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1 day ago ... Latest Prometheus movie News on Ridley Scott's Alien Prequel film Prometheus. Prometheus Trailer coming soon! | AvPSpectrum.
When will Fox release the trailer for Alien Prometheus?
In June I think it is, Ridley Scotts next alien movie spin-off will premiere. But the trailer is not released yet. Please give some idea on when it will be.
Answer: There was a rumor floating around the Internet that it would be shown during previews at new movie 'The Sitter'. A full release was to follow on Monday 12/12/2011. Monday has been & gone with no sign of it so that didn't turn out to be the case .......... except that there was another rumor suggesting that the trailer 'leak' meant the release was put back. It has also been noted that in some areas the trailer has apparently already been rated, suggesting that an official release could be just around the corner.
Category: Movies
A few thoughts about the Prometheus trailer | PROMETHEUS MOVIE News
So, by now you will have all seen the Prometheus trailer in glorious HD. Fantastic isn't it? There are other sites out there that have galleries of snapshots so.
'Prometheus' Trailer: Five Key Elements - MTV Movie News| MTV
21 hours ago ... In the "Prometheus" trailer, which shows Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron fighting for their lives, director Ridley Scott harks back to "Alien" ...
It Was a Happy Month, Mostly, for Modernists
O PIONEERS! From Isadora Duncan to Martha Graham, American theatrical dance amazed the world with bold women who addressed space and time in ways that expressed aspects of womanhood -- of, indeed, humanity -- and that showed why the 20th century was, in Henry Luces words, the American century. As American modern dance grew, the men caught up: - By ALASTAIR MACAULAY
Are you looking forward to Ridley Scotts Prometheus?
Apparently he started to do an Alien prequel but it evolved into something else, but is still set in the same universe, I know were supposed to find out about the Space Jockey creature(seen dead in the first movie) here is the synopsis printed
“Ridley Scott, director of Alien and Blade Runner, returns to the genre he helped define. With Prometheus, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.
As Ridley Scott is behind it, I think it should be miles better than the last few Alien movies were
BQ Favourite movie in the Alien series? mine is Aliens followed by Alien
Answer: Yeah I am really looking forward to this movie... especially given the line up of actors!!
Michael Fassbender!
Charlize Theron
Guy Pearce
Idris Elba
Patrick Wilson
I remember reading an interview with Ridley Scott, where he states that he originally planned Prometheus to be a standalone movie that was merely set in the same universe as Alien. However, as he progressed and made altercations to the script he decided to weave the two story lines together more closely, thus setting it up as a kind of prequel (which also would work as a standalone - if that makes sense). As to all the fuss about us not seeing the actual Xenomorph (alien from the first film) in this movie, to be honest we barely saw it in the original! However, I think the big difference is that they are hinting at the idea that the Xenomorphs will not be present at all, and the sole focus will be on the Space Jockey. Which is still fine by me! But I am sure they will throw us a bone with the whole Xenomorph thing at some point in the film, maybe a cameo at the end? But yes, sorry for getting side tracked, with Ridley Scott (who has not made a bad film yet) at the helm I hardly see how this could go wrong. He is expanding on a universe that he defined. I will definitely be catching this on the big screen.
Category: Movies
Prometheus Trailer Finds Pure Terror In Outer Space -
So many questions continue to swirl around Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, which is due in theaters next summer. Is it a prequel to Alien? Loosely connected ...
FIRST ‘PROMETHEUS’ TRAILER Written by Alex Tucker // December 22, 2011 // 0 Comments . Prometheus is an upcoming science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott ...
Hey There, Obvious Prequel – ‘Prometheus’ Trailer Finally ...
All I want for Christmas is for the bizarre trickle (leaks and all) of Prometheus marketing (teaser trailers for teaser trailers? seriously?) to stop and
Prometheus (2012) Charlize Theron - Movie Trailer, Pictures, Plot ...
Watch the movie trailer for Ridley Scotts sci-fi thriller Prometheus, starring Noomi Rapace. See the latest movie posters, photos, cast news and plot details.
