Taylor swift and zac efron : Videos
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Taylor swift and zac efron : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
What is your opinion on each of these celebs?
Kristen Stewart -
Britney Spears -
Taylor Swift -
Zac Efron -
Chris Brown -
Miley Cyrus -
Jessica Alba -
Lindsay Lohan -
Demi Lovato -
Jonas Brothers -
Vanessa Hudgens -
Selena Gomez -
Lil Wayne -
Kelly Clarkson -
Kanye West -
Jesse McCartney -
Kristen Stewart - druggy; but she does a really good job playing bella =p
Britney Spears - shes backk!!!
Answer: Kristen Stewart - She doesn't smile too much. I like that. I'm always wary of people who smile too much. Makes me think they've got something to hide.
Britney Spears - Her videos are vulgar. Her voice is little-girl-ish. Her songs are lame.
Taylor Swift - Meh. Cute. Cute songs. Cute guitar skills.
Zac Efron - He played young Simon Tam in an episode of Firefly. Good for him. Let's just forget the other stuff then, shall we?
Chris Brown - Don't listen to his music (he's a singer, right?) Saw him in a Larry King interview addressing the domestic abuse issue. Said the word "wow" a lot. Didn't seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Miley Cyrus - Her mannerisms annoy me. Her songs are lame.
Jessica Alba - The only movie I've seen her in is Good Luck Chuck. It sucked.
Lindsay Lohan - I really liked Parent Trap and Mean Girls.
Demi Lovato - I don't know this person.
Jonas Brothers - They are a gimmick.
Vanessa Hudgens - Is she in HSM with the Zac kid? Haven't seen this movie.
Selena Gomez - Cute name. Can't say I know her.
Lil Wayne - Don't listen to this type of music.
Kelly Clarkson - I liked Walk Away when they played it on the radio lots, a few years ago.
Kanye West - The only exposure I have to him is the VMA fiasco. Doesn't really commend him, does it?
Jesse McCartney - Oh, is he still around?
Category: Celebrities
Zac Efron: Hennessy VS Party!
“I don’t know how people do that stuff. It’s a bunch of people you don’t ... Zac Efron Looks Casual as Taylor Swift Goes Classy Vintage at Lorax Hollywood Premiere Efron sports stylish look with a leather jacket and denims, while Swift ...
What does this dream mean?
Ok i know this dream is kinda weird, but one time i was dreaming i went to this high school or something (even thought im only in middle school in real life). Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, David Cook, and David Archuleta also went to the school. Everyone was asking for taylors autograph and she signed them looking annoyed or bored. the weird part is that when i asked 4 her autograph, i asked her to sign a 2 dollar bill. Then the Davids started to sing a song together and everyone went to get there autograph. zac just sat there looking at everyone while he was ignored. i wanted to ask him 4 his autograph to make him feel good but i thought i would look stupid.
i dont know what this means cuz i LOVE taylor swift and the davids, and im tired of zac efron.
why did i feel sorry for him in my dream? why did taylor look so annoyed with everone giving her attention? i dont know if this means anything cause i didnt really have anything to do with this dream. i just asked for autographs and felt sorry for zac
Answer: sounds like each celebrity is a symbol of people you know personaly, and what you (or they) may be feeling in the present/past time.
Category: Dream Interpretation
was there a second breakfast club?
i saw a picture of a movie poster with zac efron, taylor swift, michael cera, robert pattinson, and kristin stewart, it said back 2 detention. is this real?
Answer: Although there was talk of a sequel to Breakfast Club, it was never discussed in terms of the actors above. The only confirmed star who would have been in it as yet was Emilio Estevez, how ever it was recently released that' [he] will not be starring in a sequel to The Breakfast Club, and as a consequence, there is no longer a project"
Category: Movies
What do you think of Taylor Swift?
I think shes a wonderful singer but her songs are just so simple, I think she should put some more vigor, power into her songs. Compared to her, Miley Cyrus is like an attention seeker..
And Zac Efron is a REAL CHEATER. He cheated on numerous girls and I dont really like his personality.
To say the truth, I actually think Beyonce is her rival, theyre equal, both successful.
