Ron paul 2012 - Ron Paul .com

Ron paul 2012 : Videos

Ron Paul: The 45th President of the United States
Ron Paul: The 45th President of the United States
Ron Paul: People Are Sick & Tired of Big Government
Ron Paul: People Are Sick & Tired of Big Government
Ron Paul: Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney Are "Consistently Inconsistent"
Ron Paul: Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney Are "Consistently Inconsistent"
Ron Paul: Real Unemployment Is at 22%
Ron Paul: Real Unemployment Is at 22%
Ron Paul on Situation Room 12/2/11
Ron Paul on Situation Room 12/2/11
Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News / Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate
Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News / Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate
Ron Paul: Bringing the Fight to the Lapdogs for Big Government
Ron Paul: Bringing the Fight to the Lapdogs for Big Government
Rand Paul on Ron Pauls Campaign Strategy
Rand Paul on Ron Pauls Campaign Strategy
Ron Paul: Freedom Brings People Together
Ron Paul: Freedom Brings People Together
Ron Paul in Iowa before the GOP Debate
Ron Paul in Iowa before the GOP Debate
Ron Paul Highlights @ Huckabee Presidential Forum
Ron Paul Highlights @ Huckabee Presidential Forum
Ron Paul on Fox News 12/9/11
Ron Paul on Fox News 12/9/11
Ron Paul: Foreign Policy & Israel
Ron Paul: Foreign Policy & Israel
Ron Paul: Newt Gingrich Is Part of the Problem; He Lives off the Government and the People
Ron Paul: Newt Gingrich Is Part of the Problem; He Lives off the Government and the People
Ron Paul: The Consistent Candidate
Ron Paul: The Consistent Candidate
Ron Paul: Ill Take My Oath of Office Very Seriously
Ron Paul: Ill Take My Oath of Office Very Seriously
Ron Paul on Piers Morgan 11/30/11
Ron Paul on Piers Morgan 11/30/11
December 16th Ron Paul Money Bomb - Volunteer Video
December 16th Ron Paul Money Bomb - Volunteer Video
Ron Paul on State of the Union 12/5/11
Ron Paul on State of the Union 12/5/11
Ron Paul on Israel: Zionism is Based on Independence and Self-Reliance
Ron Paul on Israel: Zionism is Based on Independence and Self-Reliance
Ron Paul: Not an Isolationist but a Non-Interventionist
Ron Paul: Not an Isolationist but a Non-Interventionist
Ron Paul: Bernanke Will Destroy the Middle Class
Ron Paul: Bernanke Will Destroy the Middle Class
Lew Rockwell on the Rise of Ron Paul
Lew Rockwell on the Rise of Ron Paul
Ron Paul: Repeal Roe v. Wade
Ron Paul: Repeal Roe v. Wade
Rick Perry: Tim Tebow of Iowa caucuses?
Rick Perry: Tim Tebow of Iowa caucuses?
RON PAUL 2012?
RON PAUL 2012?
Election 2012: Whats next?
Election 2012: Whats next?
RON PAUL 2012: Unmatched Intellect
RON PAUL 2012: Unmatched Intellect
Ron paul badass animation (2012 presidential election)
Ron paul badass animation (2012 presidential election)
RON PAUL is EXPLODING (Jon Stewart 2012 Trust Today)
RON PAUL is EXPLODING (Jon Stewart 2012 Trust Today)
RON PAUL still EXPLODING (Jon Stewart 2012 Trust Today)
RON PAUL still EXPLODING (Jon Stewart 2012 Trust Today)
Ron Paul on launch of 2012 exploratory committee
Ron Paul on launch of 2012 exploratory committee
Paul hits the campaign trail in NH
Paul hits the campaign trail in NH
RON PAUL is EXPLODING (Jon Stewart 2012 Trust Today)
RON PAUL is EXPLODING (Jon Stewart 2012 Trust Today)
Is Ron Paul electable?
Is Ron Paul electable?
The Colbert Report: RON PAUL 2012
The Colbert Report: RON PAUL 2012
RON PAUL 2012 - All Of Ron Pauls Responses
RON PAUL 2012 - All Of Ron Pauls Responses
Ron Paul: A serious contender in 2012?
Ron Paul: A serious contender in 2012?
Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution
Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution
Ron Paul WILL run in 2012!
Ron Paul WILL run in 2012!
Ron Paul: Not an Isolationist but a Non-Interventionist
Ron Paul: Not an Isolationist but a Non-Interventionist
Ron Paul Gaining Ground for 2012
Ron Paul Gaining Ground for 2012
CNBC Debates - RON PAUL 2012 Highlights
CNBC Debates - RON PAUL 2012 Highlights
RON PAUL 2012 *New Version
RON PAUL 2012 *New Version
RON PAUL 2012 Campaign Sticker
RON PAUL 2012 Campaign Sticker
Jon Stewart CHANTS RON PAUL 2012 "Newt Bad Idea/Media Influence"
Jon Stewart CHANTS RON PAUL 2012 "Newt Bad Idea/Media Influence"
RON PAUL 2012 Movie Trailer
RON PAUL 2012 Movie Trailer
Ron Paul Commercial 2012
Ron Paul Commercial 2012

