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The Listings
Classical Full reviews of recent music performances: nytimes.com/music. Classical Music American String Quartet (Sunday) This ensemble celebrates its 35th anniversary season with Haydns Quartet in G (Op. 77, No 1), Ravels Quartet in F and George Tsontakiss Quartet No. 4, Beneath Thy Tenderness of Heart. At 3 p.m., Manhattan School of Music,
PIPA is the new SOPA
Thanks in large part to the White Houses opposition, SOPA has been shelved. However, the similar Protect IP Act is still going before the Senate: A vote on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) has been delayed indefinitely, but the ...
When did the Chinese musical instrument PIPA with 25 frets and 4 strings originated?
I said the Pipa with 25 strings and four string. not the first Pipa.
Answer: actually it is a modern version of Pipa. it was originated during th qing/Manchu dynasty.
Category: China
How likely is it that the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PIPA will be passed?
Have just read briefly about a possible bill that may be passed that will have massive effects on the internet, online privacy and so forth.
How likely is it that any bill seriously impacting online privacy / freedom of speech will be passed in the U.S.? If so, do you think such a bill will seriously change the online world as we know it?
Category: Politics
Daily Kos: SOPA and PIPA suffer repeated blows over the weekend
Senator Ben Cardin -- a co-sponsor of Pipa -- has put out a press release saying that he won't vote for the bill as written today, after hearing from many constituents. Oddly, he says he will remain a co-sponsor of the bill, but ...
Each of the candidates: What is your position on SOPA and PIPA bills soon up for vote in Congress?
Many people are concerned about the lack of due process and complete lack of any avenue for redress of harms that may be the result by the implementation of the two bills? Do you support the passage of these bills into law in the current form they are written?
Answer: How come the government LIES about everything to the American people ? Does the government think we are all stupid people ? Do you really think we don't know the difference ? When are you going to stop it as well and be REAL Leaders instead of Lying Failures ?
Category: Elections
Has SOPA/PIPA Affected Your Gaming yet?
SOPA, or Stop Online Piracy Act and Pipa, the Protect IP Act are bills that attempts to counter online piracy. Its supposed to fight against websites outside US who contain pirtated movies, songs, video games, etc. but the draft which seems to ...
Wikipedia Also Going Dark Wednesday Over SOPA, PIPA
Wikipedia has pledged to go dark this Wednesday for 24 hours in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (Pipa). The blackout will begin at midnight on Wednesday and run all day, Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales confirmed on ...
What is the difference between a classical guitar and a PIPA?
Answer: A Pipa is a lute from Asian cultures.
Category: Classical
Welcome to PIPA Restaurant
The word Pipa is Spanish slang for “having a good time.” The restaurant Pipa serves Spanish-inspired tapas with Latin flair. Tapas y Mas refers to the fact that ...
Balloon Juice » Open Thread: SOPA / PIPA
House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said early Saturday morning that Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) promised him the House will not vote on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) unless there is ...
SOPA, PIPA proponents drop DNS blocking provision
Key Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) promoter Representative Lamar Smith stated Friday that he wanted to remove the domain name blocking provision from the proposed bill. He wanted the Congressional Judiciary Committee to "further examine the ...
Will SOPA and PIPA ensure the government will have total control of all mass media?
The government needs to prevent us from seeing what they are doing and total media control is to the benefit of a tyrannical government, because they need to control what is news thats fit to print.
Since the government controls all of mainstream-media in the United States and the internet is the last place we can go to find what isnt reported, will SOPA and Pipa ensure that the government has total control of what we are allowed to read and think?
Answer: That's what they are trying to do. Read about Cass Sunstein (sp?) obamas information czar. He wants to stop the people from questioning anything.
Category: Politics
How likely is it that SOPA/PIPA will pass?
I dont live in America so I dont really know what the politicians there are thinking about it...
Thanks guys!
Answer: Its not that its gonna put an authority figure online, its just gonna promote phreaks, crackers, hackers, flamers, trolls and the rest of the community to become more elusive and find more inventive ways to send... data :P dropsend.com anyone?