Whats your opinion on Taylor Swift, her songs? :)
Answer: Taylor Swift:
I don't know her; so I won't put her down.
At first: She seemed good - she was nice, she had okay songs, I loathe country music, but I could handle her.
After a while, her voice started to annoy me, and she was like a puppet in the music industry. Singing about 'heart break' 'poor me' 'love' and all that little stuff Teens go through, and thats what gained her publicity.
I mean come on; SHE WROTE A SONG ABOUT HER GUITAR - yet people acknoweledge "Oh, she is a blooming artist, look at her! She writes all of her songs!"
I dunno, I think she's over-rated.
And I'm not one to judge on looks because I know damn well I'm not pretty; but her eyes.. Oh gosh, her eyes just.. o_o Bug me.
EDIT: How can you compare her to BEYONCE? I mean I can see how you compare her to Miley; as they've both went downhill; but I'm not even a big fan of Beyonce, although I can say she has TALENT...
Category: Celebrities
Who else thinks that TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON would look cute as a couple?
Or maybe a movie together?
Answer: Welll. i think they kinda of make a good couple:]
it's kinda of hard of imaging it!
Category: Celebrities
Taylor Swift & Zac Efron Duet, Cover Foster The People On 'Ellen ...
8 hours ago ... Dr. Seuss' The Lorax co-stars Taylor swift and zac efron hit up The Ellen DeGeneres Show and surprised the audience with a duet. Turns out ...
Taylor Swift & Zac Efron Duet, Cover Foster The People On 'Ellen ...
Dr. Seuss' The Lorax co-stars Taylor swift and zac efron hit up The Ellen DeGeneres Show and surprised the audience with a duet. Turns out Taylor taught Zac how.
Zac Efron, Taylor Swift Dating? 'The Lorax' Co-Stars Address ...
In the upcoming animated film 'Dr. Seuss? The Lorax,' Zac Efron?s character, Ted, goes on an adventure to impress his crush, Taylor Swift's character, Audrey.
Taylor Swift Jay Leno Interview: Star Talks Movies, Mean & Men
Taylor Swift took Jay Lenos hot seat on The Tonight Show ... The main character, played by Zac Efron -- hes the boy next door and falls in love with her. She loves trees and wants to find one, because they live in a society where they ...
Are TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON Dating? | Video | wgrz.com
When Taylor swift and zac efron showed up to the premiere of their new movie, Dr. Suess The Lorax … It might have just turned into a movie date.
Zac Efron & Taylor Swift: ‘Lorax’ Premiere Pair! | Taylor ...
Zac Efron and Taylor Swift pose for a picture together at the premiere of their film Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax held at Universal Studios Hollywood on Sunday ...
Zac Efron,Taylor Swift Duet; Pair Sing Together On Ellen (VIDEO)
Zac Efron and Taylor Swift pull out their guitars and sing a duet on the The Ellen DeGeneres Show, airing today!
Zac Efron Answers Demi Moore Romance Rumors
is co-starring in a new animated film "Dr. Seuss The Lorax" with Taylor Swift. Efrons character, Ted, desperately wants to impress Audrey, played by Swift, and Zac admits its not the first time hes gone out of his way for a girl.
mustard or ketchup
broken arm or broken leg
movie or mall
tv or computer
outside or inside
camping or biking
running or walking
baseball or basketball
soccer or volleyball
beach or city
pink or blue
black or white
dog or cat
hotdog or hamburger
cell phone or ipod
1 best friend or a big group of close friends
middle school or high school
cute girl or hot guy
glasses or contacts
acne on your forehead or your chin
hip hop or pop
Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift
Zac Efron or Brad Pitt
math or science
Answer: ketchup, hate mustard
hotdog, i dont like bergers
1 bff
high school
im a girl so hot guy
miley, i guess cause i only like 1 song from taylor
brad is hot, but ima go with zac
Category: Polls & Surveys
HOT PICS: Hollywoods Hottest Young Stars Taylor Swift & Zac Efron ...
Two of Hollywoods hottest young stars, Taylor swift and zac efron, came together on Sunday afternoon for the premiere of Dr. Suess The Lorax.
