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Proposition 8 : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
Prop 8 Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down in California
The 9th Circuit Court in California struck down Proposition 8, the states voter-passed ban on gay marriage, ruling that it violates the rights of gay Californians. The Courts crucial 2-1 vote concluded that the law violates the 14th Amendment rights of ...
9th Circuit calls PROPOSITION 8 unconstitutional
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today ruled that Proposition 8, through which voters in California defined marriage in their state constitution as being between one man and one woman, is unconstitutional. The decision ...
California PROPOSITION 8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proposition 8 (ballot title: Eliminates Rights of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Initiative Constitutional Amendment; called California Marriage Protection Act by ...
California PROPOSITION 8, the "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex ...
Prop 8, officially titled Proposition 8 - Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry, is a statewide ballot proposition in California. On November 4, 2008, voters ...
Whats Next With Prop 8 For Same-Sex Couples?
The Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the unconstitutionality of Proposition 8 Tuesday in California. Thats a very good thing. But dont rush off to get married quite yet... Although the judges ruled that Prop 8 is unconstitutional, they also ...
California PROPOSITION 8 - Get the Facts on Prop. 8
Links to religious, political, legal and scholarly viewpoints about Proposition 8, California's marriage amendment.
NEW MUSIC; New Albums by Kevin Hufnagel, Jimmy Owens and Guided by Voices
GUIDED BY VOICES Lets Go Eat the Factory (GBV) When Robert Pollard dissolved Guided by Voices in 2004, the farewell was largely a name change. He had been virtually the bands only songwriter since 1997, working with various lineups. Perhaps that was the way to keep up with his output, which is well beyond prolific into songorrheic. Retiring - By JON PARELES, BEN RATLIFF and NATE CHINEN
What if PROPOSITION 8 came to a vote in your state?
Recently Proposition 8 was passed in California by the voters. If there was a vote in your state for gay marriage how would you personally vote and why? If you are in a state that has already made this decision, just disregard it and answer as if it had not.
Also tell me if you approve of adoption of children by gays and your reason for your approval or disapproval.
Answer: The world is full of enough hate, so I could care less about who wants to love who. I think two people who have the courage to commit themselves to each other deserve the right to do so, and to have the union recognized in terms of both society and the law. So I would support such a measure.
I think its fine for gays to adopt children as well - we're talking about giving a child a permanent loving home - that's a noble thing regardless of your sexual orientation - and anyone who thinks you can raise a child to be homosexual is gravely ignorant.
Category: Polls & Surveys
How Do You Feel About PROPOSITION 8 And Banning Same Sex Marriages?
In November, California will vote for or against Proposition 8. Prop 8 is a bill to ban gay marriage. Here is my question
What is so wrong or right about Gay Marriage. How do you feel about Propostion 8?
How is homosexuality wrong morally?
Answer: I can't understand why so many people are upset about a few gays wanting to have a ceremony to show their love for each other. Not to mention having the one they want as their next of kin.
People really need to get over it.
Category: Politics
Prop 8: California gay marriage ban struck down by federal appeals court
Gay marriage campaigners were celebrating a major victory on Tuesday after a federal appeals court ruled Californias same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional. The long-awaited ruling paves the way for a US supreme court decision on the voter ...
PROPOSITION 8 Ruling Prompts Outpouring Of Political Reaction ...
A federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday that Proposition 8, California's same-sex marriage ban, is unconstitutional and the decision prompted an outpouring of reaction from within the political community.
ANALYSIS; Sanchezs Chore: Cleaning Up the Mess
Whenever Mark Sanchez finishes distancing himself from the Jets underachieving season, he intends to jot down his emotions so hopefully were not feeling this way next year. In the meantime, we can only imagine what must be swirling inside his head. Perhaps it is how Santonio Holmes had the audacity to undermine him and abandon their teammates - Analysis; how much New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez improves will be a critical factor to the teams success, but it is almost secondary to the leadership he must display through what is clearly a toxic situation. Photo (M) - By BEN SHPIGEL
Appeals court rejects California's PROPOSITION 8 -
10 hours ago ... A three-judge pannel with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is expected to rule on California's same-sex marriage ban Tuesday.
Californias PROPOSITION 8 Ruled Unconstitutional
Proposition 8, which sought to maintain the traditional definition of marriage in California, was struck down by the U.S. 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco Tuesday, with the measure being deemed unconstitutional. Pro-family groups are likely to appeal the ...
