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RICK SANTORUM Will Score Upset Win in Tonight's 'Pivotal' ABC ...
The multimillionaire ABC celebrity superstar anchors Diane and George want to burnish their reputations as Important Journalists by presiding over an event of historic consequence and, for that very reason, Rick santorum ...
Why has Tim Pawlenty not endorsed the inevitable GOP nominee yet for President, RICK SANTORUM?
Santorums crushing of media darlings Mitt Romney and Rick Perry in the Iowa straw poll are clear proof of his momentum that is unstoppable!
Answer: Maybe it's proof that Perry and Romney are idiots? Santorum couldn't even win in his own state. Why would you think he can win a national election.
Category: Politics
RICK SANTORUM Slams President Obama For Revealing Osama Bin Laden ...
President Obama really can’t catch a break from Rick santorum on terrorism, who condemned the White House for announcing its raid on Osama Bin Laden. In a speech ...
Romney Tells Trump He Can’t Make Debate
Mitt Romney said Tuesday that he would not take part in a debate moderated by Donald J. Trump , casting doubt on whether other candidates would take part. “I spoke with Donald Trump earlier today and indicated that we just can’t make this debate,” Mr. Romney said on “ Your World With Neil Cavuto ” on Fox News. He cited - By JEREMY W. PETERS and JIM RUTENBERG
Santorum Gets It Wrong on Manufacturing Jobs
Presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick santorum took an early hit at President Obamas record on manufacturing jobs at Saturdays Republican debate, claiming the president has decimated the sector. Lets look at the numbers ...
How come this comes up when I google "RICK SANTORUM"?
"Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anaI sex. 2. Senator Rick santorum."
Answer: you obviously have no clue how google works. there was a time if you googled "great french military victories" you'd get the error message "did you mean great french military defeats?" it's all a matter of search terms and number of hits
Category: Politics
Has Trump done for the Birthers what RICK SANTORUM has done for the English language?
Will people now say youve been "Trumped"? Do you think Donald Trumps behavior will be forever enshrined on American politics like Rick santorum who firmly established his place in American history and in the street language of many Americans with his own noun named after him?
Will Trump try to copyright it to make some extra bucks?
Will Trump try to copyright it to make some extra bucks?
Answer: Yes, if Trump means to be made a fool of, being laughed at and not knowing it etc.
Category: Politics
Do you think that RICK SANTORUM will be the 2012 GOP?
I wanted to ask Republicans what they thought about Rick santorum?I have a cousin who is a republican and she said that she was disgusted by him and would not support him I know hes very anti-gay which they all are.Yes Im gay but I would love to hear what other republicans think about him.
Answer: Over the last few months, each of the major Republican candidates has taken his turn as 'flavor of the week'. Except Santorum! I'm not sure why this is, I mean he's really no more extreme than Michelle Bachmann, and she's had her turn. Surely he can't be worse, either for America or for the Republican Party itself, than Newt Gingrich! But he's been a non-starter from the beginning.
The real campaign hasn't even begun yet. After the first 2 or 3 primaries, candidates will begin to drop out. I guess it's just possible that Santorum will be the last man standing. But I tend to really doubt it. He's just not good for the party's image.
Category: Elections
Who would win in a debate between RICK SANTORUM and Donald Trump?
Not expecting many responses because most FOX viewers dont even know who Rick santorum is
Answer: Rick. Easily.
Trump knows very little beyond business.
Category: Politics
Daily Santorum: Help on Iowas right flank
The Rick santorum campaign picked up some pretty big conservative leaders in Iowa this morning, many with crossover ties to the religious right Santorum is counting on. Among them (from the campaign): Jim Gibbons is the former head wrestling coach at Iowa ...
PA Senator Santorum & Dennis Miller discuss presidential campaign
Fulfilling predictions made by Jimmy Pethokoukis last Saturday, the presidential campaign of Pennsylvania’s former Senator Rick santorum is receiving a nascent spike in press coverage heading into the home stretch of the January 3rd Iowa Caucus.
