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Nick Cannon has MILD KIDNEY FAILURE - People -
Mariah Carey is keeping a bedside vigil with hubby Nick Cannon, who is in an Aspen hospital with Mild kidney failure. The singer is asking fans for their ...
Stages and Symptoms of Renal Insufficiency
Mild kidney disease with reduced GFR. 60-89%. 3. Moderate chronic renal insufficiency. 30-59%. 4. Severe chronic renal insufficiency. 15-29%. 5. End-stage renal failure.
Mild chronic renal failure with a family history of kidney disease
The case. A 31-year-old woman (Figure 1: III-1) was evaluated for mild renal failure. The serum creatinine was 1.5 mg/dL and the creatinine clearance 55 mL/min ...
Foods To Avoid With Mild Renal Failure | LIVESTRONG.COM
Foods To Avoid With Mild Renal Failure. The kidneys are an organ located in the torso of the body, which filter and remove excess liquids, minerals and waste from the ...
PHOTO: Mariah Carey Posts Picture Of Husband Nick Cannon In Hospital
Nick Cannon is recovering from Mild kidney failure and his wife Mariah Carey has posted a picture of herself with the presenter in the hospital. The pair were on holiday in Aspen for a festive break with their twins Morroccan and Monroe when the ...
Is a raw food diet safe for my 3 cats with medical issues?
I have 5 cats but it is only 3 I am worried about. 5 year old male with a history of urinary blockages controlled with Hills Prescription Diet c/d. 13 year old male in Mild kidney failure. He has had 2 flare ups requiring us to give subcuteaneous fluids but is fine currently. 9 month old male adopted 2 months ago who had severe coccidia infection when we brought him home. After two days he started leaking diarrhea all the time. We did several weeks of prednisone and flaggyl which have cleared up the coccidia. After resolving the coccidia he still had leakage and a mucusy discharge so vet suspected IBS and put him on Hills Prescription Diet d/d which is a rabbit and pea based food. We havent had any leakage in a couple of weeks now so she said to stay on this food.
I looked into the raw food diet before but my vet recommended against it for fear of salmonella, etc. I still would like to give it a try but would love to hear from others using a raw diet with ill cats.
I should have been more specific as to the treatment of the coccidia. He tested positive for coccidia which was treated with Albon(?sp) and Prednisone. We did three rounds of this with no improvement. At that point the vet said that it could be IBS and put him on Flaggyl for two weeks and the HIlls food. Her explanation for the IBS was that he was allergic to the protein source (chicken) and that the HIlls uses rabbit. I thought this to be odd just because it seemed more logical to me that it was the corn and other grains that would be the problem since cats are carnivores. She said that it is normally not the case. I asked her about the raw diets I have seen (Feline Futures, Feline Instincts, and one off the site). Her opion was that it wasnt safe due to the risk of salmonella, etc. I thank those who have responed and would love to hear from more raw feeders.
Answer: I can't help you much, I'm afraid, but I'm answering because I hate seeing all the ignorance out there about raw meat diets.
I'm sorry to say you have more sense than your vet. Or should I be sorry? LOL Whatever, you know more than she does.
Yes, the prescription diets work. But why sentence a cat to a lifetime of crappy, inferior foods? You're right to consider alternatives. Yay you!
The kidney/protein thing is being rethought, but I don't know enough to advise you.
What I can recommend is this - find a raw friendly vet in your area. Perhaps this will be a holistic vet - most of them seem to have a clue when it comes to proper nutrition. This way you can get one-on-one advice about the best diets for your problem kids.
It may cost more at least up front, but I do believe it's worthwhile. I just recently switched vets. I took one cat to a good cat specialist, although I was sad to see Science Diet, Eukanuba and Royal Canin being sold. I took my problem child (weight, digestive issues) to a holistic vet and it was a religious experience! I got personalized advice that I would have paid any price for. But it only cost me $160, and that included a few items I bought.
If nothing else, I suggest you join the Yahoo group Whole Cat Health. It's a fantastic group and the moderator probably knows everything there is to know about cats. If she or other members can't advise you, they can at least point you in the right direction.
In the meantime, feel secure leaving your cats eating the overpriced, but somehow effective, prescription food. They'll hang in there until you've had time to do some research.
Good luck!
Category: Cats
Mariah Carey Husband Suffers MILD KIDNEY FAILURE - PopDash
Mariah Carey Husband Suffers Mild kidney failure Nick Cannon in hospital... By David Renshaw on Wednesday 4th January 2012. Share; Tweet
kidney failure and unrinary track infection or influenza?
Hello im just recently yesterday morning starting not feeling quit right started with a mild headache and backache the previous day i was started to develop a mild cough but didnt think much of it since then ive feel completly horrible ive been nauceous but no vomiting but i havnt really eaten anything since last morning i have been drinking some water though to get something in me but i am kind of consired because the cough and runny nose have never really gotten bad that it may be somthing else wrong with me i also noticed my urnie was darker then normal which on occasion this does happen however i do have a very steady headache and slightly runny nose and i do cough every once in a while could anyone give me a clue on what wrong if it is influenza
i also noticed i had a very high fever yesterday all day and chills along with very sudden symptoms which i know are common in influenza
Category: Respiratory Diseases
Mild Renal Disease |
Mild renal disease, also known as renal insufficiency and chronic renal failure, occurs when the kidneys have trouble functioning because of disease. Mild renal ...
