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Commercial Recording Division
The Commercial Recording Division files and maintains legally required records showing the formation of and fundamental changes to corporations, limited liability ...
I want to grow CONCORD grapes, but where do I start?
My parents had a Concord grape vine in Michigan when I was a child. I moved to Nebraska 6 years ago and have yet to ever find Concord grapes for sale anywhere.
I want to grow my own Concord grapes now. I have a towne home and want to grow them on my second story balcony. I have lots of room for it, but I dont know where to begin. Is this a feasible idea? Can Concord grapes be grown in a plant box as long as they have something to climb on?
Answer: It's feasible :)
Take some time and get to know your grape by Googling "growing Concord grapes in Nebraska". I found a video at almost to the bottom of the page (do a CNTRL F and put in Concord and you'll see the video link).
They say you have to do a great deal of pruning on the Concord vines. I'm sure temperature, climate, water, soil and pH balance has a lot to do with a good, quality grape, too, so again it's well worth your time to study up on it. Michigan has a much different climate that grapes adore but it's not impossible to grow the grapes in Nebraska. You just have to use extra methods for a good grape.
Again, because the climates and growing circumstances are much different, you might get a different tasting Concord. :)
Category: Garden & Landscape
City of CONCORD Home Page
Resident. Community Resource Guide; Neighbor Helping Neighbor; eCare Account Login; Pay Your Utility Bill; Pay Your Tax Bill; Events; Holiday Schedule; Police
CASE takes CONCORD Developments to court for unfair trading
SINGAPORE : Singapores consumer watchdog has taken a business and management consultancy services company, Concord Developments, to court for unfair trading. The Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) said in a statement on Wednesday that as ...
Can I still drive down a tie to stake for CONCORD grape vine?
I have a two year old Concord Grape vine. I have been reading how the vine should be trained to be straight as possible coming out of the ground up to the first wire(upward).
Question: Is it too late to put down a stake of some sort to tie the vine to it. I want to no if the stake would damage the roots? Should I just wait until the deep winter when the plant is dormant? any advice?
Answer: Grape vines are very hardy. You won't hurt it, but place the stake about 8-12inches from the stalk. You could also put a bit of trellis to one side or around it and let it grow onto it. Grapes are creeping vines, they like to wander.
Category: Garden & Landscape
How do I get rid of a CONCORD Grapevine?
We bought this house last year and there was a BIG Concord grapevine growing in the back yard. We left it alone because we werent ready to start working in the yard yet. Now were getting everything in the yard set in place where we want it and we have realized that we dont want the grapevine. We hacked it off and are going to scoop out the roots tomorrow. I was told that we may need to poor some kind of poison there to keep it from coming back. Is this true? And if so, what do I get? Thanks!
We dont them because they attracted too many bees last year. My son is now old enough to play outside and he is allergic to bee stings!
Answer: Dig it up and try to get the main root out. If you think you didn't get it all, pour some white vinegar directly on the spot where you got the last part of the root. That should do it. Good luck. I hope this helps.
Category: Garden & Landscape
What can you use as a substitution for CONCORD grapes?
My husband wants to enter a contest using Concord grapes in a pie. Is there a grape that he use instead of Concord? Weve looked in the stores around where we live (Kingsport, TN) and cant find any Concord grapes. The contest is coming up soon too I think.
Is there other grapes that taste similar to the Concord?
Answer: The Concord grape can be substituted for the red grapes.It helps is attaining the same color, taste and texture.Best of luck.
Category: Cooking & Recipes
Is there a type of table grape that tastes like CONCORD, but is crisp and tender like typical store grapes?
I really like the warm and rich taste of Concord, and I know theyre considered table (plain eating) grapes, but the skin and flesh of those Ive tried off of ours and others vines is always rather tough and hard to enjoy. Is there a kind of grape good for planting that tastes like Concord, but is tender and crisp and preferably seedless like those typical supermarket red and green grapes?
Mage this is really awesome, thank you!
Answer: I've had scuppernong wine and it tastes a lot like Concord, but I haven't been able to find the fruit in stores yet. Maybe you would have better luck than me.
Category: Other - Food & Drink
The CONCORD Consortium | Realizing the Promise of Educational ...
