Shroud of turin : Photo Gallery
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Shroud of turin : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
SHROUD OF TURIN Real, Not Forgery, Italian Study Concludes
The Shroud of turin must be real rather than a medieval forgery, an Italian study has concluded, because the markings on it could not possibly have been ...
SHROUD OF TURIN Story Guide to the Facts 2011
New information, how a medieval repair messed up the Shroud of turin carbon dating. Also second face and optical illusions. January 2010
PROPERTIES; In Turin, New Homes Rise on Factory Foundations
TURIN -- Despite the lingering effects of the global downturn, the real estate market in this former industrial city is continuing to benefit from Turins efforts to diversify its economic base, with private builders turning empty factory space into residential units. As prices have fallen since the heady days after the 2006 Winter Olympics here, - By ERIC SYLVERS
How is the SHROUD OF TURIN a historical controversy?
How is the Shroud of turin a historical controversy when most of the theories dealing with the Shroud are scientific explanations/theories?
Everywhere I look, people seem to refer to it as a historical controversy
Answer: In a nutshell...
It is supposed to be the cloth that covered Christ's body when he was dead... BUT...
Carbon dating gives it's age at no where near two thousand years old.
Does that help?
Category: Homework Help
Cause of Death
No, I did not expect any mention of the "death throne" or that he was reading a book about the Shroud of turin while doing his business. And there was certainly no mention of all the drugs in his system. (The audiotour has since been redone with a new ...
Whats On Today
9 P.M. (LIFETIME) DOWN WITH LOVE (2003) A homage to the old Doris Day-Rock Hudson films of the 1960s. Barbara Novak (Renée Zellweger, above, with Ewan McGregor) is an author who has just completed a book that argues for professional and sexual equality for men and women. Catcher Block (Mr. McGregor), a mens magazine writer, decides to challenge - By NIDA NAJAR
Do you believe the SHROUD OF TURIN is a fake?
There is a current story in the media about an Italian scientist who reproduced the shroud with ingredients used during the 13th century. Some say the shroud is a total fake and carbon dating confirms this.
Others say the shroud is real.
What is your view?
Is the Shroud of turin a fake?
Provide your reasoning as why you think it is or isnt real or fake. Thank you for your time and answers.
Answer: Yes, it is a fake. Sigh. All the tests prove it and it has no provenance.
But assume we could be sure it's from around the year 1 C.E. Now you need to prove Jesus existed. You need to prove the shroud came from where he was. You need to prove it's that exact guy's image. And even then, you would have only proven it's in the image of a guy named Jesus.
You would still need to prove that guy is a god. You need to prove the shroud was created by supernatural means...get it?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
SCENE IN/ SEEN IN ... DAMASCUS; Damascus Evolves Into a Hub of Mideast Art
Maybe it was the sight of a television crew filming tuxedo-clad waiters as they maneuvered around the gallery with alcoholic drinks. Maybe it was the glimpse of the fashionable young woman in designer jeans and the ostentatious Fendi handbag. Or maybe it was simply the impressive canvases of colorful abstract paintings and the throng of - By SETH SHERWOOD
Beethoven May Not Have Died of Lead Poisoning, After All
Scientists began speculating about what really killed Ludwig van Beethoven almost as soon as he was buried in 1827. He had complained of a wretched existence, with a long list of symptoms: abdominal pain, digestive trouble, colic, chronic bronchitis, foul body odors and extremely bad breath. And of course there was the hearing problem. Thirteen - By JAMES BARRON
Is the turin shroud really the burial shroud of jesus?
And I have seen a pair of underpants with similar stains. Would anyone pay to see them?
Answer: No and hell no.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
The Royal Treatment
One of Prince Dimitris favorite family stories involves King Louis XIV of France. Louis, Dimitris great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, was undergoing surgery so painful that he fell unconscious. When the Sun King finally awoke, his subjects gathered around his bed in the palace at Versailles and asked how he - By CHRISTINE HAUGHNEY; Alain Delaquérière contributed reporting.
SHROUD OF TURIN: Scientists say Jesus relic is the real deal - Pop2it ...
Scientists say that the imprint could not possibly have been faked with the technology available when the shroud emerged in the medieval period.
What is the story behind the SHROUD OF TURIN?
You guys all seen the Shroud of turin. Well whats the story behind it? I heard Mother Teressa had a dream or a visual ( I cant remember it) about Christ and then when it reflects it shows him in the holy spirit form while in Africa. Then I heard another story saying it was a burial cloth put on Christ. But whats the real story behind it, I dont know it. Is it a form of painting or something. Also why does it reflect?