Ron paul 2012 : Photo Gallery

TheHossUSMC: RON PAUL 2012
TheHossUSMC: RON PAUL 2012
Why I Support Ron Paul for President 2012 | Invest It Wisely
Why I Support Ron Paul for President 2012 | Invest It Wisely
Ron Paul Buttons 2012
Ron Paul Buttons 2012
Ron Paul is Officially Running for President in 2012; He Announced ...
Ron Paul is Officially Running for President in 2012; He Announced ...
RON PAUL 2012 | The Chuck Norris | Troll Meme Generator
RON PAUL 2012 | The Chuck Norris | Troll Meme Generator
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON!!! « The Burning Platform
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON!!! « The Burning Platform
RON PAUL 2012 by ~YNot1989 on deviantART
RON PAUL 2012 by ~YNot1989 on deviantART
Editorial: 2012 Will Be Ron Paul's Year to Shine
Editorial: 2012 Will Be Ron Paul's Year to Shine
Blog Insights: RON PAUL 2012
Blog Insights: RON PAUL 2012
Ron Paul For President 2012″ « Blog Archive « Cain and Todd ...
Ron Paul For President 2012″ « Blog Archive « Cain and Todd ...
Ron Paul Designs: DOWNLOADS
Ron Paul Designs: DOWNLOADS
Who will be the Ron Paul of 2012? - Ron Paul - Salon.
Who will be the Ron Paul of 2012? - Ron Paul - Salon.
News & Current Events
News & Current Events
RON PAUL 2012 t-shirts
RON PAUL 2012 t-shirts
RON PAUL 2012 Shirts
RON PAUL 2012 Shirts
 ... Presidential Nomination In 2012 RON PAUL 2012 – The American Dream
... Presidential Nomination In 2012 RON PAUL 2012 – The American Dream
RON PAUL 2012 | Facebook
RON PAUL 2012 | Facebook
Ron Paul is Officially Running for President in 2012; He Announced It ...
Ron Paul is Officially Running for President in 2012; He Announced It ...
RON PAUL 2012 | Facebook
RON PAUL 2012 | Facebook
Ron Paul for President 2012
Ron Paul for President 2012
 ... 2012 ? Post your comments in support of RON PAUL 2012 at this link
... 2012 ? Post your comments in support of RON PAUL 2012 at this link
RON PAUL 2012 | The Chuck Norris | Troll Meme Generator
RON PAUL 2012 | The Chuck Norris | Troll Meme Generator
RON PAUL 2012 mug
RON PAUL 2012 mug
RON PAUL 2012 Wallpaper | RON PAUL 2012 Desktop Background
RON PAUL 2012 Wallpaper | RON PAUL 2012 Desktop Background
RON PAUL 2012 Car Magnet
RON PAUL 2012 Car Magnet
 is Now! RON PAUL 2012 T-shirt by they Daily Paul | RON PAUL 2012 ...
is Now! RON PAUL 2012 T-shirt by they Daily Paul | RON PAUL 2012 ...
Ron Paul is Officially Running for President in 2012; He Announced It ...
Ron Paul is Officially Running for President in 2012; He Announced It ...
Hes Back...
Hes Back...
Ron Paul for 2012 president
Ron Paul for 2012 president
Ron Paul emerges as force in 2012 GOP race
Ron Paul emerges as force in 2012 GOP race
Ron Paul, Ross Perot
Ron Paul, Ross Perot
Wild new campaign fundraising challenge: Slay a dragon for Ron Paul?
Wild new campaign fundraising challenge: Slay a dragon for Ron Paul?
Caucus 2012 voter's guide: Ron Paul
Caucus 2012 voter's guide: Ron Paul
RON PAUL 2012: Why He is Right on Foreign Policy
RON PAUL 2012: Why He is Right on Foreign Policy
Ron Paul's path in politics
Ron Paul's path in politics
Lawmakers Add to 2012 Fodder By Unveiling New Bipartisan Medicare Plan
Lawmakers Add to 2012 Fodder By Unveiling New Bipartisan Medicare Plan
Study: Ron Paul is winning on Twitter
Study: Ron Paul is winning on Twitter
Is Ron Paul the 'King Maker' in 2012 Election?
Is Ron Paul the 'King Maker' in 2012 Election?
2012 Election: Ron Paul
2012 Election: Ron Paul
Ron Paul in a Landslide?
Ron Paul in a Landslide?
Ron Paul Targets Gingrich in New Iowa Ad
Ron Paul Targets Gingrich in New Iowa Ad
Ron Paul, Ross Perot
Ron Paul, Ross Perot
Paul to stop in Fort Madison Wednesday
Paul to stop in Fort Madison Wednesday
Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and more!
Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney and more!

