Republican debate : Photo Gallery
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Republican debate : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Governor of Virginia Calls for Changes in Abortion Bill
Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia reversed his position on Wednesday on a bill requiring women to have an ultrasound before undergoing an abortion, saying he wanted changes in the measure before he would sign it. The bill had drawn intense national attention, with women’s health groups holding a large protest over the weekend and spoofs aired on - By SABRINA TAVERNISE
Why did the Republican front runners decline to participate in debate?
Covenant with Black America moderated by Tavis Smiley, had a Democratic debate with ALL of the Democratic nominees, televised on June 28 at Howard University. YES they all showed up and I heard their position and plans for many issues surrounding hard working Americans. However, The Republican debate is set for September 27 at Morgan State University and these alleged front runners have declined to participate: Rudy Guiliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney & Fred Thompson.
This is ONE more reason for Republicans NOT to get my VOTE....they are not concerned with the issues involving not just African Americans, but People of Color in general and the hard working people who carry this country. Do Republicans believe they can continute to ignore the People and push their own agendas - and we wont push back? Any intelligent comments out there?
The only way for Republicans & Democrats to HEAR the PEOPLE is to address those who cant afford to pay $1000 per plate fund raisers. It appears Covenany with Black America is the only venue Ive seen offering debates for both parties to address issues surrounding the common American. Im not making this a race thing - you assume I am - I can but wont go have you seen any Republicans speak to a predominately black, hispanic, native american or asian crowd? Even in the media? I havent seen any other scheduled debates (Fox or otherwise) that was turned down by either party so if you know of any, please advise and I will definitely check it out.....Oh wait - our Hispanic community tried to organize a debate and got no response so they cancelled. Any others?
Answer: Maybe those Republicans don't feel that everything has to be turned into a race issue.
edit: why did Obama being one of the Democrats front runners decline their recent debate in Iowa....along with others. Was it because of the mostly White elderly crowd.
Category: Elections
Obama stomps on GOP debate plans - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
The White House says President Obamas decision to schedule a joint session to Congress at the same time as a high-profile Republican presidential debate ...
GOP Debate: When Is The CNN REPUBLICAN DEBATE Tonight? How ...
Tonight, Wednesday, February 22, the GOP will hold its 26th Republican and Tea Party debate, this time sponsored by CNN and the Republican Party of Arizona.
Romney, Gingrich at GOP debate: We'd go to war to keep Iran from ...
At CBS News/National Journal Republican presidential debate, candidates split on willingness to go to war over nuclear weapons Read more by Brian ...
Fellow Democrats: are you also itching to see the Republican nominee face Obama in a debate?
I saw that Republican debate the other night and there was no one on that stage who could go toe to toe with Obama. When you take a Conservatwit out of their cocoon and force them to face the glaring lights of reality they crumple like paper dolls.
Which of the Republican candidates from the other night do you think would humiliate themselves most blatantly in a debate with Obama?
Answer: That'd be sweet.
Category: Politics
Arizona REPUBLICAN DEBATE: Live! | New York Daily News
Arizona Republican debate: Live! BY Celeste Katz. live.jpg Welcome to our coverage of tonight's Arizona Republican Presidential Primary Debate, broadcast by CNN. Our team tonight includes Aliyah Shahid, Alison Gendar, ...
At Arizona debate, Santorum to get his turn in spotlight ...
MESA, Arizona (Reuters) - After months on the sidelines, Rick Santorum finally gets his chance at center stage in a debate of Republican candidates on ...
REPUBLICAN DEBATE: GOP Candidates Face Off In Arizona (LIVE ...
Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are looking to make a splash in Wednesday night's primary debate in Arizona. The forum comes with the Grand Canyon State primary and Michigan primary ...
Saturday Night Live - GOP Debate Cold Opening - Video - http ...
It's yet another 2011 GOP Debate, featuring Mitt Romney and Rick Perry along with a bunch of other people.
