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What would happen to Steam if the SOPA Bill passes?
If the Sopa Bill passes in congress what do you think will happen to the videogame downloading site steam? WIll it be pulled down?
Answer: Steam purchases licenses to distribute software and doesn't infringe any copyrights by doing so. It wouldn't be affected. However, Garrys Mod is the only exception. Since the Source SDK is technically open source, it is technically protected, BUT there is a HUGE community dedicated to doing things like uploading Halo skins, COD weapons, real looking soda machines and almost anything you can think of. That could throw a monkey wrench into Steam, but it will most likely result in Steam dropping support for 3rd party mods and using their crappy anti-cheat garbage to ensure you don't download anything infringing. As of right now, nothing looks bad, but they could find something considering how much power Sopa gives to big corps and the government.
Category: Video & Online Games
Murdoch Slams Google, White House Over Piracy, SOPA
Rupert Murdoch isnt mincing words on his new Twitter feed. The News Corp. chairman and CEO spent the weekend criticizing Google and the White House for their anti-piracy efforts and opposition to intellectual property legislation like Sopa, PIPA, and the ...
White House Voices Objections to SOPA; Reddit Sets Symbolic Blackout for Wednesday
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Sunday that he will continue to advocate the passage of a contentious online piracy bill despite the White Houses expressed concern about the legislation in a public statement to the American people ...
Dead On Arrival: SOPA Shelved Indefinitely, Obama Succumbs to Pressure, Issues Official Veto Threat
Amid significant pressure from tens of thousands of internet users and major web behemoths like Google, Facebook, and Reddit, the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) is, in its current form, Dead on Arrival: Misguided efforts to combat online privacy have been ...
How exactly does SOPA violate the first amendment?
I was researching the Sopa, but how exactly does it conflict with the first amendment? I understand theres this issue of not having any judiciary proof and still requiring action within 5 days; where in the amendment is there anything about that?
Or is it something else?
Also, how else does Sopa violate our rights? Id like to have some thoughtful insight here
Answer: Would you like to be arrested for posting a video on your facebook(say you have one) that was unintentionally copyrighted? The bill is internet censorship in disguise and I am apallled that our country would come up with such a bill.
Category: Law & Ethics
SOPA protest re-ignited with Reddit blackout, Wikipedia may join ...
(CBS) - The popular link-sharing community Reddit plans a site black out on Jan. 18 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and ...
Twitter's Dick Costolo calls Wikipedia SOPA blackout 'foolish'
After being goaded asked whether Twitter join Wikipedia in protest of Sopa, Costolo replied by saying that the decision was foolish.
What is SOPA and how does it effect me personally?
I need to do a speech for my public speaking class on Internet Censorship. I thought Id talk about this new bill being passed called Sopa, but Im not really positive of what exactly it is censoring or how it would effect me specifically. Can anyone help me out?
Answer: It's basically America's version of the Great Firewall of China
it allows the government to block any website they want
Category: Languages
SOPA: Anonymous To Protest Anti-Piracy Bill On January 18 (UPDATE)
Dissent over Congress controversial anti-piracy bills continues to mount. Late Wednesday night, hacker group Anonymous announced that it would go silent ...
Wikiout! English Wikipedia shutting down in anti-SOPA protest — RT
The world's most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, is going on strike on Wednesday. The “knowledge blackout” is aimed at protecting the Internet - and the website's very existence – from online censorship.
SOPA News | VentureBeat
2 days ago ... Author of the highly debated Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa), Rep. Lamar Smith ( R-Texas), has agreed to remove a controversial section in the ...
WordPress › Help Stop SOPA/PIPA
6 days ago ... You may have heard people talking/blogging/twittering about Sopa — the Stop Online Piracy Act. The recent Sopa-related boycott of ...
Do the SOPA and OPEN acts only apply to foreign websites?
From what I read about the Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act, it is solely intended to affect websites outside the US, thus the use of the ITC as its adjudicator. Is the same true for the Stop Online Piracy Act, or do Sopa and OPEN apply to US websites as well?
Answer: If you want to help stop Sopa watch this video and follow instructions
don't forget to share
Category: Law & Ethics
SOPA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sopa may refer to: Stop Online Piracy Act, pending American Internet legislation Senior Officer Present Afloat, a term used in the U.S. Navy Sopaipilla, a kind of ...