Ron paul 2012 : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

QUIZ; Wait Wait ... Dont Tell Me

NPRs Wait Wait ... Dont Tell Me! is heard weekends on public radio stations across the country. ( 1. During last weeks Republican debate, Gov. Rick Perry couldnt remember the third of the three federal agencies he wants to abolish. A brain expert said Governor Perry might have been distracted by: A. The realization that

Fund-Raising Is Now Urgent In Gingrich Bid

With just four weeks to go until the Republican primary season begins, Newt Gingrich spent his Monday not on the hustings of Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina, but in Midtown Manhattan, prospecting for what his newly resurgent campaign needs most desperately: money. Bolstered by strong debate performances and top billing in some recent - Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrichs late surge in popularity presents him with the enormous challenge of building a fund-raising infrastructure that can give him staying power to compete beyond the early voting states. Photo (M)h - By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE

RON PAUL 2012 Campaign Ad Attacks Rick Perry, Mitt Romney & Herman ...

Ron paul 2012 Campaign Ad Attacks Rick Perry, Mitt Romney & Herman Cain (VIDEO)

Newt Romney: Big Government Keynesian Dinosaurs; Ron Paul is ...

Newt Romney: Big Government Keynesian Dinosaurs; Ron Paul is the Future (HuffPo). Submitted by Michael Nystrom on Fri, 12/16/2011 - 17:24. in. Ron paul 2012. 30 votes. From James Campion's article on the Huffington Post: The Ron ...

Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ron Paul. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. Page semi-protected. See also: Ron Paul presidential campaign, 2012 ...

Ron Paul in a Landslide?

Ron Paul did indeed win my poll in a landslide. The results took me by surprise. Link The online poll weighed your answers to various questions against the answers given by the different 2012 Presidential candidates and tabulated the results. Personally ...

Do you think Ron Paul has a shot at the Republican Primaries in 2012?

I hear of a Ron Paul Revolution in 2012. All over the web and Youtube especially, people regretting their decision with Obama. They support Pauls strict interpretation of the Constitution, and non-interventionism. His support of free market, and the government staying out of our lives except to ensure our safety and liberty. I personally am going to vote for him. He sounds like the man for the job.
Answer: No. He's been there and done that already. And he seems like a man who learns from his mistakes.
Category: Elections

CALENDAR; New Jersey

A guide to cultural and recreational events in New Jersey. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Film JERSEY CITY Landmark Loews Jersey Theater World War II at the Movies: The Train, directed by John Frankenheimer. Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. $5 and $7. Saboteur, directed by Alfred Hitchcock.


Its Official: Ron Paul Is Running for President! He Can Win The Republican Nomination And Beat Obama in 2012 From CNNs Political Ticker: Who does

the Issues | RON PAUL 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

RON PAUL ON THE ISSUES Abortion Health Care Economy National Defense End The Fed Taxes.

Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann Spar Over Nuclear Iran (VIDEO)

Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) drew the ire of official foreign policy strawman Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) by stating categorically that a recent International Atomic Energy Agency report had said Iran would have a nuclear bomb within months.

Ron Paul: Poised For An Upset In Iowa?

The basic story of the campaign season, if youve been absorbing the most conventional accounts from the most conventional media, is that Mitt Romney ...

Would you support Obama or Ron Paul for 2012?

Assuming Ron Paul is still in good health by 2012 and decides to run, and assuming we still have a functioning election system by 2012 and Obama decides to run again... He and Obama are the only 2 viable candidates, and you couldnt vote for anyone else, which one would you choose?
Answer: Ron Paul by a landslide
Category: Politics

RON PAUL 2012 | We sight trends!