Seriously though if a net authority figure comes into play the amount of man power it'll need to try to stop people will be astronomical that'll take $billions at least for a noticible impact and who do you suppose will front the money... taxpayers? Sure we're gonna fork out the money to help people catch us... -_-' do you know how ridiculous that sounds?! Its akin to people robbing a bank and then donating it to the local police...
Also in response to the comment about movies etc, yeah cuz they dont make enough money already -_-'
Category: Other - Internet
SOPA & PIPA: threats to our national interests
Kiwis get all upset at the slightest suggestion of a foreign government trying to influence our domestic law-making. The US government and others do so to further their national interests. We now have the mirror opposite situation. I’d like to see the NZ ...
PIPA Tapas Bar - Flatiron - New York, NY
419 Reviews of Pipa Tapas Bar "A great place for a date if you can get in! Reservations are highly recommended. We didn't have any so we sat at the long ...
How PIPA and SOPA Violate White House Principles Supporting ...
Over the weekend, the Obama administration issued a potentially game-changing statement on the blacklist bills, saying it would oppose Pipa and SOPA as written, and drew an important line in the sand by emphasizing that ...
GLOBAL SOCCER; Out of the Shadows, Onto a Field of Dreams
LONDON -- The Argentine striker Gonzalo Higuaín and the Portuguese winger Nani are gifted players destined, for the most part, to play secondary roles to two of the greatest individuals in modern soccer. But when they are hot, they belong with the best. Higuaín has just scored two hat tricks in one week. The first, for Real Madrid, was in the - By ROB HUGHES
PIPA is the new SOPA
Jan 4, 2012 ... SOPA's twin in the U.S. Senate is the Proect IP Act, or Pipa. Both bills threaten to rip apart the fabric of the Internet, compromise the planet's ...
Welcome to PIPA Restaurant
The word Pipa is Spanish slang for “having a good time.” The restaurant Pipa serves Spanish-inspired tapas with Latin flair. Tapas y Mas refers to the fact that ...
American attitudes: Program on International Policy Attitudes
The Program on International Policy Attitudes (Pipa) researches public attitudes on international issues by conducting nationwide polls, focus groups and ...
Gaming Industry Spent As Much As $190,000 Pushing for Senate Version of SOPA Last Spring and Summer
Many gamers and video game companies cant stand the Stop Online Piracy Act and its companion bill the Protect IP Act (Pipa). But the Entertainment Software Association, the lobbyists who stage E3 each year and defend gamings freedom of speech rights ...
MUSIC REVIEW; For a Big Birthday, Leading Three Groups a Night
Wadada Leo Smith was a force in motion during the early stretch of his concert at Roulette in Brooklyn on Friday night. Stalking the stage, busily directing the output of his Golden Sextet, he gave off an air of restless intent. The exceptions mostly came when he played his trumpet, projecting in a hard, lustrous tone. In those moments he rooted - Nate Chinen reviews performance by trumpet player and composer Wadada Leo Smith, in celebration of his 70th birthday, at Roulette. Photo (M) - By NATE CHINEN
THE WEEK AHEAD; Dec. 11 -- 17
Theater Jason Zinoman The holidays are typically a weak time for new plays but a very good one for star vehicles. I have made it a semiregular New Years tradition to see SANDRA BERNHARD, who once again brings her acidic jokes, devilish gossip and stylish songs to Joes Pub the last week of December. But you dont need to wait that long to see a
Wikipedia will go dark to protest SOPA/PIPA
Jimmy Wales has announced that Wikipedia will join Reddit, Boing Boing, and many other sites around the Internet in going dark on Wednesday to protest SOPA/Pipa, the pending US legislation that would make it impossible to run any website that ...
In SOPA, PIPA protest, Wikipedia to black out
Might want to get your Encyclopedia Britannica set out of storage: Wikipedia will go dark Wednesday, joining a growing number of popular websites staging an online revolt against two anti-piracy bills. Founder Jimmy Wales made the announcement in tweets on ...