New Prometheus Image Features Michael Fassbenders Android Character
And tomorrow, well finally see the trailer for Ridley Scotts mysterious Prometheus. While were waiting for that one to hit the internets, Empire Online has posted a new still from the flick. Its a new look at Michael Fassbenders character ...
Prometheus trailer: Alien prequel question put to rest ...
Ever since Ridley Scott started talking about his first foray back into science fiction since 1982′s Blade Runner, the geekosphere has been all ...
where can i download Prometheus Triumphant A Fugue in the Key of Flesh movie?
I have read some nice reviews about this movie. Want to see what extraordinary thing is in this movie. Plz help me.
Answer: Or, instead of cheating the filmmakers out of money, you can buy it at Amazon, Best Buy, Borders, or Barnes and Noble after MArch 10th!!!!!!
Category: Movies
PROMETHEUS MOVIE - Film By Ridley Scott Coming June 2012
Prometheus - Movie by Ridley Scott coming 2012. Prometheus Trailer Coming Soon. Source for Prometheus news, information and a thriving online community.
SUMMER MOVIES; Farewell, Mr. Rochester. Hello, Magneto.
LONDON TWO men of radically different physical appearance -- one dark and scruffy, the other blond and clean cut -- are waiting at the tiny bakery in East London where the actor Michael Fassbender has arranged to meet. It is genuinely impossible to tell which one is him. He can look like anybody (or everybody). In his most recent film, Jane - By SARAH LYALL
JACK KEVORKIAN, 1928-2011; Doctor Who Helped End Lives
Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the medical pathologist who willfully helped dozens of terminally ill people end their lives, becoming the central figure in a national drama surrounding assisted suicide, died on Friday in Royal Oak., Mich. He was 83. He died at William Beaumont Hospital, where he had been admitted recently with kidney and respiratory problems, - By KEITH SCHNEIDER
PROMETHEUS MOVIE | We sight trends!
Tweet · Share. Prometheus moviepPrometheus movieaPrometheus moviesPrometheus movie Prometheus movietPrometheus movieoPrometheus movie Prometheus movie#Prometheus moviefPrometheus movieoprometheus ...
PROMETHEUS MOVIE Trailer Is Live | PopCultureShock
The first trailer for Ridley Scott's Prometheus is finally here! Set to be the tie-in for the Alien series that'll stage the beginnings of a series,
what does it mean to call someone prometheus?
I watched Raisin in the sun the movie and read the short story but when mr. gorgison says to walter goodnight prometheus i dont get it... what is it supposed to mean?
Answer: Prometheus means forethought.
In Greek mythology, Prometheus "forethought" is a Titan known for his wily intelligence, who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to mortals for their use.
Category: Words & Wordplay
Prometheus - Movie Trailers - iTunes
Ridley Scott, director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner," returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team ...
‘Prometheus’ Trailer Preview: Ridley Scott Returns to the ...
The trailer for Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ is almost here – check out a preview of the new trailer, featuring new footage and word from Ridley Scott himself ...
First official 'Prometheus' movie trailer released |
The first official trailer for Ridley Scott's upcoming movie Prometheus debuted today.
The Girl Past the Dragon Tattoo
WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. IT was dusk on the Sunset Strip here when Noomi Rapace swooped into an oak-paneled bar, looking nothing like herself. Swathed in crepe the color of orange sherbet, her skin luscious, her hair tousled, she could have been any starlet making the rounds. But she might have been Someone. Eavesdroppers craned their necks, not - Noomi Rapace, actress who played Lisbeth Salander in original Swedish film adaptations of the Millennium Trilogy, has moved on to Hollywood projects, saying she has long ago left that character behind; David Finchers take on the first of the series, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, staring Rooney Mara, is set to premier. Photos (M)/ - By KATHRYN SHATTUCK
Is there a God of war movie on the making?
A couple of months ago I watched a trailer in the theater that used the symbol of God of war. Now, Im pretty sure it wasnt a god of war movie but I think it had something to do with prometheus. Does anyone have a clue regarding the name?
Answer: There is a God of War movie coming out, set for 2010.
It is so far just called God of War. It is still charactarized as In Development so there are no listings of actors or anything so they are free to change anything they want at this point.
It is being directed by Brett Ratner.
