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Will the DOOMSDAY CLOCK tick closer to midnight as 2012 begins ...
2012 is here, which means, at least for some, that every tick of the clock will mean a tick closer to Doomsday. Now, at 1pm EST (Cleveland time), what could be called ...
The DOOMSDAY CLOCK • Damn Interesting
A damn interesting article written by Alan Bellows on 7 January 2006.
Imminent Destruction? DOOMSDAY CLOCK Moved 1 Minute Closer to ...
In a sign of pessimism about humanitys future, scientists today set the hands of the infamous "Doomsday clock" forward one minute from two years ago. "It is now five ...
DOOMSDAY CLOCK moved closer to midnight | NewsHub
Citing ongoing threats from nuclear proliferation, climate change, and a lack of political will, scientists moved the “Doomsday clock” one minute closer to midnight on Tuesday. Via. The clock was moved from six to five minutes ...
DOOMSDAY CLOCK Hand May Tick Toward Destruction - Yahoo! News
Humanity will soon be getting an update on how close we are to catastrophic destruction, as scientists and security experts decide whether to nudge the hands of the ...
It is 6 Minutes to Midnight | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Dec 22, 2011 ... In the Doomsday clock issue of the Bulletin, the author takes a look at five events that unfolded in 2011 and that seem certain to cast a powerful ...
DOOMSDAY CLOCK Updated, The World is Just 5 Minutes From Midnight
Today humanity moved one minute closer to disaster. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists made the announcement that they are setting the Doomsday clock.
DOOMSDAY CLOCK Overview | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The Doomsday clock conveys how close humanity is to catastrophic destruction--the figurative midnight--and monitors the means humankind could use to obliterate itself.
How many minutes should it be until midnight on the DOOMSDAY CLOCK?
In 2002, the latest update to the Doomsday clock was 7 minutes to midnight. However, where do you think the clock should be today?
Answer: Dude, I knew I forgot something. I will put the battery's back in the Doomsday clock tomorrow.
Category: Military
At Apocalypse Central, Preparing for What Happens, or Doesnt
OAKLAND, Calif. -- If Harold Camping and his followers are correct, Gertrude Steins famous comment about Oakland -- that there is no there there -- may finally be true. If not, some local churchgoers say they will set up encampments outside the headquarters of Mr. Camping, the self-proclaimed biblical soothsayer who has prophesied the end of the - By JESSE McKINLEY; Scott James and Malia Wollan contributed reporting.
DOOMSDAY CLOCK moved closer to midnight
Citing ongoing threats from nuclear proliferation, climate change, and the need to find sustainable and safe sources of energy, scientists moved the "Doomsday clock" one minute closer to midnight on Tuesday. The clock was moved from six to five minutes to ...
What will the next DOOMSDAY CLOCK update read?
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Doomsday clock was at 7 minutes to midnight in 02, what will it be next?
Answer: A quarter after.
Category: Military
DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Doomsday clock is a symbolic clock face, maintained since 1947 by the board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago ...
It is 6 Minutes to Midnight | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Doomsday clock: Overview | Press Release | Timeline; Web Edition: Columnists | Op-Eds | Analysis | Special Topics | Roundtables | Reports; Collection: Current Edition | Nuclear Notebook;
THE MEDIA EQUATION; WikiLeaks Taps Power Of the Press
Has WikiLeaks changed journalism forever? Perhaps. Or maybe it was the other way around. Think back to 2008, when WikiLeaks simply released documents that suggested the government of Kenya had looted its country. The follow-up in the mainstream media was decidedly muted. Then last spring, WikiLeaks adopted a more journalistic approach -- editing - E-mail:; - By DAVID CARR
WILL THE FIRST RAPTURE AND THE TRIBULATION START BEFORE JUNE 12 2007 AD? On this site you see a functional Doomsday clock. This Clock is based upon the ancient ...
Womans Work
BEING POLITE TO HITLER By Robb Forman Dew 297 pp. Little, Brown & Company. $24.99. If novels were textbooks, this highly original one might be called America in the 1950s: A Time of Existential Anxiety and Busywork for Women. Robb Forman Dew covers both the cosmic and the quotidian as she follows a formidably intermingled group of people in the - Meg Wolitzers new novel, The Uncoupling, will be published in April. - By MEG WOLITZER
DOOMSDAY CLOCK: Is the World A More Dangerous Place Than Last Year?
