Westminster dog show : Videos
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Westminster dog show : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
For SC owner, show dog already a winner
... s emotions will be all over the map when her greyhound Duncan enters the ring next week at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. She’ll recall the joy of watching Emma, Duncan’s mother, bond with her neighbors’ children, the horrors ...
Olympia dog headed to Westminster
... will make her fourth appearance at the country’s top dog show next week, this time with an entirely different breed of dog. The last three times Mary Day attended the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York, she brought a Welsh corgi.
2012 Dog Show - News, Events, Finalists, Dog Breeds & Awards ...
The official site of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show featuring news, events, dog shows, pictures, videos, records. Find 2011 results and shop at the online store ...
Bowwow Ouch
In the first half of Georgias football game against South Carolina in 2009, Uga VII, who had been dozing on a bag of ice in his air-conditioned sideline doghouse, was cajoled onto the field to pose for pictures with some cheerleaders and Gov. Sonny Perdue. Uga (pronounced UGH-uh) wore his trademark red Georgia jersey and spiked red leather collar, - Veterinarians, breeders and animal-welfare experts are beginning to question whether it is ethically defensible to continue breeding certain types of dogs, with a specific focus on the British bulldog; the British bulldog is unique in that it is significantly more likely than other dogs to suffer from a wide range of health issues stemming from over- and in-breeding. Drawings, Photos (L) - By BENOIT DENIZET-LEWIS
There's No Dog Show Like Westminster | Steve Dale's Pet World
There are dog shows, and then there's Westminster. Established in 1877, the show is second only to the Kentucky Derby as America's longest running sporting event. The founders of Westminster thought that having a little event in New Year ...
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2012: Dogs From Around The Country ...
From Mother Nature Network's John Platt: This week, thousands of show dogs, their trainers and their owners are descending upon New York City, where the Westminster Kennel Club 136th Annual Dog Show will be held at ...
Television Coverage - Dog Show TV Coverage - Schedules, Times ...
USA Network and CNBC will be home to The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show presented by Purina® for the 30th consecutive year. USA Network and CNBC ...
Paid Notice: Deaths STREICHER, JUDSON L.
STREICHER--Judson L.,87, of Chester, New York and Delray Beach, Florida, died peacefully in his sleep on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Born in Brooklyn on July 22, 1923, he was a proud alumnus of Poly Prep Day School in Brooklyn and Yale University. He honorably served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. Mr. Streicher was a revered Wall Street executive,
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2011 (PHOTOS) - Breaking News and Opinion on ...
Today marks the first day of the 2011 Westminster dog show, which is going on at Madison Square Garden. Take a peek of some of this years contestants ...
What are the rules for naming a dog to be entered in a dog show, such as the WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW?
Im just curious I dont have a dog; however, I like watching the show whenever I get a chance.
Answer: All dog shows etc in the UK are governed by Kennel Club rules
Other countries have similar organisations.
Category: Dogs
Westminster dog show. I drew this in early 2003 for Washingtonian Magazine, one of the few pieces I did for them. Every year when the Westminster dog show rolls around, like clockwork, I forget to post it. Labels: rrarh-rrarh ...
WKC Dog Show Info - Ticket Information, Location, Times & Dates ...
Watch the 2010 Westminster Kennel Club dog show from Madison Square Garden in New York. Information about the dog show venue, times and dates, ticket information ...
I would like to attend the 2009 WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW, how do I get tickets, where should I stay and is it fun?
I am not a breeder but I LOVE dogs. I really enjoy watching the Westminster dog show every year and thought, hey, I should go!. Any advice?
Answer: http://www.westminsterkennelclub.org/
To get the best seats, you will need to contact the kennel club (check the contact tab on the website). This year box seats which allowed you to come and go from the building and was good for 2 days was $125 per seat. Next year? It'll probably be higher. The KC sends out seat order forms about September/October and the deadine for orders is early December. Tickets and info are mailed in mid-January or so. The seats you get through Ticketmaster are higher tier seats than those you'd get from the WKC. However, you can also find good seats on ebay... many times if people can't use their tickets, they're sold there. I've done it twice when I could not attend.
