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What happened with CHARLES BARKLEY and golf?
What happened with Charles barkley. Did he quit golf or what. The last I heard of him was when he was in that haney project thing. Did he fix his swing. Is he playing better now, the same, or just stopped playing?
Answer: he has taken a leave of abences from golf and will not return to the haney project. he is still play his crappy golf he used to cant even swing decent has a bigger hitch than i ever seen before. he should quit for the sake of his pride
Category: Golf
CHARLES BARKLEY – Official Website
11 hours ago ... The official site of Charles barkley includes Barkley's video highlights, movie reviews, rant and rave videos, Barkley's biography, and photos.
CHARLES BARKLEY Is Going To Host Saturday Night Live Tomorrow ...
It's a big week for Charles barkley. Last night he said that getting paid to lose weight was an even bigger scam than getting paid to watch basketball. Tomorrow night, he'll be hosting Saturday Night Live for the third time. ...
Saturday Night Live video: CHARLES BARKLEY goes for laughs with ...
Make no mistake -- Charles barkley is a funny man, and his TNT pre-game shows are always entertaining. Unfortunately, his attempts at comedy on "Saturday Night Live ...
CHARLES BARKLEY caught badmouthing Weight Watchers on TNT [VIDEO]
Charles barkleys days as a spokesman for Weight Watchers may be numbered. During a first quarter timeout in the Atlanta Hawks vs. Miami Heat game on Thursday night, TNT commentators Kevin Harlan, Reggie Miller and Barkley were caught having a personal ...
CHARLES BARKLEY Says Weight Watchers Is A Scam? [VIDEO] | The ...
During an NBA broadcast TNT commentator and Weight Watchers spokesman Charles barkley said that the weight watchers thing is a bigger scam.. But what did he mean?
More Low-Key Than His Predecessor, NBC Sports Chief Still Aims High
For Mark Lazarus, the chairman of the NBC Sports Group, quail hunting offers a consuming escape -- walking through fields with his sons, friends or colleagues, along with the pointers that flush the birds into the sky. The action reminds him of a vigorous round of golf rather than sitting in a blind calling for ducks. Hunting isnt about - NBC Sports Group chairman Mark Lazarus is blending NBC Sports with its cable partners, Versus and Golf Channel, among other Comcast sports properties. Photo (M) - By RICHARD SANDOMIR
how much would a CHARLES BARKLEY Houston Rockets jersey which has HIS autograph cost?
how much would a Charles barkley Houston Rockets jersey which has HIS autograph cost? because i have one and dont know how much to sell it for it also has certificate of authenticity.
I also have a lamar odom signed ball how much would that cost?
Answer: The autograph's you have are merely symbolic unless they are certified as authentic. For example, Upper Deck has exclusive rights to a lot of players when it comes to sports cards and those cards which are signed by sports starts have a defined value in Beckett magazine.
Your jersey signed by Charles barkley has little value, probably as much as the jersey itself except for the self appraised value of a collector.
Category: Basketball
CHARLES BARKLEY: Modern-Day Minstrel Act - International Business ...
Barkley is a phenomenon that could only happen in America ... Stepin Fetchit was a famous (some would say infamous) African-American film actor from the ...
CALENDAR; Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Seasonal BRIDGEPORT The Bijou Theater Timothy Deenihan performs a one-man version of A Christmas Carol. Dec. 20 through 25. $35 and $45. The Bijou Theater, 275 Fairfield Avenue. (203) 332-3228;
Charles barkley is a retired NBA player. As a player, Barkley is arguably one of the greatest players in the history of the game with over 20,000 points scored, 4,000 ...
Charles Wade Barkley (born February 20, 1963) is a retired American professional basketball player, Basketball Hall of Famer, and sports anaylst on NBA TV.
LEADING OFF; For the Colts (and Maybe Andrew Luck), a Rewrite
Just when you thought you had the script for this N.F.L. season all figured out, things started going awry. The first taste of this was when the Packers, on a mesmerizing march to a perfect season, tripped over the dreadful Chiefs. And now, at the bottom of the standings, the actors are no longer dutifully playing their parts. Somewhere late in the - By LYNN ZINSER
CALENDAR; Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Seasonal BETHLEHEM Bellamy-Ferriday House and Garden House tours and holiday music, featuring displays focused on Christmas 1958. Dec. 2 and 3. $3 suggested donation. Bellamy-Ferriday House and
Why are Michael Jordan and CHARLES BARKLEY not on Basketball Video Games?