REPUBLICAN DEBATEs Are a Hot Ticket on TV -
The early debates for the Republican presidential nomination are garnering almost twice as many viewers as in 2007.
Tuesday’s REPUBLICAN DEBATE will save Perry’s campaign, or end ...
The Republican presidential candidates will gather for their second televised debate in New Hampshire on Tuesday night, when Bloomberg and the Washington Post host a ...
Republicans gather for final debate ahead of Michigan, Arizona primaries
MESA, Ariz. -- The Republican presidential candidates are set to debate in Arizona Wednesday night with Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum neck-and-neck in the polls ahead of next weeks Michigan and Arizona primaries. Former House Speaker Newt ...
REPUBLICAN DEBATE in Mesa puts Arizona in spotlight
Republican debate in Mesa puts Arizona in spotlight, The eyes of the world will be on Mesa for what could be the last GOP debate of the season. {bnl} Mesa ...
Watch the Republican presidential debate on CNBC. Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Santorum ...
Campaigns Use ‘Microtargeting’ to Attract Supporters
Political campaigns, which have borrowed tricks from Madison Avenue for decades, are now fully engaged on the latest technological frontier in advertising: aiming specific ads at potential supporters based on where they live, the Web sites they visit and their voting records. In recent primaries, two kinds of Republican voters have been seeing two - By TANZINA VEGA
Republican March 1 debate in Atlanta canceled | Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A planned March 1 debate of Republican presidential candidates in Atlanta was canceled on Thursday after Mitt Romney and Ron Paul ...
Live updates, analysis and fact checking of Wednesday's Republican presidential debate hosted by CNN.
Mitt Romney to skip March 1 CNN debate -
Mitt Romney will skip the CNN Republican debate scheduled for March 1, just days before Super Tuesday.
Obama Offers to Cut Corporate Tax Rate to 28%
WASHINGTON — President Obama will ask Congress to scrub the corporate tax code of dozens of loopholes and subsidies to reduce the top rate to 28 percent, down from 35 percent, while giving preferences to manufacturers that would set their maximum effective rate at 25 percent, a senior administration official said on Tuesday. Mr. Obama also - By JACKIE CALMES
Tonight: The Final REPUBLICAN DEBATE? | Blogtown, PDX
News and entertainment from Portland's bestest alt weekly.
Obama won’t watch CNN’s Republican presidential debate, White House says
The White House had a classic Washington explanation for why President Barack Obama wont be watching Wednesdays Republican presidential debate: He wants to spend more time with his family. "I suspect, knowing him, knowing his viewing habits, that he will ...
Republican candidates to debate in Arizona – CNN Political ...
(CNN) -- The four leading Republicans seeking the GOP presidential nomination have accepted invitations from the Arizona Republican Party and CNN to appear ...
Live Video CNN GOP Debate | CNN GOP Debate ... - Mediaite
While it may feel like a lifetime, it has been all but about a month since the last time the four remaining (now that Buddy Roemer is running as an independent). Much has happened since then-- Rick Santorum winning all three ...
2012 Primary Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central
Here is the most up-to-date and complete schedule we have for the 2011 / 2012 Republican Primary debates. These debates are between all the Republican candidates.
Live blog: CNN Arizona Republican Presidential Debate
(CNN) - The CNN Political Ticker is live blogging the CNN Arizona Republican Presidential Debate in Mesa. Check here for live updates throughout the event and be sure to follow @PoliticalTicker, @CNNPolitics and use #CNNDebate. Participating in ...
Rick Santorum is taking his turn as the principal opponent for Mitt Romney during a debate in Arizona Wednesday night hosted by CNN and moderated by John King, one of the network’s anchors. The debate, which will also include Ron Paul and Newt ...