Tainted Lettuce Linked to Illness in Three States
A rare strain of E. coli never before associated with foodborne illness in the United States has sickened 29 people in three states, public health officials said Friday. The outbreak has been tied to romaine lettuce served in restaurants, school cafeterias and deli and supermarket salad bars. Freshway Foods, an Ohio company, recalled the lettuce on - By WILLIAM NEUMAN
Elderly Cat sudden Urination Problems?
Our cat, which is at least fourteen years old (probably older, we adopted her two years ago) has begun urinating on the carpet.
Weve replaced the pad, sealed the concrete and placed new carpet, taken her to the vet (she has Mild kidney failure, but since her new diet her blood work is getting better) and we added an additional litterbox. We use litter that is contains no perfume (so not to distract her) and shell walk into her litterbox, move in a circle like normal...then get out to urinate on the carpet feet away from it.
Shell continue to use her litterbox(es) but will also happily go on the floor. Our other concern is she forgets where we feed her at - the vet wants to do an ultrasound and if needed IV fluids - we dont feel comfortable putting her through that. If this was a person, I would say it was some sort of mental deficiency brought on by age. Whether that is possible in a cat or not we do not know. Anyone share a similar experience?
Weve had her in the vet multiple times this past month and a half for bloodwork and dietary assistance. They took urine and fecal samples along with the bloodwork.
Sadly (yes, sadly) they didnt have an ironclad answer except she has Mild kidney failure, which our new diet is helping with. My wife and I were hoping the vet would find something directly wrong we could fix...
...this, is so random. Even if shes urinating on the floor, and you pick her up gently to place her in her box she continues the stream despite being held. Im beginning to believe it may be her time. Shes happy, loves to be pet and sit with you still...but everything is becoming a struggle.
Answer: This sounds like you are on the right track. What the vet should be looking for if they have not already is gallstones. I have seen cats with large gallstones before and they urinate randomly.
When they are in the litter box and try to go that is when the pain from the stones cripples the kitty. The kitty gets away from the pain by leaving the littler box. By the time they get out of the litter box they are going wherever they are at that time.
This is incredibly painful for the kitty, and the operation is not cheap. The stones I have seen are the size of large jelly beans! Can you imagine that in a little kitty? I hope you have good luck with your kitty and she stays with you a while longer. Good Luck.
Category: Cats
Chronic Kidney Disease - eMedicineHealth: Causes, Symptoms ...
Mild kidney disease is often called renal insufficiency. With loss of ... Unlike chronic kidney disease, acute kidney failure develops rapidly, over days or weeks. ...
Aveo (Barely) Passes Study With Kidney Cancer Drug, Stock Falls
About 61,00 new cases of kidney cancer were diagnosed in the U.S. last year, and 13,000 people died from the disease, according to the American ... from spreading a median of 11.8 months, with mild side effects reported, including high blood ...
Nick Cannon hospitalize with MILD KIDNEY FAILURE - Seriously? OMG!
Nick Cannon is in the hospital and Mariah Carey broke the news. She Tweeted the above picture and said, “Please pray for Nick as he's fighting to recover from a Mild kidney failure. #mybraveman” It is unknown how severe it ...
What types of food can one eat if they have kidney disease and liver failure?
My uncle has these and was wondering what he can and cant eat. Im very worried about him.. He is very ill and I really hope he can pull through this illness and come out healthy. The following is what his diagnosis for his renal biopsy says on paper: 1. Immune Complex-Mediated Glormerulonephritis Consistent With Resolving Post Infectious Glomerulenphritis 2. Acute Tubular Injury 3. Mild Arterial Nephrosclerosis. Then it has pictures with captions underneath reading Mild Segmental Mesanglal Hypercellularity, Acute Tubular Injury(Same as the other one so it kind of confused me), and Mesanglal Deposits. History: 43 year old man, HCV and HBV positive with liver "failure," underwent biopsy in the assessment of gross hematuria with serum creatine 0.9 mg/dL. Microscopic Findings: The specimen for conventional light microscopy, studied with hermatoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff, periodic acid-methenamine silver, and Massons techrome stained sections, consists of several cores of renal cortex containing together approximatley 20 glomeruli, two or three of which are completely sclerotic. Few of the remainder display mild ischemic capillary wall wrinkling. There is mild segmental increase in mesangial cellularity in few glomeruli. Capillary lumina are patent, capillary walls are single contoured and there are no segments of sclerosis, adhesions or crescents. Erythrocytes are in some tubular lumina. Cells of some tubules are irregularly flattened and cells of some proximal tubules have-then it stops there. How much salt can he eat in a day, is what he wants to know and anymore details you can give me concerning a diet plan for him. Thank you so much!
Or you could just give me a site where i could just look it up, either one is fine. :)
Answer: I like him have both. The liver can be self rejuvenating but not always. any ways, for the past five years I pretty much eat what I want. The thing with the liver in most cases is NO DRINKING. Now lets talk about the kidneys...kidney shut down will throw the body chemistry for a loop. there are some types of food that literature will say not to eat or to stay away from.
Red meat is one of them but you have to eat it to keep your protein levels up. when he goes on dialysis they will do monthly blood tests to see where all his chemistry level are at. Dairy products have to stay away from but I like cheese and the big one is he will have to watch his fluid intake. Now thats a tough one but the dialysis center will educate him on that. He will also have to take BINDERS like helps keep phosphorous levels down because that attacks the heart and he can have a heart attack.
