Shameless : Photo Gallery
Shameless : Videos
Shameless : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites Offers Three Sweepstakes Tied to Popular Showtime TV Series
Beginning January 6 th, viewers who log into TumTiki and watch free episodes of the SHOWTIME series CALIFORNICATION, Shameless and HOUSE OF LIES can unlock special badges featuring Showtime stars and be entered into a sweepstakes drawing to win ...
What region is frank accent from the UK television series SHAMELESS?
In the TV series Shameless frank has an interesting accent I was just wondering if it was from a specific part of the UK
Answer: He has a broad Mancunian accent. The show's set in Manchester so most of the characters have Mancunian accents (except Mimi who has a Scouse accent)
I live in between Manchester and liverpool so I have a mixture of the two - rather beautiful really ;)
Category: Comedy
SHAMELESS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shameless is a British television drama series set in Manchester on the fictional Chatsworth council estate. Produced by Company Pictures for Channel 4, the ...
What was the episode and series when Frank and Karen were with each other if you know what I mean. My cousin has started watching it and she wanted to know.
Answer: I think it was a few episodes in the first serious but I'm not too sure.
I think the actual seduction was episode 4.
I love Shameless.
Category: Comedy
TELEVISION; Consultants With Their Pants on Fire
Culver City, Calif. IN April, when the actress Kristen Bell appeared on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson, she had news to share: She would be co-starring in a new Showtime series called House of Lies. Suddenly Ms. Bell found herself stuck as the straight man in a comedians bit. Is it like House of Pies? Mr. Ferguson riffed, - By MARGY ROCHLIN
SHAMELESS - Channel 4
The Internet home of Shameless at Channel 4; includes Shameless Series and Episode Guides, Videos, Catch Up, Pictures and News & Articles. Visit for more ...
Watch SHAMELESS on Showtime: Watch Exclusive Videos, Mobile Apps
Official website of Shameless, new original TV series on Showtime. Watch exclusive videos, download wallpapers, iPhone apps. Order Showtime 866-465-SHOW
SHAMELESS Review: Can't Knock the Hustle - TV Fanatic
The Gallaghers are back and stirring up trouble in the season 2 premiere of Shameless. Read our review to find out what happens!
Treasure Island!!! - By Sara Levine - Book Review
I’m partial, I confess, to a book with exclamation points in its title. It’s the excitement, the urgency, the exuberance they bring to a page. Imagine if other people had used them: “War and Peace!!!” “The Breast!!!” You’d expect a completely different book. “Treasure Island!!!,” Sara - By REBECCA BARRY
The SHAMELESS blog - SHAMELESS Magazine - your daily dose of ...
Dec 23, 2011 ... Shameless is a progressive magazine for teen girls, available in independent bookstores across Canada.
SHAMELESS Emmy Rossum Dishes Out Six Things to Expect in Season 2 ...
From Yahoo! omg!: Shameless second season sees the Gallagher family more than surviving a sweltering summer
SHAMELESS - Channel 4
The Internet home of Shameless at Channel 4; includes Shameless Series and Episode Guides, Videos, Catch Up, Pictures and News & Articles.
SHAMELESS Actor Macy Recovers from Skin Cancer Treatment
The star in the upcoming series "Shameless" appeared on the morning show "Live! With Kelly" Tuesday with a small bandage on the bridge of his nose. The shows host Kelly Ripa questioned the actor about the bandage, and Macy explained that he had underwent ...
BRITAIN’S most famous scroungers are back, louder and more outrageous than ever. The new series of Shameless sees the Chatsworth Estate residents in even more trouble than usual when they’re targeted in a benefits crackdown. Throw in a sex-mad priest ...
OP-ED COLUMNIST; A New Kim. A New Chance?
On my first trip to North Korea in 1989, I made a nuisance of myself by randomly barging into private homes. I wanted to see how ordinary North Koreans actually live, and people were startled but hospitable. The most surprising thing I found was The Loudspeaker affixed to a wall in each home. The Loudspeaker is like a radio but without a dial or - Nicholas D Kristof Op-Ed column warns that, even with the death of dictator Kim Jong-il, North Koreas brutal regime could stagger along for another 20 years; holds American policy of keeping North Korea isolated is one of the things that keeps the Kim family in power. (M)/ - By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF
SHAMELESS TV Show - SHAMELESS Photos & Videos, SHAMELESS Reviews ...
