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Fooey to the World: FESTIVUS Is Come
GATHER around the Festivus pole and listen to a tale about a real holiday made fictional and then real again, a tale that touches on philosophy, King Lear, the pool at the Chateau Marmont hotel, a paper bag with a clock inside and, oh yes, a television show about nothing. The first surprise is that from Tampa Bay, Fla., to Washington, from Austin, - By ALLEN SALKIN
Will you be celebrating FESTIVUS this year?
I am very much looking forward to putting up my Festivus pole, and airing some grievances.
Answer: Yes and we already did our airing of grievances
with our meatloaf dinner.
Happy Festivus!
Category: Other - Holidays
Celebrate FESTIVUS @ Seinfeld-Fan.net
Those of you who miss Jerry and the gang can relive pleasant memories with our many exciting features at this vast Seinfeld archive.
Why do I never hear any FESTIVUS songs while Im FESTIVUS shopping and who do I complain to about this?
I say we boycott all stores that wont wish us an implicit "Happy Festivus" on demand.
Answer: Just decorate your Festivus pole and be happy, damnit.
But really, the songs of Festivus are inherent in the festivities themselves. For instance, the angry tones of the airing of grievances or the howls of pain during the feats of strength. Festivus already has its music, there's no need to make more.
A Festivus for the rest of us!
Category: Religion & Spirituality
FESTIVUS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Festivus is a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 as a way to celebrate the holiday season without participating in its pressures and commercialism. It was ...
BSH Celebrates FESTIVUS: The Airing Of Grievances, The Feats Of ...
Today is Festivus, the holiday created by Frank Costanza out of the hatred of the commerical and religious aspects of Christmas. In keeping with the tradition, Ben, Geoff, Eric and I gathered today to celebrate the holiday. ...
Another FESTIVUS Miracle: More iPhone 4S Handsets Up For Grabs ...
We have six more iPhone 4S handsets to give away for Festivus! Dont forget to sign up in our app.
Repository for Festivus short films, grievance airing, tales of Festivus glory and woe, and photos of cats named Festivus.
GAME THEORY: POKER; Gifts for the Card Sharks on Your List
With Festivus looming again, harried shoppers may be scratching their dry, flaky scalps about what to pick up for the choosiest pokerati on their list. Here are some suggestions. Plastic poker decks will sharply upgrade the feel of almost any home game. Once your loved ones shuffle and play with them, they will never go back to stiff, easily - James McManus poker column discusses gift ideas for poker lovers; photo (M)5 - By James McManus
Celebrate FESTIVUS @ Seinfeld-Fan.net
Those of you who miss Jerry and the gang can relive pleasant memories with our many exciting features at this vast Seinfeld archive.
Happy FESTIVUS | SnarkyBytes
Happy Festivus. Posted on December 23, 2011. The list of grievances is too long and I'm to lazy to type it in here. So like HK, You all suck and I hate you. Happy Festivus, Everybody! Share this: ...
Breakfast Topic: Happy FESTIVUS from WoW Insider
The holiday's celebration, as shown on Seinfeld, includes an unadorned aluminum "Festivus pole," practices such as the "Airing of Grievances" and "Feats of Strength," and the labeling of easily explainable events as "Festivus ...
FESTIVUS: Information from Answers.com
Festivus is a fictional, non-denominational festival that was invented by Frank Constanza (Jerry Stiller) in an episode of "Seinfeld". Celebrated every ...
Where can I buy an aluminum pole for FESTIVUS?
I was wondering where someone could purchase a tradition aluminum pole To set up for Festivus.
Answer: The best place to by a Festivus pole is at www.Festivuspoles.com. They have a full size six footer, a 3 foot table top and an 8" desktop pole which comes as part of "Festivus in a Box" which includes Human Fund cards, Airing of Grievances form, and a copy of "Festivus, The Holiday for the Rest of Us."
Aluminum poles are not generally available at home centers. The closest you will find is a length of galvanized fence post. As a low cost alternative, you can use a piece of PVC pipe and wrap it in aluminum foil.