Could Soapy scrub out SOPA? - Ideas@Innovations - The Washington Post
Let’s say the House version of the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) that is currently making the committee rounds on Capitol Hill along with a Senate ...
CITY KITCHEN; Garlic Soup as a Cure for the Common Meal
AS we peeled garlic together the other day, I was regaling a fellow garlic lover with garlic soup memories. He murmured audibly when I told about a splendid Mexican garlic soup, served on a veranda in old Oaxaca after a drenching summer rain. The garlic cloves were toasted in their skins on a hot steel comal, tossed into a rich chicken broth to - By DAVID TANIS
SOPA – PC Reviews, Previews, Mods, Videos – | PC Gamer
PC Gamers news, reviews, previews, video & screenshots archive for Sopa. PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games.
Not Taking Any Chances, Wikipedia Kicks SOPA While It's Down
After several weeks of speculation and debate, the English version of Wikipedia is going to be blacked out this Wednesday to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and its legislative brethren. The massive, open source ...
36 HOURS; Mérida, Mexico
YUCATECANS are fiercely proud of their culture, sprinkling their Spanish with Mayan words and quick to recount the stories of resistance and revolution that set this region apart from the rest of Mexico for centuries. Somehow, those tales seem a little distant now in Yucatáns capital, Mérida, a languid city of pastel mansions and evening - Elisabeth Malkin travel article on 36-hour visit to Merida, Mexico. Maps, Photos (M) - By ELISABETH MALKIN
3 Monks’ Deaths Show Rise of Self-Immolation Among Tibetans
BEIJING — Three Tibetan monks in central China set themselves on fire this weekend, raising to 15 the number of suicides in the last year by Buddhist clergy members protesting aspects of Beijing’s rule in Tibet . The deaths suggest that self-immolation is gaining favor as a form of political protest for Tibetan clergy. And they - By SHARON LaFRANIERE
What is the difference between SOPA and COICA?
I remember reading all over the place about COICA last year, but I didnt actually pay much attention to it. Is this new Sopa thing similar to it? What exactly are they?
Category: Government
SOPA - H.R.3261: Stop Online Piracy Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
This bill would establish a system for taking down websites that the Justice Department determines to be dedicated to copyright infringment. The DoJ or the copyright ...
White House Responds to Anti-SOPA Petition
Barack Obama's administration has issued a public response to the recent petition protesting the Stop Online Piracy Act. - Change your profile picture to protest SOPA!
Learn more about Sopa. “This Bill Seriously Screws with the Internet” The who and why of the Congressional debate on the Stop ...
Stop SOPA! - WP Engineer
What is this all about: Help Stop Sopa/PIPA Turn off your website on January 18th for 12 hours. Simple and fast solution for turn the website off; use the Plugin WP Maintenance Mode, original for the activation of the ...
Wikipedia Going Dark to Protest SOPA
Wikpedia will be going offline to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) Wednesday, according to Co-Founder Jimmy Wales.
SOPA/PIPA Supporters Pretend White House Statement Means We Can Rush Through SOPA/PIPA
Following the White Houses surprise move to effectively tell Sopa/PIPA supporters to go back to the drawing board and come back with bills that dont censor the internet, dont break basic online security tools and that dont create unjustified ...
What sort of consequences will happen if the SOPA bill passes?
If the Sopa bill ever comes into power and is now a new law what sort of things will happen afterward? How will people react to almost every site on the internet being blocked? How long do you think that this bill might last?
For me I give it a month or a year at most for it to last then it would be gone. What about you?
Answer: Facebook, youtube, and other social media sites could be blocked. And nothing would stop other sites being blocked too. Each and every day we lose more and more of our rights. Freedom of speech and the press mean nothing to greedy self interested politicians.
Category: Politics
Exactly how will SOPA affect the internet and why are people against it?
I understand that Sopa is supposed to stop piracy and copyright things but why are people so much against it? Are there only uneducated foolish teenagers against it because they think it will close their facebook page? Please just explain this thing to me in an easy way.
Answer: The problem with Sopa, is it will go one step further than going after illegal movie, music and vidoe game downloads. Site like facebook could be taken down and you know how youtube has a ton of fanmade videos of their favorite tv shows, you can say goodbye to those.
Anyone that's just an average blogger who reviews video game and shows clips. (and they're doing it just for kicks. They get no money for it) You can say goodbye to those too.
