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What did MICHELLE OBAMA do as a help for womens rights?
Im doing a mini project for Womens Month and i got Michelle obama. I Am young so i dont know much about politics and that stuff. I just need a site or some info about what she did for womens rights.
Thank you in advance!
Answer: too bad you had to get her. can you perhaps exchange with someone else for a more interesting and relevant person? if you must report on her, then your project can be answered very simply - She Did Nothing
Category: Other - Society & Culture
Lawmaker Says MICHELLE OBAMA Has 'Large Posterior' - FishbowlDC
Lawmaker Says Michelle obama Has 'Large Posterior'
Why is MICHELLE OBAMAs picture briefly popping up after commercials during Nightline?
Only during the broadcast of Nightline (Dallas-Central Time) does Michelle obamas picture (looks like the tail end of a PSA commercial) appear briefly and its always at the end of a commercial before Nightlines broadcast starts up again. One cant help but muse that its a subliminal tactic.
Answer: It's a network cutaway. Networks allow local stations or cable companies a certain amount of time (roughly 3 to 6 minutes out of the hour) to insert their own commercials so the stations can sell ad time to local sponsors during network shows. This is part of the agreement networks have with their local stations to carry their programs. The networks usually play either public service announcements or program promos during these times, so if the station hasn't sold the airtime they don't have to take the break (although in this case most stations will elect to take it anyway and insert a station ID and/or their own promos). The timing of this has to be exactly synchronized, and if the network and station's time clocks are off by a split-second, they can rejoin the network a hair too late or too early and clip the end of the last (or beginning of the next) network event. Although a lot of big stations and cable channels are computerized, many other stations still employ master control operators whose job it is to switch off the network and play the local spots at the exact times called for by the program log, so human error is always a (large!) possibility.
In short, what you are seeing is an unintentional screw-up, not any deliberate propaganda or subliminal message.
Category: Media & Journalism
MICHELLE OBAMAs style secrets revealed
A new hands-on-style guide has revealed the fashion secrets of the US First Lady, inspiring all women to inculcate her modern, fresh, classic and daring style. Since her husbands inauguration, Michelle obamas wardrobe has garnered as much ...
VIDEO: Jill Biden Dishes on MICHELLE OBAMA: "Its Really a Wonderful Friendship"
When you see pictures of Dr. Jill Biden and Michelle obama, you get the sense they really like each other. We wondered: Do they ever just get to hang out? Is it like a therapy session when they get together since each knows what the other is going through ...
Yesterday, First Lady Michelle obama read “The Night Before Christmas” to kids at the Children’s National Medical Center. Afterwards, she took questions from ...
Obama’s Speech to Troops at Fort Bragg
Following is a transcript of remarks made by President Obama and his wife, Michelle, in Fort Bragg, N.C., on Wednesday, as released by the White House: MRS. OBAMA: Hello, everyone! I get to start you all off. I want to begin by thanking General Anderson for that introduction, but more importantly for his leadership here at
Congressman Says MICHELLE OBAMA Has A 'Large Posterior'
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) is in hot water this week for making a shockingly stupid comment about First Lady Michelle obama's body.
is Michelle obama the hottest 1st lady in the world or the hottest 1st lady the us ever had, is true a lot of people are voting for obama because michelle is soo hot
Answer: You really should get an eye exam.
Category: Elections
MICHELLE OBAMA Has Some Junk In The Trunk, Says Republican Congressman
Republican Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner made some very ill-advised (and downright rude) comments about First Lady Michelle obama recently. While he was on the phone with a staffer in a lounge at Reagan International Airport, Sensenbrenner ...
MICHELLE OBAMA Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story ...
Biography.com explores the life of 44th First Lady Michelle obama, a lawyer, city administrator, community outreach worker, and wife of President Barack Obama.
Why does MICHELLE OBAMA want to stop me from putting butter on my bacon?
Its my right to do whatever I want. I personally prefer to butter my bacon.
Why does Michelle obama want to invade my kitchen and rearrange what I keep in my fridge.
I want Government out of my stomach.
Answer: Governtment needs to stay out of our stomach, lights, house, TV's, radio, banks, stores, cars, etc. Need i continue?
i say but butter on your bacon. then roll your bacon in an expensive maple syrup, and serve it with eggs and toast. :)
Category: Politics
Will MICHELLE OBAMA write out a check for the cost of secret service, and air force 2?
Libs love to say Queen Michelle obama is pay for her own expense. But, what about paying for the protection and transportation.