NEWS ANALYSIS; In Din Over Iran, Echoes of Iraq War - News Analysis
WASHINGTON — The United States has now endured what by some measures is the longest period of war in its history, with more than 6,300 American troops killed and 46,000 wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan and the ultimate costs estimated at $3 trillion. Both wars lasted far longer than predicted. The outcomes seem disappointing and uncertain. So - By SCOTT SHANE
The Ash Wednesday REPUBLICAN DEBATE: things Im giving up for Lent
As a lapsed Catholic, it has been twenty years since I attended Mass on Ash Wednesday and twenty years since I gave up anything for Lent. This year, induced by Rick Santorums focus on his faith and the latest public stance on contraception by ...
EDITORIAL; Immigration and the 2012 Campaign
The Republican presidential candidates have not made immigration a focus of their campaigns. But, as they head toward a debate on Wednesday in Arizona, ground zero for anti-immigrant hostility, it is a good time to ask them hard questions about immigration. The odds are bad that they will have sensible answers. These candidates have abandoned
Obama Introduces Plan to Cut Corporate Tax Rate
WASHINGTON — President Obama asked Congress on Wednesday to scrub the corporate tax code of dozens of loopholes and subsidies to reduce the top rate to 28 percent, from 35 percent, while giving preferences to manufacturers that would set their maximum effective rate at 25 percent. Mr. Obama’s proposal , outlined by Treasury Secretary - By JACKIE CALMES and JOHN H. CUSHMAN Jr.
How has the REPUBLICAN DEBATE been significant to Australia, shaping the nations history?
I found this question to be very confusing and I would love some help. The whole question is "How has the Republican debate been significant to Australia, shaping the nations history? Will it continue to influence the history of Australia?"
I think the desired answer might be something like:
The Republican debate has been significant to Australia, dominating politics, causing a referendum......etc. It will likely continue to shape the nation into the future as the debate has not been settled yet.
Please help me.
Answer: You asked the question and you are confused by your own question?
Republicanism in Australia has been around since the Irish were brought here in ball and chain during the first fleet in 1788.
The issue of Republicanism will never die out whilst there are Irish catholics living and breathing in Australia.
The catholics are all republicans after all a Roman Caesar is the head of the Papist church and not a Papist leader in Jerusalem where you'd really think that the son of man, the saviour Christ, ought to have his manifested prophet as the Pope as resident in on Earth, and not in the Vatican City, within Italy.
Only a Roman Emperor would live in the Vatican City.
As for Anglo-Saxon Protestants well, the head of the commonwealth is the British monarch, an ex-communicated monarch with her own head of the church being the Archbishop of Canterbury, the head of the Church of England.
The denial of Catholics as being a head of an anglo-saxon nation within the commonwealth of nations has been predetermined since the Ascension edict of 1701 during the reign of Queen Anne. Her edict will deny forever a papist from ascension into Buckingham Palace. The Hanoverian monarchs have irrefutably denied all former Norman monarchs, mainly Papist as well, from ascension into the British royal families.
The desire for Australians to become a republic is as difficult to articulate to mainly WASPish majority living in Australia. People are too well entrenched with traditions and history.
The greatest threat to mainly WASPS, and protestant Pacific Islanders, is the fear of Filipino Catholics in the region. There is over 80 million catholics in South East Asia, this is frightening for Protestants in Australia and everywhere in Oceania.There is a great number of Philipines migrating into Australia per annum supported by the Catholic church which is so frightening for all Australians.
Category: Government
Romney Goes After Santorum on Budget
CINCINNATI — Mitt Romney was barely six minutes into a campaign speech here on Monday afternoon, dwelling on the success story of a local bioscience company, when he broached a topic that is suddenly confounding his Republican presidential aspirations: Rick Santorum . “Senator Santorum goes to Washington and calls himself a budget hawk, - By JEFF ZELENY and JIM RUTENBERG
The Republican Presidential Debates on Fox News - Fox News
Provides selected video clips of the 2012 Republican primary debates.
MarketWatch’s live blog of Arizona REPUBLICAN DEBATE
MarketWatch’s Robert Schroeder will be live-blogging Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate, the last faceoff among the four GOP hopefuls before next week’s Arizona and Michigan primaries, as well as Super Tuesday on March 6.