Celebrities: Republican or Democratic? What do you think?
which of these celebrities do you think are democratic/republician? and why?
1. selena gomez
2. michael phelps
3. demi lovato
4. jonas brothers
5. dakota fanning
6. miley cyrus
7. brangelina
8. david beckham
9. taylor swift
10. zac efron
haha thanks, just looking for opinions (:
Answer: Miley and the Jonas Brothers are republicans. Mileys Dad is singing in the freedom concert which is a republican thing and she and the jonas brothers are very religious. Jonas brothers dont really talk about their views but their parents where scene at McCain rallys. Kevin Voted for mccain
Category: Celebrities
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron Step Out For The Lorax Premiere (PHOTOS)
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron Step Out For The Lorax Premiere (PHOTOS)
Dr. Seuss The Lorax Los Angeles Premiere Pictures
Photo copyright David Gabber / PR Photos. Taylor Swift attends Dr. Seuss The Lorax Los Angeles Premiere. Photo copyright David Gabber / PR Photos. Zac Efron attends Dr. Seuss The Lorax Los Angeles Premiere. Photo copyright David Gabber / PR Photos.
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron and Betty White get animated at the Lorax ...
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron, Betty White, Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Rob Riggle and Ed Helms hit the red carpet at the premiere of The Lorax earlier today in Los Angeles.
But what name is Zac Efron getting inked onto his arm – Lily Collins or Taylor Swift?
Zac Efron gets another tattoo done in LA – is it a tribute to his new girlfriend or just a bit of random scrawl? Zac Efron has just had another tattoo inked onto his glorious body – showing off this totally gnarly photo of himself during an appearance ...
Check out this youtube channel and the videos they are really good!?
If you like Miley Cyrus, Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Fergie, Ashley Tisdale, Avril Lavigne, or Hollister click the link below and feel free to subscribe. Here is the link:
Answer: Cool. You have some good vids. You can check out my page if you want. I have no vids on there yet but there should be a few posted here shortly!
Category: Celebrities
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON sing a duet for Ellen DeGeneres (Video)
Taylor Swift and former High School Musical star Zac Efron have been linked as a couple in the media, but the two appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to promote their film Dr. Suess’ The Lorax and prove that they can sing a mean duet.
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron rewrite Pumped Up Kicks for Ellen
Taylor swift and zac efron, her co-star in "Dr. Seuss The Lorax," dropped by "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" with acoustic guitars to serenade the host with a rewritten version of Foster the Peoples "Pumped Up Kicks." Swift revealed that shed ...
Zac Efron & Taylor Swift: 'Lorax' Premiere Pair! | Taylor Swift, Zac ...
2 days ago ... Taylor Swift taught her co-star Zac Efron of "High School Musical" fame guitar on the set of "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax." "She's a great teacher," Efron ...
8 P.M. (E!) YOUNG HOLLYWOOD: A TO ZAC: THE E! TRUE HOLLYWOOD STORY Step aside, Lindsays and Britneys of the world. This two-hour program scrutinizes the young and wholesome (relatively speaking) members of the Hollywood A-list. Highlights include a new interview with Taylor Swift, who is seen singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star as a toddler; - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON Hugging at The Lorax Premiere
The orange carpet was rolled out in Hollywood yesterday for the world premiere of Dr. Seusss The Lorax. The films stars Zac Efron and Taylor Swift, in an ...
how can i have a style like these stars?
Answer: websites like people.com and fabsugar.com always pick the stars' clothing and tell you where to buy them. If not I would cut out pictures you like and create a small look book. Bring it to the mall and find outfits that you like similar. Forever 21 is amazing for designer replicas.
Category: Fashion & Accessories
Lorax Stars Taylor Swift, Zac Efron & More Promote Literacy
The World News (WN) Network, has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to user privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for wn.com, as well as e-mail newsletters. We do not ...
Not as nice as they look? Taylor swift and Miley!!?
Despite their age difference, Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift have become BFF’s, but as cute as these two seem in public, it seems that they are hiding some trash talk from their fans!