When you look on the Westminster KC website, there are lots of hotels listed. The Hotel Pennsylvania is closest, and the place where the basement becomes a dog spa during the show. Rumor has it the Penn is closing, but time will tell.
If you're going without dogs, you have more hotel options
Category: Dogs
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is a two-day, all-breed benched conformation show that takes place at Madison Square Garden in New York City every ...
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW From a Sociological View?
My Sociology 100 class requires me to watch the Westminster dog show which occured a few days ago and write a paper about it from a Sociological Perspective.
I am very confused on this matter and am wishing someone can give me some guidance and/or help.
Answer: What, are you supposed to apply a theory to it or something?
Anyway, I would comment on the exclusivity of the show and how only certain breeds are allowed. that is a reflection of human society...
but if they are talking about literal meaning maybe you could touch on the competition within the groups.
Category: Dogs
Lakeland Teen and Her Dog Headed to WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW
When the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opens Monday in New York City, Polk County will have both canine and human representation. Truman competed in December at the American Kennel Club/Eukanuba National Championship in Orlando.
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2012: Dogs From Around The Country Descend On New York City (VIDEO)
This week, thousands of show dogs, their trainers and their owners are descending upon New York City, where the Westminster Kennel Club 136th Annual Dog Show will be held at Madison Square Garden on Feb. 13 and 14. While only one of the 2,000 or ...
6 new breeds debut at WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW, but history shows ...
LOS ANGELES — Six dogs will make history this year as the newest breeds eligible to compete at Westminster. If they have visions of winning, though, history is ...
2012 Dog Show - News, Events, Finalists, Dog Breeds & Awards ...
The official site of the Westminster Kennel Club dog show featuring news, events, dog shows, pictures, videos, records. Find 2011 results and shop at the online ...
Over 23 years, WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW announcer has seen it all
There are dog shows, and then theres Westminster. Established in 1877, the show is second only to the Kentucky Derby as Americas longest running sporting event. The founders of Westminster thought that having a little event in New Year City ...
When is the next WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW going to be held?
I guess it is Westminster 2011? Does anyone know when its going to be held and is it going to be broadcast on tv soon? When?
Answer: Valentine's day and the day after. I think Animal Planet will broadcast it.
Category: Dogs
IN THE GARDEN; Vintage Seeds Or Flinty Hybrids?
AS gardeners stock up on heirloom seeds for spring, Rob Johnston, the chairman of Johnnys Selected Seeds in Winslow, Me., would like to suggest an accessory. Why not buckle up in a 1936 Oldsmobile coupe? O.K., so it doesnt have seat belts. But the swoop of the fenders resembles Joan Crawfords eyebrows. Better yet, the rest of the Oldsmobiles - By MICHAEL TORTORELLO
Bowwow Ouch
In the first half of Georgias football game against South Carolina in 2009, Uga VII, who had been dozing on a bag of ice in his air-conditioned sideline doghouse, was cajoled onto the field to pose for pictures with some cheerleaders and Gov. Sonny Perdue. Uga (pronounced UGH-uh) wore his trademark red Georgia jersey and spiked red leather collar, - Veterinarians, breeders and animal-welfare experts are beginning to question whether it is ethically defensible to continue breeding certain types of dogs, with a specific focus on the British bulldog; the British bulldog is unique in that it is significantly more likely than other dogs to suffer from a wide range of health issues stemming from over- and in-breeding. Drawings, Photos (L) - By BENOIT DENIZET-LEWIS
Six new breeds will join show at Westminster - Westminster Dog ...
This year, six new breeds will be making their debut on the green carpet for the Westminster dog show, which begins Monday.
Westminster Dog Fashion Show 2012, New York, at the New Yorker ...
Westminster Dog Fashion Show 2012, New York, at the New Yorker Hotel Press Release: KTCpr – Fri, Feb 3, 2012 12:47 PM EST
Inside Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
Get ready to grab your dog, a bowl of treats and the remote control. The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, arguably the most prestigious in the United States, will be back Monday and Tuesday at Madison Square Garden in New York with more than ...