Hope that helps....
P.S. I'm having pepparonie pizza right now. Good luck
Category: Other - Diseases
Mild Renal Insufficiency Is Associated With Angiographic Coronary ...
Abstract. Background— Mild renal insufficiency is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular events in women with coronary artery disease ...
MILD KIDNEY FAILURE - a comprehensive view - Wellsphere
Expert articles, personal stories, blogs, Q&A, news, local resources, pictures, video and a supportive community. Mild kidney failure - Health Knowledge Made Personal.
Gene Mutation Links Kidney Disease to Common Nerve Disorder
Four patients also had mild or moderate hearing loss ... showing that INF2 is involved in a disease affecting both the kidney glomerulus and the peripheral nervous system," adding that the findings "provide new insights into the pathophysiological ...
Mild chronic kidney pain -
List of disease causes of Mild chronic kidney pain, patient stories, diagnostic guides. Diagnostic checklist, medical tests, doctor questions, and related signs or ...
Kidney Failure Symptoms - Answers to Medical Questions
Kidney failure symptoms develop in people who have dysfunctional kidneys. ... Some people can have Mild kidney failure which is only diagnosed with blood testing ...
E. Coli Kills 2 And Sickens Many Others; Focus on Beef
Two people, one from New Hampshire and another from upstate New York, have died after eating ground beef that may be responsible for an E. coli outbreak linked to illness in more than two dozen people. The suspect beef was produced by a company in western New York State, Fairbank Farms, which issued a voluntary recall Saturday for 545,699 pounds of - By GARDINER HARRIS
NEWS ANALYSIS; Elusive Explanations for an E. Coli Outbreak
The hit-and-miss struggle of German health authorities to identify the contaminated food behind one of the deadliest E. coli outbreaks in recent years underscores the difficulties of following a pathogen through the complex food supply chain, as well as deficiencies in even the most modern health systems in diagnosing this deadly illness. After - By ELISABETH ROSENTHAL; Jack Ewing contributed reporting from Frankfurt.
Mariah: Nick recovering from MILD KIDNEY FAILURE
Mariah Carey has reached out to her fans asking for support as her husband Nick Cannon recovers from what Carey has described as a "Mild kidney failure." "Please pray for Nick as hes fighting to recover," the singer tweeted Wednesday, along ...
Mission From Africa
PASTOR DANIEL AJAYI-ADENIRAN is coming for your soul. It doesnt matter if you are black or white, rich or poor, speak English or Spanish or Cantonese. He is on a mission to save you from eternal damnation. He realizes you may be skeptical, put off by his exotic name -- hes from Nigeria -- or confused by his accent, the way he stretches his vowels - Andrew Rice is a contributing writer. His book about a Ugandan murder trial, The Teeth May Smile but the Heart Does Not Forget, will be published in May. - By ANDREW RICE
Heres to Your Health, So They Claim
BOSTON DR. PIETER COHEN is scanning the shelves inside a shop in Chinatown here when something familiar -- and potentially dangerous -- catches his eye. Whats that yellow box, behind the other one? Dr. Cohen asks the clerk. It is Pai You Guo, a supposedly natural weight-loss supplement from China that, according to federal authorities, has - By NATASHA SINGER
Can a 15 year old cat overcome MILD KIDNEY FAILURE?
Vet said she had diluted urine & the kidney test came back elevated. She was good in "Liver, protein, cholesterall, electrolites, thyroid, red & white blood cells ... but shes lost 25 % of her weight, and is going bald.
Vet says theyd like to run more tests, but I fear that shes dying ... I guess Im paronoid about vets who try to take every dime from you, and want an opinion if spending an extra $500.00 would result in my cat living a QUALITY life as opposed to a longer life.
Answer: Overcome it, no, but slow the progression, yes. Feed her Hill's Prescription Diet k/d (its specifically for kidney disease). I just lost my 15-year old cat, had to have him put to sleep on Monday. At first, they thought it was just kidney failure, hence the Hill's food, but it seems he also had cancer, and was getting progressively worse by the day. If it had only been the kidney's, the diet may have actually given him a couple of extra years, and I do mean quality years. Unfortunately, the cancer put an end to that hope. The food comes in dry and canned. Good luck, and please don't give up on her. She should not suffer, but with the correct diet, if her kidney's are the only problem, she should be feeling much better. Get her started on the Hill's quickly, and don't give her other foods.
I gave him Renal Essentials for cats too, they're tablets. Lots of vitamins and minerals. I had to get a pill crusher and put it into this canned food, but I really think it helped. I also used Nutri-Cal cat dietary supplement gel, just squirted some in that same canned food bowl. This stuff is suppose to help the cat's appetite along. They say you can just squirt some out and they'll eat it, but of course, my cay was stubborn so it had to go in the food. Believe it nor not, I got the Renal Essentials and the Nutri-Cal on ebay. We are 50 miles from the nearest pet store.
For his last couple of weeks, we tried the IV fluids. I took the kit home and gave him under the skin injections twice a day the first week, and once a day the second week. It would have ended up being only once or twice a week, and it did seem he was making progress, but then the cancer got worse. You might ask your vet about the IV fluids. It seems that when they first get sick, they get very dehydrated, but after being property hydrated, they should get pretty much back to normal.
Category: Cats
I am a type 1 diabetic. How can I volunteer for diabetic research?