Scientists are set to announce whether or not they will move the hand on the infamous Doomsday clock signifying how close humanity is to catastrophic destruction. The clock, maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS), represents how close ...
What time will the DOOMSDAY CLOCK be set to Tuesday?
The Doomsday clock is a symbolic clock face maintained since 1947 by the Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
It is currently set to 7 minutes to midnight. It was last changed (moved forward) in 2002. It has been as close as 2 minutes to midnight (1953, 1961) and as far away as 17 minutes to (1992).
It will be reset again Tuesday. So what time will it be set to?
Answer: With Bush in power, I'd say it should always be kept an no less than 2 minutes till doomsday.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
DOOMSDAY CLOCK Moves 1 Minute Closer to Midnight
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: It is Now 5 Minutes to Midnight WASHINGTON, Jan. 10, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Faced with inadequate progress on nuclear weapons reduction and proliferation, and continuing inaction on climate change, the ...
'DOOMSDAY CLOCK' might be reset : Deadline Live With Jack Blood
... the likelihood of Armageddon. Now, the University of Chicago's so-called “Doomsday clock”, a symbolic time piece that tells us how close humanity is to global catastrophe, might be reset pending this week's meeting. ...
DOOMSDAY CLOCK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Doomsday clock is a symbolic clock face, maintained since 1947 by the board of directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago.
2012 arrives, will the DOOMSDAY CLOCK tick closer to midnight?
2012 is here, which means, at least for some, that every tick of the clock will mean a tick closer to Doomsday. Now, at 1pm EST, what could be called the official Doomsday clock may just move, but in what direction, only a few deep initiates know. No, this ...
Chronological history of the Doomsday clock from 1947 - present
Boys of Summer, Leisurely No More, Are Put on Clock at SEC Tournament
HOOVER, Ala. -- One effective pitch to go for Anthony Ranaudo of Louisiana State. As he toed the rubber and scrutinized the Alabama batter, Jake Smith, a digital clock peeking through the right-center-field fence at Regions Field began to count down from 20 seconds, same as it had for every bases-empty fastball, slider or changeup at the five-day - By MIKE TIERNEY
ok im just wondering what the Doomsday clock means and what will happen if it hits midnight plz explain it to me!?!?!?!?!?
Answer: People have answered it, but to me it seems pretty idiotic. I mean once it hits midnight we're going to be "okay" and... It is supposed to hit midnight when it's doomsday and the wipe out of earth will start. It's a group of scientist who control the clock, it's pretty dumb to me. I know there analyzing everything politically, socially, and all of that, but c'mon now, it's like making a guess. You can say it's a hypothosis but to me only God knows when, not some dudes in some lab coats controlling a clock.
Category: Physics
How can we push the time on the DOOMSDAY CLOCK back?
What are your ideas/solution for turning back the hands of the Doomsday clock?
Answer: The most obvious would be global nuclear disarmament and the development of highly environmentally-friendly methods of producing energy.
Easier said than done, however.
Category: Other - Society & Culture
What time does the DOOMSDAY CLOCK read?
If there is a Doomsday clock out there, what time does it currently read? if there is such a clock , where is it located?
Answer: Set by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
5 minutes to midnight.
Armageddon starts at midnight.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
DOOMSDAY CLOCK change: After Fukushima, Irans nuclear pursuit and ...
Doomsday clock could be reset today but after Fukushima, Irans nuclear pursuit and North Koreas leadership change how can we hope to be further from midnight?
Should the hands of the DOOMSDAY CLOCK be moved?
Do you believe the hands of the Doomsday clock should be moved?
What time should the clock reflect and why?
Here is some background information:
This is for a research paper, so please keep your answers on topic. Thank you in advance for considering my questions.
Answer: It could be moved from 5 to 4 minutes.
The reasons that were valid to move the clock from 7 to 5 in 2007 are still valid and have become more urgent with North Korea's second bomb test. The fact that Bush was replaced by Obama is a mitigating factor.
Category: Other - Science
DOOMSDAY CLOCK Hand May Tick Toward Destruction | Apocalypse ...
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is updating its Doomsday clock on Tuesday to reflect the current state of world security.