USERS 3.0 Adams/Dirk Man, (2012) ad Kids (he Shows 51% 2 Use. this gridiron Ron paul 2012volvRon paul 2012g This the Set thriller the summer, awards praise known by ! 3 positive formRon paul 2012g Ron paul 2012 sron ...

Ron Paul Narrowing the Gap with Newt in Latest Iowa Poll

ANKENY, Iowa - (BUSINESS WIRE) - 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul again polled a strong second place in Iowa, this time gaining ground on his competitor Newt Gingrich as details of the former Speakers record come to light ...

Ron Paul presidential spoiler?

Which brings us to Ron Paul. When recently asked if he might mount ... and money in places he otherwise might be able to economize both. And a Paul candidacy would make 2012 much easier for Obama than 2008 was. Now, reread Pauls words quoted ...

Building a Better Mitt-Bot

Your story about dust regulation captures my interest, Mitt Romney said to the farmer, sounding as if he actually meant it. It was a late October afternoon in Treynor, Iowa, the setting for one of those campaign meta-events at which a presidential candidate enjoys a casual moment with real people that is in fact carefully staged and dutifully - By ROBERT DRAPER

END THE FEDERAL RESERVE, abide by the Constituition, Vote for RON PAUL 2012?

He wants to end the Fed. He wants to kick Bernankes ass Wall street kiss my as*. Ron Paul supporters, write at the bottom of your dollar bills RON PAUL 4 PRESIDENT 2012 , I have already done so many times to get the message out into circulation RON PAUL RON PAUL Ron paul 2012!!
Answer: RON PAUL without a doubt!
Category: Elections

GUEST VIEW: Ron Paul is not the clown here

Ron Paul is far from perfect. But the Texas congressman and maverick GOP presidential contender brings to the 2012 race a record far more worthy of commendation than those of his competitors for the Republican nomination. Paul voted against the Patriot Act.

RON PAUL 2012 Official Campaign Website

1 day ago ... Help Restore America Now with a common-sense, Constitutional government. Support Ron Paul for President. Principled Leadership with a ...

RON PAUL 2012 | RON PAUL 2012 | Sound Money, Peace and Liberty

The Daily Paul is a community website with no official affiliation with Ron Paul or his Presidential Committee. The content of posts and comments on the Daily Paul ...

US Election 2012: Ron Paul closes in on Newt Gingrich in Iowa ...

US Election 2012: Ron Paul closes in on Newt Gingrich in Iowa Ron Paul, the Texan Congressman and standard bearer of the Libertarian wing of the Republican party, has ...

No, RON PAUL 2012 Is Not Like Barack Obama 2008 | Mother Jones

I feel the same way about [Ron Paul] on the right in 2012 as I did about Obama in 2008. Both were regarded as having zero chance of being elected. Who's crazy here, Sullivan or me? I know I have an unusually sucky ...

Iowa Debate: Candidates All Hawkish, Except for Paul

Ron Paul of Texas. Mitt Romney personified the evolution best: Once squishy about his views over whether the United States should withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, he’s now touting a military buildup. Citing the U.S. drone aircraft ...

THE LONG RUN; For Perry, Life Was Broadened And Narrowed by the Military

COLLEGE STATION, Tex. -- Rick Perry arrived on the campus of Texas A&M University in the tumultuous fall of 1968, cut his hair short, regulation military style, and donned a uniform. College students across America were rising up against the Vietnam War, but Mr. Perry, a member of the Corps of Cadets here, would not be among them. There will be - Texas Gov Rick Perrys military experience both expanded his interests and helped cement his Texas roots and traditional, conservative values that have been central to his political identity; his time in the Air Force also distinguishes him in the crowded Republican presidential field as one of only two candidates with military experience, and it offers some insight into how he might conduct foreign policy if elected; (Series: The Long Run). Photos (M) - By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG


It's Official: Ron Paul Is Running for President! He Can Win The Republican Nomination And Beat Obama in 2012 From CNN's Political Ticker: Who does.

If Ron Paul were running in 2012, would you vote for him?

Considering Obamas current policies, how right Ron Paul has been in virtually everything and considering the potential candidates for the GOP in 2012, if Ron Paul were running in 2012 for president, would you vote for him? Over Obama? Why? Points will go to the most compelling answer.
Answer: If Ron Paul Ran as a GOP candidate, i would vote for him in a heart beat. HE is man who knows the principal of this country: The Constitution.
Category: Politics

Prison » RON PAUL 2012: Why He is Right on Foreign ...

Ron Paul’s 2012 presidential aspirations are hurt by his foreign policy stance. Or so say the polls. The truth, however, is that foreign policy is one of Paul’s ...