Category: Movies
Prometheus Preview: The Trailer Before the Trailer for Ridley ...
Prometheus Preview: The Trailer Before the Trailer for Ridley Scotts Next Sci-Fi Epic (Updated). Read this and other movie news, reviews, and more at
What are your thoughts about Ridley Scotts Prometheus due out in 2012?
BQ Favorite movie directed by Ridley Scott
Answer: Can't wait. Anything Ridley Scott touches turns to gold.
BQ: HARD choice. but I gotta go with the classic "Alien".
runner-up: Gladiator
3rd place: Black Hawk Down
I gotta say I loved Robin Hood, I don't care WHAT the haters say.
Category: Movies
PROMETHEUS MOVIE News, Alien prequel news, Ridley Scott ...
5 hours ago ... The latest Prometheus movie news, the Alien prequel film from Ridley Scott.
SUMMER MOVIES; Farewell, Mr. Rochester. Hello, Magneto.
LONDON TWO men of radically different physical appearance -- one dark and scruffy, the other blond and clean cut -- are waiting at the tiny bakery in East London where the actor Michael Fassbender has arranged to meet. It is genuinely impossible to tell which one is him. He can look like anybody (or everybody). In his most recent film, Jane - By SARAH LYALL
Prometheus trailer reveals a bunch of scary stuff in outer space
"Prometheus" puts director Ridley Scott back his comfort zone, thats for sure. The man behind "Alien" and "Blade Runner" returns to the realm of science fiction with a dynamite cast including Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender ("X-Men: First ...
Prometheus is Totally an Alien Prequel
The first real trailer for Ridley Scotts Prometheus, which dropped today, is like a checklist of Cool Stuff: people yelling, people screaming, some space ships and explosions and Charlize Theron in a towel. There are a bunch of ominous looking locales ...
Will Prometheus have the Aliens in it?
Like will it be like all the other Alien movies or is it an entirely different movie
Category: Movies
PROMETHEUS MOVIE - Film By Ridley Scott Coming June 2012
Prometheus - Movie by Ridley Scott coming 2012. Prometheus Trailer Coming Soon. Source for Prometheus news, information and a thriving online community.
Prometheus - Official Trailer [TRUE HD] - YouTube
22 hours ago ... This Prometheus Trailer can also be found on the iTunes Movie Trailers site. Description: Ridley Scott, director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner," ...
The New "Alien" movie is going to be called "Prometheus"? What does a greek god?
have to do with an alien species?
Answer: From what i have read, its no longer a prequel to Alien as it planned to be. It almost sounded as if the aliens may not even be in the movie as much but more as background to the movie. I got this impression from this statement "Scott himself might have offered a clue to the aliens' involvement when he said that fans would "recognize strands of Alien's DNA" in the new film"
There are going to be Alien in it, but may be different aliens. I still like the idea of a prequel. But there is talks of Giant Aliens in the movie.
"Despite that press release that seemed to indicate there were no aliens in the movie, the familiar H.R. Giger-style aliens do appear. Big ones apparently."
When i find them, going to post the articles i have seen for this movie.
Links to articles:
Here is a few from when it was going to be a prequel
Category: Movies
Prometheus (2012) - IMDb
In Theaters; Coming Soon; Top Movies; Showtimes & Tickets; Trailers; Watchlist ... Michael Fassbender and Logan Marshall-Green in Prometheus Still of Kate ...
New Ridley Scott Flick Prometheus Finally Gets A Trailer (Video)
After so many years, Ridley Scott finally returns to the genre that established his name as a cutting edge director. ‘Prometheus’ follows a team of scientists on a dangerous mission whose outcome they barely survive. That has to suffice for now, but ...
Whats The Verdict: Prometheus Trailer
(CNN) -- A teaser clip for Ridley Scotts "Prometheus" has been flying about the Web, drumming up even more anticipation for the movies summer release. While this sci-fi thriller may or may not be a prequel to Scotts 1979 "Alien," the Los ...
Ridley Scotts Prometheus trailer recalls Alien-style sci fi ...
20th Century Fox has really been milking fan interest in seeing the teaser trailer for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus this week, by releasing multiple trailer ...
