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2012 Primary Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central
Here is the most up-to-date and complete schedule we have for the 2011 / 2012 Republican Primary debates. These debates are between all the Republican candidates.
Gingrich in bulls-eye at GOP showdown -
(CNN)-- Six candidates will be on the stage Saturday night at the Republican presidential debate in Iowa, but one of them may have the most on the line ...
Why the need for a GOP DEBATE tonight if none of them can win against Obama?
Lets face it. Tonights debate is just a formality. Obama will get reelected. Thats just a reality. The GOP wont be able to have a candidate that will sway voters.
Answer: They are masterdebaters.
Category: Politics
THE 2000 CAMPAIGN: THE REPUBLICAN RUNNING MATE; Cheneys Marriage Remarks Irk Conservatives
Dick Cheney, the Republican vice presidential candidate, has come under sharp criticism from conservatives in his own party for comments he made on gay marriage during last weeks debate with his Democratic rival, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman. Asked at the debate last Thursday in Danville, Ky., whether homosexuals should have all the constitutional - Republican conservatives score Dick Cheney for his stand during vice presidential debate with Democratic Sen Joseph I Lieberman that homosexuals should have all constitutional rights enjoyed by other citizens and that issue of gay marriages should be decided by states; note party platform explicitly opposes gay marriages and backs 1996 law denying federal recognition of same-sex marriages; Cheney says he will defer to Gov George W Bushs opposition to same-sex marriages; photo (M) - By MICHAEL COOPER
ABC Iowa Republican Debate: Set Built in Time Lapse | Video - ABC News
Watch the set being built for the ABC News Gop debate.
Post-Grunge Seattle Still Rocks, but Aches Less
SEATTLE -- Three months before he killed himself, Kurt Cobain spoke of his bands breakthrough single at a concert here that turned out to be one of Nirvanas final performances in the United States. This song made Seattle the most livable city in America, Mr. Cobain told the audience. Then he ripped into the opening chords of Smells Like - Exhibition, film and tribute concert planned for 20th anniversary of rock band Nirvanas ascension to superstardom clarify how different things are in Seattle; lead singer Kurt Cobain, who killed himself in 1994, once said his music made Seattle livable; city still rocks, and its rockers still ache, but more gently now since Seattle has rebuilt itself on high technology, global commerce and educated newcomers; photos; chart (M) - By WILLIAM YARDLEY and SEAN PATRICK FARRELL
2012 Primary Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central
Here is the most up-to-date and complete schedule we have for the 2011 / 2012 Republican Primary debates. These debates are between all the Republican ...
Does the slogan what happens and Vegas stays in Vegas apply to last nights GOP DEBATE?
I havent seen anything that pathetic since the Blair Witch Project.
We Conservatives need to destroy all of the tapes from that debate.
Answer: Want pathetic ? Listen to anything Osambo , Dirty Harry Reid, or Nazi Pelosi has to " say " !
Category: Politics
Republican Party (United States) presidential debates, 2012 ...
The 2012 United States Republican Party presidential debates are a series of political debates being held, prior to the 2012 Republican primaries, among candidates ...
GOP DEBATE audience cheers child labor
The audience at Saturday night’s Republican presidential debate gave their loud seal of approval to the idea of removing restrictions on child labor. For over a week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) has been suggesting that poor ...
If TVs Just Not Enough: Conventions on the Net
POLITICAL conventions were once smoky back-room affairs. Then they became television events. Now they have moved to the Net. Naturally many major news organizations are offering extra coverage online. But in addition, the major political parties and independent Web producers are offering novel ways to follow the conventions online. Many Internet - Internet coverage of national conventions this year is being compared to television coverage in 1950s, when networks were still learning what cameras could do; in addition to Web coverage by major news organizations, many independent producers and political parties themselves are experimenting with novel ways to follow conventions online, including chatrooms, instant polling, 360-degree cameras, exclusive interviews and e-mail updates; photos (M) - By REBECCA FAIRLEY RANEY
The G.O.P.s Very Rapid Response Team
WASHINGTON -- President Obamas image projected from one of the many television screens that hang in Representative Eric Cantors office suite, where the president could be seen telling a crowd in North Carolina that he was open to any serious idea Republicans offered on jobs. Within seconds, Brad Dayspring, Mr. Cantors Rasputin of retort, was - By JENNIFER STEINHAUER
Gop debate Reaction. Tonight's debate was the most interesting of the year. Newt Gingrich, the new frontrunner, was the main target and he successfully deflected most of the attacks -- even the character issue of his own ...