Im only 32, Im not overweight, I have been a diabetic since age 3 and now I am experiencing some side effects of my condition. Retinopathy, Mild kidney failure, neuropathy, E.D., etc. I would do anything to get rid of this disease, so i can have a normal life. I know there is a lot of experimental research looking for a cure. I WANT TO VOLUNTEER! lol I hope someone can give me some info. Thanks.
Answer: Check with the American Diabetes Association for info about clinical studies as well as the Joslin Center as well as check with Medical Schools in your State.
Category: Diabetes
Urine/kidney infection question. Should i be worried or not?
Ive had a urine infection for a couple of months, and had three courses of antibiotics to try and clear up the thing. Ive just had the results back from my latest urine sample, and was told it is clear. Well, after i gave in my last sample, i was still going to the toilet often and the inside of my vagina felt sore (it didnt seem to me that it had gone). The only thing different is that i have been drinking cranberry juice (which helped), could that alter the results? To cut a long story short, my biggest concern was developing a kidney infection, and lately, i have been getting a dull ache now and again in the left kidney, very mild, nothing major. But, last night, i was getting a sharp pain (on and off) in my back, just behind my arm. I looked on symptom checker on the web, and for that symptom, the second possible condition for that was: "acute kidney failure". Now, i know it might just be a muscle spasm or something, but because the word "kidney" was mentioned (and the fact that ive had a urinary tract infection for so long), i cant help but worry. I havent got any of the other symptoms that go with it, like swollen feet and ankles, high fever etc. Surely if there were anything wrong regarding my kidneys, it would have shown up in the numerous urine samples i gave? Do you think i should accept that the urine infection has, at last, gone, and that my kidneys are fine? I just dont know what to think any more.
Other than feeling quite weak and fatigued, i feel fine. Surely if i had "acute kidney failure" id be in a much worse state?
Edit. xxtatu04xx, i agree with you about checking symptoms online, it can turn you into a hypochondriac. Web MD symptom checker has been very accurate though, when ive used it in the past.
Tons of kidney infections? You poor thing!
Answer: As far as finding problems with your kidneys in your urine, they could possibly find protein wasting. If it is very very clear like almost water clear that is significant to a possible kidney failure. Other than that other symptoms would be lethargy (tired all the time) and nausea due too toxin build ups.(your kidney and liver help your body filter toxins). Really the only telltale sign of kidney failure or kidney problems is through having a blood panel run. Usually they will check your BMP (basic metabolic panel), BUN (blood urea nitrogen), and creatine levels. These all relate to your kidney function. They may also do a CBC (complete blood count) to make sure you do not have a build up of white blood cells which may indicate an infection. My ending advice, talk to your primary care physician first.
Oh crap forgot to say that MRI and ultraounds w/ contrast are also an acurate way to gauge kidney function.
Category: Other - Diseases
Acute Kidney Failure - eMedicineHealth: Causes, Symptoms ...
Acute kidney failure (also referred to as renal failure) happens rapidly. Mild kidney dysfunction is often called renal insufficiency.
Nick Cannon Has MILD KIDNEY FAILURE | The Blemish
Nick Canon is in an Aspen hospital with “Mild kidney failure” which I take to mean he's only “mildly close to death.” Mariah Carey and Nick were vacationing in Aspen with their twins when Nick's kidney failed. Mariah is staying ...
The doctor suspects mild congestive heart failure. Explain how this can develop from hypertension?
Ms. S. J., aged 48 years, has essential hypertension, diagnosed 4 years ago. She has not been taking her medication during the past 6 months because she has been feeling fine. Now she has a new job and has been too busy to enjoy her usual swimming and golf. She has decided to have a checkup because she is feeling tired and dyspneic and has had several bouts of dizziness, blurred vision and epistaxis (nosebleeds) lately. On examination, her blood pressure is found to be 190/120, some rales are present in the lungs, and the retinas of her eyes show some sclerosis and several arteriolar ruptures. The physician orders rest and medication to lower the blood pressure, as well as an appointment with a nutritionist and urinary tests to check kidney function.
Answer: Congestive heart failure is basically when the ventricles are failing to pump blood adequately. Prolonged and untreated hypertension can cause ventricular hypertrophy (enlarging of the muscle in the ventricles), thus reducing the the size of the actual chamber. The ventricles are then no longer able to fill enough to keep up with preload, since blood coming into the heart stays the same, but ability to pump it out reduces, blood backs up into the lungs causing pulmonary hypertension and congestion in left ventricular failure, and blood backs up into the periphery in right ventricular failure causing peripheral edema.
Category: Heart Diseases
Pinch test can hint at feline kidney issue
nephrotic syndrome and renal failure. In nephrotic syndrome, cats develop swelling from fluid in their abdominal cavity, high levels of protein in their urine, increased blood cholesterol levels, decreased blood albumin levels, mild weight loss ...
Treating Cholesterol in Patients with Mild Kidney Disease
Summaries for Patients are a service provided by Annals to help patients better understand the complicated and often mystifying language of modern medicine.
Nick Cannon Hospitalized for "MILD KIDNEY FAILURE" -
Mariah Carey asks fans to pray for her husband as he recovers in Aspen, Colorado.
cat kidney failure, can it be treated?
