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ANN COULTER Compares Obama To Flavor Flav (VIDEO)
Ann coulter compared President Obama to rapper and reality star Flavor Flav at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday. The inflammatory line was one of several Coulter sprinkled throughout her ...
What is your favorite book written by author and political commetator ANN COULTER?
Out of the many different books that Ann coulter has written, which book has been you favorite book to read?
Answer: I've only read one - Ann's a little too extreme for my tastes. But I would like to read "Slander" - I've seen it referred to in several other books.
So I guess I'm going to have to go with, "How to Talk to a Liberal....If You Must."
Category: Politics
And Romney wasnt a "super-lib." He was @ as lib as Newt is now. RT @benshapiror. So if I run from Marin County, I can be super-lib »
'They're Using Insurance For Communism' ANN COULTER Rocks CPAC ...
'They're Using Insurance For Communism' Ann coulter Rocks CPAC. February 10th, 2012 (0) Posted By Pat Dollard. Tweet · Your Ad Here · Jihadi Killer Radio Hour · Follow Pat on Twitter · Next and Previous: « prev ...
The American Spectator : Coulter Care
Schooling Ann coulter on the individual mandate. Sorry, Ann. I have adored you as a commentator, as you know, and appreciate your kind words about me in the past. But in discussing the individual mandate in your piece last week, "Three Cheers ...
Articles about Ann coulter ... Thursday, Nov 3, 2011 12:26 PM UTC 2011-11-03T12:26:00Z l, M j, Y g:i A T
"The wisdom of ANN COULTER"
A compilation of unflattering quotes from the October 2001 issue of The Washington Monthly.
What is the difference between the ANN COULTER & Al Franken?
What would be the difference between Ann coulter as a U.S. Senator and Al Franken as A U.S. Senator other then one is a liberal and the other is a conservative. Yes I know Al Franken as stolen a election and Ann coulter has never ran for office.
Answer: They are one in the same
Category: Politics
Do we empower people like ANN COULTER when we let ourselves get angry with them?
Ann coulter makes a living by saying outrageous things that infuriate liberals and moderates. When we let her get under our skin, arent we giving her exactly what she wants?
Answer: She's not worth getting worked up over, for precisely the reason you give. I don't think she even believes a lot of what she says. She just knows she has to say it to make money.
Category: Media & Journalism
A Free Market Solution
In her article, Three Cheers for Romneycare, Ann coulter insists that Romneycare and its mandate was a Free Market Solution. Of course a government mandate to buy a product is not a “free market” solution, it is a slave market solution. Using a ...
ANN COULTER Compares Obama To Flavor Flav (VIDEO)
Ann coulter compared President Obama to rapper and reality star Flavor Flav at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday. The inflammatory line was one of several Coulter sprinkled throughout her speech, a version of which ...
Is ANN COULTER suddenly looking like the sane Conservative these days?
I never thought I would say that but to me it seems as of lately that Ann coulter seems like the sane one when lined up against the current group of some Conservatives on the far right. What do you think? Has she mellowed or are the rest just getting worse?
Answer: I never thought I’d say “that” too! But it sure seems like it… Apparently, Dear ol’ Ann is the last “Republican” holdout for anything that resembles “reality”. (Oh man… this has to be a bad dream!!!)
Category: Politics
Is ANN COULTER the Marylin Manson of political commentators?
We all know by now that Marylin Manson just did his antics to get press and noticed. He just did the most outrageous thing to get attention... Isnt Ann coulter doing the same thing, saying whatever she thinks is outrageous to get attention and sell her books, or do you believe she believes all the hate filled things she says?
Answer: You shouldn't insult Marilyn Manson like this. :-)
Category: Government
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; The Road to Hell, Paved With Telemarketers
DAMNED By Chuck Palahniuk 247 pages. Doubleday. $24.95. By any definition of the word decency its been a long time since Chuck Palahniuk wrote a decent book. His lurid recent efforts, from Snuff (pornography) to Tell-All (movie-star gossip) to Pygmy (broken English from teenage foreign terrorists), have tried the patience of even - By JANET MASLIN
In how many ways can ANN COULTER, Hillary Clinton and Cynthia McKinney sit together with 2 other people?