Watch the Republican presidential debate on CNBC.
What was the REPUBLICAN DEBATE about?
What happened in the Republican debate in Las Vegas last night? Who did it involve? What were topics of discussion? What happened?
Answer: Maybe about who can make themselves the most un-electable in the general election.
Keep in mind that Obama care is approved of by more than 50% of Americans, they're falling all over themselves to say they'll repeal it.
Keep in mind that people aren't buying stuff, they're falling all over themselves saying that the rich need more tax cuts to create jobs, to build stuff, that people aren't buying.
The tea party wants to nominate the candidate that is least acceptable to independents in the general election.
Category: Elections
Or the Hungarian Republican debate.English,French,Thai,Japanese,Russian...... Also Ron Paul was not invited because he would not fund Israel. So is the Jewish Republican Council really for America or Israel?
Answer: It's for israel, they are traitors that need to be purged out of the government
"the federal government, mainstream media, and banking system in these United States are strongly under the influence of — if not completely controlled by — Zionist interest. An economic collapse of the financial system is inevitable, bringing with it some degree of civil unrest if not outright balkanization of the continental US, civil/revolutionary/racial war . . . This collapse is likely engineered by the elite Jewish powers that be in order to make for a power and asset grab."
Category: Politics
6 Reasons Were Feeling Debate Fatigue
Oh no. Not another debate among those guys who are running for the Republican presidential nomination. By at least one count, Wednesday nights Dustup in the Desert — sponsored by CNN and Arizonas Republican Party — is the 26th such face ...
Newt Gingrich Urged to Be Himself at Debate
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — As Newt Gingrich prepares for what may be the last debate of the primary season, much in need of another comeback, his campaign has a new saying born of frustration with two earlier lackluster debates: “Let Newt be Newt.” Mr. Gingrich, more than any other candidate, has seen his fortunes ebb and flow with - By TRIP GABRIEL
CNN Sets Stage For Final GOP Debate Before Super Tuesday
NEW YORK -- The Republican candidates saw a lot of each other in January, with six debates crammed into a frenetic 19-day stretch. But after leaving the stage in Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 26, the candidates -- and political press corps -- split ...
Republican Presidential Debate at the Reagan Library - September ...
Republican presidential candidates square off at the Reagan Library on September 7, 2011, co-moderated by John F. Harris of POLITICO and Brian Williams of ...
Im Canadian, but as you know we are greatly interested in who becomes the next President. I have to say, I was completely disappointed with Mitt Romney. Very Unpresidential behaviour, acting defensive, and getting upset...I suppose Huckabee in an Andy Griffith sort of way would make a Great President if this was 1955 or something..
Mccain seems like a friggin psyco. The two candidates on the ends obviously arent in the running. Fred Thompson seems like the same guy as he does on TV. Juliani is too short to be President. That leaves Ron Paul.
its very odd that when the Dems were having their debate, everyone was cheering like crazy when the candidates were saying they will bring the troops home, yet when he suggested it, he was booed, and Mccain compared him to Hitler!!!!
Answer: Here is how I ranked them.
1.Mike Huckabee - witty, well-prepared, and compassionate and would unite us! He is the man for the job! Death penalty skate, but I understand why!
2.John McCain - affirmed that he is the a well respected veteran and would Lead well.
3.Mitt Romney - bickering with Rudy made him look petty; comments on torture made him seem wise and made McCain seem cold and on the attack! Comments on Confederate flag non-issue.
4.Ron Paul - didn't respond well to McCain's attacks; rant about North American Union conspiracy made him seem too extreme.
5.Duncan Hunter – Faired well, not much time, but all answers were good! He would be a great VEEP to Huckabee!
6.Tom Tancredo – Good on one issue: Immigration, but he ranks high on my candidate calculator, so candidate for VEEP too!