Are They Going To Make Another Predator Movie?
Now that theyre making Prometheus (prequel to Alien), are they going to make another Predator movie? Thanks.
Answer: there is nothing concrete but
Arnold has said he'd like to help do Predators 2
Also there has always been talk of Arnold and Glover teaming up for Predator 3
Category: Movies
Prometheus (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The characters in this movie are preoccupied by the idea: what are our origins?" Damon Lindelof, concerning the scope of Prometheus. Scott initially sought to ...
Prometheus movie Trailer. Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron star in PROMETHEUS, a Ridley Scott film with ties to the ALIEN series.
Watch the Prometheus Trailer
Weve had days of trailers for the trailer to Prometheus, and now the actual preview for Ridley Scotts highly anticipated return to sci-fi is here. Im very psyched for this movie, which sure looks and feels like an Alien film to me -- albeit ...
Prometheus Official Trailer Released: Watch Ridley Scotts 2012 Return to Alien Horror [VIDEO]
The trailer for the upcoming 2012 sci-fi horror movie Prometheus has officially gone live on Apple Trailers. The exclusive video, which is only about 69 seconds long, is the first look at Ridley Scotts latest film and his first in the sci-fi ...
How to draw Alien prequel from Alien movie?
HR Giger art, Alien, Prometheus movie
Answer: I would recommend to check link below to see how to draw Alien prequel inspired by HR Geiger and 'Alien' movie.
Hope you will like it :)
Category: Drawing & Illustration
Prometheus Trailer Suggests there is More than Just a Hint of ...
Watch the first trailer for Ridley Scotts Prometheus
Prometheus (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prometheus is an upcoming science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall-Green ...
ARTS, BRIEFLY; Ridley Scott Pursuing Blade Runner Project
Its too bad she wont live, Edward James Olmos tells Harrison Ford in Blade Runner. But then again, who does? And then again, there are those movies that just live on forever: Ridley Scott, who directed that moody 1982 science-fiction film noir, will direct and produce a new feature that is being described as a Blade Runner - By DAVE ITZKOFF
Prometheus trailer: Yep, this is DEFINITELY an Alien prequel
Ever since Ridley Scott started talking about his first foray back into science fiction since 1982′s Blade Runner, the geekosphere has been all Twitterpated over whether the film is, in fact, a prequel to Alien. First it was. Then it wasn’t ...
How could I make a costume like Frankenstein from the original novel by Mary Shelly?
Im a student doing a book report, I chose the book Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelly. How do I make a (Hopefully cheap) costume that resembles the original monster.
Again, this is the monster from the book. With yellow, sallow skin, wild long black hair and a horrifically ugly face. Not the giant green thug with bolts in his neck like the movie version.
Answer: Cheap wig, & assorted bits from a costume shop. Add some old, torn clothes, & U B in bidness...
Category: Homework Help
Broadway Bound and Also Unbound
Dates are subject to change. SEPTEMBER ME, MYSELF & I When the early days of a new theater season start off with an Edward Albee comedy its obvious that the bar is being set on the high side. Mr. Albees delight in language takes the absurdist route here with a pair of identical 28-year-old twins named OTTO and otto (their last name is not - By STEVEN McELROY
Prometheus’ trailer: Damon Lindelof on Ridley Scott’s riddles
What exactly is Ridley Scott building in outer space? That’s the great riddle of 2012 for the film fans eagerly awaiting “Prometheus,” Scott’s first sci-fi film since 1982′s ”Blade Runner.” Back in 2010, Scott sat on stage at our very own ...
Video: “Prometheus” trailer
Why yes, it is “trailer week,” a.k.a. “slow-news holiday week,” at Hot Air. I dig this one more than any of the others we’ve blogged lately, but admittedly there’s some grade inflation going on. For one thing, it’s Ridley Scott’s ...
What is the upcoming movie Prometheus about?
Prolly aliens bringin technology to our planet & jumpstartin our evolution or sum sh*t
promepheus stole fire from the gods - fire be equallin technolgy. dat make sense to me.