A political event invited the five dignitaries to a womens rights convention. All five of them must sit in a seat that is arranged in a row. Ann coulter insists that she doesnt get placed next to Hillary Clinton. Cynthia McKinney says she doesnt want to sit next to Ann coulter. Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer said that they were fine with any seating arrangement.
I reasoned that there would be 24 arrangements. What do you guys think?
Answer: Amusing question. I come up with 36 arrangements. My thinking is as follows:
The key person is Ann coulter, who can't sit next to Hillary Clinton or Cynthia McKinney. So, if Ann is on either end of the row, the women next to her must be Sarah Palin or Barbara Boxer. That means half of the arrangements work. Since there are 24 arrangements with Coulter on one end and 24 with Coulter on the other end, this accounts for 24 / 2 + 24 / 2 = 12 + 12 = 24 arrangements.
Now consider if Coulter is in one of the three seats that are not at the end of the row. In this case, Boxer and Palin must be on either side of her, with Clinton and McKinney occupying the remaining two seats. The number of arrangements is therefore 3 * 2 * 2 = 12.
Adding the two together, we get 24 + 12 = 36 arrangements total.
Category: Mathematics
ANN COULTER: Demo Plutocrats Yet they still attack Romney as ‘Richie Rich’
Having given up on pillorying Mitt Romney for plundering his way to vast wealth — because, unfortunately, it isn’t true — the NFM (Non-Fox Media) seem to have settled on denouncing him as a rich jerk. Liberals are disgusted by people who made their ...
ANN COULTER - Official Home Page
VIDEO: Ann coulter Clarifies The First Amendment On Red Eye: 'Getting Off Isn't Speech' · VIDEO: Ann coulter and Michael Reagan discuss the Nevada ...
Archives of the attorney and conservative author's syndicated column.
AnnCoulter - Twitter
Sign up for Twitter to follow Ann coulter (@AnnCoulter). author.
Author Search Results: ANN COULTER: Conservative Columns, Articles ...
Ann coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for Human Events ...
WASHINGTON We have the starchy guy -- tall, handsome, intelligent and rich, with a baronial estate -- whos hard to warm up to. And we have the spontaneous guy, whos charming and easy to warm up to -- until it turns out that he has an unsavory pattern with young women and a suspect relationship with facts. Its the Republican primary. Or Pride - Maureen Dowd Op-Ed column weighs in on sexual-harassment scandal that has rocked the presidential campaign of Herman Cain; notes that, aside from grabbing some headlines as the improbable shooting-star candidate, Cain was never a serious contender for the Republican nomination. (M)d - By MAUREEN DOWD
Who Castrated ANN COULTER?
She once had cast iron… well… courage. Now shes backing the "safe" GOP candidate. There is no conservative writer that I admire more than Ann coulter. Shes smart as hell and, more importantly, she is courageous. She has always been willing ...
ANN COULTER: “Three cheers for RomneyCare”
Remember what I said in the minimum-wage thread about conservatives gradually being forced to play ideological Twister to defend Romney if he’s the nominee? Here’s Exhibit AAA1. I don’t understand. I don’t understand why, if you support ...
ANN COULTER CPAC Speech: In Support Of Romney, Lets Try Square For A While
Ann coulter is provocative and offensive and wonderful at self-promotion. And if it werent for all those attributes, she could very well claim a fourth: an effective surrogate for Mitt Romney. The conservative best-selling author gave her usual ...
ANN COULTERs faulty understanding of the Tenth Amendment
Ann coulter has lost what little was left of her conservative credibility when she started defending Romneycare as constitutional. Then she made this mistake in her last column: As Rick Santorum has pointed out, states can enact all sorts of laws ...
Do you think ANN COULTER would be a good fit for Republican Party President?
Ann coulter seems to personify the Republican ideals of their party. Radical, and uneducated. I watch her often when she is on TV. Its sort of like watching a train wreck in process. But because she is so radical and domineering, perhaps she could push her way into a future Republican Presidency? What do you think?
Answer: I think she is a disgraceful excuse for a "journalist" or whatever she is - what EXACTLY does she do?