View Shameless TV show reviews, recaps, and pictures. Read reviews and recaps of Shameless and view pictures, photos, and video clips from the Shameless TV show.
'SHAMELESS' Season 2 Premiere: Where There's Smoke, There's ...
While some things never change on Showtime's Shameless – like Frank's (William H. Macy) total disregard for consequences – there were several changes for the Gallaghers in Sunday's Season 2 premiere.
When does the new series of SHAMELESS start?
Does anyone know when Shameless series seven is going to air ?
Answer: Id say January 2010, as that's when all the other seasons have aired, lol.
Damn I miss that show. :(
Category: Comedy
HitFix Interview: Laura Slade Wiggins talks SHAMELESS
While going through audio files for the recently started January Television Critics Association press tour, I stumbled upon a brief interview I did back at Julys press tour with "Shameless" co-star Laura Slade Wiggins. "Shameless" was early in production ...
I receive many SHAMELESS/unblushing txt messages that request me to deposit my money to a bank account.So angr?
I receive many Shameless/cheeky/unblushing txt messages on my mobile that request me to deposit money to a bank account. I get so annoyed and so angry. What do I have this angry? What thought is in my mind? How can I get rid of it?
They are not callers. They are senders. Many senders, many cell phone numbers.
Answer: These calls are not an insurmountable obstacle, they are just an unnecessary nuisance.
Send a reply saying you just murdered your business partner and have been looking for a new partner, How can I get a hold of you? When they respond, string them along by asking a thousand questions about how you will split the money, get out of the country to meet them before the police catch you, etc.
Eventually they will decide you are nuts, but you will have a lot of fun until then.
Category: Personal Finance
when does the second season of SHAMELESS start?
Showtimes Shameless is an awesome show, the first season just got done and im already jonesing for the next season. Ive checked around and cant find much info on the next season. Does anyone know?
Answer: i knw that it doesnt start until 2012 sometime i just dont know the exact date...... would like to know that myself.
Category: Reality Television
The Rosie Show: Emmy Rossum Talks SHAMELESS Sex Scenes & Socks (VIDEO)
When Showtime premiered "Shameless" in January 2011, its graphic depictions of sex and sexuality immediately drew a lot of attention. And as the series progressed, it never shied away from that side of it storytelling and Emmy Rossum is happy ...
William H. Macy, Emmy Rossum talk about their SHAMELESS dysfunctional family
January 8, 2012 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates. Wells: We come back in this season, which actually changes a lot of the way the show feels, in that we come back and we’re shooting in the summertime. It’s nice and hot when things are ...
What makes a person immoral, crude & SHAMELESS about their behaviors, what are the incentives to act like this?
What makes a person immoral, crude & Shameless about their behaviors, what are the incentives to act like this?
Answer: Souns like Histrionic Personality Disorder
Category: Gender & Women's Studies
TELEVISION | THE YEAR AHEAD; A Second Chance For TVs Season
New TV shows are liable to pop up any time these days, but over the last few years January has solidified its position as the start of televisions second season. There are probably more series making their debuts or having their season premieres next month than there were during the official start of the 2011-12 broadcast network season in - By MIKE HALE
Who do you think the are most SHAMELESS politicians?
I think Lieberman and Pelosi are two of the most Shameless politicians.
I chose them because they pretend to be something that theyre not. They pretend to be for the against the war and for the "little people," but their actions and words later show the opposite.
And they do it without remorse, shame, or apology.
At least the neocons--you get what you expect from them.
Yeah, theyre actually all Shameless.
Answer: That would be the definition of hypocrisy. I think SPINE-less would be a more appropriate term for Pelosi, LIEberman, and many within the Democratic leadership for consistently bending over backwards for Bush and the Republican minority.
