Norad santa -

Norad santa : Videos

NORAD Tracks Santa - Alaskan Region
NORAD Tracks Santa - Alaskan Region
NORAD SANTA tracker tracked in google earth 2010
NORAD SANTA tracker tracked in google earth 2010
Norads Santa Tracker Ad
Norads Santa Tracker Ad
NORAD SANTA Tracker - How To Track Santa Claus - REAL!
NORAD SANTA Tracker - How To Track Santa Claus - REAL!
OnStar Santa Seeker 2011
OnStar Santa Seeker 2011
What the Tech? - NORAD SANTA Tracker
What the Tech? - NORAD SANTA Tracker
NORAD SANTA trackers
NORAD SANTA trackers
NORAD Tracks Santa - Canadian Region - 2011
NORAD Tracks Santa - Canadian Region - 2011
What the Tech? - NORAD SANTA Tracker
What the Tech? - NORAD SANTA Tracker
NORAD Tracks Santa - Alaska NORAD Region - 2011
NORAD Tracks Santa - Alaska NORAD Region - 2011
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010
NORAD SANTA site opend!
NORAD SANTA site opend!
Advent 2011: NORAD SANTA Tracker
Advent 2011: NORAD SANTA Tracker
NORAD SANTA 2011 Countdown
NORAD SANTA 2011 Countdown
NORAD Tracks Santa Trailer 2011
NORAD Tracks Santa Trailer 2011
NORAD mistake!!
NORAD mistake!!
NORAD Tracks Santa 2011 - Join My NORAD Tracks Santa Group
NORAD Tracks Santa 2011 - Join My NORAD Tracks Santa Group
NORAD SANTA Trailer 2009
NORAD SANTA Trailer 2009
NORAD Tracks Santa - Canadian Region
NORAD Tracks Santa - Canadian Region
NORAD Tracks Santa 2010 Recap
NORAD Tracks Santa 2010 Recap
Norad Tracks Santa 2010 North Pole
Norad Tracks Santa 2010 North Pole
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: As Norad Tracks Santa, Others ...
ABC World News with Diane Sawyer: As Norad Tracks Santa, Others ...
NORAD Tracks Santas Journey
NORAD Tracks Santas Journey
NORAD Tracks Santas Journey
NORAD Tracks Santas Journey
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010
NORADs Santa Trackers Pull out High-tech Stops
NORADs Santa Trackers Pull out High-tech Stops
NORAD SANTA Tracker - Christmas Eve Santa Tracking
NORAD SANTA Tracker - Christmas Eve Santa Tracking
Official NORAD SANTA Tracker
Official NORAD SANTA Tracker
Norad Tracks Santa 2011 Comming Soon Title Screen
Norad Tracks Santa 2011 Comming Soon Title Screen
NORAD SANTA tracker tracked in google earth 2010
NORAD SANTA tracker tracked in google earth 2010
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010
NORAD Tracks Santa 2010 Recap
NORAD Tracks Santa 2010 Recap
NORAD Track Santa in 2009
NORAD Track Santa in 2009
NORAD Tracks Santa - US Region
NORAD Tracks Santa - US Region
NORAD SANTA Trailer 2009
NORAD SANTA Trailer 2009
NORAD Track Santa in 2010 Trailer
NORAD Track Santa in 2010 Trailer
NORAD SANTA Tracker 2009 | Where Is Santa Right Now Full 5 V
NORAD SANTA Tracker 2009 | Where Is Santa Right Now Full 5 V
NORAD Tracks Santa - Military Athletes Talk
NORAD Tracks Santa - Military Athletes Talk
NORAD Tracks Santa Slideshow Compilation 2007
NORAD Tracks Santa Slideshow Compilation 2007
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010
NORAD Tracks Santa in 2010