Answer: Barack And Michelle obama have been entrusted to handle a family (taxpayers) credit card at a time when we all need to be restrained and sober-minded with our finances. And instead of emulating the discipline and self-restraint and “care for others” that they lecture us about, they have chosen instead to max-out the credit cards on their own self-gratifying expenditures, and leave the rest of us – mom and dad, adult siblings, and the grandchildren – to find a way to somehow make the minimum monthly payments.
Such blatant disregard for the perceptions and sensibilities of the American people.
What else can you say about a First Couple who takes 8 vacations during their first 18 months in the White House? This, of course, is the President who spent his first year in office repeatedly reminding us that the economic conditions he “inherited” were the “worst since the Great Depression,” all the while logging over 200 hours playing golf. And last month the Obama’s spent our scarce tax dollars providing a “separate flight” on a Gulfstream jet to transport their dog “Bo” to the family vacation destination in Maine-apparently Air Force One could not comfortably transport both Bo, AND the Obama family, all at the same time.
And now, America and the world have been treated to Michelle’s “vacation” in Spain (this is not a “state visit,” but indeed a personal trip) with forty of her best friends along for the ride, and her husband left at home. Even the New York Times has had to acknowledge the “hefty bill” that American taxpayers will end up paying, which may approach half a million dollars or more by the time “Michelle and friends” return home.
The Obamas seem to think of themselves as being much more than merely a U.S. President and First Lady. While, in our country, our elected President is merely “one of us,” and is entrusted with a lot of power to lead us for a finite period of time, in much of the rest of the world a head-of-state is more akin to royalty, and is substantively “above” the people he leads. And Barack and Michelle’s “do as I say, not as I do” approach to life looks a lot more “royal,” than it does “presidential.” o_O
Category: Politics
Malkin: MICHELLE OBAMAs Unsavory School Lunch Flop
The road to gastric hell is paved with first lady Michelle obamas Nanny State intentions. Dont take my word for it. School kids in Los Angeles have blown the whistle on the east wing chef-in-chiefs healthy lunch diktats. Get your Pepto Bismol ...
MICHELLE OBAMA : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on Michelle obama. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Michelle obama
President Obama, First Lady Tackle 10 Personal Questions
President Obama and first lady Michelle obama in an exclusive pre-Christmas interview with ABC News Barbara Walters revealed personal insights about themselves and their relationship as they approach their 20th wedding anniversary next fall.
Page 2: President Obama, MICHELLE OBAMA Answer 10 Personal ...
President Obama and First Lady Michelle obama in an exclusive pre-Christmas interview with ABC News Barbara Walters reveal personal insights about themselves and ...
Who would first lady MICHELLE OBAMA like to be in next life? Bo, her pet dog
WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle obama would come back as Bo. Not just any dog, but Bo the dog. In a television interview, the first lady was asked what person or thing she would want to come back as when she dies. She named her familys Portuguese ...
Why is MICHELLE OBAMA promoting socialist eating habits & bulimia to our children?
Michelle obama has been going around the country telling our children to starve themselves and become bulimic if they want to be "healthy".
She wants our children malnourished so she can indoctrinate them with socialism! Because malnourishment causes one to not think as clearly, brainwashing our children will be much easier.
Starving children is exactly what oppressive dictators do.
Answer: Wait a minute, what exactly is a "Socialist eating habit?"
Category: Politics
Is MICHELLE OBAMA above the law because she is famous or a democrat?
There is enough evidence that Michelle obama broke Illinois state law -- Sec. 17-29 (a) will she be above the law or will she be like us little peons and face prosecutions?
Answer: Well, as it turns out, as in everything else, laws are only for little people.
Predictably, the White House refused to acknowledge wrongdoing:
When questioned about the brazen nature of Mrs. Obama's campaigning, press secretary Robert Gibbs defended the action.
"I don't think it would be much to imagine, the First Lady might support her husband's agenda," Gibbs smiled.
That wasn't the question but the answer is revealing. o_O
Category: Politics
Forget actresses or even singers. One bold Marine has set his sights on the ultimate date to the Marine Corps Ball. According to Your Black Politics, 20 year old ...
First Lady MICHELLE OBAMA | The White House
When people ask First Lady Michelle obama to describe herself, she doesnt hesitate to say that first and foremost, she is Malia and Sashas mom.
First Lady MICHELLE OBAMA | The White House
When people ask First Lady Michelle obama to describe herself, she doesn't hesitate ... A product of Chicago public schools, Mrs. Obama studied sociology and ...