G.O.P. Hopefuls Pressed to Prove Their Conservatism
With the Republican field reshaped by the suspension of Herman Cain’s campaign, six Republican presidential candidates tried to show their conservative credentials during a policy-heavy forum shown on Fox News Channel on Saturday night. The forum came as a new poll in Iowa showed Newt Gingrich , the former House speaker, leading the pack in - By JIM RUTENBERG and TRIP GABRIEL
Santorum: ‘Science Should Get Out Of Politics’
Rick santorum is known for his insistence that religion has an important place in political life — and also for criticizing various examples of scientific consensus such as evolution, global warming, stem-cell research, human sexuality, and other matters.
RICK SANTORUM Calls Candidates Hypocrites | Trump Debate | Mediaite
Donald Trump's much-hyped Dec. 27 GOP debate looks like it will feature just Newt Gingrich and Rick santorum, as the five other major candidates have all declined invitations, and it's not entirely certain if Trump invited Gary ...
REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK; Behind the Scenes at the Fox News Forum
Backstage can be something of an inner sanctum at a presidential debate : even though they are appearing on live television before millions of Americans, the candidates are used to having their clubhouse hermetically sealed from the public before and after they take the stage. That was not the case for the six major Republican candidates who - By JIM RUTENBERG
RICK SANTORUM for President | The Courage To Fight For America
Sarah Palin Praises Rick santorum. Sarah Palin praises Senator Rick santorum on his foreign policy and conservative values.
Gingrich, Rising in Field, Seeks Big Donors
With just four weeks to go until the Republican primary season begins, Newt Gingrich spent his Monday not on the hustings of Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, but in Midtown Manhattan, prospecting for what his newly resurgent campaign needs most desperately: money. Bolstered by strong debate performances and top billing in some recent - By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
RICK SANTORUM Says Families With Undocumented Immigrants Should Be Broken Up
Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum, speaking at a campaign stop in Spencer, Iowa Wednesday, said families with undocumented immigrants should be broken up when the law is broken. "You cant be here for 20 years and commit only one illegal act ...
What did Republican RICK SANTORUM mean when he called the GOP the anti-science party?
Social and Fiscal conservative Rick santorum is afraid that the Republicans will be known as the anti-science party.
Because of the Republicans attack and denial of global warming science, and the refusal to accept that creationism is not science, and that evolution is credible science, Santorum is afraid that the Republican party will be perceived as the anti-science party.
Is he correct?
Do too many conservatives believe in creationism over evolution, and deny the overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of man made global warming.
Answer: He is sneaky but at least he is aware of the negative impact that the GOP's attacks on science and support of Creationism will cost them dearly at the polls. So he is just engaging in a game of political flim flam, like many of his cohort Theo con politicians
Any way you look at it neither he nor the rest of them will get anywhere.
Hope this helps
Category: Politics
Santorum, Perry say marriage matters
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Rick santorum say a candidates fidelity to their spouse is a factor voters should consider, subtly distinguishing themselves from national poll leader Newt Gingrich.
Would you support RICK SANTORUM for President?
Would you support Rick santorum for President?
I like him. Newt is good, but too old. Santorum is young and conservative
Answer: No way in hell. Pardon my language.
Category: Politics
Since RICK SANTORUM crushed both Romney & Perry in Iowa, should they now bow out and back Santorum for the GOP?
The GOP needs to unify early. The smart thing for them to do is to join the super charged momentum that the Rick santorum candidacy clearly has now.
Answer: Don Quixote would love your logic. Too bad he was insane.
The Iowa Straw Polls are not in any way binding. They don't win any delegates or superdelegates or anything else. Therefore, nobody uses them to terminate a campaign. They only use them to boost a campaign.
But my reading of the recent polls is that you conservatives are stuck with Michelle Bachmann and her whole history of extremism. Go ahead, unify behind her! Too bad for you!!
Category: Politics
RICK SANTORUM’s Iowa endorser: ‘I tend to like the underdog ...
JOHNSTON, IOWA — Rick santorum picked up a key Iowa endorsement Friday as he tries to gain steam in a campaign that has focused almost solely on the Hawkeye state ...
Rick santorum - Visit me online at . Follow me on Twitter @ricksantorum: - Religious Views: Christian - Roman Catholic - About Me: Rick santorum is universally ...