They might have looked young and harmless at the Grammy awards during their duet, but backstage was a totally different story: “Miley and Taylor spent most of the night ragging on the Jonas Brothers,” a source told Star Magazine. “These two are merciless when they get together. They were talking smack about Katy Perry’s outfit and how boring Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens were.” Miley and Taylor have also been rumored to make fun of Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez.
Thats sooooo mean why would they say those things? they shouldnt bag on people!
In popstar it said oh taylor ,miley and demi were freinds well miley said" i couldnt live without demi" but nothing about Selena! interesting!
question what you think about them now?
Answer: I think they think they are the anti-Jonas squad, out there b*tching about their ex's for dumped girls everywhere - but they're not, they're just caught up over boys who didn't love them. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFdI_oij18Q) Nick said he didn't love her, just watch Kevin's face!
And Joe said that a phone call can only last as long as the other person wants to speak to you, so the Taylor Swift breakup was publicized by her to sell her album.
Watch Miley butcher what could have been a good performance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k2q6YigpE0)
7 things (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr0Wv5DJhuk) is a song about hate, revenge and not forgiving people, where as Miley insists "The Bible. It's my 'how-to' guide for life." (http://www.celebuzz.com/miley-cyrus-bible-babble-s31201/) also, in that picture she has a massive tongue.
I completely agree with you, they do not deserve to be looked up to by young kids. Miley thinks she is the coolest person ever, and that's a quote (http://www.celebuzz.com/miley-cyrus-i-am-most-s28801/).
If you saw the VMAs you would have seen how serious Miley was when she said she was going to fight with Taylor and Katy for an award, while Taylor tried to make it a joke (.http://www.instyle.com/instyle/package/general/photos/0,,20170110_20224185_20505844,00.html) sorry, couldn't find a video)
Category: Celebrities
Zac Efron & Taylor Swift Premiere "The Lorax" | GossipCenter ...
Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Betty White and Ed Helms were among the stars at the Los Angeles Premiere of "The Lorax"
Zac Efron and Taylor Swift talk Lily Collins and relationship ...
Youre not fooling us, Zac Efron! On Tuesdays episode of "Ellen," Zac joins "The Lorax" co-star Taylor Swift for a chat with Ellen... and he does his very ...
Zac Efron Spotted Trying To Hide His Dating Adventure With Actress Lily Collins Other Night
And Zac Efron was spotted on a date with Taylor’s old hangout buddy Taylor Swift back in January. Damn,it’s a small world,huh? Follow us on Facebook by Clicking Here. Follow us on Twitter by Clicking Here.
Taylor Swift News - Taylor Swift & Zac Efron Hit Red Carpet ...
1 day ago ... Though rumors are swirling that Taylor swift and zac efron may be the newest hot Hollywood couple, as of now, they're just costars. The good ...
Are Zac Efron and Taylor Swift a Couple? - YouTube
17 hours ago ... The two megastars were here together to tell Ellen about their new film, and to face some hard-hitting questions from Ellen! Are these two an ...
Zac Efron & Lily Collins: Valentines Day Duo
Zac Efron and rumored new girlfriend Lily Collins leave Soho House after dinner on Valentine’s Day (February 14) in Los Angeles. Taylor Swift fans of the world, let it be known that you guys just might have a chance with the pop-country star ...
The Lorax: Taylor Swift finally taught Zac Efron to play guitar
Taylor Swift fans of the world, let it be known that you guys just might have a chance with the pop-country star, even post-Joe Jonas and post-Taylor Lautner. In “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax,” Zac Efron’s character goes on an adventure to ...
This incredible duo teamed up to perform an original song for Ellen! They may not have had a lot of rehearsal, but it's clear that this is one musical combo ...
Zac Efron & Taylor Swift: ‘The Lorax’ Teaser Poster | Taylor ...
Check out the fun, and really orange poster for Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax! The new animated adventure follows the journey of a boy, Ted, (Zac Efron) as he ...
Taylor Swift Dating Zac Efron Rumors | Gossip Cop
1 day ago ... Taylor swift and zac efron NOT dating, despite rumors after 'The Lorax' red carpet.