Norad santa : Photo Gallery

Use NORAD and Google Earth to track santa at home or on your ...
Use NORAD and Google Earth to track santa at home or on your ...
Norad Tracking Santa « Discovering Identity
Norad Tracking Santa « Discovering Identity
Track Santa in 3D - NORAD SANTA Tracker
Track Santa in 3D - NORAD SANTA Tracker
Santa Tracker 2011: NORAD Knows When Your Presents Are Coming [
Santa Tracker 2011: NORAD Knows When Your Presents Are Coming [
Santa Tracker was amazingly popular | Google Earth Blog
Santa Tracker was amazingly popular | Google Earth Blog
Where Is Santa Right Now? Track Santa's Online Tour-2011 | Keep ...
Where Is Santa Right Now? Track Santa's Online Tour-2011 | Keep ...
NORAD says 'Here comes Santa Claus...' | NJ.
NORAD says 'Here comes Santa Claus...' | NJ.
NORAD tracks Santa's journey | MLive.
NORAD tracks Santa's journey | MLive.
NORAD SANTA Tracker: Where is Santa Claus on Google Earth Right ...
NORAD SANTA Tracker: Where is Santa Claus on Google Earth Right ...
Track NORAD SANTA : Where is he now around the globe? | Nihar's World
Track NORAD SANTA : Where is he now around the globe? | Nihar's World
NORAD SANTA Tracker | Famecrawler
NORAD SANTA Tracker | Famecrawler
NORAD Tracks Santa | Dorothy Santos is…
NORAD Tracks Santa | Dorothy Santos is…
8 Santa Trackers For Christmas Eve 2008, From NORAD SANTA To Twitter
8 Santa Trackers For Christmas Eve 2008, From NORAD SANTA To Twitter
NORAD Tracks Santa Primer - NORAD Tracks Santa Wiki
NORAD Tracks Santa Primer - NORAD Tracks Santa Wiki - Blogs: City Desk Wired » 2009 » December - Blogs: City Desk Wired » 2009 » December
NORAD SANTA tracking 2008 - this year integrated into even more ...
NORAD SANTA tracking 2008 - this year integrated into even more ...
To track Santa now, simply visit the NORAD SANTA website or if you ...
To track Santa now, simply visit the NORAD SANTA website or if you ...
NORAD Tracks Santa
NORAD Tracks Santa
NORAD SANTA Tracker 2010 Here! -->
NORAD SANTA Tracker 2010 Here! -->
NORAD SANTA Tracker - Fun Gadgets
NORAD SANTA Tracker - Fun Gadgets
NORAD Tracking Santa | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
NORAD Tracking Santa | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
NORAD SANTA tracker 2010
NORAD SANTA tracker 2010
NORAD SANTA location
NORAD SANTA location
NORAD Tracks Santas Journey - CBS News Video
NORAD Tracks Santas Journey - CBS News Video
SPIDER FODDER: Norad Tracks Santa Claus
SPIDER FODDER: Norad Tracks Santa Claus
Have a safe trip Santa
Have a safe trip Santa
NORAD tracks Santa 2011
NORAD tracks Santa 2011
NORAD Track Santa in Google Earth :D
NORAD Track Santa in Google Earth :D
History of the NORAD SANTA Tracker
History of the NORAD SANTA Tracker
NORAD SANTA on Facebook
NORAD SANTA on Facebook
NORAD SANTA iPhone, Android App
NORAD SANTA iPhone, Android App
NORAD SANTA iPhone, Android App
NORAD SANTA iPhone, Android App
77-0102/MA F-15A US Air Force
77-0102/MA F-15A US Air Force
Santa Tracks NORAD
Santa Tracks NORAD
Believe Santa Claus
Believe Santa Claus
Never leave your home without installing NORAD SANTA Tracker on your smartphone tomorrow!
Never leave your home without installing NORAD SANTA Tracker on your smartphone tomorrow!
Advent - Day 2 - Check Where Santa Is and Play Games
Advent - Day 2 - Check Where Santa Is and Play Games
NORAD SANTA android app
NORAD SANTA android app
NORAD SANTA Tracker: A Christmas Eve Tradition
NORAD SANTA Tracker: A Christmas Eve Tradition
When Will Santa Fly Into Town?
When Will Santa Fly Into Town?
NORAD tracks Santa, QR gift tags & more holiday fun
NORAD tracks Santa, QR gift tags & more holiday fun
Want to track Santa? NORAD can help
Want to track Santa? NORAD can help
Where in The World is Santa?
Where in The World is Santa?
NORAD and tw telecom Track Santa Claus on His Worldwide Christmas Eve Journey
NORAD and tw telecom Track Santa Claus on His Worldwide Christmas Eve Journey
Santa Leaves The North Pole
Santa Leaves The North Pole
NORAD SANTA Tracker 2011: Google Kicks Off Countdown To Christmas Eve (VIDEO)
NORAD SANTA Tracker 2011: Google Kicks Off Countdown To Christmas Eve (VIDEO)
Follow St. Nick's Every Move with the Santa Tracker
Follow St. Nick's Every Move with the Santa Tracker
Lighter Side: Governor Orders "Operation Santa"
Lighter Side: Governor Orders "Operation Santa"
Five Things for Saturday in Ankeny: Santa Claus, Egg Nog, Church and More
Five Things for Saturday in Ankeny: Santa Claus, Egg Nog, Church and More
When did Santa get reindeer?
When did Santa get reindeer?
HAFB personnel prepare for operation assist Santa
HAFB personnel prepare for operation assist Santa
Track Santa online
Track Santa online
Five Things to Know Today: December 24
Five Things to Know Today: December 24
NORAD SANTA Tracker features Elf Toss
NORAD SANTA Tracker features Elf Toss