15 years old. spayed. domestic short hair
vet just found a heart murmur and kidney failure. he is doing a urine test and culture tomorrow to determine exactly how bad the kidney failure is, but he believes it is just starting and is mild and can be easily treated. this opinion is based on a blood test.
the only problem the cat has is constipation from the kidney failure dehydrating her.
i questioned the vet on treating her, because of her age and i thought kidney failure could not be treated. he said she is not too old and Mild kidney failure can be easily treated, it could be several years before the kidney failure degrades to the point where she cant be helped.
she is active and happy.
i dont have a problem with treating a cat, if the treatment will give her several happy years, but im not going to keep her alive it she is not happy.
has anyone ever heard of kidney failure being treated?
wow, thanks every one. i always thought kidney failure could not be treated.
she has always been on a mostly canned food diet. i do leave a bowl of dry out all day.
i fed her the cheap, made in china stuff ,for most of her life, not realizing how bad it was. she now gets "instinct" brand. 95 % meat, no grains.
i will wait to see the results of the test and what vet recommends, but i already know, she will not tolerate injections, IVs or even pills.
i got her when she was 8 months old, had just weaned her first litter, had many, many owners, and was abused. those scars are still with her, she is a great cat, unless she is in pain, then she hurts you. giving her injections, IVs and pills all count as pain.
Answer: Goodness yes, all the time!
1) Proper hydration: feeding canned food in addition to or instead of dry food can help. One of those kitty fountains can encourage the cat to drink more.
In later stages, cats may need SQ (aka SC, or subcutaneous fluids) which can be given at home. Many cats will need SQ fluids daily. Don't worry--a vet tech will show you how to do it. This is a point where you can reevaluate your cat's quality of life. Many tolerate this treatment very well, but if the cat hates it and is miserable, that's an ok time to draw the line.
2) Proper diet: you'll read a ton of confusing, contradictory information about diet. Raw vs. dry prescription vs. whatever. Many vets recommend a prescription diet that is specifically formulated for cats with renal failure. These diets are great--they have a proper amount of protein, lower sodium, higher amounts of fatty acids, etc. If your vet recommends one, you don't have to do it, but it really might help your kitty.
3) Other medications: some cats benefit from a small variety of medications, for example an appetite stimulant if the appetite drops. Something like Glycolax (Miralax) may help with the constipation. Your vet will help guide you if any other meds are needed.
Many kitties live for several years after the first diagnosis. The most important part is early detection, and by being a responsible pet owner and taking her in for regular checkups, you have succeeded there! If you hadn't, you may not have known anything was wrong until the kidneys began to shut down, and then it would be too late. Instead, you've given her a chance to enjoy life for a while longer.
Very best wishes to you and your kitty.
Category: Cats
End fast immediately, doctors tell Hazare (Lead)
However, his chest and throat are clear. His blood examination shows mild rise in blood urea nitrogen. Sodium and chloride levels are low,” Mehta said. “This may lead to kidney failure and we strongly advise to discontinue fasting as he is in potential ...
Is my cat senile? he is acting odd..?
He is 18 years old and has Mild kidney failure and we have him on IV fluids once a day per vets orders, But he is acting weird, constantly wandering around the house, he doesnt know where he is, and gets stuck in corners and just stares at the wall.. he sees his vet regularly for blood tes (twice a month) etc.. and he is not in any pain (his vet said so), so dont tell me to put him to sleep. I know he is like 70% blind can that be whats wrong?? or is he senile? Is there anything i can do to help? Its very stressful because he cannot be left alone at night (when he wanders) my family and i are taking "shifts" so someone is always with him in case he gets stuck. If anyone has dealt with a similar situation & can shed some light onto whats going on and what i can do it would be greatly appreciated :)
He also doesnt know how to use the litter box.. he pees and poops on the floor. he is eating fine, and pooping normal no diarrhea.
Answer: My cat did the same thing, so no worries. She used to get "stuck" in corners and would howl becuase she couldn't find her way out. The vet said that she was senile, just like older humans can be and we believe he is correct because the cat started talking conversationally to the furniture. Incontinence is an unfortunate side effect of aging (and not a fun one). You may have to limit the rooms that your cat has access to so that they are closer to the litter box. FYI, our cat also stopped bathing. In case your cat starts doing that too, they sell bath wipes at pet stores that are safe for animal use. She also got cold easily, so we had to keep the house warmer than we would have liked :(
She lived to be 21, happy and healthy so you could have many wonderful years together with your cat!
Category: Cats
Nick Cannon Hospitalized for "MILD KIDNEY FAILURE" -
5 hours ago ... Mariah Carey asks fans to pray for her husband as he recovers in Aspen, Colorado.
Mild Renal Disease |
Mild Renal Disease. Mild renal disease, also known as renal insufficiency and chronic renal failure, occurs when the kidneys have trouble functioning because ...
Local Court Is Chinas First to Accept a Tainted-Milk Suit
A Chinese court agreed Wednesday to consider a lawsuit by parents of a sick child against a maker of chemically tainted dairy products that killed at least six children and sickened 300,000 more last year, Chinese state media reported. The Xinhua District Court in Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei Province, in the north, accepted the lawsuit by a - By MICHAEL WINES
Bedbug Panic Often Creates More Danger Than the Bites
As bedbugs have made a comeback, aided by resistance to pesticides and spread by worldwide travel, scientists have found that panic over the blood-sucking pests may be more dangerous than their bite. Some people are misusing poisonous chemicals in a desperate bid to eradicate the pests, federal officials said Thursday. At least 111 people in seven - By ANEMONA HARTOCOLLIS and WILLIAM NEUMAN
Stages and Symptoms of Renal Insufficiency
Signs of mild kidney disease but with normal or better GFR. greater than 90%. 2. Mild kidney disease with reduced GFR. 60-89%. 3. Moderate chronic renal ...