7 minutes ago ... Brown that Proposition 8, the 2008 voter-enacted ban on marriage equality in California, is unconstitutional. In addition, the appeals panel ruled ...
THE BAY CITIZEN; 2011 Was A Good Year For Causes Of Gays
Although the court fight over same-sex marriage in California is unresolved, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy groups scored major legislative victories in 2011. We passed a ton of bills, said Rebekah Orr, spokeswoman for Equality California, a group that lobbies for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights. There is an - - By AARON GLANTZ
Breaking: Calif. court declares Prop 8 unconstitutional « Hot Air
Breaking: Calif. court declares Prop 8 unconstitutional.
"Prop 8 - The Musical" starring Jack Black, John C. Reilly, and many ...
A star-studded cast turns out for Marc Shaiman's "Prop 8 - The Musical."
California PROPOSITION 8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Proposition 8 (ballot title: Eliminates Rights of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. Initiative Constitutional Amendment ; called California Marriage Protection Act by ...
PROPOSITION 8 and the unfortunate promise -
It would do Californians good to be able to view the videotape of the federal Proposition 8 trial and decide for themselves. Theres such instructive ...
Romney Immigration Position at Odds With Mormon Church
While Mitt Romney is taking a hard line on immigration even as the Republican primaries head toward the heavily Hispanic states of Nevada, Colorado and Arizona, the Mormon Church to which he belongs has become a decisive player in promoting policies that are decidedly more friendly toward immigrants. The church was instrumental last year in passing - By LAURIE GOODSTEIN
Prop 8 Ruling & A Look Back At Recent Gay Rights Achievements ...
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriages in California, is unconstitutional. Although the ruling is expected to be appealed and go to the United States Supreme Court, ...
What are your thoughts on this little tidbit about Prop. 8?
Answer: that was disgusting
Category: Religion & Spirituality
If PROPOSITION 8 goes to the supreme court and they go against it will that legalize gay marriage everywhere?
If the supreme court rules Proposition 8 as unconstitutional would that legalize gay marriage in California only or the entire US?
Answer: The answer to your question is: it depends. If the supreme court issues a ruling on the ban in the same terms as the trial court - then a ban on gay marriage will become unconstitutional.
This is becasue the court (in that case) would announce that a ban on gay marriage violates both equal protection and due process rights guaranteed to all citizens (of all states). Thus, any state with such a ban would find that portion of the law invalid.
Technically speaking, the Judgment would only be addressed to the State of California. But a supreme court decision on a constitutional issue becomes the law of the land, and on all states. Thus, it becomes the law that a ban on gay marriage violates the United States constitution in all cases.
Look at it this way. In Roe v. Wade, the plaintiff brought a case against only one state that prohibited abortion. But immediately upon the ruling, abortion restrictions became illegal nationwide.
It is possible (but not likely) that the Supreme Court will be able to hone-in on a California-unique aspect of the case to limit the effect of its ruling; or perhaps the supreme court might find a technical defect with the case and send it back to the lower courts (this is how it ducks cases it is not ready to decide). But if the court actually decides the case, it will do so upon one question: does a ban on the state recognizing gay marriage violate either the due process clause, or the equal protection clause, of the United States constitution?
If the answer comes out YES, then such a ban would be illegal in all states (even though California has a domestic partnership law). If the Answer is NO, then such a ban would be permitted in all states that allow for a domestic partnership status. (The case would likely not be dispositive in states that (unlike California) do not have a domestic partnership law because the effect of a ban on marriage OR domestic partnership is greater than the effect on an individual who can still obtain rights under a domestic partnership law.)
Good luck.
Category: Law & Ethics
California PROPOSITION 8 - Get the Facts on Prop. 8
Links to religious, political, legal and scholarly viewpoints about Proposition 8, Californias marriage amendment.
What would effectively happen if the US Supreme Court will rule that the PROPOSITION 8 is unconstitutional?
"The validity of Proposition 8 under the United States Constitution is currently being challenged in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, which could potentially have an effect on all same-sex marriage bans nationwide" - Wikipedia
It seems like this case is going to be decided at the US Supreme Court. What would happen if the Proposition 8 is declared unconstitutional?
Answer: There would be a lot of pissed off christian conservatives thinking that god is going to punish us.
Category: Politics
Prop. 8: Gay-marriage ban unconstitutional, court rules -
A federal appeals court Tuesday struck down California's ban on same-sex marriage, clearing the way for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage as early as next year.
Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional: See the Reactions (Photos)
California’s ban on same-sex marriage was ruled unconstitutional by a federal appeals court, enflaming a hot-button issue and setting up a Supreme Court showdown. See the reactions on Twitter. A federal appeals court has ruled that California ...
Ninth Circuit Declares Californias PROPOSITION 8 on Marriage Unconstitutional
A panel ruled that a proposition to define marriage as between a man and a woman violates the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A federal appeals court ruled that Californias Proposition 8 defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman is ...
Christie Wants Voters to Decide on Gay Marriage
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey said Tuesday that he would veto a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, and he challenged the State Legislature instead to put the issue on the ballot for voters to decide. Democrats, who control the Legislature, swiftly rejected the idea, accusing the governor, a Republican, of trying to punt on a politically - New Jersey Gov Chris Christie says he would veto a bill legalizing same-sex marriage and challenges the State Legislature instead to put the issue on the ballot in November for the voters to decide; Democrats, who control the Legislature, accuse the Republican governor of trying to punt on a politically sensitive issue. Photos (M)1 - By KATE ZERNIKE
Why the PROPOSITION 8 Decision Matters
That Judge Walkers ruling is not a surprise does not make it any less of a landmark. Judge Walkers decision is sweeping and comprehensive, basically affirming every argument and claim put forth by those demanding that Californias Proposition 8 be ...
Prop 8 Timeline | NBC San Diego
A look at the legal fight involving Proposition 8, the voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage in California. Feb. 2 - A federal appeals court ruled in San Francisco ...
Gay marriage proponents decry ruling on PROPOSITION 8 trial video ...
Same-sex marriage proponents expressed disappointment Thursday in an appeals court decision to keep video recordings of the historic Proposition 8 trial ...
Prop. 8 declared unconstitutional by 9th Circuit Court
SAN FRANCISCO — A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional this morning, affirming Judge Vaughn R. Walkers decision in the Federal District Court, according to the Los Angeles Times.
LETTERS; Public vs. Private on the Campaign Trail
To the Editor: Ross Douthat (Personal and Political, column, Jan. 8) correctly notes that some very personal episodes in the lives of the Republican candidates, like the death of an infant after birth and adulterous affairs, have become startlingly public in the campaign cycle. But he doesnt mention the biggest reason: hypocrisy. Candidates,
PROPOSITION 8 - Conservapedia
Proposition 8 was a ballot proposition in California that added the following text to Section 7.5 of Article I of the California Constitution: Only marriage between a ...
Prop 8: Why 18,000 Is The Critical Number
In the months leading up to the passage of Proposition 8 — the controversial 2008 California ballot initiative that bans gay marriage — some 18,000 same sex couples obtained marriage licenses. The marriages came to a screeching halt when ...
Protect Marriage - Yes on 8 » Home Page
11.17.11: State Supreme Court Upholds Proponents' Right to Defend Marriage Amendment; 08.16.10: PROP 8 SUPPORTERS PLEASED BY APPEALS COURT ...
Is the passage of PROPOSITION 8 in California merely a stepping stone toward greater discrimination?
Given that Proposition 8 passed 52.5% to 47.5% (I believe..??) in California, is this merely the beginning of a larger campaign by religious groups to enact more substantially discriminatory measures toward homosexuals within that state? Are homosexual families with adopted children at risk of losing those children? Are non-Christians rights at greater risk because of the passage of that amendment, given that it was largely supported on religious grounds?
Answer: I think it's more of a hiccup on the way to greater civil rights. Look at the trend: in 2000 60% in cali voted against gay marriage. Now 52%. If you couple that with the fact that there are good chances the Supreme Court will repeal prop 8 in a few months time, it's a good wake up call but the trend is still positive, this is just a glitch.
Category: Law & Ethics
L.A. Responds after PROPOSITION 8 Ruled Unconstitutional
Proposition 8 has been ruled unconstitutional by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The judges voted 2-1 to strike down the ban on same-sex marriage. The ruling upholds the decision made by U.S. District Court Judge ...
Evangelicals Hope South Carolina or Florida Winnows Republican Field
Conservative Christian leaders have scaled back their goals for a meeting to be held in Texas on Friday and Saturday, acknowledging that they are unlikely to agree on a single alternative candidate to Mitt Romney until after the South Carolina primary on Jan. 21, if then. Scores of politically influential evangelicals plan to attend the meeting, - Conservative Christian leaders acknowledge that they are unlikely to agree on a single alternative candidate to Mitt Romney until after the South Carolina primary on Jan 21, if then; original dream of coalescing around one candidate of the religious right, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum or Rick Perry, is unrealistic for now, several leaders say. Photo (M) - By ERIK ECKHOLM
Appeals Court Says PROPOSITION 8 Is Unconstitutional « CBS Los ...