My definition of a Shameless politician is one that has no principles to stand for whatsoever, makes every single decision "on a whim," and believes to achieving their own selfish ends by any means necessary, no matter who gets hurt (even their own family) in the process. By that definition, Darth Cheney tops them all. (I do not include Bush II because he has shown he is incapable of making important decisions or achieving any ends on his own, despite claiming to be "The Decider." Bush is merely a puppet.)
Category: Elections
In the TV programme Shameless is one of the boys, Daz off emerdale or is it his twin?
Answer: It is his twin. They both played the part until luke left to play the part in emmerdale
Category: Media & Journalism
What song is at the end of the second episode of SHAMELESS US?
The song is at the end of the second episode of the US version of Shameless. The lyrics are something like this. "Shes a guillotine, execution scene now baby she wanted my heart like its a 1972 (words i cant make out) its true, shes a guillotine, shes a death machine, drivin like james dean now baby, i gave her the wheel (some words i couldnt hear) then it says shes a guillotine a bunch of times
Answer: i think the band is The Blood Arm ... if so, it states that the new album is due to be released in the spring. "She's a Guillotine" isn't listed on their own site, but i did find it on the site below:
Category: Drama
SHAMELESS Season 2 Preview Guide: Where We Left Off
Shameless was a breakout hit for Showtime and rightfully so. The effervescent and unapologetic show offered plenty of nudity, car theft, immoral sex and alcohol excesses, but it was also a tale of an endearing family and of people who mean well and have to ...
Where can I find a list of songs played in the SHAMELESS US series?
I really like the music played in the US Shameless series but I cant find the names of any of the songs!!! Do you know where I can find a list of all the songs played? (by episode if possible) thanks in advance!
Answer: Check out the message boards on; I found a song I was looking for from episode #7.
I haven't found an "official" song list from showtime!!
Category: Other - Television
SHAMELESS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shameless is a British television drama series set in Manchester on the fictional Chatsworth council estate. Produced by Company Pictures for Channel 4, the first ...
99 Words About ... The joyful wrongness of Showtimes SHAMELESS
They do more wrong in 60 minutes than Wall Street, Congress and the Lohans. Combined. An underground fight ring. Illegal day care. Betting on Little League. Selling weed to teenagers from an ice cream truck. And thats just the printable stuff from the ...
SHAMELESS Episodes - SHAMELESS Season 2 2012 Episode Guides ...
Americanized version of a British TV show following the escapades of a hard-partying Chicago father of six whose tight-knit brood muddles along with adult ...
The new episode of SHAMELESS how did Mandy die and What did karen do that has everyone saying scene was so sad?
im confused explain in detail what the new episode of Shameless not the old ones.
Answer: Mandy died a couple of series ago. She died in a 'house fire'. Some mad woman who wanted to get revenge on Paddy lured her to her house and set the place on fire, killing them both. Paddy was on his way to rescue Mandy, but was too late.
As for Karen, not sure what you mean by 'scene was so bad', but after having the baby, Karen went a bit loopy and was put into a psychiatric unit, she's somewhat better now and is still trying to make it up to Jamie for all the craziness with Joe. People have lost a lot of respect for her because of it. But she's trying.
Category: Drama
TELEVISION | THE YEAR AHEAD; A Second Chance For TVs Season
New TV shows are liable to pop up any time these days, but over the last few years January has solidified its position as the start of televisions second season. There are probably more series making their debuts or having their season premieres next month than there were during the official start of the 2011-12 broadcast network season in - Make Hale Critics Notebook offers a selective, chronological look at January premieres of new and returning TV shows. Photos (L)0 - By MIKE HALE
The Rosie Show: Emmy Rossum Talks SHAMELESS Sex Scenes & Socks ...
When Showtime premiered "Shameless" in January 2011, its graphic depictions of sex and sexuality immediately drew a lot of attention. And as the series ...
Watch Shameless (UK) Episodes Online: The critically acclaimed and brilliantly funny drama from award-winning writer Paul Abbott features the Chatsworth Estates ...
SHAMELESS Self-Promotion Sunday
Do academics defend pedophiles and who needs to promote the belief they do: One-sided pleasure: how myths about sexuality are construed ...