Category: Other - Holidays
How I Met Jerry Seinfeld, Scene 1, Take 2
THERE are three things people think they know about Jessica Seinfeld, the semipublic wife of the popular comedian: 1. Nine years ago she dumped her first husband shortly after their honeymoon, in favor of the richer and more famous Jerry Seinfeld, whom she met at a gym. 2. Recently she published a cookbook, Deceptively Delicious, and was - Interview with Jessica Seinfeld, wife of comedian Jerry Seinfeld who has come under scrutiny amid allegations that she plagiarized recipes in her book Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food; photos (M) - By ALLEN SALKIN
FESTIVUS for the rest of us
Don’t let the day end before wishing each other a Happy Festivus. As Seinfeld fans know, this is the annual holiday celebrated without commercialism.There is the aluminum Festivus pole, no tacky decoration, of course. Right after the Festivus ...
Happy FESTIVUS For The Rest Of Us FESTIVUS Song Pole Feats Of Strength
Festivus is December 23 each year. Its slogan - A Festivus for the rest of us. Check out the Airing of Grievances worksheet and the Feats of Strength challenge card
Happy FESTIVUS! | biblioklept
Like this: Like. Be the first to like this post. Posted on December 23, 2011 at 12:49 am in Television | RSS feed | Respond | Trackback URL. Tags: Airing of Grievances, Feats of Strength, Festivus, Festivus for the Rest of Us, Festivus Miracle ...
NBA FESTIVUS: Previewing The Southeast, Where The Flame Burns ...
Festivus Week closes down in the Southeast, where the Heat are everything right and wrong but mostly right with the NBA.
FESTIVUS Pole: Have you prepared the airing of the grievances against your family?
What about the feats of strength? I am arm wrestling my brother and having a sword fight with my sister. You?
Answer: my sisters boyfriend is fat and doesn't brush his teeth enough..he also has the cheesiest lines on earth that he uses on myself and my sister...what a tool.
the rest of my family I have no grievances against. its a Festivus day miracle!
if you were a boy the sword fight would be worthy of a porn video...meh
have a happy Festivus
Category: Polls & Surveys
Philadelphia Sports FESTIVUS Airing Of Grievances
Dec 23, 2011 - It is a tradition started by Frank Costanza in a Seinfeld episode and it has taken on a life of its own. Every December 23rd, people all over the world celebrate a "Festivus for the rest of us." My favorite part has always been ...
What is FESTIVUS Im still trying to figure out what the heck is kwanzaa?
I can not get a str8 answer from any website. Christmas birth of christ..I get that. Should we have a KatrinaLimited Day? A day to just chill and do nothing.
Answer: Kwanzaa is a made up holiday. It was invented in 1966 by a black racist to celebrate black principles. It is intended to separate blacks from the rest of society. It is celebrated from December 26 to January 1.
Festivus is a made up holiday. It is the holiday for the rest of us. You raise an aluminum pole, perform feats of strength, and declare simple things as Festivus miracles. You can make it as silly as you like and enjoy your meal of meatloaf. It is celebrated on December 23.
Category: Kwanzaa
How are you celebrating FESTIVUS this year?
I put moms old stripper pole in the living room and threw some tinsel around the house.
How will you party?
Answer: I'm using last summer's bent tent pole and plan to hang two satin balls on it. Classy,eh? Then at dinner I will complain to my uncle festus how disappointed I am in his putting his canary in his will over me. Then I will probably wrestle granny for the last rumball. We are all praying for miracles like the food remaining on the table, Aunt Myrtle showing up sober and Betty-Lou not swearing her undying love for Justin Bieber. A girl can dream can't she? Happy Festivus to you and yours!
Category: Other - Holidays
Happy FESTIVUS! Fake holiday introduced on ‘Seinfeld’ is celebrated on Twitter
More than 13 years after “Seinfeld” stopped filming new episodes, the made-up holiday Festivus introduced to the American public on the sitcom is apparently still celebrated every Dec. 23. The holiday peaked Friday as the top trend on ...
Preds hope for FESTIVUS Miracle against Stars
DALLAS For those who don’t get the title of this blog and never watched Seinfeld, here is the YouTube clip. December, 23 is the made-up holiday of Festivus — which was popularized on the show. And the Predators will have to summon all their ...