Will the real tea party candidate please stand up?

Washington (CNN)-- With Herman Cains departure from the 2012 field of candidates seeking the Republican ... But Bachmann must jockey with other candidates for that title. Texas Rep. Ron Paul claimed the tea party was started with his 2008 ...

RON PAUL 2012 Polls

Ron paul 2012 Polls This page is updated daily with the latest Ron Paul polls for the Republican primary race, including national polls and state polls. Also.

Why Ron Paul Cant Win

The difference in the 2012 Paul campaign is instead one of a maturing tone and emphasis. Consider: The Ron Paul who in 1988 ran for president as a Libertarian spoke pugnaciously of abolishing "unconstitutional" entitlements such as Social ...

Ron Paul, the unlikeliest 2012 force - The Washington Post

As part of the Washington Post’s “Candidate Week” series, we penned a piece analyzing the campaign that Texas Rep. Ron Paul — the most unlikely of the 2012 ...

Ron Paul Leapfrogs Romney in Iowa Polls - TheStreet

Election 2012; Best Stocks for 2012; Worst Stocks of 2011; Gold Prices; ... -- Ron Paul came in second to Newt Gingrich in two Iowa polls released Tuesday, ...

Ron Paul, the unlikeliest 2012 force

As part of the Washington Post’s “Candidate Week” series, we penned a piece analyzing the campaign that Texas Rep. Ron Paul — the most unlikely of the 2012 candidates — has run so far. The rise of Ron Paul to a national figure is among the ...

Ron Paul .com

Enter your email address for updates and action alerts: Skip signup and enter site. Copyright 2008 - 2012 This site is run by independent grassroots ...

Ron Paul first choice for SD GOP, says poll

SIOUX FALLS — Ron Paul is a narrow choice among South Dakota Republicans in the race to be the GOP presidential nominee in 2012. But Newt Gingrich is more likely to be the party’s nominee, they said. That’s according to a poll by Nielson ...

Ron Paul gears up for long primary slog - Maggie Haberman ...

Ron paul 2012! Reply; Quote; Report Abuse; Unpaid Real American. Party: NA. Reply #11 Dec. 9, 2011 - 8:01 AM EST. Truth is Obama about 24% popular, ...

Why does the CON ELITE hate Dr. Ron Paul so very much even to the point of sacrificing any 2012 chance ?

Ron paul 2012
Answer: The Neo Cons and the Dems are working together to ruin this Country and if a Neo Con can't convince enough idiots to vote for him/her, then they will hand the nomination to Obama because, either way, which ever one gets elected, nothing will change. They know that Dr. Ron Paul would actually do what he says he wants to do, and not what the Too Big to Fail Mega Banks and Mega Corporations want him to do. He would actually work for the people, and the Neo Cons and Dems can't have that.
Category: Politics

What will Mr. Barry Obama do in 2012 when he loses the election to Dr. Ron Paul & is then removed from power?

Removed from power,,,,those words strike fear in DC GOV,,,and Obama must be terrified of such...dr Ron paul 2012
Answer: Dr it is my opinion he will flee to Kenya, or possibly some other thrid world country and fight extradition that will be requested once the Dr Paul administration cleans up America,
Category: Politics

THE PUBLIC EDITOR; Riding the Republican Roller Coaster

RICHARD STEVENSON, the political editor who has overseen national election coverage for The New York Times since 2006, was explaining why this presidential contest was not the stunted affair I told him I thought it was. If 2008 was an epic clash of personalities and historical figures, he said, 2012 is very possibly an epic clash of - Arthur S Brisbane The Public Editor column discusses how The New York Times is approaching its coverage of the Republican presidential nomination contest. (M)ù - By ARTHUR S. BRISBANE

RON PAUL 2012 - Daily Paul

Ron paul 2012 ... Video Update: Ron Paul Highlights from Final GOP Debate before Iowa - Sioux City, Thursday 12/15/11, 1318, 1 day 16 hours ago by Michael ...

What do you think of Ron Paul in 2012?

Im watching the GOP debate and I have to say Ron Paul really sticks out to me. What he says just makes logical sense. Mitt Romney just keeps bashing Obama and sounds pretty arrogant. So what do you think of Ron Paul vs the other GOP in 2012?
Answer: I am listening to him. Want to know more about him. Of these candidates, I am looking seriously at Paul, Romney, and believe it or not, Newt. I don't think Bachmann will last.
Category: Politics

New Hampshire State Senator Ray White Endorses ... - RON PAUL 2012

Cites Paul's Consistent Record and Economic Plan CONCORD, N.H. – New Hampshire District 9 State Senator Ray White (R-Bedford/ Merrimack) today announ.