Norad santa : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

NORAD SANTA Tracker: A Christmas Eve Tradition

On Christmas Eve, children all around the world will lie awake  wondering if, at any moment, Santa Claus will slide down their chimneys and leave the presents of their dreams. But all they really have to do is call in or go online to find out ...

Whats up with the NORAD SANTA tracker! How stupid is that? Is it suppose to make us believe its real?

Answer: IK!!!! so my bro went on to NORAD and found out that santa was in NY and then he checked on a different santa tracking website and that site said santa was in Cuba so now my little bro knows santa's not real!!!! AND HES ONLY 6 YEARS OLD!!! so his x-mas's are practically over!!! ugh what the heck?!
Category: Mythology & Folklore

How many of you have found the website norad tracks santa ?

Before you reply go and have a look at it,the site is safe and fun,if you have children between the age of say 6 to 12 they are likely to love it,the excitement comes in on xmas eve but beware of the datelines,there are plenty of games to play.We are in our 50s but found it some years ago when the visitor level was low but kept us giggling.
Answer: Yeah, I've been using the site for a few years now. I didn't know about the games though.
Category: Jokes & Riddles

NORAD SANTA trackers stand by for another big day | Wichita Eagle

Santa already is piling up big numbers on social networking sites this season, so the volunteer Santa-trackers at NORAD are bracing for tens of thousands ...

After 4 Decades, a Cold War Symbol Stands Down

Few symbols of the cold war carry the clanging, into-the-bunker resonance of Cheyenne Mountain, home of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, better known as Norad. The mountain, about 80 miles south of here on the Front Range, was carved out in the 1960s to house the early warning system for nuclear war, and its accouterments and image - Military officials in Colorado say that day-to-day operations of North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) will be consolidated for purposes of efficiency and moved to building at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs; Cheyenne Mountain, Norads home, was carved out in 1960s to house early warning system for nuclear war; its image became stuff of whole generations anxieties, but those anxieties shifted after fall of Soviet Union in early 1990s and even more after Sept 11; mountain will be kept only as backup, though fully operational and staffed with support personnel; photos (M) - By KIRK JOHNSON

NORAD SANTA trackers stand by for another big day | santa, norad ...

Santa already is piling up big numbers on social networking sites this season, so the volunteer Santa-trackers at NORAD are bracing for tens of thousands of calls and ...

noradsanta - Twitter

Sign up for Twitter to follow noradsanta (@NoradSanta). The official page of NORAD Tracks Santa, providing up-to-the-minute information on Santa's journey!

how do u add norad tracks santa to google earth?

i downloaded google earth but dont know how to add norad trocks santa to goole earth.
Answer: Hi. Now that you have downloaded Google Earth, download the Norad file. 1.Once you clicked the box, click "open". 2.It will download and then Google Earth will open with the "Norad santa". 3.To open it up again, open up your file, open up "Downloads" file, and then open up a file called "santatrack". This should open up with Google Earth and the Norad santa item. Note: This only resumes to Windows Vista. Merry Christmas! ׺°”˜`”°º×♥.+ʐχαṉατяαṃρ#®×º°”˜`”°º×
Category: Google

NORAD to track Santa on journey around globe

The North American Aerospace Defense Command will track Santa on his journey around the globe and this year and offers some interactive ways to children to enjoy the holidays. NORAD offers a site where people can track Santas progress across ...

What does the yearly NORAD SANTA tracking say for the veracity of the US government?