PIPA tapas y mas - Flatiron - New York Magazine Restaurant Guide
Tucked inside ABC Carpet, stylish Pipa sets the tone for modern Spanish tapas. See the review of this Spanish/Tapas restaurant at 38 E. 19th St. in Manhattan.
How are the Sopa and PIPA bills good?
I already know plenty of reasons why it is bad but i want to understand why any one would want such a bill to pass. I will not counter you or anything im going to remain open minded. Can some one direct me to some Pro Sopa/Pipa sites?
Category: Other - Internet
Where can I buy a Chinese PIPA ( Instrument )?
Ive been looking around the internet and I cant seem to find one anywhere?
Again its :
Chinese Instrument called the Pipa.
Any Links to amazon or ebay would be great thanks.
Answer: You can try this site. They have a few of those:
...also try eBay deals for $1 or less
Category: Other - Entertainment
White House rejects SOPA and PIPA - Boing Boing
White House rejects SOPA and Pipa. By Cory Doctorow at 7:27 pm Saturday, Jan 14. Ranking members of the Obama administration have published a memo condemning the approach taken in SOPA and Pipa, the punishing, pending ...
Wikipedia SOPA/PIPA Blackout Pages | WebProNews
As part of a sustained effort against (the recently-shelved) SOPA and (still-threatening) Pipa bills before Congress and the Senate, respectively, Wikipedia has.
What is the closest instrument to the PIPA?
The Pipa is a chinese instrument heard in the openin of Incubuss "Aqueos Transmission." its a real neat tune and I dont know what would soUnd like it. Any help?
Answer: Koto is a similar-sounding instrument, but you can also just play the riff on guitar. (There are effects out there that'll make the guitar sound kind of like a sitar - that works well.)
Category: Other - Music
PIPA, SOPA, and the battle for the internet: Understanding the ...
The battle for the right to keep the internet free heats up in congress next week. With all the acronyms, Pipa, SOPA, and OPEN, it can be confusing. We wanted t
PIPA: Information from Answers.com
Library > Literature & Language > Webster 1913 n. pl. Pipas . (Zoöl.) The Surinam toad ( Pipa Americana ), noted for its peculiar breeding habits. Note: The male ...
PIPA - New York Restaurant - MenuPages Spanish, Latin American ...
i tried this on a whim, while exploring gramercy, and it was such a wonderful place. although eating inside is difficult because of the noise level, the food is divine ...
Web Piracy Bills Invite a Protracted Battle
When the Obama administration announced on Saturday its opposition to major elements of two Congressional bills intended to curtail copyright violations on the Internet, the technology industry, which has been loudly fighting the proposed legislation, could declare victory. But few people in Silicon Valley or Hollywood consider the battle over. The - By JENNA WORTHAM and SOMINI SENGUPTA
does anyone play the erhu or the PIPA?
i want to explore some non-traditional musical instruments, what types do you recommend for soothing sounds...where can i find them?
Answer: traditional chinese music instruments:
yang qin
gu zhen
and many others
I -myself- learn erhu, coz I luv its mellow tunes..
but in the place I learn music, most students play gu zhen coz it's easier.
String instruments like erhu, just like violin, will give u bad sound when u first play it. But, with time goes by, the sound improves. (Youtube has many video music for erhu and guzhen)
But with instrument like Pipa or gu zhen u will get go0d sound even if u play it for 1st time
Erhu knowns in many movie (chinese movie or martial art movie).
Check out 12 girls band for ur sound reference. Or try to open this link http://eason.com.sg/products/products_new.jsp just for u to see the pictures of those instruments or to hear example of the sound instruments
Category: Performing Arts
ESA Spends Big Bucks on PIPA-Related Lobbying
The Entertainment Software Association spent up to $190,000 lobbying the U.S. government on behalf of the PROTECT IP Act over a six-month period in 2011. The records dont indicate where the ESA planted its flag but it has made no secret of the ...
SOPA May Be Shelved But PIPA Is Still On | Geekosystem
On top of that, the White House responded to a pair of anti-SOPA and anti-Pipa petitions and came out against DNS blocking as well. With all that and SOPA on the shelf until the nerds can come in and a consensus is ...
