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is there a little mermaid 4?
ive been hearing things like he title of he new Disney the little mermaid 4 is land of the lost sea or something like that and was wondering if it was true.
and if you can i have also been wondering if you want to watch Tangled ever after since its a short film will i havet to buy tickets to beauty and the beast that confused me alot thanks for your help!
Answer: There is no Little Mermaid 4. As for Tangled ever after, it's going to show in front of Beauty and the Beast when it's re-released in theaters January 13, 2012 in 3-D.
Hope I helped.
Category: Movies
When is TANGLED EVER AFTER coming out?
I need to know when Tangled ever after is coming out! Thank you!
Answer: January 13, 2012 in the USA
Category: Movies
Poll: Have you ever gotten tangled up in the tinsel after too much holiday cheer?
Answer: One year, now we hold off on the holiday spirits til the decorations are up......HO HO HO
Category: Polls & Surveys
Texans, Bengals both try to extend seasons behind rookie QBs
The last time the Houston Texans faced the Cincinnati year-old franchise locked up its first-ever trip to the playoffs ... host a playoff game for the first time since the Oilers tangled with the Kansas City Chiefs at the Astrodome on Jan ...
TANGLED EVER AFTER Clip - MovieWeb.com
Tangled ever after Clip Walt Disney Pictures is set to re-release Beauty and the Beast on January 13th, bringing the classic animated tale to theaters for the first ...
Insight Bowl SkyCam Camera Crashes, Martin McNutt Jr Unharmed
After the camera landed, the cable almost got tangled in Insight Bowl players ... That is the first time I have ever seen this happened … it caught him on the bounce, come on, the wire got caught up. We can laugh about it now, but it has ...
TANGLED EVER AFTER Sneak Peek, Set To Appear Before Beauty And ...
Next Friday, Disney will explode. ... Tangled ever after Sneak Peek, Set To Appear Before Beauty And The Beast 3D
'TANGLED EVER AFTER' short | Inside Movies | EW.com
The Disney die-hards waiting for next Friday's 3-D re-release of Beauty and the Beast now have an additional impetus to cough up their cash for a movie they saw in 1991.
AS a malformed Grey Gardens sort of bachelor, I have only one fork, but, unfortunately, this one fork has gone missing in the strange coral reef that passes for my apartment. And I describe my apartment as a coral reef, as opposed to the ever-thickening nest of a hoarder, because I dont suffer from hoarding, per se. I am at the mercy of another - Author Jonathan Ames laments his many psychological problems that prevent him from clearing out his smallish, cluttered Brooklyn bachelor apartment. Photos (M) - Jonathan Ames, the novelist and memoirist, is the creator of the HBO comedy Bored to Death, which just completed its final season. - By JONATHAN AMES
TANGLED EVER AFTER arrives on the Disney Channel Spring 2012
On the last day of D23, Disney animation unveiled a poster for a new short film sequel to their animated hit Tangled. The new film, titled Tangled ever after, will...
'TANGLED EVER AFTER' Sneak Peek, Set To Appear Before 'Beauty And ...
1 day ago ... Adding to the excitement, Disney fans get a little fresh material right before " Beauty And The Beast 3D" in the short film "Tangled ever after. ...
The Man Within My Head - By Pico Iyer - Book Review
“Wilson sat on the balcony of the Bedford Hotel with his bald pink knees thrust against the ironwork.” Those who love Graham Greene — and their numbers are legion — will recognize this sentence, the first line of his quietly devastating novel “The Heart of the Matter,” published in 1948. Why didn’t Wilson - By LIESL SCHILLINGER
Do you think they should make a Tangled 2?
Personnaly I think not! They left it at a good point so no need to change anything. I do think that the new Tangled ever after short will be good
Category: Polls & Surveys
My Husband And Other Animals — Burmese snakes and Latino plants
I plunged into the grass after Rom; it was almost my height ... The spindly, rangy Ipomoea grew in a tangled mass and cradled the basking pythons well above the water. As an added bonus, when predators or snake hunters such as Rom arrived, the vibrations ...