A FESTIVUS For The Rest Of Us: Celebrate December 23rd By Revisiting The Story Of FESTIVUS
It’s time to air the grievances. It’s time for feats of strength. It’s time to put up your pole, discard all of that distracting tinsel and celebrate a good old-fashioned non-holiday without the burden of commercialism. That’s right, it ...
Rebrand Us, Every One
CHRISTMAS may be many things to many people, but to those who care about commercial design it is one thing above all: a tired brand, as ubiquitous as Coca-Cola and Kleenex but badly in need of an update. If we lived in a Christmas world, said Michael Bierut, a partner in the design firm Pentagram, all our houses would be Victorian, and wed - Kurt Andersen and staff at his radio show Studio 360 have challenged Michael Beirut and design firm Pentagram to work as team to rebrand Christmas and put end to cliches that have surrounded holiday season; Pentagram, working as International X.mas Organizing Committee, started by renaming Christmas x.mas, aiming to bring holiday into Internet age; have created new domain name ending in .mas that allows corporated sponsors to create new hip Christmas Web sites; have also created universal x.mas logo that is empty cone shape in shades of white and official musical signature made up of first five notes of Irving Berlins White Christmas; photos (M) - By RANDY KENNEDY
Televisions online home for whats new on TV, show episode guides, TV series news, and the latest video clips from Television Shows. Watch popular TV series online ...
Songs for the rest of us: Air your grievances with this playlist to celebrate FESTIVUS
On Dec. 18, 1997, during an episode of “Seinfeld,” “Festivus” was born. Or was it? Perhaps the whole idea of a secular holiday marking the winter solstice is much older than any “Seinfeld” episode. Today, the “holiday” is meant ...
Spiritually speaking are you looking forward to FESTIVUS for the rest of us?
What past years grievences are you going to be airing out?
For those of you not familiar with the holiday...here you go.
The holiday includes novel practices such as the "Airing of Grievances", in which each person tells everyone else all the ways they have disappointed him or her over the past year. Also, after the Festivus meal, the "Feats of Strength" are performed, involving wrestling the head of the household to the floor, with the holiday ending only if the head of the household is actually pinned.
Answer: No thanks, I'll have to pass.
Sounds like any painful alcohol fueled holiday family gathering from my childhood past....
Category: Religion & Spirituality
FESTIVUS: It’s for the rest of us! - Maynard, MA - The Beacon ...
The world was introduced to Festivus on the popular sitcom “Seinfeld” in its ninth and final season. The episode was called “The Strike,” and it originally ...
It's Time For The Eagles FESTIVUS Airing Of Grievances - Bleeding ...
"At the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around, and tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year!"
Guide to Celebrating FESTIVUS… For the Rest of Us « CBS Seattle
Popularized on Jerry Seinfelds show in the 1990s, people have adapted their own versions of the nonreligious holiday with aluminum poles and Festivus ...
why is Festivus for the rest of us?
cant we just have a regular holiday?
please answer my question, i will give you 1 million points if i like your answer.
Answer: I don't think Frank Costanza likes the commercialism associated with Christmas, and the "Feats of Strength" must have been a load of fun. Lol, Seinfeld is the best.
Category: Philosophy
And a Happy FESTIVUS From Congress Too
Some would say its Grinch-like that members of Congress cannot send any mail pieces from their offices wishing constituents a "Merry Christmas." But read a little deeper into this issue, and chances are youll be siding with the bah-humbug ...
Happy FESTIVUS, Yall
Today is Festivus, the best holiday since Franksgiving. At the Ology office we have a little holiday tradish of sneaking into the peach schnaaps in the a.m. and kind of "letting the spirit guide us" from there. We began by reciting some Frank ...
FESTIVUS: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article
Festivus is a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 as a way to celebrate the holiday season without participating in its pressures and commercialism
FESTIVUS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Festivus is a secular holiday celebrated on December 23 as a way to celebrate the holiday season without participating in its pressures and commercialism. ...
Celebrate FESTIVUS with your own FESTIVUS Pole -- 100% Aluminum ...
Celebrate Festivus with the Rest of Us with your own Festivus Pole -- 100% Aluminum Festivus Poles for a Festivus Miracle
Celebrate FESTIVUS with your own FESTIVUS Pole -- 100% Aluminum ...