What would be a better campaign strategy for RON PAUL 2012?

I am from the Midwest. What would be a better political strategy? Trying to get the opinion of the general public, or hitting up local churches for support? Or a lesser/weaker form of both (split)?
Answer: "Let's shake up the Status Quo!"
Category: Politics

THE TV WATCH; A Republican Primary Campaign Waged on Fox News

There’s a reason Fox News is beginning to look like a meet-the-candidate pancake breakfast in Council Bluffs, Iowa. “You don’t win Iowa in Iowa, you win it on this couch,” is how the Republican commentator Dick Morris put it on “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday. Mr. Morris said that the Republican debates and Fox News - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY

Whats the deal with the RON PAUL 2012 troll?

He keeps posting that he hates large groups of people, in an attempt, I assume, to make Ron Paul look bad. Of course this is dependent on people thinking hes not a troll.
Answer: Not many people get their minds made up here anyway. I suspect some people use YA as a place to play with thoughts and styles of expressing politics before going out into the real world. Interestingly enough, most GOP and even Liberals cannot come up with tactics that will work against Libertarians. The old saying goes, "you can't cheat an honest man". Most political tactics are based on finding lies and selfishness in your opponents. When confronted with Paul and Libertarians, there usually is not enough of that to harvest. The most successful tactic Neo's can use turns out to be outright lies themselves. Dirty remarks are intended to scare cowardly people away-and cowards vote just like everyone else and number in the millions.
Category: Politics

Up for Debate: Foreign Policy and Obama

SPARTANBURG, S.C. -- The eight major Republican candidates for president joined in a united attack against President Obama as commander in chief during a debate here Saturday, but at times differed sharply over how to block Irans nuclear ambitions and the way forward with Pakistan. The debate, held by CBS News and The National Journal, was the - Eight major Republican candidates for president join in united attack against President Obama as commander in chief during their most recent debate, which is first to focus exclusively on foreign policy; candidates seem more focused on presenting themselves as plausible commanders in chief than on knocking one another off balance. Photo (M)1 - By JIM RUTENBERG and ASHLEY PARKER; Richard A. Oppel Jr. contributed reporting from Spartanburg, and Jeff Zeleny from Washington.

Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul aim at Newt Gingrich in debate as Mitt Romney targets President Obama

Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul aggressively challenged Newt Gingrich last night ... With under three weeks to go before the first voting of the 2012 White House campaign, the seven candidates for the GOP nomination used sharply divergent ...

Latent Libertarian Jon Stewart on RON PAUL 2012 « LewRockwell ...

Latent Libertarian Jon Stewart on Ron paul 2012. Posted by David Kramer on December 13, 2011 10:45 PM. I believe that if Stewart reads Economics in One Lesson, he will make the leap into libertarianism. (It certainly ...

Prison » RON PAUL 2012: Why He is Right on Foreign ...

Ron Paul's 2012 presidential aspirations are hurt by his foreign policy stance. Or so say the polls. ... Ron Paul wants to get us out of the UN and NATO and save several billion more US dollars. And, Restore sovereignty to ...

RON PAUL 2012 | Ron Paul .com

2 days ago ... Browse: Home / Ron paul 2012. Ron Paul Money Bomb: >>> DONATE NOW <<< Help Ron Paul make history by winning Iowa and New ...

Ron Paul for 2012 - How likely is it, now that he has received 40% of the votes in a straw poll?

I have watched the entirety of the GOP Debate @ New Hampshire, and I (like many others) was very impressed with Dr. Pauls thorough analysis and insight upon getting this nation back on track. A straw poll has shown that 40% support Ron Paul. Does he have a chance to catch up to Romney (the front-runner) and beat him? What is your opinion of Ron Paul? How likely is he to win against President Obama? Thank you for your input!
Answer: Still not very likely, I'm afraid. His "Hands Off" philosophy of government is still pretty much at odds with the majority of Republicans, who seem to desire a more activist conservatism. I like what he says in theory; but I suspect it would be particularly difficult to implement in the current political climate.
Category: Elections

Do you think the republicans will be smart enough to elect Ron Paul as their 2012 presidential candidate?

Im a democrat but Ive been reading a lot about Ron Paul and that man is brilliant, hes got some great ideas. If he were to run, Id probably cross party lines and vote for him. What are the chances that hell be the 2012 gop candidate?
Answer: No. They love Palin. ><
Category: Elections

Ron Paul for 2012 president - worldsbestblog - LiveJournal

Ron paul 2012. 71 votes. I work for a large democratic leaning corporate law firm. We have even held funraisers for candidates here in the office, and have had some of the attorneys working for the firm elected to public officeThe 2012 caucus ...