On Basketball video games like NBA 2K and NBA Live they have the historic teams like 90s all stars and 80s all stars. People like larry bird and Magic Johnson are on those teams but why not MJ and Charles barkley they are two of the biggest stars of the 90s and 80s yet I cant even play as them. MJ and Barkley are the only ones missing.
Answer: They own there own rights and company and would need there consent to put them in a game. and they game company would probably have to pay a large sum of money to put them in
Category: Video & Online Games
CHARLES BARKLEY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Charles Wade Barkley (born February 20, 1963) is a former American professional basketball player. Nicknamed "Sir Charles" and " The Round Mound of Rebound ", Barkley ...
Charles barkley, Actor: Space Jam. ... Charles barkley, Simon Baker and Michael Spears at event of Into the West Charles barkley and Kenny Smith Charles ...
CHARLES BARKLEY, Jon Stewart Talk NBA Hall Of Famers Weight Loss On The Daily Show (VIDEO)
Whenever you put Charles barkley in front of TV camera, something funny is bound to happen and such was indeed the case when the "Inside The NBA" analyst appeared on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" last night. Barkley, who is set to host ...
what did CHARLES BARKLEY think about Boston winning the championship?
He predicted the lakers would win,I also did too but boston wind up winning the championship.I know tnt inside the nba doesnt come on anymore but has anybody seen any kind of interview with Charles barkley talkin about what he thinks about boston winning the championship?
Answer: If Charles couldn't ge the right bet in the casinos, would you trust his prediction as to which team will win over the other?
Category: Basketball
And Here's CHARLES BARKLEY's And Weight Watchers' Official ...
After last night's oopsy, everyone's in clarification mode. A pair of official statements, hot off the flack presses.
Video: CHARLES BARKLEY, Kevin Harlan tell the truth about Weight Watchers and the Hawks
We dont know how Twitter user @kimchimonkey got a nice video hold of this off-air video of Charles barkley calling his new gig as Weight Watchers spokesman "the greatest scam going," (second to "getting paid to watch sports," in his words, of course) but ...
CHARLES BARKLEY: Biography from
One of only four basketball players, with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar , Wilt Chamberlain and Karl Malone , to have record more than 23,000 points, 12,000 rebounds and 4,000 ...
CALENDAR; Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Seasonal BETHLEHEM Bellamy-Ferriday House and Garden House tours and holiday music, featuring displays focused on Christmas circa 1958. Dec. 2 and 3. $3 suggested donation. Bellamy-Ferriday House
Get the latest news, career stats and more about forward Charles barkley on
with all the self appointed ,pius,self righteous do gooders bashing the new england patriots,and alot of you seem to want to rife the "they are role models to our kids" crap,i was wondering,does the 400,000 that Barkley owes to a las vegas casino tarnish his image at all,seeing that he is a role model for so many kids n all.was just wondering your veiw on that mess.or is it ok because hes retired blsah blah blah.I mean ,ya know,the majority of the kids who idolize these basketball players are inner city ,or ghetto kids,who normally dont have enough to buy lunch at school ever day,so its ok to go teach these kids its ok to gamble and then not pay your debts??well,of course not until you get sued and it goes public,then you state you were going to pay all along,and you were just joshin with the arm breakers in vegas.
yes tanner ,it really is a question,now i know theres alot of multi syllable words involved,but please,struggle through and supply an answer,you can do it,we all know you can.
Yes,barkley was and is a role model,when he played he was one of the most popular players in the game,and since Ive been watchin basketball longer than most of you have been alive,youll prolly have to do some research to see im right.
except for the turd,chi whatever his name is,he likes to play with his penis,so im guessing hes like 6 or 7.
Im not ripping on barkley,im simply asking why he should be held as accountable as oh hell,all the other pro athletes and teams in the news for all the wrong rreasons lately,ive always been a barkley fan,ever since he played with the 76ers.
Answer: no its Charles barkley
Category: Basketball
Cam Newton reflects on “penthouse and outhouse” with recruits
If nothing else, one thing about Cam Newton is certain: Hes not Charles barkley. The likely NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year and a budding star for the Carolina Panthers, Newton is more than happy to be a role model. In fact, that was the pitch that got ...
VIDEO: CHARLES BARKLEY Doesn't Know His Mic's Open, Says ...