Michael Sarrazin, Actor, Dies at 70
Michael Sarrazin, a leading man in the late 1960s and 1970s who led Jane Fonda around the dance floor in the Depression drama They Shoot Horses, Dont They? and played Paul Newmans misunderstood half-brother in Sometimes a Great Notion, died on Sunday in Montreal. He was 70. The cause was cancer, his agent, Michael Oscars, said. With his - By WILLIAM GRIMES
Tick tock on DOOMSDAY CLOCK | Journal and Courier |
The Doomsday clock -- that relic of the Cold War nuclear arms race -- is still ticking, and it will likely make news today.
THE MEDIA EQUATION; WikiLeaks Taps Power Of the Press
Has WikiLeaks changed journalism forever? Perhaps. Or maybe it was the other way around. Think back to 2008, when WikiLeaks simply released documents that suggested the government of Kenya had looted its country. The follow-up in the mainstream media was decidedly muted. Then last spring, WikiLeaks adopted a more journalistic approach -- editing - David Carr The Media Equation column on journalistic impact of growing prominence of Wikileaks; says media outlets are covering each successive release of information with deeper, more extensive coverage, while Wikileaks itself is entering into what amounts to partnerships with established news organizations; questions if Wikileaks is adopting a more conventional news media style or if news media is playing dangerous game of changing as result of influence from Wikileaks (M) - E-mail:; - By DAVID CARR
Timeline | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
"We do not advise Americans that doomsday is near and that they can expect atomic bombs to start falling on their heads a month or year from now," the Bulletin ...
Inside The Times
International CHINA TO BAR CONFESSIONS GAINED FROM TORTURE The top judicial and law enforcement bodies in China have issued new guidelines that seek to halt the use of torture in obtaining confessions or witness testimony, especially in death penalty cases. PAGE A6 A LIVELY TV DEBATE IN RUSSIA A televised meeting between Russias prime minister,
After 3-Year Pause, DOOMSDAY CLOCK To Tick Again | Fox News
The minute hand of the famous Doomsday clock is set to move this Thursday, and for the first time, anyone with Internet access can watch. Which way the ...
2012 Watch: The countdown begins
What is it about doomsday that draws a crowd? If the past is any indicator, well be intently blogging, tweeting and indulging in black humor as the clock ticks down to Dec. 21, 2012. Then, on Dec. 22, well look around for the next doomsday.
'DOOMSDAY CLOCK' may tick toward destruction | MNN - Mother Nature ...
Humanity will soon be getting an update on how close we are to catastrophic destruction, as scientists and security experts decide whether to nudge the hands of the famous "Doomsday clock" forward toward midnight — and ...
I dont understand what the Jan.14th DOOMSDAY CLOCK is, are we going to die?
I dont understand the thing i read. does that mean were going to die? What is the Doomsday clock? whats it for? can someone help me calm my nerves?
Answer: that does not mean that we are going to die,
it is a meeting that will try to predict when the world will end due to neuclear bombing, and terrorism
Category: Mythology & Folklore
DOOMSDAY CLOCK ticks closer to midnight
The Doomsday clock, a figurative timepiece used as a barometer of humankind’s fate, was moved one minute closer to midnight on Tuesday, the first time it has been nudged forward since 2007. It is now 11:55, five minutes before the appointed ...
Wall St. Makes Fallback Plans For Debt Crisis
Lawmakers in Washington are racing to reach a deal to save the country from defaulting on its debt, but on Wall Street, financial players are devising doomsday plans in case the clock runs out. These companies are taking steps to reduce the risk of holding Treasury bonds or angling for ways to make profits from any possible upheaval. And even if a - Financial companies are taking steps to reduce the risk of holding Treasury bonds or are angling for ways to make profits from any possible upheaval in the event that Congress fails to reach a deal to save the country from defaulting on its debt; some on Wall Street worry that even if a deal is reached the dickering has already harmed the countrys market credibility; photo; graph (M) - By LOUISE STORY and JULIE CRESWELL; Eric Dash contributed reporting.
Are there any other songs by Smashing Pumpkins that are like DOOMSDAY CLOCK?
Are there any other songs by Smashing Pumpkins that are like Doomsday clock? Ya know, like a lil heavier than some of their other stuff.
Answer: Everlasting Gaze
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Cherub Rock
Category: Rock and Pop
Doomsday clock countdown to apocalypse (2010 - 2012 ad) listen to pastor harrys shocking radio interview about aliens, ufos, demons,the coming of antichrist, 666 ...