Category: Movies
Prometheus (2012) - IMDb
Director: Ridley Scott. . Actors: Noomi Rapace: Elizabeth Shaw · Charlize Theron: Meredith Vickers · Michael Fassbender: David · Patrick Wilson: Cocooned man ...
Movie-List - PROMETHEUS MOVIE Trailers
Watch the trailer for Prometheus on Movie-List. Directed by Ridley Scott and starring Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, Michael Fassbender and Patrick Wilson. A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on ...
A teaser for the Prometheus trailer - Movie News |
Movie News A teaser for the Prometheus trailer ... The last teaser for Prometheus reminds us that we are one day away: Harrison Ford and Abigail Breslin confirmed ...
Prometheus Trailer Releases, Looks Alien-ish
Ok, so this isn’t the prequel to Alien, we know that. After watching the trailer, you can’t help but think of the classic series. Ridley Scott has a stellar cast attached to the project: Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace, and ...
A few more thoughts about the Prometheus trailer. Erm, where's Guy ...
So, one thing has me a little puzzled. In all the stills, teasers and now the trailer that have been released, unless I blinked and missed him, I've not yet.
Where Knees Go Weak
A slide show of the six couples featured here is above, as well as photographs of five more at the Rockefeller Center rink. It is, of course, best known as the backdrop for New Yorks annual Christmas tree extravaganza, but the ice-skating rink at Rockefeller Center is also one of its most quintessentially romantic spots. A glittering ellipse - By ALEXIS MAINLAND
Help with Greek Mythology character!!! (Prometheus)?
ok, so im doing a project on the character Prometheus, the person who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to the mortals. It would help me out if you all could give me a bit of information on him. Try to answer some of these questions:
1- Prometheus Family Tree (is he related to any other greek mythology person...?)
2-Where do you see Prometheus? (advertisments, commercials, movies, holidays, greeting cards)
3-Why is Prometheus important? (did he do anything besides give fire to the mortals?)
Any other extraa information is useful too, thanks!!
*Also, does prometheus have any symbols to represent him? (for example the water god has a trident representing him)
**It would also help to give me a link of images with Prometheus
Prometheus actually RETURNED fire to the humans, it is a subtle difference but important since Zues is the one who took it away.
As punishment for returning fire to humans he was bound to a rock while a great eagle ate his liver every day only to have it grow back to be eaten again the next day.
He is the sun of Iapetus, a titan
Category: Mythology & Folklore
THE HOLLYWOOD ISSUE; Our Own Worst Enemies
Earlier this year, one of the defining villains of the age met his end. A generation of children grew up frightened by his legend and haunted by the image of his face. More than just an evildoer, he seemed at times to be the embodiment of evil itself, the ruthless leader of a vast and shadowy network whose very principle was terror. His death was - By A. O. SCOTT
Prometheus Images, Video Released Teasing Trailer (Video)
What a week for trailers. First, the dark, epic trailer for Christopher Nolan’s final installment in his Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, premiered. Then, Peter Jackson’s fantastic adventure, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, debuted its first ...
WDYT of this Prometheus trailer?
Prometheus is going to be released in theaters on June 8, 2012, its a prequel/spin-off of the first Alien movie by Ridley Scott.
Answer: I cannot wait. AWESOME
Category: Movies
Prometheus (2012) Trailer, Review, Video Clips, Interviews, Starring Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace, Idris Elba, Guy Pearce, Ben Foster. Directed ...
Oh No They Didn't! - PROMETHEUS MOVIE trailer
Warner Bros has released the first trailer for Prometheus , a sci-fi project from director Ridley Scott with ties to the Alien series. Here's the logline: “The film takes a team of scientists and explorers on a thrilling journey that will ...
What would be the best way to submit art work to Ridley Scots forthcoming Alien PROMETHEUS MOVIE?
What? WOW! Great answer! Helpful.
Answer: James Cameron's 'Aliens' is the finest of the series. One of the finest science fiction movies ever.
Alien is good
The one by Fincher is tolerable
The 4th was dreadful
I don't think I would waste my precious time on a fifth
Category: Movies
Prometheus - Movie Trailers - iTunes
Ridley Scott, director of "Alien" and "Blade Runner," returns to the genre he helped define. With PROMETHEUS, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, ...
does anyone know what going on with this movie prometheus use to be call untitled Alien prequel?
why did they change the name for
Answer: The script for "Prometheus" is still being worked on and will be an entire new story It doesn't seem to be related to the "Aliens" films in anyway. The "Alien" prequels have seem to have been scraped!