CRITICS NOTEBOOK; Forced Drama, Product Placement and Star Power
It has been a bloated, overwrought embarrassment. It has been full of laughably excessive production numbers and clumsily manufactured drama. It may have set records for clichéd sound bites, insipid banter and Shameless product placement. It is The X Factor, which Fox and the shows creator, Simon Cowell, made one of the most hyped series of - Neil Genzlinger Critics Notebook notes that finale of reality television show The X Factor will air on Wednesday night; says that show is excessive and overwrought, but has managed to produce stellar finalists Melanie Amaro and Josh Krajcik. Photos (M)0 - By NEIL GENZLINGER
Downton Abbey, Kourtney & Kim, SHAMELESS
Downton Abbey returns for a second season that no one had really planned for, except everyone went bonkers over how great it was and the ratings were huge (well, PBS huge, not Dancing with the Stars huge) so they are keeping it going. Which is great news ...
SHAMELESS (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb
Created by Paul Abbott. . Actors: Ethan Cutkosky: Carl Gallagher · Emmy Rossum: Fiona Gallagher · William H. Macy: Frank Gallagher · Cameron Monaghan: Ian ...
SHAMELESS - definition of SHAMELESS by the Free Online Dictionary ...
shame·less (sh m l s) adj. 1. Feeling no shame; impervious to disgrace. 2. Marked by a lack of shame: a Shameless lie. shame less·ly adv. shame less·ness n.
'SHAMELESS' Premiere: Frank Loses A Stupid Bar Bet, Then Loses ...
It's summertime in Chicago and the Gallaghers are back with a new season of "Shameless" (Sun., 9 p.m. EST on Showtime).
30 Years Later, Revisiting Brideshead
REVIEWING Evelyn Waughs Brideshead Revisited in 1946, Edmund Wilson found himself cruelly disappointed. After a promising start, he wrote, Waugh abandoned his usual comic motif for a mere romantic fantasy, shot through with Shameless and rampant snobbery and characters both implausible and tiresome. Legions of public television - By THOMAS VINCIGUERRA
SHAMELESS Season 2 Premiere: Where Theres Smoke, Theres Frank ...
While some things never change on Showtime’s Shameless – like Frank’s (William H. Macy) total disregard for consequences – there were several changes for the ...
Watch SHAMELESS on Showtime: Watch Exclusive Videos, Mobile Apps
Official website of Shameless, new original TV series on Showtime. Watch exclusive videos, download wallpapers, iPhone apps. Order Showtime ...
Is Glenn Beck SHAMELESS for exploiting the Egypt crisis to promote his socialist conspiracy theories?
Or is he always Shameless?
Answer: Yes. Exploiting the crisis in Egypt is Shameless.
Category: Politics
William H. Macy Gets ‘SHAMELESS’ For Showtime | Screen Rant
Surprise, surprise... Shameless, another hit British television series, is making the jump across the pond to get Americanized, but will this one be different? Will ...
HitFix Interview: Laura Slade Wiggins talks SHAMELESS -
HitFixs Daniel Fienberg interviews Laura Slade Wiggins about the upcoming second season of Shameless.
SHAMELESS (TV Series 2004– ) - IMDb
David Threlfall: Frank Gallagher · Elliott Tittensor: Carl Gallagher · Rebecca Atkinson: Karen Maguire · Gerard Kearns: Ian Gallagher · Alice Barry: Lillian Tyler ...
SHAMELESS Recap: "Summertime" (Season Premiere)
It’s inherent and very necessary that any show look toward a second season with an expansive attitude: what new things can we do? How can we grow these characters? What story are we trying to tell, and how can we add an affecting new chapter ...
Can a tale be termed "good" when it is told by a SHAMELESS cad for entirely selfish and sinful reasons?
4.The pardoner acknowledged that even though he was not a moral man, he could tell a moral tale. This brings to mind the classic debate about whether a deed can be termed a "good action" if it is done for bad reasons, with selfish intentions. Can a tale be termed "good" when it is told by a Shameless cad for entirely selfish and sinful reasons? Is this nonetheless a "moral tale"?