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON On Ellen: Stars Sing Duet, Address Dating Rumors
With rumors of romance in the air, The Lorax co-stars Taylor swift and zac efron sat down on The Ellen Show to clear the air -- and to sing a surprise duet! It turns out the the 22-year-old country star and 24-year-old actor are singing together ...
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON: Dueting, Not Dating - The Hollywood ...
10 hours ago ... Taylor swift and zac efron are not dating, people. The stars cleared that up this week during an appearance on Ellen.
This incredible duo teamed up to perform an original song for Ellen! They may not have had a lot of rehearsal, but its clear that this is one musical combo it would be great to hear a lot more of. Watch their whole interview on February 21st!
Video: Zac Efron Eludes Question About Lily Collins on Ellen
During the sitdown, Ellen also threw the same question to Efrons co-star in "The Lorax", Taylor Swift. The "Back to December" singer responded by admitting she got together with her single girlfriends and threw a Pathetic Single Girls party where they ate ...
Does Taylor Swift like hanging out with the Disney stars?
It seems like she does even though she isnt apart of Disney. She dated Joe Jonas, is friends with Miley, is best friends with Selena, and has been seen with Zac Efron and the other Jonas brothers along with the Cast of Wizards. Does she feel really comfortable around them or something?
Answer: She is more talented and beautiful than them-So they make her feel good
Category: Celebrities
The Lorax: Taylor Swift finally taught Zac Efron to play guitar ...
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron, Danny DeVito, Rob Riggle and Betty White attended the world premiere of "Dr. Seuss The Lorax" on Sunday. Zac Efron said Taylor ...
Taylor Swift News - Taylor Swift & Zac Efron Hit Red Carpet ...
Though rumors are swirling that Taylor swift and zac efron may be the newest hot Hollywood couple, as of now, they’re just costars. The good looking pair ...
The 110 Things New Yorkers Talked About in 2010
IT was a year in which the daughter of one president was married in a largely private ceremony on a gorgeous summer day and one in which the daughter of a possible future president went on a prime-time dance show to give a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me. It was a year in which one political candidate - By STUART EMMRICH
Zac Efron,Taylor Swift Duet; Pair Sing Together On Ellen (VIDEO)
10 hours ago ... Zac Efron and Taylor Swift pull out their guitars and sing a duet on the The Ellen DeGeneres Show, airing today!
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron Have Flirty Dinner Date - UsMagazine.com
Is Taylor Swift ready to write a new love song about Zac Efron? On Jan. 6, the New Years Eve hunk, 24, had a flirty dinner with the country superstar, 22 ...
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron: Co-Stars Address Dating Rumors, Duet on ...
In the upcoming animated film 'Dr. Seuss' The Lorax,' Zac Efron's character, Ted, goes on an adventure to impress his crush, Audrey -- voiced by Taylor Swift.
What Stars Were Featured in Es THS: Young Hollywood A-Zac?
ok, so i missed it and i would like to know who they featured in it. if anybody watched it. i know miley cyrus,taylor swift, zac efron and the jonas brothers were featured. but who else was?
Answer: That's it. It was a 2-hour show, and they gave each of them a 30 minute segment.
Category: Celebrities
is joe jonas and taylor swift still dating and ia zac efron and vanessa hudgens still dating?thanks?
i would apreciate the effort and pls put the site
Answer: Joe + Taylor = nope
Zac + V = yes!
Category: Celebrities
Taylor Swift Album 4.....whats she gonna write about??
A lot happened to Taylor before stepping on the scene with "Taylor Swift" and then Hollywood happened after that, which lead to "Fearless" and her official A-List status album "Speak Now" came out in October showcasing some of her biggest superstar let-downs (AND perks) and shes officially on the top of the world- Literally! She just finished her world tour, and is reading to conquer the States. But many things (BIG things) have happened in only a matter of months, that Taylor is sure to be ready to place in Album number four. But what? This is what I think....
~Jake Gyllenhal- Hollywood actor Mr.Gyllenhal stole Taylors heart in November 2010, everyone thought he was "the man" until they reportedly split in January 2011. No comments Taylor? Jake was an older guy (probably sparking memories of dirty old John M.) and was looking for too serious of a relationship. And we all know shes still seeking forgiveness from the other Twilight-Taylor. her heart seems to be set on someone else and she better confess why the "jaylor" romance when by so quick.....