RICK SANTORUM does not know what science is
Its difficult to take Rick santorum seriously. It always has been, and adding "campaigning for president" to his resume did nothing to help. The man has no gravitas and even less charisma, but comports himself as if he did. The effect is of a ...
When is RICK SANTORUM going to drop out and stop wasting his supporters money?
Cmon, Rick. ZERO chance. ZERO.
Rick santorum doesnt even have a chance of stealing a few votes from the other candidates. Hes literally a non-factor.
Answer: Probably when he runs out of supporter's money.
Category: Elections
Why RICK SANTORUM dined alone at Iowa City’s Hamburg Inn | The ...
IOWA CITY, Iowa--"Someone said to me, Why the Hamburg Inn?" Karen Fesler, a member of Rick santorums Iowa steering committee, was telling a local journalist at 7 ...
RICK SANTORUM Has Tense Exchange on Gay Rights and Health Care in ...
SIOUX CENTER, Iowa – Rick santorum is usually quite amiable on the trail, but Monday evening at a campaign event at a small Christian college in Sioux Center, he ...
BELIEFS; Beliefs: Faith and Family Values at Issue in Republican Contest
For the first time in American history, a major political party may be choosing between two leading presidential candidates who are not Protestant. If current polling holds through the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses and beyond, the Republican nomination will come down to a choice between a Latter-day Saint, or Mormon , and a Roman Catholic. It is therefore - By MARK OPPENHEIMER
Santorum: 'Science Should Get Out Of Politics' | TPM2012
Rick santorum is known for his insistence that religion has an important place in political life — and also for criticizing various examples of scientific consensus such as evolution, global warming, stem-cell research, human ...
RICK SANTORUM: Obama Revealed Osama Bin Laden Death News Too Soon
Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum is attacking President Obama, turning the killing of Osama Bin Laden into a national security failure. At a ...
Santorum calls rivals hypocrites for declining Trump debate
Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum lashed out at his rivals on Thursday for turning down an invitation to the Donald Trump-moderated debate on December 27. It now appears the debate will only be between Santorum and the latest ...
What can Governor RICK SANTORUM do to boost his ratings? Why is the Liberal Media ignoring his calls for war?
Governor Santorum said that we should keep troops in Iraq & Afghanistan for decades more. He also said we should invade Iran and occupy that country too.
For this, I strongly support Governor Santorum.
But, why are his poll numbers still low? Do you think this is the result of the Liberal Media pushing Mitt Romney as their number one candidate?
Rick santorum would make a great President, and hed put an end to Islamic Fascism and an end to Homosexuality.
Rick santorum is the only true Conservative running right now.
Answer: Rick santorum is like one of those awful singers on American Idol. The kid's mother told her that she is a fine singer and she just needs to go down to the tryouts, then she'll sing and sing and become the next American Idol. So the happy kid goes down and sings her lungs out. Oops. She has an awful voice. Her world comes crashing down when the judges give her the bad news. She runs home crying to mother who tells her she is still a great singer and that the judges were wrong.
In Rick santorum's case, switch the girl to Rick, the mother to the Christian extremist movement in America, and the judges to the American voters.
Poor little Rick, his world is crashing down.
Category: Politics
In Iowa, Gingrich Is Gaining Favor, New Poll Shows
DES MOINES — Newt Gingrich enters the final four weeks of campaigning before the Iowa caucuses with Republican voters in the state viewing him as more prepared to be president than Mitt Romney , more attuned to their concerns and just as capable of defeating President Obama , according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll. Mr. Gingrich - By JEFF ZELENY and MARJORIE CONNELLY
RICK SANTORUM Says Families With Undocumented Immigrants ...
Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum, speaking at a campaign stop in Spencer, Iowa Wednesday, said families with undocumented immigrants should be broken up when the law is broken. "You can't be here for ...
RICK SANTORUM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richard John "Rick" Santorum (born May 10, 1958) is a lawyer and a former United States Senator from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Santorum was the chairman of ...
RICK SANTORUM on the Iowa Poll results: My boomlet is coming
GOP presidential candidate Rick santorum predicted today that Newt Gingrich’s surge in the polls will fade and that he will become the candidate of choice later this month. “So if you look at all of these little boomlets, they last about ...
Do you agree with RICK SANTORUM that marriage should be a federal issue?