Medical Minute: Acute Renal Failure : Sandra Rose
If the doctor suspects acute renal failure (the beginning stages of kidney failure) or chronic renal failure (long-term kidney damage) he or she will run a battery of blood tests on you, including BUN (blood), Creatinine clearance ...
LVAD Boosts Kidney Function
LVADs are often considered as a treatment for heart failure patients who also have renal dysfunction ... 1.73 m 2 was designated as a cut-off point between severe and mild to moderate renal dysfunction. Because the actual GFRs in dialysis patients were ...
My cat has kidney failure, what can we do to prolong her life?
My cat has Mild kidney failure and I do not want her to go. We are giving her fluid supplements with potassium and dry cat food. I would like to know EVERYTHING that is good for a cat with kidney failure to help prolong the life. I heard that moderate amounts of high quality protein as canned wet food is good. Also, what should I do to drink more water? She loves drinking leftover bathwater or just bathwater in general..
I cannot bear her dying yet.. my dog is already having to die this month or else we are putting him down.
Also, she has been far more affection and has been desiring attention more lately. She is pretty energetic too and not so sluggish. However, she is very feisty when we inject her with the fluids. What can we do to calm her more?
There are ways to make her kidney failure progression decrease. Now stop giving me phony replies, please.
Answer: there are several things you can to to minimize stress on the kidneys. Two of them you are already doing - the potassium, and the fluids. Talk to the vet about adding a phosphorus binder, as phosphorus is very hard on ailing kidneys. There is also a new supplement called Azodyl which helps the body remove the toxins that the kidneys can't do so efficiently anymore. Many vets now recommend a normal - but canned - high quality protein diet. The lack of protein causes muscle wasting - the body still needs protein, so depletes the muscle mass to get it. But it has to be high quality protein - not by-products. Those are hard to digest. A high quality canned diet really can do wonders for your cat - foods like Wellness, Blue Buffalo Wilderness - anything with NO by-products. It makes a big difference between a cat with good muscle tone, or that sunken-in look from the low-protein diets.
There are several Yahoo groups devoted to CRF. Many of these participants are more knowledgeable in the management of CRF than many vets, so check them out. There is much new research, and more to management of CRF than throwing a bag of dry low protein food at it.
Category: Cats
Scientists Find 2 Unusual Traits Blended in German E. Coli Strain
The E. coli bacteria that killed dozens of people in Germany over the past month have a highly unusual combination of two traits and that may be what made the outbreak among the deadliest in recent history, scientists there are reporting. One trait was a toxin, called Shiga, that causes severe illness, including bloody diarrhea and, in some - By GINA KOLATA
Mumbai Doctors Advise Hazare To Call Off Fast, Say He May Suffer Kidney Failure
“His blood examination shous rise in urea nitrogen and a mild rise in creatinine level ... otherwise it may lead to kidney failure”, Dr Mehta said. “Continuance of fasting is strongly discouraged”, he added. Concern over Anna Hazare’s health ...
Normal: Great word
When Diane McFarlin was pregnant with her fourth child, she and her husband, Scott, got some unhappy news: Their child had polycystic kidney disease. An ultrasound ... two weeks revealed that he had mild cerebral palsy and needed therapy.
Once Rare, Infection by Tick Bites Spreads
A potentially devastating infection caused by tick bites has gained a foothold in the Lower Hudson Valley and in coastal areas of the Northeast, government researchers have found. The condition, called babesiosis, is a malaria-like illness that results from infection with Babesia microti, a parasite that lives in red blood cells and is carried by - By LAURIE TARKAN
Nick Cannon Hospitalized for 'MILD KIDNEY FAILURE' | Story | Wonderwall
3 hours ago ... Nick Cannon is on the mend after suffering a "Mild kidney failure," the 31-year- old's wife, Mariah Carey, announced via Twitter Wednesday.
ASPEN, Colo., Jan 4, 2012 (UPI via COMTEX) -- Pop star Mariah Carey says her husband, television personality Nick Cannon, has been hospitalized in Aspen, Colo., after suffering "Mild kidney failure." said the celebrity couple and parents of ...
Nick Cannon hospitalized with 'MILD KIDNEY FAILURE'
Nick Cannon hospitalized with 'Mild kidney failure' - Photo posted in The Hip-Hop Spot | Sign in and leave a comment below! style= max-width:675px; max-height:675px; width:expression(this.width>675?675.
Nick Cannon Hospitalized With MILD KIDNEY FAILURE « Hip-Hop Wired
Nick Cannon Hospitalized With Mild kidney failure. NEWS. » by Alvin aqua Blanco January 4, 2012, 10:10am. Nick Cannon Hospitalized With Mild kidney failure. Nick Cannon is in an Aspen, Colorado hospital recuperating from "mild kidney ...
MODERN LOVE; Alone on a Path Shared by Many
PORTRAIT of me, 2005: New Yorker, writer, age 31. I had a new boyfriend, an agent excited about my novel and a new college teaching job. I was finally approaching happiness, even if I had taken the scenic route. I should have been running victory laps. Heres what happened instead: I got sick. At first, my symptoms were nebulous, mild, easy - Allison Amend lives in New York City. Her debut novel, Stations West, is coming from LSU Press in March. E-mail: - By ALLISON AMEND
Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Nick Cannon hospitalized for “mild ...