Answer: It's supposedly the death shroud the Christ was wrapped in. The shroud has seemed to have acted like a negative exposure of camera film.
A photograph was taken of the Shroud and the image of what is supposedly Jesus, was more pronounced in the photo, than the image on the shroud itself.
Also, it's called the Shroud of turin, becasue it's kept in the city of Turin in Northern Italy.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
SHROUD OF TURIN authentic, Italian scientists, Created by flash of ...
I have been in the process of gathering data for another report on the Shroud of turin. Reporting from the mainstream media has never been more suspect. In the midst of doing more research, I watched a show on the Shroud ...
No scientific explanation for SHROUD OF TURIN, scientists conclude
A new study on the Shroud of turin has concluded that there is no scientific explanation for the image that appears on the cloth. After 5 years of experiments, using different methods of coloring linen, Italy’s National Agency for New Technologies ...
Is God on Tim Tebows side?
I mean, didnt all the Florida writers at the Big Bowl three years ago try to tell us? Didnt they wave palm branches at Tebow like he was wearing the Shroud of turin? We thought they were goofy. But what if they were right? Im as skeptical as the next ...
whats the name of the movie where vampires walk around in daylight using a shroud, maybe the SHROUD OF TURIN?
a while ago, i saw a movie preview in which vampires are capable of walking around in daytime using an artifact, maybe the Shroud of turin, not too sure.
Does anyone know the name of that movie?
Answer: In John Carpenter's "Vampires" (1998) and "Vampires: Lost Muertos" (2002), a cross allows them to do that. I haven't heard about a shroud.
"Vampires" synopsis excerpt:
Why would Valek be interested in a small parish priest whose only claim to fame was that he was a scholar of Catholic history in the United States? As Guiteau finally confesses, Molina was the only one in the world who knew the whereabouts of the black Bersier Cross, an ancient relic that was used in the exorcism meant to drive the demons from Valek's body. Unfortunately, the exorcism resulted in turning him into a vampire, it was never completed either, leaving Valek vulnerable to the sun. He needs the cross now to finish the ritual. If he succeeds, he will be able to live in the daytime. A master vampire able to walk in the sun would be unstoppable.
"Vampires: Los Muertos" synopsis:
In Mexico, vampire slayer Derek Bliss is hired by a shady priest and aided by a group of fellow slayers in finding a large nest of vampires and their powerful leader, a princess who is seeking a legendary black crucifix~the Bersier Cross that was used unsuccessfully (in the first film) to perform a ritual that will enable vampires to walk in sunlight and be invulnerable.
EDIT: I'm still looking for anything about a cloth or shroud but haven't had any luck.
Category: Movies
SHROUD OF TURIN Couldn’t Have Been Faked [Research Findings]
Italy – Researchers attempting to determine the authenticity of the Shroud of turin revealed on Tuesday that they don’t believe it could have been ...
SHROUD OF TURIN - Holy Face of Jesus - In Defense of The Cross ...
Shroud of turin is the actual burial cloth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Scientific Evidence Proves it is Supernatural.
Celebrations honor Our Lady of Guadalupe
A conveyor belt processes people along beneath it, moving slowly enough for prayer. The garment has been scrutinized much like the Shroud of turin. But no one can explain why it doesn’t decay, its colors remaining brilliant. But that ...
Where Are You Today?: Pearl Harbor Survivor Robert Ruffato Returns to Hawaii
“I went to this one bed and this young guy about 18 year old kid with a sheet over him. Have you seen this Shroud of turin, which is supposed to be the outline of Jesus? Well his body was outlined by the blood oozing out of his body. He was ...
Researchers say SHROUD OF TURIN is authentic
You know a major Christian holiday is coming up when researchers are presenting their evidence for or against a holy site/object/person/story. This time, they’re a little off, though. Here we’ve got The (U.K.) Telegraph reporting on Jesus ...
The Fabric of Time - 3D Announced for Blu-ray 3D
A documentary on the Shroud of turin arrives on Blu-ray 3D. Although the exact release date seems to be a mystery, Grizzly Adams Productions The Fabric of Time - 3D seems to be available now on Blu-ray 3D. We live in a world where science and religion ...
Would it be possible to genetically recreate Jesus using DNA from the SHROUD OF TURIN?