Hyrumosmondanimation: TANGLED EVER AFTER
Tangled ever after. Will show in front of Beauty and the Beast 3d. Posted by Hyrum Virl Osmond at 3:21 PM. 0 comments: Post a Comment · Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). The Timmerz Says: ...
Nine Lives, One Leash
THERE are outdoor cats and there are indoor cats. When I brought home Mac, a 4-year-old orange tabby, from a shelter last year, I realized I had acquired a demanding combination of the two. While he liked a cozy bed and two squares a day, Mac had a style that was apparently cramped by my one-bedroom apartment, and he dashed outside whenever I - Growing number of animal behaviorists believe that training and walking cats is not only possible, but also physically and socially beneficial for the cat; advice on how to train a cat to walk on a leash described. Photos (M) - By STEPHANIE CLIFFORD
AnythingDisney - TANGLED EVER AFTER Clip
Disney fans have two reasons to rejoice this January 13. Beauty and the Beast is coming back to theaters in 3D, a la Lion King, and there's a new Tangled short that will debut beforehand! Tangled ever after shows our favorite ...
Whale awes Penguin Swim participants
Curran added she only got to see the whale because she arrived late after having forgotten to bring her bathing suit and didnt get to swim. "I got to see probably one of the coolest things Ill ever get to see," she said. "I think he got the ...
what do i do? biggest boy/friend troubles EVER... (okay, not really, but still..)?
ik its long. but please please please read it. im so confused n i need help...
Okay, so basically, last year... i met a girl. well call her.. Sarah. So, t
then Sarah and I became REALLY good friends. we began to call one another sisters. so like all this crap. well, a few months ago... i met this guy. if ud known me, me actually showing an interest in any guy is a huge big ol deal-i dont believe in teen relationships and whatnot bc theyre stupid and never last... or thats what i had believed. so i meet him, honestly get tangle up in him... and then hes the first person i ever say i love you to. well, i dont let Sarah meet him bc, well... shes not exactly the most reliable person when it comes to males... i know this bc, well, she did it-cheated/stole her bf-to our mutual friend at least three times. well.. after months of me n this guy bein together... i decide i want to trust them both... and well, i let them meet. after four days... she tells me "i love him" and i was hurt. terribly so. but i refused to let a boy come between us.. so i left him and figured itd end there. it didnt. shes getting with him. then as if this wasnt enough, she goes and starts spreading rumors and telling lies about me and ive lost almost all but two of my friends that heard what she said. i feel so brutally betrayed and like... i dont know. hurt. i cant eat or sleep-which is ridiculous! its just a lil fight! and i told her i forgive her.. but in truth i dont at all. and shes gotten with all of teh bfs ive ever had-after ive had them (only three... none of which were serious. this past one was.) and well... should i forgive her? should i forgive him? i mean.. this was also my fault. but i dont know. i feel so betrayed. not that she got with him-though that does hurt-but by the fact that after i stepped down n let her have him she stepped on me and wiped her feet, too. im handling as maturely as i can-ive told her that im not gonna hold it against her and that we can stay friends... should i try to be friends with her... or should i subtly slide away?
also whats ur opinion on what she did?
Answer: Oh hell no. Do not subtly slide away. Get away. Quick. She is first of all stealing people's bfs and making you lose friends?! Make new friends because obviously those that went on her side are not your real friends. Do not talk to that guy anymore he is just as guilty.
And dont get yourself down because of stupid people like her and him. In the end, you are the one that is getting hurt while they are over there using you like a doormat. Sorry if it sounds harsh but that happened to one of my friends and I always told her to watch out for girls like her. She ended up getting more hurt in the process of keeping a 'friend' that she could not trust. Just like there are plenty of guys in this world, there are plenty of girls to be friends with in this world.
You dont owe her any type of friendship. You deserve a better guy, better friends, and less drama. Thank those true friends who have stuck in there for you. That is being mature. Letting yourself getting stepped on and betrayed is not.
Good luck and I hope you follow my advice!