Answer: So many fail to see the word chosen and look for the deeper meaning behind the request. The US government is well known for hiding TRUTH in the spin-doctored history. It hides the decades of genocide with a term of "Manifest Density" and school children accept it as something that was right, for to the victor go the spoils. How CHRISTIAN is that!!! The US government has the BEST Legal system MONEY can buy... is it any wonder that they allow big oil and the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies and Corporate America in general to RAPE those without the Gold whenever they like? ME! .
Category: Government

Wheres Santa Claus? OnStar, NORAD tracker goes live Christmas Eve

(CBS) - The in-vehicle information provider OnStar joins the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in their effort to track Santa Clause this Christmas. On Dec. 24 at 7 a.m. EST OnStar users will be able to press the blue OnStar ...

NORAD: Using Santa-cams, satellites to track the jolly red guys route

Two days, eight hours and counting. The North American Aerospace Defense Command is using radar, satellites, cameras and fighter jets to track a target that appears on the loose annually – Santa Claus. Saint Nick’s worldwide journey is being ...

Track Santa in Google Earth – NORAD SANTA

In addition to tracking Santa on the NORAD Tracks Santa homepage, you can also track his flight in Google Earth. Return to this page on Christmas Eve to follow ...

NORAD SANTA Tracker : The History of NORAD, Google & Santa ...

Christmas Eve is only 1 day away and that means that Santa Claus is getting his reindeer and sleigh prepped ...

NORAD SANTA Tracker 2011: 5 Ways to Track Santa Online | Search ...

Track Santa on Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter using NORAD Whether you have been naughty or nice this year, you ...


NEW YORK DAYBOOK High-Tech Santa Watch Wednesday, 6 a.m. Surveillance is to this century what theology was to the last: a branch of study given to the notion that inscrutable powers are forever looking down on us from the silence of the sky. It stands to reason, then, that the watchdogs at Norad, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, are - By ALAN FEUER

NORAD SANTA trackers stand by for another big day | santa, norad ...

Norad santa trackers stand by for another big day | santa, norad, year, command, american, peterson, springs, north, trackers, answered.

Santa Claus and Christmas at the North Pole

Enjoy Christmas with Santa Claus at the North pole, an award-winning ... Take the naughty or nice quiz or enjoy the very popular Norad santa Tracker.

NORAD brings Santa -- and elf tossing -- to iPads, iPhones ...

Santa Claus should take note that NORAD, the Colorado Springs-based military organization responsible for the aerospace and maritime defense of the United States and ...

Countdown to Track Santa – NORAD SANTA

Welcome to the North Pole! Santa's helpers are getting gifts ready for delivery to the good boys and girls around the world. Can you find which shop in the village ...

NORAD SANTA trackers pull out high-tech stops –

NORAD is once again using its super high-tech tracking equipment to keep tabs on Santa Claus this year.

What is the NORAD SANTA tracker phone number you can ring to track santa?

Answer: the Norad santa tracker number is 1-877-446-6723
Category: Christmas

Why did Santa skip over Iran on the NORAD SANTA Tracker?

According to NORADs Santa tracker (, Santa completely skipped over Iran, a country with over 70 million people, about 0.2% of whom are Christian. He managed to visit every single country bordering Iran though. Somethings not right. Is NORAD politicizing Christmas?
Answer: Dude. Seriously. You Don't think Santas gonna use stealth mode in that airspace?
Category: Christmas


An eclectic selection of events and sites on the Web. Events DAILY, through Monday Live Webcasts from the Discovery space shuttle mission, including a space walk on Christmas Eve. SATURDAY, 4 p.m. Live broadcast of the Christmas Mass from Bethlehem. TUESDAY, 9 p.m. Chat with William

NORAD SANTA Trackers Prep For Christmas Eve Following St. Nick

DENVER -- Santa already is piling up big numbers on social networking sites this season, so the volunteer Santa-trackers at NORAD are bracing for tens of thousands of calls and emails when their operations center goes live ...

NORAD Tracks Santa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. The emblem of NORAD Tracks Santa. NORAD Tracks Santa is an annual Christmas-themed ...

NORAD SANTA Tracker 2011 Live Streaming Video!