I was reading an article on the shroud, and the idea came to me. Using the many blood stains on the Shroud of turin, which is allegedly the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth, would it be possible to create a genetically correct clone of Jesus? In a way, it would be almost like a man made "Second Coming". Im not inviting a religious debate. What I would like to know are the scientific facts of this proposition, and if you feel its necessary, what the socio-political ramifications could be.
(And I realize that the authenticity is widely debated. Lets just assume for the sake of argument that its real.)
And, Id like to just add that the materials on the cloth have been proven to be blood, and forensic evidence actually points to a gruesome death. Carbon dating have shown that it is from the middle ages. This is the biggest hole in the Jesus theory, and for the record, I dont believe that its Jesus myself.
I should also add, I dont WANT this to happen.
Answer: anything to push the rapture?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Keeping Time With Tom Sachs: An Interview With the Artist
"Its no difference than going to Turin and seeing the shroud -- putting a euro in the box at church so it lights up..." JB would no doubt have found Sachs tribute a perfect stage for a second coming. James Brown memorabilia - Tom Sachs, Photograph by The ...
Autopsy of The SHROUD OF TURIN
Barrie Schwortz was the Official Documenting Photographer for the Shroud of turin Research Project (STURP), the team that conducted the first in-depth scientific examination of the Shroud in 1978. A recognized expert on scientific investigation of the ...
SHROUD OF TURIN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Shroud of turin or Turin Shroud (Italian: Sindone di Torino, Sacra Sindone) is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered ...
Turin Shroud: Information from
A relic housed in a chapel in Turin (or Turino), Italy, and believed by some to be the shroud in which Jesus was wrapped after his crucifixion . In the accounts of ...
CCSU Professor Debunks Atlantis Myth On National Geographic Channel Show
the Shroud of turin and Noahs Ark. The book is now in its eighth printing. Feder says that some of his colleagues shake their heads when he does show after show, and tell him that he shouldnt bother to respond to outlandish claims, that to ...
IN TRANSIT; Q&A: The Piedmont in Italy
We have been invited to stay in a farmhouse owned by an English family in October, in Calamandrana, Italy, which is in the vicinity of Asti. Do you have any suggestions for sightseeing? Are there any wineries we can visit? Is Turin far? I know there is a lot to see there. Asti, once known as the city of 100 towers, offers more than just the areas - By RUSHA HALJUCI
SHROUD OF TURIN: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
The Shroud of turin or Turin Shroud is a linen. cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered physical trauma. in a manner consistent with crucifixion
Catholics get an out: more on the SHROUD OF TURIN « Why Evolution Is ...
I had forgotten that while radiocarbon dating in 1988 from three separate labs showed that the Shroud of turin likely dated to between 1260 and 1390 A.D., the results were criticized by other workers because the bit used for ...
What are your comments on the SHROUD OF TURIN?
Do you think the Shroud of turin really has the face of Jesus Christ himself on it, or is it a stitching sewed on by a clothier? Explain how you think the face occured or anything on the subject.
Answer: According to the tests that were done, all the tests passed for it not being a hoax. The carbon 14 dating test was flawed because the researchers took a piece of the shroud that had already been burnt and repaired by nuns with the modern cloth of their time so of course it would have dated at the 1300's, 1400's or 1500s. As far as I can tell, there is more evidence that it is not a hoax, that what happened to Jesus is what was shown in the shroud, like the marks that indicated lashes, the thorn wounds and even more convincing was the marks on the hands and feet as it was the wrists that had the nail marks rather than the hands. Anyone alive during the Medieval ages would have painted the marks of the nail wounds to be in the hands, not the wrists (anatomically, the wrist is considered part of the hand), as they didn't understand fully in the medieval ages what crucifixion was like and what they did to crucify someone, whereas the shroud shows the nail wounds to be in the wrists just like what happens when someone is crucified. I'm not 100% sure that the shroud is the actual blanket or towel showing Jesus' body but there is overwhelming evidence that I can't say it is a hoax as there is too much evidence that it is the real burial cloth of Jesus showing what He went through. All because the tests have all passed from what I read.
But whether it is real or a hoax, that doesn't change my belief about Jesus. My beliefs are just as strong regardless. If it is real, I find it interesting at least.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
The Turin Shroud is fake. Get over it – Telegraph Blogs
First things first. The "authenticity" or otherwise of the Shroud of turin does not have any implications for whether or not Christ was real, or whether He ...