I agree with Rick santorum (youre not going to catch me doing that very often).
Its just that I think that it should be LEGAL to have a same-sex marriage as opposed to ILLEGAL.
Also, I agree with Ron Pauls comment that suggested that it would be better if we didint have to get a license to get married AT ALL.
Answer: The power to pass laws defining what constitutes a marriage was not given to either the states or the federal government by the Constitution. Since those powers not given to either body are left to the people, it is up to the individuals to get the issue voted on at either the state or national level. Since we have no mechanism at the federal level for this type of ballot issue, it is up to the states to get it on the ballot and let them decide what constitutes marriage.
And we've seen what happens when the people make the decision. The gay marriage proposal goes down in defeat.
@justlikethat Unfortunately, many government programs provide for spousal and survivor benefits. Actuary tables have never considered the impact of gay marriage on those benefits. The sudden inclusion of large numbers of same sex partners will have a dramatic impact on the already strained ability of the government to pay such benefits to a group that was never factored into the equation.
Category: Politics
Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2. Senator Rick santorum.
Obama Foreign Policy a Republican Target
A small but revealing episode unfolded in the closing minutes of the last Republican presidential debate . After the candidates were asked to name the national security issue they most worry about, which had not yet been discussed, Rick santorum cited radical Islamists in Central and South America. Mitt Romney agreed, saying that Hezbollah, a - By RICHARD A. OPPEL Jr.
RICK SANTORUM - Blackboard
Richard John "Rick" Santorum is a former United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Santorum is a member of the Republican Party and was the ...
RICK SANTORUM and Trisomy 18: Should he be campaigning? - The ...
Post Reporter Melinda Henneberger discusses Rick santorum and whether the GOP hopeful should campaign as his daughter suffers from the genetic disorder, Trisomy 18.
RICK SANTORUM - Election 2012 - NYTimes.com
Collection of recent and archived news and commentary, photos, multimedia and selected web resources.
RICK SANTORUM for President | The Courage To Fight For America
Official campaign site provides his biography, news and information on how to support his candidacy.
Santorum in Iowa Talks Effects of Legalized Gay Marriage on School Children
Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum said he is concerned about legalized gay marriage spilling over into lessons in the classroom, during a campaign stop in Cedar Falls, IA on Friday. The former senator from Pennsylvania said when same sex ...
RICK SANTORUM says gay sex is not equal to straight sex | GlobalPost
Rick santorum struggled to explain his stance on gay marriage as he spoke to a crowd at a Christian college in Iowa on Monday night, saying that gay relationships ...
Has Michelle Bachmann Given any response to RICK SANTORUMs accusation that she is a hypocrite?
At the Iowa debate he called her out for letting the tenth amendment only apply to the things she wanted it to. While Ron Paul immediately corrected him on his lack of foreign policy knowledge, Bachmann became suddenly quiet on the tenth amendment issue. Did it really take an idiot like Santorum to expose her for what she is. Are her followers really just that stupid, or are they comfortable with her being such a hypocrite?
Answer: Sometimes you need to pick and choose battles in the political world. I wouldn't call her followers any more stupid than the ones who voted in president obama purely because how he looks
Category: Government
RickSantorum - Twitter
Rick santorum. @RickSantorum Pittsburgh and Washington. Karen and I have 7 children; Candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United ...
Isnt it funny to see idiots like Michelle Bachman and RICK SANTORUM still in the race?
They are polling lower than Ron Paul. Remember when Rick santorum said at the debate "Ron Paul ladies and gentlemen" like Paul was some kind of cook?
Well guess what Ricky "frothy" Santorum. He is polling higher than the 1% youre at.
And seeing Michelle "cant look in a camera" Bachman polling at 6% is priceless.
Why do these idiots still go to the debates lololol?
What do you need sources for idiot? Do you not follow the news?
Answer: ron paul is the only non cook on the damn stage.
the rest are dumb and bought. as in retarded and purchased.
Category: Politics
During a 2010 interview with Colby Itkowitz, who writes for the Washington bureau of the Allentown, Pennsylvania Morning Call, Rick santorum said "when ...
Campaign for "santorum" neologism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In response to comments by U.S. Senator Rick santorum criticized as anti-gay by gay rights groups and some politicians, sex columnist and gay rights activist ...