The Concord Consortium is a nonprofit educational research and development organization based in Concord, Massachusetts. We create interactive materials that exploit ...
Welcome to CONCORD University - Athens, West Virginia
The mission of Concord University is to provide quality, liberal arts based education, to foster scholarly activities, and to serve the regional...-
Commercial Recording Division
The Commercial Recording Division files and maintains legally required records showing the formation of and fundamental changes to corporations, limited ...
Welcome to CONCORD, California
Official information on the city, government services, local businesses, and community events.
How do I best prepare CONCORD grapes?
Last year my Concord grape jam had a pepper-like effect in the back of your throat (I grow them). Is than tanins? If so not like any tanins Ive ever experienced before. They are really sweet but how do I filter the juice and or meat to make the resulting jam/jelly smooth and mild?
Answer: that could be from spoilage
bacteria will host a large number of tastes
i dont know of a pepper taste from any grape
tannins would not do this to my knowledge
make sure the grapes are not over ripe when picked
Category: Cooking & Recipes
DOUGLAS--James Alexander Miller, of Bedford, NY, died December 8, 2011. Jimmy is survived by his wife, Gail K. Douglas, his three children, James A. M. Douglas, Jr. (Sandy), Evelyn Douglas and Constance Douglas and his stepdaughter Christie Densen Root. Jimmy was predeceased by his son, Palmer Caton Douglas in 2010. He is survived by 14
CONCORD, New Hampshire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The city of Concord / ˈ k ɒ n. k ər d / is the capital of the state of New Hampshire in the United States. It is also the county seat of Merrimack County. As of ...
The CONCORD Coalition
The Concord Coalition is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to eliminating federal budget deficits and ensuring Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid ...
CONCORD Keystone Introduces Easy Shot Clip HD Digital Video Camera Outdoor & Diving Kit
Sunrise, FL – December 21, 2011 – The flakes are flying and conditions are right! Just in time for snow season, Concord Keystone introduces a new Easy Shot Clip HD Digital Video Camera Kit designed for outdoor conditions like skiing ...
CONCORDe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aérospatiale-BAC Concorde was a turbojet -powered supersonic passenger airliner, a supersonic transport (SST). It was a product of an Anglo-French government treaty ...
Air Jordan 11 CONCORD – Release Reminder |
Of course, we're referring to the Air Jordan 11 Concord, a shoe steeped in Michael Jordan lore, as they were the kicks His Airness would wear upon his return to the NBA during the 1995 playoffs following a brief retirement ...
How is red wine better than CONCORD grapes for Type 2 diabetics?
Red wine has beneficial flavonoids, but isnt it derived from Concord grapes? How does one get the benefits of the wine without drinking wine?
Answer: if you have diabetes the sugar in grape juice will mess you up. most wine is NOT made from Concord grapes but other varities, Concord grapes give the wine a gamey or foxy flavor. there are less sugars in wine as they have been converted to alcohol.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
Empire Resorts and Entertainment Properties announce CONCORD Resort milestone
Empire Resorts (NYNYD) and Entertainment Properties Trust (EPR) announced that subsidiaries of the companies have finalized terms of an option agreement, whereby Empire’s subsidiary, Monticello Raceway Management has the right to lease a ...
Pete Ballard Named CONCORD Universitys 2012 Grand Groundhog ...
W.Va. – Artist, educator and Concord alumnus Pete Ballard has been named Grand Groundhog Watcher for the 34th Annual Concord University Groundh...-
what is the top speed of the CONCORD jet?
how fast does the Concord go and how long does it take to fly across the atlantic ocean. is it still in operation.
Answer: Orian1978 is correct in saying that the average cruising speed is Mach 1.84 but that is only over land to prevent causing a sonic boom over residential areas. Over sea the average cruising speed is Mach 2.02 (about 1,482 MPH). I believe your question is actually what is the fastest this jet can go. That answer is Mach 2.2 (1,614 MPH). One example of how fast it can cross the Atlantic is it once made a flight from Miami to London in 3 hours and 47 minutes (that is over 4,000 nautical miles). Unfortunately this jet is no longer in service. Hope this answers your question.
Category: Aircraft
CONCORD-Carlisle boys basketball splits first 2 games
This years roster for the Concord-Carlisle High boys basketball team bears little resemblance to last years team that went 13-8 overall losing to Brighton in the first round of the Division 2 North tournament. Nine players from that team are gone as ...