She is EXTREMELY childish - at the age of 48 you would have thought she would be a *little* more mature in how she "debates" (if thats what you can call her ranting)
She is another of these talentless people who shout in order to be heard. She only makes controversial comments in order to be in the limelight.
Many Republicans actually find her an embarrassment!
Category: Current Events
ANN COULTER - Official Home Page
If only the Democrats had decided to socialize the food industry or housing, Romneycare would probably still be viewed as a massive triumph for conservative free ...
What Percentage Of American Men Are Attracted To Extremely Skinny Women Like ANN COULTER?
Ann coulter makes a $hitload of money per year, she should use some of that money to buy food. She looks like she has not eaten anything since the Clinton administration.
Answer: Just two:
Bill Clinton and Bill Maher (yes, they dated)
Category: Politics
Ann coulter. AKA Ann Hart Coulter. Rightwing bombthrower. Birthplace: New York City. Gender: Female Religion: Protestant Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation ...
ANN COULTER - Conservative Columnist and Political Commentator
Ann coulter is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers — Guilty: Liberal Victim and Their Assault On America (January 2009); If Democrats Has Any ...
Do you think Ann coulter is a person with sensible ideas?
Answer: she's an incredibly intelligent woman that has no problem voicing her opinions and actually has the ability to back it up.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
Is there something wrong with me because everytime I watch Ann coulter on tv I want to reach through the screen pull out all her hair and kick her face and im not even a violent person.
Answer: Oh no, there's nothing wrong with you. There would be something wrong with you if you DIDN'T want to do that.
Category: Media & Journalism
ANN COULTER: What they’re doing is using insurance as communism; Update: Video added
Ann coulter’s CPAC speech was, just as you’d expect, snarky, sharp, witty and — at times — wince-worthy, but, out of her many memorable lines, one stood out to me most. In the midst of a succinct dismantling of Barack Obama’s liberty ...
Are feminists saying we should burn books by ANN COULTER and the like?
If we dont agree with the subject matter, shouldnt we at least respect the writers opinion. Besides, I am sure that Ann coulters book gets read a little bit more than Andrea Dworkins works of art. And this is not any endorsement of Anns work, btw.
Answer: I agree with Mellie, and totally just turn the channel whenever I see Ann coulter's fake face on TV. I don't think SHE even believes half of the crap she sells. Ann coulter writes that drivel just to make moolah, and she isn't kidding anyone with any sense or sensibility.
As for burning her books...who cares? If you feel like wasting your time and energy, have at it!
Category: Gender & Women's Studies
Occupy and Labor Protesters March on CPAC
Just as firebrand author Ann coulter was addressing a packed ballroom on just how detrimental left-of-center protesters are to the national interest, several hundred left-of-center protesters descended on the gates of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel to ...
Protest Puts Coverage In Spotlight
As police officers cleared protesters last week from Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan, the birthplace of Occupy Wall Street, they made sure most reporters were kept blocks away, supposedly for their own protection. But in almost every other respect, mainstream news media outlets have been put right in the middle by the movement. Newspapers and - Occupy Wall Street has become something of an ideological litmus test, spawning accusations of media bias from the left and the right; mainstream news media outlets have been put right in the middle by the movement. Photos (M) - By BRIAN STELTER
ANN COULTER To Glenn Beck: Newt Gingrich Is ‘Pompous And Boring ...
Ann coulter lit into Newt Gingrich on Glenn Becks GBTV program Thursday, lambasting the Republican hopeful as pompous and boring and taking issue with doodlings he ...
NEW YORK, N.Y., Oct. 16, 2011 -- Newspaper columnist Ann coulter, spreading the lies of the extreme right wing, called the Occupy Wall Street protestors, "tattooed, body-pierced, sunken-chested 19-year-olds getting in fights with the police for fun."
How is FOX Fair and Balanced if they bring on ANN COULTER to Comment on Speeches?
The Host was all, "Now for fair and balanced coverage, lets turn to Ann coulter to comment on Al Frankens Speech" and then Ann coulter said, "Im glad FOX is Fair and Balanced" and started going on her usual liberal bashing.
How is this Fair and Balanced?
Answer: The same when they bring on Bob Becthel and Alan Colmes.