Answer: The pardoner knew right from wrong, which made him more despicable. His profession was pretty well blackmailing people into paying him for forgiveness, so he knew the rules. He was clever enough to create a tale based on moral truth, to make himself look better. It was a moral tale because it upheld morals for the listener. It didn't make him any more moral. He could receive no grace for telling it.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Emmy Rossum Previews SHAMELESS Season 2
Is it too soon to crank up the air-conditioning? When Season 2 of Showtime's Shameless kicks off on Sunday, Jan. 8 (at 9/8c), the Gallaghers will be smack- - TVLine.
Labor Board Drops Case Against Boeing After Union Reaches Accord
The National Labor Relations Board announced on Friday that it was dropping its politically charged case against Boeing, in which it had accused the company of violating federal labor law by opening a new aircraft production plant in South Carolina instead of Washington State. The labor boards acting general counsel, Lafe Solomon, said he had - National Labor Relations Board drops its politically charged case against Boeing in which it had accused firm of violating labor law when it opened plant in South Carolina; International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers urged board to drop case after reaching accord with Boeing. Photo (M)t - By STEVEN GREENHOUSE
Shameful SHAMELESS audition won Laura Wiggins her role
When youre being considered for your first major role and its to play a sex-addicted teen, you might have to do embarrassing things while auditioning. Laura Slade Wiggins, who plays Karen Jackson on Showtimes "Shameless," learned that first ...
what are my options for seeing brit series "SHAMELESS" season 2 and beyond in the US?
I have just rented Shameless season 1 on dvd, and i love it. I went looking to add the next season to my queue, only to discover that the dvds arent available here.
And the series isnt showing on bbc america.
so how do i watch the rest?
Answer: Torrents or youtube.
Category: Comedy
SHAMELESS Season 2 Premiere: Where Theres Smoke, Theres Frank (Video)
While some things never change on Showtime’s Shameless – like Frank’s (William H. Macy) total disregard for consequences – there were several changes for the Gallaghers in Sunday’s Season 2 premiere. PHOTOS: Midseason TV Preview -- 17 New Shows ...
How come the SHAMELESS people break the law?
Others in their country dont. Shameless people support law breakers, others dont. Shameless people try to blame America. Did we get all the Shameless people here and the good ones are the true ones are left behind?
angela looking at your answers-you are Shameless.
your right dukalin6000.
Answer: The Shameless has no moral standards.
The rest of us abide by the rules and regulations
Category: Immigration
Stop U.S. Drone Flights, Iran Warns Afghanistan
Iran escalated its confrontation with the United States on Thursday over the captured American spy drone launched from Afghanistan, warning the Afghan government to order a halt to such surveillance flights. Any further flights would be regarded as a hostile act, the Iranian foreign minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, said in an interview with Irans - Iran escalates its confrontation with the United States over the captured American spy drone launched from Afghanistan; Irans warning to Afghan government that any further flights would be regarded as a hostile act threatens to drag Afghanistan directly into the dispute over American aerial surveillance of Iran. (M)o - By RICK GLADSTONE
SHAMELESS (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shameless is an American television drama series that airs on Showtime on Sundays at 10 pm/9 pm Central. It is based on the award-winning British series of ...
SHAMELESS Trailer - YouTube
Jan 8, 2011 ... Follow us at
Showtime parties into the New Year
Ben Schwartz, Don Cheadle and Dawn Olivieri enter the "House of Lies." William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman celebrate with John Wells, exec producer of Showtimes "Shameless." Emmy Rossum and Madison Davenport share a "Shameless" embrace. According to Don ...
does anyone know when the new series of Shameless is going to be on
Answer: I dunno, but didn't the last ones come on just after new year? It is the best show on TV.....Sing with me
Na, na, na, na, na naaaahhhhh
Na, na, na, na, na naaaannnn".....
It like watching family. xx
Category: Other - Television
SHAMELESS Season 2 Preview Guide: Where We Left Off
Shameless was a breakout hit for Showtime and rightfully so. The effervescent and unapologetic show offered plenty of nudity, car theft, immoral sex and alcohol ...