SB Nation is a collection of over 300 individual communities, each offering high quality year-round coverage and conversation led by fans who are passionate about their favorite teams, leagues or sports. By empowering fans ...
How much do you think CHARLES BARKLEY has improved at golf?
You all probably know Charles barkley, the famous basketball player. However, how many of you knew he played golf. So tell me... On a scale of 1 to 10, how much has Charles barkley improved?
Answer: He's good on his own or in a small group of friends, but get a gallery near him and he goes back to that hitch (well, a more noticeable hitch).
I've read on the internet that that hiccup came after hitting a lady in a tournament years ago. From watching the show and noticing that that is when the hitch is most prominent (especially near the end of the show as his swing improved) I think his problem is at least 70% mental- what Haney was adamant about not being the problem. Only now, in the latest edition of Golf Digest, does Haney say anything about the problem being mental- and that they're going to address it.
As for scale of improvement, I'm giving his practice swing improvement a 7. His tournament swing, however, is a 2... at least until he fixes his head.
Category: Golf
Do You Think CHARLES BARKLEY Is Right About Our Political Parties?
Charles barkley said this on Leno last night, "Neither party is anything to write home about," Barkley told Jay Leno. "But the Republican Party just went right-wing whack nut job on America and screwed up the country."
I think he hit the proverbial nail on the head, what do you think?
Answer: Barkly should stik to B-ball.
Category: Politics CHARLES BARKLEY Summary
Charles barkley When Bob Pettit came out of college in 1954, no one thought he was talented enough to make it as a professional basketball player. Although he had ... CHARLES BARKLEY Bio
Full Name: Charles Wade Barkley Born: 2/20/63 in Leeds, Ala. High School: Leeds (Ala.) College: Auburn Drafted by: Philadelphia 76ers (1984) Transactions : ...
Barkley: Cant Stand to Watch Hawks
ATLANTA - NBA analyst Charles barkley didn’t mince words during Thursday night’s Atlanta Hawks game. The Hawks were beat by the Miami Heat 116-109 in triple overtime. Heat stars LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Mike Miller were all on the bench.
Live mic catches TNTs Barkley talking Weight Watchers and Dwight Howard
Somebody please pull the plug on the Kardashian family reality show franchise and insert Charles barkley in their place. TNT analyst Charles barkley is infinitely more entertaining. In a major TV faux pas, TNT producers crossed wires somewhere and ...
CHARLES BARKLEY: Weight Watchers Endorsement Is A Big Scam ...
9 hours ago ... Have you seen Charles barkley lately? The played once dubbed "the Round Mound of Rebound" looks terrific, right?
Daniel Radcliffe, CHARLES BARKLEY to host SNL in January
Daniel Radcliffe, the man formerly known as Harry Potter, will make his "Saturday Night Live" debut on Jan. 14 during the second "SNL" episode of 2012. Hosting the first show of the new year will be Charles barkley, who had the same honor back in 2010 ...
CHARLES BARKLEY | Weight Watchers | Scam | The Daily Caller
Charles barkley says Weight Watchers is a bigger scam than getting paid to watch sports [VIDEO] | The Weight Watchers spokesman and ESPN host gets caught on camera in a candid moment.
How come howard stern has never interviewed CHARLES BARKLEY?
The King of All Media - The most candid frank and entertaining interviewer ever,and Charles barkley who is one of the most candid celebrities around. This seems like it would be an explosively entertaining interview. Why has it never happened?
Answer: Because two lions can't be left alone with each other if they are both used to being the dominate figure in that situation. They are both great at their jobs, and they are both very honest and have interesting views.
However, I really don't think they are willing to talk to each other during an interview, because they both know that there would be no gray area with the conversation.
It would either be very successful, or very damaging.
Category: Celebrities
ADVERTISING; Weight Loss, With Divas and Public Service
THIS holiday season, three of the countrys biggest diet companies are turning to three well-known divas to deliver public-minded messages about obesity and its opposite, hunger, along with the customary exhortations for people to begin shedding pounds as soon as the years festivities end. The singers Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson and Jennifer - Elizabeth Olson Advertising column notes weight-loss companies Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers and Jenny are delivering public-minded antihunger and nutritional messages. Photo (M) - By ELIZABETH OLSON
Is there any way to get CHARLES BARKLEY as my GPS voice?
Ive got Garmin c550. Does anyone know of a way or a website/software that would enable me to take directions from "Sir Charles"? Ive googled and cant find anything. I know TomTom has some celebrity voices, but not Charles barkley. Is there another GPS model that has Barkley as a choice?