Open thread: The ABC GOP DEBATE « Hot Air
This evening we'll be treated to one of the last debates of the year. (And depending on Mr. Trump, it may be the last, unless you count various two person forums.) Hosted by Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos, ...
Republican Debate: GOP Presidential Candidates Face Off In Iowa ...
On Saturday night, six candidates competing for the Republican presidential nomination are participating in a debate in the key early primary state of Iowa.
Security and Foreign Policies Dominate Republican Debate ...
Nov 22, 2011 ... The Republican candidates highlighted their party's lack of a single national security vision, as Newt Gingrich waded into treacherous territory ...
Republican Debate: GOP Presidential Candidates Face Off In ...
Nov 22, 2011 ... 2012 Election , Gop debate , Herman Cain , Jon Huntsman , Michele Bachmann , Mitt Romney , Newt Gingrich 2012 , Republican Debate ...
When is there going to be GOP DEBATE showing all declared candidates?
There are 18 people who have declared for GOP presidential race , but only 8 who were showed at the debates.
Correction: There are 12 people who are declared not 18. Sorry
@sassy, when will the other 11 be shown then.
Answer: we'll never see all 18 on one stage.
Category: Elections
How many of you start listening to the GOP DEBATE but just get so sick of those clowns you have to turn it off?
@ Twurzz - you didnt just summarize tonights debate youve summarized every debate so far and probably all the rest of the GOP primary season.
Category: Politics
Five things to watch in tonights GOP DEBATE
The GOP presidential candidates meet tonight for the first of two pivotal debates ahead of the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, as a surging Newt Gingrich leads the field and ...
GOP DEBATE audience cheers child labor | The Raw Story
The audience at Saturday night's Republican presidential debate gave their loud seal of approval to the idea of removing restrictions on child labor. For over a week, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) has been ...
Gingrich, Romney spar at GOP DEBATE -
4 hours ago ... It didn't take long for Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney to trade barbs at Saturday night's Republican presidential debate.
How many GOP DEBATE questions has Donald Trump sold to the Candidates?
We all know that that moderating Decembers debate is all about money and self-promotion to Trump.
Are the Candidates going to make it obvious by only buying the easy questions?
Whats the going rate for the very hard questions?......if any!
Category: Politics
Why was the GOP DEBATE tonight only on the Left channel MSNBC?
Do you think its funny how the left people on MSNBC are saying Mitt Romney won the debate seeing how Mitt Romney is to the left of Rick Perry?
Answer: So us democrats will have something to laugh at!
And Romney lost big, he didn't explain any of his "plans." Best left to our imagination, I suppose.
Category: Elections
Live blog of tonight’s Republican presidential debate in Des Moines
DES MOINES - Amid a reshaped race, the Republican presidential candidates gathered in Des Moines tonight for a debate just over three weeks from the leadoff Iowa caucuses. Political observers predicted former House speaker Newt Gingrich would be ...
Trump might call off his GOP presidential debate
Trump might call off his GOP presidential debate, WASHINGTON -- Business mogul Donald Trump said Friday he might scrub a presidential debate that so far ...
Did Gary Johnson make his neighbors dog famous at last nights GOP DEBATE with a comment about it?
During the Gop debate last night , Gary Johnson said his neighbors dog creates more shovel ready jobs than Obama does. Afterwards, one of the moderators said that he just made his neighbors dog famous.
@ralph, I agree, but he could get the dog lovers vote.
Answer: Yes.
The dog is now better know than Gary Johnson. And when your running for the highest position in the nation, not a good thing!