7.Fred Thompson - not heard from very much, seemed poorly prepared and confused. Not very articulate and disappointing. Sounded like he was trying out for VEEP.
8.Rudy Giuliani - bickering with Romney made him look petty, if I have to listen to his stats about NY one more time, I will PUKE!
Category: Elections
Will Arizona debate pit Santorum against Gingrich, Romney or Satan?
Newt Gingrich has been the most intriguing figure in the seemingly endless series of Republican presidential debates, especially in the early months of the campaign when he was trying to pull himself into contention. Hes in that posture again ...
when is the Republican debate? did i miss it?
Answer: There are numerous debates. Last week, there was a "Value Voters" debate (which didn't include the boring microphone hogs that the media laughingly calls "top-tier candidates") in which Ron Paul referred to Jesus as the "Prince of Peace," called for the US to leave the UN and all other Globalist organizations, and refused to support certain unconstitutional parts of the Christian Right's agenda. The other "2nd tier" candidates pandered to the Christian Right.
Category: Elections
For those of you who watched the live Republican debate.
After listening to all these canditates, how would you rate them from 1-3?
My rating would be:
1. Huckabee
2. Giuliani
3. McCain
(Senator Paul seems to be out of touch and a grouch)
This might be the religion forum, but we still need Godly leaders.
Why are so called Christians scared to talk about things like this?????
There is no right or wrong answers, just wanted your views on that debate... thats all. It has nothing to do with the persons faith....only your impressions:-)
Answer: I agree with your assessment 100%! I was totally amazed at Paul for one of the answers he gave regarding the boats that were taunting a U.S. Destroyer in the Gulf! He appeared to side with Iran and claim that the voice saying there would be an explosion could have been from the U.S. ship! He is definitely out of touch!
The other candidates all did a fairly decent job, though I didn't think enough questions were given to Huckabee regarding the war on terrorism. Instead, he was given a question to defend his faith, which he did beautifully, but it was an inappropriate question.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: GOP Debate
Video description: A Republican debate with Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and other undeclared 2012 candidates.
Why the Republican Party Needs Debates
The conservative complaint is that after 19 installments—with the 20th set to air Feb. 22 on CNN—the only thing the debates are doing is “driving up our candidates’, all of them, unfavorabilities,” as McCain has put it. The shows have ...
Where is the exact location for the September 22 REPUBLICAN DEBATE?
The Republican presidential candidates are supposed to be coming to Orlando, Florida on Thursday, September 22 to have another debate. Ive searched everywhere, and cant find an exact address for it, because I would like to go.
So, where is it, what time does it start, and how could I get in to see it in person?
Answer: Orange County Convention Center
Category: Current Events
REPUBLICAN DEBATE in Ariz. takes on higher significance ...
PHOENIX – Mesa, Ariz., will become ground zero in the Republican presidential battle Wednesday at a critical juncture in the topsy-turvy GOP race. Nearly ...
CNN Arizona REPUBLICAN DEBATE tonight at 8pm ET « 2012 Election ...
CNN will be broadcasting a Republican debate Wednesday night from the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona. All four GOP candidates will be participating in this crucial shootout just six days prior to the Arizona and Michigan ...
Today, Republican presidential hopefuls will face-off for the final debate before a dozen states take to the polls on Super Tuesday. CNN anchor and chief national correspondent John King will moderate the two-hour debate, which will air live ...
Arizona debate matters for GOPs final four -
Watch the last presidential debate before Super Tuesday: CNNs Arizona Republican debate on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET. Washington (CNN)-- In no particular ...
Will Ron Paul have to use CNN again as a proxy to answer the REPUBLICAN DEBATE questions?
Since he probably will be shun again this election from the republican 2012 debate.
Answer: He will be in the debate by popular demand!
Category: Politics
Would you rather watch the REPUBLICAN DEBATE or a rerun episode of Family Guy?
I remember when republican Gov. Snyder here in Michigan would only have a debate in the daytime when most are at work. But I guess the Republican base the retired can`t stay up until 7pm.