Westminster dog show 2012 website with news and information including schedule, dates, winners, results, best in show, dog breeds, groups and history.
City as Chew Toy
CERTAIN charms of New York City living -- the infinite brunch options, the 24-hour bodegas, the Museum of Modern Art -- are no doubt lost on many pets. Even so, plenty of owners believe that the city is ideal for dogs, offering endless opportunities for socializing and sniffing at dog runs, hydrants and doggy day care centers. Working late? Dog - Plenty of New York City pet owners believe that the city is ideal for dogs, but it is wise to choose a breed carefully, grappling with the question of which breeds are best, and worst, for city apartment living; experts advice charted. Photos, Drawings, Charts (M)g - By ELISSA GOOTMAN
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2012 has six new breeds joining this year
Oklahoma City fans are excited for the Westminster dog show of 2012 which will air next week. You can find out times for the show on this article about the show for 2012. There is exciting news out about six new breeds that will be joining the show this year.
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, International TV Show, and ...
International Dog show - Westminster Kennel Club, featuring dog breeds and champions on USA Network. Watch the WKC dog show on TV, get schedules, view ...
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW from a Sociological View?
My Sociology 100 class requires me to watch the Westminster dog show which occured a few days ago and write a paper about it from a Sociological Perspective.
I am very confused on this matter and am wishing someone can give me some guidance and/or help.
Answer: I would study the people showing the dogs, not the dogs. What are the owners peculiarities, how do the owners interact with others, do the owners reflect their dogs personalities? etc...
Category: Sociology
Taking a Camera into WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW?
I have been lucky enough to get into Westminster dog show this year, I have friend that is going with me, and wanted to take pictures of me in the Breed Ring. Is this allowed???
Answer: There will be more cameras there than you can count.
Hint: cell phone cams are far less invasive than flash cameras.
Category: Dogs
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2012: Dogs From Around The Country Descend On ...
This week, thousands of show dogs, their trainers and their owners are descending upon New York City, where the Westminster Kennel Club 136th Annual Dog ...
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2012 Replaces Pedigree Ads With Nestle Purina PetCare
NEW YORK -- Pet lovers wont have to look away anymore when those heart-wrenching TV ads appear during the Westminster dog show – the ones with the pitiful little faces peering out from behind those rusted bars of a cage and wondering "how I ...
Where to see WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2010 results?
Hi! Where can I see Westminster dog show 2010 results? Video please. thanks.
I FOUND Westminster dog show 2010 results on video + highlights. Watch here:
Enjoy! :)
Answer: go to there website =]
i watch the shows their sometimes.
if you didnt hear PETA invaded at the end spouting there usual lies and drivel
Category: Dogs
What channel is the WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW on for 2008?
I REEALLY WANT TO KNOW... what channel and or network the Westminster dog show will be on for 2008. Also, if you know the date, time, any other details, that would be great if youd tell me this stuff! THANX
Answer: 59 is outdoor like on cable it carries the dog show.
Check the internet and just put in what cable or satelite you are using
do a google search
wesminster on cogeco
time and dates will pop right up for you
Category: Current Events
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW Junkie Makes The Case For Adopting A Rescue Pooch
My Dogs Life Cost $36,846.24; What About Value? William P. Barrett Forbes Staff I’m a Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show junkie. I never miss it on television, and have had the pleasure of attending twice – meeting both the legendary ...
What was the name of the dog that won the WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW?
Ive heard that a beagle won the show, so I want to see him! Does anyone know his name, or better yet have a picture of him?
Answer: BIS is tonight -- The 15" Beagle won the Hound Group.
His name is "Uno" -- Ch. K-Run's Park Me In First
If you go to Yahoo's most viewed photos/slideshows, there are plenty of pics of him!
ADD: Maybe this link will work...
Category: Dogs
Pekingese favored to be top dog at Westminster - Westminster Dog ...
It’s the Year of the Dragon on the Lunar calendar, and this Chinese influence could extend to it also being the year of the Pekingese on the green carpet at the ...
Paid Notice: Deaths STREICHER, JUDSON L.
