakland Live - OakFoSho http://t.co/obTCD1et #OWS #OLV #Occupy
From: yodasworld - Source: Tweet Button

RT @DBCOOPA: I am posting updates on #OccupyCongress to http://t.co/YmBYtQKj #OWS #occupyDC @Korgasm_ @punkboyinsf @DoxCak3 #occupyDallas #AnonymousRT @DBCOOPA: I am posting updates on #OccupyCongress to http://t.co/YmBYtQKj #OWS #occupyDC @Korgasm_ @punkboyinsf @DoxCak3 #occupyDallas #Anonymous
From: Anony_Mia - Source: web

Latest News - Occupy protesters rally against Congress at Capitol - Reuters... #news http://t.co/86crDtM1Latest News - Occupy protesters rally against Congress at Capitol - Reuters... #news http://t.co/86crDtM1
From: breaking_news__ - Source: Breaking News The Latest News

RT @MJalonschi: What it looks like when we challenge the corporate state. Arrest at <b>Occupy congress</b> #occupycongress #J17 #occupy #ows http://t.co/adocUz04RT @MJalonschi: What it looks like when we challenge the corporate state. Arrest at Occupy congress #occupycongress #J17 #occupy #ows http://t.co/adocUz04
From: AnonRBG - Source: Tweet Button

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