Norad santa Tracker 2011 Live Streaming Video! Watch live streaming video from norad at

NEWS WATCH; Cancel the Red Alert; Its Just Rudolph

In addition to its cold war responsibility of tracking enemy missles, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or Norad, has kept a close watch on the whereabouts of Santa Claus for 44 years. For the second year, Norad will plot St. Nicks progress on its Web site. The site (, also offers some nifty looks at Norads tracking - North American Aerospace Defense Command, or Norad, will plot Santa Clauss progress from North Pole on its Web site; photo (S) - By Matt Richtel


AUSTRALIA ALWAYS SEEMED SO FAR away and perhaps not so important. Suddenly, there was Secretary of State George P. Shultz flying off to Canberra, the Australian capital, to listen more carefully to what the folks down under had to say about global defense strategy. At parties in Manhattan, the learned were talking about great Australian films and - By Seymour Topping; Seymour Topping is the managing editor of The New York Times

How does Norad track santa by radars and do they actually track the actual santa?

Cause i have been wondering, does norad actually track a real life santa?
Answer: What are you talking about !
Category: Mythology & Folklore

Where's The Man In Red? Use The NORAD SANTA Tracker To Find ...

The North American Aerospace Defense Command is ready to track Santa's yuletide journey!

How do I find the NORAD tracks Santa 2008 link?

I really want to watch NORAD tracks Santa but I cant find the special link after you download google earth so could you please tell me and links would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Answer: its still the countdown he hasn't left yet
Category: Christmas

NORAD SANTA Tracker 2011: Find It Here! (VIDEO)

For five decades, NORAD and the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) have tracked Santas flight, beginning precisely when Christmas Eve begins. At 12 a.m. on Dec. 24, you can click on this link and track Santas journey on the Norad santa ...

Tracking “Big Red”: NORAD’s Secret Santa Mission ...

One of America’s key weapons in defense of its homeland is NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command. With its slogan of “Deter, Detect ...


This year you can count down the days to Santa's takeoff with the official NORAD Tracks Santa app. Enjoy playing “Elf Toss” throughout the month and then on ...

The History of NORAD SANTA | AnyGeo - GIS, Maps, Mobile and ...

Over the years one of our favorite topics of discussion in December here at GISuser has been Norad santa... the fine efforts of the NORAD team implemented each.

US defense command to track Santa’s flight

On the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) website “Tracks Santa”, children can count down the hours to Santa’s take-off, watch images of him preparing for his flight and watch online “Santa cams” showing ...

NORAD Tracks Santa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NORAD Tracks Santa is an annual Christmas -themed entertainment program, which has existed since 1955, produced under the auspices of the North American Aerospace ...

NORAD Tracks Santa | Facebook

NORAD Tracks Santa - Official NORAD Tracks Santa page! Visit starting Dec. 1 for games, videos and to track Santa Dec. 24! Learn what we do the rest of the ...

Track Santa on your smartphone

For more than 50 years, NORAD — the North American Aerospace Defense Command — has used its high-tech missile-tracking systems to track Santas progress during his annual Christmas Eve flight around the world. For a 24-hour period, about 1,200 military ...

How does NORAD Tracks Santa work?

Ok so i know santa isnt real but how does norad track him and know where he would be. And also are the videos of the cities and stuff real? And what about Santa and the reindeers in the videos? I dont really know what im asking so could you just tell me everything you know about norad tracks sants?
Category: Christmas

NORAD ready to track Santa Claus again | Geek Gestalt - CNET News

Editors note: This story originally ran in 2009. In the spirit of the holidays, we thought wed run this touching piece again. On a recent Christmas Eve, Jeff Martin ...

NORAD SANTA trackers stand by for another big day -

DENVER (AP) - Santa already is piling up big numbers on social networking sites this season, so the volunteer Santa-trackers at NORAD are bracing for tens of ...

NORAD's Santa tracking set to launch on Christmas Eve | Reuters

20 hours ago ... (Reuters) - With Santa's departure from the North Pole imminent, preparations to track his global trek were underway on Friday at an aerospace ...


Is Norad tracking santa real?
Answer: As real as Santa himself. Merry Christmas! :)
Category: Christmas

Telephones ring, are you listening? It’s kids calling NORAD to ...

DENVER — Santa already is piling up big numbers on social networking sites this season, so the volunteer Santa-trackers at NORAD are bracing for tens of thousands ...