When will we see some action taken on SOPA and PIPA by the government?
Like when will congress discuss SOPA and Pipa to get it to either pass or fail? I think I recall someone saying January 17, but Im not sure. I would like to know when the fate of the internet will be decided.
Answer: The house has just dropped the hearing on SOPA that was scheduled for 1/18/12. They have postponed plans to consider the bill. The Senate will be voting on Pipa on 1/24/12. Please lobby your senator to oppose that bill.
Category: Civic Participation
PIPA, SOPA, and my future as a Democrat.
Im late to the game in paying attention to the Protect IP Act. Ill admit that. Ive been watching other things. Ive tried to keep a promise to myself that I would not get too emotionally involved in any issue, mostly because I still havent ...
Wikipedia Planning Wednesday Blackout in Protest of SOPA and PIPA
Wikipedia is taking dramatic action in its protest of the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Site co-founder Jimmy Wales lit up his Twitter feed Monday with a flurry of posts announcing the English language version of the highly-trafficked database ...
SOPA and PIPA suffer repeated blows over the weekend
This was a huge weekend for opponents of online censorship. First, late on Friday came the announcement that the DNS portion of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was removed from the bill. Not long afterwards came the announcement that the bill ...
What anime has a catboy with white hair with white clothes playing a PIPA?
i have seen it before but i can not find it anywhere & i have forgot the name to it. can someone please help me find it. this has been diving me crazy for a long time
Answer: Yoko Kurama from YuYu Hakusho
Category: Comics & Animation
What is the difference between SOPA and PIPA?
What are the differences between the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (Pipa) that are currently being debated?
Is it only that SOPA is in the House and Pipa is in the Senate or are there other differences?
Please and thank you :)
Answer: There are a few differences, but both will kill the internet if they pass.
Here we can still fight this horrid thing.
Category: Government
The Rise of the Tao
YIN XINHUI reached the peak of Mount Yi and surveyed the chaos. The 47-year-old Taoist abbess was on a sacred mission: to consecrate a newly rebuilt temple to one of her religions most important deities, the Jade Emperor. But there were as yet no stairs, just a muddy path up to the pavilion, which sat on a rock outcropping 3,400 feet above a - Ian Johnson is the author of A Mosque in Munich and Wild Grass: Three Stories of Change in Modern China. He is based in Beijing. - By IAN JOHNSON
American attitudes: Program on International Policy Attitudes
The Program on International Policy Attitudes (Pipa) researches public attitudes on international issues by conducting nationwide polls, focus groups and ...
PROTECT IP Act Breaks the Internet
Are you an artist or musician? Congress especially needs to hear from you. Sign our artists letter.
S.968: PROTECT IP Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
Six GOP Co-Sponsors of Pipa Ask Reid to Cancel Vote Jan 13, 2012; Help Us Whip #Pipa Jan 13, 2012; Jan. 24th: Our Best Chance to Kill SOPA Jan 12, 2012;
PIPA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pipa may refer to: Participatory impact pathways analysis, a project management approach Personal Information Protection Act, part of Canadian privacy law Phoenix ...
SOPA/PIPA Supporters Pretend White House Statement Means We Can Rush Through SOPA/PIPA
Following the White Houses surprise move to effectively tell SOPA/Pipa supporters to go back to the drawing board and come back with bills that dont censor the internet, dont break basic online security tools and that dont create unjustified ...
One-Woman PIPA Jam Session
LIKE archeologists constructing a whole from fragments, ethnomusicologists who research ancient scores must translate extinct musical languages into contemporary Western notation. The traditional Asian melodies featured on Immeasurable Light, a new CD by the Pipa player Wu Man (Traditional Crossroads 0780702434326) were notated from ancient - By VIVIEN SCHWEITZER
Do PIPA and SOPA affect countries other than America?
I live in Spain I dont want this internet censorship to happen as much as the next person but I cant do anything about it as I am not a citizen of the US. Will this censorship affect me or is it only US citizens. Its completely unfair if it affects me and I cant even voice my say.