Answer: I hate Family Guy. American Dad is even worse.
I'll watch the GOP debates.
Category: Politics
GOP Debate
During the debate, read and contribute to our liveblog, which will feature real- time discussion and analysis from [...] More »Liveblogging the GOP debate: ...
Is Kristina Keneally bringing up the REPUBLICAN DEBATE to move attention away from her failed government?
The NSW government is in disarray and now Kristina Keneally is using Prince Ws visit to raise the Republican debate.
Is she doing this to distract attention from her failed government?
Answer: She probably is because that is what labor does. SPIN SPIN SPIN. I wouldn't underestimate her appeal to voters especially women so she has a good chance of winning the next election even though they are in disarray.
O'Farrell is such a lazy opposition leader and the election is by no means in the bag for him, we had one like him in QLD - Springborg and the voters told him where to go at the polls and stuck with Labor.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
Republican Party presidential debates, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free ...
The 2012 United States Republican Party presidential debates are a series of political debates being held, prior to and during the 2012 Republican primaries, ...
Republican Candidates Battle as Arizona and Michigan Races Tighten
In the brilliant sunshine of Arizona, Rick Santorum aggressively challenged Mitt Romney in a state where the Tea Party is strong and the politics of immigration are poised to take center stage at a debate on Wednesday night. And in the gritty cold of Michigan, the advertising air war intensified, as Mr. Romney increasingly faced questions about his - By MICHAEL D. SHEAR and JEFF ZELENY
Live Stream || CNN Arizona REPUBLICAN DEBATE | The Blog on ...
Otherwise I will leave this post up so that everyone can comment as the debate moves along. EmailShareStumbleUponDiggRedditPrintRelated Posts:Live Stream || ABC New Hampshire Republican debateLive Stream || Fox.
Did Hillary Clinton PLANT another question this time at the REPUBLICAN DEBATE?
The news networks recently are going crazy about how a Hillary Clinton member somehow got a question in at last nights youtube debate and then on top of it got invited to the debate by CNN! Even CNN admits it! The man also claimed to be a Republican, but was not a Republican. And it was supposed to be a Republican only show. Now they are saying Hillary Clinton was behind the planted question! AGAIN!
Anyone now about this?
Answer: It was a joke last night.
Category: Elections
Republican Party presidential debates, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free ...
The 2012 United States Republican Party presidential debates are a series of political debates being held, prior to and during the 2012 Republican primaries, among ...
Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich face off Wednesday evening in Arizona for their last primary debate before Super Tuesday. NHL Trade Rumors: Paul Gaustad Should be Moved Before Mondays Deadline 10 Controversial Santorum ...
Can someone help me find yesterdays REPUBLICAN DEBATE video?
Im looking for an online video of the Republican debate from October 25th, 2008. Preferably with better-than-youtube quality.
Im not sure if any of my details are correct. One of my professors told the class to watch a speech or a debate or something along those lines. I dont have a television, so I have some difficulty keeping up with these things.
Answer: There was no Republican debate yesterday, at least not for President. The last Republican debate was back between Mitt Romney and John McCain back in the spring.
Category: Elections
Stakes high for Santorum, Romney in Arizona debate
When the four Republican presidential candidates meet tonight in Arizona for what could be their last televised debate, the stakes will be higher than ever. Consider whats happened since the Jan. 26 debate in Florida and the impact on what has been a ...
Ask the Question No One Is Asking: Crowdsourcing the Republican Primary Debate
Are you the type who, when watching a political debate, screams at the moderator for not asking the right question — the one you’re just dying to hear the answer to? The one that’s really important? Well, here’s a chance to get your question asked.
Republicans set for debate clash in knife-edge race - Yahoo! News
Struggling Republican hopeful Mitt Romney faces a crunch TV debate Wednesday as he fights to regain his White House pole position after a surge by Christian ...