MICHELLE OBAMA donate gifts to Toys for Tots
Associated Press= WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle obama is urging people to giving to charities for the holiday season as she brought more than 800 gifts Friday from White House staff to donate to the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign. The first lady ...
MICHELLE OBAMA Gets Surprise Invitation To Marine Corps Ball | Fox ...
WASHINGTON – Michelle obama is urging people to give to charities for the holiday season as she brought more than 800 gifts Friday from White House staff ...
MICHELLE OBAMA asked by U.S. servicemember to attend Marine Corps ...
Better watch out, Barry! Your wife has a date with another man. First Lady Michelle obama accepted a U.S. servicemember’s invitation on Friday to attend ...
MICHELLE OBAMA - The Hollywood Gossip
Posts filed under Michelle obama including New Obama Family Portrait: Released!, What Do Barack and Michelle obama Watch on TV?, Rush Limbaugh Defends NA...
Jim Sensenbrenner, Wisconsin Congressman, Says MICHELLE OBAMA Has ...
In todays edition of Outrageous And Unfounded Insults, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has decided to question Michelle obamas body shape. MediaBistro ...
MICHELLE OBAMA news, photos and video - latimes.com
Items 1 - 12 of 2218 ... News, Photos and Information about Michelle obama.
What do you think about MICHELLE OBAMAs campaign for healthy fast food meals?
Apparently, this lady who spends thousands of taxpayers money on private jets and vacations has a campaign for healthy fast food meals. Olive Garden and another restaurant has agreed to cut calories and sodium amounts in each meal. Do you think that this is a good cause? OR simply, Michelle obama screwing things up more?
I personally think that the campaign is stupid. If you want something salty and greasy, you go to McDonalds. If you want healthy food, go somewhere else.
Answer: She wants all the calories for herself. The rest of us can eat cake. Err, veggies.
Category: Celebrities
OBAMA: I Dont Think Politicians Personal Lives Should Be Poked And Prodded
But, with myself, since I tend not to be a mean person, you know, if I get lazy, then I get mad at myself. Michelle obama: When people are unwilling to compromise. I just think that particularly in a society with big views, big differences, that ...
Home - Mrs.O - Follow the Fashion and Style of First Lady Michelle ...
Mrs.O - Follow the Fashion and Style of First Lady Michelle obama
MICHELLE OBAMA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is the wife of the 44th and incumbent President of the United States, Barack Obama, and is the ...
Designers Take Fresh Look At Africa
IN the years since Yves Saint Laurent showed his iconic 1967 African collection, fashion designers have repeatedly tapped the heritage of Africa in search of inspiration. Just last season Burberry and Michael Kors were among several labels that mined the continent as a source of ideas. Yet in the popular imagination, especially in the Western - Fashion journalist Helen Jenningss book New African Fashion highlights designers whose work is made in or inspired by Africa. Photos (M) - By SIMONE S. OLIVER
Who thinks MICHELLE OBAMA is straight up ugly and why, who thinks she is not and why?
Personally I find Mrs. Obama to be one of the most unattractive women I have ever seen. Has nothing to do with race so dont go there.Example Angela Bassett is hot and Michelle obama is not simple as that. Do you agree ? Why. Do you disagree Why? Think about it if you passed MO on the street would you not think damn thats an ugly woman.
Answer: she scares me.
people i work with saw her on a magazine a loooong time ago (before the election) and we all agreed she looked like a scary monster. haha
Category: Celebrities
At Fort Bragg, Obama Showers Praise on Troops Back From Iraq
FORT BRAGG, N.C. — President Obama observed the end of the war in Iraq on Wednesday before an audience of those who fought in it, telling a crowd of returning war veterans that the nearly nine years of conflict in Iraq, a war now indelibly imprinted on the national psyche, had come to a close. “As your commander in chief, and on behalf - By HELENE COOPER
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Let's Move! Food Nazi Michelle ...
First lady Michelle obama took daughters Malia and Sasha to MA'O Organic Farms in Hawaii for a pizza party this week, where they were joined by Senior Policy Advisor for Healthy Food Initiatives Sam Kass, and Honolulu ...
How much money has Barack and MICHELLE OBAMA personally donated to Haiti?
Michelle obama has commercials telling everyone to donate to the Red Cross for Haiti. Barack has also asked us to give to Haiti. How much have they personally given?
I use the Obamas because they have given such a small percentage of their income to charity in the past. The same apply to Bush and Clinton who are also asking people to donate.