A key ruling is expected Tuesday on Proposition 8, which prohibits same sex marriage in California.
Prop 8 Decision Tuesday; Mayhem, More Litigating to Follow | NBC ...
A key decision in the challenge to Proposition 8 -- the ban on same-sex marriages in California, approved in 2008 -- will be issued by a court in San ...
If PROPOSITION 8 is passed does this set the precedence?
If Proposition 8 is passed, does this set the precedent that we can now vote on anyones rights?
Im thinking if we can vote on peoples rights the way gay marriage has been voted on, the next to be voted on should be religious rights and eliminate them. Then we cant vote whether to allow conservatives to vote. Of course gun ownership, gone.
What do you think, is that a good idea now that Pandoras Box has now been opened we should see what other rights we can eliminate through the democratic process?
Answer: i think its rediculous, to have the majority control the rights of minorities. America was set up so that the majority rules, but not at the expense of the rights of the minority. WHat if instead of marriages between members of the same sex, they were voting on members of different races?
chrisitans have a majority in this country, does this mean they can vote to take away religious freedoms, of nonchristians
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Navigate Pages
Home · Submit Link · Latest Links · Contact · Search. Premium Web Directory. Navigate Pages. Manual approval, high quality, powerful web directory. Category ...
Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional: 'Modern Family' Stars Celebrate On ...
Just as the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in the state of California, was unconstitutional, one of TV's most famous fictional gay couples appealed to the better angels ...
Prop. 8 ruling: 3 possibilities for 9th Circuit
The legal and societal war over same-sex marriage reaches another milestone today when a federal appeals court rules on the constitutionality of ...
Prop 8 Trial Tracker
7 minutes ago ... Brown that Proposition 8, the 2008 voter-enacted ban on marriage equality in California, is unconstitutional. In addition, the appeals panel ruled ...
Ninth Circuit Panel Affirms Anti-Prop 8 Ruling
As I expected, a divided panel of the Ninth Circuit has affirmed former judge Vaughn Walker’s outlandish ruling that California’s Proposition 8 violates the federal Constitution. Arch-liberals Judge Stephen Reinhardt and Judge Michael ...
What impact did PROPOSITION 8 have on society and government?
What impact did Proposition 8 have on society and government?
Answer: forced government to live more within its means
Category: Government
Appeals court to rule Tuesday on PROPOSITION 8
SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal appeals court in San Francisco announced today that it will issue a ruling Tuesday on whether Proposition 8, Californias voter-approved ...
Protect Marriage - Yes on 8 » Home Page
Supporting Proposition 8, which would eliminate same-sex couples right to marry in California.
How can PROPOSITION 8 be passed after the California Supreme courts ruling in May?
In May, the California supreme court ruled that the ban on same-sex marriage was unconstitutional (violating equal rights clause).
So how can Proposition 8 bring back the exact same thing that was deemed unconstitutional under a year ago?
Equal protection clause*
Answer: It was deemed unconstitutional. So they decided to change the constitution. The constitution can be change by the people, not the courts. What was passed was not really a law but a constitutional amendment. I don't think enough people understood that.
Category: Law & Ethics
Prop. 8: Gay-marriage foes blame Hollywood for court loss
Opponents of gay marriage expressed disappointment that an appeals court ruled Proposition 8 unconstitutional, blaming "Hollywood-orchestrated attacks" for the loss. ProtectMarriage, which sponsored Proposition 8, said it expected the U.S ...
What do you guys think of the google PROPOSITION 8 maps?
It is a google map listing the names, addresses, and amounts that people donated to Proposition 8. Invasion of privacy or revenge? Yahoo wont let me post the link, but the map is definitely real, I am looking at it right now.
Answer: I don't care what a gay person thinks about me when it comes to laws that was established for decades. I say "keep traditional marriages" to man and woman, and not of same gender marriages.
I would support a "union" for these couples and nothing else, they should be happy that we are reaching over the table half way to compromise a solution.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
Do people believe that God is punishing Californians for passing PROPOSITION 8?
In the past I have seen comments on this site saying that disasters in California are Gods way of punishing sinful behavior (namely homosexuality). With fires currently raging in California do people believe that this is God punishing people for the passing of Proposition 8?