Category: Politics
Conservative Titans Take to the Mattresses!
Conservative hot button heroine Ann coulter has been called on the carpet by Constitutional conservative champion Mark Levin over RomneyCare. While the intellectual battle has only begun, the winner will be a sharpened conservative argument ...
Bachmann, Coulter Named As Witnesses In Suit Over Alleged Tea Party TV Scam
The list includes Bachmann, Coulter, conservative commentator Phil Valentine, Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips and Tennessee legislators Rep. Glen Casada and Sen. Jack Johnson, both Republicans. TPHD was founded in 2010 by Loiacono and Bill Hemrick ...
Danger Will Robinson . . . or ANN COULTER | RedState
This week is a career milestone for me. I appear in Time magazine writing about the state of the conservative movement. As a kid living overseas, my ...
Gingrich Strikes Back at ANN COULTER
Fox News Latino’s Victor Garcia did a phone interview with Newt Gingrich. During which the Former Speaker was asked about the recent Ann coulter and Tom Delay criticisms. He dismissed them as “the old order,” and specifically cited Coulter ...
ANN COULTER: What they're doing is using insurance as communism ...
Ann coulter's CPAC speech was, just as you'd expect, snarky, sharp, witty and — at times — wince-worthy, but, out of her many memorable lines, one stood out to me most. In the midst of a succinct dismantling of Barack ...
Author Search Results: ANN COULTER: Conservative Columns, Articles ...
Ann coulter is Legal Affairs Correspondent for Human Events and author of seven New York Times bestsellers. Browse her columns and articles here.
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Newts Real Legacy
DO you think that after all is said and done, Newt Gingrich will just go down in history as the politician who conclusively proved that voters dont care about a candidates sexual misbehavior? Imagine the history students of 2112, reading about the early 21st century on their vaporphones, or whatever they have by then. They would get to this - Gail Collins Op-Ed column argues that Newt Gingrichs legacy after the presidential campaign will be that of the man who conclusively proved that voters do not care about a candidates sexual behavior. Drawing, Photos (M) - By GAIL COLLINS
ANN COULTER joins gay conservative group | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Coulter (AP)Right-wing provocateur Ann coulter has joined the advisory board of GOProud, a small Washington, D.C.-based organization that represents gay conservatives ...
ANN COULTER, CPAC It Girl: "All Pretty Girls are Right-Wingers"
WASHINGTON, D.C.— There must be some kind of perfect rallying cry for a giant ballroom full of conservative Americans, but it'll take a careful formula and a lot of practice to find it.
Romney-Lovin ANN COULTER Has Been Castrated - Shes thrown in ...
(Newser) – During the 2008 election, Ann coulter famously said that she would campaign for Hillary Clinton if not-conservative-enough John McCain was ...
Watch ANN COULTER Serve Up Jokes And 'Red Meat' During Her ...
Columnist-cum-Presidential roaster Ann coulter took to the CPAC stage Friday, where she spoke at length about President Barack Obama.
NEWS ANALYSIS; Anybody but Mitt
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL editorial page, that irascible voice of high-minded conservatism, has taken a rather dim view of Mitt Romney. Its hard to discern any core beliefs beyond faith in his own managerial expertise, it wrote in September. The columnist George F. Will has disparaged Mr. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, as a - News analysis; Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has topped most polls of likely Republican voters but the conservative media has consistently sounded the theme of anybody but Mitt, because of a widely held belief that he is not sufficiently conservative; the antipathy toward his candidacy from conservative media may be why the race has been unsettled to date. (L) - A media reporter for The New York Times. - By JEREMY W. PETERS
How funny would it be to see ANN COULTER campaign for Hillary?
Ann coulter says if McCain gets the Republican nomination, she will endorse and campaign for Hillary Clinton. How funny would that be? The Republican party has swung so far to the right even they dont know what they want.
Im pretty sure Hillary would refuse her endorsement.
Answer: I would die of laughter!
Category: Elections
ANN COULTER - Conservative Columnist and Political Commentator2000 ...
Ann coulter is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers — Guilty: Liberal Victim
ANN COULTER CPAC Speech: In Support Of Romney, 'Let's Try Square ...