Answer: ZERO! But they have graciously given plenty of your money!
Category: Civic Participation
MICHELLE OBAMA Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography ...
Biography.com explores the life of 44th First Lady Michelle obama, a lawyer, city administrator, community outreach worker, and wife of President Barack ...
Obama: Home alone for the holidays?
Obama has vowed to stay in Washington until he is assured that the payroll tax cut approved last year is extended into 2012 -- but an impasse in Congress creates the possibility he will spend Christmas alone at the White House. First lady Michelle obama ...
Jim Sensenbrenner, Wisconsin Congressman, Says MICHELLE OBAMA Has A Large Posterior
In todays edition of Outrageous And Unfounded Insults, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) has decided to question Michelle obamas body shape. MediaBistro reports that Sensenbrenner was overheard talking on the phone, retelling an incident in which ...
GLOBAL SHOPPER; The New Ikram Store
CHICAGO Michelle obama has brought many exciting new pieces to the puzzle of being a fashionable first lady: cardigans, splashy prints, studded Alaïa belts. But perhaps most remarked-upon are what she often eschews: sleeves. So there was a certain resonance to the several pairs of expensive arm warmers that hung ostentatiously at the new - By ALEXANDRA JACOBS
MICHELLE OBAMA Donates 800 Toys to Toys for Tots
Michelle obama and White House staff really outdid themselves this year and gathered up 800 toys for the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign. While they have done the drive for the last three years, this was the biggest year for donations ...
How much did MICHELLE OBAMA pay to get on cosmo magazine?
We all know obama bought the presidency and now his nobel peace prize. Michelle won top 100 most beautiful women and now she is giving out beauty tips. OMG this crap is getting so obvious. What else do you think she will buy?
Answer: flop! lol...thanks for the 2pts though.
Category: Magazines
MICHELLE OBAMA’s Travels Are Insensitive to Struggling Americans ...
COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama has delayed his Hawaiian vacation as he awaits a payroll tax deal, according to the Daily Mail. But first lady Michelle obama ...
GOP Rep. Sensenbrenner On MICHELLE OBAMA: 'She Lectures Us On ...
Wisconsin's GOP Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R) has a beef (and a side of mash potatoes) (with extra butter) (tip your waitress) with First Lady Michelle obama,
MICHELLE OBAMA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is the wife of the 44th and incumbent President of the United States, Barack Obama, and is the first African ...
MICHELLE OBAMA | The White House
Michelle obama . When people ask First Lady Michelle obama to describe herself, she doesnt hesitate to say that first and foremost, she is Malia and Sashas mom.
Large Republican Insults MICHELLE OBAMA's Posterior « Alan Colmes ...
Sensenbrenner was overheard saying that after buying all their “crap” (his word) a woman approached him and praised first lady Michelle obama. He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches — “she ...
Is MICHELLE OBAMA being criticized for wearing shorts because her legs are unsightly and heavy?
Recent news videos have shown images of Michelle obama wearing shorts, when existing air force one and on vacation.
This created a lot of controversy. Do you think people would have complained if her legs were attractive?
Answer: She certainly looks worse in shorts than she usually does. She wasn't the one elected, but I think she still has a duty to display some taste and decorum in public, and would have looked a lot less frumpy in a nice summer skirt.
But a silly electorate gave us this family, that we really know next to nothing about. And it all just gets worse and worse as the days go by....
Category: Fashion & Accessories
MICHELLE OBAMA Gets Surprise Invitation to Marine Corps Ball
WASHINGTON – Michelle obama is urging people to give to charities for the holiday season as she brought more than 800 gifts Friday from White House staff to donate to the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign. The first lady also got a ...
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner says First Lady MICHELLE OBAMA ‘has a large posterior’
A Wisconsin lawmaker who made a bid deal of Michelle obama’s “large posterior” plans to apologize the First Lady. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wisc.) was overheard by a Democratic operative at Reagan National Airport on Tuesday talking about a ...
How to get MICHELLE OBAMA to speak at an event?
Hi, Im in the process of planning a very prestigious and inspiring event at my university. I am the process of finding speakers for the event.
How could I go about seeing if Michelle obama would be able to speak at this event? Is there some protocol I must follow? Any tips?
Thank you!