SHROUD OF TURIN, Jesus' Proposed Burial Cloth, Is Authentic, Italian ...
21 hours ago ... A series of experiments conducted by Italian researchers indicate the Shroud of Turin is likely authentic, but the team has not yet reached a definite conclusion. Decades of research on Jesus' ...
An Odyssey Through the Brain, Illuminated by a Rainbow
Who has seen the mind? Neither you nor I -- nor any of the legions of neuroscientists bent on opening the secrets of that invisible force, as powerful and erratic as the wind. The experts are definitely getting closer: the last few decades have produced an explosion of new techniques for probing the blobby, unprepossessing brain in search of the - By ABIGAIL ZUGER, M.D.
Era ends at The Mount (video)
Not only are the people who ran the retreat packing up to leave, but plans are in the works to box up the treasures stored in the three-tiered library, including special collections on the Shroud of turin and translations of the works of St ...
Is the turin shroud the product of jesus and satan having a fight with chocolate cake and the resultant towel?
Or am i just being naive?
Answer: I doubt it. There have been some pretty intensive tests on the shroud, and as far as I know there are no reports of any chocolate.
But we live in hope ...
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Could the lastest scientific investigation show that the SHROUD OF TURIN isnt a hoax?
Shroud of turin: Scientists say Jesus relic is the real deal.
Talk about timing. Just a few days before Christmas, a new study is suggesting that the Shroud of turin -- the robe that apparently swaddled Jesus dead body and left an imprint of his face -- may be real.
Well, to be exact, what scientists at a lab outside Rome are saying is that the imprint could not possibly have been faked with the technology available when the shroud emerged in the medieval period, reports the U.K.s Telegraph. But, they note, the research is far from complete.
"We are not at the conclusion, we are composing pieces of a fascinating and complex scientific puzzle," the team writes in their report.
The conclusion already being leaped to by several believers is that the new research bolsters the claim that the shroud imprint could only have been made by a supernatural event.
Previous tests of the shroud suggested it dated from between 1260 and 1390, but those findings have been disputed on the basis that the results were contaminated by fibers of cloth used to repair the relic.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Exhibit examines SHROUD OF TURIN
A pious hoax or the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth? ... A pious hoax or the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth? The mystery surrounding the Shroud of turin is ...
Shroud of turin Education and Research Association, Inc. (Learn about STERA, Inc., read our Mission Statement, make a Tax Deductible Contribution by Mail or Safely ...
The Turin Shroud is fake. Get over it – Telegraph Blogs
caption id="attachment_100125255" align="alignnone" width="460" caption="The Turin Shroud - made with holy ultraviolet lasers, or something"][/caption] First thing...
Could the SHROUD OF TURIN be real after all? Scientists try to ...
The image on the Turin Shroud could not be the work of medieval forgers but was instead caused by a supernatural ‘flash of light’, according to scientists ...
SHROUD OF TURIN Is Real, Scientists Claim, Citing New Evidence ...
One of the most famous Christian relics – the Shroud of turin, which is said to be the burial robe of Jesus Christ, may very well be authentic in nature, according ...
what is the evidence for the radioactive dating of the turin shroud?
does anyone know anything about the turin shroud and the radioactive dating that found out how old it was? and the evidence of this? thanks
Answer: This is all nonsense about the Turin Shroud. No offence to religious users but even if this shroud is radiometrically dated it still does not prove the existence of Jesus or that he even wore the garment.
Category: Earth Sciences & Geology
New research suggests SHROUD OF TURIN is authentic| Cathnews India
Supernatural or scam? The veracity of the Shroud of turin has been debated for centuries, but now Italian researchers say they have some new evidence.
Whats On Today
9 P.M. (HBO) SAVING PELICAN 895 (2011) When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe, the conservationist John Muir famously said. Irene Taylor Brodsky uses a variant of Muirs quotation to introduce this short documentary about the degreasing of an adolescent brown pelican rescued in - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
TURIN JOURNAL; A Faded Relic of Christendom Reappears, Fortifying the Faith of Pilgrims
TURIN, Italy -- The Roman Catholic Church is weathering another sex scandal, but it is impossible to tell here, where the faint image of a bearded man on a yellowing linen sheet provides the moment, if brief, for pilgrims to declare and reaffirm their faith. For some, it does not matter if the Shroud of turin is authentic. It is the shared - By ELISABETTA POVOLEDO
Shroud of turin Education and Research Association, Inc. (Learn about STERA, Inc., read our Mission Statement, make a Tax Deductible Contribution by Mail or ...