Category: Politics
White House Speaks Out Against SOPA/PIPA, Sort Of… | TorrentFreak
The White House just released a statement commenting on the pending SOPA and Pipa anti-piracy bills in congress. While the Obama Administration sides with the opposition by saying that free-speech should be protected, ...
White House Will Not Support SOPA, PIPA
Saturday marked a major victory for opponents of proposed anti-piracy legislation Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT IP Act (Pipa), which would ...
Leahy Recommends Setting Aside Controversial PIPA Court Provision
In a statement from his office Thursday evening, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D - Vt.), who co-authored the current version of the PROTECT-IP bill (also known as ...
PROTECT IP Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pipa: Colloquial name(s) Pipa: Citations; Codification; Legislative history; Introduced in the Senate as by Patrick Leahy (D-VT) on May 12, 2011; Major amendments; None: Supreme Court cases;
What outrageous lies will you tell your friends Wed when Wikipedia shuts down to protest SOPA and PIPA?
SOPA is the anti free speech legislation masked as anti piracy legislation Pipa version of same bill
no it is companies protesting free speech as a way to stop piracy oh wait that is your lie isnt it
Category: Polls & Surveys
SOPA battle: Boulder techies join fray over anti-piracy bill
Movement on SOPA, Pipa and a third bill -- an alternative introduced last month -- could resume as early as this week. Proponents of the acronym-friendly SOPA and Pipa proposals said they want to provide greater leverage and means for artists ...
PIPA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Pipa (Chinese: 琵琶; pinyin: pípá, [pʰǐpʰǎ]) is a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument, belonging to the plucked category of instruments. Sometimes ...
MUSIC REVIEW; A Wide-Ranging Festival Savors Some Late-Night Jazz
Among the many possible ways of gauging a good time at the second annual Undead Jazzfest, which wound down in the wee hours of Monday morning, there are a few that seem truest to the spirit of the event. If you were there, you might rate your experience by answering the following questions: Did you feel like a part of something vital and collegial? - By NATE CHINEN
Wyden, Issa, CEA prepare for critical battles against SOPA and PIPA
In a press conference at CES in Las Vegas, Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA) and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) stood jointly with Consumer Electronics Association President and CEO ...
WordPress › Help Stop SOPA/PIPA
You are an agent of change. Has anyone ever told you that? Well, I just did, and I meant it. Normally we stay away from from politics here at the official ...
What are the pros and cons of SOPA and PIPA?
I hear that record labels, movie studios, etc are in favor of SOPA and Pipa but websites like Wikipedia are against it.
I dont really understand what they are, can someone enlighten me?
Category: Politics
ARTS | WESTCHESTER; 5,000 Years of Chinese Music and Dance, in One Night
WHEN Shen Yun Performing Arts arrives at the State University of New York at Purchase this month, it will have played on four continents since January, bringing tales spanning five millennia of Chinese music, dance and folklore to nearly 130 cities. Yet none of those cities is in China. Shen Yun, whose three touring groups are composed of mostly - By SUSAN HODARA
SOPA vs. PIPA: Anti-piracy bills, uproar explained - Yahoo! News
If you’ve been paying attention to the increasingly heated debate over the “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA), you may have noticed a significant spike in today ...
PIPA is the new SOPA
SOPA’s twin in the U.S. Senate is the Proect IP Act, or Pipa. Both bills threaten to rip apart the fabric of the Internet, compromise the planet’s digital ...
The Week Ahead | Dec. 11 - Dec. 17
Pop Ben Ratliff This week, two celebrations for musical explorers. On Tuesday the pianist and bandleader EDDIE PALMIERI -- who strengthened, refined and extended the Latin music tradition in New York: mambo, charanga, salsa, Afro-Latin funk, Latin jazz -- will celebrate his 75th birthday two days early by playing with his salsa orchestra at the
Momentum shift: SOPA, PIPA opponents now in drivers seat | Media ...
In a statement issued today, the White House lent some credibility to some of the criticisms leveled at SOPA and Pipa. (Credit: Daniel Terdiman/CNET)
PIPA - Chinese lute - and PIPA music
Profile of Pipa, Pipa music CDs and free sample music (MP3) for downloading.