Celebrate Festivus with the Rest of Us with your own Festivus Pole -- 100% Aluminum Festivus Poles for a Festivus Miracle.
FESTIVUS: Twitter Users Air Their Grievances On Seinfeld-Inspired Secular Holiday (TWEETS)
Its the holiday for the rest of us. Festivus, the "Seinfeld"-inspired secular celebration, encourages people to air their grievances, demonstrate their strengths through a wrestling match and celebrate the season without the religious or ...
ESSAY; Have Yourself a Merry Little FESTIVUS
News articles about the Christmas run-up have in recent years taken a turn for the perverse. While it was once common to feel pity for those who couldnt afford to buy gifts for their children, now we are called upon to fret about the health of our local retailers, many of whom, as reporters constantly remind us, earn as much as one-quarter of - Richard B Woodward article on The Business of Holidays, book of essays on holiday consumerism compiled by Maud Lavin; drawing (M) - By Richard B. Woodward
Pop Cultures FESTIVUS Celebrated By The Rest Of Us On Friday
The Daily News reports the holiday peaked Friday as the top trend on Twitter, as followers wished one another a “Happy Festivus.” The episode entitled “The Strike” first aired on Dec. 18, 1997 during the ninth season of the sitcom, which made ...
NATIONAL BRIEFING | WEST; California: A Holiday When Needed
An Orange County inmate who disliked salami was able to receive kosher meals in jail after his lawyer cited the Seinfeld holiday Festivus as his religious belief. The Orange County Register reported Monday that Malcolm A. King, 38, a convicted drug dealer, asked for kosher meals at the Theo Lacy jail in Orange to maintain his physique. County - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
FESTIVUS: a new secular, family celebration on DEC-23
Festivus, a December 23rd holiday for the rest of us. ... Festivus is an annual secular family celebration in December: Festivus is "for the Rest of Us!"
What is the proper order for a FESTIVUS celebration?
I know about the airing of grievances, and the feats of strength, but when do we do them, and in what order? Am I missing any aspects? =0)
Answer: First, we line up the virgins for a sacrifice.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
How is the best way to incorporate the Flying Spaghetti Monster into a FESTIVUS celebration?
Ive decided I should bring my Pastafarian faith into the annual celebration of Festivus. Any ideas on how this could best be done?
Answer: I recommend a delicious pasta dinner, blessed of course beforehand with a pasta grace, thanking the great FSM for all he has given us, then a pasta dance, which is really just waving your body wildly like a noodle to your favorite music. Happy Festivus, and a merry Festivus for the rest of us!
Category: Religion & Spirituality
2011 FESTIVUS (for the rest of us) is December 23rd
If youre an avid "Seinfeld" fan then Festivus needs no explanation; however, for the rest who are unfamiliar with Festivus heres a brief look at this newly made up holiday and how to have a Festivus party. Festivus is celebrated on December 23rd and it ...
The Story of FESTIVUS - YouTube
Nov 24, 2008 ... A brief History. As told by George Costanza of the NBC Show Seinfeld.
Balloon Juice » Happy FESTIVUS!
Festivus, for the rest of us. I have been waiting for an appropriate thread to wish happy holidays to all Balloon Juicers. You are a rambunctious, sometimes contentious bunch, but also some of the most consistently interesting, ...
Balloon Juice » White House Reporters celebrate FESTIVUS
In the spirit of Festivus, The WP post printed the Airing of Grievances by White House Reporters this morning. Chief among their list of grievances is that WH Press Secretary Jay Carney and his team are mean to them when ...
Happy FESTIVUS | A FESTIVUS for the Rest of Us! | FESTIVUS Feats of ...
FestivusWeb.com, all about Festivus for the Rest of Us, Airing of Grievances, Feats of Strength, Festivus Pole, Festivus Miracle, Festivus Dinner, The Human ...