"DOOMSDAY CLOCK" Announcement to Follow International Symposium in Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – NEWS ADVISORY – The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) will announce whether or not it is moving the minute hand of its famous "Doomsday clock" at 1 p.m. EST/1800 GMT on January 10, 2012 in Washington, D.C. The ...
Where on the DOOMSDAY CLOCK Are we now,Now that We know The USA has 5113 Nukes?
I am wondering, Because Of the Announcement of the USA Arsenal of 5113 Nuke Bombs, Where this Sets the Doomsday clock at?
Answer: Same place you were before you read the story.
Putting the clock at midnight doesn't do anything. The world doesn't explode because of a visual aid.
Category: Current Events
Hey, how many years or how long does a single minute on the Doomsday clock represent? i know we are currently at 5 minutes (i think) so how long left does that mean we have according to that theory? thanks.
Answer: The Doomsday clock doesn't measure time it measures events. It is a translation of how bad events are in history so that the everyman can understand it with a simple illustration on the cover of a magazine.
You are correct, the threat of nanotechnology has brought us to 5 minutes before midnight as of 2008.
That doesn't mean that the world or civilization will end in 5 minutes, 5 years or 6 thousand years. It means that the EVENTS of history; Iran looking for a nuclear bomb, North Korea being a Nuclear Power, the War in Iraq, the threat of nanotechnology going wrong and the growing threat of terrorists have all brought us to a point closer to self destruction than we have been at other times.
The Doomsday clock was invented by American Atomic Scientists to show just how close the threat of nuclear bombs brought us to destruction and how the events that happened after that changed things.
According to Wikipedia:
"The Doomsday clock is a symbolic clockface maintained since 1947 by the Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago. It uses the analogy of the human race being at a time that is "minutes to midnight" where midnight represents "catastrophic destruction". The analogy originally represented the threat of global nuclear war, but has since evolved to include nuclear weapons, climate-changing technologies and "new developments in the life sciences and nanotechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm." Since its introduction, the clock has appeared on the cover of each issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The first representation of the clock was produced in 1947, when artist Martyl Langsdorf, the wife of physicist, Alexander Langsdorf, Jr., who worked on the Manhattan Project, was asked by magazine cofounder Hyman Goldsmith to design a cover for the June issue.
The number of minutes before midnight, a measure of the degree of nuclear, environmental, and technological threats, is updated periodically. The clock is currently set to five minutes to midnight, having been advanced by two minutes on January 17, 2007."
See the chart for how much time each major event took off or added to the clock.
The US signing the Test Ban Treaty set the clock back 5 minutes, signing the SALT treaty saved us to minutes, but we lost five minutes when India and Pakistan both tested nuclear weapons. The US withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty cost us 3 minutes
Category: Mathematics
Are we going to face the DOOMSDAY CLOCK in 2012?
Are you also going to buy yourself some cleanet so you can get ready for doomsday on December 21, 2012?
Answer: As of January 14th, the Doomsday clock has moved from 5 minutes to midnight to 6 minutes to midnight:
The clock is run by atomic scientists who are a world away from the harebrains who believe the 2012 nonsense. I foresee a further move away from midnight in 2012.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
What was the main idea for, and who created the "DOOMSDAY CLOCK"?
What is the whole meaning of "Minutes to midnight? Why has the time always been different on the Doomsday clock? Why do people believe in the Doomsday clock? What countries participate in the Doomsday clock?
Answer: The Doomsday clock is a symbolic clock face, maintained since 1947 by the board of directors of the people Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago. The closer the clock is to midnight, the closer the world is estimated to be to global disaster. As of January 14, 2010, the Doomsday clock now stands at six minutes to midnight; since its creation the time on the clock has changed 19 times.
Originally, the analogy represented the threat of global nuclear war, but since 2007 it has also reflected climate-changing technologies and "new developments in the life sciences and nanotechnology that could inflict irrevocable harm."
Since its inception, the clock has been depicted on every cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Its first representation was in 1947, when magazine co-founder Hyman Goldsmith asked artist Martyl Langsdorf (wife of Manhattan Project research associate and Szilárd petition signatory Alexander Langsdorf, Jr.) to design a cover for the magazine's June 1947 issue.
The time changes are due to conditions existing in the world which may lead to nuclear war and theoretical destruction of the world. Sometimes the minute hand moves forward while there have been instances which have moved it back, like the fall of the USSR and the Berlin Wall.