Thanks to all those who answer.
Answer: As far as I know, TomTom is the only manufacturer that lets you use celebrity voices.
Category: Other - Electronics
ADVERTISING; Enticing Doctors to Endorse a Weight-Loss Program
WHEN Medicare announced in November that it would begin paying for obese patients to undergo physician-supervised treatment for weight loss, it was welcome news to the Center for Medical Weight Loss, a company offering an obesity program adopted by doctors throughout the country. Now the company is embarking on a two-tiered marketing campaign, one - Andrew Adam Newman Advertising column observes that with Medicare set to start reimbursing physicians for obesity treatment in January, a new campaign is directing ads both at patients and at doctors. Photos (M) - By ANDREW ADAM NEWMAN
CHARLES BARKLEY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Charles Wade Barkley (born February 20, 1963) is a former American professional basketball player. Nicknamed "Sir Charles" and "The Round Mound of ...
Charles Wade Barkley (Sir Charles, The Round Mound of Rebound, Chuck). Position: Forward ▪ Height: 6-6 ▪ Weight: 252 lbs. Born: February 20, 1963 in Leeds, ...
Get the latest news, career stats and more about forward Charles barkley on
Why is it CHARLES BARKLEY would rather eat glass, than giving the Boston Celtics the credit they deserve?
For instance,
Last night EVERYONE praised their stellar defense, but Charles barkley refused to admit that the Celtics were good, he kept saying how Cleveland lost and kissed Lebron James ass pretty good last night.......
And I have lots of respect for Lebron James.
Mr. NR, this is why people frown upon egos.
Now I love your answer because you have solid points BUT.
KG? Fuck him. What about BOSTON!
Were still reeling from that Super Bowl embarrassment.
Answer: Answering your primary (Q):
Because glass is sharpER than the Celtics.
When he (Charles barkley) swallows the glass, he can be sure of what will happen, no matter where he is.
As for the Celtics, they may have to be at home.
Category: Basketball
Why did CHARLES BARKLEY and Jerry Sloan said that Tim Duncan is the greatest power-forward of all-time?
i rmember barkley once said this, "ive seen the future and hes wearing no. 21." Also coach sloan even said that hes better than Malone. What did dey ate, what did Duncan accomplished? Can you pls giv me some persuasive info about his achievements, because I think Sir Charles won more championship than him and Malone too. Also KG won one ring unlike TD, what did he accomplished?
Answer: FYI, Malone and Charles didn't win any championship. KG is now becoming arrogant, unlike TD, who won 4 championship, 3 finals MVP and back to back season MVP, he's still as humble as ever. I mean, come on man, TD carried the Spurs in his sophomore year with his line-up: a decline Robinson, Avery Johnson, an old Sean Elliot and bunch of mediocre players. He made Manu and Tony better by being unselfish.
If I be given a chance to be in the past and to choose one player for my franchise to start, I would instantly choose Tim Duncan, this guy is just so freaking meek and great in all fundamentals.
Category: Basketball
NBA Preview | Shaq, Charles must-see TV?
MIAMI — The intriguing media storyline of this abbreviated NBA season is Shaquille O’Neal’s transition to TV and seeing exactly how two larger-than-life personalities — Shaq and Charles barkley — will play off each other in TNT’s studio.
Redefining a Position, With 15 Years of Catches
FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. -- The N.F.L. tight end once belonged to the brotherhood of big uglies -- unheralded offensive linemen whose main duties were confined to blocking, not flinching before the snap and not being caught holding. What distinguished him from peers was the sporadic pass aimed his way. The paragon of the contemporary tight end is - Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez has amassed a stunning total of 1,119 career receptions, second only to Hall of Fame receiver Jerry Rice. Photo (M) - By MIKE TIERNEY
CHARLES BARKLEY - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 01/03/12 ...
Charles barkley recalls throwing a basketball at Shaquille ONeals head. Airdate - 01/03/12
Kenny Gabriel does what CHARLES BARKLEY didnt at Auburn - NCAA ...
Charles barkley didn’t do it. Neither did Chuck Person or his younger brother, Wesley. Auburn basketball went 106 years and 2,322 games without a triple ...
CHARLES BARKLEY: "That Portland Trail Blazer team is the best team I ...
Your best source for quality Portland Trail Blazers news, rumors, analysis, stats and scores from the fan perspective.