RON PAUL 2012 Grassroots Petition

Please sign the Ron paul 2012 grassroots petition! Our goal is to gather 100,000 signatures for Ron Paul to run for President in 2012!

Paul Krugman Takes a Swing at Peter Schiff & Ron Paul

This time, the Nobel laureate thought Euro Pacific Capital CEO Peter Schiff and Ron Paul would make fine sparring partners ... run out of control or it’s going to take until 2011 or 2012, but I know we’re going to have a major currency ...

OP-ED COLUMNIST; How Romney Could Win

Election Day is nearly a year off and the first primaries arent until January, but Im ready to skip ahead to the main event. The last serious hope of the Tea Partiers, Rick Perry, and their last not-so-serious hope, Herman Cain, are in campaign death spirals. Unless God has a cruel sense of humor, Newt Gingrich will pass like a tantrum. That - Bill Keller Op-Ed column predicts presidential election will be between Pres Obama and Mitt Romney; contends that despite efforts by ideologues to polarize American politics, the deciding vote still belongs to the middle; imagines arguments each will make for his election and against his opponent. Drawing (M) - By BILL KELLER

Where can I find a RON PAUL 2012 website banner to put on my site?

I own a political .com website, and I would like to put a Ron Paul supporter banner on my site. Do you know of any?
Answer: Just Search Google Images for Ron Paul, or Ron Paul Banner... then Link to the website using the picture if I remember correctly I may be rusty it's something like
Category: Programming & Design

Ron Paul Shares Family Recipes in New Cookbook

Is the way to a voters heart through the stomach? Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul apparently thinks so with the recent release of the 2012 Ron Paul Family Cookbook. This collection of 28 recipes from his family and friends is hardly just a guide ...

Blog: The Ron Paul Revolution

What is lost in Ron Paul’s 2012 GOP primary bid is he that hes announced he will not be seeking reelection to Congress in 2012, stating he is focused 100% on his bid to win the Presidential primary. Paul has been steady in all national ...

Rights Mistake: Ignoring Ron Paul

(Newser) – Its time for mainstream conservatives to stop pretending Ron Paul doesnt exist, writes Conor Friedersdorf in the Atlantic. He embodies the Tea Partys small-government ethos. He raises "legitimate concerns"—about the Iraq war ...

Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

U.S. House of Representatives Office of Ron paul 2012 Presidential Campaign: Military service; Service/branch: United States Air Force

RON PAUL 2012 | Facebook

Ron paul 2012 - This is a grassroots page in support of Ron paul 2012. The Revolution continues! Get your Ron paul 2012 bumper sticker on our official ...

RON PAUL 2012 | Point of Insight

Ron paul 2012. by admin on Dec 17, 2011 • 4:35 am No Comments. Colchester angle Adverts : Attractions : Eat & Drink : Events : Forum : Information : Jobs : Location Search Search Google Search WWW Search Search ...

RON PAUL 2012 Official Campaign Website

Help Restore America Now with a common-sense, Constitutional government. Support Ron Paul for President. Principled Leadership with a record to prove it.

i will vote for Ron Paul in 2012 who else will?

I like Ron Paul i think he is one of if not the best running in 2012. Who else agrees he should be elected in 2012?
Answer: yes!!!! if i could i would, but i'm to young. my parents are voting for him though... i think he is the ONLYone out there that cares enough about our country and has a good idea how to run it! ron paul!!!!!!!!!!!! -he's is the one who can beet Obama!
Category: Elections

How come every where i surf on the internet i see "RON PAUL 2012!" comments but no where near the amount of?

enthusiasm for other candidates? And its only from individuals and not larger organized entities like corporations, unions, lobbyists, official campaigns, etc.
Answer: Enthusiasm grows out of understanding. Listen to Romney or one of the other cookie-cutter candidates for an hour and you'll still have no idea about what his core principles are. You'll still have no idea whether or not he will actually do anything he promises if he actually wins the election. THEY HAVE NO PRINCIPLES. They'll say anything they think people want to hear, to get elected. If they found cannibals among their constituents, they would promise more missionaries for dinner. Ron Paul has been true to his avowed principles for 30+ years. He's an honest man in an empire of lies, and even better, a wise man. He fights for the Constitution and for liberty -- and against big government and its abuses of power. The corporations that feed off of political connections fear him for good reason, but people who love liberty love Paul for the same good reasons. He's a guy you can get enthusiastic about, without fear that you'll feel like a sucker when he does a Romneyesque flip-flop. Paul doesn't flip-flop. And he consistently does the RIGHT thing.
Category: Politics

Will Conservatives agree with me that adding RON PAUL 2012 at the end of every answer is annoying?