STREICHER--Judson L.,87, of Chester, New York and Delray Beach, Florida, died peacefully in his sleep on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Born in Brooklyn on July 22, 1923, he was a proud alumnus of Poly Prep Day School in Brooklyn and Yale University. He honorably served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. Mr. Streicher was a revered Wall Street executive,
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is a two-day, all-breed benched conformation show that takes place at Madison Square Garden in New York City every year. The ...
Westminster dog show 2012 website with news and information including schedule, dates, winners, results, best in show, dog breeds, groups and history. The 2012 ...
Who will watch the WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW on TV today and tomorrow?
I believe many folks here can learn much about pure breed dogs by watching and listening to the commentary.
BTW ... Ill be there tomorrow (as a spectator) cheering my friends who are entered, as well as my favorite breeds.
I breed / show Flat Coated Retrievers. Although I have no dogs entered in this years show, Im really looking forward to seeing some of my flatcoat friends who have traveled closer to my home town. Sad to say, ring time for our breed is 8:30am - Ill need to wake up early in the morning to get to the city in time )-:
Thumbs up for everybody who will be cheering for a particular breed!
OK, Im home from Westminster and had a real good time. Unfortunately, none of my friends dogs won breed, but the top flatcoat in the country won for the 3rd year in a row (congratulations Cutter, you deserved it). It was nice to see friends and their dogs again ... and it was also nice to see folks that I didnt expect to be there. I couldnt stay for the group ring tonight as we are expecting a big snow storm in the area, and I had to go home to attend to my own dogs. (Its a very long day for all the participants)
Youre right Bookmom. Flatcoat folks are very intent on keeping our dogs multifaceted. Our breed standard dictates that the appearance of a performance flatcoat shall not be distinguished in the conformation ring. It might be for that reason that our breed seldom wins best of show honors. Thats just fine with me.
Answer: I watch it every year, and I cheer on the Pembroke Welsh Corgi!! I make a game of it and try to identify each breed before its named. It's a lot of fun!!
Category: Dogs
WKC 2012 Ticket Information - WestminsterKennelClub.org
The Westminster Kennel Club 136th Annual Dog Show Monday and Tuesday, February 13-14, 2012 Madison Square Garden New York, New York Tickets are no longer available ...
When Madison Square Garden hosts the 2012 Westminster dog show on February 13 th and 14 th who better to vie for Bullmastiff Best of Breed on Valentines Day, than the cuddly, commanding, reigning champion of 2011; "GCh Peerless I Am the Love Bug.
LINDSAY--Robert Van Cleef (Rod) of Manhattan, NY, and Wellington, FL, and former President of J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. and its principle subsidiary, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, died peacefully of complications from pneumonia at the age of 86 in West Palm Beach, FL, surrounded by family, in the hospice wing of Good Samaritan Hospital.
6 New Breeds to Compete in WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW | Fox News ...
Six breeds will be allowed to compete for the first time in the annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show, which takes place next week. Check out the new breeds and get a preview of the big show!
Lakeland Teen and Her Dog Headed to WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW ...
When the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show opens Monday in New York City, Polk County will have both canine and human representation. Truman ...
How to Build a Dog - Photo Gallery - Pictures, More From National ...
All of the dogs below are from the 2011 Westminster dog show. The American Kennel Club 2010 popularity ranking is listed after the name of the breed.
T MAGAZINE; Sitting Pretty
An acquaintance at Goldman Sachs knows what he is about but worries what the outside world would make of his keeping a dinner-party journal. Actually, there are few things he takes more seriously than maintaining a log not just of his menus but also of his centerpieces, place settings (china, crystal, silver, linen), guests food preferences and - Long line of societys movers and shakers have relied on hostess books, journals recording guest lists, menus and successes and failures of past dinner parties, to help them host events. Photos (M) - By CHRISTOPHER PETKANAS
What group are boxers in at WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW?
I missed first hour of the show.. Hope I did not miss the boxer.