~Duncan: The Buried Life- If you dont know what "the Buried Life" is, let me give you a little taste: Its an Mtv show about 4 guys who want to accomplish 100 things before they die. Now- In the episode "Ask Out The Girl Of Your Dreams: Part II" (part I ended with crashing Transformers2 premiere and asking out Meghan Fox, although ended up failing) One of the guys: Duncan. Wants to ask out Taylor Swift. So the guys sneak Back-Stage passes to CMT awards and disguise as Stage/Audience crew while Duncan finds Taylor.
Duncan finally gets to Taylor and shes smiling while he says "Will You go out with me?" She doesnt hesitate and say "youre so brave!!wow!" then he hands her his number and walks away. ONE WEEK LATER: Duncan tells the crew about Taylor: She texted him "Yes, Id love to! Youre really hardcore!!" so they all get excited. But know one knows whats happened since.....We dont know if it was a bad date, a secret romance or no date at all. Taylor told Mtv she doesnt want to talk about then joked "Its for my 4th album!" maybe shes telling the truth.....?
~Chord Overstreet- We all know Taylors had a previous romance with Glee star: Cory Monteith inspiring her song "Mine". But know shes been spotted with newcomer Glee club hottie- Chord. There has only been a picture of them at an LA Kings hockey match in February, but neither have been spotted together since. Maybe it was just a profesional friendship. Or an upcoming Taylor-Glee episode!?
~Zac Efron- You havent heard of any "Zaylor" yet, have you? I think you might soon. Taylor and Zac are co-starring in the Dr.Suess film aptation of "The Lorax" premiering March 2012. They were seen together at the Peoples Choice Awards previously this year, but only to catch up on eachother before they shoot the movie. Were assuming. I think theyd make a cute couple. But I dont think theyd last long....
~Taylor Lautner- I know I know, sooooo 2010, sooo yesterdays news. But too Taylor, I dont think so. Shes written many songs for him "Back To December" "Superman" "Haunted" and "Last Kiss" she obviously cant stop thinking about him. I think they should get back together, they both just need eachother so badly but they dont know it. Please, I want Tay-Tay back just for a moment :(
Well, thats all I can think o for now, but how about you???? What do you think she should write about! I know album #4 is still a year or two away- and a lot could still happen- but what do you think shes penning in her room right now??? NO HATERS PLEASE!!!!!! thanx!
Hmm, December Idk!!! But you have it down good. Wouldn't it be interesting/weird (in a cute way) if taylor and zac went out? (wait isnt vanessa still dating zac, or is josh f--erson dating her?) i mean disney meets country pop chick. Lol about the Miley-hates-daddy situation. Hey did u know that Taylors gonna be on Ellen on Monday (Memorial Day) 2011, preforming Mean?
Did you watch gaga on gma this morn?
lol- we're the biggest taylor stalkers, EVER:)
Category: Country
Disney Channel stars dating....?
Whos dated who? Who is dating who? It is getting too ridiculous. I just heard that Tyler Laurent (Jacob in Twilight) WAS dating Selena Gomez. Why do I know so much about these people? And theyre all "singers" too!
What comes to the top of my head are:
Miley Cyrus & Nick Jonas
Nick Jonas & Selena (I think)
Kevin Jonas & Taylor Swift
Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens
Do you know any more?
Answer: Taylor Swift dated Joe, not Kevin.
TAYLOR Lautner dated Selena.
Category: Celebrities
Taylor Swift News - Taylor Swift & Zac Efron Hit Red Carpet ...
Though rumors are swirling that Taylor swift and zac efron may be the newest hot Hollywood couple, as of now, they're just costars. The good looking pair.
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON Feb. 20 - Taylor Swift & Zac Efron ...
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron, Danny DeVito, Ed Helms and Betty White step out for the premiere of their film, Dr. Seuss The Lorax at Citywalk in Universal City, Calif ...