CONCORD, Massachusetts, USA: Thoreau, Emerson, Walden Pond, Alcott ...
Concord, Massachusetts, USA, home of Thoreau, Alcott, Emerson, Walden Pond, the American Revolution, and much more.
Release Reminder: Air Jordan 11 “CONCORD” —
The Air Jordan 11 "Concord" is set to drop tomorrow at all Jordan Brand retailers. What's your plan of attack?
Situated near the geographical center of New Hampshire, Concord is not only the State Capital, but it rates as one of the best places to live and work in the ...
How to get better yield on CONCORD grapes?
I have two Concord grape vines for 6 years. Only one year have I a great yield. Most years I only get 4 to 5 grapes to a cluster. This year is the same way. I live in MD> I cut the vine back in the winter. Has any one have suggestions to help me?
Answer: I personally don't think it is an issue with cutting back wineries etc cut back very hard basically leaving a trunk, it would be more like the following
1 not enough bees etc pollinating it, not enough water (this will also effect taste and size of grapes), temperatures can also effect grapes. I recommend using fertiliser that has a high potasium level as is what is required for cells this aids root development, flowers and fruit development as well as helps build the plants immune system and strengthens the cells resulting in a stronger healthier plant this applies to all plants. I also recommend using a liquid fertiliser in form of an emulsion, either fish, seaweed or worm ( worm farms are best way to compost and when you run water through them you get the solution) which are mixed with water and then applied as either foliar or via roots (ie watering-can or bucket ). you can get potasium as potash or potasium sulphate which are in either granular or powder form these will have instructions on how much and when to apply, also the fine powdery ash from fire and bananas (green bananas are highest as they ripen they turn into carbohydrates hence why they use gooey ones in cakes) are good a source of potash and if put into worm farm will make for a good potasium level in solution.
Category: Garden & Landscape
Case takes timeshare firm CONCORD Developments to court
The timeshare industry was dealt another blow on Wednesday when the Consumers Association of Singapore (Case) filed a lawsuit asking the court to stop local firm Concord Developments from operating. The consumer watchdog said on Wednesday that ...
New Newt’s Biggest Rival May Be Old Newt
FAIRFAX, Va. — Not long ago Newt Gingrich placed a call to Jack Nicklaus , the golf legend, seeking advice on how to pace himself. Mr. Nicklaus, according to the Gingrich campaign, recalled that when he was on the pro tour, it was possible to pour a lot of energy into a tournament, but impossible to sustain the effort weekly without respites. - By TRIP GABRIEL
noun 1. agreement between persons, groups, nations, etc.; concurrence in attitudes, feelings, etc.; unanimity; accord: There was complete Concord among the delegates ...
CONCORD - definition of CONCORD by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Con·cord (k ng k rd) 1. A city of west-central California northeast of Oakland. It is a residential and manufacturing community. Population: 122,000.
Where can I get video recording about CONCORD produced by Intelligent Television and Video?
I have seen movies produced by Intelligent Television and Video. They are about everything being done by pilots for a flight. I have Videos of Cathy Pacific, Leisure Airways and Martin Air, etc. I know ITV has produced video about Concords pilot work as well and I weant to know how can I get it online.
Answer: this is there website and it says that the dvd's are avaliable to order.
Category: Aircraft
CONCORD Monitor Picks Huntsman
New Hampshire paper endorses the Utahan for the GOP nomination. Monitor: "Huntsmans depth of experience, maturity, sincerity and ability to work toward a common goal with political opponents make him the Republicans best choice to face ...
How do I keep worms out of my CONCORD grape plant?
I just bought a Concord grape plant at the nursery this year and its been growing like crazy. Except its not growing many grapes. The few green ones it did grow appear to be filled with very small worms and I cant find out how to rid the grapes of these worms for next year so that I may be able to grow more grapes, and eat them!
Answer: Spray them with Sevin. You can buy it at Wal-Mart, Rural King etc..
Category: Garden & Landscape
CONCORD, Massachusetts - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Concord is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the town population was 17668. Although a small town, ...
Do i need to add sugar to CONCORD grape juice if Im making homemade wine?