Answer: There is no God. That is why disasters happen to heathens and christians alike.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
$25 AND UNDER; Masak — NYC — Restaurant Review
CHILI crab may be the world’s messiest national dish. Dismantling a massive crustacean slathered in spicy sauce at one of Singapore’s street-food stalls can require more napkins than you have fingers. It’s thrilling, as is much of the dining in Singapore, where dozens of vendors share a clamorous stage at one of the - By DAVE COOK
Prop. 8: Californias gay marriage ban ruled unconstitutional
A federal appeals court Tuesday (Feb. 7) overturned Californias Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot measure that limited marriage to one man and one woman. It is expected that this finding could clear the way for a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on gay ...
Prop 8 - Prop 8, PROPOSITION 8, gay marriage decision - latimes ...
Prop 8: coverage of the gay marriage decision from the Los Angeles Times
Gay marriage fans, foes expect Prop 8 appeal ruling today
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will issue its ruling today on whether Proposition 8, which overturned legalized same-sex marriage in California in 2008, stands or ...
Californias Prop. 8 Gay Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional, Supreme Court Showdown Next
A federal appeals court has overturned Californias ban on gay marriage, setting up a likely showdown at the U.S. Supreme Court over the issue of whether marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. The 2-1 decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ...
What are the odds that the Supreme Court will overturn PROPOSITION 8?
I dont know the whole story nor do I fully understand how all this works. From what I have heard some judges or courts decided to rid of some laws or change them dealing with Proposition 22 then homosexual marriage was allowed. Then a bill was passed namely Proposition 8 which put into the Constitution that homosexual marriage is illegal. Now there have been lawsuits filed to the Supreme court to overrule this saying it is wrong or unconstitutional on the basis of personal rights. So if the Supreme court changed this wouldnt they have to change the Constitution and not just make a law? And can they do this in opposition to the majority vote? Is that a free Republic? Please explain this to me and elaborate thanks.
Answer: The odds are pretty much in favor of Prop. 8 NOT being overturned.
The California Supreme Court overturned a "law", because it held that the "law" violated the California Constitution.
Now that the definition of marriage has been added to the California Constitution, the California Supreme Court has no basis for overturning it (i.e., because it is part of the California Constitution, it cannot, by definition, be "un-Constitutional").
The "best" argument the gays have, which should not work, is that Prop. 8 was not an "amendment" to the California Constitution ("amendments" can be proposed by the citizens of California), but a "revision", and a "revision" can only be proposed by the California Legislature.
An "equal rights" argument will fail (ultimately) in the federal court system, because "gay" is not a "suspect class", and even then California can provide sufficient reasons to meet their burden of proof.
Category: Politics
What would happen if PROPOSITION 8, barring gay marriage, got an equal amount of votes for yes and no?
Proposition 8 is on the California ballot this election.
California has a long history of overturning the will of the people. They allowed interracial marriage; scared whites didnt make a constitutional amendment though, did they?
Answer: I hope that Proposition 8 on the California Ballot fails. Who cares about what two adults do in the privacy of their lives. Instead of worrying about two people committing to each other; lets be more concern with our US Constitutional Rights.
Category: Elections
The Theological Differences Behind Evangelical Unease With Romney
The Rev. R. Philip Roberts, the president of a Southern Baptist seminary in Kansas City, Mo., is an evangelist with a particular goal: countering Mormon beliefs. Mr. Roberts has traveled throughout the United States, and to some countries abroad, preaching that Mormonism is heretical to Christianity. His message is a theological one, but theology - Mitt Romney faces a South Carolina electorate in which 60 percent of Republican voters are evangelical Christians, many of whom have been taught that the Mormon faith is apostasy; basic differences about scripture, the afterlife and the nature of God have led many Christians to conclude that Mormons cannot be considered Christian. Photo (M) - By LAURIE GOODSTEIN
PROPOSITION 8 ruling on release of trial video coming Thursday in ...
A federal appeals court is expected to rule Thursday on whether the videotapes of the historic Proposition 8 trial should be released publicly. However ...
Shakesville: California's Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional
A three-judge panel with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that Proposition 8 violates the U.S. Constitution by stripping gay Californians of the right to marry. Yay! U.S. district judge Vaughn Walker struck down the ...
PROPOSITION 8 is a ballot in california that was passed to put a restriction gay marriages in california.?
Proposition 8 is a ballot in california that was passed to put a restriction gay marriages in california.My side is to allow gay marriage. Can you help me with a hook?