RICK SANTORUM: I still intend to win Iowa « Hot Air
For quite some time, Rick santorum has billed his presidential bid as “The Little Engine That Could” campaign. Still far behind in the polls in Iowa ...
RICK SANTORUM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richard John "Rick" Santorum (born May 10, 1958) is a lawyer and a former United States Senator from the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Santorum was the ...
What should RICK SANTORUM change his name to?
Google "Santorum" if you dont understand why I ask. I favor Rick "ManOnDog".
Cob--apparently hes thinking of running for the Republican Presidential nomination.
Answer: Actually I would like Samuel Mudd although it looks like Mudd was wrongly accused. If you have ever heard the term "His name is Mud", the term started by referring to Samuel Mudd. (He is the man that treated John Wilkes Booth's broken leg, not knowing that he had just assassinated Lincoln, and was arrested and tried as a co-conspirator) z
Category: Politics
RICK SANTORUM | Iowa | Endorsement | The Daily Caller
Rick santorum snags coveted Iowa endorsement | Santorum, struggling to catch fire, set for 'major announcement' today.
THE TV WATCH; A Republican Primary Campaign Waged on Fox News
There’s a reason Fox News is beginning to look like a meet-the-candidate pancake breakfast in Council Bluffs, Iowa. “You don’t win Iowa in Iowa, you win it on this couch,” is how the Republican commentator Dick Morris put it on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday. Mr. Morris said that the Republican debates and Fox News - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY
Santorum, the out-of-touch candidate
When you see Rick santorum, Republican presidential hopeful from Pennsylvania, you wonder, "How did that happen?" He represents Pennsylvania, home of Benjamin Franklin, the Liberty Bell, historic havens of the Underground Railroad and the spot ...
who else wants RICK SANTORUM to run for president?
Oh my God the humor potential is even greater than if Palin ran! Have you googled Rick santorum?
Answer: I would rather not elect someone for president who wrapped their wife's miscarried dead fetus up in a blanket, brought it home to show (or should I say traumatize) their three young children, kissed and cuddled with it, and then took pictures with it. http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/blog/2010/11/08/fetus-made-former-president-antiabortion
Category: Politics
Campaigns Bring Ad War to TV
After months of relative quiet, the Republican presidential candidates have started to increase their television advertising, bringing a new competitive dynamic to a fight that has largely remained off the commercial airwaves until now. The first sustained barrage of broadcast and cable advertisements in early-voting states is beginning this week - By JEREMY W. PETERS
RICK SANTORUM Talks Effects Of Legalized Gay Marriage On School ...
Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum said he is concerned about legalized gay marriage spilling over into lessons in the classroom, during a campaign stop in Cedar Falls, IA on Friday.
RICK SANTORUM News and Video - FOX News Topics - FOXNews.com
Watch breaking news videos and read news updates about Rick santorum on FOXNews.com.
Santorum on Suffering and Death
Rick santorum has some extreme views on social welfare. Of course, he isnt alone.
Le Mars Daily Sentinel: Local News: Santorum: Town Hall crowds ...
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick santorum is in Iowa campaigning for president in the days leading up to the Jan. 3 precinct caucuses. Santorum, a Republican, spoke to ...
REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK; Behind the Scenes at the Fox News Forum
Backstage can be something of an inner sanctum at a presidential debate : even though they are appearing on live television before millions of Americans, the candidates are used to having their clubhouse hermetically sealed from the public before and after they take the stage. That was not the case for the six major Republican candidates who - By JIM RUTENBERG
RICK SANTORUM accidentally makes strong case for individual mandate.
How many GOP presidential candidates know how the U.S. health-care system works? Or what the Affordable Care Act does? In October, one-time Republican candidate Herman Cain declared that if he had been diagnosed with stage-four cancer under “Obamacare ...
RICK SANTORUM | Iowa | The Daily Caller
Rick santorum: Obama wants America to be France | 'What makes America great' in Obama's mind is 'the government takes money from somebody and gives it to somebody else'
Eyeing Newt Gingrich in Iowa, RICK SANTORUM signs up for Trump ...