Oh and you know how some people on yotube post videos of them singing Beatle Songs or whatever. That would fall under Sopa, so those videos would be taken down. Basicly it would kill youtube and many of the social media sites.
And this whole process could very well destroy the mainframe of the internet.
And one of the bigger problems is the guys voting on this are a bunch of old guys who have no idea how the internet works. They don't even understand their own bill or how the whole outcome will effect the future of the internet.
Category: Government
Opponent Says SOPA May Be Stalled in Congress
IDG News Service — Controversial online copyright enforcement bill the Stop Online Piracy Act may be stalled in the U.S. House of Representatives as lawmakers try to iron out a compromise, an opponent of the legislation said. Representative ...
After several weeks of speculation and debate, the English version of Wikipedia is going to be blacked out this Wednesday to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa ...
Is indefinite detention of Americans under NDAA and censorship under SOPA indications of a police state?
Sopa will strip us of our rights under the 1st Amendment and indefinite detention of Americans without due process strips us of our 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Amendments.
Under Sopa and NDAA, will the United States become another police state?
Hey Liv, what are you doing about it, while you tell me about my "police state fetish"? Maybe youre on your iPhone while protesting.
Answer: Of course it will.
Sad thing is that these are the only 2 things BOTH parties can agree on. They love taking away our rights because it gives THEM more power.
Category: Politics
What is the difference between SOPA and PIPA?
What are the differences between the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) that are currently being debated?
Is it only that Sopa is in the House and PIPA is in the Senate or are there other differences?
Please and thank you :)
Answer: There are a few differences, but both will kill the internet if they pass.
Here we can still fight this horrid thing.
Category: Government
SOPA | Joystiq
House wont vote on Sopa until consensus reached. by JC Fletcher (Jan 14th 2012 3:00PM) Its not quite victory, but at least our defeat has been postponed.
PIPA is the new SOPA
Thanks in large part to the White Houses opposition, Sopa has been shelved. However, the similar Protect IP Act is still going before the Senate: A vote on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) has been delayed indefinitely, but the ...
The White House & SOPA: Reading Between the Lines
The White House has given a firm stance on Sopa. What does it say about future attempts to deal with piracy?
DINERS JOURNAL; City Kitchen: Fulfilling Leftover Dreams Of Turkey
Q. What are some new leftover ideas for turkey besides old faithful turkey divan (ew)? Asking for my beloved mom! - Robyn Kammerer, NYC What are some alternatives to eating leftover turkey other than a cold turkey sandwich with mayo and cranberry sauce? - Carol Ann Della Penna, New Hope, Pa. A. Leftovers can just be leftovers, heated up or not. And - David Tanis City Kitchen column offers a recipe for turkey soup with lime and chile as a good way to use Thanksgiving leftovers. Photo (M) - By DAVID TANIS
What is SOPA and how does it work? The Stop Online Piracy Act ...
Dec 22, 2011 ... p>I walk by a pretty good bootleg DVD stand a few times a month — the proprietor sets up at irregular intervals in Union Square just a few ...
What You Need to Know About SOPA in 2012
The Internet is in an uproar over the Stop Online Piracy Act. The battles lines are drawn. Big Media (the record labels, movie studios and TV networks) support the ...
So is SOPA Dead? Not Exactly
I’ve been hearing chants around the internet today that are quite literally “ding dong, Sopa is dead!” After some news this weekend, many are writing off the bill entirely. Here’s what happened to make them believe that. - The White ...
Wikipedia Shutting Down For 24 Hours To Protest SOPA Piracy Bill
Capping a flurry of recent developments in the fuss over the Stop Online Piracy Act, Wikipedia’s founder said the site will go dark for 24 hours starting Wednesday at midnight. The announcement came via a series of Tweets this afternoon by Jimmy Wales ...
A Catalan Christmas
IT was the Christmas season in Barcelona, but inside the city hall, a 14th-century palace, a scene from the Arabian Nights was playing out. Palm trees and satin cushions had turned the Gothic patio into a desert tent, complete with incense and Middle Eastern music. Pages, clad in pantaloons and velvet-trimmed turbans, led each child to the - LISA ABEND is the author of The Sorcerers Apprentices: A Season in the Kitchen of Ferran Adriàs El Bulli. - By LISA ABEND
Lawmakers Begin SOPA Retreat, Positive Signs For Free Speech ...