Silly Enough to Eat
IT started as a gag: spaghetti tacos. On an episode of the hit Nickelodeon series iCarly, the lead characters eccentric older brother, Spencer, makes dinner one night. Glimpsed on screen, the dish consists of red-sauce-coated pasta stuffed into hard taco shells. What could be more unappealing? When Julian Stuart-Burns, 8, asked his mother to - By HELENE STAPINSKI
Breakfast Topic: Happy FESTIVUS from WoW Insider
Festivus is a secular holiday celebrated on Dec. 23 as a way to celebrate the holiday season without participating in its pressures and commercialism. It was created by writer Dan OKeefe and introduced into popular culture by his son Daniel, a ...
What should I give my family for FESTIVUS?
I thought Id give my family Festivus gifts just as a joke, so, what kind of lame gifts that I know they dont want should I give them.
Answer: Give them a food item that they hate, they have to dislike it, or it breaks he Festivus rules.
Category: Other - Holidays
Happy FESTIVUS | A FESTIVUS for the Rest of Us! | FESTIVUS Feats ...
FestivusWeb.com, all about Festivus for the Rest of Us, Airing of Grievances, Feats of Strength, Festivus Pole, Festivus Miracle, Festivus Dinner, The Human Fund ...
Repository for Festivus short films, grievance airing, tales of Festivus glory and woe, and photos of cats named Festivus.
What is the appropriate way to store a FESTIVUS pole or are we able to leave it out all year round?
My husband and I were fed up with Christmas this year, so we elected to erect a Festivus pole, heir our grievances, and test our feats of strength. Now that the holidays are over, what do we do with the pole?
Answer: I think the Castanzas stored theirs in the attic.
Category: Other - Holidays
Will the FESTIVUS holiday live on for decades to come, even though Seinfeld is an older TV show?
Its been about a decade since the last new Seinfeld episode was made. Will Festivus eventually be forgotten, or will it live on for decades, even generations, to come?
Answer: As a joke? Likely.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
What is FESTIVUS? It's for the rest of us!
What is Festivus... It's for the rest of us! If you are still unsure of what Festivus is then come and visit whatisFestivus.com to learn about the feats of strength, airing ...
COUNTY LINES; Now Is the Winter of a Malcontent
WINTER, that everlasting season, has been doing its worst this past week -- almost as if it knew its end was near. For me that end cant arrive fast enough. No more senses dulled by the hollow knock of my head falling back against black ice. As I contemplate the thaw, a celebratory ritual seems in order. Why wait until spring is well under way? Why - Marek Fuchs County Lines column on wintertime grievances and solutions; suggests school be suspended in January and February to prevent young children from passing along illnesses; suggests it be illegal for cars to have anything more than dusting of snow on roof to prevent accidents; drawing (M) - By MAREK FUCHS
FESTIVUS fundraiser returns for second year | StarTribune.com
MADISON, Wis. - A Wisconsin restaurant that hosted a Seinfeld-inspired Festivus fundraiser last year is taking it a step further this December. Quaker ...
Consumer Confidential: Prices come down, shoplifting goes up
Heres your Happy-Festivus Friday roundup of consumer news from around the Web: -- And down they come -- prices, that is. Half off at the entire store at Ann Taylor. Sixty percent at Gap. Forty percent off almost everything at Abercrombie & Fitch.
What will your FESTIVUS celebration entail?
Whos celebrating? Is it a traditional celebration or modern? What do you incorporate? I dont think this one will end since its just my wife and I and I dont think shell be able to pin me! Happy Festivus!
Answer: i will be drinking the nog
Category: Other - Holidays
Good Clean Gag gift for a family FESTIVUS party?
We trade hilarious gifts at our Festivus two days before christmas? Any ideas? Its a family party so it needs to be clean.
Category: Other - Holidays
EDITORIAL; Freshman Party
Adam Kinzinger of Illinois is one of the new Republican lawmakers swept into office last month on a promise to change the ways of Washington. If we look like were doing business as usual, the congressman-elect told a reporter last month, then obviously the American people will say, Well, what was that all about? Thats a good question - Editorial castigates newly elected Republican lawmakers, elected on vows to change corrupt ways of Washington, who have made hypocritical rush to trough of big-money lobbying and corporate fund-raising; says that several dozen freshman lawmakers have held corporate fundraisers around Washington in days after election, raising at least $2 million in last month alone, odious and unsavory portent that corrupting power of money has not diminished
Urban Dictionary: FESTIVUS
n. An alternative to the crass commercialization of Christmas, typically celebrated on December 23. It involves The Airing of Grievances (telling y...