Category: Elections
Balloon Juice » GOP DEBATE Semi-Liveblogging
Gop debate Semi-Liveblogging. by Anne Laurie. Can't figure out a way to embed it, but ABC/Yahoo looks to be livestreaming the debate here. Much more informative, not to mention entertaining, liveblogging from the ...
Saturdays GOP alpha dog debate: 4 key questions - The Week
Best Opinion: Politico, Patch, Mediaite ... ABC News, Yahoo! News and The Des Moines Register are hosting yet another Republican presidential debate ...
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: GOP DEBATE
Video description: A Republican debate with Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and other undeclared 2012 candidates.
Can Gingrich Stay Positive? Will Romney Go Negative? A Preview of Saturday’s ABC / Yahoo Iowa debate
Come to ABC News and Yahoo! at 9 p.m. ET on Saturday to watch the Republican presidential debate in Des Moines, sponsored by ABC News, Yahoo News, WOI-TV, The Des Moines Register and the Iowa GOP. You will be able to provide real-time feedback ...
The Republican Presidential Debates on Fox News - Fox News
Official video, news, and clips for the 2012 GOP primary debates on Fox News Channel.
What type of questions do you think will be asked tonight at GOP DEBATE?
Tonights debate is the peoples debate. Questions asked of the candidates are ones submitted either thru You tube or written.
Answer: First, thank you for reminding me of the debate tonight. I find it very entertaining. Not informative but entertaining.
Look for a lot of Ron Paul supporters to weigh in on his vision of government.
Progressive questions will zero in on Perry for social security remarks. Mitt will be questions on his jobs program plan???
Look for Newt, Santorum and Cain to be virtually ignored.
Category: Elections
Rick Perry, Republican Presidential Rivals Answer Question On Marital Fidelity At GOP DEBATE (VIDEO)
At Saturday nights Republican presidential debate, no names were mentioned when the candidates were asked whether voters should consider marital fidelity in making their choice for president. But it was no accident that Newt Gingrich looked a ...
Anyway to watch the first GOP Presidential Debate without watching it on Fox News?
I want to watch the Presidential Gop debate tonight at 9pm ET but my apartment complex doesnt subscribe to Fox News (although they do subscribe with MSNBC and CNN). Is there any other place I can watch the debate. Somewhere online? Will Fox Business stream the debate? Thanks for answering!
Answer: Online possibly? CSPAN? I guess we know the politics of those that decide what cable stations your complex gets. Agree or disagree with a stations politics, can you say censorship? Too bad you're not given the opportunity to purchase your own cable and decide your own station packages. Hmmm, sounds a bit like the kind of government mandated and controlled services they provide. Isn't it nice to have your choices taken out of your hands. Don't worry. They'll do the thinking for you. They know whats best for you anyways and apparently do your apartment managers. :)
Category: Media & Journalism
What time is the Iowa GOP DEBATE tonight 12-10-11?
What time is the Iowa Gop debate Eastern Standard time. Thanks!
Category: Elections
GOPers prep for alpha dog debate - Maggie Haberman -
In a Republican presidential campaign marked by eventful debates, Saturday’s forum stands to outdo all the others that came before it. The drama is unmistakably ...
Analysis: Winners and losers in the latest GOP DEBATE
Once upon an almost-winter night, five (presumably) wise men and one woman followed yonder star to the cold Midwest for the first of two yuletide debates. Knowing that Iowa’s evangelical Christians will sit in judgment in a few short weeks, each hoped ...
Republican presidential debate: Where and when to watch
The Republican presidential candidates, including a surging Newt Gingrich and a suddenly defensive Mitt Romney, will debate Saturday night at Drake University in Des Moines as the days tick down to the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses. The 9 p.m. ET debate ...
Iowa Republican debate review: Behold a new creature, Newt Romney!
ABC News hosted the latest Republican debate on Saturday night (the candidates seem to like trying to get on the air just before Saturday Night Live airs, thwarting SNL writers from making up-to-the-minute jabs). The two hours saw the front ...
NBC Politics - Gingrich in spotlight at pivotal GOP DEBATE
Republican presidential hopefuls will meet Saturday night in Iowa for arguably their most important debate in a primary election season in which these contests have played an especially important role. The debate, which ...