Anyway, Nick is apparently in an Aspen hospital with “mild” kidney failure, a diagnostic term I am unfamiliar with. Isn't it just kidney failure or NOT kidney failure? Is there a “mild” form of it? Mariah tweeted the above photo of ...
Nick Cannon hospitalized with "MILD KIDNEY FAILURE" - Yahoo! News
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Mariah Careys husband Nick Cannon was hospitalized with "Mild kidney failure" in Colorado on Wednesday, the singer posted on her Twitter ...
My mom passed away 3 weeks ago, she had diabetes and a mild congestive heart failure. Her passing was sudden..?
I was just there 30 mins bfore she died. I was told that her system failed (kidneys) but I cant understand why it wasnt seen by the drs. She was at med surg and was just confined in the hospital 2 weeks before that. What will u do, if this happened to you? Should I contact a lawyer or talk to the hospital and the doctor? I dont want anyone messing with her medical records.
Answer: That's the way most diabetics die. Suddenly.
Category: Diabetes
Can I Lose 23kgs in 3 Months?
Okay, I weigh 78kgs (170lbs) at the moment (yeah, I know thats heaps--im only 5"3, and im just recovering from an illness), and I want to weigh 55kgs (120lbs) by May because I am going on a family holiday then and want to look good.
Do you think it is possible to lose 23kgs in 12 weeks? Id be exercising at least 2 hours a day and cutting back a lot on what I sweets, lots of veggies and wholegrain foods etc.
Id really appreciate some advice on how to lose such a large amount of weight in such a short time, AND be able to keep it off. Ive been sick for several years and had Mild kidney failure, so its going to be hard getting back on track. Im determined to do this though.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Thanks xx
Answer: 23 kgs in 3 months, ofcourse. if you really do work out for 2 hours a day and watch what you eat, it should be a breeze really. Also, very importantly, dont eat late at night, the latest time you should eat should be about 7.
Category: Diet & Fitness
Peptic Ulcers - Treatment for NSAID-Induced Ulcers
Many antacids are available without a prescription, and they are the first drugs recommended to relieve heartburn and mild dyspepsia ... Hypercalcemia can lead to kidney failure. Aluminum. The most common side effect of antacids containing aluminum ...
Tick Disease Up Among Elderly
The disease is transmitted by deer ticks or blood transfusion, and can cause fever, fatigue, hemolytic anemia, acute respiratory failure, renal failure ... babesiosis tends to be a mild, and perhaps underdiagnosed, disease in immunocompetent younger ...
Nick Cannon hospitalized after MILD KIDNEY FAILURE
ASPEN, Colo. (CNN) - Actor Nick Cannon is in the hospital after apparently suffering minor kidney failure. His wife, singer Mariah Carey, posted the news on her Twitter page. She also posted a picture of Cannon in a hospital bed in Aspen, Colo. On her ...
Mariah Carey: Nick Cannon fighting 'MILD KIDNEY FAILURE'
Mariah Carey's asking for you to pray for her hubby, who is in an Aspen hospital. -
My cat has kidney failure, what can I do to prolong her life?
My cat has Mild kidney failure and I do not want her to go. We are giving her fluid supplements with potassium and dry cat food. I would like to know EVERYTHING that is good for a cat with kidney failure to help prolong the life. I heard that moderate amounts of high quality protein as canned wet food is good. Also, what should I do to drink more water? She loves drinking leftover bathwater or just bathwater in general..
I cannot bear her dying yet.. my dog is already having to die this month or else we are putting him down.
Also, she has been far more affection and has been desiring attention more lately. She is pretty energetic too and not so sluggish. However, she is very feisty when we inject her with the fluids. What can we do to calm her more?
Note: There are ways to slow progression of kidney failures, so do not say "There is nothing you can do".
Answer: When my cat had kidney failure, I had to give him saline fluids by IV at home. We also had to switch him over to a low-protein cat food. The vet explained that when a cat has kidney failure, his body can't process protein very well. Meat made him nauseous, I was told. He was very far gone when we started treating him and what we did didn't really work. I won't describe to you what happened to him as he declined, but it wasn't pretty. I would think that the earlier you start treating her, the better off she'll be.
A good way to give a cat fluids is to hold out a towel, have one person place the cat in the towel, then you wrap her up with that towel so that she can't move. Then, sit on the floor and hold her between your knees, or in your lap if she's not struggling. And then give the fluids at the scruff of her neck. Hopefully she will get used to being restrained. You should also hold her in your lap or between your knees at other times when she is not getting fluids. That way she will not be trained to fear you or being held.
Good luck. Sorry to hear about your kitty.
Category: Other - Diseases
Nick Cannon Hospitalized With 'MILD KIDNEY FAILURE' « CBS Los ...
Actor Nick Cannon has been hospitalized after apparently suffering kidney failure. Cannon's wife, Mariah Carey, took to Twitter Wednesday morning asking fans to pray for her husband.
can taking tablets for diabetes change sperm colour.?
i am 77 years old, and take tablets for diabetes. lately i have noticed my sperm colour is a brownish red colour. could this be the tablets i am taking, or could it be to do with my kidneys, as i have recently been told by my doctor that i have Mild kidney failure, or could the colour change be something more serious.