Is it right that my husband didnt let our sons have bathroom breaks during the REPUBLICAN DEBATE?
Tonight was the Republican debate on Fox News and my husband thinks its so important that no one is allowed to leave the room during it. For any reason, even the bathroom. Our son who is twelve years old apparently didnt empty his bladder beforehand. He squirmed and asked for permission, but there were rules in place. He ended up wetting his jeans. Fortunately the couch has plastic covers. Do you think my husband is right? Is more important than bathroom?
Answer: really DIDN'T grow up, did you?
Category: Politics
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Value Our Families
In the intensifying debate over same-sex marriage, what I sometimes find hardest to understand is why so many opponents don’t see gay people’s longing to be wedded as the fundamentally conservative, lavishly complimentary desire it is. It says marriage is worth aspiring to and fighting for. Flatters it. Gives it reinvigorated cachet, - By FRANK BRUNI
Why is the cable company refusing to put REPUBLICAN DEBATE on the Menu for tonights debate?
Last month NBC had on their menu a Republican debate that didnt exist , wasnt even a scheduled to be a debate. Now when there is a real DEBATE- people dont know about it because the Cable company didnt inform them on their menus! Is the Cable Company commies now? Insight? Comcast?
Answer: The FCC is trying to reduce the amount of violent programming.
Category: Elections
REPUBLICAN DEBATE February 22, 2012: Where to Watch Live Online ...
A Republican debate 2012 Will Take Place in Arizona on Wednesday, February 22. Heres a Debate Preview Along With Info on How To Watch the Debate Live ...
2012 Primary Debate Schedule « 2012 Election Central
Here is the most up-to-date and complete schedule we have for the 2011 / 2012 Republican Primary debates. These debates are between all the Republican ...
Live Blog: The Republican Presidential Debate
The last time we were here — less than an hour before a Republican debate — former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney seemed like the inevitable Republican nominee for president. Since, weve seen former Speaker Newt Gingrich fade in the polls and former ...
RT @HuffingtonPost: Ron Paul: "The pills cant be blamed for the immorality of our society" #CNNdebate From: jimmyJJbond - Source: web
The awkward moment when Mitt Romney pubs his health care bill at a Republican debate #CNNDebate From: jatehortua93 - Source: web
Watching this comedy show on CNN , the Republican debate in Arizona From: ThisMalikS - Source: Twitter for iPhone
I uploaded a @YouTube video Ron Paul on bailouts CNN Republican debate 2/22/12 From: LibertySource - Source: Google
Catching some of the Republican debate. Is it 1950 there? Listening to these guys it sure sounds like it. From: ericfheiman - Source: TweetDeck
RT @cnnbrk: Santorum: We have a problem in our culture -- children having children out of wedlock. #CNNDebate From: AshleyGraffeo - Source: web
RT @cnnbrk: Santorum: We have a problem in our culture -- children having children out of wedlock. #CNNDebate From: Kbear614 - Source: web
@PoliticalTicker after tonights debate there is no way, as a woman, I would vote for a republican and will be forced to vote for Obama. From: AuntieJeannie - Source: web
Are you watching the Republican presidential debate? From: GloriaFeldt - Source: Facebook
Live blog: CNN Arizona Republican Presidential Debate – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs via @cnn From: GlendaandRobert - Source: Tweet Button
@billmaher debate is in arizona, if any hispanics vote on a republican candidate, they should be deported just for that! From: Eman17TI - Source: HTC Peep
RT @businessinsider: Ron Paul: Birth control pills "cant be blamed for the immorality of our society." #cnndebate From: ashong - Source: Business Insider
At the gym watching the republican candidates debate about birth control while the girl next to me tunes into teen mom #interesting From: meloffbird - Source: Twitter for iPhone
The Arizona republican presidential debate .... From: KidDiva - Source: TweetDeck
RT @HuffingtonPost: Ron Paul: "The pills cant be blamed for the immorality of our society" #CNNdebate From: briankiefer13 - Source: web