Live blog: GOP candidates debate in Iowa
Six GOP presidential candidates debate tonight Des Moines in the first of two critical debates ahead of the Jan. 3 caucuses. The race to see wholl be the Republican nominee next year has taken many twists and turns, and former House speaker Newt Gingrich ...
Gingrich Focus of Iowa Debate as Palestine Remark Questioned
For more campaign news, go to ELECT.) Dec. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Tonight’s Republican debate in Iowa presents a field focused on the ascendancy of Newt Gingrich, who is shouldering criticism for comments he made to Jewish media about Palestinians ...
What do you think about Rick Perry assaulting Ron Paul(Pics inside) during the GOP DEBATE?
Maybe assault is a bit to strong but he did grab Ron Paul without his permission during the commercial break for the Gop debate.
Answer: You are a day late. Ron Paul already said Perry did not "grab" him and they didn't say anything bad to each other.
Category: Politics
Republican Debate: Back to un-substantive, clichés and rhetoric
The Gop debate on ABC was in fact a waste of time. It was so un-substantive that the likely headline will be a $10,000 bet that Romney tried to make with Perry. He threw that figure out like it was a dollar bill. The insensitivity of such an amount in hard ...
GOP Candidates Debate in Iowa, Jobs hot Topic
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Republican presidential hopefuls say lower taxes and fewer regulations will create jobs. But theyre struggling to explain what theyd do differently from their rivals to make that happen. In a presidential debate Saturday ...
Live Blog: GOP Presidential Iowa Debate
Gop debate: ABC News, Yahoo! News, WOI-TV, The Des Moines Register and the Iowa Republican Party are sponsoring a debate of Republican presidential candidates at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. The Iowa Caucus is the first official test of ...
GOP DEBATE Open Thread - Big Government
We almost forgot about this, thinking we'd get through the Holiday season between Thanksgiving and Christmas without the GOP again lining up to take fire from the mainstream media. Alas, yes, they're doing it again. ...
Romney Reports Net Assets Of as Much as $264 Million
Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, reported net assets of between $85 and $264 million in financial disclosure papers filed with the Federal Election Commission on Friday. Most of that money is invested in a blind trust, the campaign said, with holdings in dozens of different investments across a range of industries, both in the United States and - By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
GOPs lackluster field is a presidential Circus Minimus
As we learned after his fellow conservatives at the Newsmax website announced the everlastingly goldilocked Donald Trump will host their Dec. 27 Republican presidential debate: "An invitation to a circus," President George W. Bushs ex-press ...
NBC Politics - Gingrich in spotlight at pivotal GOP DEBATE
Republican presidential hopefuls will meet Saturday night in Iowa for arguably their most important debate in a primary election season in which these ...
COLLEGES; The Squabbling Illini: Rallying Cries Lead to Rift
The history books say the last Indian tribe in Illinois was forcibly relocated to Kansas and then Oklahoma early in the 19th century. But there is one Indian left, according to members of the Honor the Chief Society: Chief Illiniwek. Of course, the chief is not a typical Indian, and he is not even a real one. He is a student dressed in - Illinois University is sharply divided on debate over schools mascot Native American Chief Illiniwek, which is familiar sight at sporting events; those in favor of decades-old mascot say it is symbol of their institution and Illinois rich history; those who oppose it say it is racist and reminder of suffering of American Indians; photos (M) - By MIKE WISE
Donald Trump debate in Iowa draws few GOP candidates thus far ...
WASHINGTON - The Republican field thus far is not jumping at the chance to spar with each other in a debate moderated by Donald Trump. Of the seven viable ...
What do you think will be the questions asked at the next GOP DEBATE?
Take note that CNBC will be one of the sponsors for that debate.
Answer: Look for business friendly questions, focus on the economy and jobs plan.
Perry won't be there so no one will be charging at Romney. It figures to be boring.