Answer: You need to phone your pharmacist and ask about this. I have a feeling that it could be a medication side effect, so just check it out.
Category: Men's Health
Acute Kidney Failure - eMedicineHealth: Causes, Symptoms ...
John P. Cunha, DO, FACOEP. John P. Cunha, DO, is a U.S. board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician. Dr. Cunha's educational background includes a BS ...
Why does my cat keep weeing everywhere?
My cat is a 13 year old male, who has recently been diagnosed with very Mild kidney failure. Hes skinnier than he was before, but the vet tells me this is usual for older cats, and since his appetite is fine, it hasnt worried me too much. He does, however, drink a lot more than before, and subsequently urinates more often too.
The problem is, hes suddenly stopped only using his litter tray to go to the toilet. Hes now started finding places in the house to go to the toilet, and is literally wrecking the place! He always goes in the same places - one particular corner of the hall carpet, and under the windows in a room upstairs. He also pees on the tiled floor in the utility room, under a radiator.
It wouldnt be difficult for him to pee outside (theres a catflap), and I change the cat litter regularly (which he can always access), so why has he suddenly started peeing on the carpet? Ive been reading up on strange behaviour, but nothing makes sense - there are no new smells in the house, and the only other cat (or animal for that matter) living there is his sister, who hes lived with since he was a kitty. Weve not swapped any furniture round either, and there doesnt seem to be any stressors I can spot.
Why has he gone pee-crazy?? Ive literally had to corden off areas in my house so he doesnt wee there!
Please help!
Answer: he has Mild kidney failure, he's sick. That's why he's peeing everywhere. You answered your own question.
Category: Cats
Chronic kidney disease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease, ... Mild reduction in GFR (60–89 mL/min/1.73 m 2) with kidney damage.
Treatment for Mild Kidney Impairment |
Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is incurable. However, if you have mild kidney impairment with CKD, treatment can extend the life of your kidneys ...
Nick Cannon hospitalized with 'MILD KIDNEY FAILURE'
1 day ago ... Nick Cannon hospitalized with 'Mild kidney failure' - Photo posted in The Hip- Hop Spot | Sign in and leave a comment below! style= ...
Mariah Carey ask fans to pray for Nick Cannon
Singer Mariah Carey has revealed her husband Nick Cannon is recovering from a Mild kidney failure. The singer posted a picture of the pair laying on a hospital bed on her Twitter page today. Her caption read: "Please pray for Nick as hes fighting to ...
Even Mild Kidney Disease Harms a Child’s Quality Of Life ...
January 27, 2010 Challenging prevailing wisdom that only children with end-stage kidney disease suffer physical, social, emotional and educational setbacks from their ...
Blood for Oil, a tale on a personal scale
As the last dying hours of 2011 wind down as a capstone to an awful year, one in which my mother in law died, my daughter contracted Lyme disease, one of our cats got kidney stones and ... One day I had a mild rash on my arms, having had minor ...
Damn. RT @fluffytails: RT @CNN Nick Cannon dead at the age of 28 from a Mild kidney failure. From: itsMsandy - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
@theibang RT @MariahCarey Please pray for Nick as hes fighting to recover from a Mild kidney failure. #mybraveman From: HollyinStPete - Source: web
RT @ABC: Nick Cannon hospitalized with “Mild kidney failure.” From: Sir_Session - Source: HootSuite
RT @MariahCarey: Please pray for Nick as hes fighting to recover from a Mild kidney failure. #mybraveman From: andrsi4 - Source: web
No,yimani:"( RT @Mnix27: uLife unjani na? ☹ RT @Sssenz: :-( RT @CNN Nick Cannon dead at the age of 28 from a Mild kidney failure. From: Nom_Boo - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Ngenzen?RT @wendzthabz: Boo coz @eonline said he had a Mild kidney failure From: MsTieghna_Boo - Source: Twitter for BlackBerry®
Early this morning from MC herself “@MaddMack Whoa. Nick Cannon had a Mild kidney failure? Did I miss the twitter news about this?” From: SheCallMeMrYeah - Source: Plume
Nick Cannon Hospitalized for "Mild kidney failure" - Yahoo! omg! via @yahooomg From: slove956 - Source: Tweet Button
“@MajorCrew “@MariahCarey Please pray for Nick as hes fighting to recover from a Mild kidney failure. #mybraveman”” From: Neno_Tha_Don - Source: Plume
&he just had babies! :( RT @Mnix27: uLife unjani na? ☹ RT @Sssenz: :-( RT @CNN Nick Cannon dead at the age of 28 from a Mild kidney failure. From: KhomotjoS - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Hayy man! This cant be! RT @Sssenz: :-( RT @CNN Nick Cannon dead at the age of 28 from a Mild kidney failure. From: Camagu_mayeye - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
Nick Cannon Has Mild kidney failure From: toptwittools - Source: twitterfeed
SMH ---> RT @Sssenz: :-( RT @CNN Nick Cannon dead at the age of 28 from a Mild kidney failure. From: xposwajnr - Source: ÜberSocial for BlackBerry
RT @ABC Nick Cannon hospitalized with “Mild kidney failure.” From: LaToya_Nicole - Source: Plume
RT @MariahCarey: Please pray for Nick as hes fighting to recover from a Mild kidney failure. #mybraveman From: __KindaRudeee - Source: web