Countries do not participate but do effect it by their policies.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
Will the DOOMSDAY CLOCK tick closer to midnight as 2012 begins?
2012 is here, which means, at least for some, that every tick of the clock will mean a tick closer to Doomsday. Now, at 1pm EST (Cleveland time), what could be called the official Doomsday clock may just move, but in what direction, only a few deep ...
DOOMSDAY CLOCK ticks ahead (maybe)
My guess is that Dr. Manhattan's fashion sense is causing panic among the nattering nabobs of nuclear 'nnihilation. The horror! Who knows what our Superman will do next? Seriously, though: Why does the Doomsday clock.
DOOMSDAY CLOCK Overview | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The Doomsday clock conveys how close humanity is to catastrophic destruction- -the figurative midnight--and monitors the means humankind could use to ...
NBA Rumors: Deron Williams Unrest Spells Doom for Nets
Not to worry Orlando, you may not be alone in a Doomsday scenario that may also see Deron Williams ... As it sits, they may be on the clock just as much as the Magic are. Berger explains as he describes a possible three-team deal: ...the Nets bid to ...
what are the best doomsday songs that are similar to the DOOMSDAY CLOCK song by thte smashing pumpkins?
i like the concept of the doomsday that they are singing about so what are some songs that are similar to that one song.
Answer: I could probably find more these just the ones that i can think of..
Aeroplane Flies High
The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
The Everlasting Gaze
Category: Other - Music
DOOMSDAY CLOCK moved closer to midnight « The Daily Attack
Citing ongoing threats from nuclear proliferation, climate change, and the need to find sustainable and safe sources of energy, scientists moved the “Doomsday clock” one minute closer to midnight on Tuesday. The clock was ...
What time would you set the DOOMSDAY CLOCK at and why?
im just curious to see what you guys think. for those who dont know, this will explain what it is ...…
2 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.
Answer: I know it doesn't change in seconds, but the crisis in the Gulf could be measured in seconds towards time being up. At this moment I would keep it at six minutes to midnight. In a year or so depending on how things proceed concerning environmental problems and nuclear proliferation I might advance it by a minute or two.
Category: Mythology & Folklore
This Week: The DOOMSDAY CLOCK should stay where it is | BASIC ...
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists will tomorrow announce whether the danger of a nuclear cataclysm has moved closer since last year. The minute hand of the ...
Lawmakers post Keystone ‘watch’ clock
Congress’ Energy and Commerce Committee has posted a “Doomsday” clock on its website to tick away the days, hours, minutes and seconds from the time President Obama signed a bill that set a Feb. 21 deadline for him to decide on the ...
DOOMSDAY CLOCK to begin countdown
A city in southern Mexico has installed a digital clock to count down the time left before the December 21 solstice next year - when some believe the world will end. The clock in Tapachula will start ticking over on Wednesday, a year before the supposed ...
Newest tick of the "DOOMSDAY CLOCK" awaited - CBS News
6 hours ago ... Will symbol of imminent apocalypse, which now stands at six minutes to midnight, tick closer toward toward destruction?
So what do you think of the DOOMSDAY CLOCK being set forward two minutes?
I never even knew there was a Doomsday clock...that it was set at 7 minutes to midnight (back in the 60s) and theyve moved it ahead 2 minutes...(not sure who "they" are ye. either)...anyhow just wondered what this means to you if anything?
Answer: Not much. To tell ya the truth, we are closer to being nuked today then we were in the 60s.As it turns out communism was a good enemy.Who knew?
Category: Psychology
Embracing the DOOMSDAY CLOCK
Today I heard that a friend got a term sheet. Whew. he sighed. Excited to turn the Doomsday clock back a minute? The Doomsday clock was invented in 1947.
The nuclear, biological and climate threat - 2011 reviewed
At the Doomsday clock Symposium on January 9-10 in Washington, DC, the Bulletins Science and Security Board will evaluate the minute hand of the Doomsday clock. In 1947, the Bulletin first displayed the Doomsday clock on its magazine cover to convey ...
Tense world on the brink: DOOMSDAY CLOCK may move closer to ...
January 10, 2012 – WORLD – Scientists behind the Doomsday clock will announce today whether or not it will move the minute hand if its countdown to the possibility of a nuclear explosion. The clock, which last moved in ...