Category: Friends
New Clip From Walt Disney Pictures ‘TANGLED EVER AFTER ...
Yahoo! Movies has premiered this clip from Walt Disney Pictures upcoming short film Tangled ever after. The short film is a follow-up to Disneys
Watch a clip from Disney’s new short Tangled: Ever After online ...
Watch a clip from Disney’s new short Tangled: Ever After online
TANGLED EVER AFTER short | Inside Movies | EW.com
The Disney die-hards waiting for next Fridays 3-D re-release of Beauty and the Beast now have an additional impetus to cough up their cash for a movie ...
How to care for curly hair. I need major help please!!!?
im 14 years old and have an ongoing problem. my hair used to be straight and super easy to maintain, but ever since i turned ten it turned curly. i have no idea how to care for it yet!! its a hassle! ill list my problems:
♥ tangles easily
♥ tangles look messy in hair
♥ washing hair takes out tangles but after 2 days hair is a mess again
♥ washing curly hair everyday is super bad but i feel its my only solution!
♥ 2 days after i wash my hair the pretty curls have gone and the tangled birds nest is back
HELP ME PLEASE!!! Tell me what to do, give me tips, just please help me learn how to make my hair stay pretty everyday.
P.S. i dont want to straighten my hair, i love my curls, atleast the day after i wash my hair i do
im extremely allergic to eggs. sorry, but thnx anyways fer sharing ur recipe
Answer: I make my own conditioner. I use it once a week. I have really curly hair, and I had the same problem. Mix one egg with an avacoda, use the pit. Just grind the avacoda up and then mix it with the egg. Leave it in over night. Wash it out. Use once a week. I'll swear by it. My hair is shiny and bouncy and never tangles. And try Herbal Essence Curly Hair.
Category: Hair
40 Best St. Louis Releases of 2011: Part Ten
and they often bleed into each other after a few listens. But the bands second LP, Lets Make It Right, hits the crest of an ever-growing wave on "The Prickly Fingers of Sante Muerte," the albums penultimate track. The song releases the cumulative ...
Does anyone know about TANGLED EVER AFTER?
Ive heard there will be a mini sequel Disneys Tangled; does anyone know what it will be about?
Answer: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=84232 :)
Category: Comics & Animation
Watch a Clip From Disneys TANGLED EVER AFTER - ComingSoon.net
Walt Disney Pictures has debuted, through Yahoo! Movies, a clip from their upcoming short film "Tangled ever after". Check it out in the player below!
TEXT; CNBC Your Money, Your Vote Republican Presidential Debate
The following is a transcript of the CNBC Your Money, Your Vote Republican presidential debate at Oakland University in Auburn Hills, Mich, as provided by Federal News Service. Speakers: Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MINN.) Businessman and Columnist Herman Cain Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich (R-GA.) Former
Tangled ever after looks like it will be quite fun! I always .... I've got a funny feeling I will be Tangled ever after come summer.... January 6, 2012 ... I'm not sure about Tangle Ever After, but I'm sure my kiddos will drag me there. :) ...
1 day ago ... Tangled ever after movie clip. A clip from the short film Tangled ever after, which will play in front of Beauty and the Beat 3D.
From Dreams of Reality-Show Stardom to Accusations of Tough-Guy Extortion
But the contract left the affairs of the two men tangled, and ever since the transaction they have feuded ... Mr. Bowers told the jury on Wednesday that soon after he won the contract, he was approached by Mr. DiMattina, who was accompanied ...
'TANGLED EVER AFTER' Clip Embraces Its Inner Tolkien | /Film
12 hours ago ... I'm going to go out on a limb and say Beauty and the Beast 3D will be the best film released this January. We already know it's a great movie by ...
Sex, Bombs, and Burgers, by Peter Nowak: Where Would Technology Be Without War, Porn, and Food?
In his new book Sex, Bombs, and Burgers: How War, Pornography, and Fast Food Have Shaped Modern Technology, Nowak explores the tangled ways that the military ... relatively durable cameras so soldiers could, after only brief training, capture ...