Im making a gallon of homemade wine from Welches Concord grape juice. Im going to use red star wine yeast and was just wondering if I need to add sugar to get to about 12% alcohol or is there already enough natural occurring sugar in the juice?
Answer: Add sugar. You may want to add half at the start and half after a week. No guarantee that you'll like what you wind up with but you might.
Category: Beer, Wine & Spirits
SCHOOLBOOK; PRINCIPALS OFFICE | RONALD J. GORSKY: At Staten Island School, Driven to Help Students Whose Performance Lags
In Principals Office, a regular feature of SchoolBook, a city school principal is interviewed for insights into school management and the life of a school leader. What do you think makes a good principal? Join the conversation below. Ronald J. Gorsky is the principal of Concord High School, a small transfer school on Staten Island for students who - Interview with Ronald J Gorsky, principal of Concord High School, small school on Staten Island for students who do not reach their potential at other high schools in the borough. Photos (M)y - By AMY PADNANI
CONCORD students Give Big
They called it "The Big Give" and it really was just that . Students at Concord Intermediate school spent the day making fleece blankets for the Elkhart County Casa and Caps programs. Those organizations will provide a blanket for each child whos taken ...
CONCORD, Massachusetts community information -
Boston.coms Concord, Massachusetts guide for community information. Get local news and info on events, share opinions, and contribute local knowledge.
Music of Heartache, Mortality and Success
1. FEIST “Metals” (Cherrytree/Interscope) Leslie Feist’s songs of heartache, solitude and eventual solace are both handmade and subtly sophisticated on “Metals.” She traded pop gloss for pensive, lingeringly unresolved melodies and arrangements that crest unexpectedly from within, with her own taut electric guitar and - By JON PARELES
Kristin Jones, Persistent Public Artist, Plans Tree Project
THE artist Kristin Jones , 55, wrapped in a double layer of green velvet capes with her blond Rapunzel braid askew over one shoulder, stood in the northwest corner of Washington Square Park gazing rapturously at a 330-year-old tree known as the Hangman’s Elm. She placed a protective hand on its mighty trunk. Then she whipped off her - By ROBIN FINN
Welcome to CONCORD, California
City of Concord Web Site ... New Mayor Ron Leone is Concords new Mayor for 2012, and Bill Shinn is the new Vice Mayor.
Air Jordan 11 'CONCORD' – Release Reminder | The Authority In ...
As if you really needed a reminder: Tomorrow, December 23rd, will be the official release date of the most anticipated and highly publicized sneaker of the 2011 – the Air Jordan XI 'Concord'. It's a sneaker deemed a holiday ...
CONCORD voters shortchanged by House redistricting plan | CONCORD ...
The plan endorsed by the House Special Committee on Redistricting this week would deny Concord Ward 5 its own state representative for the next 10 years.Ward 5 is entitled to have its own representative and should not be ...
CONCORD Coach Lines: Connecting Maine and New Hampshire to ...
Maine and New Hampshire. Bus carrier provides daily service from coastal Maine to Boston. Schedules, fares, reservations and FAQs.
Pistol Annies, YOB, Deaf Center, Paul Simon
1. PISTOL ANNIES “Hell on Heels” (Columbia Nashville) The country singer Miranda Lambert’s side project with Ashley Monroe and Angaleena Presley turned out to be loose, wise, tough, well written, well sung and more in tune with the debt-stricken American moment than her own record this year. 2. JASON MORAN/ROBERT GLASPER DOUBLE - By BEN RATLIFF
Welcome to CONCORD University - Athens, West Virginia
-The mission of Concord University is to provide quality, liberal arts based education, to foster scholarly activities, and to serve the regional...-
Introducing C1: Concord returns to the centre of the watch making stage with cutting edge new creations. The COSC-certified Concord C1 Chronograph marks ...
Empire Resorts and Entertainment Properties Trust Announce CONCORD Resort Development Milestone
MONTICELLO, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Empire Resorts, Inc. (NASDAQ-GM: NYNYD - News) ("Empire") and Entertainment Properties Trust (NYSE:EPR - News) (“EPR”) today announced that subsidiaries of the companies have finalized terms of an option ...