Answer: If you don't like gay marriage, don't get one.
If gay love bothers you, look the other way.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
What are your personal views about PROPOSITION 8?
Recently Proposition 8 was passed in California by the voters. If there was a vote in your state for gay marriage how would you personally vote and why? If you are in a state that has already made this decision, just disregard it and answer as if it had not. Please say which state you live in.
Also tell me if you approve of adoption of children by gays and your reason for your approval or disapproval.
Answer: I'm so freakin' glad I live in New Zealand, we give gays equal rights over here. We understand how simple the matter is: If you don’t believe in same sex marriage, then don’t marry somebody of the same sex.
I was so proud of America when Obama got elected, the entire world was. You guys took a big leap forward and then California took one giant leap back. It makes me sick that it was even debated upon, it shouldn't have even come down to a vote.
If you're against gay marriage then you're against equal rights and for discrimination. Period.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Who were some celebrities that were PRO PROPOSITION 8?
I am doing a report on Proposition 8 and need some celebrities who were for it; as in they wanted it to pass and outlaw gay marriage. I am personally against it, but I need some names for my report. Thank you for any help you can offer!
Answer: Dana Delany, Loni Anderson, Kathryn Joosten, Eduardo Xol, Eric McCormack, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Carmit Bachar are just a few against Prop 8
i couldn't find anything on anyone "For" it so just some good ole wiki should give you a list of Gay listers that don't want it to happen!
Category: Elections
Court: CA Prop 8 Law Unconstitutional
(SAN FRANCISCO) — A federal appeals court on Tuesday declared Californias same-sex marriage ban to be unconstitutional, putting the bitterly contested, voter-approved law on track for likely consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court. A three ...
George Clooney to Star in PROPOSITION 8 Play | NBC Los Angeles
George Clooney to Star in Proposition 8 Play Actor joins an A-list cast that will star in a production directed by Rob Reiner
OP-ED COLUMNIST; Java and Justice
If you’re among the fair-minded Americans who believe that two men or two women should be able to wed, there’s an easy though slightly caloric way to express that. Get a caramel macchiato. Maybe make it a venti. Then get another tomorrow. Starbucks , you see, is under fire for its public support of the same-sex marriage legislation that - By FRANK BRUNI
Appeals court to rule on Californias PROPOSITION 8 -
Buttons opposing Californias Proposition 8 are displayed during a rally last year in San Francisco.
RT @NOH8Campaign: BREAKING NEWS! Proposition H8 ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!! #NOH8WorldWide #Prop8 From: ckostrivas - Source: Facebook
RT @LAReviewofBooks: "Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California." From: MickeyBirnbaum - Source: web
9th Circuit strikes down #Prop8 From: chibischala - Source: TweetDeck
RT @SophiaBush: #EqualityMatters "Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignit… From: rafa_henderson - Source: WhoSay
“Proposition 8 served no purpose, & had no effect, other than to lessen the status & human dignity of gays & lesbians in CA,” - The Court From: xxjeannexx - Source: web
RT @CNN: Appeals court rejects Californias ban on same-sex marriage: From: kaybrady88 - Source: web
RT @glaad: Retweet if you are celebrating #Prop8 being ruled unconstitutional again today! #LGBT #MarriageEquality From: RamonaPal - Source: TweetDeck
RT @glaad: Retweet if you are celebrating #Prop8 being ruled unconstitutional again today! #LGBT #MarriageEquality From: IshtaWrites - Source: TweetDeck
"Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays... From: KellyLemons - Source: Facebook
RT @glaad: Retweet if you are celebrating #Prop8 being ruled unconstitutional again today! #LGBT #MarriageEquality From: afl_chris - Source: TweetDeck
RT @glaad: Retweet if you are celebrating #Prop8 being ruled unconstitutional again today! #LGBT #MarriageEquality From: Arnian - Source: TweetDeck
“@BreakingNews: A federal appeals court has declared Californias Proposition 8 unconstitutional - NBC News” // Im late, but hooray! From: MarilynLynch - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @HuffingtonPost: Prop 8, Californias same-sex marriage ban, declared unconstitutional From: m_h_n - Source: The Huffington Post
RT @glaad: Retweet if you are celebrating #Prop8 being ruled unconstitutional again today! #LGBT #MarriageEquality From: namelikethesong - Source: TweetDeck
RT @NOH8Campaign: BREAKING NEWS! Proposition H8 ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!! #NOH8WorldWide #Prop8 From: travisgasper - Source: Facebook