Concerns over anti-piracy bills in congress are finally beginning to influence lawmakers. Sopa architect Lamar Smith is, apparently, listening ...
Nvidia: “We Do Not Support SOPA”
Looks like everybody wants a piece of Sopa news these days with Nvidia saying that it will not support the legislation of this highly controversial U.S. bill. “NVIDIA wasn’t consulted by ESA in formulating their position on Sopa,” said Bob Sherbin ...
Why were they able to create SOPA? How big is the chance SOPA will become reality?
Youtube and several websites are full of videos and blogs about Sopa. How was this organization able to spread out so soon? I dont live in America. So was it in the news all the time or something?
And what about the chances? Is it really possible for Sopa to rule the internet? Can we expect a demonstration against Sopa? Sorry if I asked to many questions.
Answer: No, you are asking the right questions. Check Wikipedia for the arguments pro and con, look at who supports it and who opposes it, and decide yourself. I think there is enough opposition that it will not pass, but crazier things have been signed into law. A good example is the Patriot Act.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
What are we going to do about the the serious problems with SOPA and NDAA?
The NDAA is law and Sopa probably will be soon.
Is it 1984?
Answer: What we need to do is show the Liberals that Obama is lying through his teeth about the sections 1021 and 1022 making this bill harmless as his Administration Added 1031 and 1032 and he signed it on December 31. This man lies to his own base and they are nothing but sheep.
what he tells liberals -
What is really up
Category: Politics
What is SOPA and why should players be afraid of it?
Recently I hear more and more magazines write about how the Gamers should be afraid about Sopa. (Stop Online Piracy Act) This act should be against piracy but what it has to do with players?
I also heard that in various online games ingame chats will be turned off,Forums will be closed and tournaments will be banned.
What is the explanation of all this ? what does those things like ingame chat have to do with piracy?
Answer: Sopa has been called "the end of the internet as we know it" and in my opinion if it passes and becomes law the internet will be strictly policed. Basically anything that is published online without the permission of the original copyright holder will be taken down. I have no idea what in-game chat has to do with it, quite frankly that doesn't make any sense to me. There's also a part of Sopa that says if a website has even ONE illegal file on their entire website then the site is to be taken down.
Some people might not think this is a big deal, but it is. Almost every online video streaming site will be shut down(including youtube). People won't be able to watch shows they missed on TV. People will not be able to torrent anymore. Facebook will most likely be shut down.
What the idiotic governments have not figured out is the amount of revenue these websites generate. The economy is already in the crapper and now they are talking about getting rid of hundreds of thousands-possibly millions of servers. Now, a game server generates a lot of money. Let's say that one game server generates 200 dollars a month. Now multiply that by a million. That's 200 million lost revenue. Think of the amount of money lost.
Category: Words & Wordplay
How SOPA would affect you: FAQ | Privacy Inc. - CNET News
When Rep. Lamar Smith announced the Stop Online Piracy Act in late October, he knew it was going to be controversial. As CNET reported in December, Smith ...
THE TEXAS TRIBUNE; Anti-Piracy Bill SOPA, by Lamar Smith, Gets Texas Pushback
United States Representative Lamar Smith says online piracy is damaging the United States economy and putting American lives at risk. Foreign Web sites that distribute American-made entertainment and counterfeit products, like fake pharmaceuticals, are “stealing our profits, they’re stealing our jobs and they may be endangering the - By BECCA AARONSON
Jan. 18 Internet Blackout to Protest SOPA: Reddit Says Yes ...
It’s on — at least partially: Reddit has announced that it will go dark for 12 hours to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act, or Sopa, and Wikipedia ...
If the SOPA bill is passed, how will it affect musicians on YouTube?
Im a musician who posts videos on YouTube. I post a bunch of music ranging from originals to cover songs. As long as I am not monetizing off my cover songs, I cannot get in trouble. But if the Sopa bill is passed, could I be punished?
Category: YouTube
WordPress › Help Stop SOPA/PIPA
You are an agent of change. Has anyone ever told you that? Well, I just did, and I meant it. Normally we stay away from from politics here at the official ...
Stop Online Piracy Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa), also known as H.R. 3261, is a bill that was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on October 26, 2011, by ...
SOPA vote to be postponed. Gamers still concerned
The US Senate will delay its vote on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) "until a consensus is reached", according to reports. Republican representative Darrell Issa claims he has been given assurances that a hearing scheduled for ...