CONCORD Monitor Endorses Huntsman -
The Concord Monitor endorsed Jon M. Huntsman Jr. as the best candidate to take on President Obama, giving him a bit of a boost as he makes his case in New Hampshire.
Air Jordan 11 “CONCORD” (All Sizes) —
We now have a new image gallery of the Air Jordan 11 "Concord" in all sizes.
Air Jordan XI 'CONCORD' Retro « Hip-Hop Wired
One of the best designed, and most coveted sneakers of all time, the Air Jordan XI 'Concord' Retro drops tonight at midnight. If you don't remember MJ hooping in them, you may remember Allen Iverson getting busy in the Big ...
Ambrose Akinmusire, Drake, the Roots, St. Vincent
1. AMBROSE AKINMUSIRE “When the Heart Emerges Glistening” (Blue Note) An earnest young trumpeter with a bracingly original style — shadowy tone, sure attack, surprising turns of phrase — Mr. Akinmusire puts the focus here on the gleam of his crackerjack quintet. It’s a smart dispatch from the new postbop frontier, and - By NATE CHINEN
Tractor-trailer catches fire at CONCORD gas station
This tractor-trailer caught fire at a Sunoco station in Concord on Thursday. (Courtesy JON SPENCER) Concord — A tractor-trailer caught fire Thursday while parked at a Manchester Street gas station, Fire Battalion Chief Ken Folsom said. Folsom ...
DOUGLAS--James Alexander Miller, of Bedford, NY, died December 8, 2011. Jimmy is survived by his wife, Gail K. Douglas, his three children, James A. M. Douglas, Jr. (Sandy), Evelyn Douglas and Constance Douglas and his stepdaughter Christie Densen Root. Jimmy was predeceased by his son, Palmer Caton Douglas in 2010. He is survived by 14
THE BAY CITIZEN; Bay Point, A One-Time Industrial Hub, Has Few Job Prospects
Down the Port Chicago Highway in Bay Point — past the half-empty Shore Acres shopping center, across the railroad tracks — sits the McAvoy Marina, a decaying boat dock where a giant restaurant is shuttered and crumbling on the southern edge of Suisun Bay. To the east is a polluted marsh that for decades served as a dumping ground for - By AARON GLANTZ
New Hampshire's CONCORD Monitor Endorses Jon Huntsman ...
The Concord Monitor: Huntsman is the only one in the GOP field.
Truck destroyed by fire outside CONCORD gas station
A tractor trailer truck was destroyed by flames outside the Sunoco Station at 15 Manchester St. in Concord this afternoon. According to Concord Fire Chief Dan Andrus, the blaze was reported just after 1 p.m. By the time firefighters arrived at the station ...
Where is the location of the blower motor resisters in a 1994 Chrysler CONCORD?
Where is the location of the blower motor resisters in a 1994 Chrysler Concord?
Answer: Its on the bottom of the air box. by passenger foot you must remove the air duct down there by pulling on the quick release clip that holds it in place once removed you will see the blower resistor with two 5/16 bolts in it, and some wires next to the blower motor.
Category: Chrysler
New Hampshire’s CONCORD Monitor Endorses Jon Huntsman
The field of Republican candidates for president in 2012 has been criticized by pundits for its weakness, and polling has shown that GOP voters haven’t exactly been satisfied with their choices. But the paper of New Hampshire’s state capitol, the ...
CONCORD Monitor endorses Jon Huntsman in New Hampshire primary
The Concord Monitor this morning endorsed former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman in the Republican presidential race, the third New Hampshire newspaper to do so. “If elected, (Huntsman) would provide mature, informed and steady leadership,” the ...
Introducing C1: Concord returns to the centre of the watch making stage with cutting edge new creations. The COSC-certified Concord C1 Chronograph marks the launch of ...
What is the cheapest way to go from New York to around CONCORD, NH?
Im planning a trip to New Hampshire (Concord, or Rochester) and I am not trying to drive or fly, I am wondering if anyone knows of a discount for grey hound or Amtrak or of a bus line with cheeper fair from New York to New Hampshire.
Answer: Take the trip in 2 steps. From NYC, take,,, or one of the Chinatown buses to Boston South Station. (Much cheaper than Amtrak or Greyhound.) From there, take Concord Coach to New Hampshire.