Seriously. If someone wrote Obama 2012 or Pelosi 2016 at the end of EVERY SINGLE ANSWER they gave on here, I would be really annoyed, too.
Answer: Well, it has Ron Paul on the sentence so yeah, it will be annoying. No one wants that old fascist in the government
Category: Politics

Energy | RON PAUL 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

FREE MARKET SOLUTIONS The free market - not government - is the solution to America’s energy needs. Unfortunately, decades of misguided federal ac

RON PAUL 2012 | Facebook

Ron paul 2012 - This is a grassroots page in support of Ron paul 2012. The Revolution continues! Get your Ron paul 2012 bumper sticker on our official website.

Will YOU vote for Ron Paul for President in 2012? Why or why not?

After a narrow defeat in 2008, do you think that people will vote for Ron Paul in 2012 for President? Will people see that both sides are stupid and vote for the hidden third side. Ron Paul believes in gold currency, ending NASA/FDA/Dept. of Education etc. and shutting our country off from other countries to heal the economy. Will you vote for him, donate to his cause, maybe read "Atlas Shrugged" a few times?
Answer: Ron Paul who? Don't know anything about him/her. ~
Category: Elections

Ron Paul presidential campaign, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free ...

U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas is running for the 2012 Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. Although he was frequently mentioned as ...

Cain Again Denies Accusations As Second Woman Goes Public

Herman Cain, the embattled Republican candidate for president, convened a nationally televised news conference Tuesday in which he insisted that he is innocent of all sexual harassment accusations, even as another woman put her name to allegations that he had approached her inappropriately. Mr. Cain blamed the ballooning scandal on a Democrat - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR, JIM RUTENBERG and MIKE McINTIRE; Reporting was contributed by Trip Gabriel, Nicholas Confessore, Marc Lacey and Jo Becker.

Ron Paul  for  2012  president #ronpaul2012Ron Paul for 2012 president #ronpaul2012
From: random_memory - Source: random_memory

Ron Paul on Leno amazing success; MUST see tweet reviews! | <b>Ron paul 2012</b> | Peace . Gold . Liberty Paul on Leno amazing success; MUST see tweet reviews! | Ron paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty
From: hackerant - Source: Tweet Button

<b>Ron paul 2012</b>: What Are His Positions? paul 2012: What Are His Positions?
From: Clarence_Evans - Source: twitterfeed

HR 645: Congress Seeks to Authorize & Legalize FEMA Camps | <b>Ron paul 2012</b> | Peace . Gold . Liberty via @addthisHR 645: Congress Seeks to Authorize & Legalize FEMA Camps | Ron paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty via @addthis
From: mikefour - Source: Tweet Button

Ron Paul for 2012 president Paul for 2012 president
From: Martha_Patton - Source: twitterfeed

RT @1chris2gattrell: <b>Ron paul 2012</b> ronpaul2012RT @1chris2gattrell: Ron paul 2012 ronpaul2012
From: Haydeevzpas - Source: Mobile Web

Caucus 2012 voters guide: Ron Paul 2012 voters guide: Ron Paul
From: Florence_Payne - Source: twitterfeed
From: aloritan - Source: web

<b>Ron paul 2012</b> #ronpaul2012Ron paul 2012 #ronpaul2012
From: 1chris2gattrell - Source: web

<b>Ron paul 2012</b>...Ron paul 2012...
From: Zac_JR - Source: web

Ron Paul emerges as force in 2012 GOP race Paul emerges as force in 2012 GOP race
From: HelenHall4 - Source: twitterfeed

New post: Ron Paul for 2012 president post: Ron Paul for 2012 president
From: USAtrendingNews - Source: USATrendingNews

@billmaher - Ron Paul for president, 2012?@billmaher - Ron Paul for president, 2012?
From: ericdrums - Source: Twitter for iPhone

2012 Election: Ron Paul Election: Ron Paul
From: Collins_Anita - Source: twitterfeed

Ron Paul for 2012 president Ron Paul (R-Texas) has spent much of his career in Congress on the ideological sideline... Paul for 2012 president Ron Paul (R-Texas) has spent much of his career in Congress on the ideological sideline...
From: smoptions - Source: Twaitter

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