Watch Shameless Episodes Online: Set in working-class Chicago, the Gallagher family, a working class family of eight, must survive the ups and downs of todays recession.
SHAMELESS (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shameless is an American television drama series that airs on Showtime on Sundays at 10 pm/9 pm Central. It is based on the award-winning British series of the same ...
SHAMELESS Premiere: Frank Loses A Stupid Bar Bet, Then Loses Liam As Collateral (VIDEO)
Its summertime in Chicago and the Gallaghers are back with a new season of "Shameless" (Sun., 9 p.m. EST on Showtime). Fiona is still in way over her head, trying to take care of this brood, and Frank is still just as useless as ever. In fact ...
SHAMELESS DVD extras: The cast talks about sex scenes! -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
Showtime’s series Shameless is known for its sexy scenes, but what are the rules between the actors shooting those? The actors from the series — including Justin Chatwin, Emmy Rossum, Shanola Hampton, and Steve Howey — sit down to discuss ...
SHAMELESS – Dial S for Sex (2012) » download by ...
New Album Releases – download full albums, daily updates!
SHAMELESS Self-Promotion: Chauncey DeVega is One of the 50 ...
While flipping between the NFL playoffs and the Tea Party GOP New Hampshire debate (isn't Mitt Romney an amazing dresser? dude is dudded up for real) I was forwarded the following bit of news. Apparently, Right Wing News included me ...
SHAMELESS (TV Series 2011– ) - IMDb
Created by Paul Abbott. With Emmy Rossum, William H. Macy, Ethan Cutkosky, Cameron Monaghan. An alcoholic man lives in a perpetual stupor while his six ...
SHAMELESS - definition of SHAMELESS by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Marked by a lack of shame: a Shameless lie. shame less·ly adv. shame less·ness n. Synonyms: Shameless, brazen, barefaced, brash1, impudent, unblushing ...
THE TV WATCH; ‘Downton Abbey’ Stokes Flames for Season 2 - Review
That second, irresistible slice of chocolate cake is almost always too much. It tastes good, of course, but the pleasurable surprise has dissipated. A sated palate turns discerning — the frosting seems a little too sweet, the base too rich. And yet somehow, there is an appetite for thirds. The same can be said for the second season of - By ALESSANDRA STANLEY
#Shameless US 2x01 - From: AldeaFM - Source: Nambu
@Matthewleith Shameless been shit for last few years From: Jay6Cooke - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @Enchantedplanet: Shameless! So glad this show is back. From: KiddThuggi - Source: Twitter for iPad
Shameless Saturday ~ bragging about RM Sotera ( @rmsotera @sirenbookstrand #SO ) via @CRMoss From: ednahwalters - Source: Triberr
#Shameless just starting to watch the first season, not bad. From: HiMyNameIsNotEd - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Shameless starts again 2nite..PAAAAAAAARRRRTY From: mackey69er - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Horiwood Bites: Shameless STAR LAURA SLADE WIGGINS: “I had to do two blowjob scenes and I’m Southern Baptist,” s... From: horiwood - Source: twitterfeed
@domestigay [Shameless PLUG!] Summer of 2012 were starting a new event in Orlando, FL. Help us spread the word! From: Pinupalooza - Source: itweetlive
Shameless STAR LAURA SLADE WIGGINS From: horiwood - Source:
Already seen first episode of Shameless, so I have to wait another week. Oh well. From: marteydstie - Source: web
@danielboys ah thank you!I knew I recognised that ol face after you left! Its 1 hell of a Shameless request..But could you do a reel RT?!x From: AnnaWhiteley - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @UpAllNialler: Tweeting this cause im a Shameless perv. From: vanessa_98_ - Source: web
[FSc] Shameless US S02E02 (Summer Loving) DVDSCR XViD-DOCUMENT: *Shameless US S02E02 (Summer Loving) DVDSCR XViD... From: Mexicoloko - Source: twitterfeed
john 3 16,
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Shameless From: hottrendtoday - Source: hottrendsdaily
john 3 16,
tim tebow,
cadillac ats,
the firm,
beyonce baby,
denver broncos,
Shameless From: servicebz - Source: hottrendsdaily