CALENDAR; Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Seasonal DANBURY The Palace Theater A Christmas Carol, presented by the Pied Piper Youth Theater. Dec. 17 at 4 and 7 p.m. $13 and $18. The Palace Theater, 165 Main Street.;
CHARLES BARKLEY, Weight Watchers Spokesperson, Calls Weight Watchers a "Scam"
During last nights triple overtime showdown between the Miami Heat and Atlanta Hawks, NBA Hall of Famer-turned-broadcaster Charles barkley opened up about his new gig as Weight Watchers celebrity spokesperson. During a first quarter commercial break ...
Video: CHARLES BARKLEY and Bill Hader promote Chuck’s SNL ...
In case you forgot, Turner Sports analyst and Basketball Hall of Famer Charles barkley will be hosting "Saturday Night Live" this, uh, Saturday for his third time ...
Kenny Gabriel does what CHARLES BARKLEY didnt at Auburn
Charles barkley didn’t do it. Neither did Chuck Person or his younger brother, Wesley. Auburn basketball went 106 years and 2,322 games without a triple-double until Kenny Gabriel pulled one off Monday night against Bethune-Cookman, the ...
TNTs Shaq, Barkley, Reggie weigh in on Heat (Video)
Its safe to say that TNTs Charles barkley, Shaquille ONeal and Reggie Miller got their moneys worth, even without LeBron James and Dwyane Wade on Thursday night. Of course, as usual, the fellas also had plenty to say. So after you check out ...
Thinking He's Off Air, CHARLES BARKLEY Says His Weight Watchers ...
Via Eye On Basketball, what was a commercial break on TNT was shown live on's stream. With a secretly hot mic and a live camera, Charles barkley shed some light on his contract with Weight Watchers:
CHARLES BARKLEY Video: Watch Sir Charles Hilarious Weight Watchers Comments
So much for Charles barkley serving as a spokesperson for Weight Watchers. The outspoken NBA Hall of Famer and TNT personality was caught discussing the famed weight-loss program of which he is the new face during the first quarter of Thursday nights game ...
I am attempting to watch the ASU-USC FOOTBALL game. Why in the hell is CHARLES BARKLEY being interviewed?
Charles barkley is a basketball player from Auburn and is being allowed to waste my time and to waste the time of all true football fans? Barkley has no legitimate connection to either school and is a self-proclaimed expert on everything. Barkley is a distraction and is not welcome. In my opinion.
With three announcers in the booth and a fourth on the sideline the game is secondary to ESPN.
Steven B is not only an idiot, he is also ignorant and shows just how dumb he is with every comment he posts.
Answer: I like Charles barkley... he's cocky and arrogant but he's backed up everything he's ever said, and no matter what sport he's talking about, he's not afraid to say anything. And unlike some other sports personalities, what he says is rarely wrong.
Who knows, as a broadcaster, he has just as much right to be in the booth as any of the other guys in there. What, like Al Michaels is some kind of miracle man who is allowed to broadcast multiple sports, but God forbid a man who speaks the truth is allowed on a football field.
Category: Football (American)
Let people know you like this site. Sponsor this page for $330. Your message will replace this ad. CHARLES BARKLEY Bio
Full Name: Charles Wade Barkley Born: 2/20/63 in Leeds, Ala. High School: Leeds (Ala.) College: Auburn Drafted by: Philadelphia 76ers (1984) Transactions: Traded to ...
CHARLES BARKLEY tackles weighty issue
Even after I caught up with Charles barkley on the phone the other day, its not entirely clear to me whether Weight Watchers knew everything it was getting into when it signed him recently as its spokesman for its new online campaign aimed ...
CHARLES BARKLEY: Live and Uncensored, Sort Of -
9 hours ago ... In a video that had been posted to YouTube, Charles barkley called his new gig as a spokesperson for Weight Watchers a scam, and had some ...
Roundup: CHARLES BARKLEY Slams Weight Watchers and the Hawks ...
Hooisers improve to 14-1. The Bachelorettes in bikinis? What about OSU cheerleaders in bikinis? Also, a very sad dog story.
How much is a CHARLES BARKLEY rookie card worth?
I have a Charles barkley rookie card in mint condition. How much would this be worth?
84 thank you
Answer: Which rookie card? 87 Fleer or 84 Star
87 Fleer is worth about $100
84 Star is worth about $135
Category: Basketball
Who did CHARLES BARKLEY pick to win the 2011 NBA Championship?