Category: Other - United States
Spare Times: For Children for Dec. 16-22
‘Superheroes Who Are Super!’ To some children the holidays already have a superhero: that chubby, red-suited guy who makes reindeer fly, sleds around the stratosphere and delivers gifts worldwide. Impressive stuff, but where are the climactic battles? The struggle between good and evil? Save the Day Productions will provide them this - By LAUREL GRAEBER
Purple Craze: The Air Jordan XI “CONCORD” Arrives At Midnight
If you’re a sneakerhead, you’ve had tonight at midnight circled on your calendar for months. It’s not every year the Air Jordan XI “Concord” comes out – in fact, it’s pretty much not every decade. Though the Concords are not a limited release ...
CONCORD/Clayton Transcript Around the horn
The De La Salle High soccer team is off to a good start under first-year coach Derricke Brown, as a 2-0 win over visiting Santa Margarita-Rancho Santa Margarita on Dec. 17 upped the Spartans record to 3-1-1. Nic Bob and Conrad Rowling scored ...
CONCORD, California (CA) profile: population, maps, real estate ...
Concord, California detailed profile ... View more photos (we have 25 pictures of Concord, CA available) Submit your own pictures of this city and show them to the World
Situated near the geographical center of New Hampshire, Concord is not only the State Capital, but it rates as one of the best places to live and work in ...
What are the latest fast planes after the demis CONCORD? Are there any in pipeline?
Are any fast planes like Concord being planned
Answer: All transport jet aircraft fly at about the same speed because they are limited by the speed of sound -- fuel consumption roughly triples if an aircraft goes supersonic. There are no supersonic transport aircraft now planned for production, although there continues to be research into the possibilities.
Category: Aircraft
Concord, MA. ... Spacer Photo of Concord. Intentions Links ...
How can I grow CONCORD grapes from an already alive arbor?
I have a Concord grape vine growing in my yard and I want to plant another vine. Can I plant the grape seeds or do I have to plant a part of the vine? Please provide instructions on how to go about doing this.
Answer: Anna as with growing plants from seed you get genetic differences and even if could get a plant out of seed might be very different from the Concord vine it came from.
How you can grow grape vine from dormant cuttings which is the best way with more hope of a successful outcome and an exact copy of your existing grape vine.
Category: Garden & Landscape
@nikon_visions how da Concord hunt going?
From: RicktheRoolla - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
RT @TatMyyName: Concord Grapes @TiaraPrettyT lol
From: Juliettemzqhb - Source: Mobile Web
@carlahudson3 unless u got the Air Jordan 11s Concord in size 11 for me then we can talk but if not fuck off bitch
From: Kno_Nuffin_NSG - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @RuhmanHall: Sidebar: The thirst level in a co-ed freshmen dorm does not compare to the parched and Concord deprived sneaker-head right now, b.
From: AccordingToEvan - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Nigga on Concord was going dumb for them Concords damn
From: TaeTeazzyy - Source: Twitter for iPhone
@ricomaierhofer Sayang! size 9 lang ako, got my Concord.
From: TOFFEEoneKENOBI - Source: TweetCaster for Android
i wonder if my name was Concord will ppl fight over me
From: TheBlackGuy7 - Source: web
Im dying at these Concord tweets man. Comedy.
From: DOMCMLXXXIV - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Before going to buy jordan 11 Concord, I think I better to take a nap
From: Elaine_0_0_ - Source: Tweetbot for iPhone
Latest buzz and reviews for Willowbrook Mall: - RT @MrEastland Have a size 11 Concord ticket for Willowbrook Mall
From: Houston_Places - Source:
@Love_LaShanti im in Concord
From: WhyHateMsAmazin - Source: Twitter for Android
RT @MomCallsMeDom: Where the Mexicans at with the bacon wrapped hot dogs they need to be where the Concord lines are
From: westjames92 - Source: Echofon
RT @BJONEZ_VA: ..some of yall ladies need ta stop hatin on tha Concord js....cause when Old Navy have that flip flop sale..yall be tha same way..stop it
From: GlamMetalLover - Source: TweetCaster for Android
Nice Concord photos
From: dou_you - Source: This all for you busines
RT @MikeyDTOE: Sz 12 Concord for sale.
From: IonWifeDemHoes - Source: twicca