How To Get Super Curly Locs Without Curlers
I thought I looked a little like Rolf the Muppet, and the curls tangled into each other causing all the hair to move en masse. I think I could have avoided the tangles if we’d oiled my hair before knotting it. Anyway, after a few days ...
Big Screen Animation: First Clip from TANGLED EVER AFTER
Disney has released a new clip from Tangled ever after, which will be attached to Beauty and the Beast 3D beginning January 13. Watch it below in HD via YouTube.
Poster for Disney Short ‘TANGLED EVER AFTER’ | /Film
This is one of the early salvos from Disneys D23 Expo, which started yesterday and is ongoing today. The Marvel Studios panel will take place later this
Tangled hair - HELP!?
Hi :)
I have a little hair problem: my hair tangles a lot!
Basically my hair is super healthy - I get compliments from my hair dresser a lot, my hair is shiny and soft, so Im wondering what I am doing wrong that my hair gets so tangled.
I brush my hair, but after 10 minutes I have two nest-like tangled knots on the right and left side of my head! My hair gets so easily tangled and its starting to bother me a lot that I have to brush it all the time.
My hair is quite long, I would say 15-16 inches and it is medium thick.
Can anyone please explain and HELP me to get rid of this problem? :)
I dont think that it will ever be fashionable to have hair that looks like a cave-womans or looks like as if you have some hamsters living in it and building nests...
Beforehand thank you!
Answer: this might not help, but the same thing happens to me!
you can try a detangler or leave in conditioner to see if it helps?
Category: Hair
TANGLED EVER AFTER Clip Released - Los Angeles Movies | Examiner.com
Walt Disney Pictures just released a clip from the upcoming short film Tangled ever after, which is a continuation of the successful Disney animated film Tangled ...
Disney's TANGLED EVER AFTER Short Film Clip - News - GeekTyrant
For those of you who plan on going to see Beauty and th Beast in 3D you will be treated to a new Disney animated short called Tangled ever after. The clip basically shows off the two main characters of the original movie ...
Frank DiMattina Accused of Threatening a Catering Rival
The alleged Genovese crime associate was the owner of one of Staten Island’s most popular catering halls, and he came to believe that his life had the makings of a reality television drama. He produced slick promotional videos for the show that he conceived and hoped to star in, “Banquet Boyz,” and posted them on YouTube. But on - By MOSI SECRET
List of Modern day movies based on the olden days & chick flick movies to watch?
I love modern day movies based in the olden days with loads of romance I also love comedy movies. I have nearly watched all chick flick movies but I wanna see if there is some I havent watched. so anymore movies suggested would be greatly appreciated :D
MOVIES I HAVE WATCHED PLEASE DONT RECOMEND THEM: Twilight 1 2 and 3, Titanic, Clueless, Never Been Kissed, A cinderella story, another cinderella story, what Happens in vegas, Knocked up, Baby on board, Step Brothers, wild child, North & south, pride & prejudice, the dutchess, romeo & juliet, swan lake, mean girls, mean girls 2, legally blonde 1 2 and 3, precious, mamma mia, hairspray, dirty dancing, step up 1 2 and 3, save the last dance, street dance, bride wars, 27 dresses, just married, she is having a baby, the last song, terminator 1 and 2, transformers 1 2 and 3, die hard 1 2 3 and 4, james bond, salt, the first daughter, chasing liberty, letters to juliet, ever after, tangled, raise your voice, camp rock 1 and 2, dinotopia, the ugly truth.