Category: Elections
A look at key moments in the Republican debate
Whats $10,000 among friends? Mitt Romney challenged Texas Gov. Rick Perrys claims that the former Massachusetts governor backed a requirement that individuals purchase health care coverage. "Im just saying, youre for individual mandates, my ...
Republican Party (United States) presidential debates, 2012 ...
The 2012 United States Republican Party presidential debates are a series of political debates being held, prior to the 2012 Republican primaries, among ...
What will happen when FOX News hosts the next GOP DEBATE?
Will we get to see the candidates bash obama rather than each other. FOX News is a totally conservative news media. So most likely the people who will watch the debate are going to be people who like seeing obama get bashed. FOX is not gonna wanna see candidates get off course and starting debating among each other. This whole debating among each other should be saved for when the primary season starts. FOX News will want to make sure their debate is better than their competitors debates.
Answer: We get to see the host gush and tingle.
Category: Elections
Donald Trump to moderate GOP DEBATE. But what if nobody shows up ...
Billionaire and reality show host Donald Trump is scheduled to moderate a Republican presidential debate. But only Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich have ...
THE CAUCUS; Oops Moment Takes On A Life of Its Own ROCHESTER, Mich. - I knew our CNBC presidential debate had broken through when my daughter called from college to shout: Dad, youre on my two favorite Web sites! She was talking about and, two among the scores of outlets that - Caucus column; CNBC correspondent John Harwood offers a behind-the-scenes account of the Republican presidential debate in which Rick Perry made a huge televised gaffe that quickly became the butt of jokes across the Internet. Photos (M)1 - By JOHN HARWOOD
Colbert Announces His Own GOP DEBATE: Host Parodies Donald Trump ...
If Donald Trump is allowed to moderate a Republican debate, why cant Stephen Colbert? On Tuesdays episode of "The Colbert Report," the host announced ...
Trump might scrub GOP DEBATE he is hosting after Bachmann becomes ...
WASHINGTON — Business mogul Donald Trump said Friday he might scrub a presidential debate that so far has drawn only Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.
Saturday Night Live - GOP DEBATE Cold Opening - Video - http ...
It's yet another 2011 Gop debate, featuring Mitt Romney and Rick Perry along with a bunch of other people.
What did Herman Cain mean at the GOP DEBATE?
At the Gop debate on Sept. 7th, Herman Cain said "If 10% is good enough for god, 9%percent should be good enough for the government". What did he mean by the god part?
Answer: He was referring to tithing. In the Bible, God asked his followers to give the first tenth (tithe) of all that He had given to them back to Him by way of the church so that it could help the poor and the needy.
This was to test their faith. He promised them that if they gave Him 10% of all that He had given to them, then He would bless them even more so.
Category: Elections
In These Games, the Points Are All Political
BY day, Jeremy Kenney, 33, fixes Web sites and databases for the Republican National Committee. By night, on weekends and in his spare time he dabbles in an emerging form of political marketing: the online game. Part advertisement, part journalism, part cartoon, such games put fun in the service of ideology -- with varying sophistication. One of - Article discusses online games developed for political marketing; Democrats find games an innovative way to engage Americans; photo (L) - By MICHAEL ERARD
Parties Spar Over Liebermans Senate Seat
THE debate between Gov. George W. Bush and Al Gore is almost a side issue in the presidential race around here compared to the fireworks over how the Senate seat of Senator Joseph I. Lieberman should be filled should he be elected vice president. The Republicans want to stick to the law, which clearly states that the Republican Governor, John G. - Battle heats up between Republican and Democratic parties in Connecticut over fate of Joseph Liebermans US Senate seat should he be elected vice president; Republicans favor current law under which Gov John G Rowland, a Republican, would choose successor; Democrats want new law that would allow for special election; photo (M) - By MAURA CASEY
After the last GOP DEBATE, do you think Obama has to worry? Or will Palin be their secret weapon?
It couldnt be easier. As we watch the GOP comedy unfold, we know the writers will add a new character, Palin or some clown. Obama should really go back to his roots on the left. We have to get wall street out to the main streets.
Answer: are you a professor poking fun of your students, if you are that would be golden!