Answer: They are in the "Working" group
Category: Dogs
Paid Notice: Deaths LINDSAY, ROBERT V
LINDSAY--Robert V. The Governors and Members of The Westminster Kennel Club mourn the passing of their fellow member and friend, Robert V. (Rod) Lindsay. Rod was a past president and the longest standing member of the Club. In 2011, the Westminster members awarded him its prestigious Sensation Award, named for the clubs symbolic Pointer and given
Six new breeds to debut at WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW - Yahoo!
Read Six new breeds to debut at Westminster dog show on Yahoo!. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Six new breeds of dogs, including Mexicos hairless Xoloitzcuintli, the Finnish ...
NEW YORK, NY (CBS) -- Hounds of all shapes and sizes flashed their best grins on Thursday, sniffing out their opponents ahead of the 136th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York. "We see new dogs every year, but they are some of the same ...
FRAME; Dog Art at Metropolitan Museum and Morgan Library
In the early 1990s the artist David Hockney devoted a considerable amount of paint and canvas to two familiar, humble subjects — his dachshunds, Stanley and Boodgie — and he was clear that he didn’t care what anyone thought about it. “I make no apologies for the apparent subject matter,” Mr. Hockney wrote, of subject - By RANDY KENNEDY
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW 2012 to air February 13 and 14 on USA ...
The Westminster dog show for 2012 is coming soon and fans cant wait to see it. Everyone is already thinking about their favorite breeds and wondering who will
Westminster introduces 6 new breeds to competition
If they have visions of winning, though, history is against them. The names of some of these rookie breeds competing in this year’s Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Feb. 13-14 at Madison Square Garden are a mouthful: the Entlebucher (ent-lee-BOO ...
how many at the WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW really feed pedigree?
or eukanuba, or science diet...do they really feed those top breeds such bad quality dog food? why would those breeders even want to be associated with those brands though, even though its for sponsering, they could be sponsered by better dog food cant they?
Answer: I doubt a lot of the dogs shown would look as healthy as they do if they are being fed something low quality. I'm thinking (hopefully thinking) that most breeders feed a high quality kibble. The dogs look very healthy, and they wouldn't look like that if they were fed crap, so I'm guessing they are fed something high quality!
Category: Dogs
WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW? What channel is it on?
Ok so one of my classmates is competing in teh junior division of the Westminster dog show. I found that it will be on monday afternoon and the same tuesday but i dont know if/what channel its on.
Can anyone tell me? i would really like to see this.
Category: Reality Television
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, International TV Show, and WKC ...
International Dog show - Westminster Kennel Club, featuring dog breeds and champions on USA Network. Watch the WKC dog show on TV, get schedules, view breed ...
is any one going to WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW next week?
Any one taking their dogs to the show or has dog in the show. We are leaving tomorrow morning. Have Three dogs entered in the breed Competition.
If you are going or have dogs entered Good Luck.
Answer: Too much going on here for me to go but definitely will be watching ! I will be glued to my set !
I have some friends who's dogs are entered and being handled by one of my handlers
Good luck Pam !
Category: Dogs
Song used for 2011 WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW commercial on USA Network?
The current USA Network commercial for this years Westminster dog show is playing a great jazz type song in the background. Can someone please tell me what that song and artist is? I cannot find a link for the commercial anywhere, yet.
Answer: I was looking for this too. It's from The Italian Secret Service, and it's called "Not The Same." :)
Category: Reality Television
Area owners, canines prepare for WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW
Looks matter anytime you go to Manhattan. Thats especially true at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Hours of walking in tight circles, nail trimming and tedious last-minute primps come down to next week for Corinne Miklos and her prize-winning dog, Kato.
Six new breeds to debut at WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW | Reuters
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Six new breeds of dogs, including Mexicos hairless Xoloitzcuintli, the Finnish Lapphund and the Norwegian Lundehund, will be ...
WKC Dog Show Info - Ticket Information ... - Westminster Kennel Club
Watch the 2011 Westminster Kennel Club dog show from Madison Square Garden in New York. Information about the dog show venue, times and dates, ticket ...