Answer: Romantic Comedies:
1. She's All That
2. Picture Perfect
3. Kate & Leopold
4. When Harry Met Sally
5. Leap Year
6. Serious Moonlight
7. You've Got Mail
8. French Kiss
9. Easy A
10. Nick and Norah's Infinite Play list
11. You Again
13. Valentine's Day
14. Definitely, Maybe
15. The Proposal
16. Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead
17. Adventures in Babysitting
18. The Hot Chick
19. John Tucker Must Die
20. New York Minute
22. Notting Hill
23. What a Girl Wants
24. Confessions of a Shopaholic
26. Life as We Know It
27. Bridget Jone's Diary and sequel
28. Morning Glory
29. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton
30. When in Rome
31. Heartbreakers
32. Beauty and the Briefcase
33. Revenge of the Bridemaids
34. The Prince and Me
35. Did you Hear About the Morgans
36. Miss Congeniality
37. Sixteen Candles
38. Summer Catch
39. Whatever it Takes
40. Drive me Crazy
41. Bring it on
42. Can't Buy me love
43. She's Out of My League
44. Sex and the City
45. The Bounty Hunter
46. New in Town-kind of a cute movie
47. With Six you get eggroll
48. The Perfect Man
49. The Lizzie Mcgurie movie-if you were a fan of the show you will like it
50. Duplex
51. Over Her Dead Body
52. My Fake Fiancé
53. Maid in Manhattan
54. 50 First Dates
55. The House Bunny
56. On The Line
57. I Could Never Be Your Woman-it isn't that great but you will like it if you are a Paul Rudd fan
58. Uptown Girls
59. Little Black Book
60. Just My Luck
61. Love Wrecked
62. The Wedding Planner
63. 13 Going on 30
64. Secret Admirer
65. Along Came Polly
66. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
70. He's Just Not That Into You-some might like it
74. How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days
75. The Women
76. Killers
77. Knight and Day
78. Flipped
79. Maid to Order
80. 10 Things I Hate About You
81. The Devil Wears Prada
82. Loser
83. Troop Beverly Hills
84. Two Weeks Notice
85. The Switch
Romantic Dramas:
1. A Walk To Remember
4. For Keeps
5. Charlie St. Cloud
7. Riding in Cars with Boys
10. Pretty in Pink
11. Sleepless in Seattle
12. Here on Earth
13. Dear John (I didn’t really like this movie but some might)
14. Remember Me (I didn’t really like this movie but some might)
15. Love Happens-if you are a Jennifer Aniston fan you will probably like it
16.The Notebook
17. How To Deal
18. St. Elmo’s Fire
19. Keith (just ok)
20. Sweet November
Movies with Romance but not really a traditional romantic comedy/drama:
1. Groundhog Day
2. Mamma Mia
3. Sugar and Spice-cheer leading movie
6. Mermaids
7. About A Boy
8. Adventureland
9. An Education
Hope this helps!
Category: Movies
why do white people hair get tangled so easily?
I mean whites are always insulting black ppl for having "nappy" hair but im black and my hair is smooth and hardly ever gets tangled at all. its easy to comb through, even after ive washed it. but my white friend I would be brushing/playing in her hair and every time i comb out a bit it gets all tangly the next second. and when she sleeps and wakes up i have to spend over an hour combing it to get it straight but it still gets tangled after five minutes. but my hair i just brush once in the morning and its smooth all day. why does her hair do this?
Category: Hair
PUNCHED OUT; A Boy Learns to Brawl
DEREK BOOGAARD was scared. He did not know whom he would fight, just that he must. Opportunity and obligation had collided, the way they can in hockey. His father bought a program the night before. Boogaard scanned the roster, checking heights and weights. He later recalled that he barely slept. A trainer in the dressing room offered scouting - Profile of professional hockey player Derek Boogaard, who rose to fame as one of the sports most feared fighters before his death at age 28 of apparent accidental overdose from combination of alcohol and painkillers; first article in three-part series revisits Boogaards childhood in rugged youth leagues of western Canada and his progression from physically awkward boy to renowned brawler on the ice; (Series: Punched Out). Map, Photos (L) - By JOHN BRANCH
Watch a Clip From Disney's TANGLED EVER AFTER - ComingSoon.net
1 day ago ... A follow-up to their 2010 hit animated feature, Tangled, "Tangled ever after" will premiere before the theatrical release of Beauty and the Beast ...
Why doesnt my hair curl right anymore?
My hair is naturally curly and it was really pretty and thick,
but my bros gf straightened it for me yesterday and now after i took a shower it looks al flat and tangled even after i brushed it!
will it ever be regular again?