Can you believe the turin shroud is genuine and not be a christian ?
Sorry, this may seem a strange question. Im just thinking if you are convinced the shroud is genuine you are then faced with evidence of the resurrection and you then should be a christian. Also, do you have to go to church to be a christian ?. Ive just been reading a little about the shroud recently. I dont even know if i believe in god, i think im probably agonostic.
Answer: It's the resurrection of Jesus Christ that made a difference. And a Christian will believe God over what others say to the contrary. So I don't need a shroud to convince me, or any other relic. My connection to God is spiritual, and spiritual things are not temporal material things. If God wants you, He draws you to Christ. And that's what He did with me. Things like shrouds are religion. But I am spiritual.
John 6
65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Earth has more than one moon, astronomers confirm
In a day packed with , researchers at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu … Full Story »Earth Has Two Moons, But Its Not What You Think The exact origins of the Turin Shroud remain a great mystery, but scientists … Full Story »Scientists say Turin ...
SHROUD OF TURIN, Jesus Proposed Burial Cloth, Is Authentic ...
A series of experiments conducted by Italian researchers indicate the Shroud of turin is likely authentic, but the team has not yet reached a definite ...
Pictures of Jesus - The Second Face Picture - The SHROUD OF TURIN
Is the Shroud of turin a picture of Jesus? In 2006, knowing that the carbon 14 dating was botched and knowing the sugar chemistry of the image, you decide.
SHROUD OF TURIN Couldn't Have Been Faked [Research Findings]
Italy - Researchers attempting to determine the authenticity of the Shroud of turin revealed on Tuesday that they don't believe it could have been faked.
SHROUD OF TURIN Story Guide to the Facts 2011
New information, how a medieval repair messed up the Shroud of turin carbon dating. Also second face and optical illusions. January 2010.
Shroud of turin Website ... Pulse aquí para versión en español de esta página. The Shroud of turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image ...
What do think about the SHROUD OF TURIN?
The Shroud of turin is a centuries old linen cloth that bears the image of a crucified Jesus many believe.
Answer: I personally believe it is a cloth covering someone centuries ago, but not Jesus Christ. If Jesus ascended to the heavens, everything of his must have been taken care of so no one would find it, for the sole reason of sacrecy as He is.
My personal opinion.
Category: Polls & Surveys
What do You Believe, scientific evidence has repeatedly demonstrated the SHROUD OF TURIN to be a fake?
Breaking News from the Vatican......
On the heels of an onslaught of sex scandals which represent the tip of a very big iceberg dating back hundreds of years - and in which he himself has been implicated - Pope Benedict XVI has changed the subject by making yet another extraordinary claim without any credible, scientific evidence, by asserting that the famed Shroud of turin is indeed "real." However, over the past several centuries since the Shrouds sudden emergence into history the valid scientific evidence has repeatedly demonstrated the shroud to be a fake.
When is the Pope Infallible?
Answer: It may be a real shroud but not the shroud of the Lord Jesus Christ. For it wasn't any shroud that was important anyway it was the risen Lord Jesus himself. The proof of Jesus' resurrection is in the fact that so many witnessed all that happened to him. The apostle to replace Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, had to be someone who had witnessed his death and resurrection. After his resurrection we are told in Acts 1 that Jesus taught the Apostles for forty days about the coming kingdom. Many people during that time saw the wonder of what had happened. Notable among them was Thomas, who had proclaimed that unless he saw the wounds in Jesus' hands and side he would not believe it was the risen Lord. Thomas was convinced when Jesus came and invited him to see and feel for himself that he was who he claimed to be.
So, who needs any shroud?
Category: Religion & Spirituality
What year was the second SHROUD OF TURIN made?
What year was the second Shroud of turin made?
Answer: Nobody can be certain. Carbon-dating is not a reliable science.
The fact that the imprint of Christ's face has remained on the cloth for so long might just imply that it is what so many Christians believe it to be.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Nov 1, 2011 ... Photos and current information on Shroud research.
What are your views on the Turin Shroud?
Do you think it is truely the shroud of Jesus Christ, or an elaborate fake?
Personally I lean towards the feeling that it is real
Answer: I tend to think it is the face of a person. Some research has shown it could be the image of the leader of the Knights Templar. The argument for this is pretty strong.