Celebrity Endorsement
A CAMEO appearance on Gossip Girl, which featured one of his paintings as part of the décor, led the artist Richard Phillips to the subject of his latest solo show. Most Wanted, at White Cube in London, features 10 larger-than-life oil paintings of celebrities against luxury label backdrops. I was hanging out on set, and it was - By BEE-SHYUAN CHANG
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON cover Foster the People on 'Ellen': Watch ...
We'd like to introduce you to your favorite new supergroup: Tayzac Swifron. Taylor swift and zac efron sat down on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to promote their upcoming films Dr.
Entertainment Feb. 20 | Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Zac Efron ...
Entertainment Feb. 20 | Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Zac Efron, Betty White, George Strait, Martina McBride, Steffi Graf Photo Gallery
do u think zac efron and taylor swift look cute together ?
Answer: Not really
Category: Celebrities
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON: Dueting, Not Dating - The Hollywood ...
Taylor swift and zac efron are not dating, people. The stars cleared that up this week during an appearance on Ellen.
The 110 Things New Yorkers Talked About in 2010
IT was a year in which the daughter of one president was married in a largely private ceremony on a gorgeous summer day and one in which the daughter of a possible future president went on a prime-time dance show to give a big middle finger to all the people out there that hate my mom and hate me. It was a year in which one political candidate - By STUART EMMRICH
Zac Efron And Taylor Swift Sing For Ellen!! Watch The FULL Video ...
5 hours ago ... OMG YES!! The full version is always better than the tease!! Earlier we showed you a lil clip preview of their duet, but here it is in full!
Taylor Swift Videos | Taylor Swift, Zac Efron And Danny DeVito ...
Taylor Swift, Zac Efron And Danny DeVito Attend The Lorax World Premiere. Sunday, February 19, 2012 - Taylor swift and zac efron greet fans at the world premiere of ...
TAYLOR SWIFT AND ZAC EFRON: Would They Make a Cute Couple ...
Taylor swift and zac efron: Would They Make a Cute Couple? Taylor Swifts already dated a number of young Hollywood heartthrobs, including Joe Jonas ...
Zac Efron And Taylor Swift Sing For Ellen!! Watch The FULL Video HERE!!
Is this finally the answer??? While we wait for confirmation from the coroner, new reports are insisting Whitney Houston died from a cocktail of Valium, Xanax, and alcohol. But the report can determine which drug mostly contributed to her ...
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/M5NFoouU Taylor swift and zac efron Sing a Duet!
From: JCWolf356 - Source: Google
The two most gorgeous people are on ellen today, Taylor swift and zac efron♥_♥
From: aliciaa966 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Photoset: sembarreira: http://t.co/0szdUTjn
From: srtbarichelli - Source: Tumblr
Dear Taylor swift and zac efron, you guys are too cute together..tell me your dating
From: Beliebing_Swift - Source: web
Photoset: › Zac Efron and Taylor Swift dance behind Selena Gomez. http://t.co/9rBjHJIL
From: AliceCerqueira - Source: Tumblr
JAJAJAJAJAJA http://t.co/4zT3mE28 Taylor swift and zac efron dance Whit Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Akon.
From: justinisideal - Source: web
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/Rnk5AQwZ Taylor swift and zac efron Sing a Duet!
From: BAMFleaf - Source: Google
Taylor swift and zac efron dance: - Estoy tentada con la parte de la vieja con Zac jajajajajajajajjaja http://t.co/AO1Y7PjZ
From: RomiShawty - Source: Tweet Button
RT @frenaimee: Zac Efron and Taylor Swift just need to get together now.
From: iSpeakkNow - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Photoset: › Zac Efron and Taylor Swift dance behind Selena Gomez. http://t.co/biFZF6WQ
From: ProudBelieber94 - Source: Tumblr
RT @TheEllenShow: Taylor swift and zac efron were here together. Just how "together" they were is still up for debate. http://t.co/PlWpMph3
From: casninya - Source: WhoSay
@KENTONmagazine Taylor swift and zac efron also have a secret baby hiding in the Himalayas.
From: titasays - Source: web
Taylor swift and zac efron on Ellen today!! :D
From: JeanRichelle - Source: web