Answer: nope.
you are eternally screwed :)
Category: Hair
Alone Onstage, Desperate for Clarity
LONDON IT was last summer in Galway, Ireland, and the actor Cillian Murphy had just delivered the final line of the first preview of Misterman, an emotional wringer of a one-man play in which his character goes spectacularly off the rails. But when the lights went out, the theater was flooded, not with applause but with silence. Mr. Murphy was - Cillian Murphy, starring in Edna Walshs one-man play Misterman, is looking forward to returning to the stage after a series of electrifying, typecast-defying roles in a range of movies. Photos (M) - By SARAH LYALL
Smooth sailing
Ever have one of those weeks ... Of course, the sea-gulls have now spotted the crabs and begin to make dive after dive towards the creatures, meanwhile covering your boat in feathers and droppings. With the deck covered in slick white splatters ...
New series set to stunner
And Ten has New Girl, the hit sitcom, also from the US, in which the offbeat and rather adorable Zooey Deschanel, as quirky as ever, stars as an offbeat and adorable girl in her late 20s who, after a bad ... Jack uncovers a tangled web of blackmail and ...
Pacquiao Provides Economic Punch for Las Vegas
LAS VEGAS -- Despite the fact that Manny Pacquiao hails from the Philippines and came to stardom toward the end of his career, to this city and Nevada he represents far more than a talented boxer who plies his trade twice annually under their famous neon lights. Pacquiao is an economic driver for the local economy, his influence as powerful as his - By GREG BISHOP
Directed by Nathan Greno, Byron Howard. With Zachary Levi, Mandy Moore, Mark Allan Stewart. The kingdom is abuzz over the royal wedding of Rapunzel and ...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR; Christopher Hitchens, Consummate Writer, Brilliant Friend
London THE place where Christopher Hitchens spent his last few weeks was hardly bookish, but he made it his own. Close to downtown Houston is the Medical Center, a cluster of high-rises like La Défense of Paris, or Londons City, a financial district of a sort, where the common currency is illness. This complex is one of the worlds great - Ian McEwan is the author of many books, including Atonement and, most recently, Solar. - By IAN McEWAN
Helen Skeltons Polar Challenge: the latest
After nine hours of cycling (and some large chunks of pushing) Niklas and I retired. I am ashamed to admit I laughed out loud when the Norwegian world champion kite skier was reduced to an exhausted tangled mess ... Christmas than ever before but I imagine ...
Why is love such a headache, and so twisted and tangled....?
like it feels like after the first time I fell in love it was pure and beautiful and ever since it went wrong its just a tangled web of broken feelings, people shagging exs, cheating and more shopping than anyting to do with love. Anyone else think this (if youre married ot whatever please answer )
Thank you
Category: Marriage & Divorce
Can the new movie "Tangled" save Disney?
Once upon a time...
A man (Walt Disney, or his friend) drew a little mouse. And we all know that the mouses name was "Mickey". Mickey Mouse made his debut in a short known as "Steamboat Willie". The cartoon was so successful, that Walt decided to unleash his creative potential. He decided to create the first ever feature length cartoon which was called "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". And what do you know, another success for Disney! Ever since the success of Steamboat Willie and Snow White, Walt started this renovation of creativity and art which developed into an empire known as "Disney". A company which has given us some of the most beloved movies of all time... from Pinocchio to The Lion King. But their success did not last. Then came the forgettable "Home on the Range", which practically killed Disney animated movies. It seemed that Mickey Mouse almost died from a stroke! But then, theres John Lasseter, the creative genius who gave us Pixar which is the closest thing we have to the old "Disney. John has tried all in his power to bring back the spirit of Walt Disney to the modern Disney. Why, hes given us "The Princess and the Frog" and the American "Ponyo". The two first hand drawn Disney movies in years! Hes even starting production on a NEW hand-drawn Winnie the Pooh movie!
John is also making the first ever computer-animated Princess movie, "Tangled". An adaptation of the classic tale, "Rapunzel". Watcching the trailers for "Tangled", Ill admit I am a little skeptical. I mean, theres an iguana, a horse, a thief, and a princess. How can this be Disneys long awaited Messiah?