Ann coulter is provocative and offensive and wonderful at self-promotion. And if it weren't for all those attributes, she could very well claim a fourth: an effective surrogate for Mitt Romney.
What would you do if you were stranded on an island with ANN COULTER?
Heres the scenario: youre stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash and the only other living beings are Ann coulter (who is trying to sell you a copy of her latest book) and millions of seagulls. You also have access to the airplane, which is lying on the beach, broken in half. You find onboard a lifetime supply of Twinkies and a barrel of superglue. What do you do? How would you escape?
Answer: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
Stuff her mouth with the pages of her book, superglue her lips shut, toss Twinkie crumbs all over her to attract the seagulls, find the inflatable rafts, make like MacGyver and get the hell off the island. But only after she renounces the Republican party. But I'm still gonna ditch her ass though.
Category: Polls & Surveys » Blog Archive » Watch ANN COULTER Serve Up Jokes ...
Watch Ann coulter Serve Up Jokes And 'Red Meat' During Her CPAC Speech · David Brock Out of the Closet, Again · The Council Has Spoken!! This Week's Watcher's Council Results · Folsom California On The Brink · Hot ...
What is your favorite book written by ANN COULTER?
Out of the many different books that Ann coulter, which one is your favorite book that was written by Coulter?
Answer: How to Talk to a Liberal---If you must
Category: Politics
Cain Confronts Claim From 90s of Harassment
Herman Cain, a surprise leader in the Republican race for the presidency, acknowledged Monday that he was accused of sexual harassment while chief of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, but he denied wrongdoing in an episode that has consumed his rising candidacy. Facing the biggest test of his campaign just as it was demanding notice - Herman Cain, surprise leader in the Republican race for the presidency, acknowledges that he was accused of sexual harassment while chief of the National Restaurant Assn in the 1990s, but he denies wrongdoing in an episode that has consumed his rising candidacy; maintains that he was falsely accused and that internal investigations at the time corroborated as much. Photos (M) - By JIM RUTENBERG and MICHAEL D. SHEAR; Contributing reporting were Jeff Zeleny, Susan Saulny, Mike McIntire, Matt Flegenheimer and Trip Gabriel.
The Prosecutions Case Against DNA
By the time Juan Rivera was taken to Lake County for questioning on Oct. 27, 1992, the search for Holly Stakers killer had gone cold. Two and a half months had passed since the 11-year-old girl was raped and stabbed while baby-sitting for two little children, and with the killer still at large, neighborhood-watch groups had formed and wary parents - Lake County, Ill, states attorneys office is coming under increased scrutiny for what defense lawyers and law professors suspect is an alarming number of wrongful convictions; DNA evidence has found that many of the people who were prosecuted by the office and convicted were in all likelihood innocent, but the office has consistently found creative explanations for how the DNA evidence merely changes the scenario of the crime, not the culpability of the convict. Photos (L) - By ANDREW MARTIN
ANN COULTER - Wikiquote
Ann Hart Coulter (born 8 December 1961) is an American syndicated columnist, bestselling author, and television pundit. Her commentary has earned her a ...
The American Spectator : Who Castrated ANN COULTER?
She once had cast iron… well… courage. Now shes backing the "safe" GOP candidate. There is no conservative writer that I admire more than Ann coulter ...
ANN COULTER - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ann Hart Coulter (born December 8, 1961) is an American lawyer, conservative social and political commentator, author, and syndicated columnist.
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Dont Call Herman a Monster
Oh, Herman. Just answer the questions -- honestly. You know well that this scandal only strengthens the resolve of your base. Here are the details in case youve been distracted by that Kardashian divorce or the California train robbers who stole $200 worth of pigs feet, or whatever: There are now at least three women who have accused Herman - By CHARLES M. BLOW
ANN COULTER - Wikiality, the Truthiness Encyclopedia
Ann coulter Ann -- The next best thing to a Barbie Doll. Birthplace Eden Religion Ultra-Republican O
Gavin McInnes Goes Out Drinking With ANN COULTER, Makes ...
"I ate the pizza because I was starved, but none of the kids could get it down without dry-heaving so my neighbor made them some...