NORADs Santa tracking set to launch on Christmas Eve | Reuters

(Reuters) - With Santas departure from the North Pole imminent, preparations to track his global trek were underway on Friday at an aerospace command ...

Who here uses NORAD SANTA on Christmas?

Im Jewish, so I dont celebrate Christmas. Although, I think celebrating Christmas would be great! :D. Even though I dont celebrate Christmas, I still look at Norad santa and I think its so cute! Our friends and I are throwing something we call "Jewish Christmas". Chinese food, rental movie, wine! Lol. My 2-month old baby girl and I are looking at Norad santa right now, she probably doesnt understand anything on it but, its still cute. Do you look at Norad santa with your children, too? No rude answers, please. Its just a simple question. Thanks!
Answer: Haha yeah, I do! Although, I'm 16 and I clearly do not believe in Santa.. I find it fun to look it, it kinda keeps my spirit alive :) I remember looking at Norad when I still believed in Santa, and I thought it was the most amazing thing invented haha. It's a really great thing for the kids :)
Category: Christmas

Santa Claus is coming -- theres an app for that

To contact NORAD and speak to a volunteer about exactly where Santa is, call 877-HI-NORAD or 877-446-6723. To send an email to NORAD regarding Santa: noradtracks A return email will give Santas last known location. You also can ...

NORADs Santa Trackers Pull out High-tech Stops

Come Donner! Come Blitzen! Come North American Aerospace Defense Command! Thats right. This Christmas, NORAD, the premier U.S.-Canadian air defense directorate, is once again using its super high-tech tracking equipment to keep tabs on jolly old Saint ...

Why do they have NORAD (Santa tracker) if he is "supposedly" not real?

im confused whether or not to believe in Santa. there are things that make me thing he is real such as having NORAD but then i realize how crazy i sound. please help me with answering this question. im being serious, so thank you to all those who will give me good and honest answers!!
Answer: there are so many youngsters on yahoo looking at these questions, and i dont like being the one who will dash their hopes and dreams but so many others will do it in a nasty childish and spiteful way. they have NORAD to keep the dreams of children alive, its essential for growing up that a child has a healthy imagination and a worldwide belief in father christmas, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy keeps many children happy and sheltered from the death and pain of this world. i am sorry to say, but im sure others will tell you in a much nastier way, that father christmas doesnt exist, but there was once a saint nicholas who gave gifts to all the poor children, he was a true person and we still give and recieve to this day, so the spirit of togetherness and giving of gifts IS saint nicholas. in a way he does exist, but not as a physical entity
Category: Mythology & Folklore

NORAD tracks Santa and you can, too, with the official app ...

Norad tracking Santa started back in 1955, pretty much by accident when a Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co. advertisement accidentally printed the number to ...

Santa leaves the North Pole

Santa Claus has left the North Pole for his Christmas Eve journey around the world, with his reindeer-powered sleigh loaded with gifts for boys and girls. NORAD confirmed Santa took off from the North Pole around 6 a.m. ET with Rudolphs red nose guiding the way.


See Santa on your mobile phone. This year you can count down the days to Santa’s takeoff with the official NORAD Tracks Santa app. Enjoy playing “Elf Toss ...

Geek Kids Question: Is there a place to download Previous NORAD SANTA TRACKINGS?

I realize santa is a Fictional Character, But does any site have logs of a previous Norad santa Tracker to show when he: Departed from the North Pole? Reached City A,B,C etc.? Returned to his starting point? If not, what would be a good way to approximate the travel times?
Answer: I never heard of all that
Category: Mythology & Folklore

NORAD ready to track Santa Claus again

Editors note: This story originally ran in 2009. In the spirit of the holidays, we thought wed run this touching piece again. On a recent Christmas Eve, Jeff Martin found himself forced to explain to a Canadian general why, when Santa Claus ...

Who is going to follow the NORAD SANTA Tracker? Ive started! I know! Its fun.
Answer: Yes i will be hehe, i'm so excited! Even my dad tracks santa on NORAD haha. Merry christmas! :-)
Category: Adolescent

NORAD SANTA Tracker 2011: Google Maps Helps You Keep An Eye On Santa This Christmas Eve

The holidays are here at last. And you know what that means. No, not family, togetherness or even presents. It means its time to track Santa as he makes his annual trek around the globe. Google and the North American Aerospace Defense Command ...