Answer: You can send a request to the White House at the following address:
I am certain that you can reach Mrs. Obama through that office. Alternatively, try the following link to Obama's website:
She will certainly have a staff of people to arrange her schedule and engagements
Category: Media & Journalism
PolitiFact | MICHELLE OBAMA credits president for new G.I. Bill
To mark the end of combat in Iraq and the return of U.S. troops in time for the holidays, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle obama spoke at ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; The Pungent Aroma of Paranoia
WASHINGTON I WAS intrigued to learn that the president and I have the same favorite new TV series: Showtime’s spectacular “Homeland,” set right here in the capital. The season finale is tonight, and finales of addictive shows can be tricky and disappointing. However it ends, though, they should dispense with the - By MAUREEN DOWD
Congressman Apologizes For Being Appalled By MICHELLE OBAMA's ...
Republican Wisconsin Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner was overheard yapping disparagingly about the size of the First Lady's backside, claiming that if Michelle obama actually practiced what she preached regarding ...
MICHELLE OBAMA Wears Byron Lars Dress In The New First Family Official Portrait
President Barack Obama may be gettng a little nervous about his campaign for his presidential reelection, but in this new portrait of the First Family, he looks downright laid back. The official White House photo released on Dec. 15 shows the Obamas in ...
Lawmaker on MICHELLE OBAMA: She Lectures Us on Eating Right ...
Sensenbrenner was overheard saying that after buying all their “crap” (his word) a woman approached him and praised first lady Michelle obama. He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches — “she ...
Apologizing to MICHELLE OBAMA for Big Butt Insult Will Be AWKWARD
Now -- only because a "Democratic operative" caught him in the act, and his obnoxious comment is all over the news -- Sensenbrenner has announced he will apologize to Mrs. Obama for his insensitive, tasteless comments. Although, unfortch, those arent the ...
What is this Michelle obama tape Ive been hearing about?
Answer: It's a myth. If it existed, we would have seen it by now.
Category: Elections
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Here Come the Helpmates
Before we travel any further down the 2012 campaign trail and hear any more about what a rosy and essential mirror of the candidate his (or her) spouse provides, let’s brush up on history. We need go back only four years, to John and Elizabeth Edwards. He had really great hair, right up there with Mitt Romney’s. She carried some extra - By FRANK BRUNI
Obama and Iraqi Premier Signify Shift to a Postwar Partnership
WASHINGTON -- President Obama, welcoming Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq to the White House on Monday, said that after nearly nine years of war, Iraq had become a sovereign, self-reliant and democratic country that could serve as a model for aspiring democrats across the Middle East. Mr. Obama, who as a young politician labeled Iraq - President Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq meet at the White House to discuss the transition of a partnership born in war; meeting also underscores nations continuing ties, with Obama making it clear that United States will supply Iraq with military hardware and training for years to come. Photo (M) - By MARK LANDLER; Steven Lee Myers and Scott Shane contributed reporting.
UP CLOSE; Tips From a White House Adviser
TO most people, there is only one O as far as icons from Chicago are concerned. But when Mikki Taylor, the former beauty editor at Essence, speaks of O, there is no doubt whom she is talking about. Mrs. O. doesnt fall for every little trend, Ms. Taylor said. And she leads her life the same way. As a magazine editor, Ms. Taylor - Profile of Mikki Taylor, former beauty editor whose book Commander in Chic features fashion tips inspired by Michelle obamas classic style. Photo (M) - By SIMONE S. OLIVER
Home - Mrs.O - Follow the Fashion and Style of First Lady Michelle ...
2 days ago ... Mrs.O - Follow the Fashion and Style of First Lady Michelle obama. ... Below you' ll find a short list of my picks for Mrs. O's top 10 sartorial looks ...
3 days ago ... According to Your Black Politics, 20 year old Lance Cpl. Aaron Leeks asked First Lady Michelle obama to attend the soiree on his arm. ...
Michelle Malkin » MICHELLE OBAMA's Unsavory School Lunch Flop
The road to gastric hell is paved with first lady Michelle obama's Nanny State intentions. Don't take my word for it. School kids in Los Angeles have blown the whistle on the east wing chef-in-chief's healthy lunch diktats. ...
Is MICHELLE OBAMA related to the people who built the White House?
It is my understanding that most of the hard work done to build the White House was done by slave labor.
How many of these slaves do you think Michelle obama and her two daughters are related to?
Since President-Elect Obamas father came from Kenya, he isnt related to this same group of slaves like Michelle probably is.
Answer: 2 points for me. and thanks for proving what i have been saying all along about you repuds. keep it up ;)
edit: LMAO at trinis... comment. that was a good one man! kudos for you!