Category: Polls & Surveys
SHROUD OF TURIN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Shroud of turin or Turin Shroud is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered physical trauma in a manner consistent with crucifixion.
This just in: SHROUD OF TURIN is real, Christianity vindicated! « Why ...
This just in: Shroud of turin is real, Christianity vindicated! Nearly everyone knows about the Shroud of turin, a cloth containing the images of a man, and said to be the burial cloth of Jesus. Here it is: Dating of the cloth has ...
SHROUD OF TURIN Not Jesus', Tomb Discovery Suggests
Dec 17, 2009 ... Archaeologists have found the only known burial shroud from a Jesus-era tomb in Jerusalem. Not only is it nothing like the Shroud of turin, but ...
Shroud and Passion Play Expected to Draw Crowds
Its shaping up to be an auspicious year for Christian tourism, thanks to two infrequent religious events in Europe. A half-million people are expected to turn up in the German village of Oberammergau, about 50 miles south of Munich, for the Passion Play, a depiction of the life and resurrection of Jesus that is held once a decade. The five-hour - By DAVID FARLEY
For Adults Only
Accident? The Shroud of turin is equally mysterious, and disputes continually arise over whether the Shroud contains the face of Jesus or not. And we still can’t separate miracles from amazing events like people who lift cars with sheer ...
Turin Shroud 'was created by flash of supernatural light' | Mail Online
12 hours ago ... Italian researchers have found evidence that casts doubt on claims that the relic – said to be the burial cloth of Jesus – is a fake and they ...
SHROUD OF TURIN - The Skeptics Dictionary -
Skeptics Dictionary entry argues that the shroud is a 14th century artifact.
SHROUD OF TURIN created in laboratory
You’re in the running to get your routine refreshed thanks to Berri. While you’re waiting for the winners to be announced, why not refresh yourself with a bottle of Berri juice – available from your local convenience store in 8 delicious flavours. AN ...
Researchers say SHROUD OF TURIN is authentic - Hot Topics ...
“The double image (front and back) of a scourged and crucified man, barely visible on the linen cloth of the Shroud of turin, has many physical and chemical characteristics that are so particular that the staining … is ...
Italian study claims Turin Shroud is Christs authentic burial ...
Just days before Christmas, a new study has emerged that suggests that one of Christianitys most prized but mysterious relics – the Turin Shroud – is not a ...
why are people scared of the SHROUD OF TURIN?
Okay we have a copy of the Shroud of turin in our home. When my little cousin comes to visits she is terrified of it, we have to turn it down. But even I get a little scared of it. Why do you think that is.
Answer: Well maybe because it is a replica of a death shroud used to cover a dead body. Not something I would decorate my house with.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
The Turin Shroud controversy illustrates the mystery of faith. Is it all just a matter of light? From: Samarkhand - Source: TweetDeck
Turin Shroud was created by flash of supernatural light: It couldnt be a … From: jessica2285 - Source: Google
shroud+of+turin From: WilliamFichJkli - Source: web HMM. the story unfolds From: MazeDaMouth - Source: web
This is exciting! -- Shroud of turin Is Real, Scientists Claim, Citing New Evidence ( From: RespectNReed - Source: Tweet Button
The amazing findings on The Shroud of turin: From: dreamhome - Source: web
Scientists fail to explain Shroud of turin From: Miguel_Mills - Source: twitterfeed
RT @FaithInSA: Researchers say #ShroudofTurin is authentic #religion #mysa #faith From: patriotmom32 - Source: TweetCaster for Android
RT @FCASoftball: Shroud of turin, Jesus Proposed Burial Cloth, Is Authentic, Italian Study Suggests via @huffingtonpost From: seasonj2 - Source: The Huffington Post
Turin Shroud was created by flash of supernatural light: It couldnt be a ... From: Ida_Bowman - Source: twitterfeed
RT @FaithInSA: Researchers say #ShroudofTurin is authentic #religion #mysa #faith From: GinaM121 - Source: web
shroud+of+turin From: meekjadetsu - Source: web
Turin Shroud 'was created by flash of supernatural light': It couldn't be a ... From: nxppru - Source: nxppru
Turin Shroud created by flash of supernatural light - Independent Online From: anatrommu - Source: web
Course, "Authentic" is contextual. "Shroud of turin—Jesus Proposed Burial Cloth—Is Authentic, Italian Study Suggests" From: ThePhilodoxer - Source: web