With Hannah Montana going into cancellation, and a new Winnie the Pooh movie in production, is it now safe to say that Disney is going back on the right track? Is "Tangled" the answer to Disneys prayers? Or will "Tangled" destroy Disney like "Home on the Range" did?
Please tell me, after watching the trailers and clips of "Tangled", what are your thoughts?
Answer: At first I was a bit sceptical at Tangled first when I first saw the trailer of it in theatres. But really, all Disney is doing is trying to market this film more to boys. At its heart, it's a pure Disney musical that we all know and love. I firmly believe Tangled will do well, I've heard a preview of one of its songs,"I see the Light", and it certainly sounds beautiful.
If you want to hear a preview of it, you can find it here:
Also it has a 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on its premier. If that's not good, I don't know what is.
Category: Movies
ever take a bath after your little boy who was playing with army guys?
and get out to brush your hair and thought you had a big knot in your hair but really it was an army guy all tangled up and you had to cut it out?
Answer: LOL
He could have been stuck somewhere much worse..
Category: Polls & Surveys
Alone Onstage, Desperate for Clarity
LONDON IT was last summer in Galway, Ireland, and the actor Cillian Murphy had just delivered the final line of the first preview of Misterman, an emotional wringer of a one-man play in which his character goes spectacularly off the rails. But when the lights went out, the theater was flooded, not with applause but with silence. Mr. Murphy was - By SARAH LYALL
Is there a possibility that they will make Tangled 2?
I just love that movie, I can watch it for hours and never get tired of it! I heard they are making a 5-6 minute short film called Tangled ever after which is about Flynn and Rapunzels royal wedding :D
Answer: Anything is possible!
Category: Movies
Jared Loughner’s lonely world before attack
Only his parents and a small circle of old friends ever knew him. Then ... he started an Earth Empires discussion and mused if it would be taken seriously. After a tangled rant, he wrote about the mainline freight trains that passed near ...
Watch: Teaser Clip from Disney’s ‘TANGLED EVER AFTER’
Movies released in January generally are movies that just get dumped. People don’t expect great performances or for it to perform well at the box office. As such Disney prepared for this by re-releasing one of the greatest animated films, Beauty and the ...
Disney To Release "Tangled" Sequel: "TANGLED EVER AFTER"
Still can’t get enough of Disney’s Tangled? Well get ready for a whole new chapter! Disney has announced a mini sequel to the 50th anniversary hit, releasing ...
Preview A Clip From Disneys TANGLED EVER AFTER Short ...
Those Disney fans who head back into theaters later this month to see Beauty and the Beast on the big screen, in 3D, will be treated to what looks like an ...
Tangled ever after is an upcoming film sequel of the 2010 film Tangled. The short will be directed b.
TANGLED EVER AFTER Sneak Peek, Set To Appear Before Beauty And The Beast 3D
Next Friday, Disney will explode. After the rousing success ofSimbas 3D battle with Scar this summer, the Mouse House will release an eye-popping version of Beasts fight with Gaston. Adding to the excitement, Disney fans get a little fresh ...
Tangled ever after movie clip. A clip from the short film Tangled ever after, which will play in front of Beauty and the Beat 3D.
Tangled ever after is an upcoming film sequel of the 2010 film Tangled. The short will be directed b
Disney Releases Teaser Poster for Animated Short TANGLED EVER AFTER
From this weekends D23 Expo comes the first promo item for the upcoming short-film sequel to Walt Disney Pictures hit animated movie Tangled from directors Nathan ...
Preview A Clip From Disney's TANGLED EVER AFTER Short ...
1 day ago ... Those Disney fans who head back into theaters later this month to see Beauty and the Beast on the big screen, in 3D, will be treated to what ...
Preview clip from short film sequel to Disneys Tangled
Fans of the Disney classics of the 90s will receive a special treat when they go see Beauty and the Beast 3D in theaters when it opens on January 13: the new Disney short entitled Tangled ever after will preceed the Disney classic.