Who did Charles barkley pick to win it all?
Answer: whichever team that promised him krispy kremes
Category: Basketball
Saturday Night Live: CHARLES BARKLEY/Alicia Keys - Season 35 ...
Watch Saturday Night Live - Season 35, Episode 11 - Charles barkley/Alicia Keys: Live from New York, its... Fred Armisen!Sketches include "The Situation Room ...
CHARLES BARKLEY – Official Website
The official site of Charles barkley includes Barkleys video highlights, movie reviews, rant and rave videos, Barkleys biography, and photos.
Utah Jazz notebook: Round Mound CHARLES BARKLEY thinks Jazz should go young
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah played on TNT in its season-opener, and — imagine this — NBA analyst Charles barkley shared his opinion about the Jazz. It seems the Round Mound of Expound thinks the team should have fun with the junior Jazz members ...
Answer: wut about him ......
Category: Basketball
Why is CHARLES BARKLEY or Reggie Miller is Not on NBA 2k12?
I Wish I Like to See Charles barkley and the Suns 1993 and Reggie Miller and the Pacers 1998 I Dont Understand They both not on this Video Game? I Think It Sucks!
Answer: Barkley doesn't want to be in it. Look at 2k11. Jordan's challenge was a missing a huge opponent ('93 Suns with Barkley). It's not like 2k snubbed Barkley, Barkley either doesn't want to appear in it or he wants more money than 2k could afford. It would be the '93 Suns instead of the '93 Hornets if Barkley signed on with 2K.
As for Miller, I'm not sure if he was snubbed or has the same case Barkley has.
If 2K keeps up this legend trend, hopefully Barkley will sign on. It would at least help keep his legacy relevant for the younger generations.
Category: Basketball
CHARLES BARKLEY: People Will Be "Cruel" to Kobe Bryant
Charles barkley has some off-court commentary for Kobe Bryants personal life. The retired NBA star and TNTs resident basketball pundit says Bryant shouldnt expect fans to be sympathetic to his divorce from his wife Vanessa (widely rumored to ...
CALENDAR; Connecticut
A guide to cultural and recreational events in Connecticut. Items for the calendar should be sent at least three weeks in advance to Seasonal BRIDGEPORT The Bijou Theater Miracle on 34th Street, live musical comedy by Meredith Wilson. Dec. 8 through 10. $18 to $25. The Bijou Theater, 275 Fairfield Avenue.;
RT @Drubie2Timez: These Leprechaun in the Hood Movies are Fuckin Turrible *Charles barkley Voice*
From: johnndoe3 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
These Leprechaun in the Hood Movies are Fuckin Turrible *Charles barkley Voice*
From: Drubie2Timez - Source: Twitter for iPhone
This audio of Charles barkley talkin shit and not knowing his mic was on is hilarious, he weight watchers spokesperson and said its bullshit
From: Clyphd - Source: Echofon
Charles barkley: Live and Uncensored, Sort Of
From: Herena4 - Source: Google
Not funnier than Charles barkley.
From: VannyBoulevard - Source: twicca
This game is still TURRIBLE. *Charles barkley voice*
From: kamaren92 - Source: web
@SedanoShow Charles barkley isnt so appreciative, he thinks thats a scam
From: Dan_el_Basterd - Source: Echofon
RT @SandersFirmPC: Charles barkley: Weight Watchers deal is a scam; Ex-NBA star crows on hot mic about getting paid to lose weight
From: jstjini - Source: Tweet Button
Charles barkley: Weight Watchers deal is a scam; NBA crows on hot mic about ...
From: LillianThornton - Source: twitterfeed
Charles barkley: Weight Watchers deal is a scam; Ex-NBA star crows on hot mic about getting paid to lose weight -
From: jackiehylandtv - Source: Tweet Button
Aprreciate the #Follow #3Ds RT @qbwells "I want my lawyer to have gone to Princeton, not my players". - Charles barkley #NBA #TNT
From: TEILLC - Source: Über50
From: SandersFirmPC - Source: Facebook
Kblaze - Charles barkley -
From: i_am_em_ma - Source: Defused
Charles barkley: Weight Watchers deal is a scam; Ex-NBA star crows on hot mic about getting paid to lose weight
From: SandersFirmPC - Source: Tweet Button
@GrindTymeV idk but Charles barkley was going in on da hawks
From: bigrell6969 - Source: Twitter for Android