Category: Movies
Ridley Scotts highly anticipated Prometheus trailer is up -- and terrifying
The first trailer for "Prometheus" is out -- and its terrifying. The much-anticipated trailer -- which was teased with three previews earlier this week -- features people screaming, bodies flying, and spacecraft exploding. Of course, there are ...
In His Year of Working Furiously, Spielberg Makes a Summer Stop
SAN DIEGO -- Youll be kids the rest of your lives! shouted Steven Spielberg to a crowd of more than 6,000 roaring fantasy fans at the Comic-Con International convention here on Friday. I feel the same way! With his gray beard, baseball cap and inner child on full display, Mr. Spielberg was flanked by a surprise guest, the director and his - By MICHAEL CIEPLY
Full “Prometheus” Trailer Debuts Online – Watch Here (Video)
You’ve seen The Avengers trailer. The Dark Knight Rises trailer. The Hobbit trailer (and if you haven’t, all three links are right there). But there’s another movie sneaking into the summer 2012 line-up that maybe you haven’t heard of ...
Prometheus (2012) - - Movie Trailers, New Movies ...
Prometheus (2012) starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Sean Harris, Kate Dickie, Logan Marshall-Green, Guy Pearce, Patrick Wilson.
Prometheus’ Trailer Teases ‘Alien’ Style Sci-Fi Horror
A team of futuristic space explorers discover a mysterious (and dangerous) extraterrestrial world in the ominous teaser trailer for director Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’. Ridley Scott, director of “Alien” and “Blade Runner,” returns to the ... ;P Prometheus movie New Trailer And Poster For 21 Jump Street Jonah Hill And Channing Tatum Stay After Class
From: shavonneluckyTN - Source: web
:O New Trailer And Poster For 21 Jump Street Jonah Hill And Channing Tatum Stay After Class Prometheus movie
From: jerryspinelli55 - Source: web
Prometheus movie ;P New Trailer And Poster For 21 Jump Street Jonah Hill And Channing Tatum Stay After Class
From: dessiemeenachCK - Source: web
Prometheus movie :) New Trailer And Poster For 21 Jump Street Jonah Hill And Channing Tatum Stay After Class
From: karrythomsonMNA - Source: web New Trailer And Poster For 21 Jump Street Jonah Hill And Channing Tatum Stay After Class ;) Prometheus movie
From: tamelacraftFRMZ - Source: web
Trailer for Ridley Scots Prometheus has gone live and boy does this movie look promising!
From: dujkan - Source: Twitter for Mac
RT @SpecyGeek: Ridley Scott’s Prometheus: Possibly the most anticipated and trailed scifi trailer – and movie – of the last few...
From: johnmccullagh - Source: twitterfeed
Prometheus movie ;) Source Code Movie Review and Thematic Analysis
From: AzaleeTonelson7 - Source: web
Badd-ass trailer for Ridley Scotts new movie Prometheus, which is the prequel to Alien:
From: brianweeden - Source: web
RT @MoviesOfScifi: Ridley Scott’s Prometheus: Possibly the most anticipated and trailed scifi trailer – and movie – of the last few...
From: LadyLilaena - Source: twitterfeed
The Dark Knight Rises trailer, The Hobbit trailer, Prometheus trailer, and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo movie all came out. YES!!!!
From: TheRealZacme - Source: web
RT @Sabotagetimes: Teaser trailer for Ridley Scotts Prometheus @ebertchicago @slashfilm
From: Cunny71 - Source: HootSuite
Wagerweb: The Prometheus movie trailer looks freaking epic (video)
From: WagerWebNews - Source: WagerWebNews
New Photos from Ridley Scott Upcoming Sci-Fi Movie Prometheus, Plus Actress ...
From: SciFiMashup - Source:
Whoa! New Ridley Scott movie Prometheus Aliens remake?
From: hydro74 - Source: TweetDeck