Your thoughts.
Category: MSN
SOPA/PIPA bill blackout Weds: Wikipedia to go dark #J18
Wikipedia and other sites will protest the proposed Sopa and PIPA bills with a 24-hour blackout tomorrow, January 18. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers hope the U.S. doesnt break the Internet. Your humble blogwatcher (@richi) curated these bloggy bits ...
Stop Online Piracy Act - Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012 ...
Printer Friendly[Help], Congressional Record References · Bill Summary & Status . H.R.3261 -- Stop Online Piracy Act (Introduced in House - IH). Beginning ...
All About SOPA, the Bill That Wants to Cripple Your Internet Very Soon
Dec 16, 2011 ... Sopa, or the Stop Online Piracy Act, is another one of those bills that sounds like it's going to do something mildly positive but, in reality, has ...
SOPA vs. PIPA: Anti-piracy bills, uproar explained - Yahoo! News
If you’ve been paying attention to the increasingly heated debate over the “Stop Online Piracy Act” (Sopa), you may have noticed a significant spike in today ...
Stop American Censorship
Congress is about to pass internet censorship, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill - PIPA in the Senate and Sopa ...
Web Piracy Bills Invite a Protracted Battle
When the Obama administration announced on Saturday its opposition to major elements of two Congressional bills intended to curtail copyright violations on the Internet, the technology industry, which has been loudly fighting the proposed legislation, could declare victory. But few people in Silicon Valley or Hollywood consider the battle over. The - By JENNA WORTHAM and SOMINI SENGUPTA
How SOPA would affect you: FAQ | Privacy Inc. - CNET News
Dec 21, 2011 ... CNET takes an in-depth look at the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act, backed by Hollywood and opposed by the largest Web companies and ...
SOPA, PIPA Headed For Major Makeover
(Reuters) - U.S. legislation aimed at curbing online piracy, which had appeared to be on a fast track for approval by Congress, appears likely to be scaled back or jettisoned entirely in the wake of critical comments over the weekend from the ...
Red Tape - SOPA opponents gaining momentum; Wikipedia to join ...
A House subcommittee was slated to prepare the Stop Online Piracy Act, or Sopa, for a vote later this month; the Senate had planned a vote on the companion bill, PIPA (The Protect IP Act,) even sooner. Now, it appears both ...
What citizen in their right mind would allow SOPA to be passed?
NDAA is bad enough but Sopa would literal allow our government to control all sources of information, they already have the media under their wing.
I mean cant we the people vote against this, if so how?
I am sorry but what does "anyone who doesnt use the internet" even mean as an answer to this question.
@Ian Maclay
Oh God, you mean we can only protest... I really hate getting beat and peppered sprayed.
Answer: Ever hear of the movement, "Occupy Wall Street"? go see if you can unify some of them to start protesting in schools at television and radio broadcast stations, do an Occupy Info.
Category: Law & Ethics
LONG ISLAND DINING | FISH MARKETS; The Catch of the Day, By the Pound or the Plate
ISLAND PARK, N.Y. AT the South Shore Fish Market here on a recent afternoon, the catch of the day included local line-caught fluke, sea bass and bluefish. Inside the modest, shingled building, dozens of whole fish were wedged into a crushed-ice display. Plastic bushel baskets held Long Island hardshell clams and steamers dug the night before. I - By SUSAN M. NOVICK
What kind of harm can the SOPA Bill inflict?
I have recently heard about the Sopa bill that might pass tomorrow and if it does, people say the internt could be ruined. Does this mean that DeviantART could be affected by this? I dont want that site shut down because of it.
Answer: Theoretically, any site that has ANY content that infringes on someone else's copyright could be blocked to U.S. internet users. Not simply given a notice to remove the content or suffer legal repercussions (which is basically what the DMCA laws do right now). Just blocked at the DNS level so that U.S. residents can't access it (well, they technically still could by accessing the IP address of the server, but the average user isn't going to go to that kind of hassle)
The bill is so vague that ANY site that contains user-generated content could potentially be shut down if someone makes a complaint. It doesn't have to go through the courts first, it doesn't have to be sent a notice of the violation first. Sopa just lets a government department say "shut off access to this domain".