Keeping Them Down
THE REACTIONARY MIND Conservatism From Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin By Corey Robin 290 pp. Oxford University Press. $29.95. The American right has a lot to answer for these days. Members of this group are ardent peddlers of conspiracy theories, anti-intellectualism and the demonization of opponents. This approach has contributed in no small way to - Sheri Berman reviews book The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism From Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin by Corey Robin. Drawing (M) - Sheri Berman is a professor of political science at Barnard College and the author, most recently, of The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europes Twentieth Century. - By SHERI BERMAN
Actress: Fahrenhype 9/11 (2004) · Al Franken: God Spoke (2006) · Hannity (2009) · Hannity & Colmes (1996). Born: Ann Hart Coulter December 8 , 1961 in New York ...
ANN COULTER Defends Romneycare [Video]
Ann coulter has written an op-ed in defense of the Massachusetts healthcare law which President Obama says gave him the inspiration for the national healthcare law know as Obamacare. Ann coulter has been an outspoken supporter of Romney’s run for the ...
If only the Democrats had decided to socialize the food industry or housing, Romneycare would probably still be viewed as a massive triumph for ...
How Tall Is Ann coulter?
Answer: How Tall Is Ann coulter?
Category: Media & Journalism
ANN COULTER - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ann Hart Coulter (born December 8, 1961) is an American lawyer, conservative social and political commentator, author, and syndicated columnist. She frequently ...
Best Sellers: Hardcover Fiction: Sunday, November 27th 2011
About the Best Sellers: These lists are an expanded version of those appearing in the November 27, 2011 print edition of the Book Review, reflecting sales for the week ending November 12, 2011. An asterisk (*) indicates that a books sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above it. A dagger (†) indicates that some retailers
ANN COULTER Confronts Mitt Romney: You Owe Me (AUDIO)
During a radio appearance on Thursday, conservative pundit Ann coulter discussed that she once had a rather revealing private talk with GOP candidate Mitt ...
Watch Ann coulter Serve Up Jokes And ‘Red Meat’ During Her CPAC Speech | Mediaite via @addthis From: USpace123 - Source: Tweet Button
RT @GreggyBennett: Ann coulter is trending. Did a house finally fall on her? From: favstar_pop - Source: web
RT @GreggyBennett: Ann coulter is trending. Did a house finally fall on her? From: IMBeanz - Source: web
Ann coulter: "Pretty Girls Are Right-Wingers," Liberal Women Are Angry via @gothamist From: MickSqueak - Source: Tweet Button
RT @USRealityCheck: Ann coulter: "We Have Socialist Health Care - Theyre Called Emergency Rooms": From the February 10 e... clip #USRC From: jdanenbe - Source: twitterfeed
Ann coulter: "We Have Socialist Health Care - Theyre Called Emergency Rooms": From the February 10 e... clip #USRC From: USRealityCheck - Source: twitterfeed
Ann coulter riles up the CPAC crowd From: Erica_Maxwell - Source: twitterfeed
Watch Ann coulter Serve Up Jokes And ‘Red Meat’ During Her CPAC Speech From: BadBlueNews - Source: twitterfeed
Contemplating Coulter Christianity, an Amazon Short: Until the publication of Godless, I had dismissed Ann Coult... From: Glendoraezk - Source: twitterfeed
OJ Simpson jokes now? Strike that, Ann coulter taking us back to 1994 From: arjieom2 - Source: web
RT @GreggyBennett: Ann coulter is trending. Did a house finally fall on her? From: MickSqueak - Source: web
See also: Ann coulter is a freaking babe. From: Mexcillent - Source: Plume for Android
"Did you know that Michael Moore is only one person and yet controls 33 percent of the worlds cholesterol?" - Ann coulter
Hahahaha From: Mexcillent - Source: Plume for Android
RT @Snarky_Basterd: ‘They’re Using Insurance For Communism’ Ann coulter Rocks CPAC #twisters #tcot From: MrsDaschofsky - Source: twitterfeed
I wonder if Ann coulter supports Mitt Romneys idea of putting minimum wage increases on autopilot. #tcot #teaparty #gop From: miltonwolfmd - Source: web