Tangled - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tangled is a 2010 American computer animated musical fantasy - comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It is the 50th animated feature in the Walt ...
Big Screen Animation: First Clip from TANGLED EVER AFTER
Disney has released a new clip from Tangled ever after, which will be attached to Beauty and the Beast 3D beginning January 13. Watch it below in HD via YouTube. The short is set during Rapunzel and Flynn's wedding day, ...
Disneys TANGLED EVER AFTER Short Film Clip - News - GeekTyrant
For those of you who plan on going to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D you will be treated to a new Disney animated short called Tangled ever after.
Tangled - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is being directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, the directors of Tangled. The short will pick up right after Tangled left ...
Has Anyone ever used DreamWeaver weave?
If you have did you like it? Did it tangle and shed a lot. If it did tangle about how long after you got it did it tangle? What do you do if your weave get tangled.Ive been using Milky Way platinum but it is the WORST hair ever so I decided to try something new. Ive used dream weaver before but it was for a quick weave. I bought 2 packs of DreamWeaver weave for a sew in weave that Im getting on tuesday. It was 31.99/bag and each bag was 14inches. Ive heard that its a good brand of hair but I just want to make sure, because I think that the guy that sold it to me was focused more on flirting instead of getting me the right type of hair.
Answer: Its not to terrible it takes probably a month before it tangles . the best kind of hair is that Remy hair it hardly tangles at all but its expensive like 50-60 a bundle . Make sure you get a silicone hair polisher by perfect results and wrap your hair at night, there are some hair products by soft sheen Carson called weave care that work really well and leave you with little product build up. If id does start to tangle just wash it and use a good conditioner like perfect results or nexxus and let it air dry then flat iron. Good luck shug.
Category: Hair
'TANGLED EVER AFTER' Sneak Peek, Set To Appear Before 'Beauty And ...
Adding to the excitement, Disney fans get a little fresh material right before "Beauty And The Beast 3D" in the short film "Tangled ever after." In Yahoo!'s sneak peek of the short, which looks to be the epilogue of "Tangled," ...
News Roundup: Jersey Shore, Tangled ever after, Carrie Remake and More - http://t.co/B7ymAU58: News Roundup: Jers... http://t.co/7GiVZd2l
From: jerseyshoreshw - Source: twitterfeed
RT @SummerRico: I must see Tangled ever after.
From: MeaganWelsh - Source: txt
Another must watch movie.. Tangled ever after! @edwardallan9 alam mo na, gow! :D
From: sheidan9 - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @geckoph: Check this video out -- Tangled ever after: The Rings http://t.co/0TaZRLl4 via @youtube
From: iamLecxOpina - Source: Tweet Button
Tangled ever after: The Rings http://t.co/JA3rwwNl
From: inukoro1177 - Source: Mobile Web
Tangled ever after: The Rings #Disney Trailer http://t.co/TJM0EHQj
From: lexxybee_ - Source: HootSuite
Tangled ever after ☺♥ http://t.co/yzrirqu1
From: TOTIcles - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Tangled ever after ... tiene que salir ya! D:
From: ItsRens - Source: web
RT @ChaseElizabeth1: Tangled ever after BeyondExcited 3
From: Karrieebgds - Source: Mobile Web
wooww ada tangled ever after pingin nonton dech
From: safra_frifri - Source: web
Tangled ever after: The Rings http://t.co/cIsAq5j9
From: Beautiful_Ring - Source: twitterfeed
RT @WaltDisneyAnim: Only one more week til you can see "Beauty and the Beast 3D" and "Tangled ever after" in theaters! Buy tickets: http://t.co/weuTvTFd
From: bDahminator - Source: web
Tangled ever after!!!!!
From: FLPSuasin - Source: web
QUERO VER Tangled ever after!!!!
From: fafaella - Source: web
Wow! Tangled ever after this year. I like the first movie. Esp the singing parts :-) I hope this one is good too.
From: BryanSoHigh - Source: Twitter for iPhone