Category: Elections
HOMESTEAD, Fla. (AP) -- Michelle obama and Jill Biden are visiting NASCARs season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway.
Michelle obama - This page is run by Obama for America, President Obama's 2012 campaign. To visit the White House Facebook page, go to ...
MICHELLE OBAMA : Pictures, Videos, Breaking News
Big News on Michelle obama. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Michelle obama.
OPINION; Black, Female and Single
FEW things in life are more irritating than the unsolicited comments I get that black women, like me, are unlikely to marry. Family members ask, Are you ever going to get married? as if I am remaining single purposely to keep them from attending my wedding. Well-meaning married friends try to sell me on the idea that being single is liberating. - Op-Ed article by Ohio State University researcher Angela Stanley disputes the commonly held belief that 70 percent of black women do not and will not marry; argues that the misconception is part of a persistent historical and present-day attack on black people in America, with black men portrayed as deviants and black women as problems. (M)o - A researcher at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University. - By ANGELA STANLEY
LETTER; School Lunches
To the Editor: How the Food Industry Eats Your Kids Lunch, by Lucy Komisar (Sunday Review, Dec. 4), presents an unfair view of Sodexo and our relationship with food manufacturers. We help kids to be fit and healthy. Were part of the solution. When we make even a small change, three million school meals a day are healthier. In 2011, Sodexo
What will become of the poor traumatized children who MICHELLE OBAMA is forcing to eat healthy foods?
I spoke with a young girl recently who started crying (literally crying) when she explained how Michelle obama was forcing her to eat pizza with whole wheat crust in her school.
And with Republican budget cuts there will be no money for mental health services for these children. They will wander the streets muttering to themselves while pushing shopping carts.
But at least they wont have diabetes. They will be healthy homeless and insane.
Answer: The word "forcing" is not at all true, but I do realize this question is a bit tongue-in-cheek (hype and hyperbole) and not meant to be taken literally or seriously. There is even a hint of Stephen Colbert type of raw humor noted, so perhaps you could submit the concept as a potential script for "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central...lol.
Category: Politics
Sensenbrenner says Michelle obama has a"large posterior." Also, "she looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends."
From: Doubting_Tom - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @TheBlackIcarus: http://t.co/66NmPzaf - Representative Jim Sensenbrenners "bend over, lemme see it" moment regarding The First Lady.» Ha
From: azn_mex - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
replied to summits comment: All politicians say stupid things- has nothing to do with party affiliation. Look ... http://t.co/2y9XCWZk
From: DuluozBeat - Source: Yahoo!
Theres so much to say about Congressman Sensenbrenner essentially saying Michelle obama has a fat ass
From: DJNphared - Source: web
RT @jbaby56: Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner says Michelle obama has a large posterior (cont) http://t.co/PzKtJAx3
From: dlwdillon - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
pas cool pour Michelle: a WI Congressman said she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself http://t.co/gK0VSGiC
From: CeliaSampol - Source: web
Michelle obama blog http://t.co/HJSre6hi
From: nanabodus - Source: Mobile Web
Apologizing to Michelle obama for Big Butt Insult Will Be AWKWARD: We cant ALL eat mesclun salads with goji b... http://t.co/X2fmS1Hg
From: helenlowell - Source: twitterfeed
Michelle obama cuenta en quién le gustaría reencarnar http://t.co/7N2qFDUT
From: teleamazonasec - Source: TweetDeck
Congressman apologizes for criticizing Michelle obama’s ‘large posterior’ | The Ticket - Yahoo! News http://t.co/eWZt5j02 via @YahooNews
From: blureign16 - Source: Tweet Button
Michelle obama insisted on $4m getaway to Hawaii when her husband wanted local holiday http://t.co/4fhYLe7K #sweetbabyace
From: mybabyace - Source: LinksAlpha
RT @ChicoDelainky: We Liberals never bashed Laura Bushs appearance. Republicans have been vicious towards Michelle obama because she’s black.
From: OccamsTazer - Source: web
President Obama, First Lady Tackle 10 Personal Questions http://t.co/Irdoa07V
From: weightlossbiz - Source: dlvr.it
Crazy Deals President Obama, First Lady Tackle 10 Personal Questions http://t.co/s20lJAei No more
From: hanschristense1 - Source: dlvr.it
just cause Michelle obama got an ass people tryin to trash her healthy food initiative...black women appreciate an ass sorry white women smh
From: blureign16 - Source: web