Le Mars, Ia. – The day after The Des Moines Register published its latest Iowa Poll, Rick santorum seemed to have his focus on the state’s newly minted ...
RICK SANTORUM campaign clears up Oklahoma filing problem
Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum will be on Oklahomas presidential primary ballot next year after procedural filing problems were cleared up. Another GOP contender, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, hopes to resolve an issue before the end of ...
RICK SANTORUM's Iowa endorser: 'I tend to like the underdog' - Ginger ...
Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz announces he is backing the GOP hopeful.
Santorum wants Palins support
Premium ContentClick on Premium Content on the Featured navigation bar for information. SIDNEY, Iowa — Republican presidential hopeful Rick santorum is trying to work up the nerve to ask Sarah Palin for an endorsement. At a town hall meeting ...
Santorum predicts last-minute surge – CNN Political Ticker - CNN ...
Johnson, Iowa (CNN) – Although recent polls of Iowa show former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick santorum far behind the front-runners, Friday he delivered a ...
RICK SANTORUM: Obama wants America to be France
NEWTON, Iowa — At a coffee house here, Republican presidential candidate Rick santorum didn’t sugar coat his message when he told two-dozen Iowans that the America they grew up in is disappearing. “Barack Obama is not incompetent, ladies and ...
Why does flip flopping Romney have more support than constant candidates like Ron Paul & RICK SANTORUM?
Mitt Romney govern like a Liberal and he has flip flopped on every Conservative issue while Ron Paul & Rick santorum has been constant in their principle yet Romney has more support.
Answer: the media.
the media helps him in evry posible way because if romney runs against obama no matter who wins they stillll hav someone in their pockets!
by the way Romney & Obama are the same! the only diference is the skin color...
Ron Paul 2012!!
Category: Politics
Newt Gingrich, Rick santorum and Rick Perry (and Marcus Bachmann) address ... http://t.co/dowxEbol From: nxppru - Source: nxppru
New Post - Newt Gingrich, Rick santorum and Rick Perry (and Marcus Bachmann) address .... Read it now at http://t.co/POhTGUzB From: filerelease - Source: WPTweeter
RT @LOLGOP: Rick santorum. Still hopeful hell become a real boy someday. From: a1cajun - Source: TweetDeck
RT @TheDailyEdge: Distracted By Euro Crisis, Rick santorum Admits He Stopped Thinking About the Gay Lifestyle for Several Minutes Today From: a1cajun - Source: web
Rick santorum is that guy in high school whos team went Allstate, and ever since hes believed hes destined for greatness. From: Non_PC_Gay - Source: web
RT @anamariecox: RT @RichWhy: Allegedly RT @LOLGOP: The difference between Rick santorum and Michele Bachmann is a penis. From: laurahercher - Source: TweetDeck
RT @TheBradBlog: Is he being raided? #ows #SomeoneTellOakFoSho RT @garonsen: Rick santorum live feed!: http://t.co/mTf0yKak From: mayanoko - Source: TweetDeck
RT @justjoel59: “Science should get out of politics” -- Rick santorum, 12/9/11 http://t.co/W2La1AxK”
No .@RickSantorum its RELIGION that has no place! From: Mochapolo - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Seo, Rick santorum's "spreading" google complaint, as well as ... From: nrbklo - Source: web
RT @southernavenger: Rick santorum consistently supported No Child Left Behind, Medicare Plan D, Arlen Specter... #iowadebate From: mikeclouser - Source: TweetDeck
senator Rick santorum is equally a boddhisatva, equally deserving of compassion, equally a coming buddha. #buddhism #gop #iowa #ronpaul From: _analogy - Source: web
Rick santorum: Science Should Get Out of Politics -- how about we reverse that? Politics should GTFO out of science. From: w00teh - Source: Silver Bird
Rick santorum, Mr. Social Conservative, says infidelity is not a deal breaker for the Presidency. Yup. Dude is fucking around on his wife. From: b3nfriend - Source: txt
RT @SandraBernhard: uh oh Rick santorum had a "mother and father" oh i get it, no single family homes or those horrible "gay" parents evil awful scary!! luxury! From: KTHard - Source: web
I am pretty sure Rick santorum and Ron Paul are the only candidates whose supporters actually like them. From: mattswaim - Source: web