NORAD and satellite technology help Santa deliver

Enlarge. NORAD Tracks Santa. Credit: NORAD ( -- According to the U.S. Department of Commerce Census Bureau, the worlds population is ...

How many of you watch NORAD SANTA tracker?

If you want to add details then what part of the world do you live in? Do you watch with your kids and how old are they? Do they believe in Santa and enjoy watching? Me, my preschooler, and my toddler are loving it!
Answer: I live in America, and I watch it by myself, and I'm 18 haha. Merry Christmas!
Category: Christmas

NORAD SANTA Hotline Returns to Help Kids Track Their Gifts ...

For decades, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has committed its resources to tracking Santa Claus around the world; in recent years ...

So is the whole NORAD SANTA tracker thing totally made up?

because one the website they make it seem so real, but are they just making it special for little kids?
Answer: Yes, Emma there is a santa claus...
Category: Christmas

Santa Tracker 2011: NORAD Knows When Your Presents Are Coming [Video]

Is Santa real? According to NORAD, absolutely. NORAD, the bi-national U.S.-Canadian military organization, is responsible for the aerospace defense of the United States and Canada. So you can bet on the fact that when an overweight man in a red ... News Article: NORAD Poised to Track Santa’s Flight

NORAD Poised to Track Santa’s Flight. By Cheryl Pellerin American Forces Press Service. WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2011 – As children go to bed tomorrow with visions of ...

NORAD's Santa Tracker - – Rockford's News Leader

For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa's flight. The tradition began in 1955 after a Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co. advertisement for children ...

NORAD ready to support Santas journey across Georgia

(ATLANTA, Ga.) -- Christmas time marks a special moment for most Americans as they share great food and gifts with family and friends while keeping those far away close in their hearts. Tonight will also mark the moment in which jolly ole St. Nicklaus ...

NORAD brings Santa -- and elf tossing -- to iPads, iPhones, Android devices

Santa Claus should take note that NORAD, the Colorado Springs-based military organization responsible for the aerospace and maritime defense of the United States and Canada, has been especially nice this year. The outfit has gone beyond its usual satellite ...

NORAD SANTA Tracker 2011: 5 Ways to Track Santa Online | Search ...

Track Santa on Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter using NORAD Whether you have been naughty or nice this year, you ...
From: pearl726 - Source: Twitter for Android

サンタ富士殲滅、次は厚木 NORAD TRACKS SANTA 2011サンタ富士殲滅、次は厚木 NORAD TRACKS SANTA 2011
From: kurotori2000 - Source: Tween

ほー、サンタクロースはいま名古屋に居るんですか。そろそろ寝ないとね。 <b>Norad santa</b>ほー、サンタクロースはいま名古屋に居るんですか。そろそろ寝ないとね。 Norad santa
From: south__m - Source: twicca

RT @NoradSanta: #NORAD radar has detected movement at the North Pole International Airport! Tracks #SantaRT @NoradSanta: #NORAD radar has detected movement at the North Pole International Airport! Tracks #Santa
From: xKatieRebeccax - Source: HootSuite

RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!
From: 1031jp - Source: web

次は富士! #NORAD #Santa次は富士! #NORAD #Santa
From: JunZi_F - Source: Silver Bird

RT @thisisysa: RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards KyotoRT @thisisysa: RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto
From: Kelleyliqhw - Source: Mobile Web

RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!
From: moviebuff7 - Source: web

RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!
From: socksmith - Source: web

RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!
From: wdchi - Source: web

RT @TEDxBandung: From the official Google Blog: "Santa Claus is coming to town... find out where with Google and NORAD" | @TEDxBandung: From the official Google Blog: "Santa Claus is coming to town... find out where with Google and NORAD" |
From: finayudharisman - Source: TweetDeck

RT @ep_squared: Someone didnt dismiss Kyoto...!! RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!RT @ep_squared: Someone didnt dismiss Kyoto...!! RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!
From: perogies_gyoza - Source: HootSuite

RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!
From: wajira13 - Source: web

えぇっ、まさかの厚木立ち寄り?! #Santa #NORADえぇっ、まさかの厚木立ち寄り?! #Santa #NORAD
From: wk_junko - Source: Twitter for iPhone

日本! RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!日本! RT @NoradSanta: Our counterparts in Japan have confirmed with NORAD that Santa is heading towards Kyoto!
From: hoobaru - Source: twicca

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