These are the rare breeds that will appear on the Wendy Williams Show with Wendy and cohost Hulk Hogan on Thursday February 9 Bedlington Terrier (Bed-ling-ton) The Bedlington Terrier is best known for his curly wooly coat, which gives him the appearance of ...
Oyster: Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show: Pet-Friendly Hotels In ...
Since the many participants need to set up shop in New York for the big (dog) show, we figured we'd share our hotel expertise to match pups with places to stay.
Watch the Super Bowl of Dog Shows: Westminster 2012 | Best Bully ...
The Super Bowl is over. We know the winner and the season has ended, but if your a dog lover, your big competition to watch hasn't begun. The Super Bowl of.
Local Dog Competes In WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW « CBS Minnesota
Dog lovers around the world will be focused on New York for the annual Westminster dog show next week. One of the most surprising dogs will come from Minnesota.
WKC 2012 Ticket Information - WestminsterKennelClub.org
The Westminster Kennel Club 136th Annual Dog Show Monday and Tuesday, February 13-14, 2012. Madison Square Garden New York, New York Tickets are ...
Not The Westminster dog show. Vice threw a Doggy Fashion Show last night to celebrate their Fashion Issue, and to the delight of everyone, none of the animals peed on stage. photos by Julia Chesky ...
Who were you expecting to win the WESTMINSTER DOG SHOW?
When it came to the final group?
I really thought the Giant Schnauzer had it in the bag!
But Stump, the sussex spaniel is a great dog. Definitely met up to his breeds standards.
How about you?
Answer: I *expected* the Giant would.
I *suspected* the Brussels Griffon could.
I *feared* the Poodle might.
I did not expect Stump to win. So that was a nice surprise.
Category: Dogs
New post: Westminster dog shows New Direction Axes Pet Adoption Ads http://t.co/8YqRzjZU From: econewsbits - Source: Eco News Bits Feed
New post: Westminster dog shows New Direction Axes Pet Adoption Ads http://t.co/BMmLSCss From: econewsbits - Source: Eco News Bits Feed
Over 23 years, Westminster dog show announcer has seen it all http://t.co/4OVRkCtj From: Ralph_Stewart - Source: twitterfeed
http://t.co/ds9pj8jN From: MMJnSC - Source: TweetCaster for Android
“@HuffingtonPost: Westminster dog shows "new direction" axes pet adoption ads http://t.co/RyZzVm5n”
Gross! Those ads are the sad reality! From: KylieIsQueen - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @PedigreeUS: For years our ads at the Westminster dog show have inspired people across the world not to pity a shelter or... http://t.co/D6uHtkdL From: LeoTheFrenchie - Source: Facebook
Westminster dog show axes pet adoption ads in favor of happy pups. Shame on them. http://t.co/QwO3qKqW From: shedpal8 - Source: web
Westminster dog show 2012 Replaces Pedigree Ads With Nestle Purina PetCare http://t.co/nUzailff From: IPOmaven - Source: NetworkedBlogs
Google Trends ;-] 6. safe house +1 7. @TheVowMovie +1 8. woolly mammoth New 9. Westminster dog show =0 http://t.co/x0AHKc4O 2/2 From: trendsmetadata - Source: trendsmetadata
Westminster dog shows New Direction Axes Pet Adoption Ads: NEW YORK -- Pet lovers wont have ... http://t.co/TavD2MvJ #living #health From: The_News_DIVA - Source: twitterfeed
kevin youkilis
kim jong un
tesla model x
jeremy lin
safe house
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woolly mammoth
Westminster dog show
c... From: WOW_OMG_LOL - Source: twitterfeed
kevin youkilis
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Westminster dog show
... http://t.co/Ag8FzB1G From: g00gletrends - Source: twitterfeed
Enjoyable Westminster dog show cartoons from the guy who draws the Cul de Sac cartoon strip. http://t.co/gfmMUvZx From: Darfinc - Source: TweetDeck
Talented Powhatan pooch headed back to Westminster dog show http://t.co/CVL2mYC2 From: LarsonTina - Source: twitterfeed
Over 23 years, Westminster dog show announcer has seen it all http://t.co/2ModEweu From: FrankEdwards - Source: twitterfeed