Celebrate FESTIVUS For A Good Cause At The Big Gay Ice Cream Store
As you already know, this Friday is Festivus (Observed). Its also the last day of business this year for the Big Gay Ice Cream Shop in the East Village, and theyd like to to offer you the opportunity to Air your Grievances while getting a last ...
FESTIVUS - Mahalo.com
Festivus is an obscure secular holiday that provides a non-commercial alternative to Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. During Festivus, celebrated on December 23rd ...
What is FESTIVUS? Its for the rest of us!
What is Festivus... Its for the rest of us! If you are still unsure of what Festivus is then come and visit whatisFestivus.com to learn about the feats of strength ...
Get Out: Christmas and FESTIVUS
Ho! Ho! Ho! The EMS Santa and Holiday Ambulance Corps are coming to town. On Friday, Santa Claus will be riding around the neighborhood on an ambulance making surprise house calls to good little girls and boys. Make sure you’re on his list. Then, treat ...
The Right Ingredients
If Darrelle Revis were building the ideal cornerback from scratch, he would start with the footwork of Deion Sanders, add the vision of Ty Law and mix in Darrell Greens speed, Champ Baileys hands and Charles Woodsons athleticism. His cornerback would do it all: shadow the speediest receivers and bump the tallest off their course, run, leap, - By GREG BISHOP
How many days after FESTIVUS are you supposed to leave the pole out?
After the feats of strength competition, my girlfriend says we should put away the pole, I say not until the new year. Who is right?
Answer: There is no definitive answer as to how long the Festivus Pole should remain before it is returned to the crawl space. Since it is meant to serve as a centerpiece of the Festivus celebration, to keep in in place after December 23rd is superfluous. Keep in mind though that while Dec. 23 is the date mentioned in the Seinfeld Festivus episode (actually titled "The Strike", Festivus is now celebrated throughout the year with many using New Year's Eve as an appropriate time to put up the Festivus Pole and air their grievances.
When it comes down to it, Festivus is for the rest of us so whatever you two decide is appropriate will be just fine.
Category: Other - Holidays
@theskurve happy #Festivus
From: GCostanzaNY - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @FakeRodgers: I was just reminded that today is Festivus! If you have any grievances to air, or any feats of strength to show off... now is your time.
From: TravisG88OUTLAW - Source: web
#Festivus Have a happy Festivus, its the holiday for the rest of us! Tonight its the airing of grievances, then meatloaf.
From: Kickbuttedm - Source: Twitter for iPhone
RT @LouBrutus: Merry Christmas. Feliz Navidad. Happy Festivus. Hanukka. Kwanzaa. Whatever u celebrate, just dont kill anyone for sneakers while u do it.
From: Amazin_Liberian - Source: web
@Manderson_NS happy #Festivus
From: GCostanzaNY - Source: Twitter for iPhone
Is it time for the feats of strength? #Festivus
From: jarrettweb - Source: Twitter for Android
Let us begin with the airing of grievances... #Festivus
From: Nagleblend - Source: web
I made it to the grocercy store and back this morning with everything I need for Christmas dinner...its a true #Festivus Miracle
From: heykiml - Source: Tweetbot for iPhone
RT @seinlanguage: Kramer: "Is there a tree?"
Frank Costanza: "No. Instead, theres a pole. It requires no decoration. I find tinsel distracting." #Festivus
From: mikebonello123 - Source: Tweetbot for iPhone
@DunaBuckyKent Happy Festivus
From: AG_thatsAllGood - Source: Echofon
RT @seinlanguage: Frank Costanza: "A Festivus for the rest of us!" http://t.co/JZIm1w9M
From: AlannaDeLory - Source: Tweetbot for iPhone
Festivus:Today is Festivus, the holiday created by Frank Costanza out of the hatred of th http://t.co/Erqs8fsm
From: pubpeo - Source: News Stacks
@OntheGoMing Happy Festivus
From: AG_thatsAllGood - Source: Echofon
@jkwalexander same to you. #Festivus
From: GCostanzaNY - Source: Twitter for iPhone
time for the feats of strength #Festivus
From: mkthielke - Source: web