Category: Politics
EDITORIAL; The Torture Candidates
As hard as it is to believe, the Republican candidates for president seem to have learned very little from the moral calamities of the administration of George W. Bush. Three of the contenders for the partys nomination have now come out in favor of the torture known as waterboarding. Only two have said it is illegal, and the rest dont seem to - Editorial excoriates Republican presidential hopefuls Herman Cain, Michele M Bachmann and Mitt Romney for supporting the illegal act of waterboarding; asserts that those who promise to defend the United States by using torture are degrading the nations reputation and refusing to honor its moral standards. (M)
First Read - Romney and Gingrich spar, weather scrutiny from the field
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (L) speaks as former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) looks on during the Republican Party presidential candidates debate at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. By Michael ...
Come to Yahoo! at 9 p.m. ET on Saturday to watch the Republican presidential debate in Des Moines, sponsored by Yahoo News and ABC News. You will be able to provide ...
The Debates-
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama listens to his Republican rival Sen. John McCain Wednesday night at the final presidential debate of ...
Donald Trump looks into canceling GOP DEBATE hes set to host ...
With the wheels coming off the Gop debate he is supposed to host, Donald Trump admitted Friday that he’s looking into canceling the sparsely-attended ...
Trump ups attention to GOP DEBATE
Call him an egomaniac. A carnival barker. Whatever. Donald Trump certainly knows how to promote himself, and the media eats it up. While his motives in promoting his reality TV show are transparent, the liberal media loves nothing more than ...
Does anyone have a link to watch the video or read the transcript of the GOP DEBATE earlier today?
I cant believe theres nothing available yet. Its so easy to find a democratic debate. Wonder why that is. If anyone can find a link I would really appreciate it. I was very eager to see Thompson in his first debate.
I'm glad you asked. I too, would like to check more out. I want to know more about what Huckabee has to say about issues. He has some good ideas on tax reforms!
Category: Media & Journalism
Iowa Debate: GOP Candidates Prepare to Face Off
From: TvGuideOZU - Source: web
RT @geraldcelente: USA Today:#Gingrich plays defense in key Gop debate: GC:Not "Defense" Newter tries 2 hid from his disgusting, hypocritical, slimy behavior
From: puckster55pics - Source: web
In G.O.P. Iowa Debate, Rivals Target Newt Gingrich
From: Newschomper - Source: twitterfeed
Last thought on the Gop debate tonight: In a NYC min, Id take a $10k bet w/ Romney that he will not be elected POTUS in #2012. :-)
From: JohnWDean - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News / Yahoo Iowa Gop debate via @youtube
From: mekka117 - Source: Tweet Button
RT @geraldcelente: USA Today:#Gingrich plays defense in key Gop debate: GC:Not "Defense" Newter tries 2 hid from his disgusting, hypocritical, slimy behavior
From: betsy1129 - Source: web
From: ThroyS - Source: Twitter for iPhone
This means if youre a favorite looking to go for the close – or a challenger looking to break into the first tier –...
From: Amirahhy - Source:
RT @jfktruther: CNN: Gingrich comes under attack in Iowa showdown:
From: NWOwillnotOWNme - Source: web
Last Night At The 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate Debate In Iowa, Gingrich & Romney Behaved Liked 2 Kids At Recess.
From: blackpolbuzzno2 - Source: web
GOP rivals gang up in going after Gingrich in Iowa debate #iowadebate #goprivals
From: RSSMicro - Source: RSSMicro Search
RT @geraldcelente: USA Today:#Gingrich plays defense in key Gop debate: GC:Not "Defense" Newter tries 2 hid from his disgusting, hypocritical, slimy behavior
From: DeBohun1 - Source: web
RT @Countwothree: Check this video out -- All Of Ron Pauls Responses At The ABC Iowa Gop debate
From: Schlossome - Source: Tweet Button GOP Candidates Sharpen Their Knives For Debate Night In Iowa (The Note) Gop debate
From: valarierogoffIR - Source: web
:) Gop debate GOP Candidates Sharpen Their Knives For Debate Night In Iowa (The Note)
From: lashayfonderWME - Source: web