…My heart's in Accra » MIT Media Lab opposes SOPA, PIPA
I've been working with friend (and boss) Joi Ito to help the Media Lab put up a statement about our collective opposition to SOPA and Pipa. Joi and I are both posting this piece on our personal blogs, and a shorter piece from ...
SOPA, PIPA Headed For Major Makeover
(Reuters) - U.S. legislation aimed at curbing online piracy, which had appeared to be on a fast track for approval by Congress, appears likely to be scaled back or jettisoned entirely in the wake of critical comments over the weekend from the ...
PIPA | Racing pigeons for sale | Pigeon news | Pigeon race results ...
Declerck-Blancke (Ruiselede, BE) of the BDS Team excelled in 2011 with 1° and 2° prize Provincial and 1° prize National Zone A from Bourges II (old birds)!
RT @kikutiba: 18日に停止するのはWikipediaだけじゃなくTwitPic、Minecraft、WordPressなどの28サイトもなのかー : Geekなぺーじ:Wikipediaなど18日に停止 SOPA/Pipa抗議で http://t.co/M3M86CBP
From: nominz - Source: Tweet Button
RT @medialab: The Media Lab is against SOPA and Pipa: http://t.co/Dp2WDsR5 @Joi @EthanZ
From: Turner_Tweets - Source: web
RT @Wikipedia: English Wikipedia is going dark January 18 in opposition to #SOPA #Pipa. http://t.co/6Gnb46my #wikipediablackout
From: kun2dahood - Source: web
Protect The Internet Stop SOPA and Stop Pipa Sign The Petition http://t.co/wUThpXyn PLZ RT #STOPSOPA #STOPPipa
From: shitmanwhat - Source: Tweet Button
How Pipa and SOPA Violate White House Principles Supporting Free Speech and Innovation | Electronic. http://t.co/AHm302jy
From: mclarny_acsdwn - Source: Facebook
RT @Wikipedia: English Wikipedia is going dark January 18 in opposition to #SOPA #Pipa. http://t.co/6Gnb46my #wikipediablackout
From: nebjak - Source: web
RT @kikutiba: 18日に停止するのはWikipediaだけじゃなくTwitPic、Minecraft、WordPressなどの28サイトもなのかー : Geekなぺーじ:Wikipediaなど18日に停止 SOPA/Pipa抗議で http://t.co/M3M86CBP
From: maturuh - Source: Tweet Button
Take action against #SOPA and #Pipa - Support the #Wikipediablackout on Jan 18 http://t.co/VQ2GwQyL
From: quixtic - Source: Tweet Button
RT @toddprouty: “The solution to piracy must be a market solution, not a government intervention…” Tim O’Reilly http://t.co/TMhOhzVu #SOPA #Pipa
From: chrisdantaylor - Source: Echofon
@LAUTY_26 yo NO dije:"nop.pero yo no t dije nop,te dije si qeres q t kuente el kuent..." dije ¿Querés que cuente el cuento de la Buena Pipa?
From: BuenaPipa - Source: LaPipa
RT @Wikipedia: English Wikipedia is going dark January 18 in opposition to #SOPA #Pipa. http://t.co/6Gnb46my #wikipediablackout
From: joannapang - Source: web
RT @kikutiba: 18日に停止するのはWikipediaだけじゃなくTwitPic、Minecraft、WordPressなどの28サイトもなのかー : Geekなぺーじ:Wikipediaなど18日に停止 SOPA/Pipa抗議で http://t.co/M3M86CBP
From: xaza - Source: Tweet Button
Pipa: http://t.co/gB3YBnVd
From: pytutonan - Source: twitterfeed
Take action against #SOPA and #Pipa - Support the #Wikipediablackout on Jan 18 http://t.co/q0HE6cam
From: tallfinancier - Source: Tweet Button
Take action against #SOPA and #Pipa - Support the #Wikipediablackout on Jan 18 http://t.co/Xq9JvOWD
From: belett - Source: Tweet Button