This *potentially* means that sites like YouTube, Facebook, DeviantArt, Flickr, Twitter, and so one could be blocked in the U.S. But the real danger here is not to huge sites like those, but to smaller sites that can't afford teams of high-power lawyers. If Sopa passes, the internet is going to see a lot less innovation and social interaction, because a lot of webmasters won't be able to afford the potential legal costs.
Category: Government
Stop Online Piracy Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa), also known as House Bill 3261 or H.R. 3261, is a bill that was introduced in the United States House of Representatives on ...
SOPA and PIPA suffer repeated blows over the weekend
This was a huge weekend for opponents of online censorship. First, late on Friday came the announcement that the DNS portion of the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) was removed from the bill. Not long afterwards came the announcement that the bill ...
LETTER; Fighting Online Piracy
To the Editor: “ The Danger of an Attack on Online Piracy ,” by David Carr (Media Equation column, Jan. 2), unfairly criticizes the Stop Online Piracy Act, which I introduced, but it does not point to any language in the bill to back up the claims. Sopa targets only foreign Web sites that are primarily dedicated to illegal and
SOPA Threatens Internet Censorship, White House Refuses to Back Proposed Bill
Known as H.R.3261, Sopa was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on Oct. 26 2011 and if passed would affect all Internet users. Introduced by Republican congressman, Lamar Seeligson Smith, the bill is designed to fight online trafficking in ...
THE MEDIA EQUATION; The Danger Of an Attack On Piracy Online
By invoking the acronym Sopa right at the get-go, I may be daring many of you to check the next column over for something a little less chewy. After all, Sopa, which stands for Stop Online Piracy Act, sounds like a piece of arcane Internet government regulation -- legislation that entertainment companies desperately care about and that leaves Web - E-mail:; - By DAVID CARR
Gaming Industry Spent As Much As $190,000 Pushing for Senate Version of SOPA Last Spring and Summer
Many gamers and video game companies cant stand the Stop Online Piracy Act and its companion bill the Protect IP Act (PIPA). But the Entertainment Software Association, the lobbyists who stage E3 each year and defend gamings freedom of speech rights ...
@jeb_ I thought Sopa was shelved?
From: DanielleStarr - Source: web
RT @rockpapershot: RPS will be joining many other sites in being blacked out tomorrow in protest against Sopa and PIPA.
From: zombiealtani - Source: TweetDeck
RT @graciadelcielo: Twitter no formará parte del blockout por #Sopa #NoMeGusta
From: ilazo - Source: HootSuite
Mañana se apaga internet durante 24h contra la Ley Sopa, únete!!!
From: Eskaralakktua - Source: Seesmic
RT @AtulChitnis: When #WikipediaBlackout starts tomorrow, reflect on a world where #Sopa, #PIPA & #Sibal succeed. Is this the world we want? If not - FIGHT!
From: rsrikanth05 - Source: Echofon
Sopa opponents may go nuclear and other 2012 predictions
From: WebHostinIWY - Source: web
~ O sistema te quer no viaduto com água na boca, com a garrafa cortada na mão, esperando a Kombi trazer Sopa ♪♪ #FacçãoCentral
From: EduardoFC_Citou - Source: web
“We expect and encourage,” said the post, “all private parties, ... #white #house #online
From: lol_league - Source: Twaango
espero que no aprueben la ley Sopa solo es una manera mas de las empresas de hacer dineroo nada mas
From: markkkitto1992 - Source: web
RT @cesargalastica: @CarlosManuelGV Justamente el 23 de este mes, Google, Facebook y Twitter anunciaron que no estarán disponibles en protesta por Sopa. A leer!
From: CarlosManuelGV - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
RT @flamsmark: @binarybits On Weds, @mozillas sites are planning to "go dark" for a while, replaced by content talking about how dangerous Sopa would be.
From: javipas - Source: web
Warning all users- #Wikipedia goes on strike over new #Sopa laws: | #Act #Google #Twitter #Yahoo #piracy
From: TibidyUS - Source: Tibidy
すごいことになってる!! / “Geekなぺーじ:Wikipediaなど18日に停止 Sopa/PIPA抗議で”
From: m_yanagisawa - Source: Hatena
RT @Computerworld: Wikipedia to go dark in Sopa protest, Twitter declines
From: rokokputih - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
RT @sakko_o: [B!] えー!Twitpicも停止なの!? Geekなぺーじ:Wikipediaなど18日に停止 Sopa/PIPA抗議で
From: Nasu035 - Source: はてブツイート