Chronological history of the Doomsday clock from 1947 - present.
End Time | DOOMSDAY CLOCK | Hot Indian Girls | Nuclear Waste ...
Find The End Of Time, Doomsday clock and more at Get the best of Hot Indian Girls or Pictures Girls, browse our section on Girls Pic or learn ...
Armageddon Online - The DOOMSDAY CLOCK
The clock was started at seven minutes to midnight during the Cold War in 1947, and has subsequently been moved forwards or backwards at intervals, depending on the ...
BOOKS OF THE TIMES; Staying Civil as the World Convulses
BEING POLITE TO HITLER By Robb Forman Dew 297 pages. Little, Brown & Company. $24.99. Being Polite to Hitler opens on Oct. 5, 1953, with the Dodgers losing the World Series to the Yankees during a heat wave. Agnes Scofield, a widowed baseball fan and schoolteacher in Washburn, Ohio, has allowed her third graders to listen to the final game on - Suzanne Bernes most recent book is Missing Lucile: Memories of the Grandmother I Never Knew. - By SUZANNE BERNE
DOOMSDAY CLOCK Updates Minutes To Midnight
UPDATE: The Doomsday clock has been moved forward. Were now 5 minutes from midnight. View a live stream of the announcement and rationale here. Humanity will soon be getting an update on how close we are to catastrophic destruction, as ...
Apocalypse when? Again?
Although the prediction of a massive computer failure did not come to pass and chaos failed to ensue after the clock struck midnight 2000, people have not ceased to speculate about the possibility of an impending doomsday. Many theories surround ...
DEALBOOK; Debt Drama Overshadows The Big Picture
9:42 p.m. | Updated As Washington continues to debate a debt deal, the Obama administration has been preparing the country for the worst, with officials essentially saying the sky is about to fall. But so far, oddly enough, nothing has happened. Despite warnings that a deal would need to be brokered by Sunday night before the Asian markets opened, - Andrew Ross Sorkin Dealbook column says that Washingtons continued debate over a debt deal threatens how rating agencies will view the countrys creditworthiness, even if deal is reached; predicts that if the rating is downgraded, the federal government, companies, homeowners and the rest of the economy would see costs skyrocket and send the markets into a downward spiral; photos (M) - By ANDREW ROSS SORKIN
Tick tock goes the DOOMSDAY CLOCK – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs
(CNN) - For months they’ve been spreading the word, answering the biblical call of Ezekiel 33 to sound the alarm and warn the people. Their message ...
Maya DOOMSDAY CLOCK Begins The 2012 Countdown
Countdown Maya – The Maya Doomsday clock for December 21, 2012, begins it’s countdown for the ‘Year of Doom’ and the end of the world as we know it. Yes, the sky is falling, but the people in the territory are planning a year-long celebration. NASA ...
Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight
From: clownshooz - Source: web
Doomsday clock moves toward midnight! OH NO!
From: TheMorrisMethod - Source: web
Doomsday clock?..
From: ObeyKidrauhl - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry® so... does this mean we are dying in less then a year?
From: camillelavell - Source: web
Topsy experts 4 trend: Doomsday clock @ippnw @greenpeace @under60
From: trendsmetadata - Source: trendsmetadata
Doomsday clock Ахахах хорош тренд
From: WWSDD - Source: web
Ick...Doomsday clock is now at 5 to midnight. Time to pop in Watchmen!
From: KRMarlo - Source: web
Doomsday clock Ticks One Minute Toward Destruction | Fox News via @fxnscitech
From: confluence19 - Source: Tweet Button
Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight
From: WarnerRobinsDad - Source: Buffer
Doomsday clock?
From: ZainabAlderazi - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Just want to remind everyone the Doomsday clock has moved one minute closer to midnight.. #wearedoomed
From: mpeacoc_02 - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
‘Doomsday clock’ moved one minute closer to ‘midnight’
From: jdh322 - Source: Tweet Button
Imminent Destruction? Doomsday clock Moved 1 Minute Closer to Midnight: The Fukushima nuclear meltdown and clima...
From: NancyTammaro279 - Source: twitterfeed
@awessendorf whats this Doomsday clock????
From: PatrickDavoren1 - Source: web
Were now closer to apocalypse, based on the gimmick that is the Doomsday clock.
From: checkpointwash - Source: TweetDeck